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高二年级期中英语联考试卷 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ ‎1. What will the woman have?‎ A. Duck. B. Chicken. C. Beef ‎2. Why does the woman ask for another jacket?‎ A. Because of the color. B. Because of the size. C. Because of the material.‎ ‎3. What are the speakers talking about?‎ A. How many languages Victor can speak. B. Which language Victor is good at.‎ C. How Victor uses his languages.‎ ‎4. How will the man go home?‎ A. By car B. On foot. C. By bus.‎ ‎5. What is the woman going to do?‎ A. Go to the museum. B. Visit her friends. C. Attend a concert.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What does the man say about the woman?‎ A. She played volleyball on the school team.‎ B. She seldom asked questions in class.‎ C. She sat at the front in the classroom.‎ ‎7. Where did the man’s father use to work?‎ A. In Miami. B. In London. C. In Paris.‎ 听第7段材料,回答8、9题。‎ ‎8 How did the man feel first when be became the chairman of the Student Union?‎ A. Worried. B. Calm. C. Proud.‎ ‎9. What may the woman do within this month?‎ A. Buy five more books. B. Finish writing a novel. C. Plan well for her ‎ studies.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. Where did the speakers have a bad experience?‎ A. In a karaoke bar. B. In a cinema. C. In a shop.‎ ‎11. Who will get a white dress?‎ A. The woman’s mom. B. The man’s mom.. C. The woman’s grandma.‎ ‎12 What will the speakers do at last?‎ A. Go swimming. B. Go shopping. C. Sing at home.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. What does the man ask for?‎ A. Some chips. B. A cold beer. C. An ice cream.‎ ‎14. How old is the man most probably?‎ A. In his late thirties. B. In his late forties. C. In his late fifties.‎ ‎15. When did the man play football the last time?‎ A. Over five months ago. B. Over one year ago. C. Over five years ago.‎ ‎16. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister. C. Father and daughter.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. Which of the following often decides what the eyes communicate?‎ A. The education level. B. The age range. C. The culture.‎ ‎18. Why do Japanese students avoid eye contact with their teachers?‎ A. To hide their fear. B. To avoid answering questions. C. To show their respect.‎ ‎19. How many students in the test got responses?‎ A. 490 B. 450 C. 400‎ ‎20. What was the result of the test?‎ A. Americans feel uncomfortable with long eye contact.‎ B. Indonesians usually look up in communicating.‎ C. Chinese students often have good manners.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A Throughout history scientists have risked their health and their lives in their search for the truth.‎ Sir Isaac Newton, the seventeenth century scientist, was very smart, but that didn’t stop him from doing some pretty stupid things. In his laboratory in Cambridge he often did the strangest experiments. Once, while testing how light passes through lenses (晶状体), he put a long needle into his eye, pushed it to the back, and then moved it around just to see what would happen. Luckily, nothing long-lasting did. On another occasion he stared at the sun for as long as he could bear, to discover what effect this would have on his sight. Again he escaped suffering permanent damage, though he had to spend some days in a darkened room before his eyes recovered.‎ In the 1750s the Swedish chemist Karl Scheele was the first person to find a way to produce phosphorus (磷). He in fact discovered eight more chemical elements including chlorine (氯), though he didn’t get any praise for them. He was a very clever scientist, but his one failing was a curious habit of tasting a little of every substance he worked with. This risky practice finally caught up with him, and in 1786 he was found dead in his laboratory surrounded by a large number of dangerous chemicals, any of which might have been responsible for his death.‎ Eugene Shoemaker was a respected geologist. He spent a large part of his life studying craters (火山口) on the moon, and how they were formed, and later did research into the comets of the planet Jupiter. In 1997 he and his wife were in the Australian desert where they went every year to search for places where comets might have hit the earth. While driving in the Tanami desert, normally one of the emptiest places in the world, another vehicle crashed into them and Shoemaker was killed on the spot.