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中山市第一中学2017-2018学年度第二学期高二年级第三次统测 英语 时间:120分钟 满分:120分 命题人: 审题人:‎ 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)‎ 第一节 阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)‎ A Learn to dance in Buenos Aires! You’ll have lessons with a private tango teacher, who will design a programme that suits your individual level of expertise. You’ll also get the chance to see a tango show. The tango shows include both singing and dancing and take place in local theatres and are great entertainment. Our teachers will take you to a local “milonga” so you can see and feel the true Argentina tango.‎ You can also combine this with the SALSA Course and learn both at the same time. Another option is to combine your dance with Spanish lessons and make the very most of your time in Argentina !‎ SUMMARY: THE BASICS Price: ‎ ‎$995 for 1 week. 10 hours of lessons; ‎ ‎$445 for each additional week. ‎ Duration: ‎ From 1 week to 12 weeks or longer, depending ‎ on visa requirements. ‎ Start Dates: ‎ All year round-----you choose your start and finish dates. ‎ Requirements: ‎ Minimum age 17: no qualifications necessary. ‎ ‎  ‎ Who can do this programme?‎ All projects are open to all nationalities and all ages over 17.Suitable for anyone interested in learning tango, salsa or Latin American dance or gaining a new skill for their CV or Resume, or expanding their learning for university credits or requirements. Also suitable for ‎ anyone just wanting to study abroad or who has only a short time available for the placement. ‎ 1. What does the underlined word “milonga”refer to?‎ A. An apartment to live in. B. A class teaching basic Spanish. C. An event where tango is danced. D. A museum telling about Argentina’s history.‎ 2. To learn tango for three weeks, you are supposed to pay______.‎ A. £1335 B. £‎1440 ‎C. £1885 D. £2985‎ 3. In which aspect does the programme have a requirement?‎ A. Age B. Nationality C. Academic qualifications D. Start and finish dates B ‎​Feeling lonely has a bigger influence on older people’s life expectancy(预期寿命) than smoking, top government adviser David Halpern said earlier this year.  ‎ This shocking fact, given that loneliness is reaching high levels in the UK—with 3.1 million over-65s going more than a week without seeing a friend or family member—has caused quite a debate. Later retirement age is one idea for how the government might respond, but I think we can make a change without waiting for a new law. ‎ ‎ My solution? Yup, you guessed it: the web. OK, I’m not mad enough to suggest that a piece of electronic equipment is a magic bullet(灵丹妙药) to loneliness, but I do, hand on heart, think that encouraging more older people to get online is the simplest and cheapest tool we can equip them with so they can reawaken old, or form new, friendships. ‎ ‎ One of my favourite jobs as Digital Champion is judging Age UK’s Internet Champion of the Year Award. Looking through this year’s shortlist, it was obvious that each participant had been suddenly filled with a desire to socialise because of the way the net had widened their social circle. Reading the shortlist, what also struck me was how far from rocket science getting older people online is. ​    ‎ One of this year’s winners, Brenda, has a great story that’s both totally special and also very typical. Brenda felt extremely lonely after her husband’s death. Several months later, she got online. Having ‎ quickly got used to using the computer, Brenda amazingly managed to make contact with a soldier who had stayed with her family during the Second World War. Starting up their friendship again after more than half a century is the kind of miracle the Internet has made us almost take for granted—but which would have been almost unthinkable just ten years ago.