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‎2019届一轮复习外研版必修五Module3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema单元学案设计 ‎(主题语境:人与社会——文学欣赏)‎ 一 单元基础知识回顾 Ⅰ.课标单词在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练 ‎ ‎『话题必记单词』‎ ‎1.companion n.同伴;伙伴 ‎2.pour v.(雨)倾盆而下;灌注;倾泻;涌入 ‎3.  shelter  n.遮蔽物;栖身之地 v.掩蔽;躲避(常跟介词 from ) ‎ ‎4.lie vi.说谎;撒谎 n.谎言 ‎5.panic vt.(使)恐慌;(使)惊慌失措 n.恐慌 过去式:panicked过去分词:panicked ‎6.tie vt.(用绳、带等)绑,系,拴 ‎7.resemble vt.与……相似  8.shallow adj.浅的 ‎『阅读识记单词』‎ ‎1.biography n.(由他人撰写的)传记 ‎2.paddle vi.用桨划(小船)‎ ‎3.review n.(影视、音乐)评论 ‎4.fiction n.虚构或幻想出来的事 ‎5.pilot n.领航员 ‎6.vivid adj.(描述)生动的;逼真的 ‎7.adolescent n.青少年 ‎8.reputation n.名誉;名望;声望 ‎『构织连脉词族』‎ ‎1.account n.叙述;描写;报道→accountant n.会计 ‎2.curious adj.好奇的→curiosity n.好奇心→curiously adv.好奇地 ‎3.fright n.恐惧;害怕→frighten vt.使害怕→frightening adj.令人害怕的→frightened adj.感到害怕的 ‎4.disturb vt.打扰→disturbance n.骚动;打扰→disturbing adj.令人不安的→disturbed adj.不安的 ‎5.terrified adj.非常害怕的;极度恐慌的→terrifying adj.令人害怕的→terrify vt.使害怕→terrible adj.可怕的→terror n.恐怖 ‎6.create vt.塑造;创作→creation n.创造物→creative adj.具有创造性的→creator n.创造者 ‎7. determined adj.坚决的→ determine v.决定;确定→ determination n.决心 ‎ ‎8.force vt.强迫;迫使 n.力量→forceful adj.强有力的→forced adj.被迫的;强迫的;不自然的 ‎『语用规律归纳』‎ ‎Œ“震惊,害怕”动词一览 ‎①panic使恐慌 ‎②amaze使吃惊 ‎③astonish使惊讶 ‎④frighten使惊吓;吓唬……‎ ‎⑤scare惊吓;把……吓跑 ‎⑥shock使震惊 ‎⑦surprise使惊奇 ‎⑧terrify恐吓;使害怕 ‎-en动词后缀 ‎①fright—frighten使害怕 ‎②sharp—sharpen使变锋利 ‎③bright—brighten使明亮 ‎④deep—deepen加深 ‎⑤broad—broaden加宽 ‎『语境活用』‎ ‎1.Disturbed by the loud noises,the cattle fell into disturbance.(disturb)‎ ‎2.The very determined man is determined to deal with the matter with great courage and firm   determination  .(determine) ‎ ‎3.All the audience looked at the small box  curiously ,because they were curious about the thing in it.To satisfy their curiosity,the magician opened the box.(curious) ‎ ‎4.Burners Lee is a creative man,who has created WWW.His creation is of great use to us.(create)‎ ‎5.When I watch a   frightening   film,I often feel   frightened   and lie in bed shaking with   fright  .(fright) ‎ Ⅱ.课标短语从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律 ‎1.have connection with与……有联系/有关联 ‎2.have enough of受够了 ‎3.play a trick on sb捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧 ‎4.makeup编造(说法、解释等);构成;和解;化妆 ‎5.draw up拟定,起草;停住 ‎6. be/feel in the mood (for sth /to do sth) 有意(做某事);有(做某事的)心情 ‎ ‎7.set(a play,novel,etc.)in设置(戏剧、小说等的)背景 ‎8.make one’s fortune发财 ‎9.set off出发;启程 ‎10.hang on坚持;不挂断 ‎『语境活用』‎ ‎1.The police said that he had connection with the case.‎ ‎2.If the children do not get any sweets on Halloween,they will play a trick on the neighbor.‎ ‎3.The first scene is set in a restaurant in Venice,Italy.‎ ‎4.After making their fortune they both spend money like water,having nothing at last.‎ ‎5.The boy made up some excuses for not coming to school.‎ Ⅲ.重点句型从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用 ‎ ‎『领悟教材语境』‎ ‎『高考写作情景』‎ ‎1.The two of them are sailing down the Mississippi River on a raft when they see something in the water ahead of them.‎ 这两个人划乘一支木筏沿着密西西比河顺流而下,这时他们看到前面的水中有某个东西。(教材Page 21)‎ 要点提炼 be doing...when...意为“正在做某事,这时发生了另一件事”。‎ ‎2.“It looks as if it’ll go under soon,” Jim said,after a couple of minutes.‎ ‎“看起来它快沉了,”过了一会儿,吉姆说。(教材Page 22)‎ 要点提炼 as if=as though “好像是”。常引导表语从句和方式状语从句。‎ ‎3.He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no ‎①我们正在公园散步,这时天开始下起雨来。‎ We were taking a walk in the park when it began to rain.‎ ‎②听起来他好像已知道我们的秘密了。‎ He sounds as if he has already known our secret.‎ ‎③他没吃早饭就去上学了,结果却发现校门紧锁着。‎ He went to school without breakfast,only to find that the gate was locked.‎ ‎ boats for South America.‎ 他身无分文地来到新奥尔良时,却发现那里没有开往南美洲的船了。(教材Page 29)‎ 要点提炼 only to do...是动词不定式做结果状语,表示没有预料到的结果。‎ Ⅳ.语篇旧材新用探究根源 ‎ ‎『话题与语篇填空』‎ There was a big storm after midnight and the rain poured down.Suddenly,1.  by   the light of the lightning,we saw a steamboat in the middle of the river,and we were sailing straight towards it.Jim and I boarded that 2.  