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Module 3 Foreign Food学案 基础自主回顾 Ⅰ.课标单词 ‎1.__________(v.)应给予 ‎2.__________(v.)使着迷 ‎3.__________(adv.)贪婪地 ‎4.__________(adj.)臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的 ‎5.__________(adj.)固定的 owe obsess greedily infamous fixed 6.__________(v.)谈到,说起 ‎7.__________(adv.)随意地 ‎8.__________(n.)赞美 ‎9.__________(n.)趋势,趋向 ‎10.__________(adj.)人造的;人工的 ‎11.__________(adj.)(水果或庄稼)成熟的 remark casually compliment trend artificial ripe ‎12.__________(adj.)充足的;充裕的 ample 13.__________(v.)转化,转变 ‎14.__________(n.)味道→__________(adj.)美味的,可口的→__________(adj.)无味的 ‎15.__________(n.)方式;方法→__________(n.)行为;礼貌 ‎16._____________(n.)要求→__________(v.)要求 ‎17.__________(v.)招待,款待;请客→_____________(n.)招待;款待 transform taste tasty tasteless manner manners requirement require entertain entertainment 18.__________(v.)(正式)吃;喝→__________(n.)消费者 ‎19.____________(n.)后果→__________(adj.)因……的结果而引起的;理所当然的 ‎20.__________(adj.)丰富的;充裕的→__________(n.)丰富;充裕 consume consumer consequence consequent abundant abundance Ⅱ.常用短语 ‎1.____________而且 ‎2.____________结束 ‎3.________________与……有共同点 ‎4.____________提到;查阅 ‎5.____________以……为基础 what's more end up have...in common with refer to be based on 6.____________放下,写出,镇压 ‎7.____________把……转变为……‎ ‎8.____________难怪 ‎9.____________看出,理解 ‎10.____________违反,违背 ‎11.____________放火烧……‎ ‎12.____________简言之 ‎13.____________受欢迎 put...down transform...into...‎ no wonder make out ‎ go against set fire to in short be popular with Ⅲ.重点句型 ‎1.________I saw a three-year-old kid cheerfully chewing a chicken's head I had bad dreams for weeks.‎ 我第一次看到一个三岁大的孩子高兴地啃着一只鸡头后,连续几周都做噩梦。‎ 答案:The first time 2.But one thing I ________ is the polite manner in which British people eat, even if it is just a potato.‎ 但是让我非常佩服的是英国人吃饭的举止,哪怕仅仅是一个土豆,他们也会吃得斯斯文文。 答案:do admire 3....the barbecue is ________ a piece of cooking equipment ________ the word the Australians use for a popular way of entertaining friends.‎ ‎……烧烤野餐不仅是一件烧烤设备,而且也是澳大利亚人所使用的备受欢迎的娱乐朋友的一个词。‎ 答案:not just; but Ⅳ.模块语法 ‎1. There are five ________ in our factory.‎ A. woman drivers    B. women drivers C. woman driver D. women driver 答案:B 2. The assistant woks very hard. She is always the first ________ and the last ________.‎ A. come; leave B. coming; leaving C. to come; to leave D. to come; leaving 答案:C 3. —How was your recent visit to Qingdao?‎ ‎—It was great. We visited some friends, and spent the ________ days at the seaside.‎ A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. few sunny last 答案:B 4. I will never forget the day ________ I joined the party.‎ A. that B. when C. in which D. where 答案:B 5. The children climbed up the hill, ________they picnicked.‎ A. on its top B. on the top of it C. on whose top D. on the top of that 答案:C 6. There will be more than three ________ students taking part in the sports meeting.‎ A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of 答案:A 7. A nucleus(原子核)is about ________ of an atom(原子).‎ A. one million the size B. one million the size C. one million of D. a million of 答案:B考点探究解密 考点探究解密 考 点 解 读 ‎1.owe vi.& vt.欠(债等);感激;把……归功于 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①owe sb. sth.