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Writing skills How to improve your writing 1. 要点齐全 2. 语言正确 3. 表达生动 4. 行文流畅 5. 适当发挥 Pay attention to the following instructions when writing. 3. 表达生动 4. 行文流畅 专题复习: 书面表达训练之三 如何使句子优美    如何使文章流畅 宝应县中学高三英语备课组 Sample 1 The students like to choose majors . They can learn interesting things . They will have good jobs in the future. The students believe that the environment is important to us . They graduate from universities .They can find good jobs. They can get much money. I think students should go to a good university . We like it and we study hard at it. Sample 2 Some students prefer to choose majors they can learn what they are interested in . It will make it possible for them to have their favorite jobs in the future. , those who think differently believe that the environment is important to one’s development graduates from leading universities are often likely to find a good job. so that also However and that Sample 2 Some students prefer to choose majors they can learn . It will their favorite jobs in the future. , the environment is important to one’s development graduates from leading universities are often likely to find a good job. , the best choice is a good major at a good university. If we can’t obtain both, the first thing to consider is a good major, we study , we can still achieve a lot in a certain field if we try our best. so that also However and that In my opinion because what they are interested in make it possible for them to have those who think differently believe that no matter where so that also However In my opinion what they are interested in make it possible for them to have those who think differently believe that no matter where Elegance (语言优美) Coherence (行文连贯) 句式多变化 作文更优美 怎样用不同的表达方式表示相同的意义 怎样通过对句子结构的变化 , 使文章显得更加丰富多彩 怎样运用高级词汇,给文章增加亮点 怎样使句式多变语言优美呢? 1.What surprised me most was that he didn't know me at all. → = surprised me he didn't know me at all. = , he didn't know me at all. 不同的表达相同的意义 It that To my great surprise 2.Too many people to the zoo will cause traffic jam . Too many people to the zoo will ____ _____ traffic jam . Too many people to the zoo will _____ _____ traffic jam . lead to result in 3.The man didn't know what he should do next. =The man didn't know _____ ____ ______ next. 4.Hurry up, or you'll miss the train. =You won't catch the train _____ you ________ hurry. =You will miss the train ________ you hurry. what to do if don’t unless 5. 虽然他是个孩子,但他懂得很多. ( 一句多译 )   1) _________________________________ __________________________________ 2)__________________________________ Although/ Though he is a child, he knows a lot. Child as (though) he is , he knows a lot. 6. 这本书是如此的有趣,以致于我读了一遍又一遍。 1)________________________________ 2)________________________________ 3)_________________________________ 4)________________________________ This book was so interesting that I read it again and again. This was such an interesting book that I read it again and again . So interesting was this book that I read it again and again. This was so interesting a book that I read it again and again. 7.The teacher took a book in his hand and came into the classroom. = The teacher came into the classroom, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ .   ( 用 with 的复合结构 ) = The teacher came into the classroom, _____ ______ _____. (用独立结构) with a book in his hand book in hand 句子开头的变化 变一变更好 1. The boy was surprised at what he had seen , he stood there and couldn’t say a word. = ______ ____ what he had seen, the boy stood there , _____ _____ _____ a word. ( 形容词做状语 ) Surprised at unable to say 2 . I didn't realize my mistake until you pointed it out. → = ________not until you pointed it out _____I realized my mistake.( 强调句型) = _________you pointed it out ______________my mistake. (倒装句) Not until did I realize It was that 3 . You are sure to succeed only by working hard. =____________________________ sure to succeed. ( only + 状语提前 ) 4. We all know that he is honest. = ____________________________ (It 做形式主语 ) = .(as 引导的非限制性定语从句 ) It is known to us all that he is honest. As is known to all , he is honest Only by working hard are you 5. I passed the physics exam with your help. 1).I passed the exam _____ _____your help 2).I couldn ’t have passed the physics exam _____ _____our help. 3).I couldn ’t have passed the physics your exam _________help.   thanks to but for without 1.They believe a public park should be free . They believe a public park should be ______ ____ _____. 