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海南省三亚华侨学校2019-2020学年高一下学期开学考试 英语试题 ‎(试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What’s the man working for?‎ A. The government.‎ B. A website.‎ C. A club.‎ ‎2. What can we know about Alan?‎ A. He used to be a baker.‎ B. He likes making cakes.‎ C. He’s good at cooking.‎ ‎3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?‎ A. Beautiful scenery.‎ B. A baby.‎ C. A painting.‎ ‎4. Who is serious in the woman’s family?‎ A. Her husband.‎ B. Her father.‎ C. Nobody.‎ ‎5. What will the woman do in the game?‎ A. Ask the man to do some gestures.‎ B. Guess who the man is thinking of.‎ C. Draw a portrait of the man.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分;共22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题 ‎6. When would the man go to school in America?‎ A. At 6:30 a.m.‎ B. At 8:00 a.m.‎ C. At 9:00 a.m.‎ ‎7. What can we know about the man’s life in China?‎ A. He lived with his family.‎ B. He didn’t have lunch.‎ C.  He lived in a dormitory.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8. What bothers the man in the gym?‎ A. The crowd of people.‎ B. The lack of personal trainers.‎ C. The smelly air.‎ ‎9. What does the man prefer?‎ A. Doing exercise outside.‎ B. Going to the gym earlier.‎ C. Working out with the woman.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. Why does the man say he grew up in the car?‎ A. He had many family car trips.‎ B. He went to school and back by car  every day.‎ C. His family lived in a van for a long time.‎ ‎11. What would the man and his brothers and sisters mostly do in the car?‎ A. Fight.‎ B. Play games.‎ C. Sleep.‎ ‎12. How is the man in the family?‎ A. He’s the smartest child.‎ B. He’s the strongest child.‎ C. He’s the youngest child.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. What did the speakers think of the 100 yen shop?‎ A. Crowded.‎ B. Big.‎ C. Cheap.‎ ‎14. How long had they been there?‎ A. 20 minutes.‎ B. 1 hour.‎ C. 2 hours.‎ ‎15. What did the woman buy besides a dictionary?‎ A. A T-shirt.‎ B. A skirt.‎ C. A scarf.‎ ‎16. What can we know about the dictionary that the woman bought?‎ A. It’s a Japanese dictionary.‎ B. It cost 2,500 yen.‎ C. It’s too expensive for the man.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题 ‎17. Where does Neal recommend the woman to go first in Vancouver?‎ A. A mountain.‎ B. An island.‎ C. A park.‎ ‎18. What is there up Grouse Mountain?‎ A. A nice restaurant.‎ B. A bookshop.‎ C. An old wall.‎ ‎19. Which is TRUE about Stanley Park?‎ A. It’s the biggest tourist attraction in Vancouver.‎ B. There’s a hiking trail around the park.‎ C. It’s one of the most scenic city parks in the world.‎ ‎20. How long does it take a ferry to go from Vancouver to Victoria?‎ A. 2 hours and a quarter.‎ B. An hour and 35 minutes.‎ C. 35 minutes.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)‎ 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.‎ A Students today have an important and wonderful advantage: social media.However,we should know that not all social media platforms are created equal.‎ Twitter Advantage:Twitter is best for conducting quick surveys and advertising.Twitter is also great for keeping up with current events.By following active politicians,we are becoming more familiar with their policies and their faces.Twitter is also better for online debates because of the character limit.‎ Disadvantage:Twitter's disadvantage is that you can see so many things you're not interested in because the people you follow retweet these posts.‎ Facebook Advantage:Its best uses are keeping up with family and high school friends.Also Facebook makes it extremely easy to inform students about concerts and fairs.It's the only big social media platform-where you can create specific albums for different things.‎ Disadvantage:Facebook's biggest downfall is that if you comment on anything,you get notifications for every other comment.Additionally,debates about everything under the sun.‎ Snapchat Advantage:The best social media platform for socializing is actually Snapchat.Snapchat works quickly and gives you the freedom to be spontaneous (常心血来潮的) with your posts. It gives you the most insight into the people you follow or are friends with. In high school,my friends would always tell me,You'd probably know more about our lives if you were on Snapchat.‎ Disadvantage:On Snapchat,stories disappear alter 24 hours and you can miss some great moment if you don't check it regularly.‎ Instagram Advantage: It's like an online diary of our best moments. For many of us,posting on Instagram is like the college version of show-and-tell.‎ Disadvantage:It has too many advertisements.Many times when you just want to see what your friends have recently posted,the app throws in an advertisement that looks like any other post.‎ 21. Why is Twitter considered annoying?‎ A. It always has various repetitive contents.‎ B. It almost focuses too much on politicians.