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‎2019届二轮复习短文语法填空专题有提示词为非谓语动词解题指导(四):基本记忆帮助选用恰当的非谓语动词 ‎1.非谓语动词填空的两个原则 ‎(1)主被动原则 逻辑主语与非谓语动词是主谓关系时,用现在分词ing形式;是动宾关系时用过去分词ed形式。‎ Tsinghua University, founded in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures.‎ 清华大学建立于1911年,是许多杰出人物的摇篮。‎ The lecture, starting (which started) at 7:00 p.m. last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes.‎ 讲座于昨晚七点开始,随后是用望远镜观察月球。‎ ‎(2)时间先后原则 非谓语动词表示正在进行,用现在分词ing形式;表示已经完成,用过去分词ed形式;表示将来发生的动作,用不定式to do形式。‎ It’s a pity that he won’t be able to attend the party to be held tomorrow at the art center.‎ 很遗憾他将不能参加明天在艺术中心举办的宴会。‎ It’s a pity that he is unable to attend the party being held now at the art center.‎ 很遗憾他不能参加正在艺术中心举办的宴会。‎ It was a pity that he was unable to attend the party held yesterday at the art center.‎ 很遗憾他没能参加昨天在艺术中心举办的宴会。‎ ‎2.牢记用动词ing/to do 形式作宾语的动词(短语)‎ ‎(1)接动词ing形式作宾语的常用动词(短语)有:‎ 喜欢考虑不可免(enjoy, consider, avoid)‎ 不禁放弃太冒险(cannot help, give up, risk)‎ 欣赏承认很值得(appreciate, admit, be worth)‎ 介意想象莫拖延(mind, imagine, delay, put off)‎ 允许完成是期待(allow, finish, look forward to)‎ 建议保持勤操练(suggest, keep, practice)‎ 致力原谅要坚持(be devoted to, excuse, insist on)‎ 继续成功不错过(keep on, succeed in, miss)‎ ‎(2)接不定式作宾语的常用动词(短语)有:‎ 一准备(prepare)、二决定(decide, determine)、三要求(ask, demand, request)、四希望(desire, expect, hope, wish);提供计划(offer, plan, intend);设法学会(manage, learn);未能选择(fail, choose);只好乞求(beg);拒绝答应(refuse, promise);假装同意(pretend, agree)。‎ ‎(3)有些动词或动词短语既可接不定式作宾语,也可接动名词作宾语,但表示的含义不同。‎ mean forget regret try go on remember can’t help I regret to tell you that he didn’t take your application into consideration.‎ 我很遗憾地告诉你他没有考虑你的申请。‎ I regret making rude comments on your appearance.‎ 我非常遗憾对你的外表做了无礼的评论。‎ ‎3.掌握非谓语动词的几种句型公式 ‎(1)不定式作宾语补足语 tell/order/persuade/force/warn/encourage/ask/invite+sb.to do sth.。‎ I’d like to invite you to take part in the activity.‎ 我想邀请你参加这项活动。‎ ‎(2)后用省略“to”的不定式作宾语补足语的动词(短语):‎ ‎“五看;三使;二听;一感觉”。‎ 五看:look at/watch/notice/see/observe sb.do sth.‎ 三使:make/have/let sb.do sth.;‎ 二听:listen to/hear sb. do sth.;‎ 一感觉:feel sb.do。‎ I like the film because it can make me laugh. ‎ 我喜欢这部电影,因为它能让我发笑。‎ ‎(3)用于it作形式主语结构中:‎ It+be+名词或形容词(no good, no use, a pleasure, worthwhile, useless)+动词ing;‎ It+be+形容词(difficult/kind/clever等)+for/of sb.to do sth.;‎ It+takes+sb.+some time+to do sth.‎ As is known to us, it’s no use complaining without taking action.‎ 众所周知,只抱怨不采取行动是没用的。‎ ‎(4)only to do结构表示出乎意料的结果。‎ He hurried to the station, only to find the train had left.‎ 他匆忙赶到车站,结果却发现火车已经开走了。‎ 一、 ‎ 单句对点练——练明考点 ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ改编)I saw there were two instructors on board and a man (lie) across the middle.‎ 解析:lying 此句考查see sb. doing sth.句型,“看到某人在做某事”。“lying across the middle”作宾语a man的补足语。‎ ‎2.(2018·天津高考改编)That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their vacations, we met every day and practiced (pass) and ‎ kicking the football.‎ 解析:passing practice后跟动词ing形式作宾语,故填passing。‎ ‎3.(2019·安徽名校模拟)These best cookers in the world would pick McDonald’s or KFC if they had the choice of what (eat).‎ 解析:to eat 分析句子结构可知,此处应用“疑问代词what+to do”作介词of的宾语。‎ ‎4.(2018·日照联考)Last year, a documentary (纪录片) (title) Masters in Forbidden City became popular online.‎ 解析:titled 此处用动词的过去分词形式作名词的后置定语,意为“名为……的”。‎ ‎5.In the spring of the following year they make the long and tiring journey back to Britain.They get (settle) on the same barn or tree in the same district which they left the previous autumn.‎ 解析:settled 此处get为系动词,后跟过去分词形式作表语,get settled意为“定居下来”。‎ ‎6.(2018·陕西质量检测)Today, you can find a statue of John Harvard (stand) in front of the University Hall in Harvard Yard, and it is perhaps the University’s best known landmark.‎ 解析:standing 句意:今天,你可以在哈佛广场的大学礼堂前找到一尊站立着的约翰·哈佛的雕像,这也许是这所大学最著名的地标。“a statue of John Harvard”和动词stand之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作宾语补足语。‎ ‎7.The word “MidAutumn” first appeared in the famous ancient book Rites of Zhou (《周礼》), a book (tell) the rites in the Zhou Dynasty. ‎ 解析:telling “a book (tell) the rites in the Zhou Dynasty”作“Rites of Zhou(《周礼》)”的同位语,空格处作定语修饰a book,故空格处要填入非谓语动词,a book与tell之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词。‎ ‎8.(2018·成都第二次诊断)If you speak to a local about your stay ‎ in Chengdu, he will probably ask if you’ve tried hot pot.Everyone (live) here seems to love it, and trying it should be a fixed part of everyone’s culinary tour of Sichuan.‎ 解析:living live和句子谓语seems之间没有连词,故空处应用非谓语动词,且动词live和句子主语Everyone之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作定语。‎ ‎9.(2018·广州调研)He was amazed (see) a whole community of creatures swimming in this one drop — tiny beings no one had ever seen before.‎ 解析:to see 句意:他吃惊地看见一整个生物群落正在这一滴水中游动——这么小的生物以前从未有人见过。be amazed to do sth.为固定用法,意为“吃惊地做某事”。‎ ‎10.(2018·赣州十四县市联考)One day, about ten years ago, while (work) at the cash register in the gift shop at my University Museum of Natural History, I saw an elderly couple come in with a little girl in the wheelchair.‎ 解析:working 在含有while引导的状语从句的复合句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且含有be动词的某种形式时,可将从句的主语和be动词省略,构成省略结构。此处补充完整为:while I was working at the cash register ...。故此处应填working。‎ ‎11.Hongcun, (fill) with lakes and beautiful Anhuistyle buildings, is 900 years old.‎ 解析:filled 句意:布满了湖泊和美丽的安徽建筑的宏村,有九百年的历史。be filled with为固定短语,故填filled。‎ ‎12.(2018·安徽名校模拟)As the researchers expected, 30% of the chefs (survey) said that their best meal as a kid was still what they liked the most as an adult.‎ 解析:surveyed chefs和动词survey之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示“被调查的厨师”,故用过去分词作后置定语。‎ ‎13.(2018·郑州第一次质量预测)However, our discussions are more ‎ than just a way (practice) our debating skills.‎ 解析:to practice 句意:然而,我们的讨论不仅仅是练习我们辩论技巧的一种方法。此处用不定式形式作定语。‎ ‎14.(2018·湖北七市联考)In Mao Zedong’s poem Ode to the Plum Blossom (《咏梅》),the plum blossom was used (praise) great soldiers who sacrificed their lives for a better life for Chinese people.‎ 解析:to praise 结合语境可知此处应用不定式作目的状语,所以填to praise。be used to do sth.“被用来做某事”。‎ ‎15.(2019·湖北八校第一次联考)A famous 19th century Russian writer, Anton Chekhov, once invited a Chinese man (have) a drink in a bar.‎ 解析:to have 句意:一位19世纪著名的俄国作家安东·契诃夫曾邀请一个中国人去酒吧喝酒。invite sb.to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“邀请某人做某事”,故用动词不定式to have。‎

