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‎(一)课前自主学习 Ⅰ.阅读单词——————知其意 ‎1.frontier n.        新领域 ‎2.anecdote n. 趣闻,轶事 ‎3.spokesman n. 发言人;代言人 ‎4.burglar n. 窃贼,小偷 ‎5.antique adj. 古时制造的,古董的 ‎6.basement n. 地下室;地下层 ‎7.courtyard n. 庭院,院子 ‎8.parcel n. (小)包裹 ‎9.circulate v. 流传;传播 ‎10.tentative adj. 不确定的;试探性的 ‎11.substitute n. 代替物;代替品 ‎12.outcome n. 结果;后果 ‎13.manuscript n. 底稿;手稿 ‎14.squeeze v. 榨出;挤出;压出(液体)‎ ‎15.overnight adj. 持续整夜的 ‎16.work n. 作品 ‎17.official n. 官员,高级职员 Ⅱ.重点单词——————写其形 ‎1.dull adj. 枯燥的;沉闷的 ‎2.subject n. (绘画,摄影等的)主题 ‎3.seek v.[纵联1] 寻找;寻求 ‎4.passerby n. (过)路人 ‎5.flee v. 逃跑,逃掉 ‎6.behalf n. 方面;利益 ‎7.fundamental adj. 根本的;基本的 ‎8.merely adv. 仅仅;只不过 ‎9.blame n.[纵联2] (对错事或坏事应负的)责任 ‎10.rural adj. 农村的;乡村的 ‎11.chief adj. 最重要的;首要的 ‎12.drawback n. 不利因素 ‎13.loss n. 丢失;丧失 ‎14.superb adj. 极好的;超级的 ‎15.passion n. 激情,热爱 ‎16.tax v. 对……征税,向……课税 Ⅲ.拓展单词——————通其变 ‎1.disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的→disturbed adj.被打扰的;不安的;精神失常的→disturb v.打扰;扰乱;使不安 [纵联3]‎ ‎2.basically adv.基本上,本质上,大致说来→basic adj.基本的;基础的;初级的→base n.基础 v.以……为基础 ‎3.effect n.效果;作用→effective adj.有效的;实际的 ‎4.motivate v.激发,激励→motivation n.动机;刺激;推动 ‎5.skilled adj.有技巧的,熟练的→skill n.技能;技巧→skillful adj.灵巧的 [纵联4]‎ ‎6.appeal v.恳求;呼吁n.魅力,吸引力→appealing adj.有吸引力的;动人的 ‎7.suspect n.(犯罪)嫌疑人;可疑分子 v.怀疑→suspicious adj.可疑的 ‎8.gifted adj.有天赋的;有才华的→gift n.天赋;天才;礼物 ‎9.inspire v.鼓舞;激励→inspiration n.灵感,启示;鼓舞 ‎10.profession n.职业→professional adj.专业的;职业的→professor n.教授 纵联1.多途径的“寻找”‎ ‎①seek v.寻找;寻求     ②explore v.探索,探究 ‎③track v.跟踪;追踪 ④search v.搜寻;搜索 ‎⑤hunt v.寻找;搜索 ⑥find v.寻找;找寻 纵联2.不一样的“责备”‎ ‎①blame vt.指责;责备 ②charge vt.控告;指责 ‎③accuse vt.控告,指控;谴责 ④scold vt.责骂 ‎⑤condemn vt.谴责;声讨 纵联3.“打扰,麻烦”看一看 ‎①disturb v.打扰,扰乱 ②trouble v.麻烦,使烦恼 ‎③bother v.烦扰,打扰 ④interrupt v.打扰,打断 纵联4.“名词+后缀ed”全扫描 ‎①skilled adj.有技巧的 ②aged adj.上年纪的 ‎③gifted adj.有才华的 ④talented adj.有才能的 ‎⑤experienced adj.有经验的 ⑥interested adj.感兴趣的 ‎⑦manned adj.需人操纵的 ⑧learned adj.有学问的 单元话题——文学与艺术 子话题1 绘画雕塑 ‎①studio n.画室 ②workshop n.工作间 ‎③gallery n.画廊 ④portrait n.画像 ‎⑤sketch n.草图;素描 ⑥painting n.油画;水彩画 ‎⑦sculpture n.雕塑,雕刻品 ⑧statue n.塑像;雕像 ‎⑨pigment n.颜料 ⑩frame n.画框 ‎⑪canvas n.画布 ⑫masterpiece n.杰作 子话题2 艺术欣赏 ‎①classic adj.经典的 ②unique adj.独特的 ‎③abstract adj.抽象的 ④exhibition n.展览 ‎⑤display v.展示;陈列 ⑥extraordinary adj.非凡的 ‎⑦visual adj.视觉的 ⑧magnificent adj.壮观的 ‎⑨vivid adj.生动的 ⑩valuable adj.有价值的 ‎⑪fancy adj.奇特的 ⑫style n.风格;类型 ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词汇应用 ‎1.(2018·江苏高考任务型阅读)These people earn a living wage for their __❶__ (profession) knowledge and skills❷.‎ ‎①用profession的正确形式填空:professional;其同根词professor意为:教授 ‎②写出skill在本单元中的同根形容词:skilled;其近义词为:skillful ‎2.(2012·北京高考阅读A)Basic❶ Math introduces students to the basic concepts of mathematics, as well as the __❷__ (fundamental) of more tricky areas.