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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修五Unit4Making the news单元学案设计 单元单词复习 ‎1 inform vt.通知;告知 ‎[教材原句] They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story.‎ 他们必须通过调查研究来获悉被遗漏的那部分情况。‎ inform sb. of sth. 告诉某人某事;通知某人某事 inform sb. that/when/how...通知某人……‎ keep sb. informed (of)使某人随时了解(……)最新情况 information n.[U]通知;消息;情报;信息 ‎2 case n.情况;病例;案例 ‎[教材原句] Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?‎ 你有没有遇到过这种情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?‎ in case以防(万一)‎ a small case小事一桩 in this/that case在这/那种情况下 in any case无论如何,总之 in case of万一……,如果发生……‎ in no case决不(放句首时,主句用部分倒装)‎ as is often the case这是常有的事 ‎ [易混辨析]‎ in case 用作连词,引导条件或目的状语从句,表示“万一;以防;倘若;免得”之意。用作副词位于句末,意为“以防万一”‎ in case of 是介词短语,后接名词或代词。位于句首意为“万一”“假设”,位于句末意为“以防”‎ in the case of 是介词短语,后接名词、代词、动名词,意为“对于;至于”‎ ‎3 demand vt.&n.要求 ‎[教材原句] It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong.‎ 如果我们错了,那个足球运动员就可能要求损失赔偿,我们就会陷入困境。‎ ‎(1)demand to do要求做……‎ demand that...should do...要求……(从句用虚拟语气,should可省略)‎ demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要求某物 ‎(2)in great demand迫切需要 meet/satisfy one's demands满足某人的需求 ‎[易混辨析]‎ demand 一般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求,或坚持不让对方拒绝的要求 require 强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求 request 正式用词,指非常正式而有礼貌的请求或恳求,多含因种种原因担心对方不能答应的意味 ‎4 approve vt.赞成;认可;批准 ‎ ‎[教材原句] Last of all,the chief editor read it and approved it.‎ 最后,主编审读了这篇稿子,并且批准发表了。‎ ‎(1)approve sth.批准;通过某事 approve of (sb./sb.'s) doing sth.赞同/同意(某人)做某事 ‎(2)approval n.赞成;同意;批准;通过 get one's approval得到某人的同意 give one's approval to同意;批准 ‎1 assess vt.评定;评估;征税 assess sb. /sth. 评价/评估某人/事 assess sth. at估价为……‎ assessable adj.可估计的;可估价的assessment n.估价;评价 make an assessment of评估……‎ ‎2 eager adj.渴望;热切的 be eager for sth. 渴望某事 be eager to do sth.渴望做某事 be eager that...should do sth...渴望做……‎ be anxious about sth. 对某事担心 be anxious to do sth. 急于做某事 be keen on急切盼望 ‎3 submit v.(使)服从;(使)顺从;提交;递交;呈递(文件等)‎ submit to服从于;屈从于;把……递交给;向……提出 submit oneself to甘受……;服从……‎ submit...to...向……提交……‎ ‎4 senior adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的 be senior to sb. 比某人年长/年龄大 be senior to sth. 比某事高级的 be junior to sb. 比某人年纪小 be superior to比……优秀 be inferior to比……差 ‎[名师点津] be senior to,be junior to,be superior to,be inferior to中的to不可换为than。‎ ‎5 deny v.否认,拒绝,不给予 deny sth. 否认某事 deny+that从句 否认……‎ deny having done/doing sth.否认做过某事 deny sth. to sb.拒不给予某人所要求或所需之物 deny oneself to sb. 谢绝/不会见某人 There is no denying that...不可否认的是……‎ ‎6 suppose v.期望;认为;猜想;假定;应该 suppose sb. /sth. to be...认为某人/物是……‎ be supposed to do被认为……;应该……‎ I suppose so/not. 我认为是这样/不是这样。‎ Suppose/Supposing+(that)...假如……‎ 疑问词+do you suppose+陈述语序的句子?你认为……?‎ ‎7 appointment n.约会,任命 ‎(1)make/fix an appointment with sb. for sth. 为某事与某人约会 keep/break an appointment践/失约 ‎(2)appoint v.任命;约定 appoint sb. as/to be...任命某人为……‎ appoint a teacher to the school给学校派一名老师 appoint a date to do/for doing sth. 定下做某事的时期 ‎8 acquire vt.获得;取得;学到 ‎(1)acquire sth. (from sb. )(从某人那里)获得;买到;取得 acquire a taste for sth. 开始喜欢某事 acquire a knowledge of...获得……知识 acquire the habit (of doing sth. )养成(做某事的习惯)‎ ‎(2)acquisition n.取得;获得 短语复习 ‎1 depend on依靠;依赖 ‎[教材原句] Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.‎ 同时,你还要根据被采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。‎ ‎ (1)depend on sb. to do sth.依靠某人做某事 depend on sb. for sth.依靠某人供给某物 depend on sth. 依靠;依某事而定 depend on/upon it that...指望;对……深信不疑 ‎(2)That depends. /It all depends. 视情况而定。‎ ‎(3)rely on/count on依靠 ‎③—Can you finish the work before Sunday?‎ ‎—It all depends./That depends.‎ ‎——你可以在星期天之前完成这项工作吗?‎ ‎——这要看情况而定。