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全*品*高*考*网, 用后离不了!‎ I. 阅读理解(共30分)‎ 第一节 ‎(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ A On a Saturday night at home while relaxing with friends, a dog showed up at the house. In an attempt to find the legal owner and return the dog, we knocked on the door of the legal owner and an old man opened the door. This was the start of an interesting week.‎ The old man sat down, made himself at home, and gifted us the dog. After a brief visit, he left, and we were now the proud owners of this dog. It takes experience and knowledge to know that our lifestyle can’t satisfy the needs of this dog; the owner that gifted us the dog was mismatched for him as well.‎ Three attempts to return the dog to his old owner failed. (I think he was avoiding us.) Because our lifestyle didn’t allow us to give this poor dog the attention he needed, he disturbed the neighbors. They got involved. After we shared the story, they gained a new perspective and wisely stepped in to help us find a solution.‎ One week later it was decided that dog would be picked up from us by the old neighbor. He would then return it to the previous owner who was more equipped to care for it.‎ When faced with unexpected challenges in life, it helps to see everyone’s perspective. We have to look at one another’s perspective to solve a problem with honesty, experience and knowledge. That’s the sign of a leader. Although the old neighbor typically has little to do with leadership, it did bring a neighborhood together to understand one another and work as a team to solve a problem.‎ ‎1. Why was the dog taken to the author’s home?‎ ‎ A. To find food to eat. B. To seek a proper owner.‎ ‎ C. The author was friendly to him. D. The old man couldn’t feed him.‎ ‎2. What did the author find after he was gifted with the dog?‎ ‎ A. He didn’t like the dog at all. ‎ B. He could deal with dog easily.‎ ‎ C. The old neighbor was cheating him. 【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ D. It was unsuitable for him to keep the dog. ‎ ‎3. What does the author intend to stress in the text?‎ ‎ A. The value of team spirit.‎ ‎ B. The smartness of the old neighbor.‎ ‎ C. The importance of leadership skills.‎ ‎ D. The need for calmness in front of challenges. ‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎1.B ‎2.D ‎3.A ‎【名师点睛】‎ 推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的推理判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题所涉及的内容可能是文中的某一句话,也可能是某几句话,所以,推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写或综合。推理判断题的题干中通常含有infer, suggest, imply, conclude ‎ ‎ indicate等标志性词语。 这种题型主要包括细节判断题、态度观点推断题、写作意图推断题、文章出处判断题和猜测想象推断题。‎ 考点:夹叙夹议文阅读。‎ ‎ B ‎ I was always blamed for watching too much cartoons. As I have said goodbye to my teenage, I shift to watching more movies to prove that I was a grown-up. Surprisingly, I found that movies have something in common with cartoons. They are unrealistic.‎ ‎ Sometimes movies give people hope, including the hope of justice, the hope of tomorrow and almost everything else. A great number of people were once touched by certain movies. From time to time, movies try to deliver some decisive ideas to the audience. In this way, movies do cheer up many people to go on with their lives.