‎ 1. What surprises the author?‎ A. Older people refuse to retire early. B. Older people have very few friends. C. Loneliness is becoming a common social problem. D. Loneliness is more dangerous to older people than smoking.‎ 2. Why did the author suggest the web as a solution?‎ A. It is an all-purpose tool. B. It is strongly advised by the government. C. It is the only way older people make new friends. D. It can solve the problem of loneliness in an easy way.‎ 3. What did the author learn from the shortlist?‎ A. Participants had a similar social circle. B. Participants found it difficult to get online. C. Participants benefited greatly from the web. D. Participants knew each other because of the net.‎ 4. What is the best title for the text?‎ A. Get Older people Online B. Debate on Loneliness C. Encourage Older People D. Help an Internet Beginner C ‎ Two soldiers, hungry and exhausted, came upon a small village. They went from door to door, begging for food. However, the villages, suffering poor harvests and many years of war, gave them none.‎ Then the first soldier had an idea. He took three round stones and washed them. There was a large iron pot in the village square. He filled the pot with water and built a fire beneath the pot. The villagers first looked out of their windows and then poured out into the square, wondering what was going on. The first soldier announced that he was going to make stone soup to feed them all. He carefully placed the stones into the pot.‎ The water boiled all afternoon as the soldiers told tales of the lands they had traveled. Finally the first soldier announced that it was time to taste the soup. He took a sip(一小口)and said, “It’s a good soup. But it needs something. Here, you taste this and tell me what it needs.” The soldier looked at the nearest villager who quickly tasted the soup and said, “I think it needs an onion.”“ An onion!” said the soldier. “Anyone knows you can’t make soup without an onion.”‎ One of the children, who knew where an onion was hidden, went and got it. Another hour went by and the soldier tasted the soup again. “What does it need?” he asked a nearby villager, who tasted the soup. The villager replied, “It needs a cabbage.” Soon a villager approached hesitantly(迟疑地), holding a cabbage he’d retrieved, of course, from its hiding place.‎ Another hour and another tasting... Gradually, salt, carrots, mushrooms, potatoes and beef found their way into the pot. When the villagers enjoyed the delicious soup together, they realized that only by sharing can they make a feast.‎ 1. Seeing the soldiers making a fire beneath the pot, the villagers felt __________.‎ A. angry B. curious C. nervous D. excited 2. What was the turning point of the story?‎ A. One soldier offered to make stone soup. B. Two soldiers came to the village. C. The villagers gathered in the village square. D. The villagers gave the soldiers nothing to eat.‎ 3. The underlined word “retrieved” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by __________.‎ A. brought back B. given back C. borrowed D. lent 4. What’s the message conveyed in the story?‎ A. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. B. The disadvantaged need love and care. C. Patience is important in solving problems. D. Great things may be done by mass effort.‎ D A Japanese company is developing a pair of smart glasses that can help those with visual or comprehension problems to read written text more easily.Called the Oton Glass, the glasses are meant to translate text in to sound using two cameras and an earpiece, both fitted to its frame.