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‎2019届一轮复习外研版必修四Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges单元教案设计 Period 1 Introduction I. ‎ Teaching Aims a. Enable the students to describe the scenery of the Three Gorges with the target language.‎ b. Enable the students to know the definitions of the following words.‎ cave, cliffs, lake, peak, plain, plateau, shore, slope, valley, wood, bamboo, colleague, construction site, distant, goods, legend, poet, rush, set, trade, characters, deck, dock, detour, exploit, raft II. Teaching Important Points a. Get the students to describe the scenery of the Three Gorges. ‎ III.Teaching Difficult Points Enable the students to master some words related to scenery descriptions.‎ IV.Teaching & Learning Methods a. Pairs work and group work;‎ b. Discussion. ‎ V.Teaching Procedures Step 1. Lead-in & Question Presentation Ask the students to look at the photo and describe the scenery of the Three Gorges.‎ Questions: 1.Look at the photo in your textbooks. Is it beautiful?‎ 2. Who can tell me what place it is?‎ ‎3. Who can tell us what the names of the three gorges are?‎ Step 2. Independent Study & Group Discussion ‎ Describe the scenery of the Three Gorges. Learn some new words.‎ cave: in the side of a hill or under the ground peak: top of a hill or mountain plain: a large area of flat land plateau: a large area of high and fairly flatland shore: ground next to the sea or a big lake slope: piece of ground that goes up or down valley: low land, usually with a river, between hills or mountains wood: big group of trees; small forest Step 3. Cooperative Inquiry & Teachers’ Enlightenment Do Activity 2, using the words to complete the definitions.‎ Check the answers with the whole class.‎ Step 4 Conclusion & Exercise Say something about the Yangtze River to your partner.(its length, its history, the cities alone its banks, the world’s biggest dam on it)‎ Homework ‎1.Write a letter to one of your foreign friends introducing the Yangtze River. You can use the information in activity 3 and other useful information you have got.‎ ‎2.Preview the text about the Three Gorges.‎ Teaching Reflection Period 2 Reading I. Teaching Aims a. Help the Ss to learn how to describe the scenery of the Three Gorges with the target language.‎ b. Let the Ss know how to find the clues of the writer’s journey. ‎ c. Get the Ss to learn how to guess the definitions of the new words.‎ II.Teaching Important Points a. Get the students to describe the scenery of the Three Gorges. ‎ b. Discuss the questions of comprehension.‎ I. Teaching Difficult Points Enable the students to find the clues about the writer’s journey.‎ IV.Teaching & Learning Methods a. Skimming and Scanning;‎ b. Asking-and-answering Activity to check the Ss’ understanding of the text;‎ c. Individual, pair or group work to finish each task;‎ d. Discussion.‎ V.Teaching Procedures Step 1. Lead-in & Question Presentation Ask the students to look at the photo and describe the scenery of the Three Gorges.‎ Questions: 1.Would you like to visit the Three Gorges? ‎ ‎2.Who’d like to tell us which topic you will talk about?‎ Step 2. Independent Study & Group Discussion ‎ Look through the passage Ask detailed questions about the text on the slide Questions:‎ ‎1. Which topics does the writer talk about?‎ ‎2. How did the writer go on his trip, by ship or by boat? Why?‎ ‎3. What did the writer see at the dam? ‎ ‎4. Did the writer enjoy the trip? Why or why not?‎ Step 3. Cooperative Inquiry & Teachers’ Enlightenment Skim the passage carefully to find the clues of the writer’s journey with your partners. Try to get more details about it and fill in the table.‎ Step 4. Conclusion & Exercise Ask the Ss to practise Activity 3 by themselves. And then practise Activity 4 and Activity 5 with their partners. At last, check the answers with the whole class.‎ Homework Retell the text using about 100 words.‎ Notes: ‎ ‎1) Use the third person to retell the passage.‎ ‎2) Try to use proper prepositions and conjunctions.‎ ‎3) Make use of the chart above while retelling.‎ Teaching Reflection ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Period 3 Language Points I. Teaching Aims Help Ss to have a good mastery of some words related to scenery descriptions.‎ Enable the Ss to understand the details about the passage.‎ II.Teaching Important Points Key phrases: in the distance, be allowed to do sth., give advice, be required to do sth, be necessary to do sth. ‎ III.Teaching Difficult Points Understand the meanings of the following sentences:‎ They could go anywhere they wished.‎ You shouldn’t go on those ships.‎ We just had to show our passports.‎ You’re not allowed to smoke in here.‎ I. Teaching & Learning Methods a. Understand sentences in the whole context;‎ b. Learn these words by explanation and comparison.‎ V.Teaching Procedures Step 1. Lead-in & Question Presentation Look at the sentences: ‎ ‎1. He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.‎ be to do something 按照计划或根据安排将要进行的动作。