‎ C. It seldom keeps up with current events.‎ D. It often asks users to do quick surveys.‎ 22. What is Facebook suitable for?‎ A. Making contents B. Doing quick surveys C. Running advertisements D. Producing different albums.‎ 23. In which platform will you probably miss some posts after a day?‎ A. Twitter. B. Facebook. C. Snapchat. D. Instagram.‎ B A trip to Paris is not complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower.To get the most out of your visit,read our tips below:‎ Visit at Night Riding up the Eiffel Tower at night and looking out over the streets of Paris,you'll see why Paris is known as the"City of Light".At street level,the spotlights on the top of the Tower zoom ‎ across the Paris skyline,and the reflections of the Tower in the Seine are sights not to be missed.‎ Purchase Your Ticket in Advance Online Bypass the long ticket lines at the Eiffel Tower by purchasing your ticket online from the Eiffel Tower website.You'll pick a time to visit,and then select whether to print out the ticket or display it on your phone or iPad a convenient option if you buy your ticket in Paris without easy access to a printer.‎ Don't Bring Valuable Objects with You Before entering the Eiffel Tower,your bags will be examined by a security officer.If an item you are carrying sets off the metal detector,the officer will take you away from the line for further inspection.We've stood in line for hours behind people who missed their chance to go up the Eiffel Tower.‎ Have Drinks and Snacks at the Eiffel Tower If you're like us,after an exciting trip to the Eiffel Tower,you'll be ready to rest your legs and have a relaxing snack and a drink in a Parisian cafe.Across the Seine in the Trocadero area,there are many elegant cafes.The atmosphere is great,but the prices are in the stratosphere.Actually,the perfect place for common visitors to eat and drink is on the Eiffel Tower itself.‎ 21. Why does the author suggest visiting the Tower at night?‎ A. Because you can stand on the top of the Tower.‎ B. Because you can avoid the crowds and enjoy it peacefully.‎ C. Because you can have a special sight of the city of Pairs.‎ D. Because you can see the Seine as clear as possible.‎ 22. What does the underlined word"Bypass"in Paragraph 3 mean?‎ A. Stand. B. Avoid. C. Control. D. Remember.‎ 23. Why did some people fail to go up the Eiffel Tower?‎ A. Because they didn't seize the chance.‎ B. Because they lost valuable objects.‎ C. Because they set off the metal detector.‎ D. Because they had a quarrel with the officer.‎ 21. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?‎ A. The author recommends tourists have snacks at the Eiffel Tower.‎ B. The Eiffel Tower provides expensive foods and drinks.‎ C. The author prefers to eat across the Seine.‎ D. You spend more if you have snacks at the Tower.‎ C All networks like 3G and 4G will be things of the past,because 5G will be reachable in the near future. So,whatˈs so special about a 5G future? First of all,its download speed can be as fast as 20GB/s,which is 100 to 200 times that of 4G. But whatˈs more impressive is 5GˈS low delay rate. Now,4G takes an average of 200 milliseconds (毫秒) to send and receive information. But 5G will get it down to 1 millisecond.‎ ‎5G is a great breakthrough. Itˈs going to change the way equipment connects to the Internet,and more importantly,to each other. And self-driving cars may be one of the biggest breakthroughs to come out of 5G. Human reaction time is 200 milliseconds,yet we still have accidents every day. The self-driving car under a 5G network could react and communicate its reaction to hundreds of cars around it,all within I millisecond. Itˈll play a great role in preventing car accidents and ending traffic jams completely.‎ ‎5G can benefit us in many other ways. Operations could be performed by robots controlled by experts from the other side of the world. Therefore,more lives will be saved in time. Factories can be staffed by robots that can communicate their tasks to each other,and they can do more work efficiently over a 5G network. Imagine a group of drones(无人机) flying over a field of crops,using sensors(传感器) on the ground to sort,pick,feed,and water plants all on their own. Then farmers wonˈt have to work so hard anymore.‎ But,5G is not perfect. One major disadvantage has to do with why itˈs so fast. 5G uses the millimeter waves,while 4G uses the 15 to 40 centimeter-long waves. And shorter waves go fast but not very far On 4G networks,the signal can go 10 kilometers. But the 5G signal can go at most 300 meters,and it can't even go through walls or rain. So,what does that mean? Having such a short signal distance means we need to build a lot of transmitters(信号发射塔) in the future.‎ 22. How does the author show us 5G's advantages in Paragraph 1?‎ A. By giving examples of the uses of 5G.‎ B. By making comparisons between 4G and 5G.‎ C. By explaining the scientific principles of 5G.‎ D. By analyzing 5G's development from 4G.