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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 一、刷黑板—— Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉)‎ ‎[第一屏听写]‎ ‎1.boyhood n.      少年时代 ‎2.bet n. 赌;打赌 vi.&vt. 打赌;赌钱 ‎3.penniless adj. 贫困的;身无分文的 ‎4.pavement n. 人行道 ‎5.bay n. 海湾 ‎6.nightfall n. 黄昏 ‎7.passage n. 船费(包括食宿);通道;(一)段 ‎8.embassy n. 大使馆;大使及其官员                         ‎ ‎[第二屏听写]‎ ‎9.charity n.       慈善(团体);施舍 ‎10.steak n. (供煎、烤的)肉块;鱼排;牛排 ‎11.pineapple n. 菠萝 ‎12.dessert n. 餐后甜点 ‎13.issue vt.&vi. 发行(钞票等);发布(命令);出版(杂志等)‎ ‎14.fake n. 假货;欺骗 adj. 假的 ‎15.barber n. 理发师                        ‎ ‎ [第三屏听写]‎ Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英)‎ ‎1.birthplace n.     出生地;故乡 ‎2.novel n. 小说;长篇故事 adj. 新奇的;异常的 ‎3.phrase n. 短语;词组;惯用语 ‎4.author n. 著者;作家 ‎5.scene n. (戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色 ‎6.wander vi. 漫游;漫步;漂泊                         ‎ ‎[第四屏听写]‎ ‎7.businessman n.    商人 ‎8.permit vt.&vi. 许可;允许;准许 n. 通行证;许可证;执照 ‎9.ahead adv. 在前;向前;提前 ‎10.stare vi. 凝视;盯着看 ‎11.fault n. 过错;缺点;故障                         ‎ ‎ [第五屏听写]‎ ‎12.spot vt.       发现;认出 n. 斑点;污点;地点 ‎13.account vi.&vt. 认为;说明;总计有 n. 说明;理由;计算;账目 ‎14.seek vt.&vi. 寻找;探索;寻求 ‎15.patience n. 耐性;忍耐 ‎16.contrary n. 反面;对立面 adj. 相反的;相违的                         ‎ ‎[第六屏听写]‎ ‎17.envelope n.      信封 ‎18.unbelievable adj. 难以置信的 ‎19.amount n. 数量 ‎20.rude adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的 ‎21.manner n. 礼貌;举止;方式 ‎22.scream vi. 尖声叫 n. 尖叫声;喊叫声                         ‎ ‎[第七屏听写]‎ ‎23.genuine adj.    真的;真诚的 ‎24.rag n. 破布;碎布 ‎25.indeed adv. 真正地;确实;实在 ‎26.bow vi.& n. 鞠躬;弯腰 ‎27.adventure n. 奇遇;冒险 ‎28.bring_up 抚养;培养;教育;提出;呕吐 ‎29.make_a_bet 打赌                         ‎ ‎[第八屏听写]‎ ‎30.go_ahead       前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说 ‎31.by_accident 偶然;无意中;不小心 ‎32.stare_at 盯着看;凝视 ‎33.account_for 是……的原因;解释 ‎34.on_the_contrary 与此相反;正相反 ‎35.take_a_chance 冒险 ‎36.in_rags 衣衫褴褛 ‎37.as_for 关于;至于                          ‎ 二、刷清单—— ‎(一)核心单词 阅 读 单 词 ‎1.boyhood n.  少年时代 ‎2.bet n. 赌;打赌 vi.&vt. 打赌;赌钱 ‎3.penniless adj. 贫困的;身无分文的 ‎4.pavement n. 人行道 ‎5.bay n. 海湾 ‎6.nightfall n. 黄昏 ‎7.passage n.船费(包括食宿);通道;(一)段 ‎8.embassy n. 大使馆;大使及其官员 ‎9.charity n. 慈善(团体);施舍 ‎10.steak n. (供煎、烤的)肉块;鱼排;牛排 ‎11.pineapple n. 菠萝 ‎12.dessert n.  餐后甜点 ‎13.issue vt.&vi. 发行(钞票等);发布(命令);出版(杂志等)‎ ‎14.fake n. 假货;欺骗 adj. 假的 ‎15.barber n. 理发师 表 达 单 词 ‎1.novel n.      小说;长篇故事 adj. 新奇的;异常的 ‎2.scene n. (戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色 ‎3.wander vi. 漫游;漫步;漂泊 ‎4.stare vi. 凝视;盯着看 ‎5.fault n. 过错;缺点;故障 ‎6.spot vt. 发现;认出 n. 斑点;污点;地点 ‎7.account vi.&vt. 认为;说明;总计有 n. 说明;理由;计算;账目 ‎8.seek vt.&vi. (sought, sought)‎ ‎ 寻找;探索;寻求 ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.I am interested in western culture, and love reading English novels (小说).‎ ‎2.Why should I say sorry when it's not my fault (过错)?‎ ‎3.The girl is staring (盯着看) at the stranger with her eyes wide open.‎ ‎4.Would you like to enjoy the scenes (景色) in the mountains with me?‎ ‎5.The reason he gave to account (说明) for his absence was unbelievable.‎ ‎6.The boys wandered (漫步) around the town with nothing to do.‎ ‎7.It is good manners (礼貌) for an Arab to stand close to his friends when they are talking.‎ ‎9.amount n. 数量 ‎10.manner n. 礼貌;举止;方式 ‎11.contrary n. 反面;对立面 adj. 相反的;相违的 拓展单词 ‎1.adventure n.奇遇;冒险→adventurous adj.冒险的 ‎2.permit vt.&vi.许可;允许;准许n.通行证;许可证;执照→permission n.许可;允许 ‎3.patience n.耐性;忍耐→patient adj.忍耐的;耐心的n.病人→patiently adv.耐心地 ‎4.unbelievable adj.难以置信的→believable adj.可信的→believe v.相信;信任→belief n.信念;信仰 ‎5.rude adj.粗鲁的;无礼的→rudeness n.粗鲁;无礼貌 ‎6.genuine adj.真的;真诚的→genuinely adv.真正地;真诚地 ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.I must offer him an apology for my rudeness (rude) last night.‎ ‎2.My husband loves adventurous (adventure) life while I enjoy a more peaceful life.‎ ‎3.Although the patient was out of patience,_the nurse was still patient with her work and did it patiently.(patience)‎ ‎4.He is the most believable person, but on the other hand, how unbelievable it is that he should believe in the liar.(believe)‎ ‎(二)常用短语 写准记牢 语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)‎ ‎1.bring_up      抚养;培养;教育;提出 ‎2.stare_at  凝视;盯着看 ‎3.account_for 是……的原因;解释 ‎4.on_the_contrary 与此相反;正相反 ‎5.go_ahead 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说;开始做 ‎6.by_accident 偶然;无意中;不小心 ‎7.a_large_amount_of 许多;大量 ‎8.take_a_chance 冒险 ‎1.Success in life doesn't happen by_accident. It's the result of devoting your time and energy to what you've set out to do.