‎ It seems that there is a set formula in movies. We usually see the hero or heroine in the movies suffer a lot in the opening. Gradually and likely, the destination of them always comes to a turning point. So they have to struggle or make some important choices. Then the movie ends up with a happy finale. Or at least the hero finally manages to face his poor life with great courage somehow. However, when audience watch movies in the cinema, most of them just follow the story. Few of them may ask, “Will it happen in the real life?”‎ Movies are also imitating the real life. Thus a movie, just like a novel, can never be the same as the real life. The setting of a movie is so ideal that we could hardly find it out in reality. The moviemakers just try their best to persuade the audience to believe the story is true. In a word, it is all just make-believe.‎ For quite a long time, I think that the adults’ world is realistic in the opposite way of the children’s cartoon. However, the movies from the adult world turn out to be a made-up thing. At the very moment, I suddenly realize that movies are somewhat of the adult’s fairy tales or cartoons.‎ To sum up, other than false comfort such as movies and tales, we are more in need of the maturity of mind, so that we can face our lives bravely and correctly.‎ ‎4. With time going on, the author shifts to watching more movies because he thinks that_____.‎ A.they give him hope of justice and tomorrow in life B.they are for adult and that he is now an adult C.they help him forget the real world D.they are similar to cartoons he used to watch ‎ ‎5.Which of the following is true about the type of movies the author mentions?‎ A.The hero or heroine simply has met no difficulty at all.‎ B.The hero or heroine is able to deal successfully with any problems.‎ C.Sometimes there are cartoon characters in the movies.‎ D.The audience know they are simply foolish stories.‎ ‎6.The underlined word “make-believe” in Paragraph 4 probably means_____.‎ A.something imagined to be real B.something too ideal to believe C.a happy ending all the audience desire D.a belief that is based on facts ‎7.According to the author, which of the following is the side effect of the movies? ‎ A.People may be confused by them. ‎ B.Movies can usually improve real life.‎ C.Film fans just follow the movie stories. ‎ D.False comfort may mislead the audience.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎4.B ‎5.B ‎6.A ‎7.D ‎ ‎【名师点睛】‎ 下面介绍一些词义猜测题的解题技巧。‎ ‎1.根据定义或上下文解释进行猜测 有时短文中出现一个需要猜测其意义的词或短语,下面接着出现其定义或解释,这就是判断该词或短语意义的主要依据。例如:It will be very hard but also very brittle—that is, it will break easily.从后面that is(也就是说)的解释中我们可以了解到brittle 是“脆”的意思。‎ ‎2.根据同位关系进行猜测 阅读中出现的难词有时后面紧跟一个同位语,对前面的词进行解释,这时可利用同位关系对前面或后面的词义或句意进行猜测。例如:The “Chunnel”, a tunnel(隧道) connecting England and France, is now complete.此句中a tunnel connecting England and France是Chunnel的同位语。因此,The “Chunnel”就是英法之间的海底隧道。‎ ‎3.根据构词法(前缀、后缀、复合、派生等)进行猜测 在英语中,有很多词可以在前面加前缀,在后面加后缀,从而构成一个词,乍看起来,这个词可能是新词,但掌握了一定的构词知识,就不难猜出它的词义。例如:“Our parties are aimed for children 2 to 10,” Anaclerio said, “and they’re very interactive and creative in that they built a sense of drama based on a subject.”文中interactive是由前缀inter-(相互的)和active(活动的,活跃的)而构成的,同时根据上下文的意思可以判断,该词的含义应是“‎ 互动的”。‎ ‎4.根据转折或对比关系进行猜测 根据上下句的连接词,如but, however, otherwise等就可以看到前后句在意义上的差别,从而依据某一句的含义,来确定另一句的含义。另外,分号也可以表示转折、对比或不相干的意义。例如:A child’s birthday party doesn’t have to be a hassle; it can be a basket of fun.从前后两句的意思可以看出,hassle和a basket of fun肯定是近乎相反的意义。所以不难判断hassle的意思是“困难,麻烦”。