‎ ‎    Half of the lens(镜片)is a mirror that reflects the wearer’s eyes back to the first camera, which tracks eye movement.The other camera captures the text. Wearers use the glasses by staring at the text they can’t read and blinking(眨眼)to trigger the glasses.Then the captured words are sent to a cloud system, which processes the text and turns it into sound played through the earpiece.If the system is unable to identify the words, the images are sent to a remote worker who can deal with them.‎ The Oton Glass lead designer, Keisuke Shimakage, started working on the glasses in 2012 to aid his father, who had developed dyslexia, a condition that makes it difficult for someone to read and spell. While his father eventually recovered, Shimakage continued his development in order to help others with the disorder.‎ Currently, the Oton Glass is seeking funding.Backers can get a pair of the glasses for 5,000 yen(roughly $ 47).‎ Smart glasses aren’t a new concept, but it’s difficult to point to any single pair of smart glasses that people have reviewed favorably.It could, perhaps, be that previous products tried to do too much, or were too expensive.That’s why Intel’s Vaunt smart glasses stripped out some features,like its camera,LCD screen,and speakers.The Oton Glass is for a very specific audience,and its relatively low price could make it more appealing to those who want an affordable way to understand the text around them. ‎ 1. What was Keisuke’s original purpose in designing the Oton Glass?‎ A. To treat his father’s disease. B. To translate text into sound. ‎ C. To assist his father to read. D. To make written text easier to read.‎ 1. What is the right order how the Oton Glass works? ‎ a.The camera captures the words.   ‎ b.The wearer stares at the text.‎ c.The wearer hears the sound via the earpiece.‎ d.The cloud system turns the text into sound.‎ e.The wearer blinks to get the glasses working.‎ A. a,b,e,c,d B. e,b,c,d,a C. b,d,a,e,c D. b,e,a,d,c 2. The underlined part“stripped out”in the last paragraph can be replaced by_____.‎ A. improved B. removed C. increased D. invented 3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?‎ A. The advantages of the Oton Glass. B. The characteristics of smart glasses. C. Consumers’evaluation of the Oton Glass. D. The target audiences of various smart glasses.‎ 第二节:信息匹配(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10.0分)‎ How to Love Your Parents ?‎ Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part, a source of who you are.   16  .‎ Tell them you love them every morning. A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, you might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world.‎ Respect them more and cherish these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them, preparing yourself for when you’re off on your own. It’s OK to get angry but angry actions don’t help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, write down your feelings, or talk to a friend.  17   .‎ Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don’t get what you want or you have to clean. However, you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it’s cold, raining, snowing, or too hot. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes.   18   Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?‎ Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV, or going somewhere with them.   19  Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.‎ Some people simply may not be able to love their parents.   20  Seek help if you are being abused in any way. Parents do not have a right to harm you.