=owe sth. to sb.欠某人某物 ‎②owe sth. to...把……归功于;为……而感激 ‎③owing to因为;由于 ‎④owe it to oneself to do sth.认为自己有必要做,认为自己有责任做 ⑤owing adj.未付的,欠着的 误区警示:表示“由于,因为”的介词短语有:owing to, because of, due to, thanks to, as a result of。 朗文在线:‎ ‎①I owe the garage £20.‎ 我还欠汽车修理厂二十英镑。‎ ‎②We owe a lot to our parents.‎ 我们非常感激自己的父母。‎ ‎③Our flight was delayed, owing to the bad weather.‎ 由于坏天气,我们的班机给耽搁了。‎ ‎④How much is owing to you?‎ 还欠你多少钱?‎ 命题方向:owe与介词to的搭配常作为命题的重点,很有可能出现在高考单项填空或完形填空中。 活学巧练:汉译英 ‎(1)他把他的成功归功于勤奋和耐心。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:(1)He owes his success to his diligence and patience. (2)由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:(2)Owing to our joint effort, the task was fulfilled ahead of time. 单项填空 ‎(3)He failed in the exam, ________ his carelessness.‎ A.because     B.thank to C.owing to D.refer to 答案与解析:C 由于,因为,B项应用thanks to。 2.remark vi.谈起,诉说;议论,评论;注意到,留意;发觉,观察 He remarked that it was getting late.‎ 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①remarkable adj.不平常的,非凡的,值得注意的,显著的 ‎②remarkably adv.非常地,显著地,引人注目地 ‎③make/pass a remark on就……发表意见,对……评头论足 ‎④pass without remark置之不理,置若罔闻;默认 ‎⑤remark on/upon谈论,议论,评论 ‎⑥make a few remarks说几句话;作短评 朗文在线:‎ ‎①The editor remarked that the article was well written.‎ 编辑评论说那篇文章写得很好。‎ ‎②They kept making remarks on/about us.‎ 他们老是议论我们。‎ ‎③He has made remarkable progress in English.‎ 他的英语已有明显的进步。 活学巧练:‎ ‎(1)We saw nothing worthy of ______ (注意).‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案:(1)remark ‎ ‎(2)It is rude to ______ (对……评论)the appearance of other poeple.‎ 答案:(2)remark on ‎(3)The busmen have ______(声明,陈述)that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.‎ 答案:(3)stated ‎ ‎3.consequence n.后果,结果;重大,重要 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①the consequence of……的后果 ‎②accept/face/suffer/take the consequence承担/正视/遭受后果 ‎③as a consequence=in consequence因此,所以 ‎④consequent adj.随之发生的,由此引起的 ‎⑤consequently adv.因此,结果 朗文在线:‎ ‎①The safety procedures had been ignored, with potentially tragic consequences.‎ 安全程序被忽视了,这有可能带来悲剧性后果。‎ ‎②Your opinion is of little consequence to me.‎ 你的意见对我而言不重要。 词语辨析:consequence, result与outcome ‎①consequence指随之而发生的结果、后果,常指不好的结果、后果。‎ Climate change could have disastrous consequences for farmers.‎ 气候变化可能会给农民带来灾难性后果。‎ You must take the consequence of your carelessness.‎ 你必须为你的粗心承担后果。‎ ‎②result指最后的结果,与cause(原因)相对。‎ The result was quite unexpected.‎ 结果出人意料。 ③outcome常指竞赛结果,或是悬而未决的事最后“见输赢”,“见分晓”。‎ We are waiting to hear the final outcome of the negotiations.‎ 我们在等待谈判的最终结果。‎ We are confident of a successful outcome.‎ 我们相信会有圆满的结果。‎ 命题方向:consequence是新课标重点词汇,是高考考查的重要内容,可能以词义辨析的形式出现在单项填空和完形填空中。 活学巧练:完成句子 ‎(1)He is brave enough to ______ ______ ______ ______ (承担所有的后果).‎ 答案:(1)face/take all the consequence ‎ ‎(2)They've increasing the number of staff and ______ ______ ______(因此)the service is better.‎ 答案:(2)as a consequence (3)Many houses were destroyed in the hurricane which struck the area last week. ________, the victims had to live in the temporary shelters offered by the Red Cross.‎ A. As a result of B. As a consequence C. As usual D. As for 答案与解析:B 句意:许多房子在上周的飓风中被完全毁掉了,因此,灾民们只能住在由红十字会提供的临时住所中。