‎ 21. According to the author,the self-driving cars will _________.‎ A. cause more car accidents B. slow down 5G's development C. run without being connected to the Internet D. have a much faster reaction speed than humans 22. What does the underlined part "be staffed by robots" in Paragraph 3 mean?‎ A. Be built by robots. B. Have robots as workers.‎ C. Offer employees home robots. D. Produce more medical robots.‎ 23. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?‎ A. The main weakness of 5G networks.‎ B. How to make 4G networks more perfect.‎ C. The types of long waves and short waves.‎ D. How to improve the signal of mobile phones.‎ D ‎"The Lion King" is one of Disney's highest earners.But behind "The Lion King",a true story of Sundiata Keita is still largely invisible outside his own country.‎ Known as the Lion of Mali,Sundiata was the founder of the Malian Empire,the largest kingdom in West Africa.His empire expanded more than 1,000 miles from the Atlantic coast all the way to the Niger River.Sundiata ruled from 1235 to 1255.‎ Sundiata's father,King Naré Maghann Konaté,was told by fortune tellers that if he married an ugly woman she would give birth to a son who would become a mighty and magnificent king. He already had a wife named Sassouma Bereté and a son named Dankaran Tourman.However,Konate took Sogolon Kedjou as his second wife.She gave birth to Sundiata,who was born disabled.Though the king favored him,both Sogolon and Sundiata were unfairly teased for his disability.‎ Sundiata became a great leader among his people,sparking resentment from his half-brother Tourman who wanted the throne for himself.When Konaté died,many suspected that he had been ‎ murdered.Fearful of an attack on their lives.Sogolon took Sundiata and the rest of her children and fled.The Mandinka people were taken over by the cruel and unfair King Soumaoro Kante of the Sosso people.‎ In need of their true leader,the people sent word for Sundiata to return and take his rightful place as the king.Outside of the country,Sundiata built alliances with the king of Mema and other local rulers.He gathered an army to free the Mandinka people and defeat the Sosso king.Upon his victorious return,he adopted a new title for himself."Mansa," which means king or emperor in Mandinka.Sundiata's kingdom became one of the most wealthy and powerful empires in history.‎ 21. Why is the movie "The Lion King" mentioned in paragraph 1?‎ A. To show us one of Disney's achievements.‎ B. To encourage a view of the movie.‎ C. To introduce a true story.‎ D. To tell us its popularity among the public.‎ 22. Why did Konaté get married to Sogolon Kédiou?‎ A. Because she was a recognized beauty.‎ B. Because he expected her to produce a great successor.‎ C. Because she adored him for his immense power.‎ D. Because he was not content with his first wife.‎ 23. What does the underlined word "resentment" in paragraph 4 refer to ______ ?‎ A. Inspiration. B. Anger. C. Admiration. D. Guilt.‎ ‎35. Where is this text most likely from?‎ A. A magazine. B. A diary. C. A guidebook. D. A novel.‎ 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Training for a marathon (马拉松) requires careful preparation and steady,gradual increases in the length of the runs. 36 ,buy the best-fitting running shoes you can find.No one can say which brand will work best for you or feel best on your feet,so you have to rely on your experience and on the feel of each pair as you shop.When you have found shoes that seem right,‎ walk in them for a few days to double-check the fit. 37 .As always,you should stretch (伸展)at least ten minutes before each run to prevent injuries.‎ During the first week,do not think about distance,but run five minutes longer each day. 38 ,it is wise to take a day off to rest.But during the next week,set a goal of at least a mile and a half per run. 39 .After two weeks,start timing yourself. 40 .Depending on the kind of race you plan to enter,you can set up a timetable for the remaining weeks before the race.‎ A.After six days B.For a good marathon runner C.Before you begin your training D.With each day,increase the distance by a half mile E.If they still feel good,you can begin running in them F.Time spent for preparation raises the quality of training G.Now you are ready to figure out a goal of improving distance and time 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每题 1 分,满分 15 分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ I lived with my grandpa. From childhood I always felt that my birthday should be my day and should be celebrated like anything. I used to wait for my birthday by   41   months,then days and then hours,thinking how to celebrate it and what gift to ask for. It was my grandpa who made it important and   42  .‎ But,I   43   my grandpa in 2017,and I didn't know how to spend my birthday after he had gone from this world. Yes,I was too   44   to him. Finally,I decided to celebrate my next birthday at the orphanage (孤儿院),and arrange dinner for those kids who didn't have any family,or maybe whose family had   45   them because they were carrying HIV.