‎ ‎_____________________________‎ A. Parents will in turn express their love to you. B. Forgiveness is the key. C. Here are some ways to love your parents. D. There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example E. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can. F. After this, share your feeling with your parents. G. Please remember parents are as important as friends.‎ 第二部分:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ Alia Baker is a librarian in Iraq.Her library used to be a (21) place for all who loved books and liked to share knowledge.They (22) various matters all over the world.When the war was near,Alia was (23)that the fires of war would destroy the books,which are more (24) to her than mountain of gold.The books are in every language-new books,ancient books, (25) a book on the history of Iraq that is seven hundred years old. ‎ ‎ She had asked the government for (26)to move the books to a (27)place,but they refused.So Alia took matters into her own hands. (28),she brought books home every night, (29)her car late after work.Her friends came to (30)her when the war broke out.Anis who owned a restaurant (31)to hide some books.All through the (32),Alia,Anis,his brothers and neighbours took the books from the library, (33)them over the seven-foot wall and (34)them in the restaurant.The books stayed hidden as the war (35).Then nine days laters,a fire burned the (36)to the ground. One day,the bombing stopped and the (37)left.But the war was not over yet.Alia knew that if the books were to be safe,they must be (38) again while the city was (39).So she hired a truck to bring all the books to the houses of friends in the suburbs(郊区).Now Alia waited for the war to end and (40) peace and a new library.‎ 21. ‎ A. meeting B. working C. personal D. religious 22. ‎ A. raised B. handled C. reported D. discussed 23. ‎ A. worried B. angry C. doubtful D. curious 24. ‎ A. practical B. precious C. reliable D. expensive 25. ‎ A. then B. still C. even D. rather 26. ‎ A. permission B. confirmation C. explanation D. information 27. ‎ A. large B. public C. distant D. safe 28. ‎ A. Fortunately B. Surprisingly C. Seriously D. Secretly 29. ‎ A. starting B. parking C. filling D. testing 30. ‎ A. stop B. help C. warn D. rescue 31. ‎ A. intended B. pretended C. happened D. agreed 32. ‎ A. war B. night C. building D. way 33. ‎ A. put B. opened C. passed D. threw 34. ‎ A. hid B. exchanged C. burnt D. distributed 35. ‎ A. approached B. erupted C. continued D. ended 36. ‎ A. restaurant B. library C. city D. wall 37. ‎ A. neighbours B. soldiers C. friends D. customers 38. ‎ A. sold B. read C. saved D. moved 39. ‎ A. occupied B. bombed C. quiet D. busy 40. ‎ A. dreamed of B. believed in C. cared about D. looked for 第三部分 语法填空(本题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15.0分)‎ Last Friday, as usual I went home by bike. But at a crossing, I suddenly knocked an old man 41_______ his bike. I hurried over and found that his leg 42____________ (injure). Nervous and worried, I called my mom and told her what had happened. We decided to take him to the hospital first. ‎ Shortly 43._______ we arrived at the hospital, my mother came. I had some doubt 44 ___________ there was anything seriously wrong with the old man. The doctor gave the old man a detailed examination. To our delight and relief, there was nothing seriously wrong with him. We thanked the doctor and left. After that, we went back to the place 45___________ the old man’s bike was parked, only 46_________ (find) it didn’t work. So I immediately found a repairman to get it 47_________(fix). Soon he finished repairing it. Before the old man left, my mom offered him our cell phone number in case he needed to contact us. Then the old man got on his bike and we waved goodbye to each other.