‎ ‎①写出basic在本单元中的副词形式:basically;其名词形式basis的复数形式为:bases ‎②用fundamental的正确形式填空:fundamentals_‎ 高考采撷(二) 写作中的词汇应用 ‎(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)‎ ‎1.(2013·四川高考书面表达)然而,那些枯燥的课程需要我们的决心、自控力和自信。(dull)‎ However,_those_dull_lessons_require_our_determination,_selfcontrolling_ability_and_confidence.‎ ‎2. (2012·山东高考写作)作为一名高中生,我认为英语是一门非常重要的学科。(subject)‎ As_a_high_school_student,_I_consider_English_a_very_important_subject.‎ ‎3.(2012·江苏高考书面表达)说实话,这是苏(华)的过错,但李(江)也应受责备——他们不够冷静,并说了一些很刻薄的话。(blame)‎ To_be_honest,_it_was_Su's_fault_but_Li_was_also_to_blame_—_they_were_not_calm_enough_and_both_said_some_really_mean_things.‎ ‎(二)课堂重点释疑 ‎1.effect n.效果;作用;影响 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)have an/no effect on    对……有/没有影响 bring/put ...into effect 使……生效 come/go into effect 开始生效,开始实施 take effect 见效,生效,实施 in effect 实际上;事实上 side effect 副作用 ‎(2)effective adj. 有效的;显著的;实际的 ‎(3)affect v. 影响;感动;侵袭 ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎①(2016·四川高考)These hormones also have a positive effect on the heart and the blood flow.‎ ‎②The law of celebrating the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival has come into effect all over the country.‎ ‎③Though side effects (effect) from aspirin are not common, they can occur.‎ ‎[写美] 补全句子 ‎④就我个人来说,我过去经常尝试一些有效的方法以实现我的学业目标。‎ Personally, I used_to_try_effective_methods to achieve my academic goals.‎ ‎[联想] 表示“实际上”的表达还有:in fact; in reality; in practice; actually; as a matter of fact等。‎ ‎2.seek v.(sought, sought)寻求,寻找;追求;探索;试图 ‎[记牢]‎ seek out          挑选出;找出 seek to do sth. 试图/争取做某事 seek (after/for) sth./sb. 追寻某物/某人 hideandseek 捉迷藏;躲猫猫 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①We seek_to_find (find) a way to make us get along well with the people around us.‎ ‎②(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)He was in trouble and sought (seek) the help of a private lawyer.‎ ‎③They sought out a handy spot where they might sit down and rest.‎ 补全句子 ‎④My lives are busy doing homework, playing sports, making friends, seeking_after_my_dreams.‎ 我的生活忙于做作业、做运动、交朋友、追寻梦想。‎ ‎[写美] 翻译句子 ‎⑤(2015·湖北高考写作)从这次经历中,我知道了质疑能帮助我们探寻真理和学到更多的知识。‎ From_this_experience_I_have_learnt_that_questioning_helps_us_to_seek_the_truth_and_learn_more_knowledge.‎ ‎3.blame n.(对错事或坏事应负的)责任;过失v.责备;谴责;把……归咎于 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)blame sb. for sth.       因某事责备某人 blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 be to blame (for ...) (因……)应受责备;‎ ‎ (对……)应负责任 ‎(2)take/accept the blame (for) (为……) 承担责任 lay/put the blame (for sth.) on sb. (把某事)归咎于某人 ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎①He is thought to have acted foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job.‎ ‎②(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame on the alarm clock.‎ ‎[用准] 在be to blame (for)短语中,不定式用主动形式表示被动含义。‎ ‎[写美] 补全句子 ‎③一些学生因他们对待别人不礼貌和粗鲁的态度而应该受到责备。