【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习限时规范练北师大版:选修7Unit20B NewFrontiers作业

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【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习限时规范练北师大版:选修7Unit20B NewFrontiers作业

限时规范练40(选修7 Unit 20B)‎ 核心素养关键词:培养学生人与社会、志愿服务的素养能力意识 ‎ 限时规范练第80页  ‎ 一、阅读理解 A A weekend workshop helping mums of children with a disability to recharge and relax has been praised as a success.‎ The mothers’ Weekend Workshop,coordinated by Disability Services Queensland’s Mount Gravatt Family and Early Childhood Services team,was held at Binna Burra in the Gold Coast hinterland.‎ Disability Services Queensland speech pathologist Jenny Henley says the weekend,attended by nine women,was a highly positive and rewarding experience for all involved.‎ ‎“Parents and carers of children with a disability often have to deal with stressful and difficult situations,” she says.“They seldom have the opportunity to take a break from the daily pressures of everyday life.”‎ ‎“This workshop was designed to give them some well-earned respite (暂时的休息) in a supportive and stress-free environment.‎ ‎“We also aimed to give them an opportunity to network and learn new ways to keep their own physical and emotional health,as well as that of their partners and children.”‎ The activity-filled weekend included icebreaker activities,art and craft periods,massages,and a popular parent-to-parent workshop.‎ The workshop and open discussion periods provided parents with a supportive environment where they could talk about the highs and lows they experience as parents of children with a disability.‎ ‎“Parents reported feeling more energized and better positioned to face their day-to-day lives,” Jenny says.‎ Following the weekend retreat (静修),most participants,their partners and children met again socially,eager to continue and develop their new support network.‎ Given the demand for places on the Mothers Weekend Workshop,Disability Services Queensland is planning to organize a similar event in 2018.‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是说明文。残疾人“妈妈工作坊”帮助妈妈们释放压力。让她们在周末的短暂休息后,更有精力、更好地面对生活。‎ ‎1.How did Jenny Henley find the weekend workshop?‎ ‎                ‎ A.She sang high praise for it.‎ B.She considered it scientific.‎ C.She showed no interest in it.‎ D.She thought it needed improving.‎ 答案A 解析推理判断题。由第三段中的“Jenny Henley says the weekend...was a highly positive and rewarding experience for all involved”可知,Jenny Henley认为周末的“妈妈工作坊”对所有参与者来说都是一次非常积极、有益的经历。由此可推断,Jenny Henley很喜欢“妈妈工作坊”,并对其赞美有加。‎ ‎2.How does the workshop help mums of children with a disability?‎ A.It guides them to start their own careers.‎ B.It gives them lectures on relieving stress.‎ C.It enables them to relax and regain energy.‎ D.It helps them master some computer skills.‎ 答案C 解析细节理解题。由第一段中的“helping mums of children with a disability to recharge and relax”和第五、六段的描述可知,该工作坊给有残疾孩子的妈妈们提供机会来获得暂时的休息,并且给她们提供机会去社交和保持身心健康。‎ ‎3.What can be inferred about the open discussion periods?‎ A.They feature lots of recreational activities.‎ B.They offer solutions to mothers’ daily troubles.‎ C.They encourage mothers to challenge themselves.‎ D.They have a friendly and communicative atmosphere.‎ 答案D 解析推理判断题。由倒数第四段中的“provided parents with a supportive environment where they could talk about the highs and lows they experience”可知,工作坊中的公开讨论为有残疾孩子的父母提供一个有利的环境,让他们可以畅谈各自遇到的高潮与低谷。‎ ‎4.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.Parents need care too B.Build support network C.Live happily with pressure D.Let’s face disability together 答案A 解析标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了为有残疾孩子的妈妈们创办的工作坊帮助妈妈们释放压力,让她们在周末的短暂休息后,更有精力、更好地面对生活。A项作标题符合文章主旨。‎ B Hamburgers,French fries,potato chips,popcorn,and pizza.There is no denying these foods are tasty.But often,it’s the added salt that makes them so appealing.One result:U.S.kids are eating too much salty fare.‎ Table salt is about 40% sodium (钠).Our bodies need some sodium to work properly.But too much of it is not healthy.