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‎2019届二轮复习语法专题 时态和语态学案 Ⅰ. 单句语法填空 ‎1.—Did you enjoy the party?‎ ‎—Yes,We__were_treated__(treat) well by our hosts.‎ 解析:根据上下文,这里谈的是举行过的一次聚会,应该用过去时,并且“我们”是被主人招待的,所以需用一般过去时的被动语态。句意:——你喜欢这个聚会吗?——是的,我们的主人很好地招待了我们。‎ ‎2.In the last few years,China__has_made__(make) great achievements in environmental protection.‎ 解析:时间状语in/over the last few years与现在完成时连用。句意:在过去的几年中,中国在环境保护方面取得了巨大成就。‎ ‎3.—Dr.Jackson is not in his office at the moment.‎ ‎—All right.I__will_call__(call) him later.‎ 解析:据第一句的时态判断,Dr. Jackson目前不在办公室,所以打电话是将来的事。句意:——Dr. Jackson现在不在办公室。——好的,我待会再给他打。‎ ‎4.Jane can't attend the meeting at 3 o'clock this afternoon because she__will_be_teaching__(teach) a class at that time.‎ 解析:根据题干时间状语3 o'clock this afternoon的提示可知,动作发生时间为将来;而句尾的at that time为一个特定的时间点,因此,该题强调在将来的大时间背景下的某一个特定时间点发生的事,故用将来进行时。‎ ‎5.Despite the previous rounds of talks,no agreement__has_been_reached__(reach) so far by the two sides.‎ 解析:本句中的时间状语so far表示“到目前为止”,为现在完成时的标志词。reach no agreement短语中no agreement作主语,reach要用被动,故结合时态可知填has been reached。‎ ‎6.Marty __has_been_working__(work) really hard on his book and he thinks he'll have finished it by Friday.‎ 解析:由后文提示he'll have finished it by Friday可知,work动作发生在过去,延续到现在,现在还在进行,故要用现在完成进行时态。句意:马蒂一直在非常认真地写书,他认为他在周五前将会完成。‎ ‎7.Just as I got to the school gate,I realized I __had_left__(leave) my book in the cafe.‎ 解析:“我把书忘在了咖啡馆”发生在“我意识到这件事”之前,而“我意识到”是发生在过去的一个动作,故“忘记”应用过去完成时。‎ ‎8.It is reported that a space station __will_be_built__(build) on the moon in years to come.‎ 解析:时间状语in years to come(在将来的几年里),故主语从句的时态用一般将来时;太空站是被建造,用被动语态。‎ ‎9.Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a child,few people guessed that he __would_be__(be) a famous scientist whose theories would change the world.‎ 解析:主句时态是过去时,从句动作在过去的时间上看是将来的事情,故用过去将来时。‎ ‎10.As you go through this book, you __will_find__(find) that each of the millions of people who lived through World War Ⅱ had a different experience.‎ 解析:一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或情况。在一般将来时的句子中,有时会出现表示将来时的时间状语,若不出现时间状语,要从意思上判断是否指未来的动作或情况。句意:当你通读这本书的时候,你将会发现数百万的经历过二战的每个人都有不同的经历。‎ ‎11.He must have sensed that I __was_looking__(look)at him. He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly,“Why are you staring at me like that?”‎ 解析:题干中没有出现具体的时间状语,可以从意义上去把握。此句在意义上应该用进行时,又根据此句中的must have sensed和glanced at可知是过去进行时。句意:他一定感觉到我在看着他。他突然看向我然后轻声问道:“你为什么一直那样盯着我看?”‎ ‎12.I had a strong desire to reach in and play with the toy,but__was_held__(hold)back thankfully by the shop window.‎ 解析:被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。被动语态的时态变化只改变be的形式,过去分词部分不变。hold back阻隔,隐瞒。句意:我非常想进去玩玩具,但是我幸好被橱窗阻隔了。根据句意,此句含有被动语态在里面,hold back要用被动语态。‎ ‎13.More expressways__will_be_built__(build) in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy.‎ 解析:根据题干中的时间状语soon可知,用将来时。expressways与build为被动关系,用被动语态。句意:四川不久将建设更多的高速公路以促进当地经济的发展。‎ ‎14.—Is Peter coming?‎ ‎—No,he __changed__(change) his mind after a phone call at the last minute.‎ 解析:句意:——Peter来吗?——没有,刚才接到一个电话后改变主意了。根据at the last minute发生在过去,故用一般过去时。‎ ‎15.In my hometown,there is always a harvest supper for the farmers after all the wheat __has_been__(be) cut.‎ 解析:表示动作已经发生或完成用现在完成时。句意:在我的家乡,收麦过后农民会举行一个丰收晚宴。‎ ‎16.To my delight,I __was_chosen__(choose) from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.‎ 解析:主语I与choose之间为动宾关系;再由语境可知,choose的动作已经完成,故要用一般过去时态的被动语态。句意:令我高兴的是,我被从数百名参与者中选中参加开幕式。‎ ‎17.—Where is Peter?I can't find him anywhere.‎ ‎—He went to the library after breakfast and __has_been_writing__(write) his essay there ever since.‎ 解析:由句子中的时间状语ever since可知,本句要用现在完成时态或者现在完成进行时态。由语境可知,write动作现在还在进行,要用现在完成进行时态。句意:——皮特呢?我到处找不到他。——他早饭后去图书馆了。自那之后就一直在那儿写文章。‎ ‎18.The real reason why prices__were__(be), and still are,too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem.‎ 解析:根据语境,prices...still are,too high,推出前一空是想说明prices过去也高。故用过去式。该题中still是关键。句意:价格过去高,现在仍旧太高的原因很复杂,短暂的讨论是不能令人满意地解释这个问题的。‎ ‎19.The young firefighter insisted that he __was__(be) well-prepared and __(should)_be_sent__(send) there to put out the fire.