‎ ‎2.He seems to be giving the impression that he didn't enjoy himself in Paris. On_the_contrary,_he had a wonderful time.‎ ‎3.I got so fed up with waiting for him to do it that I just went_ahead and did it myself.‎ ‎4.He likes summer, but as_for me, I like winter much better.‎ ‎9.in_rags 衣衫褴褛 ‎10.as_for 关于;至于 ‎11.from_the_bottom_of_one's_heart ‎ 发自内心 ‎12.make_a_bet 打赌 ‎13.on_the_scene 在现场 ‎14.find_fault_with 吹毛求疵;找毛病 ‎5.This afternoon, just as I was doing my business, a man dressed in_rags stepped into my shop and begged me for some money.‎ ‎6.Not until all the employees were scolded did he account_for his absence from work.‎ ‎7.She hurried to the front of the computer nervously, with her eyes closely staring_at the screen.‎ ‎(三)经典句式 原句背诵 句式解构 佳句仿写 ‎1.Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. ‎ 嗯,傍晚时分我发现自己被一阵大风刮到海上去了。‎ ‎“find+宾语+宾补”结构。‎ 为英语演讲比赛做准备时,我发现收集信息和正确使用语言非常具有挑战性。‎ When preparing for the English speech contest, I found_it_very_challenging_to_collect_information and use language correctly.‎ ‎2.The next morning I'd just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship. ‎ 第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。‎ had just done ...when ...“ 刚做完……,这时……”。‎ 我刚刚坐下来工作就发现有东西正在墙上挪动。‎ I had_just_sat_down_to_work_when I spotted something moving on the wall.‎ ‎3.And it was the ship that brought you to England. ‎ 正是那艘船把你送到了英国。‎ It is/was ... that/who ...强调句型。‎ 不是兴趣而是市场需求影响着大学生的专业选择。‎ It_is_not_their_interest_but_the_need_of_the_market_that influences students' choices of college majors.‎ ‎4.Indeed, sir, I hope you'll come here whenever you like.‎ 真的,先生,我希望您随时光临。‎ whenever引导让步状语从句。‎ 没有人比我们的父母更关心我们,无论何时我们有困难他们总会乐于帮助我们。‎ Nobody is more concerned about us than our parents, who are willing to come to our ‎ assistance whenever_we_are_in_trouble.‎ ‎(四)初中考点再回顾 高频考查类——记熟 文化差异类——辨清 易忘易错类——勤览 ‎1.for_fun    为了消遣 ‎2.go_out 出去;离开 ‎3.go off 发出响声 ‎4.go on vacation 在度假 ‎5.grow fruits and vegetables ‎ 种植水果和蔬菜 ‎6.hang out 闲逛 ‎1.on_the_phone_   在打电话中 ‎2.rain_hard/heavily 下大雨 ‎ ‎3.help out 帮助完成某事 ‎4.get into a fight 争吵 ‎5.a big deal 重要的事情 ‎6.a waste of time 浪费时间 ‎1.speaking skills    口语技能 ‎2.spoken English 英语口语 ‎3.Englishspeaking adj. 说英语的 ‎4.learning habits 学习习惯 ‎5.read the text aloud朗读课文 ‎6.speak louder 大声些 一、过重点单词—— ‎1.scene n.(戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色;事发地点 ‎[高考佳句] The scene reminds me of the days we spent on the farm ten years ago.(2015·上海高考满分作文)‎ 这场景让我想起了10年前我们在农场的那段日子。‎ on the scene        在现场;当场;在台上 behind the scenes 在幕后;暗中 appear/come on the scene 出场;登场 ‎[题点全练] 单句语法填空 ‎①Nine people died on the scene and one more person died in hospital in the car crash.‎ ‎②The students were able to go behind the scenes (scene) to see how programmes were made.‎ ‎③On receiving the call, the police rushed to the scene, where a traffic accident happened.‎ ‎[名师指津] scene有“场景;场面;事发地点”的含义,后接定语从句,且关系词在定语从句中作状语时,一般用关系副词where或in which来引导。‎ ‎2.permit vt.& vi.许可;允许;准许 n.许可证;通行证;执照 ‎[经典例句] For the sake of historical accuracy, please permit us to state the true facts.‎ 为忠于历史,请允许我们阐述真正的事实。‎ ‎(1)permit sb. to do sth.  允许某人做某事 permit doing sth. 允许做某事 sth. permitting ... ……许可的话(独立主格)‎ ‎(2)a driving permit 驾驶执照 ‎(3)permission n. [U] 允许;许可 without permission 未经允许 ask for permission 请求允许 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Employees are permitted to_use (use) the golf course during their free hours.‎ ‎②You should know that no photos are to be taken of the exhibits without permission (permit).‎ ‎③The rules of the school do not permit parking (park) near the school gate.‎ 补写句子 ‎④Time_permitting,_I will see you after the meeting.‎ 时间允许的话,会议结束后我去看你。‎ 动词permit 的常见用法为:permit doing sth./sb. to do sth.,有类似用法的动词还有:‎ ‎①allow doing sth./sb. to do sth.   允许(某人)做某事 ‎②forbid doing sth./sb. to do sth. 禁止(某人)做某事 ‎③advise doing sth./sb. to do sth. 建议(某人)做某事 ‎④encourage doing sth./sb. to do sth. 鼓励(某人)做某事   ‎ ‎3.account vi.& vt.认为;说明;总计有n.说明;理由;计算;账目;报道 ‎[教材原句] The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.‎ 事实上我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我衣冠不整的原因了。‎ ‎(1)account for   解释;是……的原因;占……(比例)‎ ‎(2)on account of 由于;因为 on no account 决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)‎ 考虑……‎ ‎[多角练透]‎ 补全句子 ‎①It is said that body language accounts_for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.‎ 据说身体语言占第一印象的55%,而你说的话只占7%。‎ ‎②On_no_account must employees make personal telephone calls from the office.‎ 雇员们决不允许在办公室打私人电话。‎ 单句写作 ‎③我真诚地希望你将考虑我的建议。