‎ A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) looked at the eating habits of 2,142 children between the ages of 6 and 18.It found that their average sodium intake was 3,256 milligrams per day.That equals nearly 1.5 teaspoons each day,which is 50% more than current guidelines recommend.‎ Zerleen Quader is the study’s lead author.“Eating too much sodium now can set kids up for health problems later,” she said.‎ Much of the sodium that kids eat comes from processed foods.But potato chips and other salty snacks aren’t the only culprits.There are other sodium sources — like bread and cold cuts — adding to the salt overload.‎ All this added salt can raise blood pressure and,with it,the risk of a heart attack and other health problems.Today,1 in 9 children has raised blood pressure.There’s good news though.Lowering salt intake can lower blood pressure.‎ That,of course,is easier said than done.The more salty foods you eat,the more you develop a taste for them.The key to changing your diet is to start small.“Small changes in sodium in foods are not usually noticed,” Quader says.Eventually,she adds,the effort will reset a kid’s taste buds (味蕾) so the salt desires stop.‎ Need a little inspiration? Dietitian Bridget Murphy advises focusing on the immediate effects of a diet that is high in sodium.High blood pressure can make it difficult to be active.“Do you want to be able to think clearly and perform well in school?” she asks.“If you’re an athlete,do you want to run faster?” If you answered yes to these questions,then it’s time to shake the salt habit.‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是说明文。研究表明美国青少年吃盐过多,这会增加他们在未来的生活中患心脏病的风险。‎ ‎5.What did the recent CDC study find?‎ A.American kids have too much salt.‎ B.Teenagers have good dietary habits.‎ C.The present advised salt intake is too high.‎ D.Proper sodium intake benefits human health.‎ 答案A 解析细节理解题。由第三段中的“It found that their average sodium intake was 3,256 milligrams per day...which is 50% more than current guidelines recommend”可知,美国疾病控制中心的研究发现美国青少年的食盐摄入量超标。‎ ‎6.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “culprits” in Paragraph 5?‎ A.Criminals. B.Results.‎ C.Types. D.Surprises.‎ 答案A 解析词义猜测题。由划线词后的“There are other sodium sources — like bread and cold cuts”可知,薯片和其他含盐量高的零食并不是唯一的罪魁祸首。‎ ‎7.What is Quader’s advice for kids?‎ A.Eat salt-free foods.‎ B.Have a low-sodium diet.‎ C.Keep away from junk food.‎ D.Take enough exercise regularly.‎ 答案B 解析细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“The key to changing your diet is to start small.‘Small changes in sodium in foods are not usually noticed,’...the effort will reset a kid’s taste buds so the salt desires stop”可知,Quader认为改变饮食习惯要一点点地慢慢来,逐渐减少食物中钠的含量,最后孩子的味蕾就会慢慢适应低盐的食物,对多盐食物的渴望也会停止。‎ ‎8.According to Murphy,a salty diet will probably    . ‎ A.help you have a quick mind B.increase your running speed C.make you relatively inactive D.keep you hungry but spirited 答案C 解析细节理解题。由最后一段中的“High blood pressure can make it difficult to be active”可知,经常吃咸的食物容易引起高血压,而高血压会让人怠惰,不活跃。‎ 二、完形填空 The Silver Line,created this year,is a free,24 hours telephone helpline.It offers information,friendship and advice to  1 people. ‎ ‎“It’s often easier to speak to a 2 ,and nice to know you can  3 day or night,” says Bolton,who has no family nearby.She called the helpline after it was  4 by others. ‎ New figures show that August was the charity’s 5 month,receiving more than 45,000 calls.Summer can be a(n)  6 time for those left behind during the holiday season, 7 familiar faces are away for holidays,from the shopkeeper to the bus driver or even family members.Two-thirds of calls are  8 at night-time and weekends,when no other services are  9 . ‎ ‎84 percent of older people say it is very difficult to 10 loneliness,even to members of their  11 because they do not wish to become a “burden”. ‎ A recent study found that almost three-quarters of older people in the UK are 12 ,and more than half have  13 spoken to anyone about how they feel. ‎ People can call the Silver Line 14 ,or be referred by