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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修七Unit4Sharing单元学案 一单元基础训练 一、单元单词短语回顾 airmail  [ˈeəmeil] n. 航空邮件 ‎△Papua ['pæpjuə]   巴布亚新几内亚 fortnight  [ˈfɔ:tnait] n. 两星期 hear from 接到……的信 ‎(be) dying to 极想;渴望 roof  [ru:f] n. 屋顶;车顶 muddy  [ˈmʌdi] adj. 泥泞的;泥土般的 textbook  [ˈtekstbuk] n. 教科书;课本 concept  [ˈkɔnsept] n. 观念;概念 ‎△bucket  [ˈbʌkit] n.水桶;吊桶;提桶 the other day 不久前的一天 weekly  [ˈwi:kli] adj.& adv. 每周(的)‎ ‎△bubble [ˈbʌbəl] vi. 起泡;沸腾;汩汩地流动 relevant [ˈreləvənt]adj.有关的;切题的 remote  [riˈməut] adj.遥远的;偏僻的 ‎△ridge  [ridʒ] n. 山脊;屋脊 weed [wi:d] n. 杂草;野草 vt. & vi.除杂草 ‎△hut  [hʌt] n. 棚屋;小屋 rectangle  [ˈrektæŋgl] n.矩形;长方形 rectangular[rekˈtæŋgjulə]adj.长方形的;矩形的 adjust  [əˈdʒʌst] vi. & vt. 调整;(使)适合 platform [ˈplætfɔ:m] n.台;平台;讲台;(火车站的)月台 broom  [bru:m] n. 扫帚 tin [tin] n. 锡 jar [dʒɑ:] n. 罐;广口瓶 sniff  [snif] vt. & vi. 嗅;闻;用鼻子吸 participate [pɑ:ˈtisipeit]vi. 参与;参加 interpreter  [inˈtə:pritə] n.作口译的人 grill  [gril] n. 烤架;大平底锅 vt.烧烤;炙烤 dry out (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透 ‎△leftover ['leftˌəuvə]n.剩余物;残留物;剩饭 adj.剩余的 ‎△evil  [ˈi:vəl] adj. 邪恶的 n. 邪恶;罪恶 dry up (指河流、井等)干涸 otherwise [ˈʌðəwaiz] conj.否则不然 adv.用别的方法;其他方面 privilege  [ˈprivilidʒ] n.特权;特别优待 paperwork ['peipəˌwə:k] n. 文书工作 arrangement [əˈreindʒmənt] n. 安排;排列 toast [təust] vt.烤(面包等);敬酒 ‎ ‎ n.烤面包(片);吐司面包;干杯 comb [kəum] n. 梳子 vi.梳(发)‎ astronaut [ˈæstrənɔ:t]n.宇航员;太空人 angle [ˈæŋgəl] n. 角;角度 catalogue  [ˈkætəlɔg] n. 目录 donate  [dəuˈneit] vt. 捐赠 voluntary [ˈvɔləntəri] adj. 自愿的;志愿的;无偿的 in need 在困难中;在危急中 purchase  [ˈpə:tʃəs] vt. & n.买;购买 anniversary  [ˌænəˈvə:səri] n. 周年纪念(日)‎ seed  [si:d] n. 种子;萌芽 ‎△seedling n. 秧苗;树苗 ‎△vaccination  [ˌvæksiˈneiʃən] n. 接种疫苗 ‎△loan  [ləun] n. 贷款 sew  [səu] vi. (用针线)缝 vt.缝制;缝合 sewing machine  [məˈʃi(:)n] 缝纫机 ‎△supplement  [ˈsʌplimənt]n.增补的事物;补充;附录;增刊 ox  [ɔks] n. 公牛 ‎△plough  [plau] vi.(犁)地;(耕)地 trunk  [trʌŋk] n. 树干;躯干;大衣箱 trunk library  [ˈlaibrəri] 箱式(柜式)图书馆 tractor  [ˈtræktə] n. 拖拉机;牵引机 Kenya ['kenjə]   n. 肯尼亚(非洲国家)‎ ‎△Bangladesh  ['bɑ:ŋgləˌdeʃ] n.孟加拉国(亚洲国家)‎ click [klik] vi. & vt.(使)发出咔嗒声 n.咔嗒声 tailor [ˈteilə] n. 裁缝 vt.剪裁;缝制(衣服)‎ ‎△Tanzania n.坦桑尼亚(东非国家)‎ ‎△economic  [ˌi:kəˈnɔmik] adj. 经济的;经济学的 political [pəˈlitikəl]adj.政治的;政党的 ‎△Nepal n. 尼泊尔(亚洲国家)‎ ‎△Uganda n. 乌干达(东非国家)‎ distribute [diˈstribju:t] vt. 分配;分发 distribution n. 分配;分发;分布状态 ‎△financial [fəˈnænʃəl] adj.财务的;金融的;财政的 security  [siˈkjuəriti] n. 安全;保护;保障 operate  [ˈɔpəreit] vi. 工作;运转 vt.操作 ‎△Sudan n. 苏丹(非洲国家)‎ clinic [ˈklinik] n. 门诊部;小诊所 ‎△Malawi n. 马拉维(非洲国家)‎ 二、单元重要句式回顾:根据括号内要求翻译句子 ‎1.我非常想出国。(be dying to do)‎ I_am_dying_to_go_abroad.‎ ‎2.她在找东西过程中偶然发现了一些旧信件。(come across)‎ She_came_across_some_old_letters_in_the_course_of_her_search.‎ ‎3.这种工作与性别无关。(be relevant to)‎ The_work_of_this_kind_is_not_relevant_to_sex.‎ ‎4.我们应该区分开对错。(make a difference)‎ We_should_make_a_difference_between_right_and_wrong.‎ ‎5.当火车开动时不要把头伸出车窗外。(stick out)‎ Don't_stick_your_head_out_of_the_window_while_the_train_is_moving.‎ ‎6.可能要花点时间才能适应这儿的气候。(adjust to)‎ It_may_take_a_little_time_to_adjust_to_the_climate_here.‎ ‎7.能认识你真是荣幸之至。(privilege)‎ It_was_a_privilege_to_meet_you.‎ ‎8.医生们正在给受伤的士兵做手术。(operate on)‎ The_doctors_were_operating_on_the_wounded_solider.‎ ‎9.抓住机会,否则你会后悔的。(otherwise)‎ Seize_the_chance,_otherwise_you_will_regret_it.‎ ‎10.难怪他已经通过了考试。(no wonder)‎ It's_no_wonder_that/No_wonder_he_has_passed_the_examination.‎ 单元综合知识运用 一 完形填空提速训练 Many years ago, three soldiers, hungry and tired of battle, arrived at a small village. The villagers, suffering a poor harvest and years of war, quickly __1__ the food they owned. They met the three at the village square, __2__ about the lack of food.