‎ ‎2 accuse...of因……指责或控告……‎ ‎[教材原句] A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately ‎ not scoring goals so as to let the other team win.‎ 一位足球运动员被指控受贿,为了让别的队赢球故意不进球。‎ ‎①I don't think anyone can accuse me ________ not being frank.‎ 我想任何人都不能指责我不坦率。‎ accuse sb. of (doing) sth.=charge sb. with(doing) sth.因(做)某事指控某人 ‎3 concentrate on集中;全神贯注于 ‎[教材原句] You'll find your colleagues very eager to assist you,so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you're interested.‎ 你会发现你的同事非常乐于帮助你,所以如果你感兴趣,以后你可以把精力放在摄影上。‎ concentrate (sth.) on (doing) sth. 集中于/专心于某事 concentrate one's attention on...把某人的注意力集中到……‎ be concentrated on/upon sth. 集中于/专心于某事 表示专心于某事的其他说法:‎ focus/fix one's attention on sth.‎ put one's mind in...‎ apply oneself/one's mind to...‎ put one's heart into...‎ be absorbed in...‎ be lost in...‎ be buried in...‎ ‎[名师点津] concentrate作“专心于”时,可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词。其宾语多为attention,mind,energy,effort,thought等词。‎ ‎1 so as to为了 in order to,so as to,in order that,so that在句中作目的状语或结果状语 ‎(1)in order to引导的不定式短语既可以位于句首,又可置于句中。‎ In order to find the book,he searched the whole house.‎ 为了找到这本书,他翻遍了屋子。(本句中不能用so as to)‎ ‎(2)so as to引导的不定式短语中可置于句中,不可位于句首。‎ ‎(3)in order that和so that后跟目的状语从句。‎ ‎2 ahead of在……前面;早于;优先 look ahead为未来着想或打算;未雨绸缪 go ahead (with)进行;开始;往下说;用吧;干吧 get ahead of胜过;超过 be ahead of占优势 ahead of time提前 句型复习 ‎1 Never_will Zhou Yang(ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英文报纸的第一项工作任务。‎ ‎[句式点拨] 此句为倒装句。否定副词never置于句首,句子需用部分倒装结构。‎ 常用否定副词和含有否定意义的介词短语还有:not,never,little,seldom,hardly,scarcely,neither,nor,at no time,by no means,in no case,in no way,on no condition等。‎ ‎2 Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?‎ 你有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他的报道失实呢?‎ ‎[句式点拨] 本句中的where引导定语从句,修饰先行词case。‎ ‎(1)英语中某些抽象地点名词,如case,stage,situation,position,condition,point,activity,system等,后接定语从句时,关系词常用where或in which。‎ ‎(2)抽象地点名词后的定语从句中如果缺少主语或宾语则需用关系代词that或which。‎ ‎①I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own.‎ 生活中我已达到我应该自己做出决定的地步。‎ ‎②This restaurant has an inviting,homelike atmosphere that/which many others are short of.‎ 这家餐馆有一种诱人的、如家一般的氛围,这是很多其他餐馆所没有的。‎ ‎3 His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin(HX),was_to_strongly_influence his life as a journalist.他与他的新老板胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生强烈的影响。‎ be to do在句中表示后来会发生的事,意为“注定会……,一定……”。‎ be to do句型的用法:‎ ‎(1)表示注定要发生……‎ ‎(2)预先安排好的计划或约定。‎ ‎(3)表示说话人的意图、职责、义务、命令等情感意义。‎ ‎4 Not_only am I interested in photography,but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.对摄影我不只是感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。‎ 句中not only...but also连接两个并列句,因为not only位于句首,因而前一分句使用了倒装语序。not only...but also可以连接句中任何两个平行的句子成分,当连接两个主语时,谓语和后一个保持一致。‎ ‎3 Here comes my list of dos and don'ts.下面我列举一些注意事项(“应该”和“不应该”做的事)。‎ 当there,here,up,down,away,off等表示方位或位置变化的副词放在句首,当主语是名词时,且谓语是表示存在的动词(如lie,live,sit,stand)或come,go,rise等动词时,句子一般要全部倒装,即把谓语动词整个提至主语前。这类句子比自然语序的句子更为生动、形象。‎ 单元基础词汇语法训练 Ⅰ.单项选择 ‎1. A: Would you come to see me tomorrow?‎ B: _______.‎ A. It depends B. That depends on C. It is depended D. That depends so ‎2. The woman _______ is so nervous that she can’t express herself clearly.‎ A. having interviewed B. to be interviewed C. interviewed D. being interviewed ‎3. My son set out _______ questions when I set about _______ lessons.‎ A. asking; preparing B. to ask; to prepare C. asking; to prepare D. to ask; preparing ‎4. A: You _______ part in the party in time.‎ B: Sorry I was delayed by the accident.‎ A. are supposed to take B. have supposed to take C. are supposed to have taken D. supposed to take ‎5. The roads are crowded _______ walking to work is even quicker than driving.