(2014·浙江高考满分作文)‎ I sincerely hope that you will take_my_suggestions_into_account/consideration.‎ ‎[联想发散] on no account意为“决不”,放在句首时常引起句子的部分倒装,有类似用法的还有:by no means, in no way, in no case, on no condition, under no circumstances, at no time等。‎ ‎4.seek vt.& vi. (sought, sought)寻找;探索;寻求 ‎[经典例句] Always seek professional legal advice before entering into any agreement.‎ 在签订任何协定之前一定要先征求法律专业人士的意见。‎ seek to do sth.       试图做某事 seek (for/after) sth. 寻找/追求……‎ seek out 挑选/找出 seek one's fortune 寻找致富之路;碰运气 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①How can we seek out a really good person for the job?‎ ‎②He is a man who likes seeking after/for wealth and power.‎ ‎③We seek to_help (help) every student discover the joy and fulfillment in the obtainment of knowledge. ‎ 补全句子 ‎④The fact is that nowadays many young people are seeking_their_fortune in big cities.‎ 事实是现在很多年轻人正在大城市寻找发财的机会。‎ ‎[联想发散] 表示“寻找”的短语还有:look for, search for, hunt for等。‎ ‎5.manner n.礼貌;举止;方式;方法;态度;礼仪;习俗 ‎[经典例句] The manner in which young children are spoken to varies depending on who is present.‎ 对小孩子说话的方式视在场的人不同而有所变化。‎ in a ...manner     以……的方式 It's bad/good manners to do sth.‎ ‎ 做……是没有/有礼貌的 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①The work should have been done in a more satisfactory manner.‎ ‎②The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable. ‎ 补全句子 ‎③It's_bad_manners_to_break_in while others are speaking.‎ 当别人说话的时候插嘴是不礼貌的。‎ ‎[名师指津] 当manner意为“方式;方法;举止;态度”时,常用单数形式;当它意为“礼貌;礼仪;习俗”时,常用复数形式。‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Good manners (manner) are a very important key to your social success.‎ ‎2.It is very important to teach their children how to deal with others' kindness and rudeness (rude).‎ ‎3.I was_wandering (wander) along the pavement yesterday when some strangers came up and asked me the way to the police station.‎ ‎4.Finally he lost his patience (patient) and started to yell at his mother. ‎ ‎5.Many people spend years seeking (seek) for peace of mind, often with little success.‎ ‎6.His health does not permit him to_climb (climb) the hill. ‎ ‎7.After the traffic accident happened, the police were on the scene at once.‎ ‎8.It would be unbelievable (believe) that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.The manager had mercy on the children dressed in rag and gave them some food.rag→rags ‎2.He is such a man who is always finding faults with other people.faults→fault ‎3.Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with patient.patient→patience ‎4.I need to call my dad and ask for permit before we go out.permit→permission ‎5.When the man was trying to break into the bank, he was caught by the police in the spot.in→on ‎6.He is always polite. He is a man of good manner.manner→manners Ⅲ.根据提示词补全句子 ‎1.开残疾人的玩笑是不礼貌的。(manner)‎ It_is_bad_manners to make fun of the disabled people. ‎ ‎2.她一听到消息就来到了现场。(scene)‎ She came_on_the_scene the moment she heard the news.‎ ‎3.你只要问明白怎样申请借书证就行了,用借书证你可以经常把书借出来。(permit)‎ You simply ask how to apply for a library card, which will_permit_you_to_take _books_out_regularly.‎ ‎4.你不开收据,我们回去怎么解释?(account)‎ If you don't give us a receipt, how are we going to account_for it?‎ 二、过短语、句式—— ‎1.bring up培养;抚养;养育;教育;提出;呕吐 ‎[经典例句] It was hard for her to bring up half a dozen children alone.‎ 一个人抚养六个孩子,真难为她了。‎ ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中bring up的含义 ‎①Born into a family with three brothers, David was brought up to value the sense of sharing.教育 ‎②He brought up a practical plan in the meeting, which brought down the cost of production.提出 ‎③He was drunk and brought up what he had eaten at midnight.呕吐 ‎④Brought up in a big city, he found it quite difficult to fit in the countryside. 抚养 ‎[归纳拓展]‎ bring about    引起;产生;导致;带来 bring sth. back 使某物恢复;带回某物;使想起某事 bring down 让……降下来;使倒下;降低;打倒 bring in 引入;赚(钱);生产 ‎⑤The reason why the goods are sold at such low prices is that the manufacturers are willing to bring_down_prices in return for big volume of purchases.‎ 货物被以如此低的价格卖出的原因就是厂商愿意降低价格来换取大批量的采购。‎ ‎2.take a chance冒险;试图做某事;碰运气 ‎[经典例句]  We decided to take a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors. ‎ 我们决定与老天爷赌一把,在户外聚会。 ‎ ‎(1)take a chance=take chances    碰运气 ‎(2)by chance=by accident 偶然;碰巧 ‎(3)(The) chances are that ... 有可能……‎ There is a chance that ... 可能……‎ ‎(4)have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①The player is under good treatment and the chances are that he will recover from his injury in time for the next game.