‎ If I 48__________(ride) my bike carefully, I would have avoided the accident. Consequently, the 49._________(expect) accident made me realize that in the first place we should be careful, but once it occurs, we should take 50______________ (responsible).‎ 第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 ‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。[]‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词。2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎   I still remember that night after my college entrance examination. Even though I was at the top of my class, I was not good in history. At around 10 pm, I tried to sleep, and my eyes just couldn’t close. Suddenly, I saw my dad coming into my room, with smile on his face, asked me to go to sleep. I told him ‎ that I couldn’t sleep. He called me into my room and put his hand on my head. I didn’t even realize that I had fallen asleep. I took up my exam the next day and the result was satisfied. It’s tough to put into word what parents do for us but times like this reminds me just how wonderful parents truly are.‎ 第二节 书面表达(本大题共1小题,共25.0分)‎ 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom听说在中国通过扫描二维码(scan QR code)就可以轻松实现移动支付(mobile payment),感到不可思议。请你写封邮件告知移动支付在中国的相关情况。内容包括: ‎ ‎1.在中国最流行,提供了便利。‎ ‎2.快捷且强大的功能:如买早餐,买地铁票。‎ ‎3.改变我们的生活,引领世界。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Tom,‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua 第三次考试 ‎【答案】‎ ‎1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. F 18. B 19. E 20. D 21. A 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. B 38. D 39. C 40. A ‎ ‎41. off  42. was injured  43. after  44. whether  45. where  46. to find  47. fixed  48. had ridden  49. unexpected  50. responsibility  ‎ ‎51.  I still remember that night after my college entrance examination. Even though I was at the top of my class, I was not good ‎ ‎                             before in history. At around 10 pm, I tried to sleep, and my eyes just couldn't close. Suddenly, I saw my dad coming into my room, ‎ at                                             but with ^smile on his face, asked me to go to sleep. I told him that I couldn't sleep. He called me into my room and put his ‎ ‎    a                    asking                                                                       his hand on my head. I didn't even realize that I had fallen asleep. I took up my exam the next day and the result was satisfied. ‎ ‎                                                                                                                   satisfying It's tough to put into word what parents do for us but times like this reminds me just how wonderful parents truly are.‎ ‎                       words                                           remind ‎  ‎ ‎52. Dear Tom,‎ How are you? Glad to tell you something about mobile payment in China.‎ Mobile payment is most popular in China. It has made people's daily life more and more convenient. Most of us are used to paying by scanning QR codes.‎ By mobile payment, we can pay easily wherever we go. You can buy breakfast on the street and pay by scanning with your smart phone. In the subway station, you scan with your smart phone to purchase your ticket. This is a glimpse into the life of most Chinese — allowing us to bid farewell to the wallet and bank cards.‎ Mobile payment has greatly changed people's lives in China. It seems that China is really leading in some ways and is also sweeping other nations.‎ Looking forward to hearing from you.‎ Yours,‎ Lihua ‎  ‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎1~3. 【文章大意】本文是一则广告,是对学习探戈舞的课程的广告,里面包括价格,持续时间,开始日期以及要求。