‎ A. in order that B. in order to C. so as to D. so that Ⅱ.单词拼写 ‎1. When the fire broke out, a r_______ covered the event.‎ ‎2. Please state your name, address and o_______ before you speak.‎ ‎3. Having failed many times, the man was e_______ for success.‎ ‎4. As is often the c_______, he went there by bike.‎ ‎5. The restaurant has excellent c_______ meals for very reasonable prices.‎ ‎6. A fashion _______ (摄影师) is needed in our company.‎ ‎7. The incomes of male workers went up by almost 70%. _______ (与此同时), part-time women workers saw their earnings fall.‎ ‎8. I look on it as an opportunity to _______ (获得) fresh skills.‎ ‎9. I don’t think he _______ (故意地) tried to touch you.‎ ‎10. I made very _______ (详尽的) notes of the meeting.‎ Ⅲ.选用下列合适的短语并用其适当形式填空 have a good nose for, be eager for, get the wrong end of the stick, ‎ be supposed to, later on, take a course ‎1. I’ve signed up to ____________________ at the local college.‎ ‎2. She took notes so she could remember it all ____________________.‎ ‎3. Generally speaking, a political leader should ____________________ current affairs.‎ ‎4. You ____________________ have finished your report by now.‎ ‎5. The fans ____________________ a look at the singer, waiting outside the hotel in the cold that day.‎ ‎6. I ____________________ and thought you wouldn’t come until tomorrow.‎ Ⅳ.句子翻译 ‎1.他将城市发展建议提交给了市政府。(submit)‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.杰克通知他太太他已平安抵达。(inform)‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.据说他的哥哥最终死在了国外。(the story goes that...)‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.如果你上学迟到了,你没有必要编造借口。(no need)‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎5.我们现在处于一个需要我们更加强大的阶段。(stage)‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎6.你能想出一个可以使用这一短语的情景吗?(situation)‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ V.完形填空 A man died and was on his way to another __1__, either the heaven or the hell. He saw an extremely __2__ palace halfway and the owner of the palace __3__ him to stay and live in the palace.‎ The man said, “I have been working __4__ during my life and now I just want to eat and sleep __5__ any work.”‎ The owner of the palace said, “__6__, there is nowhere else better than here for you. There is a wealth of __7__ in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone __8__ you. __9__, you can rest assured (放心) that __10__ needs to be done by you.” Then, the man settled down in the palace.‎ At the beginning, the man felt very __11__ at the rotation (轮流) of eating and sleeping. But __12__, he felt a bit lonely and empty. So he went to the owner and groaned, “It is very __13__ to live by just eating and sleeping every day. Now I show no __14__ in this kind of life any more. Could you help me find a __15__?”‎ The owner replied, “__16__, there is no job here at all.”‎ After another several months, the man could not __17__ the present life and went to the owner __18__, “I really could not stand this sort of life any more. If you do not offer me a job, I would __19__ to go to the hell instead of living here.”‎ The owner of the palace smiled contemptuously (轻蔑地), “Do you think it is heaven here? It is __20__ the hell!”            ‎ ‎1.A.world   B.house   ‎ C.home   D.hospital ‎2.A.round B.clean ‎ C.royal D.splendid ‎3.A.asked B.warned C.forced D.demanded ‎4.A.comfortable B.hard C.honestly D.happily ‎5.A.apart from B.besides C.without D.with ‎6.A.If any B.If so C.If necessary D.If possible ‎7.A.jewels B.tastes ‎ C.books D.food ‎8.A.stopping B.dropping C.noticing D.meeting ‎9.A.However B.Otherwise C.Anyway D.Moreover ‎10.A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something ‎11.A.surprised B.happy ‎ C.mad D.frightened ‎12.A.easily B.carefully ‎ C.confidently D.gradually ‎13.A.strange B.enjoyable ‎ C.boring D.relaxing ‎14.A.interest B.trust ‎ C.patience D.curiosity ‎15.A.partner B.way ‎ C.meaning D.job ‎16.A.That's right B.Cheer up C.Sorry D.Never mind ‎17.A.bear B.lose ‎ C.handle D.risk ‎18.A.indeed B.already ‎ C.always D.again ‎19.A.hope B.prefer ‎ C.promise D.expect ‎20.A.no longer B.also ‎ C.actually D.still VI.