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2019 届二轮复习短文改错 专题 近 5 年高考改错类型分析 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 动词 2 2 1 4 4 词性 2 4 4 2 1 连词 1 1 1 1 介词 1 1 1 1 代词 1 1 1 1 冠词 1 1 1 1 名词 1 1 1 1 易混词 2 1 项目分析:错词更正 8 多词删除 1 缺词补漏 1 改错九大考点聚焦 I took a lot of photo of the beautiful scenery. 2. I would be pleased if you could give me some comments or advices. 3. I got my sisters kite out of our tree. advice photos 考点 1 sister’s 考点 1: 名词 1. 名词 单复数形式 2. 可数 名词与 不可数 名词的错误 常见的不可数名词: fun, advice, weather, information, progress , furniture, homework, news, word( 消息 ), trouble , equipment 3. 名词所有格中 ’ s 的位置 1. Yesterday I read an article about a eating competition. 2. I would go to Xiamen for long holiday. 3. When he was at the school, he was regarded as a good boy. 考点 2 an ∧ a \ 1. 在 元音字母 前 a /an 区分 2. 泛指和特指的区别 3. 单数可数名词前面该用冠词的地方 缺少冠词 4. 不该用冠词的地方 多了冠词 考点 2 冠词 1.She liked it very much and reads it to the class. 2. All of us were deeply impressing by this English teacher. 3. The smiles on their faces were the best award for my efforts. reward read 考点 3 impressed 1. 动词的 时态 、 语态 错误 2. 主谓 不一致 ( 动词的第三人称单数错误 ) 3. 动词的 固定词组 和 形近词 错误 考点 3: 动词 We middle school students should make our efforts improve the situation. 2.The most excited thing for me in Britain was that I made a lot of friends there. 3. I felt very happy though exhausting. exciting exhausted 考点 4 ∧ to 考点 4: 非谓语动词 to do/doing/done 1. 不定式 to 缺少 2. 动名词 作主语、宾语 3. and 连接的不定式或动名词前后一致 4. 现在分词 和 过去分词 的区别 1. The harmful effects of overeating make I a little bit nervous. 2. We enjoyed us at the party, eating and chatting. 3. Companies spend a lot of money in ads that encourage customers to buy its products. 考点 5 me ourselves their 考点 5: 代词 it 用法 主格 和 宾格 区别 形容词性物主代词 和 名词性物主代词 区别 前后指代是否一致,注意 单复数 和 男女变化 不定代词 错误 反身代词 的使用 it’s 与 its 区别 many 与 much 区别 考点 6 1.Bill insisted in staying near the car. 2. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to return to your bike on time yesterday. 3. My interest has been in books instead in food since I went to high school. on ∧ of \ 考点 6: 介词 1. 常用介词错误 ( beside/without/of/about/before/after/on/in…) 2. 介词后跟动词形式 ing/being done 3. 介词 多余 或是 缺少 I felt sadly yesterday when our teacher told us something about Hope Project. He asked angry if we had finished the work. 3. I noticed a larger brown envelope on the chair. sad angrily 考点 7 large 考点 7: 形容词和副词 1. 修饰 名词 、be动词、系动词 要用 形容词 ; 2. 修饰 动词 、形容词、整个句子 用 副词 ; 3. 比较级 和 最高级 的使用。 (特别注意 : 根据上下文意思是否该用比较级 ) 4. 带 -ly 与 不带 -ly 的副词意思区别 5. 形容词 ing 修饰 物 , ed 修饰 人 6. 意思颠倒,改成 反义词 1. She was smiling but nodding at me . 2. It looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. 3. I don’t know that they don’t like to talk with me. 4. I live in Beijing , where is the capital of China. and or 考点 8 why which 考点 8: 连词 1. but /and/or, so / but, therefore / thus / however / moreover (而且) / nevertheless( 然而) 意思区别 2. although (though) / but 连词不可以并列使用 3. 平行结构 就要注意前后时态、语态、词性一致问题 ( 常见平行结构的并列连词: and, or, but, as well as , not only…but also…, …not…but…, either…or…, neither. . . nor. . . ) 4. 状语从句, 名词性从句和定语从句中 从属连词 的误用 Holding yourself steadily and you will not lose the balance. 2. It was two years ago since I began to learn English. 3. Young although he is, he knows a lot. that Hold as/though 祈使条件句 强调句 倒装句 考点 9. 句法和行文逻辑 常用句型错误 句子上下文意思不一致(反义或否定) Summary: 连 、 介 、 冠 , 动形 , 非谓动词 辨析清; 不同 格数代 和 名 ; 形副等级 有不同; 习惯搭配 须记清。 句子成分 多分析; 逻辑错误 要查明。 注:动形,即动词的各种形式,三单,现在分词,过去分词。 ( 1 )快速浏览全文,掌握大意。 ( 2 )分句阅读,逐句找错。(注意 “转弯错” ) ( 3 )由易到难,各个击破 (先语法后逻辑) ( 4 )复读全文,验证答案。 ( 5 )单词拼写、大小写注意,改错格式和位置符合要求 应试技巧点拨 Practice makes perfect !

