2021届高三英语外研版一轮总复习教师用书:必修3 Module 6 Old and New

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2021届高三英语外研版一轮总复习教师用书:必修3 Module 6 Old and New

www.ks5u.com ‎             Module 6 Old and New ‎ (主题语境——人与社会之科学与技术:社会进步与人类文明)‎ ‎1.empire n. 帝国  2.kingdom n. 王国 ‎3.president n. 总统 4.cabinet n. 内阁 ‎5.parliament n. 议会 6.democracy n. 民主 ‎7.capitalism n. 资本主义 8.constitution n. 宪法;章程 ‎9.royal adj. 皇家的 10.conservative n. 保守派 ‎11.religion n. 宗教 12.religious adj. 宗教的 ‎13.racial adj. 种族的 14.prehistoric adj. 史前的 ‎15.attack vt.‎& n. 进攻;攻击 16.explode v. 爆炸 ‎17.abolish vt. 废除;取消 18.representative n. 代表 ‎19.immigrant n. 移民 20.independence n. 独立 ‎21.monument n. 纪念碑 22.appoint v. 任命,委派 ‎23.election n. 选举;当选 24.federal adj. 联邦的 ‎25.liberate vt. 解放;释放 26.BC abbr. 公元前 ‎27.bomb n. 炸弹 28.found vt. 成立;建立 ‎29.minister n. 部长;牧师 30.premier n. 首相;总理 ‎1.break away from 脱离 ‎2.fight for 为……而战 ‎3.fight against 对抗,反对,与……作斗争 ‎4.free of 无……的,摆脱了……的 ‎5.in history 在历史上 ‎6.have an influence on 对……有影响 ‎7.rise up 起义 ‎8.persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 ‎9.be tired of 厌烦 ‎10.go against 违背 ‎11.come to an end 结束 ‎12.tear down 拆毁,拆除 ‎13.be active in 在……活跃 ‎14.by hand 用手 ‎15.in place 在合适的位置 ‎16.on a large scale 大规模地 ‎17.reach an agreement 达成协议 ‎18.be responsible for 负责 ‎19.announce sth. to sb. 向某人宣布某事 ‎20.force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事 ‎1.Argentina, whose official language is Spanish, gained its independence from Spain in 1810.‎ ‎1810年阿根廷从西班牙统治下获得独立,其官方语言是西班牙语。‎ ‎2.Mandela, who played an important role in the antiracial discrimination struggle in South Africa, made great contributions to the ‎ development of South Africa.‎ 曼德拉对南非的发展做出了巨大贡献,他在南非的反种族歧视斗争中扮演着重要的角色。‎ ‎3.Scotland voted against independence; more than half people chose to remain part of the United Kingdom.‎ 苏格兰公投反对独立,过半数人选择继续留在英国。‎ ‎4.We can know more about the life of great people as well as history and culture of other countries.‎ 我们能够了解更多伟人的生活以及其他国家的历史和文化。‎ ‎5.Race has always been a hot button in this country's history.‎ 种族一直是这个国家历史上争论不休的一个热点。‎ ‎            ‎ ‎ 单词巧练 写准并记牢 Ⅰ.识记单词 ‎(一)会其形 ‎1.canal n. 运河              2.dam n. 坝;堤;水闸 ‎3.structure n. 建筑物;结构 ‎4.date vi. 始于(某一历史时期)‎ ‎5.remove vt. 迁移;搬迁 6.ridiculous adj. 荒唐的;可笑的 ‎7.enormous adj. 巨大的;庞大的 8.crash vi. (飞机)失事;坠毁 ‎(二)知其意 ‎1.bulletin n. 小型报刊;短新闻;报告 2.civil adj. 民用的;国内的 ‎3.cliff n. 悬崖;峭壁 4.gorge n. 峡谷 ‎5.hydroelectric adj. 水力发电的 ‎6.reservoir n. 水库 ‎7.terminal n. (机场的)集散站;终点站;候机厅 ‎8.carving n. (尤指木头、象牙等的)雕刻(品)‎ ‎9.relic n. (常作复数)(历史的)遗迹;遗物 ‎10.site n. 场所;遗址 ‎11.generate vt. 发(电)‎ ‎12.watchtower n. 瞭望台 Ⅱ.拓展单词 ‎1.engineering n. (土木)工程→engineer n. 工程师 ‎2.accommodate vt. 容纳(乘客等)→accommodation n. 住所;膳宿 ‎3.construction n. 建造;建设;建筑→construct vt. 建造;建设→constructive ‎ adj. 建设性的 ‎4.historical adj. 历史的;有关历史的→historic adj. 有历史意义的 ‎5.narrow adj. 狭窄的 v. (使)变窄→narrowly adv. 勉强地 ‎6.poem n. 诗;诗歌→poet n. 诗人 ‎7.global adj. 全球的→globe n. 地球;地球仪 ‎8.freezing adj. 冷冰冰的;极冷的→frozen adj. 冷冻的;冻坏的→freeze vt. 冷冻;冰冻;使……冻住 ‎9.observatory n. 观察台→observe vt. 观察→observation n. 观察 ‎10.foggy adj. 有浓雾的→fog n. (浓)雾 高考与教材 ‎1.(2019·北京卷)When these organisms die,they bury carbon in the deep ocean,an important process that helps to regulate the global (globe) climate.‎ ‎2.(2019·浙江卷)The number of trees larger than two feet across has declined by 50 percent on more than 46,000 square miles of California forests,the new study finds.No area was spared or unaffected,from the foggy (fog) northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the San Gabriels above Los Angeles.‎ ‎3.