七选五 As Nicole and Mike Zupan get closer to retirement, they worry about more than just covering their own living expenses for the next several decades.‎ ‎__1__ He is autistic(患自闭症的) and may never be able to live on his own. Their idea of retirement is to live a quiet life close to their son. __2__They want to create a special needs trust to help pay for treatment and other expenses he might face as an adult.‎ ‎ “Because of our son's needs, I guess I never really considered true retirement for us,” she says.‎ ‎__3__She is to attend college in a few years.‎ The Zupans’ ideal plan is for Mike, 60, to retire first, in five to seven years, and for Nicole, 52, to continue working for several years beyond that before she joins him in retirement.‎ But before they can get there, they want to pay off the $18,000 in credit card debt, partly because their son's treatment is not covered by insurance. They have about $230,000 left on the mortgage(按揭) for their home in Fairfax County, Va., which they assess will take about 12 years to pay off. __4__‎ Matters are complicated by the fact that Nicole, who worked as a preschool teacher, is now unemployed while she recovers from foot operation. __5__ Mike's $120,000 income, which he earns as a government ‎ clerk, is enough to cover their basic living expenses. But Nicole wants to get back to work so the family could afford more treatment for Josef and pay down their debt faster. They also would be able to save more for their longterm goals, including retirement, their daughter's college tuition and their son's future living expenses.‎ A.Besides they have a $14,000 loan they used on home improvements.‎ B.It's unlikely that Josef will go to college.‎ C.They're also trying to save for their 14yearold daughter, Elshaday.‎ D.They want to set aside enough money for their 15yearold son, Josef.‎ E.It could be a few weeks before she can return to the workforce.‎ F.Can their retirement savings cover them?‎ G.He may need to move into a group home when he gets older.‎ VII.短文改错 I am Corn—a delicious food favoring by people and animals. More than 450 years ago, I am introduced into China. And in 17th century, I was grown a lot in Tibet and Sichuan so I did not need much water like rice. Today you can see me nowhere around the world. People lived in the west prefer to boil and eat my fruits with salt or butter. However, people in each other places often make my fruits into powder, that will later be mixed with water and other things. In this way, many different kind of food can be made. So now you see, people can not live in the absent of me. ‎ 参考答案 Ⅰ. 1~5 ADDCD Ⅱ. 1. reporter 2. occupation 3. eager 4. case 5. course 6. photographer ‎ ‎7. Meanwhile 8. acquire 9. deliberately 10. thorough Ⅲ. 1. take a course 2. later on 3. have a good nose for 4. are supposed to ‎ ‎5. were eager for 6. got the wrong end of the stick Ⅳ. 1. He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city government. ‎ ‎2. Jack informed his wife of his safe arrival. ‎ ‎3. The story goes that his brother died abroad in the end. ‎ ‎4. If you are late for school, there is no need for you to make up an excuse. ‎ ‎5. We are at a stage where we need to be stronger. ‎ ‎6. Can you think of a situation where this phrase can be used?