‎ 考点:考查说明文短文阅读。‎ ‎ C【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ ‎ Tulips(郁金香) are the national flower of Iran and Turkey. The European name for the flower is a misuse of the Persian word for turban(头巾), a mistake probably arising in the common Turkish custom of wearing flowers in the folds of the turban. Alternatively, the misuse may have arisen because this eastern flower, when not yet in full bloom, looks like a turban. In Persia, to give a red tulip was to declare your love for someone. The black center of the red tulip was said to represent the lover’s heart, burned to a coal by love’s passion.‎ ‎ Originally growing in the Ottoman Empire (present-day Turkey), tulips were imported into Holland in the sixteenth century. When Carolus Clusius wrote the first major book on tulips in 1592, they became so popular that the tulips in his garden were stolen from time to time. As the Dutch Golden Age grew, so did this colorful flower. They were commonly seen in paintings and at festivals. In the mid-seventeenth century, tulips even created the first economics bubble(泡沫经济), known as “Tulip Mania”. At that time, tulips were so expensive that they were used as money until the market for them crashed.‎ ‎ Today, Holland is still known for its tulips and other flowers, often sincerely called “the flower shop of the world.” Tulips are planted in great fields of beautiful color, and transform the landscape into a sea of different colors. Tulip festivals are held throughout the country in spring. However, the most well-known tulip festival is organized in the Noordoostpolder, a province in the central Netherlands, each year. Held in the middle of the tulip fields, this flower festival runs from late April to early May. The Dutch people took their love of tulips abroad when they settled, and tulips and tulip festivals are now found in New York and Michigan, where the connection to their Dutch roots is still very strong.‎ ‎8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the first paragraph?‎ ‎ A. The origin of tulips. B. The meaning of tulips.‎ C. What tulips look like. D. How tulips were named.‎ ‎9. What can we learn from the text?‎ ‎ A. Carolus Clusius’ book made people import tulips into Holland.‎ ‎ B. Holland is called “the flower shop of the world” because of the tulip.‎ ‎ C. The tulip festival in the Noordoostpolder is sometimes held indoors.‎ ‎ D. Holland is not the birthplace of tulips.‎ ‎10. What is the last paragraph mainly about?‎ ‎ A. The Dutch people’s love of tulips.‎ ‎ B. Tulip festivals in Holland and abroad.‎ ‎ C. Noordoostpolder, the tulip shop of the world.‎ ‎ D. Tulips and the landscape of Holland.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎8.A ‎9.D ‎10.B ‎【名师点睛】‎ 主旨大意题主要考查学生对所读材料(或所读材料片断)中心思想的概括。做这类题时,考生应通读全文,把握文章大意或中心思想,同时注意文章的主题句,因为主题句表达中心思想,其他句子均围绕主题句进行展开。主题句通常位于文章第一段首句、第一段末句或全文末句等地方,但位于段落中间(通常是第一段或最后一段的中间)也是完全可能的。同时,主题词关键词也是非常重要的,有时候可以直接看出答案。主旨大意题的考查形式很多,如概括标题、主题、段意、中心思想等。‎ ‎【考点】文化生活类阅读。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Learning English is challenging because of the various rules and exceptions to the rules. The best way to learn English is to hear it spoken and repeat the words as you hear them. 11 You will learn how to make English a daily part of your life in order to learn to speak it quickly.