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ)For this purpose, select ripe bananas for freezing (freeze) as they are much sweeter.‎ ‎4.(2018·江苏卷)The extensive collection consists of masterworks in sculpture, colored glass, and precious objects from Europe dating (date) from about the 9th to the 15th century.‎ ‎5.(2018·江苏卷)In Philadelphia, a metro area smaller than Dallas, the arts have an economic impact of almost $3 billion and support 44,000 jobs, 80 percent of which actually lie outside the arts industry, including accountants, marketers, construction (construct) workers, hotel managers, printers, and other kinds of art workers.‎ ‎1.以“ical”结尾的形容词一览 ‎①historical 有关历史的 ‎②economical 经济的;节约的 ‎③geographical 地理(学)的 ‎④logical 逻辑的 ‎⑤magical 魔术的;有魔力的 ‎⑥musical 音乐的;悦耳的 ‎2.由canal想到的 ‎①strait n. 海峡 ‎②reservoir n. 水库 ‎③pool n. 池塘 ‎④ocean n. 海洋 ‎⑤stream n. 小溪 ‎⑥channel n. 海峡 ‎3.“冷暖”知多少 ‎①freezing adj. 冷冰冰的 ‎②icy adj. 冰冷的 ‎③cold adj. 寒冷的 ‎④hot adj. 热的 ‎⑤cool adj. 凉的 ‎⑥warm adj. 温暖的 ‎ 短语巧练 写准并记牢 ‎1.date_from 起源于 ‎2.of_all_time 有史以来 ‎3.now_that 既然 ‎4.dream_of/about 梦想 ‎5.hold_back 阻止 ‎6.come_true (梦想等)变成现实 ‎7.make_sense 有意义;有道理 ‎8.bring_an_end_to 结束;终止 ‎9.be_on_a_visit_to 正对……进行访问 ‎10.be_of_great_importance 很重要 高考与教材 ‎1.(2016·全国卷Ⅱ) If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify those greater_and_less_importance.‎ ‎2.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)Now_that you know why you want to wake up, consider rearranging your morning activities.‎ ‎3.(2015·湖南卷)I had a strong desire to reach in and play with the toy, but was held_back thankfully by the shop window.‎ ‎4.(2014·四川卷)The exams are likely to work out as expected and my dream to be admitted into my favorite university will come_true.‎ ‎1.dream“梦想”有多少 ‎①dream of/about 梦想 ‎②dream a...dream 做……梦 ‎③dream away time 虚度光阴 ‎④go to one's dreams 进入梦乡 ‎⑤dream up 虚构出 ‎2.“v.+back”短语全接触 ‎①hold back 阻止;抑制 ‎②get back 返回;取回 ‎③give back 归还;送回 ‎④pay back 偿还(借款等)‎ ‎⑤ring back 回电话 ‎⑥bring back 带回;使想起 ‎3.各种“拜访”‎ ‎①pay a visit to 拜访 ‎②be on a visit to 正在访问/参观……‎ ‎③call on sb. 拜访某人 ‎④call at sp. 拜访某地 ‎⑤drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人 ‎⑥drop in at sp. 顺便拜访某地 ‎ 句式仿写 写准并记牢 ‎1.It takes (sb.) some time to do sth. “(某人)花费一些时间做某事”‎ It took six years to build and cost US $20 billion.‎ 它花费了6年的时间才建成,耗资200亿美元。‎ ‎2.Is it possible to do sth.?“做某事有可能吗?”‎ Is it possible to see the relics now that they have been submerged?‎ 既然这些遗迹都已被淹没,还有可能再看到它们吗?‎ ‎3.do you think在句中作插入语 Why do you think there are so many tall buildings in the world now?‎ 你认为为什么现在世界上有这么多的高层建筑?‎ 高考与教材 ‎1.(2019·天津卷)你认为一个好老师最重要的品质是什么?‎ What_do_you_think_is_the_most_important_quality of a good teacher?‎ ‎2.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)像任何事情一样,有可能都过量食用脂肪和盐,这对健康是不利的。‎ Like anything, it_is_possible_to_have too much of both, which is not good for the health.‎ ‎3.(2014·重庆卷)他花了好几个星期才做好这件礼物。这就是为什么我比那天收到的其他礼物更珍惜它的原因。‎ It_took_him_several_weeks_to_learn_to make it.That's why I value it more than any other gift I received that day.‎ ‎            ‎ 高频词汇精讲 ‎1.date vi.始于(某一历史时期)vt.确定年代;注明日期n.日期;约会 Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming Dynasty ‎ ‎(1368—1644).‎ 长城的大部分始建于明朝(1368—1644)。‎ ‎(1)date from/back to 起源于;追溯到 ‎(2)set a date for 确定……的日期 have a date with sb. 与某人约会 out of date 过时的 up to date 现代的;最新的 ‎[名师指津] date from/back to常指以“现在”为起点向前推,故在句中作谓语时,常用一般现在时。它们没有进行时态,也没有被动形式。故它们用作定语时,要用现在分词形式。‎ ‎(1)单句语法填空 ‎①Most Chinese people like the fairy tale of Cowboy and Weaving girl, which dates (date) from the Han Dynasty.