‎ ‎②Since there was no way out, the robber decided to_take (take) a chance on his luck to see if he could run away.‎ ‎③By chance/accident, he found the place where his brother had hidden the treasure.‎ 补全句子 ‎④Moreover, I consider_it_a_golden_chance_to_tour_around_China to enjoy the wonderful scenery and taste the inviting food here and there.‎ 另外,我认为这是一个绝好的机会,可以在中国游玩,到处欣赏美景,品尝美食。 ‎ ‎3.find+宾语+宾补 Well, towards nightfall I found_myself_carried_out to sea by a strong wind. ‎ 嗯,傍晚时分我发现自己被一阵大风刮到海上去了。‎ find 的复合宾语结构如下:‎ ‎(1)find+宾语+ ‎(2)find+it+形容词/名词+to do (it是形式宾语,to do是真正的宾语)‎ ‎①I entered the room and found_the_window_broken.‎ 我走进房间发现窗户被打破了。‎ ‎②After wandering around, we found_ourselves_back at the hotel.‎ 我们四处漫步后发现自己又回到了旅馆。‎ ‎③Some students find_it_not_easy_to_understand English grammar.‎ 一些学生发现理解英语语法不容易。‎ ‎4.It is/was ... that/who ...强调句型 And it_was the ship that brought you to England.‎ 正是那艘船把你送到了英国。‎ ‎(1)强调句的基本句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分。‎ ‎(2)强调句的一般疑问句:Is/Was it +被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分?‎ ‎(3)强调句的特殊疑问句:疑问词(被强调部分)+is/was+it+that+句子其他部分?‎ ‎(4)not ... until ...结构的强调句型:It is/was not until ... that ...‎ ‎①You are waiting at a wrong place. It_is_at_the_hotel_that the coach picks up tourists.(2016·天津高考单选)‎ 你等错地方了。长途公共汽车是在旅馆接的游客。‎ ‎②Was_it because Jack came late for school that Mr.Smith got angry?‎ 史密斯先生很生气是因为杰克上学迟到吗?‎ ‎③What_was_it_that made his parents so happy?‎ 到底是什么事使他父母这么高兴?‎ ‎④It_was_not_until near the end of the letter that she mentioned her own plan.‎ 直到将近信的结尾她才提及了自己的计划。‎ ‎[名师指津] (1)强调句型通常用来强调句子的主语、宾语、状语等,不能强调谓语。对句子的谓语动词强调时用“do/does/did+动词原形”。‎ ‎(2)判断句子是否为强调句型的方法:把it is/was和that/who去掉,再把被强调部分归位到它本来的位置,句子完整,则为强调句。‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.She went about telling me the great difficulty that my mum had bringing (bring) me up.‎ ‎2.When he came to himself, he found himself locked (lock) in the room.‎ ‎3.It is the children who/that are making so much noise in the garden.‎ ‎4.Tom's careless driving accounted for the accident yesterday.‎ ‎5.Under the rules of the game, you really never know what will happen in the future. You have to take a chance!‎ ‎6.Yesterday I was wandering in the street when I met my neighbor by accident.‎ ‎7.You were not boring us. On the contrary, your wonderful speech interested us a lot.‎ ‎8.Children should be taught not to stare at or laugh at the disabled people.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.When we wanted to go through the forest, we found ourselves losing.losing→lost ‎2.I had just finished writing the novel then the electricity was cut off.then→when ‎3.You think I like English very much; in the contrary, I hate it most.in→on ‎4.He wanted to know that the manager had said at the meeting.that→what ‎5.He said you were too young to understand the matter and you were asked not to care about it.and后加that Ⅲ.根据提示词和相关要求补全句子 ‎1.(2015·全国卷Ⅰ满分作文)无论何时你需要帮助,我希望你可以联系我。(whenever)‎ Whenever_you_need_help,_I hope you can get in touch with me.‎ ‎2.如果你有一份工作,务必要全力以赴地去做,最终你会成功的。(do强调句式)‎ If you have a job, do_devote_yourself_to_it_and_finally_you_will_succeed.‎ ‎3.昨天她刚写完作业她妈妈就让她练习弹钢琴。(had just done ... when ...)‎ She had_just_finished_her_homework_when her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.‎ ‎4.我们转过身来时发现小女孩在湖中挣扎,大声呼救。(find sb. doing)‎ We turned around and found_the_girl_struggling in the lake, crying for help.‎ Ⅳ.一句多译/句型转换 ‎1.众所周知,大西洋仅有太平洋的一半大。‎ ‎①It_is_wellknown_that the Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific Ocean.(it作形式主语)‎ ‎②As_is_wellknown,_the Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific Ocean.(定语从句)‎ ‎③What_is_wellknown is that the Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific Ocean.(主语从句)‎ ‎2.No matter what one does, one should do it with confidence.‎ ‎→Whatever_one_does,_one should do it with confidence.‎ ‎3.As a matter of fact,he liked reading novels when he was young.(改为强调句)‎ ‎→As a matter of fact, he did_like reading novels when he was young.‎ 三、过语法、写作—— ‎(一)单元小语法——宾语从句和表语从句 Ⅰ.单句改错 ‎1.The question discussed at the meeting was if it was worth trying.if→whether ‎2.My parents are very kind to me and always let me do that I think I should do.that→what ‎3.The trouble is I lost the key to my room. is后加that ‎4.If I'm a bit sleepy, it's why I was up all night.why→because ‎5.I think it necessary we take plenty of boiled water every day.necessary_后加that ‎6.He insisted that all of us were there on time by any means.were→be Ⅱ.