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Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes 1.burst vi . 爆裂;爆发 n .突然破裂;爆发 教材原句 ①In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and  burst     (burst). ◆单句改错 ②A fire was burst out last night, and his house was in ruins.  去掉第一个wa s     重点单词 ◆单句填空 ③With a burst  of     laughter, Wang Xifeng burst  into     the room, whose flattering(讨好的)words made Mrs. Jia burst  into     laugh- ter. ④Two good  bursts     (burst) from the extinguisher and the fire was put out. (2016课标全国Ⅰ) ◆一句多译 不管什么时候回忆起这个有趣的故事,我都会忍不住笑起来。 ⑤Whenever I recall this funny story,  I can't help bursting out laughing     . ⑥No matter when I think of this funny story,  I can't help bursting into laughter     . 点拨 burst in/burst into a room闯入;突然破门而入 burst out 突然开始   突然哭起来/笑起来 a burst of...突然的一阵 …… [助记]       2.ruin n .毁灭;废墟 vt .毁灭;使破产 教材原句 ①In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in  ruins     (ruin). ◆单句填空 ②Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being reduced    to     ruins, the city took on a new look. ③With time going on, the castle which was once very beautiful is now completely  in     ruins. ④Drunk driving not only ruined   himself     (him) but also killed several passers-by. ⑤Who would want   to ruin     (ruin) their good workout by eating junk food? (2018 课标全国 Ⅱ) ◆用ruin, damage, destroy的适当形式填空 ⑥He was injured badly in a big fire, which  destroyed     the building completely. The accident did much  damage     to his health and  ruined     his future. 点拨 lie/be in ruins 成为废墟 fall into ruin 衰落,败落 be reduced to ruins 沦为废墟 ruin oneself 毁掉自己;自取灭亡 ruin one's health/fame/future毁掉某人的健康/声誉/前途 ruin 表示“毁掉、毁坏”,是指在一定过程中逐渐对物体进行破坏。也可用于表示抽象意义 damage 指程度较小的损坏,一般是可以修复的,可用作动词或名词。作名词时通常用作不可数名词,构成词组do/cause damage to sb./sth. destroy 表示“毁坏”,通常指彻底毁掉或毁灭,也可用于损坏抽象的东西,如名誉、计划、信心等 [词义辨析] 3.injure vt .损害;伤害 教材原句 ①Two-thirds of them died or  were injured     (injure)during the earth- quake. ◆单句填空 ②These chemicals come from the  injured     (injure) parts of the plant and seem to be an alarm. (2017课标全国Ⅱ) ◆完成句子 我当时系着安全带。如果没系的话,我可能就受伤了。(2016天津) ③I was wearing a seat belt. If I hadn't been wearing one, I  would have been injured     . 点拨 (1)injured adj .受伤的 the injured伤员 (2)injury n .伤;伤口;伤害 do oneself an injury伤害某人自己 [点津] the injured作主语时,谓语动词常常使用复数形式。 4.bury vt .掩埋;埋葬;使隐藏 教材原句 ①The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury     (bury) the dead. ◆单句填空 ②He stood on the sidewalk with his hands  buried     (bury) in the pock- ets. ③He sank down on the ground,  burying    (bury) his face in his hands. ◆一句多译 由于他埋头于书本,所以不知道外面在下雨。 ④Because he  buried himself in     his book, he didn't know it was rain- ing outside. ⑤Because he  was buried in     his book, he didn't know it was raining outside. ⑥  Burying himself in     his book, he didn't know it was raining outside. ⑦  Buried in     his book, he didn't know it was raining outside. 点拨 bury...in...把 …… 埋到 …… 里;使 …… 沉浸于 …… bury oneself in埋头于;专心于;沉浸于 be buried in埋头于;专心于;沉浸于 [联想] 表示“专心于;致力于”的其他常见短语: be devoted to;be lost/engaged/absorbed in;focus/concentrate on;fix/concen- trate one's attention on 5.judge vt .断定;判断;判决 n .裁判员;法官 教材原句 ①Your speech was heard by a group of five  judges     (judge), all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year. ◆单句填空 ②If he had played a part in the film, he would  have been judged     (judge) to be the best actor. ③  Judging     (judge) from the story, we can come to the conclusion that we can't judge a book  by     its cover. ◆完成句子 ④  As far as I can judge     , it is wrong for them to let some students carry mobile phones. 我认为,他们让某些学生带手机是错误的。 ◆单句改错 ⑤Judged from his expression, he was not satisfied with the answer.     Judged→Judging     点拨 judge...from/by...从 …… 来判断 …… don't judge a book by its cover不要以貌取人,勿以外表做评判 as far as I can judge据我判断;我认为 [点津] judging from/by“从 …… 来看;根据 …… 来判断”,用在句首时为一个独 立成分,不受句子主语和时态的影响。 1.at an end 结束;终结 教材原句 ①It seemed as if the world was at  an     end!仿佛到了世界末日! 重点短语 ◆单句填空 ②By the end of last week, I  had finished     (finish)most of the work. ③He debated buying a new car, but didn't  in     the end. ④Driverless cars may end up  being     (be) a form of public transport rather than vehicles you own...(2017天津) ◆一句多译 昨晚,会议八点钟结束。 ⑤  The meeting was at an end at 8 last night     (at an end) ⑥  The meeting came to an end at 8 last night     (come to an end) ⑦  The meeting was brought to an end at 8 last night     (bring...to an end) 点拨 (1)at the end of在 …… 尽头/末端 in the end最后,终于 by the end of 到 …… 时候为止(常与完成时连用) put/bring an end to sth.使 …… 结束 come to an end完成;结束 (2)end up with以 …… 结束 end up doing sth.以做某事结束 end up in以 …… 告终;结果为 …… 2.a (great) number of 许多;大量的 教材原句 ①Such  a     great number of people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping. ◆单句填空 ②—A number of students   are     (be) in the dining hall now. —Yes. The number of the students    is     (be) about 400. ③Over the years, there  have been     (be) a number of different tech-niques to help designers approach this important point. (2018课标全国Ⅰ) ◆选词填空(a number of/the number of) ④Now  a number of     college graduates are seeking to get a well-paid job. But  the number of     posts available for them is often not enough. ◆单句改错 ⑤Large quantities of nuts is found inside the trees.  is→are     ⑥A good many disasters has damaged the old building.  has→have     点拨 (1)a number of意为“若干;许多”,后接名词复数。用作主语时,谓语动 词一般用复数形式。 (2)the number of意为“ …… 的数量”,其后接名词复数。用作主语时,谓 语动词一般要用单数形式。 [扩展] (1)“large quantities of+名词”后通常跟动词复数形式; (2)“a great/good many+可数名词复数”后通常跟谓语动词复数形式。 1.as if似乎;仿佛 教材原句 ①It seemed as if the world  was     (be) at an end! ◆单句填空 ②When a pencil is partly put into water, it looks as if it  were     (be)bro- ken. ③He opened his mouth as if  to say     (say) something. 重点句型 ◆同义句转换 ④The tennis player is lying on the floor as if she were hurt badly. →The tennis player is lying on the floor  as if hurt     badly. ◆单句改错 ⑤He talks about Rome as if that he had been there before.  去掉that     ◆完成句子 在回答问题的时候,我同桌看起来很紧张。(It seemed as if...) ⑥  It seemed as if my deskmate was very nervous     when he answered the question. 点拨 as if(=as though)在句中引导表语从句;它也可以引导状语从句。 [联想] as if/though从句使用虚拟语气的三种情况: ①与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时,be动词用were; ②与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had+过去分词”; ③与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would/could+动词原形”。 [点津] as if/though引导的状语从句的主语和主句的主语相同,且从句谓语中含 有be动词时,可省略从句中的主语和be动词,后面直接跟名词(短语)、不 定式、形容词、介词短语或分词等。 2.all...not...并非所有 …… 都 …… 教材原句 ①  All     hope was not lost.不是所有的希望都破灭了。 ◆句型转换:把下列部分否定的句子改为全部否定句 ②I do not remember all the details.  I remember none of the details.     ③Both of them are not my brothers.  Neither of them is my brother.     ④Not everything she did pleased him.  Nothing she did pleased him.     ⑤She is not always excited.  She is never excited.     ◆一句多译 不是所有的人都愿意帮助他人。 ⑥  All people are not willing to help others.     (all...not) ⑦  Not all people are willing to help others.     (not all...) 点拨 该句是表示部分否定的句型,all...not...=not all...,意为“并非所有的 …… 都 …… ”。 [联想] ①英语中的all, both, each, every, everybody, everything, completely, al- ways, whole, entirely等词与否定词连用,无论否定词位置如何,均构成部 分否定,表示“并非都”的意思。 ②no,none,never,nobody,neither,nothing,no more,no longer等表示否定意 义的词或短语与表肯定意义的谓语动词一起使用时,构成全部否定。