‎ ‎②Dating (date) from 1980s, our friendship gave both of us pleasure.‎ ‎(2)补全句子 The dictionary is out_of_date:_many words have been added to the language since it was published.‎ 这部词典过时了:自从它出版以来,这门语言已增添了许多单词。‎ ‎2.accommodate vt.容纳(乘客等);使适应;迁就;向……提供vi.适应 The airport is within five hours' flying time of half the world's population and is designed to accommodate 80 million passengers a year.‎ 世界上一半的人口可以在五个小时内飞抵这个机场,机场设计客容量为每年八千万人次。‎ ‎(1)accommodate...to... 使……适合/迁就/迎合……‎ accommodate sb. with sth. 帮忙;向某人提供某物 accommodate oneself to 使某人自己适应……‎ ‎(2)accommodation n. 住所;膳宿 ‎(1)单句语法填空 ‎①It took him a while to accommodate his eyes to the darkness.‎ ‎②He will accommodate me with the use of his house while he is abroad.‎ ‎③I'd also like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation (accommodate) is included.‎ ‎(2)补全句子 We should accommodate_ourselves_to the changing situation.‎ 我们应该使自己适应不断变化的形势。‎ ‎3.hold back 阻止;隐瞒;抑制,控制(情感等);扣留 Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”.‎ 毛泽东写过一首词,在词中,他想象了“更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖”的壮丽景观。‎ hold up 举起;支撑;使停顿;耽误 hold on (打电话时)等一下,不要挂断;坚持 hold on to 抓住;坚持;不放弃 hold out 伸出;张开;坚持;忍耐 选用上述短语填空 ‎①His car was held_up in the traffic jam, so he was late for the party.‎ ‎②They were ready to hold_out a friendly hand.‎ ‎③We thought of selling this old furniture. But we've decided to hold_on_to it. It might be valuable.‎ ‎④The fight would have been avoided if either of you had been able to hold_back your anger.‎ ‎4.make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通,可理解 If you take away the relative clauses, do the sentences still make sense?‎ 如果去掉关系从句的话,这些句子还讲得通吗?‎ make sense of 了解……的意义;懂得 in a sense 某一方面;就某种意义来讲 in no sense 决不(用在句首时,句子用部分倒装)‎ a sense of ……的感觉 There is no sense in (doing) sth. [口语]做某事是没有道理/意义的 ‎(1)单句语法填空 ‎①We read through poem, but couldn't make sense of it.‎ ‎②There is no sense in complaining. We should take action now.‎ ‎(2)补全句子 ‎①See, your computer has broken down again! It doesn't_make_sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars.‎ 瞧,你的电脑又坏了!只是为了省一点钱买最便宜牌子的电脑没有意义。‎ ‎②In no sense should_you_lose_heart;_keep trying and you will make it sooner or later.‎ 你决不应该灰心丧气。继续努力,你迟早会成功的。‎ ‎5.bring an end to 结束;终止 The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric project which has brought an end to the danger of flooding.‎ 三峡大坝是一个水力发电工程,这项工程结束了洪水泛滥的危险。‎ bring/put an end to sth.=bring/put sth. to an end 结束/终止某事 come to an end 结束;完结 carry...through to the end 将……进行到底 on end 连续地;竖着 选用上述短语填空 ‎①Winning the competition brought/put_an_end_to his financial problems.‎ ‎②For several miles on_end,_there was no house on either side of the road.‎ ‎③We must carry the experiment through_to_the_end,_not giving it up halfway. ‎ ‎④The long cruel winter came_to_an_end at last, then came a gentle warm spring.‎ 重点词汇点拨 ‎1.narrow adj.狭窄的;狭隘的;勉强的v.(使)变窄;缩小 单句语法填空 ‎①The police have narrowed down their list of suspects.‎ ‎②The final score of the basketball match was 9394. We were narrowly (narrow) beaten.‎ ‎③Last year I had a narrow escape, and I don't want to risk my life a second time.‎ ‎2.remove vt.开除;拿走;消除;脱去(衣物) ;免职 写出下列句中remove的含义 ‎①If a nest has four eggs and you remove one, the bird will not notice.拿走 ‎②He removed his jacket when he arrived home.脱掉 ‎③He was severely criticized and removed from his post.撤职 ‎④The agreement removes the last serious obstacle to the signing of the treaty.清除 ‎⑤Three children were removed from school for bad behaviors.开除 ‎3.