【英语】2018届二轮复习 形容词考点练与析学案(5页word版)

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【英语】2018届二轮复习 形容词考点练与析学案(5页word版)

‎2018届二轮复习 形容词考点练与析 Ⅰ.语法填空考点聚焦 考向1 词形变换之形容词 ‎1.She was a very (care) mother.For 25 days,she never left her baby,not even to find something to eat!She would not let any other pandas come near.She licked the baby constantly to keep it clean.(2016·四川)‎ 答案 caring/careful 解析 空格处修饰名词mother,故用形容词。care的形容词是caring(照料他人的)或careful(细心的)。在此,两个形容词在语意上都能讲得通。‎ ‎2.As (nature) architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly how thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.(2015·全国Ⅱ)‎ 答案 natural 解析 修饰名词architects,故要用形容词形式。‎ ‎3.While there are (1) (amaze) stories of instant transformation,for most of us the changes are gradual and require a lot of effort and work,like cleaning up a polluted river.Just be (2) (patience).‎ ‎(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)‎ 答案 (1)amazing (2)patient 解析 (1)此处用形容词修饰名词stories。amaze的形容词有两个:amazing令人惊讶的,令人吃惊的,一般主语为物;amazed吃惊的,惊奇的,一般主语为人。修饰物(stories)当然用amazing。‎ ‎(2)此处用形容词作be的表语。名词patience(耐心)的形容词形式是patient(有耐心的)。‎ ‎4.There were many people waiting at the bus stop,and some of them looked very anxious and (disappoint).(2014·新课标全国Ⅱ)‎ 答案 disappointed 解析 本句的主语是some of them,此处and连接两个并列成分,再结合前面的形容词anxious可知,此处也应该填一个形容词。故此处用disappointed表示“他们中有些人感到失望”。‎ ‎5.I cannot control my body well.My legs become (pain).(2014·辽宁)‎ 答案 painful 解析 become是系动词,后面需要接形容词作表语。名词pain的形容词形式是painful。‎ 考向2 形容词的比较等级 ‎1.If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work,you should take a step back and identify(识别) those of (great) and less importance.(2016·全国Ⅱ)‎ 答案 greater 解析 根据后面的and less可知,此处也要用比较级形式。‎ ‎2.Finally,that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is (clean) than ever.(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)‎ 答案 cleaner 解析 从后面的than可知此处要用比较级,因此要用cleaner。‎ Ⅱ.短文改错考点聚焦(每小题1处错误)‎ 考向1 副词与形容词词性混淆 ‎1.At one time,I even felt my parents couldn’t understand me so I hoped I could be from them.(2016·全国Ⅲ)‎ 解析 此处应用形容词作表语。‎ ‎2.Lots of studies have shown that global warming has already become a very problem.(2015·全国Ⅰ)‎ 解析 名词前应该用形容词作定语。故seriously应改为serious。‎ ‎3.I thought the biscuits were really .(2015·陕西)‎ 解析 本句句意为:我认为饼干真的很好。good作形容词,意为“好的”,而well作形容词意为“健康的,适宜的”。由句意可知此处应用good。‎ ‎4.The teachers here are kind and .(2014·新课标全国Ⅱ)‎ 解析 由and连接两个并列成分可知,helpful与kind为形容词作表语。‎ 考向2 形容词的比较等级的使用错误 ‎1.They were also the best and years in my life.(2016·全国Ⅲ)‎ 解析 与前面的best并列,此处应用最高级。‎ ‎2.The dishes that I cooked were Mom’s .(2016·四川)‎ 解析 favorite没有比较级和最高级。‎ ‎3.My mum makes the biscuits in the world,so I decided to ask her for help.(2015·陕西)‎ 解析 后面有表示范围的in the world,所以应该用形容词的最高级。故better改为best。‎ 考向3 名词或动词与形容词词性混淆 ‎1.The fruits are small in size,but juicy and .(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)‎ 解析 句中的small,juicy与taste并列,所以应该都用形容词,故将taste改为tasty。‎ ‎2.I noticed that the carriage was and filled with people.(2014·浙江) ‎ 解析 由and连接两个并列成分, 词性要一致,及后面的filled可知,要将noise改为noisy。‎