sinking  (sink) ship,thinking that we might find something useful on the boat.To our 3.astonishment(astonish),we saw a ‎『话题与短文改错』‎ As we all know,Mark Twain an adventurous life.He left ‎ the ‎ school early.As adolescent,he was determined to make his fortune,so he set off New ‎ light and some people in a cabin.Jim was too 4.frightened(fright) to go on but I felt curious,5.wondering(wonder) what was happening.So I put my head round the door and then I found two men.One was short,with a beard;the other was tall and had something in his hand 6.that looked like a gun.They were going to kill a man lying on the floor,7.tied(tie) up with rope.I had to find a way to save him.I found Jim and told him 8.what I had heard.At the news,he looked terrified,but I persuaded him 9.  tohelp  (help) me take their boat away.As we paddled it away,we heard the two men shouting.By then we were a safe 10. distance (distant) away. ‎ ‎ Orleans.However,he reached New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to there were no boats for South America,where he could get rich to change his plans,he worked for several as a pilot on a steamboat.Later he became a journalist and to write stories about life on the river.Twain’s vivid and often descriptions of life on the river became popular,making him one of America’s greatest writers.‎ ‎ ‎ 二 单元综合知识运用 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Here's a look at Bob Dylan's life through his legendary music.‎ ‎“Song to Woody” (1962)‎ It was released on his debut album Bob Dylan in 1962.Dylan expressed his respect for the legendary folk singer Woody Guthrie in this early classic.‎ ‎“The Times They Are AChangin'” (1963)‎ It was released as the title track of his third album of the same name, which launched him as a major voice in the new folk scene and marked the beginning of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.Critic Michael Gray called it “the archetypical protest song.”‎ ‎“Ballad in Plain D” (1964)‎ Dylan details his fractious relationship with Suze Rotolo in this long track from his fourth album, Another Side of Bob Dylan.Dylan scholar Clinton Heylin called it “an exercise of painful autobiography.”‎ ‎“Like a Rolling Stone” (1965)‎ Chosen by Rolling Stone as number one on its list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, it was from the Highway 61 Revisited album and transformed Dylan's image from a folk singer to a rock star.He wrote it after returning from an exhausting tour of England.He was thinking about quitting the music business, but he worked out his frustrations about the public's demanding expectations of him through this song.‎ ‎“All Along the Watchtower” (1968)‎ After a nearfatal motorcycle accident in 1966, Dylan went into seclusion for almost a year.He emerged with one of his greatest artistic achievements with this track from the John Wesley Harding album.Many critics have seen this song as a summingup of Dylan's life and career.‎ ‎“Gotta Serve Somebody” (1979)‎ In the late 1970s, Dylan underwent a conversion to bornagain Christianity, taking five months off touring to attend Bible school.This yearning plea for meaning expressed his new religion.It was part of his Slow Train Coming rockgospel album.‎ ‎“Things Have Changed” (2000)‎ Written for the film Wonder Boys, this strange portrait of an aging star shuffling through show business won Dylan a Golden Globe and an Oscar.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。让我们通过这些传奇音乐来寻觅鲍勃·迪伦的人生故事。‎ ‎1.Which of the following reflects a more politicized Dylan?‎ A.“Ballad in Plain D”.‎ B.“Things Have Changed”.‎ C.“All Along the Watchtower”.‎ D.“The Times They Are AChangin'”.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据“The Times They Are AChangin'” (1963)部分中的“marked the beginning of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.Critic Michael Gray called it ‘the archetypical protest song.’”可知选D项。‎ ‎2.Which includes a song that shows Dylan's relationship with Suze Rotolo?‎ A.Bob Dylan.‎ B.Slow Train Coming.‎ C.John Wesley Harding.‎ D.Another Side of Bob Dylan.