2018届一轮复习北师大版必修4 Unit 10 Money 学案 (2)

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2018届一轮复习北师大版必修4 Unit 10 Money 学案 (2)

高一英语北师大版Unit 2-- Unit 12 重点知识复习 Unit 2 Heroes ‎ Lesson 1 (PP.2 1-22) ‎ ‎1.be famous for…be well-known for…因……而著名/出名 ‎ be famous as…作为……而著名/出名 be well-known as... ‎ be famous to…为……而熟知 be well-known to... ‎ She is famous for her novels.她以她的小说而出名。 ‎ Her novels are famous to people all over the country.她的小说被全国人民熟知。 ‎ She is famous as a novelist.作为一名小说家,她很有名。 ‎ ‎2.separate…from…把……分隔开(将两个不同的整体分隔开来) ‎ divide…into…把……分开/分成……(将整体分为部分) ‎ Please separate the big apples from the small ones.请把大苹果和小苹果分开。 ‎ Divide the apple into two halves and give one half to her. ‎ ‎3.because of...因为……(后接名词或代词) because因为……(后接从句) ‎ I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky because of the zero gravity. ‎ 由于没有地球引力,我突然有一种升入云霄的感觉。 ‎ I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky because there was no gravity. ‎ ‎4.When….at that time suddenly这时,那时 (表示动作发生的突然性) ‎ Pat was in the bathroom with a hairdryer in her hand when she heard a crash. ‎ 帕特手拿吹风机在浴室里,这时她听到一个撞击声。 ‎ We were driving along a country lane when,suddenly,a car drove past us out of control. ‎ 我们正驱车沿着乡间小巷行驶,突然,一辆小卧车从我们车旁疾驶而过,失去了控制。 ‎ The man was reading the sports column in the park when he heard a scream calling for help.‎ 那人正在公园里看体育版栏目,突然,他听到了呼救的尖叫声。 ‎ We were watching a new movie in the theatre when suddenly the light went out. ‎ 我们正在电影院看一部新电影,突然,灯灭了。 ‎ Lesson 2 ‎ ‎5.with+宾语+宾语补足语 ‎ Jennifer was in the kitchen,with her hands in a bowl of flour. 詹妮弗在厨房,双手放在面盆里。 ‎ Our English teacher is a pretty girl with a pair of glasses on her nose. ‎ 我们的英语老师是一个漂亮的女孩,戴着一幅眼镜。 ‎ She came into the room with a big smile on her face.她满面笑容地进了屋。 ‎ ‎6.fight for…为……而斗争/战斗/拼搏 ‎ fight with…与……作斗争/打架/打仗;和……并肩战斗 fight against…‎ 与……作斗争/打架/打仗 ‎ Martin Luther King fought for the rights of black people in the USA. 马丁•路德•金为美国黑人争取权利而斗争。 ‎ He fought against racism.他与种族主义作斗争。 ‎ Britain fought with France against Germany in the Second World War. ‎ 在第二次世界大战中,英国和法国联合作战抗击德国。 ‎ Do you always fight with/against your brother? 你经常和你兄弟打架吗? ‎ ‎7.in one’s opinion=personally依某人看来 ‎ It’s a terrible shame,in my opinion,that the building was knocked do wn. 在我看来,摧毁这幢大楼是个耻辱。 ‎ In my opinion,most people learn best by doing,not by sitting in a classroom and reading about it. ‎ 我认为大多数人都是靠“做中学”,而不是靠坐在教室里阅读而达到最佳学习效果的。 ‎ It’s a great idea,in my opinion.我确信这主意真好。 ‎ ‎8.spend…(in)doing…花时间做某事 spend…on…花钱 ‎ She spend too much money on clothes.她在衣服上花钱太多。 ‎ She spent her whole life working with poor and sick people. 她的一生都致力于为穷苦和有病的人工作. ‎ More and more young people like to spend time online talking to friends and listening to music 越来越多的年轻人喜欢花时间上网和朋友聊天、听音乐。 ‎ Much of my time is spent studying financial reports研究财务报告花了我很多时间。 ‎ ‎9.agree with…同意、赞同某人的看法、见解等 ‎ agree to…同意、赞同某人的看法、见解等(后接opinion,suggestion,proposal,decision等) ‎ agree on 同意、赞同某人的看法、见解等(经讨论或协商后达成共识) ‎ agree to do sth./agre e that同意做某事 ‎ reach an agreement达成协议 ‎ I agree with you./I agree with what you said.我同意你说的话。 ‎ Is he going to agree to our suggestion? 他同意我们的建议吗? ‎ Though the both sides have met many times,they failed to agree on change. ‎ 尽管双方会面多次.还是没能就变化达成一致意见。 ‎ My boss has agreed to give me a pay rise.我的老板同意给我长工资。 ‎ It was agreed that the boss would sign the contact next Monday morning 约定老板于下周一上午在合同上签字。 ‎ Lesson 3 ‎ ‎10.in prison在服刑 in the prison在监狱里 ‎ He spent 27 years in prison for fighting for the rights ofblack South Africans. ‎ 为争取南非黑人的权利,他在监狱里呆了27年。 ‎ 类似用法的词语有: at school在校读书 at the school在学校里 in hospital住院 in the hospital在医院里 ‎ ‎11.compete against…与……竞争/比赛 compete for..争取/争夺…… ‎ compete in…参加……的比赛;参与…•••的竞争 ‎ ‎(win/lose/enter a)competi tion n . (赢得/失去/参加)竞争;比赛 ‎ competitor n. 竞争者;参赛者 ‎ Many graduates are competing against each other for a job 许多毕业生为获得一份工作而相互竞争着。 ‎ In the Olympic Games,they competed in spring board diving against Australian competitors for gold medals. ‎ 在奥林匹克运动会上,他们在跳板跳水上与澳大利亚人争夺金牌。 ‎ ‎12.come to an end结束 ‎ They have already expressed a keen interest in working in design after their tennis careers come to an end.‎ 她们俩都对网球生涯结束后从事设计工作感兴趣。 ‎ We all wished the meeting came to an end soon.我们都希望会议快点儿结束。 ‎ put an end to…结束…… Let's put an end to that sort of lifestyle.让我们结束这种生活方式吧。 ‎ ‎13.be strict with sb对某人要求严格 be strict in sth.对某事要求严格 ‎ He is strict with his students and in his own work他对学生和自己的工作都严格要求。 ‎ ‎14.expect vt.预料,期待,盼望 ‎ expect to do expect sb.to do expect sth.of sb . expect that clause ‎ be expected to do sth.= be supposed to do应该做某事 ‎ As expected…正如所料…… ‎ I expect your opinion.我期待你的意见。 ‎ I expect to get a letter from my father tomorrow.我期待明天收到父亲来信。 ‎ Don’t expect too much of him,or you’ll feel disappointed. 不要对他期望太多,否则你会失望的。 ‎ I expect that you’d live with us.我期望你和我们住一起。 ‎ As expected, he didn’t come to help.正如所料,他没有来帮忙。 ‎ ‎15.make progress取得进展(常和good,great,rapid slow等形容词连用。) ‎ You’ve made great progress in English.你在英语学习上取得了很大的进步。 ‎ Jane is still in hospital,but she's making rapid progress. 简还在医院里.但是她恢复得很快。 ‎ Lesson 4 ‎ ‎16.on one’s own = by onesclf独自地;单独地 oneself亲自(作状语用) of one’s own属于自己的 ‎ You needn’t help him,he can dress himself on his own/by himself. 你不必帮他,他能自己穿衣。 ‎ I’ll go there by myself and do it myself.我独自去那里,并亲自做那件事。 ‎ Now many young teachers have houses of their own. 现在许多年轻教师都有属于自己的房子。 ‎ ‎17.pull through康复,渡过难关 ‎ We are excited to see our father have managed to pull through after the operation. 我们兴奋地看到,父亲手术后已康复。 ‎ ‎18.give up放弃 give in (to sb./sth.)(向……)屈服 ‎ Though I was very weak in English,I never gave up. 虽然我的英语不好,但是我从不放弃。 ‎ If you think you are right,don’t give in to his decision. 如果你认为你是正确的,就不要屈服于他的决定. ‎ ‎19.get on with sb.与人相处;过活,对付下去;进展、发展 ‎ He is difficult to get on with.他难以相处。 How is your work getting on? 你工作进展如何? ‎ How can we get on without water? 没有水我们怎么活? ‎ get through通过 get around四处走动 get away走开,离开 ‎ get down写下,记下 get over恢复过来 get in收割 ‎ ‎20.confident adj.自信的,有信心的, ‎ be confident of sth./that……确信 have confidence in…对……有信心 ‎ lose confidence in…不相信……;对……没有信心 ‎ He is confident of winning the game.=He is confident that he will win the game. 他对获胜有信心 ‎ I have confidence in my ability of teaching.我对自己的教学能力非常自信。 ‎ Don’t lose confidence in yourself.不要对自己丧失信心。 ‎ Unit 3 Celebration ‎ Lesson 1 ‎ ‎1.celebrate vt.庆祝 celebration n.庆祝;庆祝会;典礼 ‎ hold a celebration举行庆祝会 in celebration of为庆祝…… ‎ They will hold a party to celebrate their victory.他们要举办晚会来庆祝他们的胜利。 ‎ We’‎1l hold a celebration in celebration of his return from the space 我们要举行庆祝会,庆祝他从太空归来。 ‎ ‎2.graduation n.毕业,毕业典礼 after graduation毕业之后 graduate(from) v. 从…毕业,获得学位 n. 大学毕业生 ‎ He graduated in physics from Cambridge University.他毕业于剑桥大学物理系。 ‎ I would like to study law at Bei jing University after graduation. 毕业后,我想去北京大学学法律. ‎ The young man is said to be a Harvard graduate.据说这位年轻人毕业于哈佛大学。 ‎ ‎3.festival n.节日,喜庆日, ‎ the Spring Festival the Mid-Autumn Festival ‎ festival与day:在表示节日时,festival一般指中国的传统农历计算的节日,如:the Lantern Festival元宵节,而day一般指国际上通行的按公历计算的节日,如:May Day劳动节.Army Day建军节,Children's Day等。 ‎ ‎4. It is said that sb./sth….据说某人某事物…(此句型可转换成“Sb/sth.is said to do.”的句式) ‎ It is said that he isfrom France.=He is said to be from France.据说他是法国人。 ‎ It is said that she is writing a new novel.=She is said to be writing a new novel. 据说她在写一本新小说。 ‎ ‎5. traditional adj.传统的,惯例的,沿袭的 traditional Chinese medicine中药 tradition n.传统,惯例 ‎ The young should keep up the fine tradition of plain living and hard work. 年轻人应该保持艰苦奋斗的优良作风。 ‎ ‎6 . including prep.(其中)包括 ‎ Ten people,including two women,were killed in the accident. 有十个人在那次事故中死了,其中包括两位妇女. ‎ included adj包括在内的 ‎ Five students failed in the examination, Li Ping included/including Li Ping 五个学生考试没及格.其中包括李平。 ‎ You’ll need a variety of skills,including leadership and negotiating. ‎ 你需要多种技能,包括领导和谈判技能。 ‎ Everyone has to go to the dentist,you included.人们都得去看牙医,包括你。 ‎ ‎7.serve ‎ ‎(1) Vt & vi 服务;(为……)工作;服役 ‎ We should serve the people 我们应该为人民服务。 ‎ She served the family as a cook for fifteen years.她在那户人家里当了十五年厨师。 ‎ He has served in the army for three years.他已在部队服役三年.. ‎ ‎(2) Vt 端上(饭菜),送上(食物饮朴伺候);盛(食物) ‎ Breakfast is served until ‎9 a.m.早饭一直供应到9点。 ‎ Meals can be served to you in your room.可以给你把饭送到房间。 ‎ Why aren’t you out there serving the guests? 你为什么不出去招待客人? ‎ You should serve the coffee hot.咖啡应趁热端出饮用。 ‎ The old woman served us (with) apples.。The old woman served apples for/to us 那位老太太拿出苹果来款待我们。 ‎ ‎8.decorate vt.装饰;为……做室内装修;装潢 ‎ She decorated her room with flowers. 她用鲜花装饰她的房间。 ‎ A11 the walls of his room are decorated with pictures of rock singers 他房间的每面墙上都装饰着摇滚歌手的照片。 ‎ How much will it cost to decorate the house? 装修这间房子要花多少钱? ‎ ‎9.take part in参加 ‎ How many athletes took part in the competition? 有多少运动员参加了比赛? ‎ He took an active part in political activities when he was young. 年轻时他积极参加政治活动。 ‎ join(sb.)in sth./doing sth. ‎ I’m sure you’ll all join me in thanking today’s speaker. 我相信大家愿意和我一起向今天的演讲者致谢。 ‎ Cynthia’s due to join her husband in Florida in September, hoping for a quieter life. ‎ 辛西娅预定于九月份抵达佛罗里达州,希望和她丈夫过平静的生活。‎ To work better,your strategy must continually increase the number of people joining you in taking responsibility for change. 为了做好工作.你的策略应该是不断地使更多的人和你一起来为变化负起责任。 ‎ attend a meeting/conference,class party/celebration,reception…;attend college,church… ‎ Please let as know if you are unable to attend the conference.若不能参加会议,请告知。 ‎ Karl attended college after military service军队服役后,卡尔上了大学。 ‎ After attending church,the family would go home for dinner. 做完礼拜后,这家人要回家吃晚饭。 ‎ ‎10.dozen和hundre&thousand…一样,当表示好几十用dozens of;当前面有表示具体数量的词或有many,several,a few等词修饰时,dozen不用复数形式。如: ‎ According to a government spokesman,dozens of people were killed in the train accident. ‎ 据政府发言人讲,数十人在这次火车车祸中丧生。 ‎ We colleted dozens and dozens of shells on the beach 我们在海滩上捡了很多很多的贝壳。 ‎ The number of d eaths has risen to more than two dozen.死亡人数已升至20‎ 多人。 ‎ There are several dozen exercise books on the table. 桌上有几打练习本。 ‎ ‎11.reception n接待,欢迎,招待会 reception desk接待处 reception clerk接待员 ‎ give/hold a reception举行招待会 ‎ The Chinese Workers’Delegation met with a warm reception. 中国工人代表团受到热情的接待。 ‎ ‎12.invitation ‎ ‎① n [C] “请帖,邀请函”,其后常接介词to。 ‎ I have received an invitation to their party.我已收到参加他们宴会的请帖。 ‎ send out invitations发请帖 ‎ ‎②[U] [C ]“邀请”,其后常接介词to或不定式短语 ‎ a letter of invitation邀请函 ‎ accept the invitation to the wedding接受邀请参加婚礼 ‎ She refused his invitation to have dinner with his family. 她拒绝了与他家人共进晚餐的邀请。 ‎ ‎13.opportunity n机会,良机 ‎ take the opportunity to do sth.趁便、借机做某事 ‎ I take this opportunity of thanking you.我趁此机会感谢你们。 ‎ He likes to make his opinions known at every opp ortunity. 他喜欢利用一切机会让人们了解他的想法。 ‎ grasp / grab / seize / lose / miss / provide /offer / create…an opportunity ‎ 抓住、失去、提供、创造 ……机会 ‎ ‎14.congratulation n.祝贺,庆贺 ‎ I've just passed my driving test!…“Congratulations!” 我刚刚通过驾驶执照考试!…‘恭喜你!’ ‎ Congratulations on a superb performance! 对这场精彩的演出表示祝贺! ‎ congratulate sb.on/upon sth.祝贺,向……道喜 ‎ She congratulated me warmly on my exam results.她热烈祝贺我考试取得好成绩。 ‎ I congratulated myself on my good fortune.我为自己的好运气感到高兴。 ‎ ‎15.smartly adv.轻快地,敏捷地,漂亮地 ‎ The boy answered my question smartly.那男孩机敏地回答了我的问题。 ‎ smart adj.敏捷的,伶俐的,漂亮的 as smart as a pin非常潇洒 ‎ ‎16.even if/eventhough即使 ‎ Even if/Even though he can understand you,he won't follow your advice. ‎ 即使他能听懂你的话,他也不会听从你的建议。 ‎ She’s going to have problems finding a job even if she gets her A levels. 即使她达到A级水平,她找工作还会有难处。 ‎ I can still remember,even though it was so long ago. 尽管这是发生在很久以前的事,我仍然记得。 ‎ ‎17.marry ‎ ‎(1)vt.&vi嫁,娶。如: ‎ I am going to marry John.我要和John结婚了。 ‎ They married in their twenties.他们是二十多岁结的婚。 ‎ He married his daughter to a rich man in town.他把女儿嫁给了镇上的一个富人。 ‎ ‎(2) get/be married(to sb.) ‎ They have been married for 3 years.他们结婚已经三年了。 ‎ They got married during the war.他们在战争期间结婚了。 ‎ ‎18.contribute vt.捐献.捐助 ‎ The volunteers contributed huge amounts of their own time to the project.志愿者把自己大量的时间花在了这个项目上. ‎ Everyone should contribute his share in building a stronger China.每个人应尽自己的一份力量来建设一个更强大的中国。 ‎ An increase in the price of drugs has contributed to the rising cost of medical care. 药品价格的上涨导致医疗费用日益增长。 ‎ make contributions to为……做贡献 ‎ The school sees its job as preparing students to make a contribution to society. 学校把培养学生为社会做贡献看作已任。 ‎ In addition,many companies make contributions to employee retirement plans at the start of the year ‎ 另外,在年初许多公司为雇员的退休计划做了贡献。 ‎ contribute to 对某事起促成作用 ‎ Fresh air contributes to our health.新鲜空气有助于健康。 ‎ ‎19.1ink vt,连接,联系 ‎ This road links the two viilages.这条路连接着两个村庄。 ‎ These two accidents are closely linked together 这两件意外事件有密切的关系。 ‎ We link up with the company.我们与该公司携手合作。 ‎ ‎20.try to do sth.努力做某事 try doing sth.尝试做某事 ‎ He tried to climb the tree,but he could not 他努力地爬树,可是爬不上去。 ‎ If you can’t work it out,try doing it in another way.如果你算不出来,试试另一种方法 ‎ ‎21. After lunch,the adults slept on the sofas in front of Queen's speech on television while we all played cards.午饭后我们打牌,而大人们躺在沙发上,聆听女王的电 视讲话。 ‎ 此句中的while意为“而”,表示前后对比。如You like tennis,while I like reading你爱打网球,但我爱看书。 ‎ Schools in the north of the country tend to be better equipped, while those in the south are relatively poor.‎ 在这个国家,北方学校的配备较好.而南方的则相对来讲差一些。 ‎ That region has plenty of natural resources while this one has none ‎ 那个地区自然资源丰富,而这个地区却一点儿都没有。 ‎ while还可以表示“尽管,虽然” ‎ While the grandparents love the children,they are strict with them 虽然祖父母都疼爱这些孩子,但却对他们严格要求。 ‎ While there was no conclusive evidence,most people thought he was guilty 尽管没有确证,大多数人还是认为他有罪。 ‎ While she is a likeable girl she can be extremely difficult to work with. 她虽然是个可爱的女孩.但有时很难与她共事.. ‎ ‎22.go to church做礼拜 go to the church到教堂去 ‎ ‎23.blow up ‎ ‎1) 使充气,给……打气 I have to get my tyre blow up.我得把轮胎打一下气。 ‎ ‎2 )爆炸,裂开 The balloon blew up all of a sudden.气球突然爆炸了。 ‎ ‎3) 炸掉 Blow up the enemy headquarters将敌人的司令部炸掉 ‎ blow off吹掉 blow out吹熄(灯火等) ‎ ‎24.dress up盛装,打扮 ‎ She likes to dress up to for a party.她喜欢打扮得漂漂亮亮去参加晚会。 ‎ ‎25.It is believed that…(=People believe that…)据信;人们相信。It为形式主语,that引导主语从句。如 ‎ It is believed that the story is true=People believe that the story is true=The story is believed to be true.‎ 人们认为/相信这个故事是真实的。 ‎ 类似believe这种用法的动词常见的有:say, report,think,suppose等。 ‎ ‎26.in particular特别地。如: ‎ She loves this song in particular,because her mother used to sing it. 她特别喜欢这首歌,因为她母亲过去经常唱。 ‎ I remember one of them in particular.我特别记得其中的一个。 ‎ ‎27.anniversary n周年纪念 ‎ Tomorrow is the anniversary of the first day we dated. 明天是我们初次约会的周年纪念日。 ‎ They celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary.他们庆祝 结婚十周年。 ‎ ‎28.mess n.混乱,脏乱:困境 ‎ in a mess脏乱不堪,问题成堆 ‎ The children's room was in a terrible mess. 孩子们的房间乱七八糟。 ‎ The previous chairman had left the company in a terrible mess 前任董事长使公司成了个烂摊子。 ‎ He got into a mess 他陷入困境。 ‎ She cleared up the mess from the table.她把餐桌上杂乱的杯盆收拾好。 ‎ make a mess of搞得……一塌糊涂 ‎ You can cook dinner if you promise not to make a mess in the kitchen. ‎ 只要你保证不把厨房搞乱,你就可以在这儿做晚餐。 ‎ The husband complained that his wife had made a mess of their money. 丈夫抱怨他妻子把钱理得一塌糊涂。 ‎ Unit 4 ‎ Warm-up ‎ ‎1.climate n. the regular weather conditions of a particular place气候 ‎ atropical climate热带性气候 ‎ a mild/temperate/warm/wet climate温和/温带/暖和/潮湿的气候 ‎ political climate政治气候 ‎ the current climate of opinion现时的思潮,趋? ?p> climate和weather ‎ climate指气候,指一个地区气候总的情况,如气温、降雨量等;weather则指天气,指特定一天或某个时节的天气的具体情况,如冷暖阴晴等。 ‎ ‎2.flood n.a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry洪水.水灾 ‎ v. If a place floods or something flood it.it becomes filled or covered with water 淹没,泛滥 ‎ The heavy rain has caused floods in many places of the country. 大暴雨引发了该国许多地区的洪灾; ‎ The fiver is in flood.河水正在泛滥。 ‎ They received a flood of complaints.他们收到大量的投诉。 ‎ Workers continue to flood into neighboring cities to hunt for iobs. 工人继续大量地涌进邻近的城市寻找工作。 ‎ The oftice was flooded with applications for the job办公室堆满了应征工作的申请表。 ‎ ‎3.come true if wishes,dreams etc come true,they happen in the way that someone has said or hoped that they would ‎(愿望、梦想等) 实现,成真 ‎ After 20 years.Michael’s dream of owning a home came true. 20年后,迈克拥有一 The prediction seems to have come true.这预测好像已经成为现实。 ‎ Lesson l ‎ ‎4.affect v. to do something that produces an effect or change in something or in someone’s situation影响 ‎ Emergency relief will be sent to the areas most affected by the hurricane 紧急救助将会送往受飓风影响最严重的地区。 ‎ Scientists are investigating the ways in which climate changes affect the Ozone. ‎ 科学家们正在调查研究天气变化影响臭氧的方式。 ‎ The new tax law doesn’t affect me because I’m a student. 因为我还是个学生,新税法不会影响我。 ‎ ‎5.attack vt.& n ‎ ‎1) to deliberately use violence to hurt a person or damage a place; ‎ ‎2) to start using guns,bombs etc against an enemy in a war; ‎ ‎3) to criticize someone or something very strongly攻击:抨击 ‎ She was attacked while walking home late at night在深夜回家的路上她遭到袭击。 ‎ The general consulted with the president before giving the order to attack ‎ 在发出攻击命令前,将军曾征求过总统的意见.‎ Newspapers attacked the government for fairing to cut taxes. 报刊抨击政府没有能削减税率。 ‎ There have been several attacks on foreigners recently. 最近发生了几起针对外国人的暴力事件。 ‎ ‎6.crash v.