‎ ‎ Some of his ashes (骨灰) were sent to the moon aboard the Lunar Prospector spacecraft and left there — he is the only person who has had this honor.‎ ‎1. What did Karl Scheele like doing when performing experiments?‎ A. Tasting chemicals. B. Staying in the empty lab.‎ C. Experimenting in darkness. D. Working together with others.‎ ‎2. What special honor was Shoemaker given after his death?‎ A. He was buried in the Tanami desert.‎ B. Some of his ashes were placed on the moon.‎ C. One comet of Jupiter was named after him.‎ D. A spacecraft carrying him traveled around Jupiter.‎ ‎3. The text is mainly about three great scientists’ _____.‎ A. special honors B. great achievements C. famous experiments D. sufferings in the job ‎【答案】1. A 2. B 3. D ‎【解析】‎ 本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了历史上几位冒着生命和健康的危险寻找真相的科学家。‎ ‎【1题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“He was a very clever scientist, but his one failing was a curious habit of tasting a little of every substance he worked with.”可知,卡尔·舍勒有一个奇怪的习惯——他在做实验时喜欢品尝他所研究的化学物质,故A项正确。‎ ‎【2题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Some of his ashes (骨灰) were sent to the moon aboard the Lunar Prospector spacecraft and left there — he is the only person who has had this honor.”可知,尤金·舒梅克死后得到的特别荣誉是他的一些骨灰被留在了月球,故B项正确。‎ ‎【3题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段“Throughout history scientists have risked their health and their lives in their search for the truth.”可知,本文主要介绍了历史上几位冒着生命和健康的危险寻找真相的科学家,也就是介绍的是他们在科学研究中经历的苦难,故D项正确。‎ B More primary care doctors in a community (社区) appear to lead to improved life expectancy for people living there,though a lack of such physicians across U.S. could be a cause of concern for overall population health in years to come.‎ For the study, researchers looked at physician counts per 100,000 people in a range covering 2005 to 2015 in the U. S.,along with life expectancy and specific causes of death. They found that an increase of 10 primary care physicians per 100,000 population was associated with a 51. 5-day increase in life expectancy, while an increase of 10 specialty physicians per 100, 000 population increased life expectancy by 19. 2 days. An increase in primary care physicians also was associated with reductions of many deaths including heart diseases and cancers.‎ Along with those findings, though, the study said many communities did not have primary care physicians in 2015,with the decline in supply more prominent in rural areas than their urban areas. Many believe that a well-functioning health care system requires a solid foundation of primary care, however, payment difference between primary care and technical specialties continue to dispirit the U. S. primary care physician workforce.‎ ‎“Higher pay and lifestyle preferences lead most students to choose non-primary care fields, even when their hearts say primary care,” the study said. “We must turn this trend around with practical changes in physician payment policy; no amount of superb primary care training or creative practice reform will prevent further declines in primary care physician, which will lead to worsening health for the United States. ”‎ The study’s researchers conclude that future research should focus on the “quality and cover of primary care,types of primary care physician training and service offerings, and effective access rather than just supply”.‎ ‎4. What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?‎ A. Provide some data for the readers.‎ B. Offer some tips on life expectancy.‎ C. Add some background information.‎ D. Stress the importance of primary care.‎ ‎5. Which of the following best explains “prominent” underlined in Paragraph 3?‎ A. Adequate. B. Considerate.‎ C. Obvious. D. Reasonable.‎ ‎6. What discourages young people from taking up the primary care?‎ A. Primary care is badly paid.‎ B. They have to work in rural areas,‎ C. They need to face fierce competition.‎ D. Primary care lacks superb training ‎7. What is the main idea of the text?‎ A. Primary care can lengthen life.‎ B. Primary care needs improving.‎ C. Primary care physicians are decreasing.‎ D. Higher pay attracts more primary care physicians ‎【答案】4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文为议论文。