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据“Ballad in Plain D” (1964)部分中的“Dylan details his fractious relationship with Suze Rotolo in this long track from his fourth album, Another Side of Bob Dylan.”可知选D项。‎ ‎3.When did Dylan release a song that expresses his new religion?‎ A.In 1965.         B.In 1968.‎ C.In 1979. D.In 2000.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据“Gotta Serve Somebody” (1979)部分中的“This yearning plea for meaning expressed his new religion.”可知选C项。‎ ‎4.What can we learn from the text?‎ A.“Things Have Changed” describes an Oscar winning star.‎ B.“Like a Rolling Stone” expresses Dylan's unhappiness.‎ C.“Song to Woody” was released on Dylan's third album.‎ D.“All Along the Watchtower” was written to record Dylan's accident.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据“Like a Rolling Stone” (1965)部分中的“he worked out his frustrations about the public's demanding expectations of him through this song”可知选B项。‎ B Stephen Wiltshire is a famous artist.His drawings — often drawn from memory and at great speed — are sketched (素描) on the spot at street level.‎ Stephen, who was born in London in 1974, didn't say a word as a ‎ small child, and found it hard to relate to other people.At the age of five, Stephen was sent to Queensmill School, London, where it soon became apparent that he communicated through the language of drawing.His teachers encouraged him to speak by taking away his art materials for a short time; eventually he said his first words — “paper” and “pencil” — but didn't learn to speak fully until the age of nine.‎ Stephen loved drawing and he was seldom to be found without pen and paper.Once he took part in art competitions, news of his great talent began to spread.Early fans included the late Prime Minister Edward Heath who bought his drawing of Salisbury Cathedral, made when Stephen was just eight.‎ But Stephen came to wider public attention when the BBC featured him in the programme, “The Foolish Wise Ones” in 1987, when he was introduced by Sir Hugh Casson (a past president of the Royal Academy), as “the best child artist in Britain.”‎ After that, Stephen's reputation grew worldwide.A second BBC documentary in 2001 showed Stephen flying over London in a helicopter and later completing a detailed drawing of London within three hours, which included 12 historic landmarks (地标性建筑) and 200 other structures.‎ In 2006 Stephen was recognised for his services to the art world, when he was made a member of the Order of the British Empire.Today wherever Stephen goes, people are attracted by his outstanding talent.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了天才画家Stephen Wiltshire。他在一个陌生的城市,只要在街上转一圈,就可以把街景建筑全都像电脑一样事无巨细地储存下来,再用画笔还原出来。‎ ‎5.What problem did Stephen have when he was a small child?‎ A.No schools wanted him.‎ B.No teachers liked him.‎ C.He couldn't speak.‎ D.He couldn't spell.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Stephen ... didn't say a word as a small child ... but didn't learn to speak fully until the age of nine”可知,Stephen小时候不会说话。‎ ‎6.When did Stephen become worldfamous?‎ A.After his second BBC documentary.‎ B.After the programme “The Foolish Wise Ones”.‎ C.After he met with the late Prime Minister Edward Heath.‎ D.After Sir Hugh Casson bought his drawing of Salisbury Cathedral.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“After that Stephen's reputation grew worldwide.”,再结合第四段内容可知,Stephen上了BBC的节目“The Foolish Wise Ones”之后开始闻名世界。‎ ‎7.What is special about Stephen's drawing of London?‎ A.It was his greatest work.‎ B.It was drawn in a helicopter.‎ C.It featured historic landmarks.‎ D.It was finished in a short time.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“completing a detailed drawing of London within three hours”可知,Stephen只用了三个小时就完成了伦敦画作。另外第一段中的“His drawings — often drawn from memory and at great speed”也说明了Stephen绘画速度之快。‎ ‎8.The text is likely to appear in ________.‎ A.a novel B.a biography C.an official report D.a history paper 解析:选B 文章出处题。本文按照时间顺序介绍了天才画家Stephen Wiltshire从小至今的主要事迹,因此本文最有可能出自一篇传记。