‎ V.1.A 本句前半部分提到男子去世,由此可知他在去另外一个“世界”的路上。‎ ‎2.D 第三段中提到男子可以在宫殿中尽情享用自己喜欢的食物,由此可推知他在半路上看到的是一座极其“辉煌的”宫殿。splendid“辉煌的;华丽的”。‎ ‎3.A 根据第三段中宫殿主人所说的话可知,对方是在“邀请”男子留下来住在宫殿中。ask sb. to do sth.“邀请某人做某事”。‎ ‎4.B 根据本句后半部分的内容可知,男子生前一直都在“努力”工作。‎ ‎5.C 男子一生都在努力工作,现在只想吃和睡,“不”想做任何工作。‎ ‎6.B 听完男子的要求,宫殿的主人回答道:如果是这样,再没有其他地方比这儿更适合你了。if so“如果是这样”。‎ ‎7.D 根据“you can eat whatever you want”可知,宫殿中的“食物”非常丰富。另外,上一段中的“... now I just want to eat ...”也是线索提示。‎ ‎8.A 男子可以在宫殿中吃他想吃的任何东西,没有人会“阻止”他。‎ ‎9.D 男子不但可以在宫殿中尽情地吃,“而且”还可以放心地休息,不需要做任何事情。‎ ‎10.C 参见上题解析。此处表示的是否定含义,故用nothing。‎ ‎11.B 男子实现了自己的愿望:吃了睡,睡了吃。起初感到非常“高兴”。‎ ‎12.D 但是,随着时间的流逝,男子“逐渐”感到有点儿孤独和空虚。gradually“逐渐地”。‎ ‎13.C 男子向宫殿的主人抱怨,说每天只是吃、睡,这样活着太“乏味”了。‎ ‎14.A 男子厌倦了每天只是吃、睡的生活,对这种生活不再感“兴趣”。show (no) interest in sth.“对某事物(不)感兴趣”。‎ ‎15.D 根据下一段中的“job”可知,男子希望宫殿的主人能够帮助他找一份“工作”。‎ ‎16.C 结合本句后半部分的内容可知,宫殿的主人回答的是“抱歉”。‎ ‎17.A 又过了几个月,男子无法“忍受”当前的生活。下文中的“I really could not stand this sort of life any more.”也是线索提示。bear“忍受,经受住”;handle“应付,处理”。‎ ‎18.D 此处与第四段中的“So he went to the owner ...”相呼应,说明男子“再次”去见宫殿的主人。‎ ‎19.B 句意:如果你不给我提供一份工作,我宁可去地狱,也不愿住在这里。prefer to do sth.“宁愿做某事”。‎ ‎20.C 句意:宫殿主人轻蔑地笑道:“你以为这里是天堂吗?它实际上是地狱!”‎ VI.1.D 2.G 3.C 4.A 5.E VII:‎ I am Corn—a delicious food by people and animals. More than 450 years ago, I introduced into China. And in 17th century, I was grown a lot in Tibet and Sichuan I did not need much water like rice. Today you can see me around the world. People in the west prefer to boil and eat my fruits with salt or butter.However, people in each other places often make my fruits into powder, will later be mixed with water and other things. In this way, many different of food can be made. So now you see, people can not live in the of me. ‎ 一、句型转换 ‎1. I don’t like playing computer games, and my younger brother doesn’t like playing them either.‎ ‎→I don’t like playing computer games, and ________my younger brother.‎ ‎2. I didn’t realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses.‎ ‎→Not until she took off her dark glasses ________she was a famous film star.‎ ‎3. He is going to the USA next month. I am going there too.‎ ‎→He is going to the USA next month and________.‎ ‎4. I had no sooner reached home than it began to rain the day before yesterday.‎ ‎→________had I reached home ________it began to rain the day before yesterday.‎ ‎5. The climate of this town is so mild that the thermometer seldom rises to 30。℃ even in midsummer.‎ ‎→________is the climate of this town ________the thermometer seldom rises to 30。℃ even in midsummer.‎ ‎6. Most men suffer from that disease; women seldom get it.‎ ‎→Most men suffer from that disease; seldom________.‎ ‎7. If you had studied harder last term, you would have made great progress.‎ ‎→________you ________harder last term, you would have made great progress.‎ ‎8. If it were not for your help last night, I couldn’t have finished my work on time.‎ ‎→________it not ________your help last night, I couldn’t have finished my work on time.‎ ‎9. She made it clear that she would cancel the trip under no condition.‎ ‎→She made it clear that under no condition ________cancel the trip.‎ ‎10. His remarks not only broke the ice, but aroused very one’s interest.‎ ‎→Not only ________his remarks ________the ice, but aroused everyone’s interest.‎ 二、单句改错 ‎1. Among the goods is Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. Not until the teacher came does he finish his homework.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. There is a growing body of evidence to prove him guilty for the crime.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4. I really like the job when there is security and a sense of belonging.