根据 The tango shows include both singing and dancing and take place in local theatres and are great entertainment. Our teachers will take you to a local “ milonga ” so you can see and feel the true Argentina tango.我们的老师会带你去当地的“米隆加”,这样你就可以看到和感受到真正的阿根廷探戈。可以推知,  “milonga”是指跳探戈舞的盛会。故选C。根据价格栏的 $995 for 1 week. 10 hours of lessons;$445 for each additional week.可知,一个星期是 $995,增加一个星期就加$445,那么增加两个星期就加2个$445。所以学习探戈三个星期就是$995+2个$445=$1885。故选C。根据 Minimum age 17: no qualifications necessary.要求:最低年龄17岁。所以,这个节目在年龄方面有一个要求。故选A。‎ ‎4~7. 【文章大意】孤独感现在已经成为比吸烟更能影响人们寿命的一大因素了,文章简述了这一现象和减轻孤独的办法---网络。根据文章第一句 Feeling lonely has a bigger influence on older people's life expectancy(预期寿命) than smoking可知,孤独感比吸烟更能影响人们寿命。故选D。 根据文章中作者的观点encouraging more older people to get online is the simplest and cheapest tool可知,网络是最简单的方法减轻孤独。故选D。 根据文章中it was obvious that each participant had been suddenly filled with a desire to socialise because of the way the net had widened their social circle. 可知每个参与者都想要参与网络社交活动。故选C。根据文章大意可知,文章提供的解决孤独感的方法是网络社交,也就是通过网络交朋友。故选 A。‎ ‎8~11. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍了两个士兵使用计谋最终得到食物的故事。 根据句子The villagers first looked out of their windows and then poured out into the square, wondering what was going on.可知,他们很好奇。故选B。 根据句子 Finally the first soldier announced that it was time to taste the soup. He took a sip and said, "It's a good soup. But it needs something.可推知,这是这件事的转折点,村民们从不愿意提供食物到主动提供的分水岭。故选A。根据句子 Soon a villager approached hesitantly, holding a cabbage he'd  retrieved, of course, from its hiding place.可知,很快一个村民犹犹豫豫走近,手里拿着一棵卷心菜。后面接藏的地方。据此推断,划线单词是带回的意思。故选A。根据本文内容可知,士兵们没有威逼,而是通过使用计谋耐心等待,最终如愿以偿。据此推断,耐心是很重要的。故选 C。‎ ‎12~15. 【文章大意】日本的一家公司正在研发一种智能眼镜,它能够帮助那些有视力或理解问题的人们更轻松地进行阅读。 答题依据为第三段的第一句:The Oton Glass lead designer,Keisuke Shimakage,started working on the glasses in 2012 to aid his father,who had developed dyslexia,a condition that makes it difficult for someone to read and spell.由此可知Keisuke设计这种眼镜的初衷是帮助爸爸阅读。故选C。 答题依据为第二段的内容:Wearers use the glasses by staring at the text they can’t read and blinking(眨眼)to trigger the glasses.Then the captured words are sent to a cloud system,which processes the text and turns it into sound played through the earpiece.由此可知使用这种眼镜的正确的顺序是:戴眼镜的人看文本---戴眼镜的人眨眼让眼镜工作--摄像机捕捉文字--云系统把文本转化为声音-- 戴眼镜的人通过耳机能听到这个声音。故选D。 答题依据为划线短语所在的句子及后面的句子:That’s why Intel’s Vaunt smart glasses stripped out some features,like its camera,LCD screen,and speakers.The Oton Glass is for a very specific audience,and its relatively low price could make it more appealing to those who want an affordable way to understand the text around them.由此可知这种眼镜是针对特殊的观众群体的,价格相对较低,对那些想要通过负担得起的方式阅读周边文字的人世有吸引力的。由此可知 stripped out的意思是“去除”‎ ‎,也就是这种新型的智能眼镜不再有以前的摄像机,LCD屏幕以及扬声器。故选B。本段的内容是:智能眼镜不是新的概念,但是文中介绍的这只猴子那个新型眼镜有着其他智能眼镜不具备的特点:价格低廉,人们能买得起。也就是本段主要讲的是 Oton Glass的优点。故选A。‎ ‎16~20. 本文讲述了一些爱父母的方法。1.每天向父母问好;2.服从父母的要求;3.陪伴他们;4.如果受到虐待,就应该寻求帮助。 ‎ ‎(1)考查上下文的理解能力  根据下一句是每天向父母问好以及其他段的第一句话的内容,知道这一句是总说,也就是说“这里有几种方式去爱你的父母”,所以答案是选C。‎ ‎(2)考查上下句的理解能力  根据上一句话写下你的感想或者是和你的朋友说,不难得出这里面应该是有关感想的内容,也就是分享你的感想。答案选F ‎(3)考查上下句的理解能力  上一句提到犯错误,下一句提到原谅,所以答案是原谅是关键。答案选B。[]‎ ‎(4)考查上下句的理解  这一段的第一句话和上一句话提到了with them,也就是和他们在一起,所以答案是E尽可能花多一点时间和他们在一起。‎ ‎(5)考查上下句的理解下一句话提到了 abused(滥用; 虐待; 辱骂;),这与violence(暴力)是同义的关系,所以答案是D。‎ ‎21~40. 36-40  ADABC     41-45ADDCB         46-50DBCAC    51--55    BBDCA 36.A    考查形容词辨析    结合句意可知,她的图书馆过去是一个所有喜欢书和喜欢分享知识的人见面聚会(meeting)的地方.working 意为"工作的",personal 意为"个人的",religious 意为"宗教的",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A. 37.D  考查动词辨析   结合句意可知,他们讨论(discuss)了世界各地各种的问题.raise 意为"筹集;提升",handle 意为"处理",report 意为"报告",均不符合文意.故正确答案为D.