‎ C The other day, my sister and I were sitting in a restaurant, trying to have a conversation, but her children, fouryearold Willow and sevenyearold Luca, would not stop fighting.The arguments — over a fork, or who had more water in a glass — never stopped.‎ Then my sister reached into her handbag, produced two shiny iPads (苹果平板电脑), and handed one to each child.Suddenly, the two were quiet.They sat playing games and watching videos, and we continued with our conversation.‎ After our meal, as my sister stuffed the iPads back into her bag, she said, “I don't want to give them the iPads at the dinner table, but if they keep them occupied for an hour so we can eat in peace, I often just hand them over.I'm afraid it's bad for them.I do worry that it makes them think it's OK to use electronics at the dinner table in the future.”‎ Dr.Gary Small, director of the Longevity Center at the University of California, Los Angeles says that the brain is highly sensitive to stimuli (刺激物), like iPads and smartphone screens, and if people spend too much time on one technology, and less time interacting (互动) with people like parents at the dinner table, that could prevent the development of certain communication skills.‎ ‎“Conversations with each other are the way children learn to have conversations with themselves, and learn how to be alone,” said ‎ Sherry Turkle, a professor of science, technology and society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.She fears that children who do not learn real interactions, which often have imperfections, will come to know a world where perfect, shiny screens give them a false sense of intimacy (亲密) without risk.However, they need to be able to gather themselves and know who they are.So someday they can form a relationship with another person without a panic of being alone. “If you don't teach your children to be alone, they'll only know how to be lonely,” she said.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。用iPad让孩子们安静下来似乎很有效,但是这样做对吗?‎ ‎9.What did Willow and Luca fight about?‎ A.iPads. B.Little things.‎ C.Delicious food. D.Interesting things.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The arguments — over a fork, or who had more water in a glass — never stopped.”可以看出,Willow和Luca为一些小事争吵。‎ ‎10.How did the author's sister feel about offering children iPads?‎ A.She was critical of it.‎ B.She felt it was worth a try.‎ C.She was uncertain about it.‎ D.She felt surprised at its effect.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知,虽然作者的姐姐会用iPad让孩子们安静下来,但是她又担心这样做不好,因此说她对这种做法心存疑虑。‎ ‎11.According to Dr. Gary Small, what should parents do?‎ A.Provide their children with various technologies.‎ B.Teach their children communication skills.‎ C.Talk to their children at the dinner table.‎ D.Limit their children's screen time.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“if people spend too much time on one technology ... prevent the development of certain communication skills”可知,长时间使用电子设备有碍于孩子们一些沟通技能的发展,因此家长应该限制孩子使用这些设备的时间。‎ ‎12.What is Sherry Turkle worried?‎ A.Children are afraid of taking risks.‎ B.Children try to escape from the real world.‎ C.Children can't live without electronic devices.‎ D.Children can't deal with companionless situations.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“She fears that children ... will come to know a world where perfect, shiny screens give them a false sense of intimacy (亲密) without risk.”可知,Sherry Turkle担心孩子们习惯了电子设备的陪伴,认为真正的人际交往也是如此,随时随地有人陪伴,因此他们会受不了孤单。‎ D More than 2,500 tiny glass jars — each containing brightly colored powders — line the walls of a museum at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.The pigment (颜料) samples make up the Forbes Pigment Collection.Art experts rely on the collection for an important scientific purpose — the colors act as standards to help them conserve and authenticate artists' paintings.‎ About a century ago, Edward Forbes, an art historian and art ‎ museum director at Harvard, noticed that the paint on some 14thcentury paintings in his museum's collection was deteriorating.To figure out how to save the paintings, he realized he would have to learn more about the materials used to make their paint.