‎ The first soldier then approached the village elders, “Your ‎ tired fields have left you __3__ to share, so we shall share what we have: the __4__ of how to make soup from __5__.”‎ Naturally the villagers became __6__ and soon a fire was put to the village's greatest pot as the soldiers carefully __7__ three stones. “Now this will be a fine soup,” said the second soldier,“__8__ some salt and parsley (西芹) would make it more wonderful!” A woman __9__, crying “What luck! I remember I've got some at home!” Off she ran, __10__ with a handful of parsley. As the pot boiled on, carrots, beef and cream had soon __11__ their way into the pot before everyone set out to __12__.‎ The soldiers ate and danced and sang well into the night, __13__ by the meal and their __14__ friends. The next morning, they awoke to __15__ the entire village standing before them with their best bread and cheese.“You have given us the greatest __16__,” said an elder,“and we shall never forget it.” The third soldier turned to the __17__, and said,“There is no secret but one thing is __18__: it is only by __19__ that we may make a feast.” And off the __20__ wandered, down the road to their next destination.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过三个士兵和村民之间的故事告诉我们要学会分享。‎ ‎1.A.ate up        B.gave away C.hid D.sold 解析:选C 根据上文中的“The villagers, suffering a poor ‎ harvest and years of war”并结合最后一段内容可知,此处指村民们迅速地把他们拥有的食物藏了起来。C项意为“隐藏”,符合语境。‎ ‎2.A.caring B.thinking C.joking D.complaining 解析:选D 根据空格后的“the lack of food”可知,此处指村民们抱怨食物的短缺。D项意为“抱怨”,符合语境。‎ ‎3.A.nothing B.anything C.a little D.a lot 解析:选A 根据下文中的“so we shall share what we have”可知,此处指你们贫瘠的农田让你们没有东西可以分享。A项意为“没有什么”,符合语境。‎ ‎4.A.importance B.secret C.problem D.matter 解析:选B 根据最后一段倒数第二句中的“There is no secret but ... ”中的“secret”的提示并结合语境可知,此处指士兵们要分享做汤的秘密。B项意为“秘密”,符合语境。‎ ‎5.A.pots B.bread C.stones D.cream 解析:选C 根据下文中的“as the soldiers carefully __7__ three stones”可知,此处指士兵们要分享用石头做汤的秘密。故选C项。‎ ‎6.A.curious B.scared C.worried D.content 解析:选A 上文提到,士兵们要分享用石头做汤的秘密;由此可推知,村民自然会对这件事感到好奇。A项意为“好奇的”‎ ‎,符合语境。‎ ‎7.A.picked up B.dropped in C.chose D.collected 解析:选B 结合语境可知,此处指士兵们把三块石头放进锅里。B项意为“(使)落进”,符合语境。‎ ‎8.A.as if B.in case C.since D.but 解析:选D 根据上文中的“Now this will be a fine soup”与下文中的“some salt and parsley (西芹) would make it more wonderful”可知,此处指但是一些盐和西芹会让这锅汤更美味。D项意为“但是”,符合语境。‎ ‎9.A.backed off B.broke down C.jumped up D.stepped away 解析:选C 根据下文中的“What luck! I remember I've got some at home!”并结合语境可知,此处指一个女人跳起来喊道。C项意为“跳起来”,符合语境。‎ ‎10.A.returning B.leaving C.dealing D.trading 解析:选A 结合语境可知,这个女人跑着离开了,拿了一些西芹回来。A项意为“返回”,符合语境。‎ ‎11.A.fought B.felt C.found D.lost 解析:选C find one's way into 为固定搭配,意为“找到到……的路”,此处指胡萝卜、牛肉、奶油都进入到了锅里。fight one's way 意为“奋力前进”;feel one's way 意为“摸索着前进”‎ ‎;lose one's way意为“迷路”,均与语境不符。故选C项。‎ ‎12.A.work B.feast C.talk D.play 解析:选B 根据最后一段倒数第二句中的“we may make a feast”及语境可知,此处指大家准备享用大餐之前,胡萝卜、牛肉、奶油都进入到了锅里。feast意为“盛宴,宴会”,符合语境。‎ ‎13.A.refreshed B.alarmed C.annoyed D.amused 解析:选A 根据语境可知,此处指士兵们因为大餐和朋友而恢复精力。A项意为“(使)恢复精力”,符合语境。‎ ‎14.A.wellinformed B.newlymade C.hardearned D.longlost 解析:选B 根据第一段第一句可知,士兵们之前并不认识这些村民;由此可推知,此处指士兵们新交的朋友。B项意为“新交的”,符合语境。A项意为“消息灵通的”;C项意为“辛苦得到的,来之不易的”;D项意为“丢失很久的”。‎ ‎15.A.keep B.recognize C.expect D.discover 解析:选D 根据语境可知,此处指第二天早上,士兵们醒来的时候发现所有的村民都带着他们最好的面包和奶酪站在他们面前。D项意为“发现”,符合语境。‎ ‎16.A.answer B.hope C.gift D.advice 解析:选C 根据下文中的“we shall never forget it”及语境可知,此处指一个老人说士兵们给了他们最好的礼物。故选C项。