‎ ‎ 38.A   考查形容词辨析 结合句意可知,当战争邻近的时候,Alia 很担心(worried)战火将会毁灭书.angry 意为"生气的",doubtful 意为"怀疑的",curious 意为"好奇的",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A. 39.B   考查形容词辨析   结合句意可知,Alia 很担心战火会毁灭书,这些书对她来说比金山更宝贵(precious).practical 意为"实际的",reliable 意为"可靠的",expensive 意为"昂贵的",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B. 40.C    考查副词辨析 结合句意可知,这些书籍每种语言版本都有,新书,古书,甚至是关于 Iraq 七百年历史的书.even 意为"甚至",表示程度的递进.then 意为"然后",still 意为"仍然",rather 意为"宁可",均不符合文意.故正确答案为C. 41.A   考查名词辨析 结合句意可知,她向政府请求允许(permission)把这些书搬到一个安全的地方.confirmation 意为"确认",explanation 意为"解释",information 意为"信息",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A. 42.D   考查形容词辨析 结合句意可知,她向政府请求允许把这些书搬到一个安全的(safe)地方.large 意为"大的",public 意为"公共的",distant 意为"遥远的",均不符合文意. 故正确答案为D. 43.D   考查副词辨析 结合句意可知,秘密地(secretly),她每天晚上把书带回家.根据上文,政府拒绝了把书搬到一个安全的地方,因此 Alia 是秘密地进行搬书工作.fortunately 意为"幸运地",surprisingly 意为"令人惊讶的是",seriously 意为"严肃地",均不符合文意.故正确答案为D. 44.C  考查动词辨析   结合句意可知,她每天把书带回家,在下班后装满(fill)她的车.start 意为"开始",park 意为"停车",test 意为"测试",均不符合文意.故正确答案为C. 45.B  考查动词辨析   结合下文 Alice 和 Anis 都帮她藏书可知,当战争爆发的时候,她的朋友来帮助(help)她.stop 意为"停止",warn 意为"警告",rescue 意为"救援",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B. 46.D  考查动词辨析   上文说,当战争爆发的时候,她的朋友都来帮助她.结合句意可知,拥有一个饭店的 Anis 同意(agree)去藏一些书.intend 意为"打算",pretend 意为"假装",happen 意为"发生",均不符合文意.故正确答案为D. 47.B   考查名词辨析   根据前文可知是在她下班之后搬书,所以是晚上,结合句意可知,通过这一夜(night),Alice,Anis 还有他的兄弟,邻居,把书从图书馆搬出来了.war 意为"战争",building 意为"大厦",way 意为"路",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B. 48.C  考查动词辨析   结合句意可知,通过7尺高的墙把书传递(pass)出去.put 意为"放";open ‎ 意为"打开";throw 意为"扔",不符合主人公保护书的心情,故均不符合文意.故正确答案为C. 49.A  考查动词辨析   结合本段第五句 Anis who owned a restaurant agreed to hide some books"拥有一个饭店的 Anis 同意藏一些书",因此此处表示他们把书传递出图书馆后藏(hide)在饭店.exchange 意为"交换",burn 意为"燃烧",distribute 意为"分发",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A. 50.C 考查动词辨析    结合本段第四句 Her friends came to help her when the war broke out 可知战争已经爆发,则此处表示战争继续(continue),下一段第二句 But the war was not over yet 提示战争还没有结束.approach 意为"接近",erupt 意为"爆发",end 意为"结束",均不符合文意.故正确答案为C. 51.B   考查名词辨析   根据前文可知 Alia 担心战争会毁灭图书馆里的书,就把书都搬走了,所以九天之后这场火把图书馆(library)夷为平地.本文最后一句中的 a new library 也暗示此处图书馆被毁灭.restaurant 意为"饭店",city 意为"城市",wall 意为"墙",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B. 52.B  考查名词辨析   结合句意可知,爆炸声停止了,士兵们(soldier)离开了.此处应该填和战争相关的词,soldier 意为"战士;士兵",符合文意.neighbout 意为"邻居",friend 意为"朋友",customer 意为"顾客",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B. 53.D  考查动词辨析   根据后文她雇了一个卡车把书都搬走,可知此处表达为 Alia 知道如果书是安全的,它们一定要再次被搬走(move).sell 意为"卖",read 意为"读",save 意为"挽救",均不符合文意.故正确答案为D. 54.C  考查形容词辨析   根据前面可知,爆炸声停了士兵们离开了,所以整个城市是安静的(quiet).occupied 意为"已占有的",bombed 意为"轰炸的",busy 意为"忙碌的",均不符合文意.故正确答案为C. 55.A   结考查动词短语辨析   合句意可知,现在 Alia 等着战争结束梦想着(dream of)和平和一个新的图书馆.believe in 意为"相信",care about 意为"关心",look for 意为"寻找",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A. 本文讲述的是伊拉克的图书管理员--Alia Baker,当战争邻近的时候,Alia 很担心战火将会毁灭书;现在,Alia 等着战争结束梦想着和平和一个新的图书馆. ‎ 非等距离挖空的命题方式是完形填空的最大特色.短文首句不挖空,以便为考生理解全文留下足够信息,命题者根据考查目的进行挖空,造成信息链中断,这就要求考生依据上下文的文意捕捉到空白处的缺词.从近几年高考完形填空题看,纯语法知识几乎不考,主要考查考生灵活运用所学词汇的能力,尤其是以考查实词或信息词为主,着重考查考生对文章的内在逻辑和整体把握能力.因此,把握句间和段落之间的内在逻辑关系,通过上下文暗示,对篇章、段落或句意的整体把握;再则,干扰项的设置与语法结构无甚关系,重在文意干扰.因此,把握文意和具体语境,通过对词义的辨析,是解完形填空的最好手段.‎ ‎41~50. 略 ‎42. 1.句意:大学入学考试之前的那个夜晚,故after改为before。 ‎ ‎2.be good at擅长于,固定短语,故in改为at。 ‎ ‎3.句意:我努力的想睡觉,但是我的眼睛合不上。此处表示转折,需用but,故and改为but。 ‎ ‎4.句意:他的脸上有笑容,with a smile on his face,固定短语,故with smile之间加a。 ‎ ‎5.he和ask之间是主动关系,此处需用现在分词作状语,故asked改为asking。‎ ‎6.主语是he,此处需用的物主代词是his,故my改为his。 ‎ ‎7.take the exam参加考试,固定表达,故删掉up。 ‎ ‎8.句意:考试结果是令人满意的。satisfying令人满意的,修饰物,故satisfied改为satisfying。 ‎ ‎9.word话,可数名词,此处需用其复数形式,故word改为words。 ‎ ‎10.此处的主语是times,谓语动词需用复数,故reminds改为remind。‎ ‎43. 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom听说在中国通过扫描二维码(scan QR code)就可以轻松实现移动支付(mobile payment),感到不可思议。请你写封邮件告知移动支付在中国的相关情况。本文以一般现在时为主,注意把提示内容描写清楚,要点要全,可适当发挥。要做到层次清晰,表达准确、流畅。同时,为了提高文章档次,考生应在保证内容要点齐全的同时进行合理而又紧扣主题的发挥。因此,该类型的书面表达具有一定的灵活性,能较好地体现考生的英语思维能力。‎

