【英语】2018届人教版选修六一轮复习:Unit1 Art单元学案(8页) 

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【英语】2018届人教版选修六一轮复习:Unit1 Art单元学案(8页) 

‎ Unit 1 Art 单元学案 ‎ 核心词汇 ‎1.We may talk of beautiful things,but beauty itself is ____________(抽象的).‎ ‎2.He made an ____________(试图)to escape before he could be punished.‎ ‎3.The police are ____________(呼吁)to the public for information about the accident.‎ ‎4. The company is excellent,and its customers have ____________(信任)in the quality of its products.‎ ‎5.You made the wrong decision,and must face the ____________(后果)now.‎ ‎6.What a ____________(巧合)that we were in the same hotel at the same time!‎ ‎7.The purpose of new ____________(技术)is to make life easier,not to make it more difficult.‎ ‎8.New teaching methods have been____________(采用)to improve the result of education.‎ ‎9.It is ____________(典型的)of the young man to think of himself before others.‎ ‎10.Earthquakes can’t be prevented,but they can be ____________(预测).‎ ‎11.As a rich businessman,he was thought to ____________ a great deal of ____________.(possess)‎ ‎12.用aim的适当形式填空 ‎(1)The trouble with Bill was that he never had a specific ____________in life.‎ ‎(2)Not knowing where to go,he wandered ____________on the street.‎ ‎(3)This activity is ____________ at improving the students’ability of listening and speaking.‎ ‎1.abstract 2.attempt 3.appealing 4.faith 5.consequences 6.coincidence 7.techniques 8.adopted 9.typical 10.predicted 11.possess;possession 12.(1)aim (2)aimless (3)aimed 高频短语 ‎1.________________ 也;还;而且 ‎2.________________ 巧合地 ‎3.________________ 大量 ‎4.________________ 导致 ‎5.________________ 大量,许多 ‎6.________________ (可是)另一方面 ‎7.________________ 活着的;本人 ‎8.________________ 偏爱 ‎9.________________ (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 ‎1.as well as 2.by coincidence 3.a great deal 4.lead to 5.scores of... 6.on the other hand 7.in the flesh ‎ ‎8.have a preference for 9.appeal to 重点句式 ‎1.By coincidence,oil paints were also developed at this time,which ________ the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper.‎ 巧合的是,这一时期油画颜料也得到了发展,使得画的颜色看上去更丰富、更深沉。‎ ‎2.At the time they were created,the Impressionist paintings were controversial,but today they are accepted as the beginning of ______________________.‎ 在印象派作品的创建初期,它们是存在着争议的,但是如今已被人们接受而成为我们现在所说的“现代艺术”的始祖了。‎ ‎3.______________________who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.‎ 在那些突破传统画法的画家中有生活和工作在法国巴黎的印象派画家。‎ ‎4.Many art lovers would rather visit this small art gallery than any other in New York.Henry Clay Frick,a rich New Yorker,died in 1919,________ his house,furniture and art collection to the American people.‎ 许多艺术爱好者宁愿参观这座小小的艺术画廊也不去纽约其他的画廊。亨利·克莱·弗里克是纽约的一位富豪,于1919年去世,把他的房子、家具和艺术收藏品全部留给了美国人民。‎ 知识详解 ‎1. made 2.what we call“modern art” 3.Among the painters 4.leaving ‎1aim n. 瞄准;目标,目的 ‎ ‎ v. 瞄准,对准,旨在 ‎(回归课本P2)During the Middle Ages,the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.‎ 在中世纪,画家的主要目的是表现宗教主题。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①(牛津P42) She went to London with the aim of finding a job.‎ 她去伦敦是为了找工作。‎ ‎②(牛津P42)Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims.‎ 要达到这些目标需要齐心协力。‎ ‎③This activity is aimed at improving the students’ ability of listening and speaking.‎ 这项活动的目的是提高学生的听说能力。‎ ‎④He aimed to catch the last bus so that he could get home in time for supper.‎ 他想赶最后一班公共汽车,好及时赶回家吃晚饭。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎1.The education program________combining brain work with manual labor is being widely spread throughout the country.