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‎2018届人教版必修五一轮复习:Unit4Making the news The First Period Warming up Teaching materials: 教学材料 Warming up on p 33‎ 1. Target language 目标语言 a. Key words and expressions:重点词汇和短语 aid, first, aid; fall ill; illness; injury; bleed; sprain; ankle; choke; blood; bloody; burn; essential; organ; layer; poison; ray; treatment;‎ b. Communicating expressions:交际用语 ‎ We/you should/ ought to …‎ Please do…‎ Make sure…‎ You must/have to/ought to…‎ You must never…‎ You ought never to…‎ 2. Ability goals能力目标 a. Encourage the students to discuss accidents and first aid .‎ b. Enable the students to talk about different accidents and how to give first aid in different situations.‎ 3. Learning ability goals学能目标 Enable the students to be brave and calm when meeting with accident and know how to give first aid in different situations through discussion.‎ Teaching methods教学方法 ‎ Brainstorm and discussion (Group work).‎ Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点 Help the students to use the expressions to describe the accidents and how to give first aid.‎ Teaching aids教具准备 ‎ A recorder, a projector, and a computer ‎ Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 ‎ Step One Homework checking T: Let’s check our homework each other ‎ Step Two Presentation 1. Lead-in question: Watch a video, and fill in the blanks: what is first aid?‎ First aid is the first kind of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.‎ ‎2. Warming-up: Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid?‎ ‎3. Learn the new words ?.‎ ‎ A snake bite; a nose bleeding; a sprained ankle; choke; drown; burn; a broken arm Step Three Group discussion a. What happen in each picture and what kind of first aid should you give in the following situation?‎ b. Talk about different situations and the way they should give first aid.‎ Qs: What happened in each picture? What kind of first aid should you give?‎ A snake bite: The person bitten must get to a doctor or hospital at once; ‎ Speed is very important. ‎ It will help the doctor greatly if you can tell him what kind of snake it was, or describe.‎ Bleeding: Try to stop the bleeding;‎ ‎ Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there;‎ ‎ Hold up the part of body which is bleeding if possible.‎ ‎(watch the video about how to deal with bleeding )‎ A sprained ankle: Tied with medical bandage. ‎ It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle. ‎ It is correct to use ice bag for removing pain and bleeding, and also not influence our own body healing.‎ ‎( a video about a sprained ankle)‎ Choking : Make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back.‎ To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating.‎ ‎(a video about unconscious choking)‎ A broken arm: Do not move the patient. ‎ Send for an ambulance at once. ‎ Treat for shock if necessary.‎ A nosebleed: Stay calm. ‎ Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. ‎ Sit up and bend the head slightly forward. ‎ Pinch捏 both nostrils鼻孔 shut using a thumb and forefinger. ‎ Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.‎ Step four Further discussion (Individual)‎ Ask the students to give the situations.(some more situations are given and encourage the students to talk more)‎ Drowning : Check to see if he /she is breathing ‎ Try to start his /her breathing ‎ Never swim in deep water.‎ ‎( a video about CPR)‎ Traffic accident: Call for a doctor or an ambulance.‎ ‎ Never pull her out of the car ‎ Find enough people to lift the car safely and take her to hospital at once.‎ ‎ Look at both sides when crossing the street.‎ Step five Quiz for first aid (on p74)‎ ‎1.Which person would you help first?___‎ A Li Yan who has cut her foot on glass ‎ B Xue Jin whose nose is bleeding C GaoYuan who is on the ground not breathing ‎ D Wang Feng who has broken her arm.‎ ‎2. When carrying out rescue breathing, how many times a minute should you blow air into the victim’s mouth? ______.‎ A 4 B 8 C 15 D 20‎ ‎3. What should the first step be when you carry out rescue breathing?____‎ A Clear the airway B check the pulse C blow into the victim’s mouth D check for breathing ‎ ‎4 How would you stop severe bleeding? ___‎ A cover the wound with plastic ‎ B wash the wound ‎ C do nothing as the bleeding will stop by itself ‎ D put a bandage over the wound and then press on it ‎5 A friend is choking on a piece of food and is coughing badly. What should you do?___‎ A nothing B carry out rescue breathing C have her lie down and rest D slap her four or five times on her back Homework Step Five Homework ‎1. Do the listening in workbook p69.