‎ e.g. We were to go to the Great Wall next week. 我们打算下周去长城。‎ 比较:I was about to leave, when the doorbell rang. ‎ 我正要离开时, 门铃响了。‎ be about to do sth. “即将 (正要) 做某事”‎ ‎2. … they had four weeks off for the Spring Festival. ‎ ‎ ……他们有四周的春节假期。‎ ‎ have … off 有……假期 ‎ take … off 休假……‎ ‎ ask for … off 请假……‎ ‎3.The gorge narrows to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountains. Narrow (使……变窄)‎ The boss wanted to better the working conditions for his workers.‎ ‎ Better (改善; 使……变好)‎ The nurse is calming the child in hospital.‎ ‎ Calm (使……平静)‎ The little boy’s mother warned him not to dirty his clothes. ‎ ‎ Dirty (使……脏; 把……弄脏)‎ 规律总结: 以上各句均为形容词活用作动词, 表示“使……”。‎ ‎4.trade n. 交易, 贸易, 商业, 买卖; 行业, 职业, 生意 ‎ vi. 做生意, 做买卖 ‎ vt. 交易; 交换 trade with ... 与……交易, 与……做买卖 trade in ... 做……买卖; 用……抵押贷款 trade ... for ... 拿……与……交换 Step 2. Independent Study & Group Discussion ‎ Ask the students to read the passage by themselves and complete the following sentences. ‎ a. China _____ ___ industrial and agricultural products _____ many countries in the world.‎ b. She _______ her poster _____ his CD.‎ c. The company ______ mainly ___ fruit and vegetables.‎ Step 3. Cooperative Inquiry & Teachers’ Enlightenment Translate the sentences.‎ ‎1) 我们只好步行绕道上山。‎ ‎2) 他们撑着竹筏延河顺流而下, 终于找到了那个村子。‎ ‎3) 乘船逆流而上, 你才能看到更美的景色。‎ Step 4. Conclusion & Exercise On a distant mountain was a sign in 20-foot characters. ‎ 倒装句, 正常语序为:‎ A sign in 20-foot characters was on a distant mountain.‎ 句型转换:‎ On the top of the mountain stands a white pagoda.‎ A white pagoda stands on the top of the mountain.‎ Phrases:at the edge of,at least,be heavy with,take advantage of,be impressed by Ask the Ss to do Part 5,6 in class.(5 minutes)‎ Homework Finish the exercises 7,8 on page 92.‎ Teaching Reflection Period 4 Grammar I. Teaching Aims Let Ss learn how to use the Modal Verbs II.Teaching Important Points The usage of some Modal Verbs.‎ III.Teaching Difficult Points How to teach the Ss to rewrite some sentences with the Modal Verbs.‎ IV.Teaching & Learning Methods a. Teach grammar in real situations;‎ b. Learn grammar through practice.‎ V.Teaching Procedures Step 1. Lead-in & Question Presentation Check Ss’ homework, retelling “A Trip Along the Three Gorges”.‎ Ask the students to do Activity 1 on Page 44.‎ Show the answers on the screen.‎ Modal Verb Indicate Can / can’t Could / couldn’t ‎(Don’t) permit to do sth.‎ Be (not) able to do sth.‎ Should / shouldn’t Give advice Will / won’t Predict future Step 2. Independent Study & Group Discussion ‎ Please look at the notice on the screen. ‎ Talk about the notice in groups of 4. ‎ Try to get the meanings of the rules.‎ Pay attention to the usage of the Modal Verbs.‎ Notice to Visitors Environmental pollution is getting serious here. Some activities are dangerous. In order to keep you safety and protect the environment, please follow the rules below.‎ ‎1. Passengers can’t hurt the animals, birds, useful insects or pick flowers. ‎ ‎2. Travellers mustn’t swim from the boat.‎ ‎3. Foreigners have to take their passports with them.‎ ‎4. You should keep the water clean.‎ ‎5. You shouldn’t throw away the litter everywhere. You must throw it into trash can.‎ ‎6. You don’t have to go with the guides but it’s safer.‎ Thank you for your cooperation.‎ ‎ The Three Gorges Travel Service Step 3. Cooperative Inquiry & Teachers’ Enlightenment First, get the students to practise Activity 2 on Page 44 in pairs. ‎ Second, ask them to summary the rules of Modals.‎ Modals Form Alternate Explanation Can Past Could Be able to Ability Allowed to Permission May Suggestions Negative Can’t Unable to No ability Not allowed to Prohibition Must Past Required to Legal obligation Negative Mustn’t Forbidden to Prohibition Have to Past Had to Necessary to Required to Expected to Personal ‎ obligation urgency Negative Not have to Not necessary to Not necessary Not required to Not required Not expected to Not expected Should Past Ought to Giving advice Step 4. Conclusion & Exercise First ask the students to practise Activity 3 on Page 44 by themselves, then give them an example to show what the Affirmatives, Nnegatives and questions with Modals. ‎ At last, ask the students to practise Activity 4 based on the sentences in Activity 3 in pairs.‎ Affirmative He can speak German.‎ Negative He can’t speak French.‎ Yes/No question Can he speak English?‎ Short answers Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.‎ Homework Ask the students to finish off all the activities on Page 91 and 92 in Workbook.‎ Review what we learned in this class. And try to finish off all activities on Page 91 and 92 in Workbook.‎ Teaching Reflection Period 5 Cultural Corner I. Teaching Aims a. Enable the Ss to talk about advantages and disadvantages of traveling transportation.‎ b. Enable the Ss to guess the meaning of the expressions in EVERYDAY ENGLISH.‎ c. Enable the Ss to discuss the questions about the passage:‎ What does McCorquodale like doing when he travels?‎ What type of cruise did the writer choose and why?