‎ ‎ 12 Ask a friend to help you write letters of English alphabet on index cards. You should write a letter on each card. Practise the letters by mixing up the cards and saying the letters. You can ask your friend to help you pronounce the letters and quiz you on your knowledge.‎ Make your own videos in English. If you have a video camera, you can tape yourself speaking English and practice along with your own video. 13 Watch your videos daily, and repeat what is being said.‎ Get a private tutor. A professional English instructor can give you one-on-one instruction that will help you understand the rules of English. Your instructor can teach you how to write and speak English. 14 You can also inquire at your local community college.‎ Watch movies with English subtitles. When watching a movie in your native language, use the English subtitles so you will understand the connection between your language and English.‎ ‎ 15 You will make mistakes, and that is OK. You need to practice English as much as possible in order to quickly learn to speak the language fluently.‎ A. Learn the English alphabet. ‎ B. Use every opportunity to speak English.‎ C. You can subscribe some English magazines to learn English.‎ D. Constant repetition is the key to remembering words in English.‎ E. If you have any difficult points, you can consult your dictionary at any time..‎ F. You can find an English tutor by placing an advertisement in your local newspaper.‎ G. You can make a play in which you and a friend are having a simple conversation in English.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎11.D ‎12.A ‎13.G ‎14.F ‎15.B ‎【名师点睛】‎ 七选五的解题技巧 ‎1、先看选项。跟完形填空不一样,七选五的答案选项较少,并且给出的都是句子,因此,我们可以通过句子的完整性或者句子后面的标点符号来判断该句在文章中的位置。另外,通过阅读选项,有可能找出跟其他选项表达完全不同意思的句子,这样的话我们就可以直接将该选项排除。‎ ‎2、再看空前空后。由于七选五空出的是整个句子,而这些句子与句子之间,必然有一种联系,因此我们可以通过选项中某个名词或动词跟空前或空后的一致性或者相关性来确定这两个句子之间有一种关联性,从而选择正确的答案。‎ ‎3、注意代词或定冠词。在做这类题目的时候,一定要注意句子中出现的人称代词或者指示代词,因为我们知道,代词是指代一个名词或者一个句子的,然后通过代词在句子中所做的成分我们可以推断出它指代的句子的类型,我们要做的就是从选项中找这类句型就可以了。‎ ‎4、注意一些特殊疑问词。如果选项中或空前出现特殊疑问词,一定要把这句话仔细读几遍,因为对于不同特殊疑问词的回答方式是不一样的,比如对why的回答,后面要有because等表原因的词,对when的回答,后面要有表时间的状语,对where的回答,后面要有表地点的名词,对how的回答,后面要有方式状语等。‎ ‎5、注意一些连词。如一些表示转折的连词,but,However,yet,though,nevertheless等,另外还有一些表示并列关系的连词如and,also,as well as,neither nor,either or,not only...but ‎ also,on one hand....on the other hand等。因为这些连词可以表现句子与句子之间的关系,通过不同的连词我们可以推知句子与句子之间不同的关系。‎ 考点:考查信息匹配 II. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ No doubt we all have experienced frustration(受挫). It may be something as 16 as growing flowers or as serious as developing better relationships with others. Whatever the 17 is, there comes a point when you just feel you can’t go on any further.‎ ‎ And yet, the secret to 18 can be found in a tube of toothpaste. Every time I come to the 19 of a tube of a toothpaste, I am completely 20 that just when I think it is absolutely empty, I can 21 more toothpaste out of it. I am sure you all have gone through the 22 thing. ‎ So, next time you find yourself in such a situation, 23 the tube. We can all 24 times that success came when we were on our 25 chance or when we were doing something for the final time. It is when you dig deep down for that one last burst of 26 that you achieve your goal.‎ ‎ 27 , too many people give up too early. All they 28 to do is squeeze one more drop of toothpaste from the tube. There are hundreds of 29 of successful people who kept on going in the face of adversity(逆境) and 30 . Even the writers of Chicken Soup for the Soul were 31 by 33 publishers before they found one who would 32 their book.