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Unit 4 Making the news教案设计 单元教学目标 talk about jobs in a newspaper talk about the basic qualities and skills a journalist should have learn about the writing and printing process for an article and what is the primary source and the second source ‎ learn how to use Inversion correctly learn how to make an appointment write a newspaper article 教材重组及课型设计 ‎1st period Reading ‎ ‎(整合warming up, Pre-reading, Reading 与 Comprehending四部分)‎ ‎2nd period words & expressions ‎(整合Learning about Language 中的 Discovering useful words and expressions与 Workbook中的 Using words and expressions)‎ ‎3rd period Grammar ‎ ‎(整合Learning about Language 中的 Discovering Structures与 Workbook中的 Using Structures)‎ ‎4th period Extensive Reading ‎ ‎(整合Using Language 中的 Reading与 Workbook中的 Reading Task)‎ ‎5th & 6th period Speaking and Writing ((整合Workbook中的 SPEAKING TASK and WRITING TASK)‎ ‎7 th period Listening and Speaking ‎(整合Using language 中的Listening and Speaking 与 Workbook中的 Listening, Talking)‎ ‎ The 1st Period Reading ‎(整合warming up, Pre-reading, Reading 与 Comprehending四部分)‎ Teaching Aims: ‎ ‎1.Enable the students to talk about the qualities needed to be a good reporter and how to conduct a good interview ‎2. Enable the students to learn some reading strategies ‎3. Enable the students to learn the necessary qualities in their future job Important Points and difficult points ‎ Learn about how to be a good reporter Teaching methods Strategic reading method; Task-based method Teaching procedures:‎ I. Elaboration (warming up): Help the students to relate their known knowledge to the topic that will be learned ‎ Task 1 :( group discussion) Talk about jobs in China Daily? ‎ Types of jobs What it involves ‎ reporter ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Task2: Predict what is going to be learned by looking at the title of the text. Which type of job will be talked about in the text?‎ II. Prediction (pre-reading): ‎ Task 3: Predict the main idea of the text by discussing the following questions:‎ ‎1. What are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have? ‎ ‎ (Have group discussion first and then finish Part 1 individually)‎ ‎2. What your first day at school was like? How would you feel on your first day at work? (Group discussion)‎ III. Skimming, scanning, analyzing (Reading & Comprehending)‎ Task 4: Read the text quickly to get a general idea of the text.‎ Task 5: Divide the passage into three sections and match the following main ideas to the three sections:‎ How to get an accurate story How to protect a story from accusations ‎ How to become a reporter The skills needed ‎ ‎ The importance of listening ‎ ‎ Stages in researching a story ‎ ‎ ‎ How to check facts ‎ ‎ How to deal with accusations of printing lies ‎ ‎ Work in a team Task 6 Read quickly to find out the information to fill in the form below Task 7: Tell what is required for a reporter and a photographer ‎ patient; imaginative ; well-organized; technically good; polite; concise; thorough; creative; curious; careful; gifted; professional ‎ A reporter ‎ A photographer ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ IV. Summarizing Task 8: Write a summary of the text V. Assignment Read an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ The 2nd Period Words & Expressions Teaching Aims: ‎ Get the students to know how to use some words and expressions correctly and appropriately Important Points and difficult points ‎ Use some words and expressions correctly and appropriately Teaching methods Demonstrating and summarizing; practicing ‎ Teaching procedures:‎ ‎1. occupation n.‎ ‎1). Teaching is my occupation. 职业 ‎2). Swimming is my occupation. 使…忙碌的事情;消遣 occupy v.‎ occupied=busy occupy oneself in/with sth.‎ employment; occupation; job; profession; vocation; work; trade He is looking around for .‎ ‎ : artist He is out of .‎ She chose teaching as her .