‎ What are the disadvantages of this type of cruise?‎ II.Teaching Important Points a. Get the meanings of the words from the context. ‎ b. Discuss the answers to the questions.‎ III. Teaching Difficult Points Talk about advantages and disadvantages of traveling transportation.‎ IV.Teaching & Learning Methods a. Fast reading;‎ b. Dealing with comprehension questions;‎ c. Discussion;‎ d. Student-centered vocabulary learning.‎ V.Teaching Procedures Step 1. Lead-in & Question Presentation Check the homework.‎ Ask the students to discuss some rules for travelers arriving in their town in groups of 4. They may fill in the following form.‎ Do Don’t Arriving Take carry-on baggage;‎ Go through entry formalities;‎ Go through customs clearance; ‎ Reconfirm the visiting programs.‎ Forget to sign the Immigration Form;‎ Change money with strangers;‎ Lose your passport.‎ Staying Check in the hotel;‎ Read the hotel hand-book;‎ Deposit valuables at the front desk.‎ Carry too much cash;‎ Lend your passport to anyone;‎ Unlock your room while leaving.‎ Visiting Protect your passport;‎ Guard against thieves;‎ Obey the laws and rules.‎ Litter;‎ Hurt the living things;‎ Smoke in the non-smoking place.‎ Trouble Way Getting help Getting lost Show the address card of the hotel to the police.‎ Suffering from illness Go to the medical services for overseas visitors.‎ Something stolen Report it to the police;‎ Report it to your embassy;‎ Report the loss of your bank card at once.‎ ‎ ‎ Step 2. Independent Study & Group Discussion ‎ Ask the students to talk about traveling in pairs.‎ Get to know what they like doing when they travel.‎ Questions:‎ Do you like traveling? Why or why not? ‎ Where have you ever been? ‎ What do you like doing when you travel?‎ Step 3. Cooperative Inquiry & Teachers’ Enlightenment Ask the students to read the passage in CULTURAL CORNER on Page 49.‎ Then find out what the writer like doing when he travels. ‎ Questions:‎ ‎1. What does the writer like doing when he travels? Why?‎ ‎2. On what condition does he stick a pin in map?‎ ‎3. What does he take with him wherever he goes?‎ Step 4. Conclusion & Exercise Find out the expressions from A Trip Along the Three Gorges and Postcards to Myself. ‎ Guess the meanings of them from the context according to the reference expressions. ‎ Homework ‎1. Ask the students to choose any country and imagine to be there. Write a short postcard to themselves.‎ ‎2. Preview the Vocabulary in Workbook on Page 92.‎ Teaching Reflection Period 6 Writing I. Teaching Aims a. Enable the students to write a short description of a region. ‎ b. Enable the students to write a postcard to make notes about the imaginary holiday.‎ II.Teaching Important Points Teach the Students how to write a short description of a region. ‎ III. Teaching Difficult Points Teach the Students how to write a postcard to make notes about the imaginary holiday.‎ IV.Teaching & Learning Methods Task-based learning.‎ I. Teaching Procedures Step 1. Lead-in & Question Presentation Check the homework, asking some of them to present their postcards to the class;‎ Ask the students to learn some usage of the vocabulary about the description of places; ‎ Read a description of a province, underlining some important information and filling in the form. Make a list of combinations in the passage.‎ Step 2. Independent Study & Group Discussion ‎ Ask the students to talk about the main information and fill in the form.‎ Give students enough time to read the tips and make them write an outline. ‎ Guide them to write a description of the province, giving them some advice. ‎ Step 3. Cooperative Inquiry & Teachers’ Enlightenment Finally, ask some of you to present their descriptions to the class.‎ Describing places:Write a short description of the region you live in.‎ You should:‎ Say where the region is; ‎ Describe the main geographical features; ‎ Give your opinion;‎ Explain a meaning.‎ Use the following sentence structures:‎ I think ... ‎ There are many ... It is located in ... ‎ It’s famous for ...‎ Step 4. Conclusion & Exercise Description of a place ‎ Description is painting a picture in words of a person, place, object, or scene. A description essay is generally ‎ developed through sensory details. Here are some tips.‎ ‎1. Selecting details: The writer should choose those that help to bring out the dominant characteristic.‎ ‎2. Catching the features of the place: You should mainly write about the things that make it different from other place.‎ ‎3. Giving your view points: Places may be described for their own sake, as in essays on visits to famous scenic places.‎ ‎4. Giving your purpose: You should describe the place for the purpose of revealing the personality and character of a person, or creating a feeling or mood.‎ Homework ‎1. Sum up this module.‎ ‎2. Ask the students to choose one of the following two titles to write a passage after class. Ask them to pay attention to use more imagination than knowledge.‎ ‎①My imaginary trip ②My dream place Teaching Reflection

