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第五讲 特殊句式 01 02 强调 句 强调句型 | 强调谓语 动词 倒装 句 部分倒装 | 全部倒装 I. 单句语法填空 | II. 单句改错 | III. 翻译句子 | IV. 语法填空 | V. 短文 改错 省略 不定式符号 to 的省略 | so , not 省略词 代替 状语 从句的省略 there be 句型 基本结构 | there be 结构中的主谓 一致 | there be 结构中的 时态 | there be 结构的 变体 | there be 结构的非谓语动词形式 感叹句和祈使句 感叹句 | 祈使句 06 针对训练 03 04 05 2019 届二轮复习 强调句 一、强调句型 强调 句型的基本结构: It is/was +被强调的部分+ that/who +句子其他部分 。该句型可对句子的主语、表语、宾语、同位语、状语等进行强调。 It was Marie Curie and her husband who discovered radium. 是居里夫人和她的丈夫发现了镭。 It is the PLA men who/that are safeguarding our country day and night. 是解放军战士日夜保卫着我们的祖国。 1 一、强调句型 It is in this bend that accidents often happen. →Accidents often happen in this bend. 这个拐弯处事故频发。 ( 是强调句型 ) [ 名师指津 ]   (1) 判断句子是否为强调句型可以 将 It is/was 和 that/who 去掉 ,如果剩余部分的结构 依然完整 ,则该句为 强调句型 ,否则则不是。 (2) 在强调时间状语时, 不能用 when 替换 that ;同样在强调地点状语时,也 不能用 where 替换 that 。 It was in the factory that I got to know him.(√) It was in the factory where I got to know him.(×) 正是在那家工厂里我开始认识了他。 一、强调句型 强调句型的一般疑问句结构: Is/Was + it +被强调的部分+ that/who +句子其他部分? Was it you that/who let out the secret to her? 是你把这个秘密泄露给她的吗? 2 一、强调句型 强调句型的特殊疑问句结构: 特殊疑问词+ is/was + it + that +句子其他部分? When was it that he made up his mind to take this course? 他是什么时候决定选修这一门课程的? 3 [ 名师指津 ]   强调句型的疑问句式也可用于宾语从句中,但注意 语序要用陈述句语序 。 I really don't know why it was that he refused to accept the position. 我真的不知道到底为什么他拒绝接受这个职位。 一、强调句型 not...until 句型的强调句型结构: It is/was not until... + that +句子其他部分 。 It was not until I came here that I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather. 直到我来到这里我才意识到这个地方出名不仅仅是因为它的美丽还因为它的气候。 4 二、强调谓语动词 用助动词 do , does 或 did 来强调谓语动词,用于一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定的陈述句中, do 还可以用于强调祈使句。 Do be careful next time when you're driving a car. 当你下次开车的时候务必小心。 She did tell me about her address , but I forgot all about it. 她确实告诉过我她的地址,但我全忘了。 倒装句 一、部分倒装 将含有 否定意义的副词或连词置于句首 引起的部分倒装结构。这类词 ( 组 ) 有: never , seldom , rarely , little , few , at no time , by no means , no longer , hardly/scarcely...when... , no sooner...than... , not only...but also... , not until , nowhere , neither...nor... 等。 Never before has she seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert. 她以前从没见过打网球打得和罗伯特一样好的人。 Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 直到孩子睡着,母亲才离开房间。 1 一、部分倒装 “ only +状语 / 状语从句”置于句首时 ,主句要进行部分倒装 。 Only in this way can the patients be treated properly in this hospital. 只有这样病人才能在这家医院得到妥善治疗。 Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed. 只有当他病的非常严重时,他才呆在床上。 2 一、部分倒装 so/such ...that... 结构中的 so , such 连同它所修饰的成分共同位于句首表示强调时 , 主句要用部分倒装。 So suddenly did he catch the disease that the whole family were at a great loss. 他突然患病,全家人全然不知所措。 3 一、部分倒装 表示前面所说的情况也适合于后者时,用倒装结构“ so/neither/nor +助动词 / 系动词 / 情态动词+主语 ” (so 表示肯定意义, neither/nor 表示否定意义 ) 。 Since my return to China , I haven't seen my host mother in America , nor/neither have I heard from her. 自从我回到中国之后,就没有见过我在美国的房东妈妈,也没有收到她的来信。 4 一、部分倒装 as 引导的让步状语从句要用倒装结构 。即 as 引导的让步状语从句中必须将表语、状语 ( 形容词、副词、分词 ) 或实义动词提前,构成“ 形容词 / 副词 / 名词 / 动词 / 分词+ as +主语+谓语的其他部分 ”的形式。 Hard as he tried, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. 