用适当的连接词填空 I am going to tell you an unbelievable thing that happened in my restaurant today. This afternoon a poorlydressed gentleman came into my restaurant. Nobody knew 1.who he was. We wondered 2.why he was so hungry. We were surprised 3.that he finished two orders of food in a very limited time. We doubted 4.if/whether the man was able to pay the bill. The gentleman asked 5.if/whether we would mind waiting for just a few minutes. Then we were shocked to see 6.that he took out of an envelope — a million pound banknote.‎ I asked Mr. Clements 7.if/whether it was genuine. Mr. Clements said it was true because two of this amount had been issued by the Bank of England this year. He thought 8.what the gentleman showed us couldn't be a fake.‎ ‎9.That a gentleman with a million pound note was in rags and ate in our small restaurant was a big puzzle to all the people there. I really couldn't describe 10.how excited I was.‎ ‎(二)课堂微写作练补写——让行文更条理 ‎[题目要求]‎ 假定你是李津,你的美国朋友Chris就读于天津某国际学校。他热爱中国文化,特别是戏曲文化。8月5日下午2:00在新落成的天津大剧院将上演越剧《梁山伯与祝英台》。请你用英语给Chris写一封100词左右的电子邮件,邀请他一起观看演出。‎ ‎[补写提示] 请按提示线索补写下列习作中的中间段落 Dear Chris,‎ I have good news to tell you. I'd like to invite you to see Butterfly Lovers, a famous Chinese Shaoxing Opera, which is to be put on at the newly built Tianjin Grand Theater at 2:00 pm on August 5th. ‎ 知道你喜欢中国文化_→_参观附近的博物馆或美术馆_→肯定会过得快乐 I'm looking forward to receiving your reply.‎ Best wishes.‎ Yours,‎ Li Jin ‎[答案示例]‎ Dear Chris,‎ I have good news to tell you. I'd like to invite you to see Butterfly Lovers, a famous Chinese Shaoxing Opera, which is to be put on at the newly built Tianjin Grand Theater at 2:00 pm on August 5th.‎ As_you_know,_as_your_close_friend,_I_know_you_are_fond_of_Chinese_culture,_especially_opera_culture.Of_course,_besides_going_to_the_theater,_we_can_do_some_other_meaningful_things,_such_as_visiting_the_museum_or_the_art_gallery_nearby,_which_both_contain_a_lot_of_items_of_great_value._I'm_sure_that_we_will_have_a_good_time.‎ I'm looking forward to receiving your reply.‎ Best wishes.‎ Yours,‎ Li Jin Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Summer Camps in Season!‎ STEM Camp July 10 to August 14, Cost: $180‎ ‎90% of the jobs in the future will require STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education.We find ways to make learning fun and exciting for students to help ensure their futures.Campers participate in fun and engaging STEM activities! Register: www.stemcamp.ca or call 5194756600.‎ Kandalore June 15 to 28, Cost: $2,340‎ The finest traditional camp in Canada, provides the best of both canoe (独木舟) adventures and incamp activities.For more than 65 years, Kandalore has given campers the opportunity to know and be themselves.We create a warm and supportive environment where kids can express their unique self, grow in selfconfidence and build lifetime friendships.Register: www.kandalore.com or call 4163229735.‎ ESL Summer Camp June 25 to July 21, Cost: $5,500‎ Pickering College has an exciting ESL summer camp for students aged 12-18 who want to learn English and experience the wonders of summer at our 42acre campus; students enjoy the excellent dormitory, dining, academic, and social facilities of one of Canada's oldest independent schools.Register: www.pickeringcollege.on.ca or call 9051758900.‎ DEEP Summer Academy August 16 to 26, Cost: $465‎ We provide highly motivated high school students from across the world with the opportunity for advanced study in a variety of engineering, technology, business and science subjects.Organized by the University of Toronto, DEEP is one of the most diverse preuniversity engineering programs all over the world with scholarships. Register: www.outreach.engineering.utoronto.ca or call 4169460816.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了四个夏令营的时间、收费标准、主要活动内容及联系方式等信息。‎ ‎1.Which number should you call if you want to improve your English?‎ A.5194756600.      B.4163229735.‎ C.4169460816. D.9051758900.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三则信息中的“Pickering College has an exciting ESL summer camp for students aged 12-18 who want to learn English”和“call 9051758900”可知D选项正确。‎ ‎2.When will the shortest camp start?‎ A.On July 10. B.On June 15.‎ C.On June 25. D.On August 16.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。综合四则信息可知,DEEP Summer Academy的时间长度是11天,与题干的the shortest camp相符合。所以D选项正确。‎ ‎3.Where can you go if you are interested in the experience of adventure?‎ A.Kandalore. B.STEM Camp.