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2019 届一轮复习人教版选修 6 Unit 1-Art 学案设计 单元核心词汇语篇记忆   Abstract artists paint odd designs rather than delicate figures by adopting special techniques ,attempting to give people strong visual impact.However , their works , all with a specific aim of showing emotions,are difficult to understand.Conventional scholars used to predict that this art would not last long , saying it was evidently ridiculous.Nowadays galleries hold superb exhibitions on typical abstract artworks,many of which display contemporary civilizations.Created by artists with great reputation ,these works appeal to many people who have a preference for abstract art.People like collecting such works,but permanent possession of artworks is not easy because they are fragile , especially allergic to damp environment.Consequently,most of them disappear over time. 默写识记 ◆默写单词 1.adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收养 2.typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的 3.evident adj. 明显的;明白的 4.figure n. 画像;身材;数字 5.possess vt. 拥有;具有;支配 6.attempt n. 努力;尝试;企图 vt. 尝试;企图 7.predict vt. 预言;预告;预测 8.preference n. 喜爱;偏爱 9.appeal vi. 有感染力;呼吁求助 vt. 将……上诉 n. 呼吁;恳求 10.aim n. 目标;目的 vi.&vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力 ◆记住词义 1.abstract adj. 抽象的;深奥的 n. 摘要 2.ridiculous adj. 荒谬的;可笑的 3.controversial adj. 争论的;争议的 4.reputation n. 名声;名誉 5.carve vt. 雕刻;刻记 6.Delicate adj. 脆弱的;容易生病的;精致的 7.contemporary adj. 当代的;同时代的 8.permanent adj. 永久的;持久的 9.district n. 区;区域;行政区 10.faith n. 信任;信心;信念 ◆写出短语 1.by coincidence 巧合地 2.on the other hand (可是)另一方面 3.in the flesh 活着的;本人 4.appeal to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 5.break away from 脱离;挣脱 6.lie in 在于 7.scores of 很多;大量 联想拓展 形容词后缀­less 1.Aimless 没有目标的;无目的的 2.limitless 无限制的;无限期的 3.priceless 无价的 4.hopeless 无望的 5.homeless 无家可归的 名词后缀­tion 1.adoption 收养 2.prediction 预言;预告 3.celebration 庆祝 4.attraction 吸引 5.connection 连接 短语串记 1.lead to 导致 2.object to 反对 3.stick to 坚持 4.refer to 查阅 ----------- 5.by chance/accident 偶然地 6.by design 故意地 7.by mistake 错误地 8.by contrast 相对照 ----------- 9.break away from 摆脱;脱离 10.break into (为了盗窃)闯入;突然开始(笑、唱 等) 11.break out 爆发;突然发生 12.break through 突破 ----------- 13.be allergic to 对……过敏 14.be sensitive to 对……敏感 15.be addicted to 对……上瘾 经典例句 ①The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups. 设计得要雅俗共赏,老幼皆宜。 ②If you want to know details of all our products,please refer to our catalogue. 如果想了解我们产品的详细信息,请查阅产品目录。 ③She and I both arrived at the same time by pure coincidence. 我和她同时到达纯属巧合。 ④She restored the book she had taken by mistake. 她把拿错的书放回了原处。 ⑤It is difficult to break away from a habit. 改掉一种习惯是困难的。 ⑥He broke into a happy laugh and rubbed his hands together. 他突然发出愉快的笑声,两只手相互搓着。 ⑦I seldom attend parties because I am allergic to alcohol. 我很少参加聚会,因为我对酒精过敏。 词汇异空间——派生词汇 原词 词义 派生词 词义 faith n. 信任;信心;信 念 faithful adj. faithfully adv. 1.忠实的;守信 的 2.忠实地 possess vt. 拥有;具有;支 配 possession n. 3.所有;财产 adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收 养 adoption n. 4.收养;采用 prefer vt. 喜爱;偏爱 preference n. 5.喜爱;偏爱 predict vt. 预言;预测;预 告 prediction n. 6.预言;预测; 预告 civilize v. 使文明;使开化 civilization n. 7.文明;文化; 文明社会 sign vt.& vi. 签名 signature n. 8.署名;签字 Ⅰ.[原创]语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空) When he was a senior student,Tom had a 1.preference (prefer) for maths.He was in 2.possession of a strange way to solve maths problems.However , his teacher made a 3.prediction (predict) that the 4.adoption (adopt) of that way would lead him to a wrong direction and advised Tom to change.Tom followed his teacher's advice 5.faithfully (faithful).He worked hard at maths,and made great progress.Years later he became a well­known expert in the maths field. Ⅱ.单句填空(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1 . The book explores the relationship between religion and civilization (civilize). 2.When the agreement was reached,the secretary carried the papers to the boss for his signature (sign). ●灵活多变的动词 词汇 词 性 意义 现在分 词 过去分 词 aim vt. 瞄准;努力 aiming aimed adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收养 adopting adopted posses s vt. 拥有;具有;支配 possessi ng possess ed attemp t vt. 尝试;企图 attempti ng attempt ed predic t vt. 预言;预告;预测 predictin g predicte d carve vt. 