‎ She’s a lawyer by .‎ He’s a carpenter by . ‎ ‎2. assign v.‎ assignment n.‎ She gladly accepted the assignment. (分派的任务;工作)‎ The English assignment is a book report. (课外作业,功课)‎ ‎3. on one’s own of one’s own ‎ for one’s own We should complete the test _________‎ ‎4. experienced adj.‎ be experienced in/at sth/doing sth.‎ Who is experienced in cooking in your home?‎ ‎5. The first/last time + 时间状语从句 The first time I came here, I was not used to the climate here.‎ Cover n. 封面,掩盖(物) ;‎ ‎ v.‎ ‎1). Tom will covered the outbreak of the disease. ‎ ‎2). The road was covered with snow. ‎ ‎3). She laughed to cover her worry.‎ ‎4). The red army covered about 30 miles a day. ‎ ‎5). Is the money enough to cover the cost of a new shirt?‎ ‎7. Be eager for sth. (sucess)‎ ‎ to do sth.‎ ‎ that clause He is eager to see his daughter.‎ We are eager that the project should be started early be anxious about =be worried about ‎8. Concentrate on sth./doing sth.‎ We should concentrate on our study.‎ Tom is concentrating on fishing.‎ ‎9. of +抽象名词(importance; value; use; help; benefit)‎ of special interest= ‎ of no use= ‎ The meeting is of great importance.‎ ‎= ‎ Each minute is _____ for us.‎ of greatly valuable great valuable of great value for much value ‎10. acquire; get; gain ‎1). I sat in the front of the bus to ___ _ a good view of the countryside.‎ ‎2). Gradually we _______ experience in how to do the work.‎ ‎3). They _____the victory after a bloody battle.‎ ‎11. have a nose for 嗅觉灵敏 She has an ear for music. 有鉴赏能力 She has an eye for color and style in clothes. 有眼光 ‎12. Meanwhile=in the meanwhile ‎ =in the meantime ‎ =at the same time Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house ‎13. trade n. v.‎ ‎1). Japan does lots of trade with the United States.‎ ‎2). He is a shoemaker by trade.‎ ‎3). She trades 3 apples for some bananas. ‎ ‎14. Trick ‎1). 窍门,手法 ‎2). play a trick(joke)on sb.‎ ‎=make fun of sb. (玩笑,恶作剧)‎ ‎3). He got into the building by a trick (诡计,花招)‎ ‎15. Challenge ‎1).He challenge my view on that matter.‎ ‎2).To finish the job in 2 days was a real challenge.‎ ‎16. Support ‎ ‎ n. 1).I need your support. ‎ ‎ v. 1)为…提供证据,证实 ‎2) The old man entered the room supported by his grandson.‎ ‎3). He has always supported the weaker party.‎ ‎4). He has a large family to support.‎ ‎17. Case ‎1).He thought he had solved the problem , but that was not the case.‎ ‎2).Here is a case of being careless.‎ ‎3).We will look into that case.‎ in case of sth. 如果,万一…‎ in that/this case 在那样/这样情况下 in no case 决不 in case + 从句 以防;可能;倘若 Take an umbrella in case it rains. ‎ ‎(in case 从句常用一般现在时表将来, 或should+do)‎ ‎17. accuse sb. of sth. ‎ ‎=charge sb. with sth.‎ Tom ____ his boss of having broken his word.‎ ‎ blamed ‎ accused ‎ ‎ charged ‎ scolded ‎18. so as to do sth. 只能在句末 ‎= in order to do sth.‎ ‎=so that + 从句 ‎ ‎= in order that + 从句 ‎ I got up at five so as to catch the train ‎= ‎ ‎19. admit admit doing /having done admit sb. Into/to (the university)‎ Lily finally admitted___ my umbrella by mistake.‎ ‎ to take ‎ to have taken ‎ having taken ‎ have taken ‎20. n. adj.‎ profession professional 具有….特点 Finish Ex 3 on Page 29‎ Assignment Finish Ex1 Ex 2 and Ex 3 on Page 28‎ Finish Ex 1 , Ex2 on Page 63 ‎ The 3rd Period Grammar ‎ Teaching Aims: ‎ Get the students to use “Inversion” correctly and appropriately Important Points and difficult points ‎ Use “Inversion” correctly and appropriately Teaching methods Task-based method; Demonstrating; discussion; summarizing; practicing ‎ Teaching procedures:‎ I. Presentation Task 1: Comprehend the following sentences Only then did I begin my work on designing a new bridge.‎ ‎=I began my work on designing a new bridge only then.‎ ‎2. Not only was there a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it.‎ ‎=There was not only a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it.‎ Inversion: 起强调作用 II. Analyzing & summarizing Task 2: Find 4 examples of inversion in the reading passage ‎1. Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.‎ ‎2. Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.‎ ‎3. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university. ‎ ‎4. Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know Task 3: Analyze the sentences above and summarize the rules ‎1. Why can these sentences use inversion ?‎ ‎2. How are these inverted sentences made?‎ ‎※ 否定副词no;not;hardly, little, seldom, never, no sooner…than, no more, not only, only 等开头的句子要部分倒装。‎ ‎※ 部分倒装:只把谓语的一部分(如助动词情态动词)等放到主语前,或把句子的强调部分提前。‎ Task 4: Analyze more sentences below and summarize the rules ‎1) Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.‎ ‎※ 如含有从句,只要求主句倒装 ‎2) ______,there was no hope of her being able to sleep.‎ As she was exhausted If she was exhausted Exhausted as she was ‎ Now that she was exhausted ‎※ 当as(尽管)引导让步状语时,要部分倒装 ‎3) . I often go out for a walk after supper. So does she.‎ ‎4). If you don’t wait for him, nor shall I.‎ ‎※ 当so, neither, nor表示另一者也具有前面所述的情况时,要部分倒装.‎ III. Practice Task 5:Do Exercise 3 on Page 29 (“Discovering Structures”)‎ IV. Analyzing & summarizing Task 6: Analyze sentences below and summarize the rules ‎1). There appeared a man in black in the distance.‎ ‎2). Under the tree sits a beautiful girl.‎ Inversion(倒装) → 部分倒装 ‎ ↘ 完全倒装 ‎ ‎※ 以地点副词here, there, down, under和时间副词now, then开头,后面的动词是be, come, exist, fall, follow, go, lie, remain, seem, stand等,而且主语是名词时,构成完全倒装句.‎ ‎※ 完全倒装:把整个谓语动词放到主语之前 ‎3)The teacher came in and the class began.‎ ‎=In came the teacher and the class began ‎4).____ from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his gun at him.‎ A. Jumped down the thief ‎ B. Down the thief jumped C. The thief jumps down D. Down jumped the thief ‎5). Here we are. ‎ ‎※ 在here, there引出的倒装句中,当主语是普通名词是用完全倒装句,当主语是代词时,则用陈述句语序(主+谓)‎ V. Assignment:‎ Do Exercise 1 on Page 64 (“Using Structures” in Workbook)‎ The 4th Period Extensive Reading Teaching Aims: ‎ ‎1. Enable the students to know writing and printing process for an article and what is the primary source and the second source ‎2. Enable the students to consolidate some reading strategies ‎3. Enable the students to learn the necessary qualities in their future job Important Points and difficult points ‎ Enable the students to know writing and printing process for an article and what is the primary source and the second source ‎ Teaching methods Strategic reading method; Task-based method Teaching procedures:‎ I. Elaboration (warming up): Help the students to relate their known knowledge to the topic that will be learned ‎ Task1.Review the types of jobs in a newspaper Task2. Talk about the process of making a newspaper? (Group discussion)‎ Give the following hints when needed: interview; do some research; write a story; check the article written by a reporter; print the first edition; set the page; check again II. Skimming and summarizing Task 3: Read and fill in the form Task 4: Learn some words and expressions ‎1. Accurate 准确,精确 ‎1) Is this watch accurate?‎ ‎2) His information was accurate ‎2. set to sth./doing sth. 开始做某事 ‎=get down to sth./doing sth ‎1). As soon as I got home, I set to preparing supper.‎ ‎2). They’ll set to the project, as soon as it is approved. ‎ ‎※ Look forward to…, devote… to…, be/get used to…, lead to…, prefer…to…, pay attention to…, object to…‎ ‎3. approve vi. (approval n.)‎ approve of sth./doing sth.‎ ‎=agree to/on/with ‎1).Your parents won’t approve of your going there. = agree on ‎2).I cannot agree to this plan. =approval of ‎4. process v. 加工,处理 ‎1) The street is in the process of repair ‎2). They are using a new process to make glass.‎ process food adj. 加工过的,处理的 Task 5: Retell the main process of making a newspaper III. Read the passage on page65 (“Reading Task) and answer the following questions IV. Assignment ‎ Read an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it.