‎ C.ESL Summer Camp. D.DEEP Summer Academy.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二则信息中的“provides the best of both canoe (独木舟) adventures and incamp activities”可知,选项A与题干的“the experience of adventure”‎ 相符合。所以A选项正确。‎ ‎4.How similar are STEM Camp and DEEP Summer Academy?‎ A.They both offer scholarships for students.‎ B.They provide the same courses for students.‎ C.They both prepare students for their development.‎ D.They are both designed for international students.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第一则信息中的“for students to help ensure their futures”和第四则信息中的“We provide highly motivated high school students from across the world with the opportunity for advanced study”可以推断二者都对学生的未来发展(development)有帮助。所以选项C正确。‎ B When I was a boy we used to live across the road from a big hill with huge oak trees growing out of it.When winter arrived, thick and heavy snow would fall, and my two brothers would grab their sleds heading over to the hill for a day of fun.I remember watching them with envy because I was still too small to go sledding.Finally, one winter I was considered big enough and joined my brothers as they carried their sleds up the long hill and prepared to ride down it.‎ The first few trips I rode with one of my brothers had the time of my life.It was so exhilarating when the wind whipped across my face as I flew down the hillside on the wooden sled.Near the end of the day I was too overjoyed when my oldest brother decided to let me try riding the sled all by myself.I climbed on it full of excitement and lay on my stomach.Then with one big push my brother sent me down the snowy hillside.I was doing pretty well too until I hit an old stump hidden by the snow and went off course, straight towards one of those big oak trees.My heart pounded in my chest and I could hear myself screaming.At the last possible second I rolled off and the sled crashed into the tree.I could hear my brothers running down the hill yelling, “You have to steer (操控)! You have to steer!”‎ Sadly, that wasn't the last time I failed to steer when some obstacle knocked me off course in my life.Many times problems, troubles, and my own failures have sent me crashing into the trees of anger, frustration, and despair.I am still learning that life isn't always safe sledding.I am still learning that it is up to me to steer myself back to love, back to kindness, back to goodness, and back to God.‎ Life is a trip, but no one ever said it was a smooth ride.Steer well then.Steer straight.Steer your soul towards the light and the love that are all meant for us.‎ 语篇解读:作者小时候有一次滑雪时差点撞到橡树上,但在最后一刻,作者翻滚到雪地里才得以化险为夷,同时他学到了一个人生道理:学会自我掌控。‎ ‎5.What do we know about the author when he was very young?‎ A.He lived on a big hill with huge oak trees on it.‎ B.He was frightened to go sledding with his brothers.‎ C.He longed to go sledding with his brothers.‎ D.He carried his brothers' sleds as they went sledding.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“I remember watching them with envy because I was still too small to go sledding.”可知,作者因为年龄太小不能去滑雪,只能嫉妒地看着哥哥们玩。据此可知,作者小时候很渴望和哥哥们一起滑雪,故C项正确。‎ ‎6.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “exhilarating” in Paragraph 2?‎ A.Delightful. B.Terrifying.‎ C.Ordinary. D.Violent.‎ 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句可知,这句话描述的是作者第一次滑雪时在木雪橇上从山上冲下去,风从脸上刮过时的快感。根据第一段作者渴望滑雪的描述再结合下文中的“overjoyed”可知,作者玩得很开心,据此可以判断,画线词意为“令人愉快的”,故A项正确。‎ ‎7.Why did the author fall off his sled?‎ A.Because his sled crashed into an oak tree.‎ B.Because he lost control of his sled.‎ C.Because his brother pushed it so hard.‎ D.Because the hillside was snowy.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“I was doing pretty well ...one of those big oak trees.”可知,作者撞到了雪地里的一个树桩,然后径直撞向一棵大橡树,再结合该段中的“At the last possible second ...the tree.”可知,作者在快要撞到橡树的那一刻从雪橇上翻滚下来,从而避开了危险。据此可以判断,作者从雪橇上掉下来是因为他失去了对雪橇的控制。故B项正确。‎ ‎8.What does the author mean to tell us?‎ A.Losing control of a sled can be dangerous.‎ B.Courage and determination can change one's life.‎ C.Life can be controlled by oneself.‎ D.Life is a mystery full of coincidences.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。通读全文再结合文章最后一段的前两句“Life is a trip, but no one ever said it was a smooth ride.Steer well then.”可知,作者认为人生的旅程不是一帆风顺的,应该学会掌控生活。据此可以判断,本文旨在告诉读者,人生是可以由自己掌控的,故C项正确。‎ C The popular TV program Readers has prompted more people in China to practice reading ‎ aloud in booths (小间) set up in big cities across the country.