雕刻;刻记 carving carved appeal vi. 有感染力;呼吁;求 助 appealin g appeale d Ⅰ.[原创]语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空) Jack was fond of 1.carving (carve) things using wood.He 2.aimed (aim) to become a sculptor.Since he 3.possessed (possess) a very good gift , he thought he could succeed by 4.attempting (attempt) to teach himself.Several years passed but Jack failed to achieve his goal.His best friend Jim suggested that he take lessons with a professional sculptor.The suggestion 5.was adopted (adopt) and it didn't take a few years before Jack became a famous sculptor. 【导学号:11470102】 Ⅱ.[原创]语境改错 Williams had been out of work for months.It was hard predict when he could get a ne w job.One day he was wandering in the street when he saw a restaurant possessing by a young couple.He went in,was aimed at asking for some water to drink.They chatted for some minutes and the couple's kind attitude has appealed to him.He was finally offered a job in the restaurant,which was beyond his expectation. 【答案】  Williams had been out of work for months.It was hard ∧ to predict when he could get a ne w job.One day he was wandering in the street when he saw a restaurant possessing possessed by a young couple.He went in, ∧ and / ﹨was aimed at asking for some water to drink.They chatted for some minutes and the couple's kind attitude ﹨has appealed to him.He was finally offered a job in the restaurant,which was beyond his expectation. ①aim at doing sth./ aim to do sth. 力求做某事 be aimed at (doing) sth. 旨在(做)某事 ②possess sth./ be possessed of sth. 拥有;具有 ③attempt to do sth. 试图做某事 an attempted murder 谋杀未遂 an attempted robbery 抢劫未遂 ④be busy doing sth. 忙着做某事 ⑤It is predicted that... 人们预言…… ●相依为命的词搭配 搭配 例释、联想、拓展 动 介 appeal to (对某人)有吸引力; 呼吁 aim at 向……瞄准;力求…… appeal to sb.for sth./to do sth. 呼吁/恳求某人做……;make an appeal to sb.for sth.为…… 向某人发出呼吁或请求 动 副 figure out 算出;解决;理解; 弄清楚 figure in 把……包括在内;计算在内 I was trying to figure out how to swim to the boys in a straight line. 我想弄明白怎样才能直线游 到那些男孩身边。 动 名 take aim at   向……瞄准 have (one's) faith in 相信……;对……有信心 lose faith (in) (对……)失去信 心 make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图做某事 adopt one's suggestion/advice 采纳某人的建议 After repeated failure,he lost faith in himself. 不断的失败之后,他对自己失 去了信心。 The plane crashed unexpectedly when it made an attempt to land/at landing at the airport. 这架飞机在机场试图着陆时 意外坠毁了。 形 be allergic to ...  对……过 Could you be more specific 介 敏 be specific about ... 对……弄 确切 about what you're looking for? 可否请你更明确地说明你要 找的是什么? 介 名 in possession of    拥有 on the other hand 另一方面 at one's first attempt 某人第一 次尝试 in the flesh 活着的;本人 in the possession of sb. 被某 人所拥有 on (the) one hand ... ; on the other hand ...一方面……;另 一方面(却)……;first(ly) ...; second(ly) ... 第 一 …… ; 第 二……; for one thing ...;for another ...一则……;二则…… Ⅰ.[原创]语境填空(填入一个适当的词) Edward was 1.in possession of rich imagination.He liked to figure 2.out how things in space move when he was young.Thanks to his effort and great faith 3.in himself,he became a famous astronomer,making a number of scientific discoveries.Before his death,he put forward a new theory,aiming 4.at helping to find more stars in the universe.His theory appeals greatly 5.to scientists of the world. 【导学号:11470103】 Ⅱ.[原创]语境改错 Bill wanted to invent a kind of medicine which could cure people who were allergic with pollen(花粉).He knew few people would make it in the first attempt.He had tried many times,but in vain.It was typical for Bill to keep up high spirits when faced difficulties.He made more attempts and at last his efforts paid off. 【答案】  Bill wanted to invent a kind of medicine which could cure people who were allergic with to pollen(花粉).He knew few people would make it in at the first attempt.He had tried many times,but in vain.It was typical for of Bill to keep up high spirits when faced difficulties.He made more attempts and at last his efforts paid off. 句法新天地——重点句型 虚拟语气 [教材原句] Without the new paints and the new technique,we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous. 没有新的颜料和新的(绘画)手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时 期著名的杰作。 介词短语 Without the new paints and the new technique 取代了 if 引导的非真实条件状语从句(If there had been no new paints and new technique),主句使用了虚拟语气,表示所说内容与事实相反。 Without your ticket,I wouldn't be able to go to the concert tomorrow. 