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5. —Must I hand in my homework tomorrow?‎ ‎—No, you mustn’t.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎6. Not only should we not afraid of difficulties, but also we should try our best to overcome them.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎7. He has been worked in front of the computer so long that he is tired.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎8. If you make promises lightly, you’ll find yourself in the dilemma.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎9. I will have passed my examination easily but I made too many stupid mistakes.‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎10. If you are eager for run a restaurant well, you must know the tricks of the trade.‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ 三、单句语法填空 ‎1. ________(go)are the days when teachers were looked down on.‎ ‎2. The roofs of the houses are covered ________beautiful snow in winter.‎ ‎3. The students have learned a lot from the workers and ________have the teachers.‎ ‎4. On the top of the hill________(stand)a temple dating back to the Qing Dynasty.‎ ‎5. The woman interviewed is so nervous ________she can’t express herself clearly.‎ ‎6. Mike turned ________deaf ear to what Mrs. Smith said.‎ ‎7. The opposition has demanded that all the facts________(make)public.‎ ‎8. For further________(inform)about the application, please visit the website.‎ ‎9. The experts assessed the value of the house________$ 25, 000, which surprised the owner.‎ ‎10. Up to two million people there are________(depend)on food aid.‎ 四、翻译句子 ‎1. 我们有许多病人拒绝合作的案例。‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎2. 请把你们的决定通知我们,我们会照着去办的。‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎3. 他们不但进行了一个音乐表演,而且简短地介绍了西方铜管乐器的历史。‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎4. 直到昨晚九点,我们才完成这项工作。‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎5. 她父亲永远不会赞成她嫁给这样的懒人。‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎6. 他看了报纸后才知道那则报道。‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎7. 为了不伤她的感情,他说了个善意的谎言。‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎8. Miller先生花了多年的时间学习当木工的诀窍。‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎9. 我们刚离开村子,天就下起雨来了。‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎10. 请把你答应在两点钟给你的病人打电话这件事记在心中。‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ 五、常用表达 ‎1. get the facts straight:to understand the facts of a situation把事实弄清楚 ‎2. get the wrong end of the stick:to understand an idea in the completely wrong way完全误解 ‎3. this is how the story goes:this is the story事情就是这样的 ‎4. get a scoop:to get the story first抢发独家新闻 ‎5. We’ve got some important,breaking news for you tonight. 我们今晚有些重要的爆炸性新闻给你。‎ ‎6. This just in,a new candidate has decided to run for mayor. 最新消息,一位新的候选人已经决定竞选市长。‎ ‎7. First,we’ll take a look at the ongoing criminal investigation. 首先,我们将看一看持续的刑事调查。‎ ‎8. Our sources tell us. . . 我们的消息来源告诉我们……‎ ‎9. Let’s hear from John,whos reporting live at the scene.‎ ‎ 让我们听听John从现场发来的报道。‎ ‎10. Officials/Critics/Analysts/Observers say. . . 政府官员们/评论家/分析家/观察家说……‎ ‎11. Further details are not immediately available. 进一步的详情眼下还不可得知。‎ 六、书面表达 ‎(一)‎ 在2016年1月9号上体育课时,高二(1)班的李英不小心摔伤,一位名叫李刚的同学立刻把她送到了校医院。作为校报记者请你就此写一则英文新闻发表在校报英文版上。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右;‎ ‎2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎(二)‎ 假如你是李华,从升入高中以来,你一直处于学习英语的困境之中,请你根据以下信息给某英文报纸编辑写一封信征求建议:‎ ‎1. 听力问题;‎ ‎2. 单词记忆困难;‎ ‎3. 怕犯错而不敢参与小组活动;‎ ‎4. 其他问题。‎ 注意:词数100左右(可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯)。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎

