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2019 届一轮复习外研版选修六 Module6War and peace 单元学案设计 [一]单元基础检测 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The skilful operation(操作) of a computer is hard to learn. 2.Dad was eventually(最后) diagnosed as suffering from a chronic heart condition. 3.I was shocked(震惊) when I heard about your accident. 4.She is often condemned(责备) as uncaring. 5.We had to pay extra for our excess baggage(行囊). 6.It would be senseless(无意义的) to continue any further. 7.The reports are treated as strictly confidential(机密的). 8.You don’t have to sacrifice(牺牲) environmental protection to promote economic growth. 9.She adopted an abandoned child last week. 10.All the students are waiting for our teacher to tell us the story of the survivor(s) from that accident. 11.The church service was a memorial to the disaster victims. 12.We came to his rescue and pulled him out of the river. 13.Our teachers often encourage us to study hard for our country. 14.We have spent a great deal of memorable time here. 15.It might be worthwhile to recall a few important facts. Ⅱ.选词填空 declare war on,make a breakthrough,pick up,rescue from,be condemned for,in spite of,to my astonishment,be worthy of,be supposed to,break down 16.He stopped the car to pick up the boy. 17.Two children were rescued from the burning car. 18.Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914. 19.Scientists have made a breakthrough in computer science. 20.I think he will be condemned for abandoning his sick boy. 21.What time will we be supposed to arrive there? 22.To my astonishment,there were so many differences about the word between the teacher said and the dictionary. 23.The event is worthy of being remembered. 24.In spite of the bad weather,we enjoyed ourselves at the seaside very much. 25.The computer system suddenly broke down while he was searching for information on the Internet. Ⅲ.单句语法填空 26.I had forgotten all about it because I had been so occupied(occupy) with other things. 27.He was abandoned(abandon) by his father when he was three months old. 28.We drove to the airport the next morning to pick up Susan. 29.The wounded(wound) soldier opened his eyes once,but lost consciousness again immediately. 30.It was not long before the police arrived at the spot where the accident had happened. 31.He was in such a hurry that he almost pushed me over on the stairs. 32.He is always the first to come(come) and the last to leave. 33. In view of the present situation,we’ll have to revise our original plan. 34.I spotted a shooting star which,to my astonishment(astonish),was bright green in colour. 35.I didn’t know I was supposed to aim(aim) at the same spot all the time. Ⅳ.单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误) 36.I can see the shocking shocked expression on her face. 37.Do you have a double room overlooked overlooking the sea? 38. Curious Curiously ,we approached the door and listened to what they were saying. 39.The snow was lasted a week,resulting in a serious traffic confusion in the area. 40.Never did I thought think it possible to finish the job before dark. 41.Our school is very beautiful despite ∧ the fact that it is very small. 42.My best friend lives in this neighbourhood.Let’s drop in at on her. 43.To our surprised surprise ,he could finish the work in such a short time. 44.She is willing to donate money to a worth worthy cause. 45.We were astonishing astonished at the news of her sudden death. Ⅴ.单元语法——用所给词的正确形式填空 46.English teachers give advice that we (should) make(make) good use of every chance to speak English. 47.It is suggested that you (should) attend(attend) the opening ceremony. 