‎ A.to aim at         B.aims at C.having aimed at D.aimed at 解析:选D。考查非谓语动词。分析句子成分可知,该句子主干为The education program is being widely spread throughout the country.题干中的“________combining brain work with manual labor”为主语的后置定语,D项符合,这里的aimed ‎ at可以看做“(that/which is) aimed at”的省略形式。‎ ‎2.They will start their project,________at helping the poor children to be educated in the west of China.‎ A.aims B.aiming C.being aimed D.aimed 解析:选B。由句子结构可知空格处应选一分词形式作状语,另由句子主语they与动词aim的主谓关系可知应选aiming表主动。‎ ‎2adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收养 ‎(回归课本P2)People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life.‎ 人们开始淡化宗教主题,并且采纳更人性化的人生态度。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①(牛津P27)She was forced to have her baby adopted.‎ 她被迫把婴儿给人收养。‎ ‎②The schools must adopt new methods of teaching foreign languages.学校应采用新的外语教学法。‎ ‎③The kind woman adopted the orphan as her own son.‎ 那位好心女士将那个孤儿收养为自己的儿子。‎ ‎④Many people are eager to adopt the children losing their parents.‎ 许多人都期望可以收养失去双亲的孩子。‎ ‎⑤The film was adapted from the popular novel for children.‎ 这部影片是为了孩子们而从一本很受欢迎的小说改编来的。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎3.用adopt;adapt的正确形式填空:‎ ‎(1)The young couple had no children of their own and ________ an orphan.After a few months,the child came to ________ to his new life.‎ 答案:adopted;adapt ‎(2)The doctor advised Mr.Wang,who is a heavy smoker,to________a healthier way of life.‎ 答案:adopt ‎(3)His __________ son went abroad for further education last week.‎ 答案:adopted ‎3possession n. 占有,拥有,所有;所有物,财产,财富(pl.)‎ ‎(回归课本P2)They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves,their houses and possessions as well as their activities and achievements.‎ 他们出价聘请著名艺术家来为自己画像,画自己的房屋和其他财物以及他们的活动和成就。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①(陕西高考)Technical progress would put our firm in possession of the home market.‎ 科技的进步使我们公司占有了国内市场。‎ ‎②When her father died,she came into possession of a large fortune.父亲去世后,她继承了一大笔财产。‎ ‎③Having been cheated by that company,he lost all his possessions.被那家公司所骗,他失去了所有的财产。‎ ‎④—Does the young man standing there have possession of the company?‎ 站在那儿的那个年轻人拥有这个公司吗?‎ ‎—NO.The company is in the possession of his father.‎ 不,他父亲拥有这个公司。‎ ‎⑤(牛津P1542)You can’t legally take possession of the property until three weeks after the contract is signed.‎ 契约签署三周以后,你才能合法取得这份产业的所有权。‎ ‎⑥(牛津P1542)I’m afraid he doesn’t possess a sense of humour.‎ 恐怕他没有什么幽默感。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎4.—How did you ________the old valuable house?‎ ‎—It used to be________my uncle.He left it to me in his will.‎ A.take possession of;in possession of B.take the possession of;in the possession of C.take possession of;in the possession of D.take the possession of;in possession of 解析:选C。take possession of “拥有”为固定短语;第二空的主语为it即the house,所以使用表示被动的in the possession of。‎ ‎5.Of the two paintings,Mr.Black chose the cheaper one out of ________,though it was not the work of a famous painter.‎ A.possession       B.technique C.adjustment D.preference 解析:选D。preference 意为“喜爱,偏爱”。句意:在这两幅画中,布莱克先生出于偏爱选择了便宜的,尽管它不是出自名家之手。‎ ‎4attempt n. 努力;尝试;企图 ‎ ‎ vt. 尝试,企图 ‎(回归课本P3)On the one hand,some modern art is abstract;that is,the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes...‎ 一方面,有些现代艺术是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不打算把我们眼睛看到的东西如实地画出来……‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①(江苏高考)A man is being questioned in relation to the attempted murder last night.