‎ 解析:句意为:那位年轻的消防员坚持说他准备好了,并且坚持要去那里救火。当insist意为“坚持说;坚持认为”时用陈述语气,故第一空填was;当insist意为“坚持”时,从句谓语动词用“(should+)动词原形”,又因为firefighter与send之间为被动关系,故填(should) be sent。‎ ‎20.Many parents don't want to face it, but the world today is a lot different than it __was__(be) in their school days.‎ 解析:句意为:(尽管)许多父母不愿意去面对,但今天的世界与他们在学校的岁月已大不相同。根据语境及时间状语in their school days可知用一般过去时。‎ Ⅱ. 语法填空 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Dad quit drinking exactly one year before I was born. He joined a group of other people. He said they __1. had_stopped__ (stop) drinking, too. I loved my dad __2. but__ I hated the way his weekly meetings took him away from me. It seemed that they were more important to him than I was. But with my birthday coming up I thought Dad __3. would_make__ (make) an exception. I begged him not to miss it but __4. was_refused__ (refuse). He said, “I am chairing the meeting this Saturday. We __5. will_have__ (have) your party on Sunday. Why not come with me together tonight? It's an open meeting. All __6. are__ (be) welcome.” I agreed. Maybe I needed to see why something Dad did every week mattered so much.‎ After we arrived, Dad announced __7. the__ theme of the meeting was going to be gratitude. He told his story about giving up smoking. __8. Later__ (late), a man called Dave also told his story. Only then did I know it was Dad that saved his life __9. from__ drinking. Showing up week after week and meeting with people, Dad __10. was_changing__ (change) lives. Shame washed over me.‎ 解析:‎ ‎1.stop发生在过去动作said之前,故此处填had stopped。‎ ‎2.由loved与hated之间的对比判断本空填转折连词but。‎ ‎3.根据前面的coming up判断,make是在过去看来将来要发生的动作,故填would make。‎ ‎4.句子的主语是I,与refuse之间是被动关系,故填was refused,构成一般过去时的被动语态。‎ ‎5.该句是直接引用的,根据this Saturday判断,have是将来的动作,故填will have。‎ ‎6.句子是一般现在时,all指代人,故填are。‎ ‎7.特指本次会议的主题,故theme前用定冠词。‎ ‎8.此处表示“稍后”意义,作状语,故填副词Later。‎ ‎9.save...from...“从……拯救……”,是固定搭配。‎ ‎10.此处表示一个逐渐变化的过程,故用进行时,所以本空填was changing。‎ Ⅲ. 单句改错 ‎1....took him to US, where he introduced to the Internet.‎ 答案与解析:introduced前加was he与introduce是被动关系,句子应用一般过去时的被动语态,故加上was。‎ ‎2.Today is Sunday. At about 9:00 a.m., I go to the bookstore with my friends.‎ 答案与解析:go→went 由前面提供的时间状语判断句子用一般过去时,故改为went。‎ ‎3.Having been seen the film, everyone was deeply moved.‎ 答案与解析:去掉been 句子的主语即为非谓语动词see的逻辑主语,二者之间是主动关系,故去掉been,成为现在分词的完成式。‎ ‎4.Our city had changed a lot in the last 5 years.‎ 答案与解析:had→has 由时间状语in the past 5 years可知句子应该用现在完成时。‎ ‎5. Many overpasses have set  up, so it has become very convenient for people to travel.‎ 答案与解析:have后加been overpasses与动词set up是被动关系,表示“被建立”意义,故句子用现在完成时的被动语态。‎ ‎6.In the past, teachers always keep on explaining the points in class.‎ 答案与解析:keep→kept 由时间状语in the past判断句子用一般过去时,故改为过去式kept。‎ ‎7.The river was so polluted that it  was actually caught fire and burned.‎ 答案与解析:去掉第二个was catch fire没有被动语态。‎ ‎8.Nowadays there was a kind of language called Web language.‎ 答案与解析:was→is 根据时间状语nowadays判断句子用一般现在时。‎ ‎9. Last Friday our school was invited a foreign teacher in our city to give a class to the  students of Senior Grade Two.‎ 答案与解析:去掉was 此处表示“我们学校邀请了……”,our school与invite是主动关系,故去掉was,句子用一般过去时。‎ ‎10.Sometimes he repeated what we don't understand.‎ 答案与解析:don't→didn't 根据主句时态判断从句也用一般过去时。‎ ‎11.Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables and high quality oil are using for cooking.‎ 答案与解析:using→used 句意:每天他都确保用于烹饪的是新鲜的蔬菜和高质量的油。此处表示被动含义,be used for“被用来做”。‎ ‎12.It is always crowded with customers at meal times. Some people even had to wait outside.‎ 答案与解析:had→have 句意:……有些人甚至要在外面等。此处是在介绍现在的情况,故用一般现在时。‎ ‎13.Some classmates suggest we go to places of interest nearby. I thought that it is a good idea.‎ 答案与解析:thought→think 句意:……我认为这是一个好主意。根据前句中的suggest可知,本句应用一般现在时。‎ ‎14.Both Dad and I planned to do something on Mother's Day. We get up early in the morning.‎ 答案与解析:get→got 句意:……我们那天早上起得早。根据上句中的planned可知,事情发生在过去,故应用一般过去时。‎ ‎15.Today I've got wonderful news to tell you. I had been offered a job at a company in England for my good performance.‎ 答案与解析:had→have 句意:我今天有好消息要告诉你,我以良好的表现在英国一家公司得到了一份工作。根据句意可知,指目前的结果用现在完成时。‎