‎ ‎17.A.crowd B.family C.strangers D.companions 解析:选A 根据上文中的“the entire village standing before them”可知,士兵们的面前有一群村民;由此可知,此处指第三个士兵转向人群说。A项意为“人群”,符合语境。‎ ‎18.A.funny B.doubtful C.different D.certain 解析:选D 根据上文中的“There is no secret”可知,此处指没有什么秘密,但是有一点是肯定的。D项意为“肯定的,确定的”,符合语境。‎ ‎19.A.entertaining B.sharing C.appreciating D.donating 解析:选B 根据第二段中的“Your tired fields have left you __3__ to share, so we shall share what we have ...”可知,此处指只有通过分享大家才能享受到大餐。B项意为“分享”,符合语境。‎ ‎20.A.villagers B.elders C.locals D.soldiers 解析:选D 根据空后的“wandered, down the road to their next destination”可知,此处指士兵们沿着去下一个目的地的街道漫步离开了。故选D项。‎ 二、阅读理解提速练 What's more exciting than having a fresh hot pizza delivered to your door? How about having it brought to you by ‎ a robot? Thanks to Domino's Robotic Unit, that just became a reality. On March 8, the threefoot tall robot made its first delivery to some lucky residents in Brisbane, Australia.‎ The autonomous DRU is the result of a cooperation between Domino's Pizza Australia and Marathon Robotics. The machine can cover a distance of up to 12 miles and back before requiring a battery recharge. Equipped with Google Maps and GPS guidance, DRU can go along bike paths and sidewalks and also find the most efficient way to its destination. LIDAR, a laserbased sensor technology similar to the one used in selfdriving cars, enables DRU to detect and avoid obstacles, while traditional sensors ensure its path to its destination is safe. DRU's plastic shell protects the food from the bad weather, while its aluminum and steel container ensures that the pies remain hot.‎ The robot can fit up to ten pizzas and even has a separate cold area to accommodate drink orders. To access their food, customers have to enter the unique code provided by the company. This not only ensures that they pick up the right pizza, but also prevents the pies from getting stolen.‎ Domino's expects additional DRU to be ready for service in its various Queensland locations within the next six months. But don't expect these super cute robots to replace humans anytime soon. According to Domino's, the DRU still needs much testing, which the company believes could take up to two years. There is also the issue of regulations. The public use of ‎ autonomous vehicles is still banned in most countries. But Don Meij, the CEO of Domino's Pizza, is not worried. He believes that one day DRU will become a necessary part of the Domino's family.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇科普类说明文,主要介绍了一种可以上门为顾客送比萨的机器人。‎ ‎1.What's the function of LIDAR?‎ A.Keeping DRU free of obstacles.‎ B.Recharging DRU's battery.‎ C.Helping DRU find its destination.‎ D.Protecting DRU from bad weather.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“LIDAR, a laserbased sensor technology similar to the one used in selfdriving cars, enables DRU to detect and avoid obstacles ...”可知,LIDAR的功能是使DRU察觉并避开障碍物。故A项正确。‎ ‎2.What does the underlined word “accommodate” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?‎ A.Heat.         B.Hold.‎ C.Sell. D.Show.‎ 解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句中的“fit up to ten pizzas”可以判断,此处指该机器人最多可以盛放十个比萨,还有单独的冷藏区放饮料,故画线词应意为“容纳”,与B项意思相近。故B项正确。‎ ‎3.Why does the company provide codes for its customers?‎ A.To fit up more pizzas.‎ B.To prevent the pizza being taken by mistake.‎ C.To keep the pizza warm.‎ D.To get the pizza paid in time.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“This not only ensures that they pick up the right pizza, but also prevents the pies from getting stolen.”可知,这是为了防止顾客拿错比萨。故B项正确。‎ ‎4.What can we infer about the future of DRU?‎ A.It may need some improvements.‎ B.It will replace humans soon.‎ C.It may be banned in Australia.‎ D.It will soon be applied worldwide.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“According to Domino's, the DRU still needs much testing, which the company believes could take up to two years.”可以判断,DRU仍有待改进。故A项正确。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2018·济南高三一模)While you are travelling abroad, cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes, which can lead to serious misunderstanding and even illfeeling between individuals. __1__‎ ‎●Touching Someone ‎__2__ In Mediterranean countries, if you don't touch someone's arm when talking to them or if you don't greet them with kisses or a warm hug, you'll be considered cold. But ‎ backslap (拍背) someone who isn't a family member or a good friend in Korea, and you'll make them uncomfortable. In Thailand, the head is considered sacred — never even pat a child on the head.‎ ‎●Talking Over Dinner In some countries, like China, Japan and some African nations, the food's the thing, so don't start chatting about your day's adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner. __3__ It's not because your group is unfriendly, but because meal times are for eating, not talking.‎ ‎●Removing Your Shoes or Not Take off your shoes when arriving at the door of a London dinner party and the hostess will find you uncivilized, but fail to remove your shoes before entering a home in Asia, Hawaii, or the Pacific Islands and you'll be considered disrespectful. So, if you see a row of shoes at the door, start undoing your laces. __4__‎ Once you are on the ground of a different country, remain highly sensitive to native behavior. __5__ And don't feel offended if something seems offensive — like queue jumping. After all, this is a global village, and we are all very different.‎ A.Personal space varies as you travel the globe.‎ B.Asians consider removing shoes impolite at home.‎ C.Never be completely surprised by anything.‎ D.The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his idea.‎ E.Look out for the following cultural mistakes and try to avoid them.‎ F.If not, keep the shoes on.‎ G.You'll likely be met with silence.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了不同文化当中的不同习俗和礼仪,了解这些习俗和礼仪有助于我们避免在与外国友人交流时出现文化方面的错误或者误解。‎ ‎1.选E 本文是“总—分—总”的结构,而空格处所在段落是文章的总起段。空格处应是要引出对下文三种不同的文化习俗的介绍。E项“Look out for the following cultural mistakes and try to avoid them.”意为“当心以下这些文化错误并尽力避免它们”,能够引起下文。故选E。‎ ‎2.选A 根据本段的小标题“Touching Someone”以及下文介绍的不同国家在肢体接触方面有不同的习俗可知,空格处应当总领全段。A项“当你环球旅游时,你会发现各地对私人空间的定义是不同的”能够总领该段。故选A。‎ ‎3.选G 根据空格前一句可知,在上述这些国家,吃饭的时候要专心。当别人吃晚饭时,不要闲聊你白天的经历。G项“你很有可能会遭遇沉默”紧密衔接上文。故选G。‎ ‎4.选F 根据本段小标题“Removing Your Shoes or Not”可知,该段讨论的是“要不要脱鞋”的问题。空格处应与空格前一句“So, if you see a row of shoes at the door, start undoing your laces.”之间为对比关系。F项“如果不是这样,那就穿上鞋子”‎ 符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎5.选C 该段为总结段。空格处应为具有总结性质的句子。空格后一句是说如果一些事情看起来是具有冒犯性的,但是要入乡随俗,不要感觉被冒犯了,并举插队一例进行说明。C项“不要对任何事情感到诧异”符合语境且引出下句。故选C。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 When Dad told me I was going to take a scuba diver training course, I was really excited. I thought I'd be like those people on TV, __1__ (play) with fish.‎ In the pool, Rob, my instructor, demanded we do what he did. One of the drills __2__ (be) to take our masks off at the bottom of the deep end, replace them, __3__ clear them of water. I wasn't doing that because I couldn't open my eyes underwater or keep water out of my nose. I __4__ (terrify) and made excuse after excuse about __5__ I couldn't do it. Rob walked over and said, “Alaya, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. Nobody is forcing you.” Though I said I wasn't going to do it, my __6__ (foot) carried me toward the pool.‎ With my eyes tightly __7__ (close), I dived in and made my way to __8__ other end. The water felt unnatural against my face. I __9__ (quick) threw on my mask and started clearing it of water. Rob gave me thumbs up. I learned a big lesson: there is nothing to fear but fear __10__ (it).‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过学习潜水的经历告诉我们:没有什么是可怕的,除了“可怕”本身。‎ ‎1.playing 分析句子结构可知,此处是现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随。‎ ‎2.was 根据语境可知,文章描述的是过去的事情,所以用一般过去时。‎ ‎3.and 分析句子结构可知,空格后的动词“clear”与前面的两个动词“take”和“replace”并列。故应用and。‎ ‎4.was terrified 根据语境可知,此处应用一般过去时,并且主语I与terrify之间是被动关系。故填was terrified。‎ ‎5.why 句意:关于我为什么不能做到,我找了一个又一个借口。根据句意可知,此处应用why引导宾语从句。‎ ‎6.feet 根据常识可知,此处应是指两只脚,用复数形式。‎ ‎7.closed 分析句子结构可知,此处是“with+n.+过去分词”复合结构,因为close与eyes之间是被动关系,因此用过去分词。‎ ‎8.the 根据语境可知,此处表示到游泳池的另一端,应用定冠词。‎ ‎9.quickly 修饰动词应用副词形式。故填quickly。‎ ‎10.itself 句意:我学到了重要的一课:没有什么是可怕的,除了“可怕”本身。根据句意可知,应填itself。‎ Ⅳ.概要写作 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ Most people feel shy at one point or another, but for some, shyness can be so troublesome that it prevents them from participating in social situations that are important to achieve personal or professional goals. Shy people want to be close to others but fear being rejected or criticized, so they ‎ avoid even social events they want to attend. They often end up feeling lonely and isolated (孤立的), which increases their risk of developing other problems like depression or anxiety.‎ Many socially shy people are highly successful professionals, including doctors, lawyers, professors, and business owners. They often comment on how confident they feel at work, but how they lose their selfconfidence in situations where their role isn't defined (界定) by their job. Having a role gives them a sense of purpose and guidelines for how they should behave.‎ Shy people are often highly critical (挑剔的) of themselves and their inner dialogue can be very harsh (严厉的) and include things they would never say to other people. Inner criticism can cause a lot of emotional damage, robbing them of peace of mind and selfrespect. The best way to defeat the critic is to have an even stronger ally (盟友) — an inner voice that acts as a lifelong friend. Start noticing good things and learn to “talk back” to the inner critic. By learning to talk back in a kinder and gentler way, social situations won't have so much power to bring harm because there is no selfpunishment.‎ Every social situation people put themselves in is a mini social skill workout. The more they do it, the better they get. If shyness is more severe there are effective treatments for social anxiety that include group and individual therapies (治疗), and in some cases medication.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考范文:‎ Although most people experience shyness, some may run into social and mental problems it causes. (要点1) Through finding a role in social situations, shy people who are successful in their work can act determinedly and relaxedly. (要点2) Shy people should stop being too strict with themselves and learn to soften their inner dialogue. (要点3) Both social situations and treatments can help people overcome shyness.(要点4)‎