‎ If you have the passion to go for your 33 , then keep squeezing that “inner tube of toothpaste”. It is only when you 34 the “passion” that you will know whether success is yours or not. Just make sure that you don’t 35 too soon. Success may be just around the corner.‎ ‎16. A. useless B. simple C. boring D. funny ‎17. A. case B. direction C. task D. competition ‎18. A. truth B. happiness C. success D. wealth ‎19. A. side B. top C. surface D. end ‎20. A. satisfied B. amazed C. depressed D. confused ‎21. A. pump B. drive C. squeeze D. pull ‎22. A. natural B. lucky C. rare D. same ‎23. A. remember B. empty C. save D. use ‎24. A. enjoy B. recall C. value D. arrange ‎25. A. last B. big C. equal D. full ‎26. A. light B. speed C. laughter D. energy【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ ‎27. A. Unbelievably B. Strangely C. Typically D. Unfortunately ‎28. A. decide B. wish C. need D. expect ‎29. A. examples B. types C. characters D. signs ‎30. A. sorrow B. disappointment C. guilt D. misunderstanding ‎31 A. teased B. assisted C. injured D. rejected ‎32. A. translate B. print C. edit D. order ‎33. A. dream B. reputation C. journey D. home ‎34. A. make up for B. catch up with C. run out of D. look forward to ‎35. A. try B. return C. stop D. judge ‎【答案】‎ ‎16. B ‎17. A ‎18. C ‎19. D ‎20. B ‎21. C ‎22. D ‎23. A ‎24. B ‎25. A ‎26. D ‎27. D ‎28. C ‎29. A ‎30. B ‎31. D ‎32. B ‎33. A ‎34. C ‎35. C【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ ‎21. C考查动词。A抽,充气B开车C挤,榨,捏D拉。根据第19题题意可知答案为C。‎ ‎22. D考查形容词。A自然的B幸运的C稀少的D相同的。我肯定你们经历过同样的事情。故答案为D。‎ ‎23. A考查动词。A记住B空C节省D使用。因此,下次你发现自己处于这样的状况时,记住空管理论。故答案为A。‎ ‎24. B考查动词。A享受B回忆C珍惜D安排。当我们只有最后一次机会做什么事或当我们最后一次做某事时我们能够回忆起成功来到的次数。故答案为B。‎ ‎25. A考查形容词。A最后的B打的C平等的D满的。根据上一题句意可知答案为A。‎ ‎26. D考查名词。A灯光B速度C笑声D能量。是当你深挖你的最后一次爆发的能量时你才实现你的目标的。故答案为D。‎ ‎27. D考查副词。A难以置信地B奇怪地C典型地D不幸地。不幸地是,许多人早早的放弃了。故答案为D。‎ ‎33. A考查名词。A梦想B名声C旅程D家。如果你有激情去追寻你的梦想,选A。‎ ‎34. C考查动词短语。A弥补B赶上C用完D期待。只有当你用完了你的激情时你才知道成功是否是你的。故选C。‎ ‎35. C考查动词。A尝试B回来C停止D判断。确保你不要太快停下来。故答案为C。‎ ‎【名师点睛】‎ 完形填空解题技巧 巧解完形填空题,考生必须进行通篇考虑,掌握大意,综合所学词法、句法和常识进行分析判断。为帮助考生能更好地解答完形填空题,在这里介绍几种解题技巧。‎ ‎1. 复现解题法:这类题多为同义词、近义词和反义词的复现或同义词、近义词和反义词异形复现的形式。这种测试手法主要是考查考生的整体篇章意识和上下文推断能力。‎ ‎2. 语法结构法: 这类题需要考生有较为扎实的语法基础知识,能够从句式的结构上辨别出须填相关的关联词、连词、副词、形容词或相应的动词,当然还要考虑到主谓一致的关系等语法知识要点。‎ ‎3. 语境信息解题法:这类题主要是通过短文中上下语境所透露的信息进行解题,首先要正确理解所给信息,在进行合理分析和推断,这种语境信息一定要遵循逻辑概念,符合运动规律,时态的交替,以及特殊场合下的应急合理判断。‎ ‎4. 固定搭配解题法:这类题与语法结构题有点类似,但主要惯用搭配,讲究词与词的搭配,涉及到关联词、动词、副词、形容词、名词和短语等。‎ ‎5. 逻辑语气解题法:这类题主要是通过分了解全文的人物、时间、地点等信息之后,再分析句子与句子之间的关系,段落与段落之间的关系来解题。这种逻辑语气主要包含并列、递进、因果、转折和委婉语气等等。这类题的选项多为连词、副词或具有连词意义的各类短语。‎ 考点:议论文文章阅读 III. 根据句意及语法写出正确的单词 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)‎ 36. The little pupil took his grandma ________ the arm and walked her across the street.‎ 37. Li Ning’s designs were attractive, and they had a major advantage _____ their better-known rivals—they were cheaper.‎ 38. Opposite is St. Paul’s Church, ______ you can hear some lovely music.‎ 39. Was it because Jack came late for school _____ Mr. Smith got angry?‎ 40. If you miss this chance, it may be years ______ you get another one.【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎36. by ‎ ‎37. over ‎38. where ‎39. that ‎40. before ‎40. before考查连词。此处意为“才”,用before。‎ ‎【名师点睛】‎ 做好单词拼写题,首先要把所学的单词熟记于心,无论是汉语意思还是英语拼写;其次,基本的句法结构还是要了解的,更要善于分析句子结构,这样才能填得准确无误。