‎ The 5th & 6th Period Speaking and Writing ‎ Teaching Aims: ‎ ‎1. Enable the students to express opinions of their own and do news-writing ‎ ‎2. Improve the students’ writing Important Points and difficult points ‎ Help the students learn how to express their own opinions and write the news clearly ‎ Teaching methods Cooperative learning; Task-based method Teaching procedures:‎ I. Present the task: making a newspaper ‎ Make a newspaper for your schoolmates The best newspapers will be put up on the “English Corner”.‎ II. Speaking Skim & scan the main columns of the sample newspaper:‎ The Columns of the newspaper The articles of the newspaper Task 1: Discuss how to make a popular newspaper for your schoolmates ‎ ‎(elect the best designer of a newspaper in the end):‎ What columns will the newspaper have?‎ What topic will each column talk about?‎ How to do it cooperatively in a group?‎ Task 2: Discuss the form of a newspaper article by reading the model article on Page 68)‎ List the facts and the opinions that go with them Clear structure:‎ ‎ State the situation of a story in Paragraph 1;‎ ‎ Set out what happened clearly in paragraphs 2 and 3;‎ State how the story ended and your opinion on what happened in Paragraph 4. ‎ Logical(coherent)‎ Connecting Words and Phrases:‎ ‎※ Illustration or example: I think, I suggest, in other words, for example, in fact, that is ‎ ‎※ Addition: Besides, moreover, in addition, again, also, and, finally, first, further, furthermore, last, next, second ‎ ‎※ Comparison: also, in the same way, similarly ‎ ‎※ Contrast: but, however, otherwise, although, but at the same time, even though, in contrast, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, though ‎※Summary: in short, in a word, in all, in brief, therefore, as has been said, in conclusion, in summary, on the whole, to summarize ‎ ‎※Emphasis: certainly, indeed, in fact, of course III. Writing Task 3: Write an article for your group’s newspaper Task 4: Evaluation of writing Criterion Excellent ‎(20-25分)‎ Good ‎(15-20分)‎ Average ‎(10-15分)‎ Poor ‎(5-10)‎ Point of view Organization Language Overall Impression Task 5: Evaluation of Your Work in Class The best co-operating groups The best editors The best writers IV. Assignment Finish making the newspaper in a group.‎ The 7 th Period Listening and Speaking Teaching Aims: ‎ ‎1. learn how to make an appointment ‎2. Improve the students’ listening and speaking skill Important Points and difficult points ‎ Learn how to make an appointment ‎ Teaching methods Task-based method Teaching procedures:‎ I. Elaboration & prediction: get the students to predict what they will listen to and elaborate the topic to their known knowledge.‎ Task 1: Go over Ex1 on Page 30 and guess what they will listen to on the tape.(group discussion)‎ II. Listening ‎ Task 2: Listen and circle the correct summary of the listening passage.‎ This is about a young man who is refused an interview with Liu Ming.‎ This is about a young man who is trying to arrange in interview with Liu Ming.‎ This is about a young man who wants to ask Liu Ming about how to work abroad.‎ Task 3: Listen to the tape again and answer questions on Page 31.‎ Task 4: Listen to the tape again and try to note down the dialogue (pair work)‎ Task5: Role-play the dialogue and elect the best actors (the most similar to the original dialogue)‎ III. Speaking and Listening Discuss the phrase that may be used in making appointments (input)‎ Shall we make an appointment? How about…?‎ When are you free? When do you think is convenient for you?‎ Is it possible to…? I shall be busy at… and… but I can be free at…‎ Where is the best place? Maybe we can meet at…‎ Task 6: Make an appointment according to the situation in Ex5 on Page 31‎ Task 7: Listen to the tape and do Ex 1 Ex2 Ex3 and Ex4(LISTENING)) on Page 62.‎ IV. Assignment Work in pairs. Make an appointment according to the situation in Ex 1 (TALKING) on Page 62‎