&n. to have an accidentin a car,plane etc by violently hitting something else碰撞,撞击;撞击声 ‎ Three people were killed when their car crashed into atree. 当车撞到树上时中三个人死了。 ‎ A 737 aircraft crashed near NewYork一架737飞机在纽约附近坠毁了。 ‎ The tree fell with a great crash.这棵树“砰”地一声倒在地上了。 ‎ A girl was killed yesterday in a car crash一个女孩在昨天的车祸中死了。 ‎ ‎7.harm vt.&n to hurt or injure somebody or todamage something损害,伤害 ‎ Too much direct sunlight will harm the plant.太多阳光直射将伤害植物。 ‎ This event harmed relations between the two countries 这个事件损害了这两个国家之间的关系。 ‎ do harm to伤害,损害 ‎ This won’t do his career serious harm这不会对他的事业造成多大伤害。 ‎ do more harm tha n good弊大于利 ‎ Criticizing people’s work often does more harm than good. 批评别人的工作往往弊多利少. ‎ ‎8.offer vt.&n,to ask someone if they would like to have something,or to hold something out to them so that they can take it提出.提供 ‎ offer sb sth, offer sth to sb ‎ They offered him a very good job,but he turned it down. 他们给他提供了一份很好的工作,但他拒绝了。 ‎ The drama school offers places to students who can show talent. ‎ 这个戏剧学校为那些有天赋的学生提供入学就读的机会。 ‎ They’ve ofiered us$75.000 for the house.他们已向我们出价7.5万美元卖这幢房子。 ‎ Thank you for your offer of help.谢谢你提供的帮助。 ‎ I’ll sell the car if I get a good offer.如果报价好的话,我就卖了这辆车。 ‎ ‎9.As if in a way that suggests something好像 ‎ He behaved as if nothing had happened.他表现得好像什么事情也没有发生过一样。 ‎ The lad started as if he was awakened from some dream. ‎ 这个小伙子开始表现得好像从梦中醒来。 ‎ Lesson 2 ‎ ‎10. 甪ashion n.something that is popular or thought to be good al aparticular time时髦,时尚;(衣服、发型的)流行方式 ‎ Their music will never go out of fashion.他们的音乐永远不会过时。 ‎ Teenage girls are very fashion conscious少女们都十分热衷于赶时髦。 ‎ a fashion designer时装设计师 a fashion show时装表演 ‎ Long hair is very much in fashion.长头发现在很流行。 ‎ We were determined to be in the fashion, and to visit the various delightful watering places on Long Island.‎ 我们决定赶时髦,去长岛参观各种各样的让人愉快的海滨度假胜地。 ‎ ‎11.hang on ‎ ‎1) hold the phone line open(打电话时)不挂断 ‎ If you hang on for a second,I will look for Bob and tell him you’re on the phone for him. ‎ 如果你不挂断,我去找鲍勃,告诉他你在给他打电话。 ‎ ‎2) wait for a short time稍等 ‎ Hang on a minute. I’m nearly ready.稍等一下我就准备好了。 ‎ ‎12.be up to somebody ‎ a) used to say that someone can decide about something(口)由你作主,取决于你 ‎ You can pay wee kly or monthly ?it’s up to you 你可以按周或按月付款一这取决于你。 ‎ b) used to say that someone is responsible for a particular duty是(某人)的职责、义务 ‎ It's up to the travel companies to warn customers of any possible dangers. 旅游公司有责任提醒旅客可能发生的危险。 ‎ ‎13.get in touch establish communication with someone取得联系 ‎ When you are in London you might get in touch with a friend of mine. ‎ 当你在伦敦的时候,你可以和我的一个朋友取得联系: ‎ I am getting in touch with him right away.我马上和他取得联系。 ‎ ‎14.fancy vt (British English informal)to like or want something,or want to do something; ‎ feel like喜欢,想要 ‎ Fancy a quick drink,Michael?想很快喝一杯吗.迈克? ‎ fancy doing something想做某事 ‎ Sorry,but I don’t fancy going out tonight.很抱歉,我今晚不想出去. ‎ I really fancy going for a swim right now.我现在真想去游泳。 ‎ Lesson 3 ‎ ‎15.suggest vt to tell someone your ideas about what they shoulddo,wherethey shouldgo etc ‎ suggest sth/doing sth/that... ‎ They keep suggesting ways to keep my weight down. 他们不断给我提出减肥方法的建议。 ‎ She wrote to me and suggested a meeting.她写信给我,建议开个会。 ‎ John suggested going together in one car.约翰建议大家坐同一辆汽车去。 ‎ I suggest you phone before you go round there.我建议去那儿之前你先打个电话。 ‎ It has been suggested that the manager resign if any more players are sold. ‎ 据建议,如果不能再卖出球员,经理就得辞职, ‎ have a suggestion ‎ Let me know if you have any suggestions 如果你有什么建议,请告知。 ‎ We’ve had several suggestions on a name for the book. 我们已经得到好几个关于给这本书起名的建议了。 ‎ make a suggestion ‎ Can I make one suggestion about how we might do this? 关于如何做此事,我能否提一个建议? ‎ Lesson 4 ‎ ‎16.locate vt be located in/near etc something;to be in a particular position or place; be situated位于、坐落在…… ‎ The three theaters are located in the center of town. 这三家剧院位于小城中心。 ‎ Training Centres are located at the hotel nearby.培训中心位于附近的旅店内。 ‎ When you get an office.You will be located in a business world. 有了办公室后,你就会置身于工商界中。 ‎ ‎17.settle vt. ‎ ‎1) to go to a place where no people have lived permanently before and start to live there 定居 ‎ We lived in Thailand,then Singapore,and finally settled in Hong Kong. ‎ 我们先住在泰国,接着搬到新加坡,最后在香港定居。 ‎ The family settled in a small town where they opened a store. ‎ 这个家庭定居在小镇上,在那儿他们开了一家店铺。 ‎ ‎2) to end an argument or solve a disagreement 结束(争论) ‎ We hope the factions will be able to settle their differences by peaceful means. ‎ 我们希望派别之间能通过扣平方式解决他们之间的分歧。 ‎ ‎3) to decide what you are going to do,especially so that you can make definite arrangements确定;决定 ‎ It was settled that Jim would come and visit us this weekend. 已经确定吉姆本周末将来拜访我们。 ‎ No thing’s settled yet.什么事都还没有定下来。 ‎ settlement n.协议,决定,新地区 ‎ Union leaders and company bosses will meet tomorrow in an attempt to reach a settlement ‎ 工会领导和公司老板们将于明天会面试图达成正式协议。 ‎ The railway stations created new settlements.火车站附近建起了新的居民区 ‎ ‎18.as well as in addition to somebody or something也 ‎ It is important for you as well as for me.这件事对你和对我一样重要。 ‎ We do not expect her to do the homework as well as look after the children. ‎ 我们不期待她做作业.也不指望她照看孩子。 ‎ ‎19.be known as be recognized as被认为是 ‎ He was known as the“father of the hydrogen bomb”.他被认为是氢弹之父。 ‎ She was well known as an excellent model.她以一位杰出的模特而闻名。 ‎ ‎20.view n. ‎ ‎1) what you think or believe about something; opinion观点,意见,看法,想法 ‎ Everyone at the meeting had different views.与会人员各执己见。 ‎ What’s your view on the subject?你对这个问题的看法如何? ‎ No one seemed to want to listen to my point of view.看来没有人想听我的意见。 ‎ ‎2) what you are able to see or whether you can see it能看见的东西,视力,视野 ‎ We’d like a room with a view of the sea我们想要一间临海的房间。 ‎ She waited until the whole island was in view and then took a photograph. ‎ 她一直等到看得见整个岛后才拍了张照片。 ‎ As we rounded the bend in the river the castle came into view. 我们绕过河的转弯处,城堡便出现在眼前。 ‎ Unit 5 ‎ Lesson l ‎ ‎1.effect n.the way in which an event,action,or person changes someone or something影响,作用;结果 ‎ have an effect on ‎ My parents’divorce had a big effect on me 我父母离异对我影响很大。 ‎ The government's policies have so far had little effect on reducing the level of inflation. ‎ 到目前为止,政府的政策还没有对降低通货膨胀产生影响。 ‎ greenhouse effect温室效应 side effect副作用 ‎ It will be a few minut es before the drugs start to take effect.几分钟后药物才开始生效。 ‎ We need to raise at least$50,000 to put our plans into effect. 为实施这项计划,我们需要至少集资5万美元。 ‎ ‎2.disappoint vt to make someone feel unhappy because something they hopedfordid not happen or was not as good as they expected(使某人)失望 ‎ I'm sorry to disappoint you,but there aren’t any tickets left ‎.很抱歉让你失望,但没票了。 ‎ Of course our kids disappoint us sometimes,but we don’t stop loving them. ‎ 当然孩子有时会令我们失望,但我们依然爱他们。 ‎ ‎3.impress vt.&vi.to make someone feel admiration and respect使留下深刻印象 ‎ What impressed us most about the book was its vivid language. 这本书给我们印象最深的是它的生动的语言。 ‎ Steve borrowed his dad’s sports car to impress his girlfriend. 史蒂夫借来父亲的跑车以讨女友的欢心。 ‎ I think the boss was favourably impressed by your presentation. 我认为老板对你的报告相当满意。 ‎ ‎4.be/get used to(doing) something to have experienced something so that it no longer seems surprising,difficult,strange etc习惯(做某事) ‎ I do the dishes every day,so I'm used to it.我每天洗碗.习惯了。 ‎ I can’t get used to the fact that you’re grown up now. 我还不习惯你已经长大成人这个事实。 ‎ It sounds obvious,but some people are really not used to using credit cards. ‎ 听起来显而易见,但有些人还是不太不习惯使用信用卡。 ‎ I’m used to dealing with matters of this sort.我习惯了处理这类事情。 ‎ used to do something used to happen,it happened regularly or all the time in the past,but does not happen now ‎ We’re eating out more often than we used to ‎.和过去相比,我们现在更常在饭店吃饭。 ‎ Why are vou so bad-tempered? You didn't use to be like this. 你脾气怎么这么坏?你过去不这样。 ‎ Where did you use to1ive before you came to Manchester'? 来曼彻斯特前,你在哪儿住? ‎ ‎5.perform vt to do something,especially something difficult or useful;做,执行;实行 ‎ to do something to entertain peopl e,for example by acting a play or playing a piece of music表演,演出 ‎ Robert says he will resign when he is no longer able to perform his duties 罗伯特说当他不再能履行职责时,他就会辞职。 ‎ The operation was performed by a team of surgeons at the central hospital. 这个手术是由中心医院一组外科医生实施的。 ‎ Before every concert,she worries about how well she will perform. 每次音乐会前,她都会为能否演奏好而担心焦虑。 ‎ The orchestra will perform twice this week. 这个管弦乐队本周将演奏两场。 ‎ Lesson 3 ‎ ‎6.combine vt. If you combine two or more different things,or if they combine,they begin to exist or work together(使)结合,组合,综合 ‎ Diets are most effective when they are combined with exercise. 