‎ Today, people can buy paint in every color of the rainbow.But variety in paint colors — and the ability to purchase those paints at a store — wasn't always possible.For centuries, artists collected and crushed (碾碎) everything from shells to rare stones to create the pigments that colored their artworks.They also used metal oxides (氧化物).‎ From 1910 to 1944, Forbes traveled the globe collecting powdered pigments.The samples helped art conservators understand how paint behaves on a chemical level.Paint might react to changes in light, temperature, or humidity, depending on its pigments' compositions.This can affect the colors of a painting over time or even cause paint to come off the painted surface.‎ Today, Narayan Khandekar, a senior conservation scientist at the Harvard Art Museums, is building on Forbes's work by adding newer, chemically made pigments to the collection.The collection also plays an important role in helping to stop counterfeiters (伪造者).In 2007, experts compared pigments from the collection with those from a painting thought to belong to abstract artist Jackson Pollock.Chemical analysis showed that a red pigment in the painting was actually made 20 years after the artist's death, proving that the artwork was a fake.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了哈佛大学色素博物馆的来历及其作用。‎ ‎13.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “deteriorating” in Paragraph 2?‎ A.Dropping off. B.Breaking down.‎ C.Cleared away. D.Gathered together.‎ 解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的句子“To figure out how to save the paintings”可推知,一些14世纪的绘画被损坏了,故此处的deteriorating可以用breaking down(损坏)代替。‎ ‎14.What can be inferred about Edward Forbes?‎ A.He was good at chemistry.‎ B.He collected many pigments.‎ C.He created pigments by himself.‎ D.He repaired a lot of old paintings.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Forbes traveled the globe collecting powdered pigments”以及博物馆藏品的命名“Forbes Pigment Collection”可推知Forbes从全球各地收集了许多颜料。‎ ‎15.What may be the best title for the text?‎ A.Colorful collection B.Looking for pigments C.Every pigment has its own story D.Edward Forbes and his collection 解析:选A 标题归纳题。文章介绍了哈佛大学色素博物馆的来历及其作用。“Colorful collection”形象准确地概括了全文的主要内容,故A项为文章最佳标题。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Friendship, do you value?‎ Friendship is a gift of God.But it may be taken for granted in some cases and not valued.__1__ Say one has no child even after many years of marriage and the other has many children, more than they can ‎ manage.What do you think? Will the couple with many children value the children as much as the couple which has none? Everything is relative in life.We value what we don't have and give less value to what is freely available to us.__2__‎ Why should we value friendships? What qualities does a good friend bring to our relationship that makes the friendship so valuable? Let us examine some of these.‎ Judgment — A good friend is rarely judgmental.We can be open in our behavior with our good friends because we know that they will not judge us.__3__ With other people our actions and behavior are always calculated and guarded and that takes away lots of pleasure from our life.‎ Share sorrow and losses — A friend can be depended upon to share all our problems and sorrows.__4__ Once I saw the image of a man left alone in a village after an earthquake.The whole village got killed except this man.With whom, will this man share his sorrow? A friend gives us this gift.‎ Hope — During our times of trouble, only a friend comes forward and gives us encouragement and hope.__5__‎ A.This is no small gift of friendship.‎ B.Friendship is one such relationship.‎ C.It is similar to a case of two couples.‎ D.Some of us are blessed with good friends.‎ E.We can enjoy this freedom only with friends.‎ F.With that inspiration, we regain confidence in ourselves.‎ G.This sharing may not reduce the loss but helps us unburden ourselves.‎ 语篇解读:‎ 本文是一篇议论文。文章对为什么要珍惜友谊进行了有力的论证。‎ ‎1.