‎ As the latest TV show to help people's love for literature recover, the CCTV program Readers invites people from all walks of life to read aloud their favorite poems, essays and books, or even personal letters they wrote to their loved ones.Just as the weekly show has been wellreceived, its reading booths, equipped with professional recording devices and cameras, have become instant hits.‎ A crowd of more than 200 people were pictured lining up outside the Shanghai Library at 11 am on March 4 — the first day of the booth's opening to the public in Shanghai.The deadline for registrations was brought forward to 2 pm instead of the scheduled 5:30 pm, as the number of waiting readers continued to grow.Some waited more than nine hours for a tryout in the booth, according to library management.‎ ‎“There is an old photo in the late 1970s capturing people lining up outside the Shanghai Library before it opens.If that was a spring of reading in Shanghai, now I think another spring has arrived again,” library manager Zhou Deming, told The Paper.‎ The reading booth is the only one of its kind in the city of economic center at the moment, but more are expected to be put into use in the coming months, according to the library's website.‎ The program has also led to booths in other cities including Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Xi'an to appeal to more people to read and share their life stories.‎ With the recent boom of culturethemed TV shows such as Readers and Chinese Poetry Congress, some are optimistic that this will help the country love literature and reading again in general.‎ 语篇解读:随着CCTV的《朗读者》节目受到人们的欢迎,全国范围开始刮起了“读书风”。各大城市纷纷建立“朗读亭”,人们阅读的热情也越来越高。‎ ‎9.The CCTV program Readers aims to ________.‎ A.teach people what to read B.attract people's attention to CCTV C.invite people to read aloud in the booth D.arouse people's enthusiasm for reading 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“As the latest TV show ...loved ones.”可知,《朗读者》旨在帮助人们重燃对文学及阅读的热情,故D项正确。‎ ‎10.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that ________.‎ A.some people waited for a long time to read in the booth B.March 4 was the first day of the opening of Shanghai Library C.on March 4, 200 people read in the booth D.the time for registrations was lengthened for three and a half hours 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“Some waited more than nine hours for a tryout in the booth, according to library management.”可知,有些人为了能在“朗读亭”里朗读,等了九个多小时。故A项正确。‎ ‎11.The passage mainly tells that ________.‎ A.many people line up to read aloud in reading booths B.more reading booths will be set up in the future C.Readers has become popular all over China D.Readers has inspired more people to read aloud in reading booths 解析:选D 主旨大意题。通读文章可知,本文主要介绍了随着电视节目《朗读者》的流行,“朗读亭”也逐渐兴起,人们的阅读热情得到了极大的激发,故D项正确。‎ D Stephen Wiltshire is a famous artist.His drawings — often drawn from memory and at great speed — are sketched (素描) on the spot at street level.‎ Stephen, who was born in London in 1974, didn't say a word as a small child, and found it hard to relate to other people.At the age of five, Stephen was sent to Queensmill School, London, where it soon became apparent that he communicated through the language of drawing.His teachers encouraged him to speak by taking away his art materials for a short time; eventually he said his first words — “paper” and “pencil” — but didn't learn to speak fully until the age of nine.‎ Stephen loved drawing and he was seldom to be found without pen and paper.Once he took part in art competitions, news of his great talent began to spread.Early fans included the late Prime Minister Edward Heath who bought his drawing of Salisbury Cathedral, made when Stephen was just eight.‎ But Stephen came to wider public attention when the BBC featured him in the programme, “The Foolish Wise Ones” in 1987, when he was introduced by Sir Hugh Casson (a past president of the Royal Academy), as “the best child artist in Britain.”‎ After that, Stephen's reputation grew worldwide.A second BBC documentary in 2001 showed Stephen flying over London in a helicopter and later completing a detailed drawing of London within three hours, which included 12 historic landmarks (地标性建筑) and 200 other structures.‎ In 2006 Stephen was recognised for his services to the art world, when he was made a member of the Order of the British Empire.Today wherever Stephen goes, people are attracted by his outstanding talent.