‎ 考点:单词拼写 IV. 请根据句意或汉语提示,用所缺单词或短语的适当形式填空。每空一次 (共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)‎ 41. My mother is a ___________(退休) teacher, and she enjoys her life now.‎ 42. A reptile has cold blood and ________(产卵) eggs.‎ 36. It is _________(polite) to stare at others in public places.‎ 37. The crocodile is very dangerous but we can’t harm it, because it belongs to the ___________(danger) species and is facing up to dying out and needs protection.‎ 38. The technology has been ________(simple) so that anyone can use it.‎ 39. Now the population of the birds is _____ ______ _______.(增长)‎ 40. One of her acquaintances was going through a very messy divorce and was very depressed. She tried to ________ her ______(使……振作起来).【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ ‎48. The initials, WWF, _____ _____(代表) World Wide Fund for Nature.‎ ‎49. If you show you _____ _____ _____ (意识到) cultural differences, most Americans will ‎ not worry about answering your questions.‎ ‎50. ____ _____ ____ (……的数量) the pandas living in the wild has increased to about 1,590.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎41. retired【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ ‎42. lays ‎43. impolite ‎44. endangered ‎45. simplified ‎46. on the increase ‎47. cheer up ‎48. stand for ‎49. are aware of ‎50. The number of ‎46. on the increase考查介词短语。根据汉语意思再结合空的数量可知答案为on the increase。‎ ‎47. cheer up考查动词短语。此处根据汉语意思可知用cheer up。‎ ‎48. stand for考查动词短语。此处为谓语动词,根据汉语意思可知填stands for。‎ ‎49. are aware of考查固定搭配。be aware of :意识到。此处谓语用一般现在时,故填are aware of。‎ ‎50. The number of考查名词短语。根据汉语意思和空的数量可知答案为The number of。‎ ‎【名师点睛】‎ 做好单词拼写题,首先要把所学的单词熟记于心,无论是汉语意思还是英语拼写;其次,基本的句法结构还是要了解的,更要善于分析句子结构,这样才能填得准确无误。‎ 考点:单词拼写 V.语篇填空 (共10小题, 每小题1分,共10分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词),或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎ We often hear people say “You’ve a greater chance 51 (hit) by lightning.” It is used to describe something 52 (likely) to happen. However, 53 truth is that lightning strikes are the second most common cause of deaths among natural disasters in the US. The first is floods. Around 400 Americans are struck by lightning each year, of 54 about 70 people die. In fact, there are more deaths 55 (cause) by lightning than by tornadoes and hurricanes. And in India, at least 2,000 people 56 (kill) in lightning strikes since2005.‎ ‎ Because lightning kills only one or two people at a time, its danger does not receive as much attention 57 other disasters. The US has made June 22-28 National Lightning Safety Week, aiming to deepen the public’s 58 (understand) of the dangers of lightning and provide safety tips during thunderstorms.‎ ‎ “If you hear thunder, you are in danger of lightning,” said Rocky Lopes, a disaster educator at the American ‎ Red Cross. “The most important thing is to seek a 59 (hide) place. If you are near wide, open places, move indoors as _60_ (quick) as possible and stay there until after the storm has ended.”‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎51. to be hit ‎ ‎52.unlikely ‎ ‎53.the ‎ ‎54.whom ‎ ‎55.caused ‎ ‎56.have been killed ‎ ‎57.as ‎ ‎58.understanding ‎ ‎59.hiding ‎ ‎60.quickly ‎57.as 考查固定搭配。此处为固定搭配as……as……和……一样。‎ ‎58.understanding 考查名词。此处用名词,意为公众的理解,故填understanding。‎ ‎59.hiding 考查形容词。此处用形容词作定语,意为隐藏的,填hiding。‎ ‎60.quickly考查副词。此处为副词修饰动词,故改成quickly。