‎ Some students are_to_blame_for their impolite and rude attitude toward others.‎ ‎4.inspire v.鼓舞,激励,鼓励,激发 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)inspire sb. to do sth.    激励某人做某事 inspire sb. with sth. = inspire sth. in sb.‎ ‎ 以……激励某人;激起某人的……‎ ‎(2)inspired adj. 品质优秀的;能力卓越的 inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的 inspiration n. 灵感 ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎①His speech was inspiring (inspire) and touched everyone's heart.‎ ‎②(2018·天津高考)The possibility that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to_explore (explore) the outer space.‎ ‎③(2017·北京高考)The little problems that we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations (inspire) for great inventions.‎ ‎[写美] 句型转换 ‎④His encouraging remarks inspired confidence in me.‎ ‎→His encouraging remarks inspired_me_with_confidence.‎ ‎[词汇过关综合训练] ‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.Were it not for music, life would be dull (枯燥的).‎ ‎2.Friendship has been the favorite subject (主题) of movie makers for a long time.‎ ‎3.Get off in Chongqing and drive to Chengdu for an overnight (持续整夜的) stay.‎ ‎4.Thanks to the help of several passersby (路人), they were sent to hospital in time.‎ ‎5.Regretfully, the driver didn't stop but fled (逃走) as quickly as possible.‎ ‎6.Some experts think reading is the fundamental (基本的) skill upon which school education depends.‎ ‎7.Don't be so serious. I merely (仅仅) played a joke on you.‎ ‎8.Some people like to put the blame (责任) on the industrial revolutions.‎ ‎9.(2016·江苏高考)Not until recently did the government encourage the development of touristrelated activities in the rural (农村的) areas.‎ ‎10.One should always be full of passion (激情) in his life no matter how old he is.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.When seeking (seek) for a job, a college graduate is at a disadvantage in terms of working experience.‎ ‎2.With inspiration (inspire) from other food cultures, Chinese food ‎ culture can take a turn for the better.‎ ‎3.The doctor is skilled (skill) at treating heart trouble, so he has a very good reputation.‎ ‎4.Go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physical exercise, which is an effective (effect) way to get rid of your anger.‎ ‎5.The word media basically (basic) refers to what we commonly call newspapers, magazines, radios and televisions.‎ ‎6.Martial Art Films are supposed to be educational, inspiring (inspire), as well as entertaining.‎ ‎7.(2018·江苏高考)Some social app companies were to_blame (blame) because they didn't adequately check their users' registration.‎ ‎8.Suspecting (suspect) him of robbing the bank, the police were monitoring his phone calls.‎ Ⅲ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.妈妈用她艰苦的童年故事来激励我们。(inspire)‎ Mother inspires_us_with_stories of her difficult childhood.‎ ‎2.我准备为这一错误承担责任。(blame)‎ I am ready to_take/accept_the_blame_for_the_mistake. ‎ ‎3.在你开始找工作之前,你必须清楚你的长处和短处。(seek)‎ Before_you_begin_to_seek_a_job,_you must be clear about your strengths and your weaknesses.‎ ‎4.允许所有夫妇生育二孩的法律于2016年1月1日正式生效。(effect)‎ The law of allowing all couples to have a second child took_effect/came_into_effect/was_put_into_effect_officially on Jan. 1st, 2016.‎ ‎5.我们学校呼吁学生每天至少抽出一个小时锻炼身体以保持健康。(appeal)‎ Our school appeals_to_the_students_to_set_aside at least an hour every day to do sports in order to keep fit.‎ ‎(一)课前自主学习 ‎1.depend_on       依靠,依赖;取决于(条件、情况)‎ ‎2.in_history 历史上 ‎3.leave_for 出发去某地 ‎4.leave_sth._behind_ 把……抛在后面 ‎5.on_behalf_of_ 代表……‎ ‎6.get_tired_of_doing_sth. 厌倦做某事;厌烦做某事 ‎7.at_liberty [串记1] 获得自由的 ‎8.up_to 到(某个数量)‎ ‎9.lead_to 导致,通向,通往 ‎10.take_up 从事,开始做(某项工作);占据 ‎11.in_short 总之;简而言之 ‎ ‎12.contrast_with [串记2] 与……形成对照 ‎[同根短语串记]‎ 串记1.“at+n.”短语聚一起 ‎①at liberty 获得自由的 ‎②at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在 ‎③at present 目前,现在 ‎④at random 随便地,任意地 ‎⑤at length 最终 ‎⑥at times 有时;偶尔 ‎⑦at work 在工作 串记2.聚焦“v.+with”短语 ‎①contrast with 与……形成对照 ‎②deal/do with 处理;对付 ‎③meet with 会见;会晤 ‎④agree with 同意 ‎⑤disagree with 不同意 ‎⑥begin with 以……开始 ‎1.hear_of           听说 ‎2.the beginning of ……的开端 ‎3.go hand_in_hand 携手共进 ‎4.compared with 与……相比 ‎5._for_all time 永远;一直 ‎6.for half an hour or_so 半个小时左右 ‎7.be thirsty_for knowledge 渴求知识 ‎8.write out by_hand 手工抄写 ‎1.It_is_believed_to_be the best example of a new lifelike style of painting that amazed people when it was first used.‎ 它被认为是一种新的形象逼真型绘画风格的最好代表作,这种风格一经使用就使人们惊叹不已。‎ ‎2.Painters discovered how_to_use perspective and the effects of light ...‎ 画家们发现了如何使用透视法和光线的效果……‎ ‎3.So you can walk along a street for half an hour or so and end up five minutes from_where_you_started.‎ 那么你有可能沿街走了半个小时左右,结果离你出发的地点实际仅有五分钟的路程。‎ ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 完形中的短语(补全句子)‎ ‎1.(2018·天津高考完形填空)Thinking hard about it, I came to realize that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were depending_on (依靠) me.‎ ‎2.(2009·辽宁高考完形填空)The moment he was about to leave_for_the_hospital (动身去医院), he saw on the desk the still new book, just as he had left it one year ago.‎ 高考采撷(二) 写作中的短语和句式(补全句子)‎ ‎1.(2016·天津高考书面表达)代表我们学校,我想表达我的感受。‎ On_behalf_of_my_school,_I would like to express my feelings.‎ ‎2.(2016·江苏高考书面表达)对有些人来说它是有益的,然而它却使另一些人陷入了投票和不投票的两难境地。(“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构)‎ It is beneficial to some people, while it puts others into a dilemma over whether_to_vote_or_not.‎ ‎(二)课堂重点释疑 ‎[短语集释]‎ ‎1.depend on依靠,依赖;取决于(条件、情况)‎ ‎[记牢]‎ depend on sb. doing/to do sth. 依靠/指望某人做某事 depend on sb.for sth. 指望/依赖某人得到某物 depend on/upon it that ... 相信/指望……‎ It (just/all) depends. 视情况而定。‎ ‎[练通] 单句语法填空 ‎①I know we can depend on her dealing/to_deal (deal) with the tough situation.‎ ‎②Don't worry. You can depend on_it that he'll turn up on time. He always keeps his promises.‎ ‎[用准] rely on, depend on/upon, see to 等词后接that 从句作宾语时,必须先用 it 作形式宾语。‎ ‎[写美] 补全句子 ‎③依赖快餐可能会导致一个人遭受缺乏营养的痛苦。‎ Depending_on_fast_food may cause a person to suffer from lack of nutrition.‎ ‎2.leave sth. behind把……抛在后面;遗留;留下 ‎[记牢]‎ leave alone      不打扰;不干涉;不管;不理 leave for 动身去某地 leave off 停止;中断 leave aside 不考虑;忽视;搁在一边 leave out 遗漏,省略,删去,不考虑 leave ... to ... 把……交由……处理 ‎[练通] 用适当的介、副词填空 ‎①(2017·11月浙江高考)We were never actually left behind in a strange city, but we weren't about to take any chances.‎ ‎②I met Professor Green in the street the other day and he told me he would soon leave for Britain. ‎ ‎③Leave alone the boy; he can make up his own mind.‎ ‎④Harry took up the story at the point where John had left off.‎ ‎⑤The editors decided to leave out this chapter to make the book shorter.‎ ‎[写美] 补全句子 ‎⑥如果可以的话,请留下你的联系方式,以便进一步沟通。‎ If may, please leave_behind_your_contact_method,_in order to further links up.‎ ‎[句式集释]‎ ‎“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构 ‎[教材原句] Painters discovered how_to_use_perspective and the effects of light ...‎ ‎[悟拓展例句]‎ ‎(1)When_and_where_to_hold_the_meeting remains to be discussed further.何时何地举行会议有待于进一步讨论。‎ ‎(2)They always told me what_to_do_and_how_to_do_it.‎ 他们总是告诉我该做什么以及怎么做。‎ ‎(3)The boy is too young to know what to do in trouble.‎ ‎→The boy is too young to know what_he_should_do in trouble.‎ ‎[析用法规则]‎ 用法归纳 ‎(1)“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构在句中可作主语、宾语或表语,疑问词包括疑问代词(who, what, which)和疑问副词(when, where, how)。‎ ‎(2)“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构可转换为从句。‎ 注意事项 ‎(1)在“疑问代词+不定式”结构中,不定式常用主动形式表示被动意义。‎ ‎(2)按英语习惯,疑问词why后面通常不接不定式。但在以why或why not 开头的省略疑问句中,其后可跟不带to 的不定式。‎ ‎[背写作佳句]‎ ‎(1)(2018·北京高考书面表达)With their interest greatly sparked, I then began to teach them how to make tea.(要点句)‎ ‎(2)(2018·天津高考书面表达)I would appreciate it if you could give us some advice on how to improve our robots.(总结句)‎ ‎[词块、句式过关综合训练] ‎ Ⅰ.选词填空 depend on, leave for, leave sth. behind, on behalf of, get tired of, up to, lead to, take up ‎1.The chairman signed the document on_behalf_of the company.‎ ‎2.When did you take_up Spanish as a second foreign language?‎ ‎3.There is only one of the oldest customs that has been kept in this district up_to now.‎ ‎4.We're sure that the measures will lead_to a large increase in our production.‎ ‎5.There are so many books! It is not easy for us to decide which to take and which to leave_behind.‎ ‎6.The boy was in such an anxious rush when he left_for school that he left his key inside the house.‎ ‎7.Never get_tired_of doing little things for others. Sometimes those ‎ things occupy the biggest part of their hearts. ‎ ‎8.While shopping, you should make your own decision. You cannot simply depend_on_what is advertised on TV.