写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义 ‎①The Transition is now going through crash tests to make sure it meets federal safety standards.碰撞 ‎②Many of the images were stored in an ice chest, under freezing water, in the damaged wooden ship.冷冰冰的;极冷的 ‎③When they say something silly or do something ridiculous, there is always the Internet to spread the news in minutes and keep their “story” alive forever.可笑的 ‎④Our proposal tries to accommodate the special needs of minority groups.顾及;考虑到 典型句式精析 It takes (sb.) some time to do sth.意为“(某人)花费时间做某事”,it在句中为形式主语,后面的不定式短语to do sth.是句子的真正主语。此外,take还表示“需要”。‎ ‎(1)sb. spend some time/money (in) doing/on sth.某人花费时间/金钱做某事 ‎(2)(doing) sth. cost (sb.) some time/money(做)某事/物花费(某人)时间/金钱 ‎(3)sb. pay sb. some money for sth. 某人为某事/物付给某人多少钱;某人花费多少金钱为某事 ‎(1)单句语法填空 ‎①As a new graduate, he doesn't know what it takes to_start (start) a business here.‎ ‎②The watch was very good, and he paid 20 percent down for it.‎ ‎③A month before the event, I spent hours working (work) out a schedule outlining my goals and practical steps.‎ ‎(2)句型转换 The park was crowded, so finding an available site cost/took us some time.‎ ‎→The park was crowded, so it took_us_some_time_to_find an available site.‎ ‎→The park was crowded, so we spent_some_time_(in)_finding an available site.‎ ‎            ‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.Don't you think it is a ridiculous (荒谬的) idea to make petrol from water?‎ ‎2.Many students have much difficulty understanding the complex sentence structures (结构).‎ ‎3.The poems (诗歌) have been translated into more than ten languages.‎ ‎4.He got an enormous (巨大的) amount of money by winning the first prize in lottery.‎ ‎5.The bus is large enough to accommodate (容纳) 50 passengers.‎ ‎6.The book she is reading is based on historical (历史的) events.‎ ‎7.The gate is too narrow (窄的) for a car; we will have to walk through.‎ ‎8.The result was that the engine ended up at the bottom of the canal (运河).‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.To_accommodate (accommodate) himself to the life abroad, he has to keep his knowledge and skills updated.‎ ‎2.The old lady decided to spend the remaining time she could afford travelling (travel) around the world,enjoying every minute.‎ ‎3.The new suspension bridge designed by the famous architect is under construction (construct)now, which will be completed in 2020.‎ ‎4.We can not guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy (fog) weather.‎ ‎5.How dangerous! We narrowly (narrow) avoided an accident just now.‎ ‎6.With the misunderstanding removed (remove), the two old friends made up happily.‎ ‎7.They have found cave paintings dating (date) back to thousands of years.‎ ‎8.People watched in horror the plane crash (crash) to the ground.‎ ‎9.It took me quite a long time to_develop (develop) a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.‎ ‎10.As for me, it is not when to do the task but how to do it that is of great importance.‎ Ⅲ.单句改错 ‎1.His goal has finally been come true after so many years' hard work.去掉been ‎2.There are two new buildings in construction, one of which is a rest home for old people.in→under ‎3.I always dream of there is a chance to travel to different places, meeting different people.is→being ‎4.The party was a success.We sang and danced until it came to a end at midnight.第二个a→an ‎5.It just doesn't make the sense.Why would she do a thing like that?去掉the ‎6.To be honest,I dreamed becoming a famous musician when I was young.dreamed后加of ‎7.Now that we have finished the course,so we shall start going over the lesson.