要是没有你的票的话,我明天就不能去听音乐会了。 I wish to thank Professor Smith,without whose help I would never have got this far. 我想要感谢史密斯教授,没有他的帮助我不会走这么远。 除了 without 之外,but for,otherwise,but 等也常用来表示虚拟 条件。 完全倒装 [ 教 材 原 句]  Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists ,who lived and worked in Paris. 在那些突破传统画法的画家中有印象派画家,他们在巴黎生活和 工作。 表示地点的介词短语位于句首时,有时需要用完全倒装句式。 Into the dark apartment walked David , who was quite surprised when everyone shouted Happy Birthday. 大卫走进了黑暗的房间,当大家喊生日快乐时,他感到很惊讶。 Among all these flowers is included a kind of red rose,which was given by my friend. 在所有这些花中包括一种红玫瑰,是我朋友给的。 (1)out,in,into,down,up,away,here,now,then,there 等 表示方位和时间的副词置于句首,且主语是名词时,句子用完全倒装。 (2)作表语的形容词、分词短语提到系动词前面时,句子也构成全 部倒装,即“形容词/分词+系动词+主语”结构。 (3)代词 such 置于句首,且在句中作表语时,句子也倒装。 即时演练 Ⅰ.[原创]语境填空 In front of the old temple ,there 1.stands (stand) a big tree.But for other people's reminding,I would not 2.have noticed (notice) that it is an rare old tree.3.In the shade of the tree often sit scores of tourists in summer.Obviously , the temple 4.would look (look) lonely without the existence of the tree. 【导学号:11470104】 Ⅱ.[原创]语境改错 Without the map , the tourist would have lost in the forest yesterday.That is,he may not have found his way back home.Fortunately, he walked out of the forest before night fell.At the edge of the forest was stood a small hut ,where the tourist had a good rest.Then he went back home safely.But for this experience,he will never know the importance of a map. 【答案】  Without the map,the tourist would have ∧ been lost in the forest yesterday.That is , he may might not have found his way back home.Fortunately,he walked out of the forest before night fell.At the edge of the forest ﹨was stood a small hut , where the tourist had a good rest.Then he went back home safely.But for this experience ,he will would never know the importance of a map. 冷知识详单——查缺补漏 Ⅰ.单句填空 1.China has a good reputation for fighting against corruption. 2.His paintings were on show at the exhibition last week. 3. Above all,we need to develop a positive attitude towards our studies. 4.To some people,the Sahara Desert is what we call “The Sea of Death”. 5.Hearing the news,he rushed out,leaving (leave) the book lying open on the table. Ⅱ.单句改错 1.The meal she cooks is well worth of a taste. 2.It seems that everybody tells lies—not big lies,but that we call “white lies”. 3.Last month paintings of this artist were at display in this museum. 4.I'm afraid I need score of days to finish writing the novel. 【 答 案 】   1. 去 掉 of   2. 第 二 个 that→what 3 . at → on  4.score→scores Ⅲ.[原创]语境改错 It is typical for Old Tom to help those in need.He himself would rather to live a simple life ,caring little about what called the quality of life.He has a good reputation to being kind and generous.Last month many houses in his village collapsed,left scores of children injured.Tom quickly donated a sum of money for their treatment.Don't you think the old man is well worth being respecting? 【答案】  It is typical for of Old Tom to help those in need.He himself would rather ﹨to live a simple life ,caring little about what ∧ is called the quality of life.He has a good reputation to for being kind and generous.Last month many houses in his village collapsed , left leaving scores of children injured.Tom quickly donated a sum of money for their treatment.Don't you think the old man is well worth ﹨being respecting? 【导学号:11470105】 ①have a good reputation for “因……有好名声”。 ②on display“在展览;在展出”, 同义短语有:on show,on exhibition。 ③attitude 后与介词 to/towards 搭配,意为“对……的态度”。 ④what we call,what people call,what is called 可看作固定用法, 意为“所谓的”。 ⑤leaving the book lying open“让书展开放着”,是现在分词短语, 在句中作伴随状语。 ⑥ be well worth sth./doing “ 很 值 得 ……”, 与 be worthy of sth./being done 意义接近。 ⑦scores of“几十个;许多”,修饰可数名词,与dozens of 意义 接近。但当表示确切数量,如“四十,六十”时,则只能用单数:two score of teenagers“四十个青少年”。 微写作链接——知识运用 [写作提示] 我的目标(aim)是上浙江大学,我的同桌想上厦门大学。我们采用 了(adopt)一种新的学习方法。一方面我们自己努力学习,另一方面(on the other hand),我们更关注(concentrate on)以合作的方式找到解决问 题的最佳途径。通过尝试(attempt)相互交流看法,我们改变了很多(a great deal),现在我能理解(figure out)很多(scores of)原来不会做的题目, 他有了(memorize)记单词的好办法。我们呼吁(appeal)大家彼此帮助, 加强合作。 洋话连篇 作文就是这么简单!! [规避错误] 下面是李明的写作,其中有 5 处语法错误,请你帮他纠正过来。 【答案】 第一句:dream→dreams 第四句:find→finding 第 五句:去掉 for 第六句:what→that/which;word→words