‎ ‎【名师点睛】‎ 语法填空的解题技巧 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力。我们在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,有把握的空格可以进行填写。在读懂的基础上,再结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析逐题解答。按题型设计分三种情况:‎ ‎1. 纯空格试题的解题技巧 首先分析句子结构,根据所缺成分确定哪类词。然后,根据句子意思,确定具体填什么词,或根据两句间的逻辑关系确定具体用哪个连词。此处考查的冠词a的填写。‎ ‎2. 给出了动词的试题解题技巧 首先,判断要填的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词。若句子没有别的谓语动词或者虽然已有谓语动词,但需填的动词与之是并列关系,所给动词就是谓语动词,若是谓语动词就要考虑时态和语态;若句子有谓语动词则用非谓语动词(动词不定式、现在分词、动名词和过去分词)。‎ ‎3. 词汇转换题解题技巧 这类题主要考查名词、形容词和副词。根据该词在句中所做句子成分确定用哪种形式。‎ 考点:考查语法填空 VI. 短文改错(共10分)  ‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(/),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。 注意:  1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;        2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ There are a lot public holidays for Chinese people, such as National  Day, May  Day, and Children’s Day. But I think we should have other holiday——Farmers’ Day. Firstly, China is a agricultural country. Farmers really play a very importantly role in China. They provide food for us, without which we cannot to live. Secondly, farmers offered a lot to the development of industry. Lastly of all, most farmers work hard, with little time to enjoy themselves. Some people look down upon farmers so they think farmers do not have many knowledge. I suggest that there should be a Farmers’ Day to show respect for these 900 millions farmers in China.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎1. public前加of ‎2. other----another ‎3. a---an ‎ ‎4. inportantly—important ‎5. 去掉to ‎6. offered---offer ‎7. lastly---Last ‎8. so—because ‎9. many---much ‎10. millions---million ‎【名师点睛】‎ 短文改错口诀 名词数、动词形。‎ 形副互混辩分明。‎ 介词多用错与少,‎ 连词转折与平行,‎ 冠词错误常出现,‎ 代词前后易错乱。‎ 逻辑错误偶尔有,‎ 认真阅读别遗漏。‎ 考点:考查短文改错 VII. 书面表达(15分)‎ 假设你是李华,昨天看到央视关于世界濒危珍稀动物的报道后深有感触,决定给世界动物保护基金会(WWF)负责人写一封邮件,邮件的内容包括:【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ ‎1. 你看完报道的感受;‎ ‎2. 动物濒危的原因;‎ ‎3. 你对WWF的建议。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右。‎ ‎2. 可适当增加细节,使得行文连贯。‎ ‎3. 参考词汇:deforestation 砍伐森林 Dear Sir or Madam,‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎【答案】‎ Dear Sir or Madam,‎ ‎ I am writing to tell you how I feel after seeing a programme on CCTV about endangered animals in the world. Looking at the alarming situation the endangered animals are facing, I am deeply worried that they will soon die out if measures aren’t taken to protect them. It is surprising that these animals’ death mainly results from humans’ careless behavior, including serious pollution and deforestation. So what we should do is to stop polluting and destroying animals’ habitats.‎ ‎ To do this, I hope WWF can call on people to donate their money to protect these endangered animals and try to raise people’s awareness of protecting animals. Only by taking necessary measures can we save and protect these rare animals.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎【亮点说明】本文内容齐全,结构严谨,层次分明,布局合理,语言精练,同时运用高级句子。宾语从句的使用I am writing to tell you how I feel after seeing a programme on CCTV about endangered animals in the world.现在分词的使用Looking at the alarming situation the endangered animals are facing, I……形式主语的使用It is surprising that these animals’ death mainly results from humans’ careless behavior, including serious pollution and deforestation.倒装句的使用Only by taking necessary measures can we save and protect these rare animals.‎