48.I’m so hungry now.If only I had had(have) breakfast as my mother advised. 49.I would rather he had finished(finish) the work yesterday. 50.Jack is a great talker.It’s high time that he did/should do(do) something instead of just talking. [语言知识练习固基础] Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Occupied(occupy) in doing my homework all day, I was very tired. 2.Don't be discouraged! We have made a great breakthrough in a way. 3.Hundreds of miners are still in danger, waiting to be rescued(rescue). 4.The plane crashed into the mountain and Lara was the only survivor(survive). 5.Before I had a chance to say a word, he had rushed out. 6.The sudden death of the young famous writer made us shocked(shock). 7 . He has taught men and women of all ages and various nationalities(nationality). 8.Badly wounded(wound) in his left leg, the soldier walked unsteadily. 9.He stood behind the door, from where he could see everything in the room. 10 . Overlooked(overlook) from the top of the mountain, the city looks more beautiful at night. Ⅱ.单句改错 1.The hot weather was lasted until the end of September. 去掉 was 2.Occupying with routine work, she had no time to attend her children. Occupying→Occupied 3.He stood on the top of the hill, overlooked the whole village below. overlooked→overlooking 或逗号后加 and 4.I am so nervous to answer the question correctly. so→too 5.The abandoning disabled children should be taken good care of by the whole society. abandoning→abandoned Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.I hope, first of all, that we shall never lose heart in the face of failure. 2.I ran toward the old woman and helped her unload(load) her bag. 3.They organized some activities to draw attention to the living conditions of the disabled. 4 . Students should be encouraged to apply(apply) what they have learned to practice. 5.I wish I could do something in return for the kindness I have received from him. 6.Mike, your room is very messy(mess).You should keep it clean and tidy. 7.Women and children were the first to get(get) into the lifeboats. 8.Her parents made many sacrifices(sacrifice) so that she could go to university. 9.In my view, necessary measures should be immediately taken to ensure a nice environment. 10.Armed(arm) with a torch, the man went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. Ⅱ.单句改错 1.My best friend lives in this neighbourhood.Let's drop in her. in 后加 on 2.Despite the fact it was raining, she still went out hurriedly. fact 后加 that 3.Never I come across such a difficult problem. Never 后加 have 4.Is it worthwhile to spending so much money carrying out this project? 去掉 to 或 spending→spend 5.They were so deeply involving in the matter that they found it hard to pull out. involving→involved 高考试题专题解题指导 短 文 改 错 [2017 全国卷考情导向] (对应学生用书第 53 页) 模式 1| 缺一词 [命题角度] 缺 冠 词 缺 介 词 缺 代 词 缺不定式符号 缺be动词及其 变化形式 缺助动词 缺关联词 [典例剖析] 示例 错因 改正 (2017· 全 国 卷 Ⅱ)When summer comes, they will invite their students pick the fresh vegetables! 缺不定式符号 to。invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做 某事。 pick 前加 to (2017·全国卷Ⅰ)I still remember how hard first day was. 缺冠词或代词。表示第几 天,序数词前要加定冠词 或者限定词进行修饰。 first 前加 the/my (2016· 全 国 卷 Ⅰ)My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time. 缺介词 。dream of doing sth.为固定短语,意为“梦 想做某事”。 dreams 后 加 of (2016·全国卷Ⅲ)At last, I will be on my own, but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever 缺代词。whenever 引导让 步主语从句,从句缺主 whenever 后 加 I need help. 语,根据句意可知,“我” 需要父母的帮助,故在 whenever 后加 I。 (2017·云南省 11 校跨区调研考 试 )A real ecotravel should like this: take nothing away but your good memory; leave nothing behind but all clean water and green trees. 