文章分析了美国基础保健体系存在的问题的原因,强调了基础保健的重要性。并呼吁改善基础保健的现状。‎ ‎【4题详解】‎ 推理判断题。第二段的内容可知,在10万人中,每增加10名基础保健医生,人们的预期寿命就会延长51.5天,而每增加10名专科医生,预期寿命将会延长19.2天。通过比较可推断出,作者实际是在强调基础保健的重要性。故选D。‎ ‎【5题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。A. Adequate.足够的;B. Considerate.体贴的;C. Obvious.明显的;D. Reasonable.合理的。根据此句“Along with those findings, though, the study said many communities did not have primary care physicians in 2015,with the decline in supply more prominent in rural areas than their urban areas”可知,2015年,许多社区没有初级保健医生,结合常识判断,农村地区的下降比城市地区更为“明显”,因此“prominent ”的意思是“明显的(obvious)”,故选C。‎ ‎【6题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“however, payment difference between primary care and technical specialties continue to dispirit the U. S. primary care physician workforce”以及第四段“Higher pay and lifestyle preferences lead most students to choose non-primary care fields, even when their hearts say primary care”可知,基础保健和技术专业之间的薪酬有差距,较高的收入和生活方式的偏好导致大多数学生选择非初级保健领域。分析选项,可知A项(初级保健的薪酬低)符合题意,故选A。‎ ‎【7题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。A. Primary care can lengthen life.基础保健可延长寿命;B. Primary care needs improving.基础保健需要改善;C. Primary care physicians are decreasing.基础保健医生数量在下降;D. Higher pay attracts more primary care physicians高薪酬吸引更多的基础保健医生。第一段 “More primary care doctors in a community (社区)appear to lead to improved life expectancy for people living there,though a lack of such physicians across U.S. could be a cause of concern for overall population health in years to come.”是文章的主旨句,说明基础保健可延长寿命,但美国各地缺乏这样的医生可能是未来几年总体人口健康状况令人担忧的一个原因,可知美国基础保健需要改善。结合下文的数量对比,由于基础保健医生的薪水低,导致人数减少,可推断出基础保健需要改善。综合分析,A、C、D三项只是文章的部分内容,而B项才是文章的大意。故选B。‎ ‎【点睛】在阅读中我们经常会考查猜测词义题。事实上,阅读材料中的每个词与它前后的词语或句子甚至段落都有联系。运用逻辑推理猜测词义是使用最广考查最多也最易失分的猜词方式,这要求考生具备整合分散、复杂信息的能力,充分利用上下文(各种已知信息)并结合具体的语境推测、判断某些词或短语的词义。例如词义猜测题。A. Adequate.足够的;B. Considerate.体贴的;C. Obvious.明显的;D. Reasonable.合理的。根据此句“Along with those findings, though, the study said many communities did not have primary care physicians in 2015,with the decline in supply more prominent in rural areas than their urban areas”的上文可知, 2015年,许多社区没有初级保健医生,结合常识判断,农村地区的下降比城市地区更为“明显”,因此“prominent ”的意思是“明显的(obvious)”,故选C。‎ C Technology offers conveniences such as opening the garage door from your car or ‎ changing the television station without touching the TV.‎ Now one American company is offering its employees a new convenience: a microchip implanted (植入) in their hands. Employees who have these chips can do all kinds of things just by waving their hands. Three Square Market is offering to implant microchips in all of their employees for free. Each chip costs $300 and Three Square Market will pay for the chip. Employees can volunteer to have the chips implanted in their hands. About 50 out of 80 employees have chosen to do so. The president of the company, his wife and their children are also getting chips implanted in their hands.‎ The chip is about the size of a grain of rice. Implanting the chip only takes about a second and is said to hurt only very briefly. The chips go under the skin between the thumb and forefinger. With a chip in the hand, a person can enter the office building, buy food, sign into computers and more, simply by waving that hand near a scanner. The chips will be also used to identify employees. Employees who want convenience, but do not want to have a microchip implanted under their skin, can wear a wristband (腕带) or a ring with a chip instead. They can perform the same tasks with a wave of their hands as if they had an implanted chip.‎ Three Square Market is the first company in the United States to offer to implant chips in its employees. Epicenter, a company in Sweden, has been implanting chips in its employees for a while.‎ Three Square Market says the chip cannot track the employees. The company says scanners can read the chips only when they are within a few inches of them. “The chips protect against identity theft, similar, to credit cards.” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the chips back in 2004,so they should be safe for humans, according to the company.‎ In the future, people with the chips may be able to do more with them, even outside the office. Todd Westby is Chief Executive Officer of Three Square Market. He says, “Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.”‎ ‎8. What is the third paragraph mainly about?