as a result of由于……的原因,其后要接宾语;as a consequence因此,表结果;as usual像往常一样;as for至于,就……而言。 4.transform vt.转化,转变 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①transform...into转化成;使改观 ‎②transformable adj.可改变外观或性质的 ‎③transformation n.(外观或性质的)改变;变革 朗文在线:‎ ‎①A steam engine transforms heat into power.‎ 蒸汽机把热转化成动力。‎ ‎②Getting that new job has completely transformed her!‎ 她得到了那份新工作以后,人全变了!‎ 命题方向:transform和transformation是新课标要求掌握的重点词汇,很有可能在高考单项填空或完形填空中考查。 活学巧练:‎ The company has been________from a family business into a multi-million-pound operation.‎ A.transferred     B.transformed C.transported D.transmitted 答案与解析:B 本题考查transform sth.from...to...这一短语。句意为:这家公司已由一个家庭企业变成拥有数万英镑的运作机构。 5.trend n.趋向,倾向;趋势,潮流 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①follow a trend赶时髦 ‎②set the trend引领时尚 ‎③the trend towards/to……的趋向 ‎④the trend in在……方面的趋势 朗文在线:‎ ‎①The current trend is towards more part-time employment.‎ 现在的趋势是更多的人在兼职。‎ ‎②These figures reverse the trend of spending increases.‎ 这些数字扭转了开支上升的趋势。‎ 命题方向:trend是高考考查的重点词汇,常以词义辨析的形式在单项填空和完形填空中考查。 活学巧练:汉译英 ‎(1)今天的股市指数继续呈上升态势。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________ 答案:(1)Today's figures continue the upward trend in the stock market. (2)人人似乎都在赶时髦,梳起整齐油亮的发型。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:(2)Everyone seems to be following the trend for sleek shiny hairstyles. (3)他的设计正引领着女装新时尚。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:(3)His designs are setting new trends in women's fashion. 6.no wonder难怪 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①It's no wonder(that).../No wonder(that)...难怪……‎ ‎②It's a wonder that...真奇怪,真是奇迹,奇怪的是……‎ ‎③wonder n.奇事;奇景,奇观 v.想知道;奇怪,疑惑 ‎④wonder if/whether+clause不知道能否……‎ ‎⑤wonder at对……好奇 ‎⑥in wonder目瞪口呆地 朗文在线:‎ ‎①We were filled with wonder at the sight of the beautiful mountains.‎ 我们看到这美丽的群山惊叹不已。‎ ‎②It's a wonder you recognized me after all these years.‎ 让人惊奇的是,过了这么多年之后你还认得我。‎ 命题方向:wonder是很常用的单词,也是高考考查的重点词汇,常在单项填空和完形填空中以词义辨析的形式考查;另外由wonder构成的短语和句型也应充分注意。 (1)—He is clever and hardworking.‎ ‎—______ ______ (难怪)he is always getting good marks in the exam.‎ ‎ ‎ 答案:(1)No wonder ‎(2)It is ______ ______ (真是奇迹)that she has taken part in the Marathon and finished it.‎ 答案:(2)a wonder (3)(2009·宁波模拟)—Jack Brown is very clever and he studies hard as well.‎ ‎—No ________ he always comes out first in the exam.‎ A. answer B. question C. wonder D. problem 答案与解析:C 由前半句句意“Jack Brown不仅聪明而且学习用功”可知答语意为“难怪他考试总得第一”。no wonder难怪,符合句意。 7.make out(勉强地)看出,听出,理解;辨认出;开出,填写 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①make fun of取笑 ‎②make use of利用某事物 ‎③make a difference有关系,有区别,有影响 ‎④make much of sth.强调某物,重视某物 ‎⑤make up化妆;编造;组成;弥补 ‎⑥make sure确信;有把握 ‎⑦make an effort to do sth.努力做某事 ‎⑧make a suggestion提出建议 ‎⑨make up for弥补 误区警示:make out是一个及物动词短语。‎ 朗文在线:‎ ‎①I can just make out the writing.‎ 我勉强认出这种笔迹。‎ ‎②He's an odd character; I can't quite make him out.‎ 他是个古怪的人物,我很难了解他。‎ ‎③She always makes out she's the only one who does any work.‎ 她总是声称她是惟一干了点活的人。‎ 命题方向:make out常以考查词组搭配或同义词辨析的形式出现在高考单项填空或完形填空中。 活学巧练:完成句子 ‎(1)I couldn't ______ ______ (听出)what he was saying.