节食和运动结合起来效果最佳。 ‎ It’s hard to combine family life with a career.很难把家庭生活和事业结合起来。 ‎ I’m looking for a job in which I can combine the different aspects of my experience so far. ‎ 我正在寻找一份能综合应用我不同经验的工作。 ‎ ‎7. award n. something such as a prize or money given to someone to reward them for something they have done奖赏,奖金,奖品 ‎ win/receive an award获……奖 ‎ Do you know who has won the best actress award this year? 你知道今年谁获最佳女演员奖了? ‎ The award ceremony will be held at the National Film Theatre tonight. 颁奖仪式将在国家电影院举行。 ‎ The prizes,the most prestigious awards given for journalism,are presentcd annually by Columbia University.‎ 这些在新闻业声望最高的奖项每年由哥伦比亚大学颁发。 ‎ ‎8.transform vt to completely changethe appearance, form or character ofsomething(使)改观变形.转化 ‎ In the last 20 years,South Korea has been transformed into a major industrial nation ‎ 在过去20年里,韩国变成了先进的工业强国。 ‎ Put yourself in the hands of our experts,who will transform your hair and makeup. ‎ 你把自己交给我们的专家吧,他们会使你的发型和化妆彻底改观。 ‎ The new system transformed the way in which managers thought about their money. ‎ 新制度 改变了经理们思考钱的方式。 ‎ Lesson4 ‎ ‎9.back and forth going in one direction and then in the opposite direction,and repeating this several times 来回地 ‎ The shuttle bus runs back and forth between the airport and the downtown area. 穿梭巴士在机场和市区之间往返运行。 ‎ He was pacing back and forth in the waiting room.他在等候室中来回踱步。 ‎ ‎10.unique adj. ‎ ‎1) being the only one of its kind独一无二的,独特的 ‎ Each person’s fingerprints are unique每个人的指纹都是不同的。 ‎ Every child is unique,with their own needs,preferences and talents. ‎ 每个孩子都是独一无二的,有他们自身的需求、偏爱及才智。 ‎ ‎2) unusually good and special极好的,难得的,不同寻常的 ‎ It was a unique achievement??no-one has ever won the championship five times before. ‎ 这可是个非同寻常的成就一在此之前还没有人五次获得冠军。 ‎ ‎11.popular adj. ‎ ‎1) liked by a lot of people受大众喜爱的,受欢迎的 ‎ Chatlines have proved very popular with young people. 已证实,青少年 交谈电话很受年轻人欢迎。 ‎ Video games are very popular with children.电子游戏很受孩子们的喜爱。 ‎ ‎2) done by alotofpeoplein a society,group etc多数人做的.公众的 ‎ The government has little popular support among women voters. 这个政府几乎没有来自妇女选民的公众支持。 ‎ It was decided by popular vote.这是由全民决定的。 ‎ ‎3) relating to ordinary people.or intended for ordinary people通俗的,大众的 ‎ Popular opinion is quite easily swayed by the media.大众的观点很易被媒体影响。 ‎ Steele was ridiculed by the popular press.斯蒂尔受到通俗报刊的奚落。 ‎ ‎12.skip vi.&vt. ‎ ‎1) to move forward with quick steps and jumps蹦跳着走 ‎ The children went skipping along the path.孩子们沿着小路蹦跳着往前走。 ‎ ‎2) to not do something that you usually door that you should do不做(某事) ‎ Skipping meals is not a good way to lose weight.不吃饭可不是减肥的好办法。 ‎ He skipped chemistry class three times last month.他上个月三次没上化学课。 ‎ ‎3) to not read, mention, or deal with something that would normalty come or happen next 略过.跳过 ‎ I suggest we skip over the details and get to the point.我建议我们略过细节,就谈要点。 ‎ Let’s skip to the last item on the agenda.让我们跳到日程上的最后一项吧。 ‎ Unit 6 ‎ Warm-up ‎ ‎1.straight adj.直的,不弯曲的 ‎ Try to keep your legs straight.尽量把腿伸直。 ‎ First,draw two straight lines across the page using a ruler. 首先用尺子在纸上划两条直线。 ‎ adv.成直线地,径直 ‎ If you look straight ahead,you’ll see the church in the distance. 如果径直往前看,你会看到远处的教堂。 ‎ She was looking straight at me.她直盯着我。 ‎ ‎2.imagine vt. to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like想象 ‎ Can you imagine life without hot water? 你能想象没有热水的生活吗? ‎ Just imagine what our life is going to be like in 50 years’time. 想象一下50年后我们的生活会是什么样。 ‎ It's 1lard to imagine working in a place li ke that.在那种地方工作,真令人难以想象。 ‎ imagination n.想像力 ‎ You don’t have to use your imagination when you’re watching television. 看电视时,不需要运用想像力。 ‎ Reading is a good way to develop a child’s imagination at an early age. 阅读是早期开发儿童想像力的好方法。 ‎ ‎3.pain n. ‎ ‎1) the feeling you have when part of your body hurts (肉体上的)疼,痛 ‎ She felt a sharp pain in her stomach.她感到肚子剧烈的疼痛。 ‎ If you suffer from back pain,consult your doctor before attempting this exercise. ‎ 如果你背疼的话,在尝试进行这项运动前要征求一下医生的意见。 ‎ ‎2) the feeling of unhappiness you have when you are sad,upset etc.(感情上或精神上的)痛苦 ‎ The old man told us his life with pleasure and pain. 这位老人向我们讲述了他充满欢乐和痛苦的人生。 ‎ She hated to say the words,for fear of causing pain.她不愿说那些话,怕勾起伤心事。 ‎ Lesson l ‎ ‎4.admission n.permission given to someone to enter a building orplace,or to become a member of a school, club etc.允许进入(加入) ‎ No admission after 10 pm.十点钟后不得进入。 ‎ The young men tried to enter a nightclub but were refused admission. 这些年轻人想进入夜总会,结果被拒绝进入。 ‎ Women gained admission to the Club only recently.最近妇女才获准加入这个俱乐部。 ‎ ‎5.fix one’s mind/attention/eyes on sb or sth to think about or look at someone or something carefully把思想、注意力、双眼集中在…… ‎ She fixed her eyes on Mr Brown’s face and waited for his answer 她注视着布朗先生的脸,等候着他的答复。 ‎ Jack tried to fix his mind on the iob at hand.杰克试图把注意力集中在他手头的工作上。 ‎ ‎6.valuable ‎ ‎1) worth great deal of money值钱的,贵重的 ‎ This is a very valuable painting.这是一幅价值连城的画。 ‎ Don’t lose this ring?it’s very valuable.别把戒指弄丢了??这戒指特别贵重。 ‎ ‎2) valuable help,advice,information etc.is very useful because it helps you to do something有价值的,有用的 ‎ Joyce gave us a lot of valuable a dvice when we first started the company.我们刚进公司时,乔伊斯给了我们有益的建议。 ‎ Muriel has made a valuable contribution to our company's success. 莫里尔为我们公司的成功做出了非常重要的贡献。 ‎ While it is valuable for children to have individual responsibilities,it is also good to share jobs with them.‎ 让孩子们负起个人的责任固然重要,而和他们共同完成任务也很好。 ‎ Lesson 2 ‎ ‎7.ruin vt. to cause something to be destroyed or lost 使毁坏,使毁灭 ‎ The storm ruined the crops.暴风雨毁了庄稼。 The terrible weather ruined ‎ my holiday.糟糕的天气毁了我的假期。 ‎ n.broken remains废墟 They explored several Roman ruins.他们探寻了几个古罗马遗迹。 ‎ ‎8.sort of more than a little but not very有点儿,有几分 ‎ This place is sort of strange.这地方有点怪。 It was sort of odd that he didn’t come.他没有来,真是有点儿奇怪。 ‎ Lesson 3 ‎ ‎9.date back to date from to have existed since a particular time in thepast追溯到…,自…至今 ‎ The church dates back to the 13th century.这座教堂始建于13世纪。 ‎ The bell tower dates from the 1lth century and is the oldest in the Romanesque style that still exists.‎ 这钟楼可追溯到11世纪,是现存的罗马式风格中最古老的。 ‎ ‎10.relate vt.&vi. ‎ ‎1) to be connected with有关,涉及,与……相关 ‎ I don’t understand how the two ideas relate.我不明白这两种想法怎么联系起来的。 ‎ This relates to something I mentioned earlier.这与我早先提到的某件事有关。 ‎ Your words don’t relate well to the facts.你的话与事实不太相关。 ‎ ‎2) to show or prove a connection between two or more things把…联系起来,证明……有关联 ‎ The report seeks to relate the rise in crime to an increase in unemployment.报告想把犯罪增多与失业增加联系起来。 ‎ ‎1 1.try out to test something such as a method or a piece ofequipment to see ifit is effective or works properly试验,试用,检验 ‎ She enjoys trying out new ways ofdoing things.她喜欢尝试做事的新方法。 ‎ Jamie could hardly wait to tr y out his new bicycle. 杰米迫不及待地想试一下他的新自行车。 ‎ try out for something to try to be chosen as a member of a team,for a part in a play etc.参加……的选拔 ‎ A lot of teams wanted me to try out for other positions and I told them no. ‎ 许多队想让我参加其他职位的选拔,但我告诉他们我不想这样做。 ‎ Why did you decide to try out for the Olympics? 你为什么决定参加奥运会的选拔? ‎ ‎12.hold one’s breath stop breathing屏住呼吸 ‎ We were scared and held our breath.我们吓得屏住呼吸。 ‎ Remember to hold your breath when you dive into the water.记住,潜入水里时要屏住气。 ‎ hold on wait等待 Hold on,please.I will go and get her.请等会儿,我去找她。 ‎ hold on to keep in the grasp把持,把握 ‎ He has been trying hard to hold on to his temper.他一直尽力控制自己不发脾气。 ‎ When you’re standing in the subway, you’d better hold on to the strap. 当你站在地下火车上时,你最好抓住皮环。 ‎ hold up raise;lift举起 hold your hand up举起手 hold ou t stretch forth;extend延伸,伸出 ‎ She held out her arms to embrace the little girl.她伸手去抱小女孩。 ‎ hold back prevent from advancing阻止 ‎ There was heavy traffic;he had to hold the children back from running out into the streets. ‎ 附近车辆行人来往频繁,他不得不阻止孩子们跑到街上去。 ‎ He was so impatient that I could hardly hold him back.他是那样急躁,我简直拉不住他。 ‎ The police held back the crowd.警察挡住人群。 ‎ Unit 7 ‎ Lesson 1 ‎ ‎1.They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail. ‎ 早在哥伦布启航前,。他们就已经到达那里了。 ‎ set sail起航 ‎ set about doing sth.(不用于被动语态)开始做某事;着手做某事 ‎ set out to do sth.开始做某事 ‎ set out=set forth=set off起程;出发;动身 ‎ The government must set about finding solutions to the pollution problems. ‎ 政府必须立即找出治理污染的办法。 ‎ They set out to repair the roads.他们开始维修公路了。 ‎ ‎2.According to the old stories of Iceland and Norway , Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder,for which he got into trouble. ‎ 根据冰岛和挪威的传说,埃里克•雷德因一起谋杀案而惹上麻烦,并被迫离开冰岛。 ‎ ‎1)according to…as stated or shown by根据,依照 ‎ Do the experiment according to what your teacher tells you to. ‎ 做实验时一定要依照老师的指导去做。 ‎ ‎2)get into trouble to put(oneself or someone else)into a bad condition陷入困境;陷入麻烦 ‎ Do not go to computer rooms,or you’ll get into trouble. ‎ 别进入计算机房,否则你会惹麻烦的。 ‎ ‎3.He persuaded some people to go back with him to Greenland. ‎ 他说服一些人和他一起回到了格陵兰岛。 ‎ persuade sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事 ‎ persuade sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事 ‎ talk sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事 ‎ persuade sb.not to do sth.说服某人不要做某事 ‎ persuade sb.out of doing sth.说服某人不要做某事 ‎ talk sb.out of doing sth.说服某人不要做某事 ‎ persuade sb.of sth.使某人信服? 呈?p> He persuaded me into majoring in physics.他说服我主修物理。 ‎ I persuaded her not to go hiking with him.=I persuaded her out of going hiking with him. ‎ 我说服她不要和他去跋涉旅行。 ‎ How can you persuade them of the advantages of solar cars? ‎ 你怎样才能使他们相信太阳能汽车的好处呢? ‎ ‎4.Not long after Eric the Red had landed in Greenland, a man called Biarni set sail from Iceland in search of Eric's party.埃里克•雷德登上格陵兰岛后不久,一个叫比阿尼的人就从冰岛起航寻找埃里克一行人。 ‎ in search of...=in the search for.…寻找;寻求 ‎ search sb./some place搜查某人/某处 ‎ search for sth./sb.寻找;寻求(某物/某人) ‎ The family were running from street to street in search of the lost child. ‎ The family were running from street to street in the search for the lost child. ‎ 那家人为寻找丢失的小孩而穿街过巷地跑来跑去。 ‎ The policeman was searching the man for drugs. ‎ 警察在搜查那个人,看他是否藏有毒品。 ‎ The army were search ing the ruins for survivors.部队在废墟中寻找生还者。 ‎ Lesson 4 ‎ ‎5.All at once,the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm.突然,天空乌云密布,刹那间,我们被卷入了可怕的暴风雨中。 ‎ all at once suddenly突然:忽然 ‎ be covered with…被……覆盖着(通常指被具体的事物覆盖) ‎ The dishes were covered with a piece of cloth.菜被一块布罩着。 ‎ be covered by…被……覆盖着.(通常指被笼统的或数量大的事物覆盖) ‎ Most of the land is covered by water.大部分陆地被水覆盖。 ‎ ‎6.In the end,a boat picked me up.最后,一艘船救了我。 ‎ pick up collect救起,捡起,拾起;learn,get something学到,听到,获悉;let somebody into a vehicle(顺路)搭载;得病 ‎ Pick up the pieces of paper on the floor,please.请捡起地上的纸屑。 ‎ He picked up English while working in America.他在美国工作期间学会了英语。 ‎ See if you can pick up anything about the future plan.你看能否打听到未来计划的消息。 ‎ I am now at the school gate.Can you come and pick me up to the park? ‎ 我在学校门口,你能开车来接我去公园吗? ‎ Don’t travel to that area,or you may pick up bird flu. ‎ 别去那个地区旅游,否则,你可能会染上禽流感的。 ‎ Culture Corner ‎ ‎7.In addition to the supplies for the long journeys,the ships carried gold silver,china and other treasures to give as gifts to the rulers of the neighbouring counties.除了漫长旅途所需的物品外,船上还装有金银、丝绸、瓷器和其他宝物,作为送给邻国统治者的礼品。 ‎ in addition to besides,as well as,apart from,除了……之外(还有) ‎ In addition to the equipment,the company also provides a training course. ‎ 除了设备.公司还提供了培训课程。 ‎ ‎8.In 28 years of travelling,he had managed to share the glory of China with many different countries.在长达28年的旅行中,他成功地与其他国家的人们分享了中国的荣耀。 ‎ manage to do sth.to succeed in doing something difficult设法完成某事(结果已成功) ‎ try to do sth.尽力去做某事(不涉及结果) ‎ He managed to s wim across the fiver.他游到了河的对岸。 ‎ She tried to swim across the fiver.她尽力游过河。 ‎ Unit8 ‎ Lesson 1 ‎ ‎1. As well as the group guide,all teams have cooks and porters. ‎ 除了导游外,所有的长途跋涉队都配有厨师和搬运工。 ‎ as well as...in addition to something or someone还有,除……之外 ‎ As well as the students,the teacher hasn’t eaten anything the whole day. ‎ 除了学生之外,老师一整天都没有吃东西。 ‎ As well as the teacher,the students haven’t eaten anything the whole day. ‎ 除了老师之外,学生们一整天都没有吃东西。 ‎ ‎2.This is a Class A hike?you have to be fit.这是A类跋涉旅行??需要有健壮的体魄。 ‎ fit adj.strong健壮的 ‎ be fit for sth./sb.be suiable对……适宜、适合、适当 ‎ be fit to do sth.胜任某事 ‎ You must be very fit if you do so much running.如果你跑这么多路,你必须得非常健壮。 ‎ White-water rafting is not fit for you.你不适宜参加激流漂流。 ‎ He is absolutely fit to take the post.他绝对胜任这个职务。 ‎ fit v to be the right size合适、合身(指尺寸大小) ‎ The skirt fits me well,but the colour doesn’t suit me.那裙子很合身,但颜色不适合我。 ‎ ‎3.The hike costs£2.500 including all flights and accommodation. ‎ 旅行费用为2,500英镑,其中包括所有机票和食宿。 ‎ including being part of a larger group or amount包括(放在它所修饰的词的前面) ‎ included包括(放在它所修饰的词的后面) ‎ Ten thousand people took part in the performance,including one hundred old men. ‎ Ten thousand people took part in the performance,one hundred old men included. ‎ 一万人参加了表演,其中包括100个老人。 ‎ ‎4.I decided to take up bungee jumping and now I am really into it. ‎ 我决定参加蹦极运动,现在,我已经很喜欢这项运动了。 ‎ take up to become interested in开始对……感兴趣;to start a new job开始从事(事业);to fill space占据(空间) ‎ She took up golf and played it every weekend.她爱上高尔夫球后就每周周末都去打。 ‎ He took up teaching at the age of eighteen.他十八岁就开始 当教师。 ‎ The old furniture took up much space of the sitting-room. ‎ 那些旧家具占据了客厅的大部分地方。 ‎ Lesson 2 ‎ ‎5.When I turned up for my firstjump,I was so nervous that I tried to back out,but my friends persuaded me to go through with it. ‎ 我第一次跳蹦极时,我紧张得想退缩,但我的朋友说服了我。 ‎ turn up to arrive at a place出现,露面;to turn a switch on so that itproduces more soun~light, etc.调大(音量、火势、亮度等) ‎ turn down调小(音量、火势、亮度等);拒绝 ‎ turn in上交.上缴 ‎ turn to sb./sth.寻求帮助或指教 ‎ take turns to do sth.轮流做某事 ‎ in turn轮流 ‎ To my great surprise,he turned up at my birthday party. ‎ 令我惊讶的是,他居然出现在我的生日晚会上。 ‎ It's the duty of every citizen to turn in taxes.纳税是每一个公民的义务。 ‎ Having nobody to turn to,he was at a loss.由于不知道向谁求助,他感到很茫然。 ‎ He turned down my offer to give him some money to help him out. ‎ 他拒绝接受我给他的帮他渡过难关的钱。 < p> back out to decide not to do something that you promised to do决定不履行(允诺的事) ‎ He didn’t make good preparations for the English speech competition and had to back out at last.他由于没有为英语演讲比赛做好准备,最后不得不放弃了比赛。 ‎ ‎6.But it's worth waiting for.但那是值得等待的。 ‎ worth adj.having a value(表语形容词)有价值的 ‎ be worth doing sth.to feel that something is interesting,useful or helpful ‎ 值得做某事(用主动形式表示被动意义) ‎ He bought the house for fifty thousand yuan the year before last.But now it is worth one hundred thousand yuan now. ‎ 他前年以五万元买了那套房子,但现在那房子已值十万元了。 ‎ The Great Wall is well worth visiting.长城值得参观。 ‎ ‎[比较]worthy adj.值得……的 ‎ be worthy of sth.值得…… ‎ be worthy to be done值得做某事 ‎ The Great Wall is worthy of a visit. ‎ The Great Wall is worthy to be visited.长城值得参观。 ‎ Lesson 3 ‎ ‎7.When he was 1 7 years old,he travelled across Eu rope and Asia with his father,who wanted to trade with the Chinese.由于父亲想和中国人做生意,他十七岁时就和父亲游历欧洲和亚洲。 ‎ trade with sb.to buy and sellgoods和……做生意/做买卖/做贸易 ‎ trade in..做……的生意/买卖/贸易 ‎ trade sth.for sth.易货交易;交换 ‎ trade sth.in(以同类旧品)折价购物 ‎ trade on/upon…利用……以图私利;滥用 ‎ China is now trading with countries all over the world.中国和世界各国有贸易往来。 ‎ Our company trades in grain with their country.我们公司和他们国家进行粮食贸易。 ‎ The boy used to trade food for the answers to the homework. ‎ 那个男孩过去常用食物来换取作业的答案。 ‎ I traded my old house for a new one.我用旧房子换了一套新房子。 ‎ He always trades on my sympathy.他总是利用我的同情心。 ‎ ‎8.Not long after his return,a local war broke out near his town. ‎ 他回去后不久,在他的家乡附近爆发了一场区域性的战争。 ‎ break out something unpleasant starts to happen ‎ ‎(指火灾、疾病、战争、暴动、暴? 业然凳? 突然发生,爆发(没有被动形式) ‎ take place(通常指“变化”)发生(没有被动形式) ‎ happen(通常指偶然的事件或事故)发生(没有被动形式) ‎ Birdflu broke out in Vietnam.越南爆发了禽流感。 ‎ A big earthquake broke out in Tangshan in 1976,which caused great damage. ‎ ‎1976年唐山发生了一场大地震,造成了巨大的损失。 ‎ Great changes have taken place in our city,which encourages us a lot. ‎ 我们城市发生了巨大的变化,我们都为之振奋。 ‎ This morning a car accident happened on the bridge. ‎ 今天早上,桥上发生了一宗交通事故。 ‎ ‎9.But Marco always stood by his tales.但是马可总是坚持他所讲的故事是真的。 ‎ stand by sth.to say that something is still true or keep a promise ‎ 坚持(某种)说法.信守(承诺、话等) ‎ Stand by sb.to support支持某人;援助某人 ‎ stand by not to do anything to help someone袖手旁观;to be ready to do something准备行动 ‎ stand for…to represent代表;to support支持 ‎ I stand by what I said earlier.我坚持我原先说的话。 ‎ ‎1 will s tand by you whatever happens.无论发生什么事情,我都会支持你。 ‎ No matter what happens.he always stands by.无论发生什么事情,他都是袖手旁观。 ‎ UK stands for the United Kingdom of Great Britain.UK代表大不列颠联合王国。 ‎ Lesson4 ‎ ‎10.During the polar summer of 1910?‎19l 1.both teams organised food bases in preparation for their journeys the next year.在1910至1911年的极地夏季,两队人都为下一年的探险做食物储备。Then he prepared for the return journey.接着,他就为回程做准备。 ‎ in preparation for…为……做准备 ‎ make preparations for sth.为……做准备 ‎ prepare for…为某事做准备 ‎ prepare sth.准备…… ‎ prepare sb.for sth.辅导或帮助某人为……做准备 ‎ prepare to do sth.准备做某事 ‎ be prepared to do sth.准备好做某事(表示状态) ‎ Have you made good preparations for the English contest in November? ‎ 你为11月的英语竞赛做好准备了吗? ‎ The students are busy preparing for the English contest in November. ‎ 学生正忙于为11月的英语竞赛 做准备。 ‎ She was preparing supper at that time.她那时正在准备晚饭。 ‎ The teachers are also busy preparing the students for the English contest in November. ‎ 老师同样在为11月的英语竞赛而忙于辅导学生。 ‎ Have you prepared to take part in the survey? 你准备参加调研活动吗? ‎ As young people,we are prepared to j oin the army. ‎ 作为年轻人,我们随时准备着应征入伍。 ‎ ‎11.First,his two sledges broke down….首先是他的两辆雪撬都坏了。 ‎ break down to stop working (指机器、仪器)损坏,不能运转(不用于被动语态) ‎ His car broke down and he had to walk home lastnight. ‎ 昨晚,他的汽车坏了,他只好走路回家。 ‎ ‎12.Then the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold. ‎ 后来,马匹开始很难应付大雪和严寒。 ‎ The next to go was Captain Oates,who was having great difficulty walking. ‎ 接下来离开的是欧茨上校,他行走艰难。 ‎ have difficulty with sth.在某方面有困难 (difficulty表示“困难”‎ 时,它是不可数名词;表示“困难的事情”时,它是可数名词) ‎ have difficulty(in)doing sth.在做某事方面有困难(in可以省略不用) ‎ ‎13.The men were soon exhausted and were running out of food. ‎ 队员们很快就筋疲力尽了,而且食物也很快要吃完了。 ‎ run out of...to use all ofsomething and not have any more teft 用尽,耗尽(不用被动语态) ‎ Young people often run out of money by the end of the month. ‎ 年轻人通常在月底就把钱花光了。 ‎ The oil of our car is running out.Try to find an oil station as near as possible. ‎ 我们的车很快就没汽油了,要马上就近找个加油站。 ‎ ‎14.Later,these rocks proved that at one time in the distant past the Antarctic was covered by plants.后来,这些石头证实,在遥远的过去,南极洲曾被植被覆盖。 ‎ At one time一度,从前 ‎ at a time每次,依次,逐一 ‎ at the time在那时,在那段时间 ‎ at all times随时;永远 ‎ at times有时,间或 ‎ at other times在其他时候,也有时候 ‎ at the same time同时 ‎ At one time I was rather poor in English.我的英语曾经很差。 ‎ You can only take one piece o f bread at a time.你一次只能拿一片面包。 ‎ He was studying law in Britain at the time.他那时在英国学习法律。 ‎ You are welcome to join us at all times.我们欢迎你随时加入。 ‎ He drops in on me at times.他间或来探望我。 ‎ He behaves gently most of the time,but at other times he is rude. ‎ 他绝大多数时候都很斯文,但有时候他也粗鲁。 ‎ ‎15.Scott and two of his team members carried on and got within eleven miles of one of their food bases.斯科特上校和两名同伴继续向前,到达距离食品储蓄处不足11英里的地方。 ‎ carry on to continue doing something继续做某事;进行下去 ‎ carry on with sth./doing sth.=carry sth.on继续做某事 ‎ carry sth.out实施;执行;实行;贯彻;落实;完成;实现 ‎ carry sb.through sth.帮助某人渡过难关 ‎ Carry on reading while I am away.我不在时要继续读书。 ‎ The new law will be carried out on January 1,2007. ‎ 新的法律将从‎2007年1月1日开始执行。 ‎ His determination carried him through.他靠坚定的信心渡过了难关。 ‎ Unit 9 ‎ Lesson 1 ‎ ‎1.What have you been doing? You look fed up.你一直在干什么?你看上去很不开心。 ‎ fed up annoyed,bored (about/ with sth./sb.)adj. ‎ ‎(表语形容词)不愉快的,厌烦的;厌倦的;沮丧的 ‎ ‎1 was fed up with waiting for her.我等她都等得不耐烦了。 ‎ She was fed up with her exam results.她对自己的考试成绩感到很沮丧。 ‎ ‎2.It is a good city for cycling because it is flat and therefore is convenient for bikes. ‎ 这是个骑自行车的好城市,它的道路平坦,’因此,方便人们骑自行车。 ‎ convenient(for sb./sth.)adj.close and easy to reach,useful to you because it saves your time方便的;合适的;适合需要的 ‎ conveniently adv.方便地 ‎ convenience n.(U)方便;便利;适宜 ‎ at one's convenience在方便的时候或合适的地方 ‎ Will it be convenient to call you in the evening? 傍晚打电话给你方便吗? ‎ Talk to him at a convenient time and place.找个合适的时间和地点和他好好谈谈。 ‎ Lesson 4 ‎ ‎3.But anger and stress are nothing compared to real costs ofthe motor. ‎ 但是,恼怒和紧张比起汽车的实际代价还是微不足道的。 ‎ compare…to…把……比作是……;与……相比 ‎ compare…with…把……和……作比较 ‎ People often compare one's homeland to mother.人们通常将祖国比作母亲。 ‎ Compared with the life ten years ago,farmers now live much more happily. ‎ 比起10年前的生活,现在农民的生活幸福多了。 ‎ ‎4.In the last ten years,the number of cars on the roads in Britain has gone up by 30%. ‎ 在过去的十年中,英国路上行驶的车辆总数上升了30%。 ‎ go up上升 ‎ go up to上升至 ‎ go up by to increase in amount,level上升了 ‎ In our area the price of the new house has gone up to 3,000 yuan per square meters. ‎ 在我们地区,房价上升至每平方米3,000元。 ‎ In our area the price of the new house has gone up by 1,000 yuan per square meter. ‎ 在我们地区,房价每平方米上升了1,000元。 ‎ ‎5.I admit:I'm addicted to my car.我承认:我沉溺于汽车而不 能自拔。 ‎ be addicted to…unable to stop taking something harmful沉溺于……;对……上瘾 ‎ Many young people are addicted to surfing the Net.许多年轻人沉迷于上网。 ‎ Once you get addicted to drugs,it’s rather difficult for you to get rid ofthem. ‎ 一旦对毒品上瘾,你就很难把它戒掉。 ‎ ‎6.On average,about forty people travel in one bus,while the same number occupy thirty?three cars.平均而言,大约40人乘坐一辆公共汽车,而同样数量的人要占据33辆小汽车。 ‎ on(the)average平均来说;一般来说 ‎ average n.平均数,平均;一般水平,平均标准 ‎ average adj.(作定语用)平均的;一般标准的;普通的;平常的 . ‎ average v平均;求……的平均数 ‎ On average we got eighty in the maths exam.在数学考试中,我们的平均分是八十分。 ‎ The average of my income is 3.000 yuan per month.我的收入平均每个月是3,000元。 ‎ The income of farmers in my town averages out at 700 yuan per person every year. ‎ 我们镇的农民的年人均收入是700元。 ‎ ‎7.…it was only the very ric h who could afford to own a car. ‎ 只有那些很富有的人才买得起车。 ‎ afford to do sth.to have enough money/ time to do something有钱/时间去做某事 ‎ afford sth.有钱去做某事 ‎ I can’t afford to buy a car.我没钱买汽车。 ‎ I can’t afford to talk with you now.我现在没时间和你交谈。 ‎ He couldn’t even afford a bike.他连买自行车的钱都没有。 ‎ Unit 10 ‎ Lesson 1 ‎ l• A lot of people are determined to become a millionaire.许多人一心想成为百万富翁。 ‎ determine vt./vi.decide firmly决定:fix precisely确定 ‎ determined adj 有决心的;意志坚强的;坚决的 ‎ determine to do sth.下决心做某事(表示动作) ‎ determine on/upon sth.下决心做某事 ‎ be determined to do sth.决心做某事(表状态) ‎ determination n.(U)firmness of purpose; resolution决心(做某事);决意:坚决 ‎ He determined to prove his friend’s innocence.= He determined on proving his friend’S innocence.他决心为他的朋友洗清罪名。 ‎ Have you determined a date f or the meeting? 你们确定了开会的日期了吗? ‎ We are determined to overcome all the difficulties which may be met. ‎ 我们已下定决心克服可能遇到的一切困难。 ‎ We are to carry out the plan with determination.我们坚决实施这个计划。 ‎ He is a person of determination.他是个意志坚强的人。 ‎ ‎2• They spent half their time dreaming up ways of getting rich,and the rest of their time thinking about all the enjoyable things they would do once they got rich.他们花了一半的时间在梦想致富的办法.而另一半的时间则在琢磨他们一旦富裕起来后要做的事情。 ‎ ‎1)dream sth.up想入非非 ‎ dream of/about sth./doing sth.梦见某事物/做某事;想象、幻想、梦想某事物/做某事 ‎ not dream of sth./doing sth.无论如何也不做某事 ‎ dream sth.away虚度(光阴) ‎ dreamer n.做梦的人;梦想家,空想家;白日做梦者 ‎ dreamy adj.(指人)心不在焉的:不清楚的 ‎ dreamily adv.心不在焉地 ‎ Trust you to dream up a crazy plan like this.亏你想得出这种异想天开的计划。 ‎ I should never h ave dreamt of saying such a thing.无论如何我也不会说出这种话来。 ‎ He dreamt his life away,never really achieving anything.他虚度一生,一事无成。 ‎ Don’t be a dreamer.Do what you should do ‎.别白日做梦了,该做什么就做什么吧。 ‎ He failed in all his examinations,for he was dreamy while having classes. ‎ 他考试都不及格,因为他上课时总是心不在焉。 ‎ He walked across the road dreamily and was hit by a car. ‎ 他过马路时心不在焉,结果,被汽车撞倒了。 ‎ ‎2) the rest of...其余的(当它接可数名词作主语时,其后的谓语用复甄当它接不可数名词作主语时,其后的谓语用单数) ‎ The rest of the water was polluted.其余的水已经被污染了。 ‎ The rest of the books were sent to the village schools.其余的书都送给了那所乡村学校。 ‎ ‎3• Some millionaires continue to be concemed about money when they become millionaires. ‎ 有些人成为百万富翁后仍然为钱而烦恼。 ‎ concerned adj.worried担心的;烦恼的:忧虑的 ‎ be concemed about/for sth./that… ‎ concern oneself with/in/about sth.忙于(某事);关心(某事) ‎ be concemed with sth.与某事有关;涉及某事物 ‎ be concemed in sth.与某事有牵连;对某事负有责任 ‎ as far as sb./sth.is concemed就某人或某事而言 ‎ We are all concerned for/about her safety.我们都在为她的安全担忧。 ‎ There is no need to concern yourself with this matter.你不必管这事了。 ‎ The loss was concemed with the weather.损失与天气有关。 ‎ He was concerned in the losses.他对损失负有责任。 ‎ As far as the present situations are concerned,it is really difficult for you to join the ‎ company.就目前的情况来看,你很难进入那家公司。 ‎ ‎4.But there are people who have tumed their backs on their millions and found different ways to be happy in their lives. ‎ 但也有人对自己的百万资产置之不 理,而去寻求不同的人生幸福。 ‎ turn one’s back on…to pay no attention,refuse不理睬……:拒绝…… ‎ tum one’s back to…背向着……;转身 ‎ He turned his back on his friends when he became famous? ?p>他成名后就不理睬他的朋友了。 ‎ Though she is rather poor, she tums her back on his money. ‎ 虽然她很穷,但她拒绝了他的钱。 ‎ When someone talks to you,never turn your back to him/her,it’s not polite. ‎ 别人和你说话时,千万别背向他/她,那样做是不礼貌的。 ‎ ‎5.I was a millionaire.but was aware there were a lot of hungry people in the world. ‎ 我当时是个百万富翁,但我意识到世界上还有很多挨饿的人。 ‎ be aware of/that…to realise知道,明白.察觉,意识到 ‎ It happened without my being aware of it.事情在我不知不觉中发生了。 ‎ He was not aware how much it meant to me.他不知道那事对我有多重要。 ‎ ‎6.Therefore he gave away all his money to charities. ‎ 因此,他把自己所有的财产都捐献给了慈善机构。 ‎ give away to give something to someone without asking for money赠送给; ‎ to tell someone something that you should keep secret泄露(秘密); ‎ to present颁发 ‎ He gave away ten computers to our school.他送了十台电脑给我们学校。 ‎ She was arrested for giving away state secrets to another country. ‎ 她因把国家机密泄露给另外一个国家而被捕。 ‎ The headmaster gave away the prizes to the winners at the school sports meeting. ‎ 校长在学校运动会上给获奖的运动员颁奖。 ‎ ‎7.Charles Gray decided to drop out and has discovered that having only a little money makes you free.查尔斯•格雷决定退出,他发现拥有一点点钱可以使人更自由。 ‎ drop out to refuse to take par tin退出:to leave school退学,辍学 ‎ He dropped out just before the contest started.比赛就要开始时他就退出了。 ‎ Many country girls dropped out of school because their families could not afford the school ‎ expenses.由于交不起学费,很多农村的女孩都辍学了。 ‎ Lesson3 ‎ ‎8.If buying a bag of candies or cookies doesn’t appeal to you,how about buying a tree instead?如果对买一袋糖果或点心不感兴趣的话,买一棵树怎么样? ‎ appeal to sb.to be attactive to sb.使某人喜欢,吸引某人 ‎ appea lto sb.(for sth.)呼吁,恳求 ‎ The plan appealed to us.这计划正合我们的心意。 ‎ Computer games especially appeals to young people.电脑游戏对年轻人尤其有吸引力。 ‎ He appealed to me for help.他向我求援。 ‎ You may appeal to the website of BNUP for more information about teaching. ‎ 你们可以在北师大的网上查找更多的教学信息。 ‎ ‎9.Yes,a tree along the banks of the Yellow River to be exact. ‎ 确切地说,是一棵种在黄河岸上的树。 ‎ to be exact to be correct in every detail确切地说 ‎ to be more exact更确切地说 ‎ to be honest说实话 ‎ to be frank坦率地说 ‎ ‎10.The soil contains materials to keep the balance of the area. ‎ 这些泥土中含有保持该地区自然界平衡的物质。 ‎ contain v. to hold(不用于进行时态)包含、含有、容纳;to hold back控制(某人或某事), 抑制,克制 ‎ This kind of food contains a lot of sugar.这种食物含糖量很高。 ‎ The bottle contains 700 litres.这个瓶子的容量为‎700升。 ‎ Please contain yourself for a moment.Don’t be so crazy. ‎ 请暂且控制一下自己,别太激动了。 ‎ Has t he bird flu in Vietnam been contained? 越南的禽流感得到控制了吗? ‎ keep the balance of…保持……的平衡 ‎ lose one’s balance失去平衡 ‎ We should do what we can to keep the balance of nature. ‎ 我们必须尽一切所能保持生态自然的平衡。 ‎ The gymnast lost her balance and fell off the bar. ‎ 那位体操运动员身体失去了平衡,从平衡木上掉了下来。 ‎ ‎11.In fact, it is you who have the most important role to play in stopping Yellow River erosion. ‎ 事实上,你就是阻止黄河水土流失最重要的人。 ‎ 强调句:It+is/was+被强调的部分+that/who+其他+…(‎ 此结构可用于强调主语、宾语、状语) ‎ I bought him a dictionary in the bookshop yesterday. ?? ‎ It was I who bought him a dictionary in the bookshop yesterday.(强调主语) ‎ It was him that I bought a dictionary in the bookshop yesterday.(强调间接宾语) ‎ It was a dictionary that I bought him in the bookshop yesterday.(强调直接宾语) ‎ It was in the bookshop that I bought him a dictionary.(强调地点状语) ‎ It was yesterday that I bought him a dictionary.(强调时间状语)注意从句中的谓语的数: ‎ I am responsible for it.??It isI who am responsible for it. ‎ He is responsible for it.??It is he who is responsible for it. ‎ You are responsible for it.??It is you who are responsible for it. ‎ 强调谓语:在动词前加do/does/did ‎ I did buy him a dictionary in the bookshop yesterday. ‎ ‎12.What’s more,the success of the programme has greatly improved the lives of the local people.而且.这个项目的成功大大地改善了当地人的生活。 ‎ What’s more而且,更重要的是,更有甚者 ‎ what’s worse更糟的是 ‎ what for为……的目的 ‎ what of it/so what那又怎么样(用于承认某事属实,进而提问其重要性或某人是否有什么行动) ‎ what if要是……又怎样 ‎ Lesson 4 ‎ ‎13.It is no bigger than a credit card! 它就像一张信用卡那样大。 ‎ no+比较级=as+(该形容词的反义词的)原级+as ‎ He is no taller than I.。He is as short as I.他和我一样矮。 ‎ He is not taller than I. 他没有我这么高。 ‎ ‎14.When you are tired of loud disco music,or bored at a party,you don’t have to listen. ‎ 当你厌烦了迪斯科的嘈闹音乐或在晚会上感到厌烦时,你就可以不听了。 ‎ tire v使……疲劳/疲倦/厌倦 ‎ tire of sth./doing sth.对某事或做某事感到厌倦/疲倦 ‎ tired adj.困倦的:疲倦的 ‎ be tired of...对某人、某事或做某事感到不耐烦或厌烦 ‎ be tired out筋疲力尽 ‎ She’s got so much energy.She never seems to tire.她精力充沛,似乎从不会疲倦。 ‎ I am tired of traveling from place to place on business.我对到处去出差感到疲倦。 ‎ We are all tired of his lessons.我们对他上的课都感到厌倦。 ‎ They were totally tired out after climbing the mountain.爬山后他们感到筋疲力尽。 ‎ Culture Corner ‎ ‎15.However,instead of showing real,existing structures,he used photographs to make up ‎ imaginary structures that best represented the different architectural style. ‎ 然而,他并没有展现真实存在的建筑结构,而是用照片聚合成一个想象中的最? 艽聿煌ㄖ绺竦慕峁雇肌?p> instead of…in place of代替;而不是 ‎ instead adv.代替;更换 ‎ I drink coffee instead of tea.我不喝茶,喝咖啡。 ‎ I don’t drink tea.Instead,I drink coffee.我不喝茶,而喝咖啡。 ‎ I bought him many books instead of giving him some money. ‎ 我给他买了许多书,而不是给他钱。 ‎ I didn’t give him any money.Instead.I bought him many books. ‎ 我没有给他钱,而是给他买了许多书。 ‎ make up to form as a whole组成,构成;编造:化妆 ‎ Society is made up of people of different abilities.社会是由能力各异的人组成的。 ‎ The little boy makes up the bed himself every day.那小男孩每天都是自己铺床的。 ‎ Don’t make up any excuses.Tell me the truth.别编什么借口了,告诉我事实的真相。 ‎ She usually spends half an hour making herself up every day. ‎ 她每天通常都花半小时化妆。 ‎ Unit 11 ‎ Lesson 1 ‎ ‎1.What does“G‎8”‎stand for? “G‎8”‎代表什么呢? ‎ stand for represent(不用于被动语态)代表,代替,是……的缩写;support赞同、 支持或主张某事物;to allow to continue忍受 ‎ ‎“WHO”stands for World Health Organization.“WHO”是世界卫生组织的缩写。 ‎ No one stood for his point of view.没有人支持他的观点。 ‎ We can’t stand for his rudeness.我们无法忍受他的粗鲁。 ‎ ‎2.The G8 is made up of political leaders from France, the United States,Britain,Germany,Japan,Italy,Canada and Russia.八国集团是由法国、美国、英国、德国、日本、意大利、加拿大和俄罗斯的政治领导人组成的。 ‎ be made up of…由……组成/构成 ‎ make up……组成,构成 ‎ The book is made up of ten chapters. ‎ Ten chapters made up the book.那本书共有十章。 ‎ ‎3.Reforms have been demanded by people from all over the world.全世界的人都要求改革。 ‎ demand v to ask for firmly(通常指强烈的)要求,请求,需求,需要 ‎ demand n.(C)claim请求,要求 ‎ demand for sth./that... ‎ demand for sb.to do sth.请求某人做某事 ‎ demand n.(U)需求,需要 ‎ demand for sb./sth. ‎ It’s impossible to sa tisfy all their demands.满足他们所有的要求是不可能的。 ‎ I receive my demand note for the mobile phone in the middle ofthe month. ‎ 我每个月中旬都会收到移动电话的缴费通知。 ‎ ‎[注意]demand引导的宾语从句或同位语从句的谓语用“should+动词原形”的结构。类似用法的词有:require,request,suggest,advise等。 ‎ We demanded that he (should) come to see us at least once a week. ‎ 我们要求他至少每周来看我们一次。 ‎ Our demand that he(should)come to see us once a week is reasonable. ‎ 我们要求他每周来看我们一次是合情合理的。 ‎ ‎4.They want the leaders to cancel the debt of Africa’s poorest countries so that the problems there can be prevented from getting any worse. ‎ 他们希望这些国家的领导人取消非洲最贫穷的那些国家的债务。 ‎ prevent...(from)doing sth.to stop something happening(from可以省略) ‎ 阻止某人做某事,阻止某事发生 ‎ stop…(from)doing sth.(from可以省略) ‎ keep…from doing sth.(from不能省略) ‎ keep sb.doing sth.使某人一直在做某事 ‎ The government is making every effort to prevent the spread of the disease. ‎ The government is making every effort to prevent the disease(from)spreading. ‎ 政府在尽一切所能阻止疾病的蔓延。 ‎ No one can stop us from taking over Taiwan.谁也不能阻止我们统一台湾。 ‎ The boy was kept from doing any housework.As a result.he could not take care of himself.那男孩的家人不让他做任何家务。结果,他连自己都无法照顾。 ‎ The coach kept them running the whole morning.教练让他们跑了整个早上。 ‎ ‎5.Their belief is that this is the only way for many of these nations to escape their painful pasts. ‎ 他们坚信这是使许多非洲国家摆脱痛苦的过去的唯一出路。 ‎ escape(from sb./sth.)vi.to get away逃脱,逃走;(气体/液体等)泄漏,渗出 ‎ escape vt.(不用于被动语态中)避免或躲过,免除;被遗忘,未被注意 ‎ Two prisoners escaped from the prison.两个囚犯越狱了。 ‎ There is gas escaping somewhere.Can you smell it? 某个地方漏煤气了。你闻到了吗? ‎ Where can we go to escape the noisy crow ds? 我们到哪里去才能躲开这些嘈杂的人群? ‎ You can’t escape punishment.=You can‘t escape being punished.你逃脱不了惩罚。 ‎ ‎6.At 12:45 UK time today,the name ofthe host city for the 20 1 2 Olympic Games ‎ was being announced by the International Olympics Committee in Singapore.今天,在英国时间12:45,国际奥林匹克委员会在新加坡宣布了2012年奥林匹克运动会的主办城市。 ‎ announce vt.to make known publicly宣布;宣告;发表;通报 ‎ announce sth.to sb.=announce to sb.sth.向某人通报/宣布某事 ‎ announcement n.宣布;宣告;通告 ‎ The Prime Minister announced that he would resign.首相宣布他将辞职。 ‎ Would you announce the guests as they come in? 客人来时你通报一声好吗? ‎ They announced their engagement to their family.他们向家人宣布他们已经订婚。 ‎ ‎7.In the end.it came down to a choice between Paris and London. ‎ 最后的角逐落在巴黎和伦敦之间。 ‎ come down to something/doing something to mean or to be equal to;in fact结果是,沦落为;可归结 为某事物。 ‎ come down to fall to lower level塌下,坍塌;(指雨、雪等)落下;(指温度、价格等)降低、下降 ‎ come down to somebody to be passed on一代传一代 ‎ He had come down to begging.他沦落为乞丐。 ‎ It comes down to two choices:you either improve your work.or you leave. ‎ 归结起来有两条出路:你要么改进工作,要么你辞职。 ‎ The ceiling came down.天花板塌下来了。 ‎ The rain came down in torrents.天下了倾盆大雨。 ‎ The price of the grain is coming down.粮食的价格在下降。 ‎ Lesson 2 ‎ ‎8.Since then,the law and the public opinion have been less in favour of the ‎ paparazzi and their job.从那时起,法律和公众就不太支持狗仔队和他们的工作了。 ‎ in favour of somebody/something. agree with or support支持,赞同 ‎ in sb’sfavour对某人有利 ‎ I shall never be in favour of him.我永远都不会支持他。 ‎ They reached an agreement in their favour他们达成了对双方都有利的协议。 ‎ Lesson 3 ‎ ‎9.It is likely to bejust the name ofa company, p art of which may be a general location. ‎ 它很可能仅仅是公司的名称,其中可能含有公司的大概位置。 ‎ likely adj.probable预期的,可能的 ‎ It isn’t likely to rain.看上去不像要下雨。 ‎ It is likely that she will come to see me off ‎ at the airport.=She is likely to see me off at the airport.她可能到机场来为我送行。 ‎ ‎10.Some advertisements consist ofpictures or the words of experts to show people how good the products are.有些广告中含有图片或专家说该产品有多好的话语。 ‎ consist of…to be madeup of 包含……,由……组成 ‎ The money doesn’t consist of any entrance fees.这些钱不包含门票的费用。 ‎ ‎11.As present-day advertisers often have large budgets,a lot of money is spent on applying modern techniques of design to make these advertisements as visual as possible.由于当今的广告商通常拥有大量的资金,他们把许多钱用在现代设计技术上, 以使其广告尽可能地在视觉上吸引人。 ‎ apply…to do sth.to bring into use将……应用去做某事 ‎ apply for to reque stsomething提出请求 ‎ Their inventions were applied to the design of the new models last year. ‎ 去年,他们的发明用来制作新模型。 ‎ Do you want to apply for the job? 你想申请这个工作吗? ‎ ‎12.Modem advertisements must stand out in a world full of competition by combining the highest standards of design with ideas linked to the products to make them more attractive.现代的广告必须把最高水平的设计和产品理念相结合,增强吸引力,这样才能从激烈的竞争中胜出。 ‎ stand out to be very noticeable突出;显著;杰出 ‎ be linked to/with…与……相关 ‎ If you want to get the job,you should stand out from others. ‎ 如果你想得到这份工作,你必须比其他人优秀。 ‎ ‎13.Some advertisements may suggest that buying a car can make you free. ‎ 有些广告暗示买车可以给你自由。 ‎ suggest to state as an idea建议 ‎ suggest doing sth. ‎ suggest one’s doing sth. ‎ suggest that…(表示“建议”之意时,从句必须使用“should+动词原形”的虚拟语气的结构,should经常被省略掉;表示“暗? 尽敝馐保泳溆贸率鲇锲? ‎ He suggested going out for a walk after dinner.他建议晚饭后去散散步。 ‎ I suggested your walking to work instead of driving a car. ‎ 我建议你走路去上班,别开车了。 ‎ I suggest that you(should)walk to work.我建议你走路上班。 ‎ My suggestion that he(should)walk to work doesn’t work. ‎ 我建议他走路去上班,但他不听。 ‎ Lesson 4 ‎ ‎14.According to a research published by Leeds University,people don’t mind bad language on ‎ television as long as it is not used in programmes watched by children.根据利兹大学昨天发表的一项研究表明,人们不在乎电视中的不良语言,只要不用在儿童观看的节目中。 ‎ as long as/so long as if 只要 ‎ As long as you work hard,you’ll succeed some day. ‎ 只要你努力拼搏,总有一天你会成功的。 ‎ ‎15.People were asked to comment on scenes from films…. ‎ 人们被邀请就??电影的画面发表自己的看法。 ‎ comment on…togive an opinion发表意见/看法.提出意见/看法 ‎ give comments on... ‎ voice one’s opi nion on… ‎ Unit 12 ‎ Lesson 1 ‎ ‎1.I certainly owe you an apology for not writing more often.没有多给您写信,实在抱歉。 ‎ owe sb.sth.to have topayfo,欠某人某物 ‎ owe sth.to sb./sth.to have omething good because of 归功于,归咎于 ‎ I owe you a big meal in the restaurant.我欠你一顿大餐。 ‎ We owe a great deal to our parents.我们深受父母之恩。 ‎ We owe our SUCCESS to our teachers.我们把成绩归功于老师。 ‎ The accident owed to his carelessness.事故是由于他的粗心造成的。 ‎ ‎2. I’ve been just so busy studying and trying to absorb all the new things around me. ‎ 我一直忙于学习,了解身边的新事物。 ‎ absorb vt.to take in吸收(液体、光、声等);汲取,理解(知识等);to completelyfill the ‎ attention of使全神贯注,吸引(注意等)(+in/by) ‎ Cotton clothes absorb sweat.棉质的衣服吸汗。 ‎ There’s a lot to learn here.It’s too much for me to absorb all at once. ‎ 这儿有很多可学的东西 ,我很难一下完全吸收。 ‎ He was completely absorbed in the book.他全神贯注地读这本书。 ‎ ‎3.I wish your visit wasn’t going to be so brief but there’s a lot we can do and see in a week. ‎ 我真希望您在这里逗留的时间不会太短暂,但我们在一周内可以做很多事情,也可以参观很多地方。 ‎ brief adj.short短暂的;简略的,简短的 ‎ I’ll make a brief stay in Guangzhou.我将在广州作短时间的停留。 ‎ Though his speech was brief,it was very popular. ‎ 虽然他的演讲很简短,但很受大家的欢迎。 ‎ ‎4.I don’t know what your expectations are of London,but knowing that you’ve never traveled outside of Asia.I thought I’d tell you a bit about what you can expect to find. ‎ 我不知道您对伦敦有什么期望,但我知道您从未到过亚洲以外的地方旅行,所以,我想告诉您关于这里的一些情况。 ‎ expect to do sth.期望做某事 ‎ expect sth.from sb./sth.预料、预计、期待、盼望(某事会发生或某人会来到) ‎ expect sth.from sb.期望、盼望、指望(从某人处)得到某事物;要求 ‎ expect too much of sb.对某 人期望过高 ‎ expectation n.期待,期望 ‎ You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a week. ‎ 你不能指望在一周内把一门外语学好。 ‎ We are expecting his letter from Australia.我们在等待着他从澳大利亚寄来的信件。 ‎ Don’t expect too much of me,or you’ll be disappointed. ‎ 别对我期望太高,否则你会很失望的。 ‎ ‎5.The majority of them are really friendly and I’ve made some good friends. ‎ 他们大多数人都很友好,我也结交了一些好朋友。 ‎ the majority of...大多数的…… ‎ The maj ority of the young people love pop songs.大多数年轻人都喜欢流行歌曲。 ‎ The majority ofthe food has gone bad.大多数食物已经变质了。 ‎ Lesson 2 ‎ ‎6.1 would rather stay cosy and read my novel.我宁可呆在温暖舒适的家里看小说。 ‎ would rather do more willingly宁愿/宁可做某事 ‎ would rather do something than do something 宁可做某事而不做某事 ‎ What would you rather do at weekends?周末你宁愿做什么事情? ‎ ‎1 would rather say good-bye to him than go abroad with him . ‎ 我宁可和他分手也不跟他一起出国。 ‎ ‎7.Would you mind giving me and my schoolmates a lift to school? ‎ 您可以顺路用车把我和我的校友送到学校吗? ‎ give sb.a lift to give afree ride给某人搭便车;搭……的车 ‎ Lesson 3 ‎ ‎8.When I first arrived in San Francisco.I had a diffcult time understanding certain aspects of the American way ofdoing things. ‎ 我刚到旧金山时,我有相当一段时间都不理解美国人的处事方式。 ‎ aspect(of) n.a particular side of many-sided situation方面,观点; ‎ ‎(C/U)appearance外观,样子 ‎ We love our city in all its aspects.我们爱我们城市的方方面面。 ‎ His fierce aspect frightened the girl.他那凶相把那女孩吓跑了。 ‎ ‎9.I've always been outgoing but since an embarrassing experience in a New York restaurant I've been much more cautious.我一直是个性格外向的人,但自从在纽约的一家饭店发生的一次尴尬的经历后,我就变得谨慎多了。 ‎ cautious(about/of/with…)adj.careful to avoid risks十分小心的,谨慎的 ‎ Many young people are not very cautious with money.许多年轻人用钱不是很谨慎。 ‎ Our English teacher is cautious。我们的英语老师是个小心谨慎的人。 ‎ Be cautious about making promises.做出承诺时要谨慎。 ‎ ‎10.He insisted on walking me to the bus station to see me off.他坚持把我送到车站。 ‎ insist on something/doing sth.坚持做某事 ‎ insist that…(后接宾语从句时,如果表示“ 坚持某种观点或坚持做某事”时,它的谓语用“should+动词原形”的虚拟语气的结构;如果是表示“坚持说”,则用普通的陈述语气) ‎ She insisted on my going to see her first. ‎ She insisted that I (should) go to see her first.她坚持要我先去看望她。 ‎ She insisted that the glass was not broken by her.她坚持说那个杯子不是她打碎的。 ‎ see sb.off 给某人送行 ‎ Lesson 4 ‎ ‎11.At first,we didn’t feel we belong here。but now we are attached to the landwe live on. ‎ 开始的时候,我们认为我们不属于这里,但现在我们已经和我们所居住的土地紧密地联系在一起了。 ‎ attach(to…) vt.to fix or connect装上,贴上,系上; ‎ to cause to belongto使依附:使附属 ‎ attached paper附页 ‎ Attach your child’s name to his/her school bag.把你孩子的名字贴在他/她的书包上。 ‎ The iunior high school is attached to ours.那所初中是我们学校的附属学校。 ‎ ‎12.How do these different cultures affect different aspects of Australian culture? ‎ 这些不同的文化是怎样影响澳大利亚的文化的呢? ‎ affect vt. to cause some result or change影响;(疾病)侵袭/感染(某人或某物); ‎ to cause feelings of感动 ‎ effect n.影响,效果 ‎ influence vt./n.影响 ‎ have/produce an influence on对……有影响 ‎ have an effect on…对……有影响;对……有效 ‎ We see all these influences in modem Australian cooking. ‎ 我们可以从澳大利亚烹饪上看到所有这些影响。 ‎ His opinion will not affect my decision.他的观点不会影响我的决定。 ‎ What parents do influences the growth of children greatly. ‎ 父母的言行举止对孩子的成长影响很大。 ‎ The advertisement produced a great effect on the buying ofcars. ‎ 那广告对鼓动? 嗣锹虺岛茏嘈А?p> We were deeply affected by his death.我们对他的死亡感到很悲伤。 ‎ ‎13.Contrary to popular belief,Australia is not a dull place at all for people wanting culture. ‎ 与一般人的认识相反,对在文化上有需求的人来说,澳大利亚不是一个枯燥的地方。 ‎ contrary adj.completely different(通常作定语)相反的,相违的 ‎ contrary to something违反,对抗 ‎ on the contrary相反地 ‎ to the contrary与此相反的 ‎ The couple have contrary beliefs.那对夫妇的信仰截然不同。 ‎ I will continue to believe it until I get proof to the contrary. ‎ 我依然相信这事,除非能证明它与此相反。 ‎ It doesn’t seem ugly to me.on the contrary, I think it’s rather beautiful. ‎ 我并不觉得它丑,相反,我认为它挺美的。 ‎ ‎14.There’s a really lively culture scene here.它的文化氛围很活跃。 ‎ lively adj.full of quick and often cheerful movement,thoughL activity有生气的、精力充沛的、活跃的;生动的、醒目的 ‎ She is a lively girl and popular with everyone.她是个活泼的孩子 ‎ ‎,大家都很喜欢她。 ‎ That was the liveliest party I’ve ever been to.那是我参加过的最热闹的一次聚会。 ‎ She gave a lively description of her adventure.她生动地描述了她的那次历险。 ‎ live adj.alive(通常作定语用)有生命的;活的;发着光的,燃烧着的;(电线)带电的,通电的;(广播、音乐会)现场直播或实况转播 ‎ a live wire活跃而精力充沛的人 ‎ Some live kangaroos were sent to Guangzhou Zoo last month. ‎ 上个月几只活的袋鼠运送到广州动物园。 ‎ The police found a live bomb at the bus station.警察在汽车站发现了一个未爆炸的炸弹。 ‎ living adj.alive now活着的,健在的,在世的,在使用的 ‎ living things生物 ‎ a living hope现存的希望 ‎ No man living could have done better.当今的人没有一个能做得更好。 ‎ alive adj.having life,not dead,active(表语形容词)活着的,没死的;活跃的,有活力的 ‎ You seem very much alive today.你今天好像非常活跃。 ‎ Many people were buried alive in the eathquake.许多人在地震中被活埋。 ‎ When we reached the hospit al,she was still alive.我们赶到医院时她还活着。 ‎