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了天才画家Stephen Wiltshire。他在一个陌生的城市,只要在街上转一圈,就可以把街景建筑全都像电脑一样事无巨细地储存下来,再用画笔还原出来。‎ ‎12.What problem did Stephen have when he was a small child?‎ A.No schools wanted him.‎ B.No teachers liked him.‎ C.He couldn't speak.‎ D.He couldn't spell.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Stephen ... didn't say a word as a small child ... but didn't learn to speak fully until the age of nine”可知,Stephen小时候不会说话。‎ ‎13.When did Stephen become worldfamous?‎ A.After his second BBC documentary.‎ B.After the programme “The Foolish Wise Ones”.‎ C.After he met with the late Prime Minister Edward Heath.‎ D.After Sir Hugh Casson bought his drawing of Salisbury Cathedral.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“After that Stephen's reputation grew worldwide.”,再结合第四段内容可知,Stephen上了BBC的节目“The Foolish Wise Ones”之后开始闻名世界。‎ ‎14.What is special about Stephen's drawing of London?‎ A.It was his greatest work.‎ B.It was drawn in a helicopter.‎ C.It featured historic landmarks.‎ D.It was finished in a short time.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“completing a detailed drawing of London within three hours”可知,Stephen只用了三个小时就完成了伦敦画作。另外第一段中的“His drawings — often drawn from memory and at great speed”也说明了Stephen绘画速度之快。‎ ‎15.The text is likely to appear in ________.‎ A.a novel B.a biography C.an official report D.a history paper 解析:选B 文章出处题。本文按照时间顺序介绍了天才画家Stephen Wiltshire从小至今的主要事迹,因此本文最有可能出自一篇传记。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 My father used to be an amateur wrestler and national champion.He was forced by his father to give up the sport in order to obtain gainful employment, which meant he wouldn't be able to win a medal for our country.Therefore, he made a vow that his unborn son would realize his unfinished dream. __1__‎ He was about to give up hope when one day, my younger sister Babita and I beat up two boys accidentally in response to critical comments.My dad found our potential to become wrestlers and began coaching us.__2__ We were required to do physical training early in the morning and have short haircuts to avoid lice.‎ ‎__3__ We complained about him all the time.Gradually, I realized that he wanted us to have a good future and not grow up to be ordinary housewives.Motivated, we willingly participated in his coaching.‎ With great efforts, he made us competitive wrestlers and I won junior and senior championships, providing me with a chance to gain training in the National Sports Academy, where pride and agony fulfilled my mind.__4__ As a result, I found myself losing every match at the international level.After that, I turned to him for help.Then he coached me patiently.‎ Despite difficulty, I finally became the first Indian female wrestler to qualify for the Olympics, inspiring dozens of Indian women to take to wrestling.Even now, Papa's words are still in my mind “Geeta, think about all the girls who are thought to be inferior to boys, girls who are forced to do chores, girls who are married and have children.Not only will you compete with other countries, but also with those who look down upon women!” I will never forget about father's instruction.__5__‎ A.But his methods were cruel.‎ B.I almost abandoned what Papa had taught me.‎ C.Disappointingly, my mother gave birth to all girls.‎ D.My sister and I tried to escape.‎ E.I will always owe all success to him.‎ F.At first, my sister and I did not understand our father.‎ G.However, my mother didn't agree with him.‎ 语篇解读:“我”的爸爸曾经是业余的摔跤运动员和全国冠军,但被迫放弃了摔跤,他把所有的希望寄托在未出生的儿子身上,但是“我”的妈妈生的都是女孩。一天爸爸发现了“我”和妹妹身上的摔跤天赋,并开始对我们进行严格训练,最终“我”成为印度第一位取得参加奥运会资格的女子摔跤运动员。‎ ‎1.选C 根据空处前一句“Therefore, he made a vow that his unborn son would realize his unfinished dream.”可知,他要让他未出生的儿子实现他未完成的梦;结合第二段第一句“He was about to give up hope when one day ...comments.”可知,他几乎放弃了希望;据此可以判断,“我”的妈妈生的都是女孩,所以父亲很失望,故C项符合语境。‎ ‎2.选A 根据空处后一句“We were required to do physical training early in the morning and have short haircuts to avoid lice.”可知,我们在清晨便要参加训练,必须剪成短发;据此可以判断,父亲的训练方法很残酷,故A项符合语境。‎ ‎3.选F 本段讲述了我们对于爸爸残酷的训练方式从不情愿到接受的心态的变化;根据空处后一句“We complained about him all the time.”可知,我们开始对父亲是抱怨、不理解的。故选F项。‎ ‎4.选B 根据空处后一句“As a result, I found myself losing every match at the international ‎ level.”和下文中的“After that, I turned to him for help.”可知,“我”在国际水平的比赛中总是失败,而上文中讲的却是“我”不断胜利,拿到冠军;由此可知“我”摒弃了爸爸教给“我”的方法,结果在每一场国际水平的比赛中“我”都输了,故选B项。‎ ‎5.选E 本段叙述了爸爸的话,结合空处前一句“I will never forget about father's instruction”可知,“我”不会忘记爸爸的教导,并从全文来看,“我”的成功与爸爸是分不开的。故选E项。‎