‎ 与昨晚企图谋杀有关的一位男子正在被审问。‎ ‎②(牛津P110)I passed my driving test at the first attempt.‎ 我考汽车驾驶执照一次就通过了。‎ ‎③The boys made an attempt to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.‎ 男孩子们想去野营但被他们的父母们拦住了。‎ ‎④Every time I attempted to persuade her,I failed completely.每一次我都试图说服他,但全然不起作用。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎6.完成句子 ‎(1)大卫对化学考试做了充分的准备以致于他第一次尝试就能通过。‎ David had prepared carefully for the chemistry exam so that he could be sure of passing it ________ ________ ________ ________.‎ 答案:at his first attempt ‎(2)Charlie ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(试图道歉) for what he had done,but his classmates wouldn’t even talk to him.‎ 答案:made an attempt to apologize ‎5figure n. 数字;身材,体形;人物 ‎(回归课本P4)the art of making figures,objects,etc.out of stone,wood,clay,etc.‎ 用石头、木头、陶土等制作的人物、物体的艺术 ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①Every woman wants a slim figure these days,especially here in Canada.如今,每个女性都想拥有苗条的身材,在加拿大尤其如此。‎ ‎②She does exercise every morning to keep her figure.‎ 她每天早上做运动以保持体形。‎ ‎③In the ricegrowing world,the Chinese scientist,Yuan Longping,is a leading figure.‎ 在水稻种植领域,中国科学家袁隆平是一位杰出人士。‎ ‎④(朗文P759)I could hear them talking but I couldn’t figure out what they are ‎ saying.‎ 我能听见他们在说话,但就是听不清他们在说什么。‎ 即境活用 ‎7.The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to ________its reality.‎ A.make up        B.figure out C.look through D.put off 解析:选B。make up组成;化妆;编造;figure out理解,弄清楚;look through浏览;put off推迟。句意:目前的形势非常复杂,因此我认为要花费我一段时间来弄清楚它的真实性。‎ ‎8.The girl is careful to choose her food because she wants very much to ________ ________ ________(保持身材).‎ 答案:keep her figure ‎6appeal  vi. 有感染力;呼吁;求助 ‎ vt. 将……上诉 ‎ n. 呼吁;恳求 ‎(回归课本P6)It will appeal to those who love Impressionist and PostImpressionist paintings.‎ 展览吸引印象派和印象派作品的爱好者。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①The police appealed to the public for any information about the murder.‎ 警方呼吁群众提供所有和这起谋杀案有关的情况。‎ ‎②It is important to always try to appeal to the way the audience will react.‎ 有一点很重要,无论什么时候都要努力迎合观众的反应方式。‎ ‎③In fact,what appeals to me about her painting is not the style but the colours she uses.‎ 事实上,使我对她的画感兴趣的不是画的风格而是她所运用的色彩。‎ ‎④Bob launched an urgent appeal for the famine victims.‎ 鲍勃发出了援助饥民的紧急呼吁。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎9.(2010年高考安徽卷)—How did you like Nick’s performance last night?‎ ‎—To be honest,his singing didn’t ________to me much.‎ A.appeal       B.belong C.refer D.occur 解析:选A。句意:——你觉得Nick昨天晚上表演得怎么样?——说实话,他的演唱对我没多大吸引力。appeal to sb.—attract or interest sb.(对……有吸引力),符合句意。‎ ‎7by coincidence 巧合地 ‎(回归课本P2)By coincidence,oil paints were also developed at this time,which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper.‎ 巧合的是,这一时期油画颜料也得到了发展,它使得绘画的色彩看上去更丰富、更深沉。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①(上海高考)It can’t be a(n)coincidence that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night.‎ 四家珠宝店在一夜被抢劫一定不是巧合。 ‎ ‎②(牛津P375)By coincidence,I met the person we’d been discussing the next day.‎ 真是巧了,我在第二天就遇见了我们一直在谈论的那个人。‎ ‎③(牛津P375)It’s not a coincidence that none of the directors are women.‎ 没有一位董事是女性,这并非偶然。‎ ‎④What a coincidence!I wasn’t expecting to see you here.‎ 真巧!我没料到会在这里见到你。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎10.完成句子 ‎(1)她正好在那个时候出现真是巧合。‎ It was ________ ________ ________ that she appeared at that exact moment.