a relative or other helplines.Helpline staff try to learn callers’  15 first and then suggest information or  16 voluntary support,aiming to reconnect them with their communities. ‎ ‎“For a charity,trying to gain donations from the public is a 17 task,” says Sophie Andrews,chief leader of the Silver Line,“Older people are regarded as being responsible for economic fall.” To  18 this,Andrews wants a greater understanding of their mental health  19 :“Being older means you are still exposed to mental health issues,but your ability to change your situation is  20 .” ‎ ‎             ‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了一个为老年人服务的热线电话。‎ ‎1.A.disabled B.homeless C.poor D.older 答案D 解析根据下文中多处出现的older people可知,这个热线电话主要是为“老年人(older people)”服务的。‎ ‎2.A.neighbor B.stranger C.friend D.doctor 答案B 解析根据下文中“they do not wish to become a ‘burden’”和Helpline staff可知,老年人不愿意成为家人的负担,反而觉得和“陌生人(stranger)”聊天更容易一些。‎ ‎3.A.come B.talk C.call D.visit 答案C 解析根据下文中的called the helpline可知,不管白天黑夜都可以给这个热线服务“打电话(call)”。‎ ‎4.A.mentioned B.served C.ignored D.blamed 答案A 解析根据语境可知,有人“提到过(mentioned)”这个热线电话后,Bolton便给这个热线打电话。‎ ‎5.A.happiest B.busiest C.hottest D.worst 答案B 解析根据下文中的“receiving more than 45,000 calls”可知,八月份是这个慈善机构“最忙的(busiest)”一个月。‎ ‎6.A.difficult B.meaningful C.unforgettable D.relaxing 答案A 解析根据文中的“those left behind during the holiday season”和“familiar faces are away for holidays”可知,八月份对于这些留守的老年人来说“很艰难(difficult)”,因为每当“这时(when)”人们都去度假了,留下老年人们孤零零的。‎ ‎7.A.if B.or C.when D.though 答案C 解析见上题解析。‎ ‎8.A.missed B.paid C.canceled D.received 答案D 解析根据上文中的“24 hours telephone helpline”可知,这个热线服务电话是全天候服务的,很多电话在半夜或周末“打进来(received)”。‎ ‎9.A.standard B.official C.useful D.available 答案D 解析根据上文中的“at night-time and weekends”和“no other services”可知,没有任何其他服务在半夜和周末是“可获得的(available)”。‎ ‎10.A.avoid B.recover from C.admit to D.value 答案C 解析根据句中的“they do not wish to become a ‘burden’”可知,老年人不愿意“承认(admit to)”自己的孤独,不想成为负担,甚至对自己的“家人(family)”也不愿意说。‎ ‎11.A.family B.hospital C.charity D.team 答案A 解析见上题解析。‎ ‎12.A.healthy B.wealthy C.lonely D.unfortunate 答案C 解析根据上文中的loneliness可知,老年人很“孤单(lonely)”。‎ ‎13.A.ever B.never C.often D.sometimes 答案B 解析根据上文中的“do not wish to become a ‘burden’”和loneliness可知,很多老年人“从来没有(never)”和别人说过他们的感受。‎ ‎14.A.early B.freely C.directly D.frequently 答案C 解析根据下文中的“or be referred by a relative or other helplines”可知,老年人可以“直接(directly)”拨打热线服务电话,或由其他热线电话转接。‎ ‎15.A.needs B.interests C.jobs D.habits 答案A 解析根据下文中的“and then suggest information”可知,热线电话工作人员首先要了解打电话求助者的“需求(needs)”,然后才给出建议。‎ ‎16.A.private B.widespread C.local D.international 答案C 解析根据下文中的“reconnect them with their communities”可知,工作人员会向求助者提供信息或者“当地的(local)”志愿服务,将他们与自己所在的社区联系起来。‎ ‎17.A.simple B.hard C.dangerous D.pleasant 答案B 解析根据下文中的“Older people are regarded as being responsible for economic fall”可知,公众对老年人的处境并不理解,这使得慈善机构获得社会基金的支持是一项很“艰难(hard)”的任务。‎ ‎18.A.change B.support C.know D.find 答案A 解析根据下文中的“wants a greater understanding of their mental health”可知,Andrews想“改变(change)”这一现状。‎ ‎19.A.suggestions B.examinations C.plans D.experiences 答案D 解析根据下文中的“Being older means...”可知,Andrews呼吁人们理解老年人的“经历(experiences)”。‎ ‎20.A.doubted B.developed C.proved D.reduced 答案D 解析根据上文中的“you are still exposed to mental health issues,but your ability...”可知,衰老意味着仍然存在心理健康问题,但改变这一状况的能力却“下降了(reduced)”。‎ 三、短文改错 I was grateful that my mother pointed out one of my faults yesterday.Wherever I saw my friend owned something I liked,I will ask my mother to buy it for me.Every time my request turned down,I played the same trick,threaten to leave home.My mother gave up each time I threatened to do that.Therefore,she was very angry last night.She blamed me for not being considerable and asked me to rethink our own behavior.I couldn’t believe my mother would be so angry with me and I grew frightening.I learned a good lesson and changed a lot afterwards.I was thankful that my mother made me to realize my mistakes.‎ 答案 第二句:Wherever→Whenever;will→would 第三句:request后加was;threaten→threatening 第四句:up→in 第五句:Therefore→However 第六句:considerable→considerate;our→my 第七句:frightening→frightened 第九句:去掉to