‎ A. The substitutes of the chips.‎ B. The advantages of the chips.‎ C. The places to implant the chips.‎ D. The potential risks of implanting the chips.‎ ‎9. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 5 refer to?‎ A. the hands B. the employees C. the scanners D. the credit cards ‎10 We can infer that ________.‎ A. the chips have magic powers B. the chips are very popular among the employees C. the price of the chips is reasonable D. most people suspect the application of the chips ‎11. Which of the following best describes Todd Westby’s attitude towards the chips?‎ A. Defensive. B. Disappointing.‎ C. Optimistic. D. Casual.‎ ‎【答案】8. B 9. C 10. B 11. C ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲了技术带给人们方便,一家美国公司通过给员工手里植入芯片来带给员工方便。‎ ‎【8题详解】‎ 推理判断题。答案定位在第三段The chip is about the size of a grain of rice. Implanting the chip only takes about a second and is said to hurt only very briefly.可知第三段讲述的是芯片的优点,故选B。‎ ‎【9题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。答案定位在倒数第二段The company says scanners can read the chips only when they are within a few inches of them.公司说扫描仪只能在几英寸以内才能读取芯片。由此可知them指代的就是scanners,故选C。‎ ‎【10题详解】‎ 推理判断题。答案定位在第二段About 50 out of 80 employees have chosen to do ‎ so.(80名员工中约有50人选择这样做。)由此推断出芯片在员工当中很受欢迎,故选B。‎ ‎【11题详解】‎ 推理判断题。答案定位在最后一段He says, “Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.”( 他说:“最终,这项技术将会标准化,你可以把它作为你的护照、公共交通工具、所有的购买机会等等。”)由此推知Todd Westby对芯片持乐观态度。A. Defensive.防御;B. Disappointing.令人失望;C. Optimistic.乐观的;D. Casual.随便的,故选C。‎ D Ever walked to the shops only to find, once there, you’ve completely forgotten what you went for? Or struggled to remember the name of an old friend? For years we’ve accepted that a forgetful brain is as much a part of aging as wrinkles and gray hair. But now a new book suggests that we’ve got it all wrong.‎ According to The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain, by science writer Barbara Strauch, when it comes to the important things, our brains actually get better with age. In fact, she argues that some studies have found that our brain hits its peak between our 40s and 60s — much later than previously thought.‎ Furthermore, rather than losing many brain cells as we age, we keep them, and even produce new ones well into middle age. For years it’s been assumed that brain, much like the body, declines with age. But the longest, largest study into what happens to people as they age suggests otherwise.‎ This continuing research has followed 6,000 people since 1956, testing them every seven years. It has found that on average, participants performed better on cognitive (认知的) tests in their 40s and 50s than they had done in their 20s. Specifically, older people did better on tests of vocabulary, verbal memory (how many words you can remember) and problem solving. Where they performed less well was number ability and perceptual speed — how fast you can push a button when ordered. However, with more complex tasks such as problem-solving and language, we are at our best at middle age and beyond. In short, researchers are now coming up with scientific proof that we do get wiser with age.‎ Neuroscientists are also finding that we are happier with aging. A recent US study found older people were much better at controlling and balancing their emotions. It is thought that when we’re younger we need to focus more on the negative aspects of life in order to learn about the possible dangers in the world, but as we get older we’ve learned our lessons and are aware that we have less time left in life: therefore, it becomes more important for us to be happy.‎ ‎12. Barbara Strauch probably agrees that ______.‎ A. the young are better at handling important things B. wrinkles and gray hair are the only symbols of aging C. aging leads to the decline of the function of the brain D. people’s brains work best between their 40s and 60s ‎13. The continuing research has found older people perform better on ______.‎ A. vocabulary tests B. number ability C. perceptual speed D. body balance ‎14. People are happier with aging because ______.‎ A. they know how to share feelings B. they learn to value the time left C. they cannot focus on negative aspects D. they do not realize the possible dangers ‎15. What is the main idea of the passage?‎ A. People get happier with age. B. People get more forgetful with age.