2. The railway in our county is being built. The railway in our county is ______ ___________. free of charge under construction 3. We think the meeting is very important . = We ____ ____ ______ that the meeting is____ ______ ___________. 4.The result is not satisfying at all. =The result is ___ ____ satisfying hold the view of great importance far from Some people claim that reading selectively is more helpful, since they believe that reading without choice is a waste of time.However,some other people argue that we should read extensively, for they hold the view that in such a rapid developing society, we need to enlarge the range of our knowledge instead of restricting it to one or two fields. In my opinion, both sides are going to extremes . 欣赏一下 起承转合好 作文更流畅 Task 1 在下列句子空白处 填入恰当的过渡用语 , 使行文连贯流畅。 1) I don’t want to go. , I have something important to do. 2) I’d like to come, I’m afraid I can’t. 3) Lucy is twelve and Lily is eleven; , Lucy is one year older than Lily. 4) Some people waste food others don’t have enough. Besides but therefore while 在下面短文空白处 填入恰当的过渡用语 , 使行文连贯流畅 . Task 2 However , In a word, Besides that, But A lot of people smoke. They say that smoking can bring them happiness. ____ I am strongly against smoking. Maybe smoking can give people a little pleasure. _____ , it brings much more harm to people’s health. Every year many people die from smoking-related diseases. __________, smoking is also one of the causes of pollution. _________ , I am strongly against smoking and I call on all the people to do something about it. But However Besides that In a word 在文中需要的地方 加上合适的过渡用语, 使行文连贯流畅。 Task 3 May 25, Sunday Cloudy This morning I went to the shop to change the coat I bought yesterday. The salesgirl treated me coldly. She didn’t admit the coat was sold in her shop. She said that I made it dirty. She gave various excuses to refuse my request. I got angry.I quarreled with her. The manager turned up. He asked what was the matter. He knew all about this, he apologized to me and criticized (批评) the salesgirl. They changed another coat for me. I said goodbye to them and took it home happily. However At the beginning, In a word so that Just then/Just at that moment After At last (In the end ), So And then May 25, Sunday Cloudy This morning I went to the shop to change the coat I bought yesterday. __________ , the salesgirl treated me coldly. ______________ , she didn’t admit the coat was sold in her shop. ________ , She said that I made it dirty. _____________ , She gave various excuses to refuse my request. ___________________I quarreled with her. ___________________, the manager turned up. He asked what was the matter. ______________________he knew all about this, he apologized to me and criticized ( 批评 ) the salesgirl. They changed another coat for me. I said goodbye to them and took it home happily. However At the beginning And then In a word I got so angry that As soon as/ The moment Just at that moment 如何使书面表达更加优美流畅 ? 1. 学会不同方式表达 2. 注意句式结构变化 3. 适当使用高级词汇 4. 合理使用连接用语 想一想: Elegance Coherence Practice makes perfect! Make our writing better Let’s begin Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our school ! Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our school! ① This village is very small. It has nearly 100 families and about 500 people. It used to be very poor. ② It has changed a lot since 1978. People here ③ are richer than before. Now it is taking on a new look. ① This village is a small one with/which has nearly 100 families and about 500 people. It used to be very poor. ② However , it has changed a lot since 1978. People here ③ live a better life than before . 书面表达 : Sample 1 Now it is taking on a new look. Sample 2 In the past, the school here was very small⑤ and most children had no money . ⑥ Now it has been rebuilt. ⑦ The newly built teaching building has 4 storeys ⑧. It is the most beautiful building in the village . All the school-age children can study here. ⑨ They enjoy free education in it. Thank you. In the past, the school here was very small ⑤ and most children couldn’t afford to go to school . ⑥ But now it has been rebuilt ⑦ and ⑧ which has 4 storeys is the most beautiful one in the village. All the school-age children can study here. ⑨ What’s more , they enjoy free education. the newly built teaching building Thank you. Homework Next period we’ll discuss how to express your own opinions in your composition . If you want to know more, please search: www.kjcenter .net@163.com Thanks for your attention! Goodbye!