‎ Ⅱ.根据提示补全句子 ‎1.此外,我们应该学习如何与他人相处好。(“特殊疑问词+不定式”作宾语)‎ In addition, we should learn_how_to_get_along_well_with_others.‎ ‎2.城堡里的很多画被认为是在2009年的一场火灾中被毁掉的。(be believed to) ‎ A number of paintings in this castle are_believed_to_have_been_destroyed in a fire in 2009. ‎ ‎3.他爬到寺庙顶上,从那儿他除了树什么也看不到。(from where)‎ He climbed up to the top of the temple, from_where_he_could_see_nothing_but_trees.‎ Ⅲ.分步写作 假定你是李华,你的同学王明最近代表学校参加了绘画比赛。尽管他的作品以和平为主题,但是评委们认为他的作品过于沉闷,缺乏激情。王明没有获奖情绪低落。请你就此事给王明写一封信对他表示安慰。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 第一步:准确审题,理行文脉络,拟写作要点 本文是应用文中的劝慰信。时态是一般过去时,人称是第二人称。本文可分为三个要点。要点1陈述写信的背景,点明王明参加了绘画比赛但没有获奖的心情;要点2分析对方遇到的问题,简单介绍作品特点;要点3阐述个人观点并表示安慰。其中要点2可以从作品的主题,评委对作品的看法来写;要点3可以从艺术的追求和艺术天赋方面进行劝说。‎ 要点1-①:你最近代表学校参加了绘画比赛。(participate in)‎ Recently_you_participated_in_a_painting_competition_on_behalf_of_your_school.‎ 要点1-②:你没有获奖,这让你情绪低落。(disturb)‎ You_didn't_win_the_prize_and_it_disturbed_you_a_lot.‎ 要点2-①:我知道你的作品以“和平”为主题,呼吁人们珍爱和平,铭记历史。(appeal to, cherish)‎ I_know_that_the_subject_of_your_work_is_“peace”_which_appeals_to_people_to_cherish_peace_and_remember_history.‎ 要点2-②:评委们认为你的作品过于沉闷,缺乏激情。(passion)‎ The_judges_believed_that_your_work_was_too_dull_and_lacked_passion.‎ 要点3-①:你不应该受到责备,你追求的是艺术的真谛。(true meaning)‎ You_are_not_to_blame._You_seek_after_the_true_meaning_of_art.‎ 要点3-②:你有绘画天赋,不要让这次失败对你产生消极的影响。(negative)‎ You_are_gifted_at_drawing,_and_you_shouldn't_let_this_failure_have_a_negative_effect_on_you.‎ 第二步:添加细节,文意更丰满,表达更亮眼 在表达要点时,要注意多使用一些必要的状语、定语等使内容充实。例如在要点1-①中添加“我很抱歉得知”这一修饰语,并用but 连接词、非限制性定语从句和要点1-②合并;在要点3-②‎ 中用分词作状语增加“在通往艺术的道路上你还有很长的路要走”。‎ 拓展要点1:我很抱歉得知你最近代表学校参加了绘画比赛,但没有获奖,这让你情绪低落。(用 which引导的非限制性定语从句)‎ I'm_sorry_to_know_that_recently_you_participated_in_a_painting_competition_on_behalf_of_your_school,_but_you_didn't_win_the_prize,_which_disturbed_you_a_lot.‎ 拓展要点3-②:在通往艺术的道路上你还有很长的路要走。你有绘画天赋,不要让这次失败对你产生消极的影响。(用现在分词作状语)‎ Having_a_lot_to_do_on_the_way_leading_to_the_art_and_being_gifted_at_drawing,_you_shouldn't_let_this_failure_have_a_negative_effect_on_you.‎ 第三步:连句成文,排语句顺序,重衔接过渡 本习作中各要点之间可用however, from where I stand, because等衔接词进行过渡,使文章逻辑严密;结尾可用“Hope to see you cheering up again.”来表达对王明的祝福。‎ Dear_Wang_Ming,‎ I'm_sorry_to_know_that_recently_you_participated_in_a_painting_competition_on_behalf_of_your_school,_but_you_didn't_win_the_prize,_which_disturbed_you_a_lot.‎ I_know_that_the_subject_of_your_work_is_“peace”_which_appeals_to_people_to_cherish_peace_and_remember_history.However,_the_judges_believed_that_your_work_was_too_dull_and_lacked_passion._From_where_I_stand,_you_are_not_to_blame_because_you_seek_after_the_true_meaning_of_art._Having_a_lot_to_do_on_the_way_leading_to_the_art_and_being_gifted_at_drawing,_you_shouldn't_let_this_failure_have_a ‎_negative_effect_on_you.‎ Hope_to_see_you_cheering_up_again.‎ Yours_sincerely,‎ Li_Hua