‎ C. People get wiser with age. D. People get more self-aware with age.‎ ‎【答案】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. C ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。本文主要讲述的内容是随着年龄的增长,确实会变得更聪明。同样发现,人也会越来越开心。‎ ‎【12题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第二段的In fact, she argues that some studies have found that our brain hits its peak between our 40s and ‎ 60s她认为一些研究已经发现,我们的大脑在40岁到60岁之间达到顶峰,可知Barbara Strauch人们的大脑在40到60岁之间工作得最好,故选D项。‎ ‎【13题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第四段的Specifically, older people did better on tests of vocabulary, verbal memory (how many words you can remember) and problem solving. 持续的研究发现,老年人在词汇测试、语言记忆(你能记住多少单词)和解决问题方面表现得更好。故选A项。‎ ‎【14题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据最后一段的as we get older we’ve learned our lessons and are aware that we have less time left in life : therefore, it becomes more important for us to be happy.随着年龄的增长我们学到教训,意识到我们还剩下更少的时间活着,因此,快乐对于我们来说更重要。由此可以推知,随着年龄的增长,人们会更快乐,因为他们学会珍惜剩下的时间,故选B项。‎ ‎【15题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。通读全文和第五段的In short, researchers are now coming up with scientific proof that we do get wiser with age.可知本文主要讲述的内容是随着年龄的增长,确实会变得更聪明,故选C项。‎ 第二节 (每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ How to Remember What You Read Reading is important. But the next step is making sure that you remember what you've read! ___16___you may have just read the text. But the ideas, concepts and images(形象)may fly right out of your head. Here are a few tricks for remembering what you read.‎ ‎● ___17___‎ If the plot, characters, or word usage is confusing for you, you likely won't be able to remember what you read. It's a bit like reading a foreign language. If you don't understand what you're reading, how would you remember it? But there are a few things you can do Use a dictionary; look up the difficult words.‎ ‎● Are you connected?‎ Does a character remind you of a friend? Does the setting make you want to visit the place? Does the book inspire you, and make you want to read more? With some books, you may feel a connection right away. ___18___  How willing are you to make the connections happen?‎ ‎● Read it; hear it; be it!‎ Read the lines. Then, speak them out loud. And, put some character into the words. When he was writing his novels, Charles Dickens would act out the parts of the characters. He'd make faces in the mirror, and change his voice for each character. ___19___‎ ‎● How often do you read?‎ If you read frequently, you'll likely have an easier time with remembering what you’re reading and what you've read. ___20___As you make reading a regular part of your life, you'll make more connections, stay more focused and understand the text better. You’ll learn to enjoy literature- as you remember what you read!‎ A. Are you confused?‎ B. Practice makes perfect.‎ C. What's your motivation?‎ D. Memory is sometimes a tricky thing.‎ E. Marking helps you remember what you read.‎ F. But other books require a bit more work on your part.‎ G. You can do the same thing when you are reading the text!‎ ‎【答案】16. D 17. A 18. F 19. G 20. B ‎【解析】‎ 本文为说明文,给出了几种方法来帮助读者记忆阅读过的内容,包括扫清生词障碍,将所读到的内容与已有知识建立联系,把自己置身于情节之中和经常性阅读。‎ ‎【16题详解】‎ 根据空格后的内容:你可能刚刚读过某篇文章,但却对文章所传达的思想,概念以及形象等一片茫然。接下来作者给出了几条能记住所读内容的方法。D选项:阅读中记忆有时很让人棘手,与空格后所表述含义一致,故选D。‎ ‎【17题详解】‎ 本段主要说明能记住所读内容的前提是读懂,这就需要首先通过查字典等办法扫清生词障碍。由confusing”令人困惑的“及don’t understand”不理解“等词可推知答案,故选A。‎ ‎【18题详解】‎ 根据空格后的内容:将正在阅读的内容与已有知识之间建立联系。有些书的内容会让你立即产生这种联想,因此推断该空的内容也是与建立联系有关,F选项含义为“但是其他书则更多地需要你自己努力了”,表示转折,与上下文顺畅连接,另外other books也与空白前的some books相对应。故选F。‎ ‎【19题详解】‎ 本段给出的方法是:要求读者能全身心投入到所读内容中去,列举了狄更斯的例子旨在说明这种方法的可行性,因此读者也可以使用这种方法记住所读内容,故选G。‎ ‎【20题详解】‎ 根据空格前:将阅读作为一种日常活动,可知空格处要说明这样做的好处。由此可推断出,该空格处内容与经常阅读相关,选项B(熟能生巧)符合语境。‎ ‎【名师点睛】‎ ‎【解题剖析】. 1.如果问题设在段首,通常是段落的主题句,认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找相关的词,推断出主题句 如:●___2___‎ If the plot, characters, or word usage is confusing for you, likely won’t be able to remember what you read. 本段主要说明能记住所读内容的前提是读懂,这就需要首先通过查字典等办法扫清生词障碍。由confusing”令人困惑的“及don’t understand”不理解“等词可推知答案,故选A Are you confused?‎ ‎2. 如果问题设在段尾.空白前的一句或两句是重点语句,重点阅读以锁定关键词。‎ 如:Charles Dickens would act out the parts of the characters, He’d make faces in the mirror, and change his voice for each character.___4___‎ ‎3.如果问题设在句中,承上启下性是这个句子的主要作用。分析句子之间的逻辑关系及内容的连贯性,注意段落间的衔接手段。将选项代入原文,如果前后内容连贯,符合逻辑,就能得出正确答案。