‎ 答案:rather a coincidence ‎(2)真巧,我和我的同桌同年同日生,我们有很多共同之处。‎ ‎________ ________,my deskmate and I were born on the same day and same year,so we have a lot in common.‎ 答案:By coincidence ‎8a great deal 许多;大量 ‎(回归课本P2)In the late 19th century,Europe changed a great deal,from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one.‎ ‎19世纪后期,欧洲发生了巨大的变化,从以农业为主的社会变成了以工业为主的社会。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①Joan passed her exam,which surprised me a great deal.‎ 琼通过了考试,这让我很惊讶。‎ ‎②(朗文P516)I’ve spent a good deal of time thinking about the project.‎ 我花了大量的时间来考虑这个项目。‎ ‎③(朗文P516)He knows a great deal more about computers than I do.‎ 他的计算机知识比我丰富得多。‎ ‎④Most of the young men went off to the war,and a great many never came back.‎ 大部分年轻人上了战场,其中许多人再没有回来。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎11.I recognized her as soon as I met her at the airport though we hadn’t seen each other for ages and she had changed________.‎ A.a large amount      B.a great many C.a great deal D. a lot of 解析:选C。a great deal意为“大量,许多”,可作状语,用于修饰动词、形容词和副词。句意:虽然我们很久没有见面,但我在机场一见到她就认出她来了,她变化很大。其余选项不可作状语修饰动词。‎ ‎12.We will have to work________faster in order to complete our task on time.‎ A.a great deal of B.a great deal C.a great many of D.a great many 解析:选B。考查短语辨析。a great deal大量,可单独使用,也可以用在比较级前。a great deal of只能修饰不可数名词,表示“大量的”,a great many (of)修饰可数名词。‎ ‎13.________work has been done to improve the people’s living standard.‎ A.Many B.A great many C.A great deal of D.A large number of 解析:选C。本题考查表示“大量的”的限定词的具体用法。通过对选项进行分析,发现A、B和D三项后必须接可数名词的复数形式,a great deal of后接不可数名词,然后找到关键词work,便知正确答案为C项。‎ ‎9on the other hand  (可是)另一方面(常与on the one hand 对应使用)‎ ‎(回归课本P3)On the other hand,some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.‎ 而另一方面,有些现代派的艺术作品却是那么写实,看上去就像一幅幅照片。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎[例句探源]‎ ‎①(牛津P922)On the one hand they’d love to have kids,but on the other(hand),they don’t want to give up their freedom.‎ 一方面他们想要孩子,但是另一方面,他们又不想放弃自由自在的生活。‎ ‎②Many college graduates are out of work now,but on the other hand,they won’t take jobs that do not pay much.现在许多大学毕业生没有工作,但另一方面,他们又不愿意干薪水低的工作。‎ ‎③I’m not going to buy it;for one thing I don’t like the colour,and for ‎ another it’s far too expensive.‎ 我不买这东西:一是我不喜欢这颜色,二是它太贵了。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎14.I would like a job which pays more,but ________I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.‎ A.in other words  B.on the other hand C.for one thing D.as a matter of fact 解析:选B。根据but前后的内容可知,前后分句构成的是对比关系,故用on the other hand来表示对比。in other words意为“换句话说”;for one thing意为“一则”,常与for another 连用;as a matter of fact意为“事实上”。‎ 句型梳理 ‎【教材原句】 By coincidence,oil paints were also developed at this time,which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper. (P2)‎ 巧合的是,这一时期油画颜料也得到了发展,使得画的颜色看上去更丰富、更深沉。‎ ‎【句法分析】 本句为复合句,含有which引导的非限制性定语从句,对前面的整个句子进行限定。‎ ‎①The elephant is like a snake,which everybody can see.‎ 任何人都看得出,这头大象像条蛇。‎ ‎②A big earthquake occurred in Yushu,which was reported on TV.‎ 据电视报道,玉树发生了大地震。‎ ‎③Tom was late again,which made the boss very angry.‎ 汤姆又迟到了,这使老板非常生气。‎ ‎[即境活用]‎ ‎15.(2010年高考四川卷)After graduating from college,I took some time off to go travelling,________turned out to be a wise decision.‎ A.that B.which C.when D.where 解析:选B。句意:大学毕业之后,我休息了一段时间去旅游,结果证明这是一个明智的决定。本题考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知第二个逗号后是一非限制性定语从句,排除A项;定语从句缺主语,排除C、D两项,先行词是逗号前的整个句子,所以B为正确答案。‎