‎ ‎2. Find more information about first aid---how to rescue breathing.‎ Teaching goals 教学目标The Second Period Listening and speaking Teaching materials教学材料 ‎ Listening on page 69,39,73, speaking task on p74‎ 1. Target language目标语言 a. Key words and phrases:重点词汇和短语: unconscious; emergency number; reach cupboard; involve; stress and intonation b. Communicating expressions:交际用语 ‎ We/you should/ ought to …‎ Please do…‎ Make sure…‎ You must/have to/ought to…‎ You must never…‎ You ought never to…‎ 2. Ability goals能力目标 Enable the students to listen for details and catch the specific information as much as possible.‎ 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 ‎3.1 Enable the students to predict some important listening skills in the process of listening and encourage the students to talk about the details after listening.‎ ‎3.2 Make the students have the ability to talk about the situations according to the listening materials and tell dos and don’ts for first aids.‎ Teaching methods教学方法 ‎ Listening and cooperative learning.‎ Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点 How to make sure the answers of listening material;‎ Talk about the first aid of different situations after the listening. ‎ Practise in pairs and act out a dialogue between an operator and the caller; ‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 ‎ A recorder and cassette tapes , a projector, and a computer ‎ Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式 ‎ Step one Homework checking Ask two or three students to talk about accidents and what kind of first aid they will give in such situation Step two Listening on p69‎ ‎1. Pre-listening :‎ We’ve talked a lot about different accidents and situations we may meet in our daily life yesterday. Now please look at the screen and answer the question.‎ ‎2. While listening The teacher may explain some difficult words and phrases to the students before listening.‎ ‎(unconscious; emergency number; reach cupboard; involve; stress and intonation)‎ T: OK. Let’s listen to the tape. I’ll play it twice. The first time I play it, you should listen to it attentively and get general idea. The second time I play it, you need to fill in the blanks.‎ Listen to the conversation and complete the table, pay attention to the key words.‎ ‎3. Check the answers.‎ ‎4. Post listening Listen to it again and answer the questions:‎ ‎1. Do you think that Mrs Grant should have rung the emergency number or should she have just taken her daughter to the doctor? Give reasons for your answer.‎ ‎2. How do you think Mrs Grant was feeling when she made the phone call?‎ ‎3. Why do you think the operator was speaking so slowly and calmly?‎ ‎4. What would have happened if Mrs Grant had hung up the first time she said goodbye?‎ ‎5. What would have been a safer way for Mrs Grant’s daughter to reach the cupboard?‎ Step three Listening on p73‎ ‎1. Listen to the instructions for rescue breathing, number the boxes for the correct order. Write an instruction under each picture. ‎ ‎2.Then use the pictures to tell each other how to do rescue breathing.‎ ‎(Use the video to help students to talk about CPR) :‎ Call for help Check the breathing Clear anything in the airway Mouth-to- mouth method Check breathing pulse Step four Listening on p39‎ ‎1. What topics does the teacher ask questions about ? Circle the correct ones.‎ ‎2. Match each picture with a topic listed in question 1.‎ ‎1).___sprained ankle__________‎ ‎2).___burning clothes_________‎ ‎3).___nose bleeds ____‎ ‎4).___choking _____________‎ Step five speaking ‎ Use the pictures above to help you give your partner first aid instructions for each situation. Using the useful expressions:‎ You should always… ‎ You must…‎ Make sure that…‎ You ought to / should …‎ ‎ you have to… ‎ You should not…‎ You should never…‎ You must never…‎ Never…‎ Please don’t…‎ Sprained ankle: ‎ Tied with medical bandage. ‎ It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle. ‎ It is correct to use ice bag for removing pain and bleeding, and also not influence our own body healing.‎ Burning clothes: Use a blanket to put out fire on the body.‎ Remove clothing from burned area.‎ Use running water to cool down.‎ Sent for a doctor.‎ Nose bleeds Stay calm. ‎ Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. ‎ Sit up and bend the head slightly forward. ‎ Pinch捏 both nostrils鼻孔 shut using a thumb and forefinger. ‎ Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.‎ Choking Make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back.‎ To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating.‎ Step six Write down the instructions for each situation.‎ Step seven Watch the movie to see some more ways to deal with first aids.‎ Step eight Talk about safety around the house, using DOS and DONTS ‎ DOS ‎ a. Make sure that electric wires are safe and that children can’t reach them.‎ b. If a pan of oil catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly.‎ c. Make sure that everyone in your family knows how to call 110 and 120.‎ d. Learn more about first aid.‎ DON’TS ‎ a. Don’t put poisons into other containers, for example empty bottles.‎ b. Never leave small things a baby can put in its mouth on the floor or table c. Don’t play with electrical equipment.‎ d. Never use ladders on a wet floor.‎ ‎ Don’t forget to phone 110 or 120 when necessary Step nine Home work ‎ ‎1. Write a dialogue according to the talking Ex. on p69 .‎ ‎2. Prepare for reading : First aid for burns The Third Period Reading ‎ ‎ Teaching goals教学目标 Teaching materials: 教学材料 Reading on p 33-36‎ 1. Target language教学语言 a. Key words and expressions:重点词汇和短语 ‎ aid temporary injury bleed ankle choke cupboard skin organ barrier poison ray complex variety liquid radiation mild pan stove tissue swell scissors unbearable basin squeeze bandage in place.‎ b. Useful sentences重点句型 Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns,‎ These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two First degree burns turn while when pressed.‎ 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to master some English expressions and phrases and to know some knowledge of first aid ‎ 3. Learning ability goals学能目标 Enable the students to learn how to give their correct suggestions about first aid when others are in danger,‎ ‎4. Teaching important points教学重点 ‎ Let Ss learn to use the structures of giving suggestions ‎5.Teaching methods教学方法 ‎ Skimming method.‎ ‎ Task-based method ‎ Role-play method ‎6.Teaching aids 教具准备 A projector, a tape-recorder and a blackboard Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和方式 Step 1 Revision 1. Greet the whole class as usual 2. The teacher checks the students’ homework: show some pictures about some common injuries and review some words, some useful expressions and the information about first aid.‎ Step 2 Pre-reading ‎ First let the students talk about the picture (page 33)‎ What kind of first aid would you perform in the situation of burning?‎ Step 3 While-reading ‎ 1) Skim for general idea. How many parts are the text and what are they?‎ ‎ (After a few minutes)‎ ‎ Five parts ‎1.The purpose of skin ‎2.Cause of burns ‎3.Types of burns ‎4.Symptoms of burns ‎5.First aid treatment ‎ 2) Scanning : read the text quickly and do the multiple choices on ‎ BEST DESIGN(page 36)‎ 3) Detail reading: Filling in the blanks ‎ What can skin do for our body ? ‎ ‎ •Protect you against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.‎ ‎ •Keep you warm or cool ‎ ‎ •Prevent you from losing water ‎ •Gives you sense of touch Step 4 post-reading ‎ 4) Causes of burns You can get burnt by : ‎ ‎•hot liquids,‎ ‎•steam,‎ ‎•fire, ‎ ‎•radiation,‎ ‎•the sun, ‎ ‎•electricity and chemicals ‎ ‎ 5) What are the three types of burns?‎ ‎•‎ First degree:‎ ‎ Not serious; affect only the top layer of the skin; feel better a day or two ‎•Second degree Affect both the top and the second layer of the skin; serious; take a few weeks to heal Third degree Affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin; very severe injuries; victim must get to a hospital at once.‎ ‎ 6) Label the pictures with three degree burns ‎ ‎ The second degree burn The first degree burnThe third degree burn ‎ 7)Answer the questions ‎ 1. Why should you put cold water on a burn?‎ ‎••The cold water stops the burning process, stops the pain and prevents or reduces swelling. ‎ ‎•2. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?‎ ‎••Because nerves is damaged.‎ ‎•3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?‎ ‎••Because this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected.‎ ‎•4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue? ‎ ‎•These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under fires ‎ Step 5 Language points a) sense ‎•sense of touch sense of sight sense of hearing ‎• sense of taste sense of smell ‎• sense of humor ‎ ‎• sense of beauty ‎•sense of urgency b) unless: 除非……;如果不……‎ ‎•Don’t make it public unless I agree.‎ ‎•Unless the destruction of the ozone layer is to stopped, the polar ice caps could melt with terrible consequences.‎ c) Hold the bandage in place with tape.‎ ‎•in place ‎•The librarian put the returned books in place.‎ d) It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.‎ ‎• Make(some,no,ect) difference ‎• It makes no difference to me where you come from.‎ If you want more tips about first aids and ways to deal with common injuries, refer to the following websites.‎ http://www.healthy.net/clinic/firstaid/‎ http://kidshealth.org/parent/firstaid_safe/‎ http://mi.essortment.com/firstaid_rfrg.htm http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/25936-7.asp Home work ‎•‎ ‎1. Finish the Exes ‎2.Read the text. ‎ The Fourth Period Grammar Teaching goals Teaching materials: 教学材料 Learning about language and using words and expressions. ‎ Target language a. Key words and expressions:‎ ‎ aid, first aid, illness, injury, poisonous, burn, swollen, damage, treatment, wounded, infect, organ, cause, characteristics, electric. Fall ill. ‎ b. Useful sentences ‎1)Burns are called first degree burns, second degree burns or third degree burns.‎ ‎2)These burns affect both the top layer of the skin and they affect the second layer of ‎ the skin.‎ 1. Ability goals Learn about Ellipsis 2. Learning ability goals Let Ss learn how to use Ellipsis ‎4. Teaching important points ‎ The use of Ellipsis ‎5. Teaching difficult points ‎ How to teach Ss to master Ellipsis ‎ Teaching aids ‎ A projector, and a blackboard Teaching procedures and ways Step 1 Revision 1. Greet the whole class as usual 2. The teacher checks the students’ homework.‎ Step 2 Word Study T: Now please open your books and turn to Page 36. Let’s learn “Learning about Language”.‎ ‎ First let’s do Discovering useful words and expressions ‎ 1. Complete the table with the correct verbs, nouns or adjectives.‎ ‎ T: Let’s do some more exercises about new words. You are to explain the words on the screen ‎ ‎ in English and then fill in the blanks.(ask students to explain or guess the meanings of the words) ‎ 2. Complete the questions with words from the text.‎ The students will try to complete the exercises. Later the teacher will ask some of them to read each of the sentences and tell the class the answers.‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎ Step 3: Grammar ‎ T: Let’s look at the next, Grammar (page 91)‎ ‎ Present some sentences and encourage the students to find out which words have been left out.‎ ‎ T: Observe the following sentences and discuss with your partner to find out what have been left out. Let me show you an example. As we know, when people want the speaker to repeat what he said, they usually say “ Beg your pardon.” Then it is called Ellipsis. The subject “I” has been left out, without changing the meaning of the sentence .OK, now it’s your turn to find out what have been left out.‎ 1. Haven’t seen you for ages.‎ 2. Some more tea?‎ 3. Sounds like a good idea.‎ 4. Doesn’t matter.‎ 5. Sorry to hear that.‎ 6. Pity you couldn’t come 7. This way, please.‎ 8. Terrible weather!‎ 9. Joining us for a drink? ‎ 10. Going to the supermarket?‎ Suggested answers:‎ 1. I haven’t seen you for ages.‎ 2. Would you like some more tea?‎ 3. That/It sounds like a good idea.‎ 4. It doesn’t matter.‎ 5. I’m sorry to hear that.‎ 6. It’s/ What pity you couldn’t come 7. Step this way, please.‎ 1. What terrible weather it is!‎ 2. Are you joining us for a drink? ‎ 3. Are you going to the supermarket?‎ ‎ Step 4 Practising ‎ Discovering useful structures (page 37)‎ 1. In groups, look at these pairs of sentences. Discuss the difference between A and B in each pair. Also discuss which is the better sentence, A or B and Why.(page 37)‎ 2. Rewrite these sentences taking out the unnecessary parts.‎ 1) The burn that she got from the iron was red and ( it was )very painful 2) ‎ A boy was on the left side of the sick woman, and a girl was on the right (side of the sick woman.)‎ 3) She has a daughter (who is) in hospital.‎ 4) He went to the doctor because he had to go to( the doctor).‎ 5) Did she pass the first aid test that she did yesterday (or didn’t she pass)?‎ 6) She could not decide whether to send him to hospital or not (to send him to hospital).‎ 7) When your nose is bleeding, you should bend forward so that the blood runs out of your nose and( the blood) doesn’t run down your throat.‎ 8) Only some of the students have done a first aid course but most of the students haven’t (done a first aid course).‎ 1. These sentences are correct. However, one or more words have been left out. Rewrite each sentence on the top of the next page to include the missing words.‎ 1) The cottage (that is) surrounded by a wall belongs to the local government.‎ 2) The first book I read this term was more interesting than the second (book I read this term).‎ 3) To her teacher’s surprise, she did better in her first aid exam than(it was) expected.‎ 4) I don’t think they have returned from the hospital, but they might have ( returned from the hospital).‎ 5) He wanted to help the accident victim but his friend didn’t (want to help the accident victim).‎ 6) You can borrow my first aid notes if you want to (borrow my first aid notes).‎ 2. Show the students the slides with some multiple choices exercises about the Ellipsis.‎ ‎1)---- Tomorrow is a holiday. Why are you doing your homework? ‎ ‎ -----I am doing these exercises now so that I won’t have _____ on Sunday.‎ ‎ A. it B. them C. for D. to ‎2)----Shall I invite Ann to my birthday party tomorrow evening?‎ ‎ ----Yes. It’ll be fine if you______.‎ ‎ A. are B. can C. invite D. do ‎3)---- Aren’t you the manager?‎ ‎ -----No, and I______‎ A. don’t want to B. don’t want to be C. don’t want be D. don’t want ‎ 4)---- I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?‎ ‎ -----Not at all______.‎ ‎ A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to ‎ 5)----- Won’t you have another try?‎ ‎ ------ ________.‎ A. Yes, I will have B. Yes, I won’t have C. Yes, I won’t D. Yes, I will ‎ 6)-----I won’t do it any more.‎ ‎ -----_______?‎ ‎ A. Why not B. Why don’t do any more C. Why not do D. Why don’t ‎ 7)-----Do you think it will snow tomorrow?‎ ‎ ------______?‎ ‎ A.I don’t think B. No, I don’t think C. I don’t think so D. No, I don’t so ‎ 8)-----Have you fed the cat?‎ ‎ ------No, but______.‎ ‎ A. I’m B. I am C. I’m just going D. I’m just going to ‎ ‎ Step 5 Homework ‎ 1. Go over the usage of Ellipsis.‎ ‎2. Finish listing structures on Page 71 Ex 1 and Ex 2‎ ‎3. Prepare Reading and discussing on Page 38‎ The Fifth Period Integrating skills Teaching goals教学目标 Teaching material 教学材料 ‎ Reading and discussing Heroic teenager receives award 1. Target language教学语言 a. Key words and expressions:重点词汇和短语 Present, Put their hands on, ceremony, bravery, towels, pressure A number of Ambulance b. Useful sentences重点句型 ‎1.John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognised the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.‎ ‎2. They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabled repeatedly with a knife.‎ ‎3. It was John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade’s life.‎ 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to know some knowledge about first aid after learning the text.‎ 1. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Foster the students’ ability in skimming and looking up information in references books and improve the students’ reading ability. ‎ l Teaching important points教学重点 Finish the exercises in post-reading by using the knowledge we have learned.‎ Teaching methods教学方法 ‎ Listening and fast reading Teaching aids教具准备 ‎ A recorder, a projector, and a computer ‎ Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和方式 ‎ Step One Revision ‎ Show the students a slide with some new words ‎ What is the Chinese meaning of them?‎ ‎ Present ‎ Put their hands on ceremony bravery towels pressure A number of Ambulance Step Two Reading and listening ‎1. Skimming the newspaper article and then put these events in the order that ‎ they happened. ‎ n_4_ The attacker ran away.‎ ‎_1_ Anne was attacked and started to scream.‎ ‎_6_ John performed first aid on Anne ‎_2_ John was studying in his house. ‎ ‎_7_ The ambulance arrived.‎ ‎_3_ John ran outside with his father.‎ ‎_5_ John found Anne in her garden with ‎ ‎ terrible knife wounds.‎ ‎2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions ‎ ‎1) What was John honoured for?‎ ‎2) What did John do when he heard the screaming?‎ ‎3) What happened to Anne?‎ ‎4) What saved Ms slade’s life?‎ ‎5) What first aid did John perform on Anne?‎ ‎6) What adjs would you use to describe John’s actions? Give at least three.‎ Step Three Discussion ‎ ‎1.Do you think John was silly or brave to get involved in the situation? Give reasons.‎ ‎2.Would you have done the same as John ? Give reasons ‎3.Do you think it is worthwhile to take a course in first aid? Give reasons.‎ Step Four Language study ‎ Difficult sentences ‎1.John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognised the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.‎ be presented with sth: be given with Which 引导一个定语从句 Who引导一个定语从句 ‎2. They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabled repeatedly with a knife.‎ Repeatedly 是由动词repeat的过去分词加-ly构成。类似的词汇有:‎ Excitedly 兴奋地 Contentely 满足 Worriedly 焦急地 unexpectedly 出乎意料 ‎3. John used these to dress the most severe injuries to Ms Slade’s hand.‎ Dress: 敷裹,包扎 Tom had to return to the camp to dress his injuries.‎ Immediately after his wound was dressed, he went to work. ‎ ‎4. It was John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade’s life.