去掉so ‎8.The Double Ninth Festival,dated back to a long time ago,is the day for the elderly in our culture.dated→dating ‎9.The boy playing in the street narrow missed being knocked down by a speeding car.narrow→narrowly ‎10.On a frozen morning, the little girl was found at the corner of the street.frozen→freezing Ⅳ.语段填词 ‎1.Dating from the Ming Dynasty, the old custom is out of date but in good condition. (date)‎ ‎2.The reason why I was very unsatisfied is that I was accommodated in the village for the first time that was small and desperately in need of proper accommodation. (accommodate)‎ ‎3.Li Bai was a famous poet without equal in Tang Dynasty and many of his poems were passed down from generation to generation. (poem)‎ ‎4.The speaker stressed that for all the countries across the globe,_the problem of global warming should be paid special attention to. (global)‎ ‎5.The weather today is no better than yesterday because it was so freezing that the cold weather froze the lake. And I was absolutely frozen to death, so I ordered takeout food which cost me 20 yuan. (freeze)‎ Ⅴ.完成句子 ‎1.有史以来许多人都梦想着一个没有战争的世界。(dream of)‎ Many people throughout history have dreamed_of_a_world_without_war.‎ ‎2.无论困难有多大,我们绝不会被其阻止。(hold back)‎ We will never_be_held_back_by_difficulties,_no matter how great they are!‎ ‎3.既然你已经知道了真相,我就没有必要解释了。(now that)‎ Now_that_you've_known_the_truth,_I don't need to explain it.‎ ‎4.您认为我明天下午什么时间可以来见他?(do you think作插入语)‎ When_do_you_think_I_can_come and see him tomorrow afternoon? ‎ ‎5.无论走到哪里他都能使自己适应新环境。(accommodate)‎ Wherever he goes, he can accommodate_himself_to new circumstances.‎ Ⅵ.微写作 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Tom在观看习近平主席的新年讲话后,发微信询问你的家乡的情况,请按以下写作要点给他发微信:‎ ‎1.家乡始于三百年前,有几个历史遗址,道路狭窄;‎ ‎2.发展为旅游胜地;道路变宽。‎ 注意:1.请根据以上要点写一篇100词左右的短文;‎ ‎2.尽量使用本模块的知识点;‎ ‎3.可适当增加细节。‎ My hometown is a small mountainous village, dating back to three hundred years ago. Though there are several historical relics there, it could only be accessible by a narrow road.‎ Many people removed to other places, while those remaining there dreamed of/about living a happy life. Fortunately, with the help of the local government, it took the villagers three years to develop my hometown into a tourist site. Besides, the construction of a new road has been completed, which makes it possible for the villagers to travel around. Most importantly, with living conditions greatly improved, the dream of the villagers has come true.‎ Ⅶ.课文语法填空 The Three Gorges Dam,the biggest __1__ (construct) project in China,has been built __2__ (control) flooding and provide hydroelectric power for the __3__ (center) region of China.The dam is nearly 200 meters high and 1.5 kilometers wide.It is __4__ largest hydroelectric power station and dam in the world,which will generate electricity equal __5__ about 40‎ ‎ million tons of coal without __6__ (cause) so much air pollution.‎ The reservoir __7__ (flood) 2 cities,11 counties,140 towns and more than 4,000 villages since then.More than a million people have moved from __8__ used to be their home for generations,and they are living a happy new life in different areas.‎ The Three Gorges area is one of the most beautiful __9__ (area) of China and the project has flooded some of China's most famous historical sites.With some historical sites __10__ (remove),some others are being put into museums.‎ ‎1.construction 2.to_control 3.central 4.the 5.to ‎6.causing 7.has_flooded 8.what 9.areas 10.removed 学习至此,请完成课时作业18‎