‎ ‎ ‎ 答案:(1)make out ‎(2)He finally bought a computer, and decided to ______ ______ ______ ______ (好好利用)it.‎ 答案:(2)makethe best ofgood use of (3)(2009·山东青岛模拟)Hard work and lack of sleep has ________ her beauty and youth in recent years.‎ A. worn out B. tried out C. made out D. sent out 答案与解析:A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:近几年的辛勤工作和睡眠不足已使她不如以前年轻美丽了。A项“磨损,(使)筋疲力尽,耗尽”,符合题意;B项“试验”;C项“理解,辨认,声称”;D项“发送,分发”。 ‎ ‎8.The first time I saw a three-year-old kid cheerfully chewing a chicken's head I had bad dreams for weeks.‎ 我第一次看到一个三岁大的孩子高兴地啃着一只鸡头后,连续几周都做噩梦。‎ 精讲拓展:‎ the first time相当于从属连词,引导状语从句,可译为“第一次……”。类似的以名词短语来充当连词的还有:the moment, the minute,every time,each time,next time等。 朗文在线:‎ ‎①I recognized her the moment I saw her in the crowd.‎ 我一见到她就从人群里把她辨认了出来。‎ ‎②Every time he returns to his hometown, he always visits his playmates in his childhood.‎ 每次回到家乡,他总是去拜访他童年时代的玩伴。‎ ‎③You'll see your sister next time you come.‎ 你下次来就能见到你姐姐。 ④This is the first time that I have been here.‎ 这是我第一次来这儿。‎ ‎⑤The first time I saw him, he was cleaning the room.‎ 我第一次见他的时候,他正在清扫房间。‎ ‎⑥It's time he got himself a proper job.‎ 他该给自己找一份合适的工作了。 词语辨析:the first time,for the first time,It is the first time that与It is time that ‎①the first time可用来引导状语从句。‎ ‎②for the first time只能用作句子的状语,不可用来引导状语从句,它不具有连词的功能,这是它与the first time的区别。‎ ‎③It/This/That is/was the first/second/...time+that-clause是个很重要的句型,其用法是:当前面的be动词是is时,后面句子用现在完成时;当前面是was时,后面句子用过去完成时,其表达的意思是“某人第几次做某事”。‎ ‎④It is/was (high) time that sb. should do sth./did sth.也是一个常用句型,其意义是“到了做某事的时候了”,相当于It is/was time for sb. to do sth.,这一句型中的should一般不可省略 活学巧练:‎ I bought a lot of presents for my relatives ________ I went to Beijing.‎ A. the first time B. for the first time C. first time D. by the first time 答案与解析:A 根据结构,此处需用一个连词,用来引导后面的状语从句。因此符合条件的只有A项,可作为连词引导句子。 ‎ ‎9.复习定语 定语是用来修饰名词或代词的品质与特征的词。可用来做定语的词有形容词、名词、代词、数词、副词、不定式(短语)、动名词、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语以及从句等。‎ ‎(1)形容词作定语 当几个形容词同时出现在名词短语之前,要注意其词序。其形容词遵循的词序为:限定词指冠词、指示代词、物主代词、不定代词、数词等;外观(美丽等);形状(大小,高矮、肥瘦);年龄;颜色;国籍;材料;用途。 a beautiful small old Chinese stone bridge 一座古老漂亮的中国式小石桥 形容词作定语时一般置于名词前,但修饰不定代词或以-able结尾的形容词作定语时要后置。 Do you have anything else to say for yourself?‎ 你还有什么要说的吗?‎ He is a person dependable.‎ 他是一个可以依靠的人。 (2)名词作定语 名词作定语时一般用单数。‎ The newly-built building is our school library building.‎ 新建成的大楼是我校图书馆。‎ 但某些常用复数的词,作定语时仍用复数形式。如:arms production武器生产;clothes shop服装商店;sales department销售部。 (3)代词作定语 His proposal is worth considering.他的建议值得考虑。‎ ‎(4)数词作定语 The sun is 93,000,000 miles away.‎ 太阳离我们九千三百万英里。‎ ‎(5)(介词)短语作定语 We'll have a report on current affairs on Sunday morning.‎ 我们周日上午要听时事报告。 (6)不定式(短语)作定语 That's the teaching plan for you to discuss.‎ 这就是供你讨论的那份教学计划。‎ 不定式作定语表示将来的动作,且不定式作定语要后置。 (7)分词作定语 The girl playing the piano is a fresher.‎ 弹钢琴的那个女孩是一年级学生。‎ The meeting held yesterday was important.‎ 昨天开的那个会很重要。‎ 单个分词作定语时,放在所修饰词的前面;分词短语作定语时,放在所修饰词的后面。现在分词表主动或正在进行的动作;过去分词表被动或已经完成的动作。 (8)动名词作定语 There is a swimming pool in their college.‎ 他们学校有座游泳池。‎ He walks with the help of a walking stick.‎ 他在手杖的帮助下行走。 10.复习定语从句 定语从句在复合句里作定语,修饰主句中的名词或代词。被定语从句修饰的词称为先行词。定语从句一般放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关系代词有that, which, as, who, whom和whose,关系副词有when, where, why等。