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Module 5   The Conquest of the Universe 内容索引 Step 1 以高考为导向 · 印证教材基础 Step 2 以核心为根本 · 探究课堂重点 Step 3 以检测为载体 · 提升语基能力 1. accustomed adj. 习惯的 ; 通常的 【文化金句】   The Chinese are more accustomed to chicken than to beef, because in history the ox has always been used as a draught animal but not for meat, while the chicken are not so lucky. 对于中国人来说 , 吃鸡肉显然要比吃牛肉更自然 , 因为牛在中国的传统中主要是用来耕地而不是用来吃肉的 , 而鸡就没有那么幸运了。 【语块必记】 (1)be/get accustomed /used to(doing) sth. 习惯于 ( 做 ) 某事 (2)accustom vt. 使习惯于 accustom oneself/sb. to. . . 使自己 / 某人习惯于 …… 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①We’re accustomed to ______(have) one thing in our pocket to do all these things. ②It took a while for me to accustom myself __ all the new rules and regulations. having to 2. consult v . 咨询 ; 请教 【写作金句】   If you want to consult with me, please make an appointment with my secretary in advance. 如果你打算与我商讨 , 请提前与我的秘书约定时间。 【语块必记】 (1)consult with sb.      同某人商量 , 与某人协商 consult sb. about sth. 就某事向某人咨询 (2)consult a dictionary/one’s notes 查阅字典 / 笔记 (3)consultant n. 顾问 【误区释疑】   表示“查阅”时 , 后面接书籍、词典、资料之类的词 , 表示“咨询 ; 磋商”时 , 常用于 consult sb. about sth. 【语境速测】   单句语法填空 ①You should consult your teacher _____your future plans. ②Having _________(consult) with my teacher, I decided on science as my main subject of study. about consulted 3. sympathy n. 同情 ; 同情心 【语块必记】 (1)express/show/have sympathy for. . . 对 …… 表示同情 out of sympathy for sb. 出于对某人的同情 (2) sympathetic adj. 同情的 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①All of a sudden, a warm feeling __ sympathy rose up in my heart. ②She finds herself torn between her sympathy ___ the animals being experimented on and her friendship with Banting and Best. of for 4. in spite of 不管 ; 尽管 ; 不顾 【语块必记】 in spite of=despite      尽管 , 不管 in spite of the fact that. . . 尽管事实是 …… regardless of 不管 , 不顾 【语境速测】  完成句子 ①_________( 尽管 ) the previous rounds of talk, no agreement has been reached so far by the two sides.   ②Every problem you have is your responsibility, ___________( 不管 )who caused it.   In spite of regardless of 5. Incredible as it may seem , both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption.   尽管看起来不可思议 , 但科学观测以及我们肉眼看到的证据都必然会让我们做出这个设想。 【句型公式】 as/though 引导让步状语从句 , 意为“虽然 , 尽管”。常将表语、状语或谓语动词的一部分提到句首 , 构成倒装结构 , 其常见句式形式包括 : n. +as/though+ 主语 + v. +. . . ; adj. /adv. +as/though+ 主语 + v. +. . . ; v. +as/though+ 主语 + 助动词 / 情态动词 +. . . ; 分词 +as/though+ 主语 + v. +. . . 。 注意 : 当单数名词位于句首时 , 名词前面的不定冠词要省略。 【语境速测】   同义句转换 ①Though he ran slowly, I couldn’t catch up with him. →_____________________, I couldn’t catch up with him.   ②Although he is a child, he has to make a living on his own. →__________________, he has to make a living on his own.   Slowly as/though he ran Child as/though he is 【备选要点】 1. assume v. 假定 ; 假设 【文化金句】   China’s Academy of Fine Arts also retained this building tradition, as its new facilities all assume the familiar tone of grey bricks and stone pillars. 中国美术学院也保留了这一建筑传统 , 因为它的新设施都采用了熟悉的灰砖石柱色调。 【语块必记】 (1)assume sb. /sth. to be    假定某人 / 某物是 …… assume that. . . 认为 / 假定 …… assuming that 假定 / 认为 …… ( 作状语 ) (2)assumption n . 假定 , 假设 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①We must assume him _____(be)innocent until he is proved guilty.   ②Your idea is based on a wrong __________(assume), so it can’t be correct. ③_________(assume)that there wasn’t the hard work of the dustmen, what can you imagine our environment will be like? to be assumption Assuming 2. accuse sb. of doing sth. 指责某人做某事 【文化金句】   Shaking hands is not necessarily the friendship, accusation is not necessarily the enemy. 握手不一定是友谊 , 指责不一定是敌对。 【语块必记】 the accused        被告 ; 被指控的 charge sb. with sth. 控告 / 指责某人做了某事 accused of. . . 被指控犯有 …… 罪 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①Several of the _______ (accuse) were found guilty. 完成句子 ②The boy made trouble for his teacher because he _____________( 被指责 ) destroying property.   accused was accused of 3. Little did he know what impact he was going to make. 他一点儿都不知道他将要造成多大的轰动。   【写作金句】   Never before in her life has Helen seen such beautiful and precious jewelry. 海伦一生中从未见过如此漂亮和珍贵的珠宝。 【句型公式】 (1) 具有否定意义的副词放在句首时 , 一般采用部分倒装结构。这类词有 never, rarely, seldom, scarcely, little, not, hardly 以及 not only. . . but (also). . . , no sooner. . . than, hardly. . . when, scarcely. . . when, not until 等。 (2) 表示否定意义的介词短语 , 如 by no means, in no way, in no case, on no condition, at no time 等位于句首时 , 句子也要用部分倒装。 【语境速测】  完成句子 ①Not once ____________Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.   迈克尔从来没想过有一天他会成为班里的一名尖子生。 ②__________________( 他们并不知道 )that the invisible soldier was sitting with them on the boat!   did it occur to Little did they know