选C 由本空前面的“it may be taken for granted in some cases”可锁定C项中的“a case”,而后面的具体事例与两对夫妇有关,故C项符合语境。‎ ‎2.选B 选项B起承上启下的作用。本空前面说“我们珍惜那些自己得不到的而忽视那些容易得到的”,后面又对为什么要珍惜友谊提出设问,根据此语境可知选B项“友谊就是这样一种关系”。‎ ‎3.选E 根据本空前面的“好朋友不会评判我们”以及后面的“和别人在一起时,我们的行为会被算计和提防,因此失去了很多生活的乐趣”可知,只有和好朋友在一起时,我们才能享受这种做自己的自由。‎ ‎4.选G 本段主要论述了“分享”的意义。本空后面的例子论证了不能分享的痛苦,故此处应该是承接上文进一步说明“分享”的好处。G项中的“This sharing”指代上句中的“Share sorrow and losses”及“share all our problems and sorrows”。‎ ‎5.选F F项中的“inspiration”与前面的“encouragement”相呼应,说明正是朋友的鼓励使我们重拾自信。‎ Ⅰ.语法填空 Now many singers and bands have little to do with good music.They know little about __1__ good music means.What is the cause?‎ Most of these singers so far __2__ (see) music as a “job” because it is a good way of making money.And if you have a good __3__ (appear) and also original or expensive clothes to show off at your concerts then your voice is not as __4__ (importance) as it should be.The public will prefer to admire more the most interesting parts of your body and even forget that you are there __5__ (show) your music skills, not your ‎ dancing, which is important too, but not at such a high level.‎ Therefore, many young girls on TV choose to wear the most provocative (挑逗性的) clothes to catch attention, but when it comes to __6__ (sing) they are in __7__ complete mess and one doesn't need to have an ear __8__ music to notice their lack of talent.‎ However, the young generation should understand talent and a good voice matter more in their musical career.All the bands that have little to do with good music fail to __9__ (view) as successful on stage.If a young man has a great voice and wants to become a singer, he should take some special courses in this area, __10__ will help him improve singing abilities.‎ 语篇解读:如今很多乐队和歌手仅仅因为金钱而从事音乐事业,反而忘了音乐的真正含义。‎ ‎1.what 空格处所填词引导宾语从句,并在从句中作means的宾语,表示“什么”,因此用what。‎ ‎2.have seen 句中的“so far”表明用现在完成时。且“Most of these singers”与see之间为主动关系,故用have seen。‎ ‎3.appearance 空格前的“a good”表明这里应用名词appearance。‎ ‎4.important 此处是as ...as ...结构,两个as之间用形容词或副词的原级,由空格前的be动词is和句意可知,此处用形容词作表语。‎ ‎5.to show 此处应用动词不定式to show ...作目的状语。‎ ‎6.singing when it comes to (doing) sth.表示“当谈及……时”,为固定搭配,其中to是介词,故此处用动名词singing。‎ ‎7.a  in a mess表示“混乱,一团糟”。‎ ‎8.for have an ear for表示“对……有鉴赏力”。‎ ‎9.be viewed fail to do sth.表示“未能做某事”,为固定搭配;the ‎ bands与view之间是被动关系,再由view ...as ...(把……看作……)结构可知,故此处用被动形式be viewed。‎ ‎10.which 先行词是special courses,关系词在非限制性定语从句中作主语,故用which。‎ Ⅱ.短文改错 After I elected chairman of the students' union of our school, I decided to start a school English newspaper for us student. Together with five schoolmates with excellently English, I tried to cover up what was going on in our school. Beside, we took some wonderful pictures about our school life. When the first issue of the newspaper came out, it was very popular with the students. So far, I had been working as the chief editor for half a year, which helps myself a lot with my leadership skills. In my opinion, start a school newspaper can be fun, but it is an huge responsibility as well. I am really proud of that I've done.‎ 答案:第一句:elected前加was; student→students 第二句:excellently→excellent; 去掉up 第三句:Beside→Besides 第五句:had→have; myself→me 第六句:start→starting; an→a 第七句:that→what Ⅲ.书面表达 假定你是李华,你校将组织一次露天音乐会来为患重症的贫困生李明募捐,你是负责人之一。请你用英语给正在你市某大学学习音乐的美国朋友Anna写一封邮件,邀请她参加音乐会并表演节目。要点包括:‎ ‎1.写信目的;‎ ‎2.活动介绍(时间、地点、目的等);‎ ‎3.期待回复。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Anna,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ Dear Anna,‎ I'm writing to invite you to take part in an openair concert to be held in the city square this Sunday and give a performance. The concert is aimed at raising money for Li Ming, a student in my school who is suffering from a terrible disease and whose parents are too poor to pay for medical bills. As a warmhearted girl, you'll certainly be glad to give him a hand. And your participation will undoubtedly attract more people to attend the concert. I do hope you can make it. If the time isn't convenient for you, please let me know.‎ I'm looking forward to your reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