‎ 如:If you read frequently, you’ll likely have and easier time with remembering what you’re reading(and what you’ve read).___5__根据空格前:将阅读作为一种日常活动,可知空格处要说明这样做的好处。由此可推断出,该空格处内容与经常阅读相关,选项F ‎ (熟能生巧)符合语境。‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ We talk about the persistence (坚持不懈) needed to make our dream come true today. Just think of Wilbur and Orville Wright. Their ___21___certainly didn’t happen overnight!‎ Wilbur was 12 years old and Orville 8 when their father brought home a ___22___. It was a rubber ___23___made in France. They ___24___it so much that they played with it until it broke. Immediately, they began ___25___copies. They were hooked on aviation (飞行器制造)! In 1900, as young men, having built their first glider (滑翔机), they decided to ___26___it out at Kitty Hawk on Kill Devil Hills. It ___27___consistent strong winds, and the somewhat cushioning effects of sand. That first flight was unsuccessful, ___28___it didn’t stop them. After several more tries, on December 17, 1903, with a much ___29___plane, they risked their lives to drive it in the wind. They ___30___flying the world’s first powered airplane. Beginning at 10:35 a.m. that day, Orville ___31___it 120 feet in about 12 seconds! At 12:00, Wilbur flew it 852 feet in 59 seconds! Johnny Moore, one of the five men who ___32___them that morning (in charge of dragging the plane across the sand for positioning), ran to the village of Kitty Hawk ___33___, “They’ve made it!” This was the ___34___of aviation! At this time, Wilbur was 36 and Orville 32. Roughly 24 years had passed ___35___their father gave them that toy!‎ If you have a ___36___, work at it. If it doesn’t turn out as ___37___, don’t give up! Try again! Who wants to live and say somewhere, “If only” or “What if?” ___38___what you want and accomplish it. Don’t ever give up! ___39___in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more ___40___than unsuccessful men with talent. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts (流浪汉). Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent (无所不能的).‎ ‎21. A. failure B. accident C. achievement D. change ‎22. A. toy B. tool C. book D. pet ‎23. A. car B. bicycle C. helicopter D. ship ‎24. A. desired B. missed C. needed D. liked ‎25. A. building B. selling C. buying D. drawing ‎26. A. put B. try C. pick D. carry ‎27. A. avoided B. prevented C. provided D. caught ‎28. A. but B. and C. so D. or ‎29. A. ordinary B. similar C. organized D. improved ‎30. A. took to B. kept to C. gave up D. ended up ‎31. A. flew B. placed C. dragged D. pulled ‎32. A. noticed B. met C. visited D. helped ‎33. A. laughing B. adding C. crying D. explaining ‎34. A. result B. birth C. target D. chance ‎35. A. since B. until C. though D. when ‎36. A. reason B. dream C. present D. task ‎37. A. allowed B. decided C. expected D. required ‎38. A. Worry about B. Return to C. Forget about D. Stick to ‎39. A. Something B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything ‎40. A. common B. active C. painful D. exciting ‎【答案】21. C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. A 36. B 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. A ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇议论文。本文通过讲述莱特兄弟通过多次实验,终于造成了第一架飞机的故事,说明了这样一个道理:如果你有一个梦想,就要不断地为之努力。即使它没有出现预期的结果,也不要放弃,世界上没有什么事情能代替坚持不懈。只要有毅力,最终一定会取得成功。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 考查名词。莱特兄弟的成就当然不是一夜发生的。A. failure失败;B. accident事故;C. achievement成就;D. change改变。故选C。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 考查名词。在下文内容中At this time, Wilbur was 36 and Orville 32. Roughly 24 years had passed___15___their father gave them that toy!捕捉到关键词toy,可知他们的父亲将一个玩具带回家。A. toy玩具;B. tool工具;C. book书;D. pet宠物。故选A。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ 考查名词。由They were hooked on aviation(飞行器)!可知,那是一个法国生产的橡胶飞机。A. car汽车;B. bicycle自行车;C. helicopter直升机;D. ship船。故选C。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 考查动词。由that they played with it until it broke.可知,他们非常喜欢这个玩具飞机。A. desired渴望;B. missed错过;C. needed需要;D. liked喜欢。故选D。‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 考查动词。由In 1900, as young men, having built their first glider(滑翔机), they decided to ___6___it out at Kitty Hawk on Kill Devil Hills.可知,他们开始建造复制品。A. building建造;B. selling销售;C. buying买;D. drawing绘画。故选A。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ 考查动词。他们决定试验一下。A. put放;B. try实验;C. pick采摘;D. carry携带。