‎ It is … that… 强调句 It was his words that hurt her.‎ ‎ Step Five: skim and do the exercises. ‎ Drowning How to save a drowned person?‎ First, lay; check ‎ Second, put; push Third, press the jaw Fourth, keep closed; place Fifth, blow; rise Sixth, remove First Aid Knowledge ‎1.leave a small child alone with a dog or cat (don’t)‎ ‎2. pick up a sick or injured animal (don’t)‎ ‎3 When you are burnt by the sun, go to a cool place and take off your clothes.(don’t)‎ ‎4 put some egg oil on your burns (don’t)‎ Let’s make a role play!!‎ Animal bites burns ‎ ‎ poisoning cuts Step Six Homework Write a short description of an accident and how to deal with the injuries in the accident.‎ The sixth Period Extensive Reading and Writing Teaching goals教学目标 Teaching material教学材料 ‎ Reading in workbook at Page72‎ 1. Target language目标语言 a. Key words and expressions: 重点词汇和短语 Kit, slippery, ladder, stove, appliances, unplug, hair dryer, extinguishers, curtains, wires, outlets b. Key sentences: 重点句型 ‎1. Make sure the floor is no t slippery.‎ ‎2. Follow instructions for all electrical appliances carefully.‎ ‎3. Unplug all appliances, especially irons, after use.‎ ‎4. When cooking, do not let oil touch flames or other sources of heat.‎ 1. Ability goals能力目标 a. Enable the students to write in accordance with the passage they have read.‎ b. Enable the students to write a passage in order to explain how to give first aid.‎ 2. Learning ability goals学能目标 Enable the students to be brave and calm when meeting with troubles and know how to deal with troubles after practicing reading and writing.‎ Teaching methods教学方法 ‎ Discussion (Group work) and writing (individual)‎ Teaching important and difficult points重点和难点 a. How to think of a situation where you need to give first aid.‎ b. How to arrange the first aid in the correct order.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 ‎ A recorder, a projector, and a computer ‎ Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和方式 ‎ Step One Homework checking ‎ T: Let’s check our homework each other ‎ (Ask the students to show their compositions of first aid. If there are some mistakes, point them out)‎ ‎ Step Two Presentation ‎ Reading in workbook (Page )‎ Is your home safe? ‎ What things at home can be dangerous? What to do?‎ electrical equipment electric fires poisons ladders knives hot water windows Task 2. Discussion:‎ How to prevent us from being injured at home?‎ Step Three Reading and fill in the blanks The kitchen ‎•Make sure the floor is not slippery.‎ ‎•Always use a ladder to reach high cupboards.‎ ‎•Always cut away from your body when you use a knife.‎ ‎•unplug all appliances, especially irons, after use.‎ ‎•Keep matched out of the reach of children.‎ Step four Speaking and Writing More advice Electricity:‎ Make sure that electric wires are safe and that children can’t touch them Things in mouth:‎ Don’t leave small things on the floor or table which a baby can put in its mouth.‎ Poisons:‎ Don’t pour poisons into other containers,‎ for example, empty bottles.Keep them on a high shelf out of the reach of children.‎ What must you do if you are badly burnt?‎ Cool the area of skin at once .Wash the area of skin under the cold tap for several minutes. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the area of the burn.‎ How do you deal with a simple cut?‎ Wash the area of the cut ,dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth.‎ Then let the students Write more advice Gas fires:‎ If you are using one of these, check that a window is open.‎ Water:‎ Make sure that young children can not get close to pools, lakes and rivers by themselves Ladders:‎ Don’t use the one a wet floor. Get someone to hold the ladder for you.‎ Don’t reach sideways while standing on a ladder. Get down first and move the ladder.‎ Step Five Practice writing ‎•Write a letter to your principal politely asking whether he or she could organize the first aid courses. ‎ ‎•Dear ___________,‎ ‎•Our class has been studying a unit on first aid, __________________‎ ‎ Even though the unit has been very interesting and useful,_____________________. ‎ We would like to request that ______________‎ ‎• We think that a first aid course at the school __________ .‎ ‎• Yours sincerely,‎ ‎• _____________ ‎ ‎1. Write your principal’s name ‎2. Say why the first aid unit has been useful.‎ ‎3. Say why you would like a first aid course.‎ ‎4. Say what you like the principal to do.‎ ‎5. Say again why a first aid course would be a good thing to do.‎ ‎6. Sign your name Step Six Homework ‎1. Finish exercises in workbook ‎2. Write an article about first aid.‎