尽管他尽力了,但他似乎还是没能满意地做好这项工作。 5 二、全部倒装 全部倒装 是将句子中的谓语动词 全部置于主语之前 。此结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有: 二、全部倒装 here , there , now , then , thus 等副词置于句首 , 谓语动词常用 be , come , go , lie , run 。 There goes the bell. 铃响了。 For a moment nothing happened . Then came voices all shouting together. 什么都没发生只持续了片刻。接下来便传来了一起喊叫的声音。 1 二、全部倒装 表示 运动方向的副词 或 地点状语 置于句首,谓语为表示运动的动词 。 Out rushed a boy from under the bridge. 从桥下跑出来了一个男孩。 Just in front of the bus lies an injured man , all covered with blood. 公共汽车的前面躺着一个受伤的人,浑身是血。 2 二、全部倒装 若把 作表语的形容词、分词或介词短语 置于句首时,用完全倒装句 。 Present at the meeting were some scientists from all over the world. 许多来自世界各地的科学家出席了会议。 3 [ 名师指津 ]   主语是 代词 时不倒装。 Here he comes. 他来了。 省略 省略 不定式符号 to 后面省去 前面提到的动词 ( 短语 ) 。 Jack didn't pass the driving test , but he still hopes to . ( to 后省去了 pass the driving test ) 杰克没有通过驾驶证考试,但他仍希望能通过。 1 省略 so , not 省略词代替前面提到的事,分别表示肯定与否定。 英语中还常常用 so/not 等来代替省略的肯定内容或否定内容, so/not 多跟在 I'm afraid/I hope/I think/I guess/I believe 等开头的答句中 ;条件状语从句中有时也有类似的用法,如 if so/if not 等。 2 —Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend? 你认为周末会下雨吗? —I believe not / I believe so . 我想不会 / 我想会的。 If so , I hope you will have a wonderful time. 如果是这样,我希望你度过美好的时光。 省略 状语 从句 的省略。 在用 as if , if , though , when , where , while , no matter what , until 等 引导的状语从句中,若谓语部分含 be 动词 ,而主语又与主句的 主语一致 或 从句主语是 it 时,从句的主语和谓语中的 be 动词可以一起省略。 3 While ( I was ) on the street , I came across a friend of mine. 当我在街上的时候,我碰到了我的一个朋友。 If ( you are ) offered help , never forget to say “Thank you ! ” 如果别人帮助了你,一定不要忘了说声 “ 谢谢 ” 。 If ( it is ) possible , I would like to go there tomorrow. 如果可能的话,我明天去那里。 there be 句型 一、 there be 句型的基本结构 There be 结构是英语中陈述事物客观存在的常用句型,表示“有”,其确切含义是“存在”, there 作为引导词,本身没有意义,其基本结构为: There be +名词 ( 短语 ) + 地点 。 There is a great Italian deli across the street. 街道对面有一家大的意大利熟食店。 二、 there be 结构中的主谓一致 当 动词 be 后所接的名词是单数可数名词或不可数名词时, be 应该用 单数 ;当其后所接的名词是复数的可数名词时, be 应该用 复数 。 1 There is some apple juice in the bottle. 瓶子里有一些苹果汁。 There are some strangers in the street. 大街上有一些陌生人。 二、 there be 结构中的主谓一致 如果 there be 后面是几个并列名词作主语时,动词 be 的形式和 最靠近它的那个名词保持数的一致 。 2 There is an ashtray and two bottles on the shelf. = There are two bottles and an ashtray on the shelf. 架子上有两个瓶子和一个烟灰缸。 三、 there be 结构中的时态 There be 句型中动词 be 可以有一般现在时、一般过去时、将来时和完成时。 1 There were fabulous wildflowers in the hills last spring. 去年春天,山上有极美的野花。 There will be a lecture given by Mr . Smith tomorrow. 明天将有史密斯先生做的讲座。 三、 there be 结构中的时态 There be 句型可以和情态动词连用。 2 He felt that there must be something wrong. 他感到一定是出了错儿。 四、 there be 结构的变体 There be 句型和 seem to , appear to , used to , be likely to , happen to 等连用 。 1 There is likely to be a storm tonight. 今晚可能有一场暴雨。 There happened to be a bus nearby. 碰巧附近有辆公交车。 四、 there be 结构的变体 there be 结构中除可以用 be 外,还可以用其他动词。如: come , exist , follow , live , occur , remain , stand 等。 2 Once upon a time there lived a king in that country. 从前在那个国家有一个国王。 五、 there be 结构的非谓语动词形式 There be 结构的非谓语动词形式是 there to be 和 there being 两种形式。在句中作主语、宾语和状语。 I expect there to be no argument about this. 我期望关于这件事不要再争吵了。 ( expect 与 to do 搭配 ) I never dreamed of there being any good chance for me. 我做梦也没想到我会有好机会。 ( of 是介词,后用 v .ing 形式 ) There being nothing else to do , we went home. 因为没有其他事可做,我们就回家了。 ( there be 句型的独立主格结构 ) 感叹句和祈使句 一、感叹句 What( + a/an) +形容词+名词 ( +主语+谓语 )! 1 What beautiful flowers these are! = How beautiful these flowers are! 这些花多美啊! 一、感叹句 What + a/an +形容词+可数名词单数 ( +主语+谓语 ) != How +形容词+ a/an +可数名词单数 ( +主语+谓语 )! 2 What a strange plant it is ! I've never seen it before. = How strange a plant it is ! I've never seen it before. 多么奇怪的植物啊!我以前从没见过。 一、感叹句 How +形容词 / 副词+主语+谓语 ! 3 How fast he is running! 他跑得真快! 二、祈使句 “祈使句+ and +陈述句 ( 一般将来时 )” ,相当于“ if... +主句” 。 1 Work hard and you will succeed. = If you work hard , you will succeed. 努力学习,你就会成功。 [ 名师指津 ]   此句型的变体: 名词词组+ and +陈述句 Just a little more patience and we'll look into it soon. 再耐心点儿,我们很快就会调查此事。 二、祈使句 “祈使句+ or/otherwise +陈述句”,相当于“ if...not +主句” 。 2 Hurry up or you'll be late for the flight. = If you don't hurry up , you'll be late for the flight. 快点儿,不然你就会赶不上航班了。 Ⅰ . 单句语法填空 1. ____________________ (call) me tomorrow and I'll let you know the lab result.(2014· 大纲卷 ) 2 . Not only ____________________ the nurses want a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.(2014· 大纲卷 ) 3 . It was only after he had read the papers ____________________ Mr . Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.(2013· 大纲卷 ) 4 . ____________________ (step) further and you'll be shot. 5 . ____________________ a good time we had that day! Call do that Step What Ⅰ . 单句语法填空 6 . Try some of this juice ____________________ perhaps you'll like it. 7 . Things have turned out just as ____________________ ( expect) . 8 . Not only ____________________ he refuse the gift , he also severely criticized the sender. 9 . More care , ____________________ the dog will die soon. 10 . Whenever ____________________ (inform) of a party , I feel excited. and expected did or/otherwise informed Ⅰ . 单句语法填空 11 . It was not until the meeting was over ____________________ he began to teach me English. 12 . They closed the door , there ____________________ (be)no customers. 13 . ____________________ frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch. 14 . Unsatisfied ____________________ he was with the payment , he took the job. 15 . ____________________ was not until the last operation was finished that Bethune left the battle hospital. that being So as/though It Ⅰ . 单句语法填空 16 . I should prefer there ____________________ (be)no discussion of my private affairs. 17 . While ____________________ ( travel)abroad , he called on the people to protect wild animals. 18 . There is something wrong with the car . If ____________________ , we'd better take it to the garage immediately. 19 . Next door to ours ____________________ (live)a foreign couple , who seem to have settled into life in China. 20 . ____________________ was it that your brother managed to pass the math exam last week? He's always so lazy. to be travelling so live How Ⅱ . 单句 改错 1 . They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.(2014· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) 2 . Was it in 1939 when the Second World War broke out ? 