缺 be 动词。此处 like this 为介词短语作表语,前面 少了系动词 be。 should 后 加 be (2017·湖北省八校联考)Not until then I know my senior high school life had really begun. 缺助动词。Not until 置于 句首,其后的主句应用部 分倒装。 I 前加 did (2017·漳州市八校联考)How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up? 缺关联词。the fact 后面为 同位语从句,引导词 that 不能省略。 fact 后加 that 模式 2| 多一词 [命题角度] 多 冠 词 多 介 词 多 并 列 连词 多 代 词 多 不 定 式 符 号 多 从 句 引 导词 多 助 动词 比 较 级 重复 意 义 重复 逻 辑 矛盾 [典例剖析] 示例 错因 改正 (2017· 全 国 卷 Ⅱ)They have also bought for some gardening tools. 多介词。表示“买东西”时 buy 为及物动词,其后不应加 介词。 去掉 for (2017· 全 国 卷 Ⅰ)I was so much nervous that I could hardly tell 意义重复。此处为 so ...that ... 句式,so 与 much 表达的意思 去 掉 much which direction was left. 重复。 (2016·全国卷Ⅰ)Though not very big, but the restaurant is popular in our area. 多并列连词。though 和 but 不 能放在同一个句子里。 去掉 but (2016· 全 国 卷 Ⅲ)At the first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by myself. 多冠词。at first 为固定搭配, 意为“起初”。 去掉 the (2015· 全 国 卷 Ⅰ)Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem. 多助动词。Lots of studies 与 show 之间为主谓关系,应用 主动语态。 去 掉 been (2017· 九 江 市 联 考 )About two years ago, I worked hard and entered a local key school, which my parents were proud of it. 多 代 词 。 第 二 个 逗 号 后 的 which 引导定语从句且在从句 中作 of 的宾语,it 属于多余 词。 去掉 it (2017· 成 都 市 模 拟 )Anyway, I'll get used to living here and hope everything will be more better soon. 比较级重复。此处 better 为 good 的比较级,再加 more 就 属于重复。 去 掉 more (2017·巢湖市模拟)I am the apple of his eyes, but when it comes to my study, he is very strict and will never let me to be lazy. 多不定式符号 to。let 后跟不 带 to 的不定式作宾补,构成 let sb. do sth.。 去 掉 me 后的 to (2017·牡丹江市模拟)Every time when he arrived home at the end of the day, we'd greet him at the door. 多从句引导词。Every time 引 导时间状语从句,when 就属 于多余的词。 去 掉 when (2015· 浙 江 高 考 )Father in the distance,I could not enjoy the view of snowy mountains. 逻辑矛盾。根据逻辑关系,从 远处能够看到雪山,故去掉 not 。 去掉 not 模式 3| 错一词 [命题角度] 动词 名词 代词 数词 形容词、 副词 冠词 介词 并 列 连词 从 句 引 导 词 动 词 的 各 种 变 化 形 式 错误,包 括时态、 语态、非 谓 语 动 词、情态 动词、虚 拟 语 气 以 及 主 谓 一 致 等。 名词 的 数、 格的 错 误, 以及 名词 和形 容词 的错 用。 人 称 代 词、物主 代 词 以 及 反 身 代 词 数 的错用, 它 们 之 间 的 混 用;不定 代 词 的 错用。 基 数 词 和 序 数 词 的 错 用 ; 数 词 单 复 数 的 错 用。 比 较 等 级 的 错 用;修饰 名词、形 容 词 或 动词时, 形 容 词 与 副 词 的错用。 不 定 冠 词 a/an 的 错 用;不 定 冠 词 与 定 冠 词 的 错用。 介 词 基 本 用 法 的 错 用 ; 固 定 搭 配 中 的 介 词 错 用。 表 示 并 列 、 转 折 、 选 择 、 因 果 等 并 列 连 词 的 错 用。 三 大 从 句 引 导 词 的 错用。 [典例剖析] 示例 错因 改正 (2017· 全 国 卷 Ⅱ)Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. 代词错误。all 指的是三者及 三 者 以 上 。 Mr. and Mrs. Zhang 是两个人,故用 both。 因为 both 在此作同位语,也 可去掉。 all→both 或去掉 all (2017· 全 国 卷 Ⅱ)Besides, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. 名词错误。information 为不 可数名词,没有复数形式。 informations→ information (2017· 全 国 卷 Ⅱ)They live 冠词或数词错误。hour 发音 第 一 个 far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. 是以元音音素开头的单词, 前面要用不定冠词 an,也可 以用 one hour 表示“一个小 时”。 a→an/one (2017· 全 国 卷 Ⅰ)In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons. 数词错误。表示多少岁生日 应用序数词。 eighteen→ eighteenth (2017· 全 国 卷 Ⅰ)Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor's orders, so once I started the car, my mind went blank. 并列连词错误。根据前后意 思可知,此处表示转折,并 非因果关系。 so→but/yet (2017· 全 国 卷 Ⅲ)About one month after this photo was taken, I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music club. 动词错误。根据 was taken 和 entered 可知句子应用一 般过去时,and 连接两个并 列谓语 entered 和 became。 become→became (2016·全 国 卷Ⅰ)Instead, he hopes that his business will grow steady. 形容词、副词错误。grow 在 此是实义动词并非连系动 词,故用副词修饰。 steady→steadily (2016·全国卷Ⅰ)My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live. 从句引导词错误。close to 之后为介词 to 的宾语从句, 引导词在从句中作地点状 语,应用 where。 that→where (2016· 全 国 卷 Ⅲ)Now I am leaving home to college. 介词错误。leave ...for...表示 离开某地到另外一个地方。 to→for