故选B。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 考查动词。这个地方提供持续的大风。A. avoided避免;B. prevented阻止;C. provided提供;D. caught捕捉。故选C。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 考查连词。由After several more tries可知,尽管第一次飞行失败了,但是这并没有阻止他们。A. but但是;B. and并且;C. so所以;D. or或者。故选A。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ 考查形容词。在几次更多的尝试之后,在1903年12月17日,他们冒险在风里驾驶一架经过更多改进的飞机。A. ordinary普通的;B. similar相似的;C. organized有组织的;D. improved改进过的。故选D。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ 考查动词短语。他们以世界上第一次有动力装置的飞机飞行而结束。A. objected to对……反对;B. added to加入;C. gave up放弃;D. ended up结束。故选D。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ 考查动词。在下文内容At 12:00, Wilbur flew it 852 feet in 59 seconds!中捕捉到关键词flew,可知这里意思是在十二秒钟之内,Orville飞行了120英尺。A. flew飞翔;B. placed放置;C. dragged拖动;D. pulled拉。故选A。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 考查动词。由in charge of dragging the plane across the sand for positioning可知,Johnny Moore在帮助他们。A. noticed注意到;B. met遇到;C. visited参观;D. helped帮助。故选D。‎ ‎【33题详解】‎ 考查动词。由“They’ve made it!”可判断出Johnny Moore在大声地叫喊。A. laughing大笑;B. complaining解释;C. crying喊叫;D. explaining解释。故选C。‎ ‎【34题详解】‎ 考查名词。这就是飞行器的诞生。A. result结果;B. birth诞生;C. target目标;D. chance机会。故选B。‎ ‎【35题详解】‎ 考查连词。从他们的父亲给他们那个玩具起,已经过了二十四年了。A. since自……以来;B. until直到;C. though尽管;D. when当……时候。故选A。‎ ‎【36题详解】‎ 考查名词。如果你有一个梦想,继续努力。A. reason原因;B. dream梦想;C. present礼物;D. task任务。故选B。‎ ‎【37题详解】‎ 考查固定短语。如果它没有出现预期的结果,也不要放弃。as expected正如预期的,是固定短语,故选C。‎ ‎【38题详解】‎ 考查动词短语。由Don’t ever give up!可知,这里意思是坚持你所想的,并且实现它。A. Worry about担心;B. Return to回到;C. Forget about忘记;D. Stick to坚持。故选D。‎ ‎【39题详解】‎ 考查代词。世界上没有什么事情能代替坚持不懈。A. Something某事;B.‎ ‎ Nothing没有事;C. Anything任何事;D. Everything每件事。故选B。‎ ‎【40题详解】‎ 考查形容词。没有什么比天才失败更常见的事了。A. common常见的;B. active积极的;C. satisfactory满意的;D. exciting令人兴奋的。故选A。‎ 第Ⅱ卷 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Your next car could have two seats, three wheels — two in front and one in the back and a top speed of more than 100 miles per hour. Elio Motors plans to make such a tiny car ____41____(name) the Elio. Its two seats sit front and back instead of side _____42_____ side. The driver is positioned in the center with the passenger directly behind.‎ The starting price for the car ____43____(be) just $6,800. It has only one door, on the left side, ____44____ cuts a few hundred dollars off the manufacturing costs. Having three wheels also makes it ____45____(cheap). It has air conditioning, power windows and door locks and ___46___ AM/FM radio. More features can be ordered through Elio’s long list of suppliers. Elio will also sell the cars directly through its own stores and not through franchised dealers (特约经销商).‎ Paul Elio dreamed as a kid that one day he ___47___(own) a car company called Elio Motors. In 2008 ___48___(tire) of high gas prices, he started working on a car that burns gas in a more effective way. Equally important to him was creating U.S. manufacturing jobs and making the car inexpensive enough ___49___(attract) buyers who might otherwise be stuck in their old, unreliable cars. “Whatever matters to you, this can make a ___50___(different) to it,” he said.‎ ‎【答案】41. named ‎ ‎42. by 43. is ‎ ‎44. which 45. cheaper ‎ ‎46. an 47. would own ‎ ‎48. tired 49. to attract ‎ ‎50. difference ‎【解析】‎ 本文为说明文。本文主要介绍了一款三轮机动车,它的制造者因为厌倦了高油价,于是研制成了造型奇特的、只有三个轮子和两个座椅的车。‎ ‎【41题详解】‎ 考查过去分词作定语。句意:伊莱汽车公司计划制造一种叫做伊莱的微型汽车。分析句子可知,本空在句中作定语,修饰a tiny car,它与动词name二者是被动关系,这种小轿车被叫做,要用被动,故填named。‎ ‎【42题详解】‎ 考查固定搭配。句意:它的两个座位坐落在前面和后面,而不是并排。side by side为固定搭配,意为“并排,并肩”,故填by。‎ ‎【43题详解】‎ 考查谓语动词。句意:这辆车的价格只有6800美元。本句的主语是The starting price for the car,是单数。本文指的是现在的价格,因此要用一般现在时,故填is。‎ ‎【44题详解】‎ 考查定语从句。句意:它只有一个门,在左边,可以削减几百美元的制造成本。分析句意可知,前面的“它只有一个门,在左边” ,导致后面的“可以削减几百美元的制造成本”,因此本空是指前面的句子,指代前面的一个句子在定语从句中要用which。故填which。‎ ‎【45题详解】‎ 考查形容词比较级。句意:有三个轮子也使它更便宜。根据语境可知,这种车比别的更便宜,要用比较级,故填cheaper。‎ ‎【46题详解】‎ 考查冠词。句意:它有空调、电动车窗和门锁以及一个AM/FM收音机。本空格在句中修饰名词AM/FM radio,表示数量“一”,因为AM/FM radio是以元音开头的音素,故填an。‎ ‎【47题详解】‎ 考查过去将来时。句意:保罗·埃利奥小时候梦想有一天他能拥有一家名为“埃利奥汽车”的汽车公司。根据前面的“Paul Elio dreamed as a kid that one day ”可知,此处是指他在过去的梦想,可知要用过去将来时,故填would own。‎ ‎【48题详解】‎ 考查固定搭配及非谓语。句意:2008年,他厌倦了高油价,开始研究一种更有效的燃烧汽油的汽车。be tired of为固定搭配,意为“厌倦了做某事”。分析句子可知,本空为非谓语,其逻辑主语是he,修饰人要用tired。故填tired。‎ ‎【49题详解】‎ 考查动词不定式作目的状语。句意:对他来说,同样重要的是创造美国制造业的就业机会,使汽车足够便宜,以吸引那些还用旧车的人(换车)。分析句子可知,本空在句中作目的状语,表示让车便宜的目的就是吸引还用旧车的人。故填to attract。‎ ‎【50题详解】‎ 考查固定搭配。句意:不管对你来说什么重要,但这种车都会对你有影响。“make a difference”为固定搭配,意为“有区别,有影响,”,故填difference。‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 ‎51.短文改错 Mr.and Mrs.Zhang all work in our school.They live far from the school,and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day.In their spare time,they are interesting in planting vegetables in their garden,that is on the rooftop of their house.They often get up earlier and water the vegetables together.They have also bought for some gardening tools.Beside,they often get some useful informations from the Internet.When summer came,they will invite their students pick the fresh vegetables!‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍在我们学校工作的张先生和张太太的日常工作和生活情况。‎ ‎【详解】1.考查不定代词。句意:张先生和张太太都在我们学校工作。此处指的是“两个都”,而all指的是“三者或三者以上”,故把all改成both。‎ ‎2.考查不定冠词或数词。an/one hour and a half“一个半小时” ,故把a改成an/one。‎ ‎3.考查固定词组。be interested in“对---感兴趣”,故把interesting改成interested。‎ ‎4.考查定语从句。此处garden做先行词,指物,在后面的非限制性定语从句中作主语,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,故把that改成which。‎ ‎5.考查句意理解。句意:他们经常早起,一起浇蔬菜。此处并无比较,所以要用副词的原级,故把earlier改成early。‎ ‎6.考查及物动词。句意:他们还买了一些园艺工具。此处bought是buy的过去式,是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语,故把for去掉。‎ ‎7.考查副词。句意:此外,他们经常从因特网上获取一些有用的信息。beside“在---旁边”,结合句意可知把Beside改成Besides。‎ ‎8.考查不可数名词。句意:此外,他们经常从因特网上获取一些有用的信息。不可数名词没有复数形式,故把informations改成information。‎ ‎9.考查时态。句意:当夏天来临时候,他们会邀请他们的学生摘新鲜蔬菜!此处是when引导的时间状语从句,主句用一般将来时态,则从句用一般现在时态,特别注意单数第三人称,故把came改成comes。‎ ‎10.考查固定搭配。句意:当夏天来临的时候,他们会邀请他们的学生摘新鲜蔬菜!固定搭配:invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事,故在pick前加to。‎ 第二节书面表达(共25分)‎ ‎52.某英文报社正在开展“环保”大讨论,向你约稿。请你以垃圾分类为主题,按照以下要点发表你的观点。‎ ‎1. 意义;2. 现状;3. 建议。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;2.文章标题已拟好,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇:垃圾分类 garbage classification Dear editor,‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】Dear editor,‎ I am so glad to have the chance to join the debate. Now I want to say something about garbage classification.‎ As we all know, some people would throw all waste like plastic, paper and glass into the same public dustbin, without thinking whether they are recyclable or not.‎ But garbage classification is very important. On the one hand, without classifying, some waste will remain where they were placed for a long time. As a result, it will pollute the earth. On the other hand, waste is just the misplaced resources. We can recycle waste by classifying it and making full use of some leftovers.‎ Thus, garbage classification is meaningful to us. We can do it just now. For example, we can collect plastic bottles and sell them to the waste shop and throw used batteries into the correct dustbin.‎ Yours,‎ LiHua ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本篇要求考生写一篇稿件来陈述垃圾分类的意义,现状,并且就现状给出自己的建议。‎ ‎【详解】第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时 结构:总分法 要求:1.表明主题 ‎ ‎2. ‎ ‎1)现状(垃圾到处扔,垃圾分类做得不好)‎ ‎2)垃圾分类的意义(减少污染,有效利用可循环利用垃圾)‎ ‎3. 建议(加强垃圾分类学习,提高全民垃圾分类意识) ‎ 第二步:列提纲(重点词组)‎ be glad to do/ whether …or …/on the one hand,on the other hand/ make full use of ‎ 第三步:连词成句 ‎1. I am so glad to have the chance to join the debate. Now I want to say something about garbage classification.‎ ‎2. As we all know, some people would throw all waste like plastic, paper and glass regardless of whether they are recyclable or not.‎ ‎3. Garbage classification is of great importance.‎ ‎4. On the one hand, if we keep classifying garbage, our environment will become better. For the long run it can benefit generations.‎ ‎5. On the other hand, some garbage such as left-overs , can be recycled.‎ ‎6. We can do something to make the recycling garbage to its full use.‎ ‎7. As far as I am concerned, government should let citizens know the importance of garbage classification, and promote their awareness of green concept.‎ 第四步:连句成篇(加入衔接词)‎ ‎1. 表文章结构顺序:first of all; to start with; firstly;in the end,;at last…‎ ‎2. 表并列补充关系:what’s more,;besides; in addition; as well as;last but not the least…‎ ‎3. 表因果关系:because; as; so…‎ 第五步:修改润色 ‎【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了复合句,例如:As we all know, some people would throw all waste like plastic, paper and glass into the same public dustbin, without thinking whether they are recyclable or not.句中as引导非限制性定语从句,whether引导宾语从句;On the one hand, without classifying, some waste will remain where they were placed for a long time.句中where引导地点状语从句。‎ ‎ ‎