‎ ‎(1)关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。 ①who, whom, that代替的先行词是表示人的名词或代词,在从句中作主语或宾语。‎ He is the man whom/that I saw yesterday.‎ 他就是我昨天见的那个人。 ②whose用来指人或物,只用作定语。‎ Please pass me the book whose cover is green.‎ 请递给我那本绿皮的书。‎ ‎③which, that所代替的先行词是表示事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。‎ The package (which/that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped.你拿的包快散了。 ②whose用来指人或物,只用作定语。‎ Please pass me the book whose cover is green.‎ 请递给我那本绿皮的书。‎ ‎③which, that所代替的先行词是表示事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。‎ The package (which/that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped.你拿的包快散了。 活学巧练:‎ ‎(1) His movie won several awards at the film festival, ________ was beyond his wildest dream.‎ A.which B.that C.where D.it 答案:A (2)Oh, boy, why are you killing your time this way? Can't you find something ________ doing at all?‎ A.useful B.valuable C.worth D.good 答案:C (3) By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself, ________ can be very eye-opening and rewarding.‎ A.who B.which C.what D.that 答案:B (4) “Things ________ never come again!” I couldn't help talking to myself.‎ A.lost B.losing C.to lose D.have lost 答案:A (5)We're just trying to reach a point ________ both sides will sit down together and talk.‎ A.where B.that C.when D.which 答案:A 考 题 演 练 ‎ ‎1. Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with ________ of their parents.‎ A. those B. one C. both D. that 答案与解析:D 从选项上可以看出此题考查的是代词的用法。做题时可以先在空格处填上名词,然后再找出相应的代词。根据句意空格处应该填the approach,所以应该用that指代。 2.The ________ shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into ________ car.‎ A. girl's;Tom's B. girls';Toms'‎ C. girls';Tom's D. girl's;Toms' 答案与解析:C 由下文的them可知女孩不只是一个,所以所有格应该是girls'的形式,故可排除A和D这两个选项。再根据Tom的所有格是Tom's,所以应该选C项。 3.Gun control is a subject ________ Americans have argued for a long time.‎ A. of which B. with which C. about which D. into which 答案与解析:C argue about sth.争论某事;argue with sb.与某人争论。句意:枪支的控制是很长时间以来美国人争论的话题。 4.The Science Museum,________we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of London's tourist attractions.‎ A. which B. what C. that B. where 答案与解析:A which引导非限制性定语从句,指代先行词the Science Museum,同时又在从句中作visited的宾语;where为关系副词,不能作宾语;that不能引导非限制性定语从句;what不能引导定语从句。 5.The two girls are getting on very well and share ________ with each other.‎ A. little B. much C. some D. none 答案与解析:B 句意:这两个女孩现在相处得很好,她们互相分享很多东西。much作代词时,意为“许多”,而some只是“一些”。 6.What's the ________ of having a public open space where you can't eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?‎ A. sense B. matter C. case D. opinion 答案与解析:A 句意:在这样一个公共场所,你不可以吃,喝,甚至不可以走动,你会有什么样的感受?sense感觉;matter问题;case情况,状况;opinion观点。根据题意选A项。 7.The house still needed a lot of work, but ________the kitchen was finished.‎ A. instead B. altogether C. at once D. at least 答案与解析:D 句意:尽管这所房子仍然需要大量工作(才能建完),但至少厨房已经竣工了。D项意为“至少”,根据句意知此项符合。A项意为“相反”;B项意为“总共”;C项意为“立刻,马上”。 8.The road conditions there turned out to be very good,________was more than we could expect.‎ A. it B. what C. which D. that 答案与解析:C 那里的路况证明是非常好的,这超出了我们的想象。which引导非限制性定语从句,which指代前面整个句子的内容。A、B、D三项均不能引导非限制性定语从句。 ‎