3 . There are a pen , a pencil-box and some books on my desk . 4 . How great fun it is for me to surf on the Internet ! 5 . If you don't go , so will I . There that is W hat neither/nor Ⅱ . 单句 改错 6 . There is going to have a meeting at nine tomorrow . 7 . Calling me tomorrow morning and we'll go to the library together . 8 . It was in the club where he met his wife . be Call that Ⅲ . 翻译 句子 1 .这是多么有趣的一个故事啊! ( 感叹句 ) 2 . 再试一次,你就会取得成功。 ( 祈使句 ) 3 . 我的确希望你能考虑我的计划。 ( 强调句 ) 4 .只有用这种方式,你才能学好英语。 ( 倒装句 ) How interesting a story it is ! / What an interesting story it is ! Have another try , and you'll achieve success . I do hope you can take my plan into consideration . Only in this way can you learn English well . Ⅲ . 翻译 句子 5 .在那个俱乐部碰巧有我的一个老朋友。 (there be 句型 ) 6 . 尽管面临着很多问题,他们没有失去信心。 ( 省略句 ) 7 . 他说英语说得如此清晰,以至于别人都能听得懂。 ( 倒装句 ) 8 .正是在当地导游的帮助下,这个登山运动员才得以获救。 ( 强调句 ) There happened to be an old friend of mine in the club . Although faced with many problems , they didn't lose heart . So clearly does he speak English that he can make himself understood . It was with the help of the local guide that the mountain climber was rescued . Ⅳ . 语法 填空 Seeking material success is beginning to trouble 1.________ large number of people around the world. They feel that the long hours 2.________ (spend) on work is eating up their lives , which makes them have very little time or energy for family or pastimes. Six percent of workers in Britain decided to slow down last year , of 3.________ one couple was a typical example. Daniel and Liz used to work in central London. They would go to work by train every day from their large house in the suburbs , 4.________ (leave) their two children with their grandma. Often , it was not until eight or nine o'clock in the evening 5.________ they got home. They both earned a large amount of money but felt that life was passing them 6.________ . a spent whom leaving that by Ⅳ . 语法 填空 Nowadays , they run a farm in the mountains of Wales. “ I've always wanted 7.________ (have) a farm ,” says Daniel. “ It was a tough 8.________ (decide) , but I think it's made us stronger as a family , and the children are a lot 9.________ (happy) .” Liz says ,“ I used to enjoy my job , but I suppose I'm gradually getting used to life on the farm. One thing I 10.________ like is being able to see more of my children.” to have decision happier do Ⅴ . 短文 改错 The person I admire most is my father . Strict while he may be , he never fails to show his care and consideration . Once I carelessly broke a neighbor's window while played football in the street . Seen nobody around , I ran away immediately . When Dad comes home , he noticed my uneasiness and asked me that had happened . I could only tell him the truth . Rather than scold me , he praised me for my honest and encouraged me to apologize to our neighbor . Later that day , I went to the neighbor's house . I told him the truth and apologized to my fault , promising fix his window . I realized that not only do Dad take care of our health but he also teaches us how to be good citizen. as/though to playing Seeing came what honesty for c itizens 或 good 前加 a