‎ ‎46   two days,I went there and requested they give me a   47   to help their children and also I asked if some child was having a birthday on the   48   day as mine. I wanted to buy a   49   for him or her to eat at a dinner party as well.   50  ,they agreed. But I was a bit afraid to face them. My   51   was that they might feel bad because they didn't have their families. But when I met them,they were all so lovely,looking so   52  ! At the party,we danced together,played many ‎ games,and most importantly we had the cake together! I had been worried they would take it as some kind of sympathy (同情),  53   that day they enjoyed my company very much.‎ Whenever I recall this wonderful experience,I think of it as the   54   birthday I have ever had! I believe it was really a true   55   for my grandpa as well!‎ 41. A. passing B. counting C. wasting D. missing 42. A. fun B. long C. expensive D. common 43. A. valued B. respected C. lost D. believed 44. A. harmful B. attached C. friendly D. honest 45. A. abandoned B. educated C. frightened D. doubted 46. A. Before B. After C. Until D. Since 47. A. way B. wish C. chance D. change 48. A. correct B. difficult C. same D. magic 49. A. toy B. card C. book D. cake 50. A. Personally B. Luckily C. Sadly D. Similarly 51. A. fear B. happiness C. task D. promise 52. A. concerned B. scared C. delighted D. uneasy 53. A. and B. but C. or D. so 54. A. oldest B. hardest C. worst D. best 55. A. memory B. plan C. secret D. joy 第二节:语言运用(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入所给词的恰当形式:‎ Q&A: Top health expert on latest virus developments Renowned Chinese respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan shares his views on the latest developments in the novel coronavirus outbreak in an interview with Beijing Television on Friday.‎ Q: Should people get tested for the coronavirus infection if they have symptoms of __56__ cold or fever?‎ A: If they have a fever,they should go to get tested for the virus,because the most common symptom for the novel coronavirus is fever. Other symptoms include fatigue and coughing. If they have such symptoms,they should go to the fever clinics to get tested.‎ If they have had contact ___57___ people from Wuhan,they should get tested even if they do not have such symptoms,since some people do not show any symptoms at the early stage.‎ Q: People will soon return to work and they are wondering ___58____ they will get infected if they have touched things__59____( use) by coronavirus patients?‎ A: People will not get infected if they only touched things used by patients. The virus is transmitted ___60_____(main) through droplets and feces.‎ Q: Some patients have been discharged from the hospital. Will they have any side effects?‎ A: I have not noticed any obvious side effects. The disease now has a mortality rate of 2.5 percent. We are trying everything to save patients,especially those in critical condition,by giving them medical and life support.‎ Q: How does the virus compare with SARS? Which one is more dangerous?‎ A: The new coronavirus is less dangerous.‎ Q: Many elderly people have chronic diseases and need to go to the hospital regularly to get medicine. If they run out of medicine,should they go to the hospital?‎ A: We found that elderly people ____61___ chronic disease have higher chances to get infected. It's better for them to ask their children to go to the hospital to get medicine.‎ Q: Are there any new treatment methods you want to share with us?‎ A: The two main treatment methods are still early detection and early isolation. They are the most primitive and____62____( effect) ways.‎ Q: Your eyes were filled with tears during an early interview with Xinhua News Agency. Could you tell us what happened?‎ A: Medical workers in Wuhan have worked very hard and patients are also very ___63____(depress). I talked to many of my students who are medical staff in Wuhan and they are not __64__ a good mood.‎ One of my students told me that people were singing the national anthem on the street,"The Chinese nation __65_____( enter) a critical stage." It shows that people have high morale. I was deeply touched. When dealing with infectious patients in critical situation,morale,solidarity and cooperation are very important.‎ Q: When will the epidemic end?‎ A: The country has taken strong epidemic prevention and containment measures. Other than Wuhan,we have not seen large-scale infections in other places. I think it will not last as long as the SARS epidemic in 2003.‎ 第四部分:写作(共两节:满分40分)‎ 第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)‎ 假定你是李华,你想邀请在中国留学的英国好友Peter观看京剧表演,但Peter不在家,你给他写张留言条,包括以下内容:‎ ‎1. 你到Peter家的目的 ‎2. 介绍京剧 ‎3. 询问什么时候方便,再约时间观看.‎ 要求:‎ ‎1.请包括以上要点,但不要逐句翻译 ‎2.可以适当增加内容,以使文章流畅和连贯 ‎3.字数为100字左右 ‎4.参考词汇:quintessence 精华,精粹;ornate 华丽的 Peking opera 京剧 第二节:读后续写(满分25分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成个完整的故事。‎ A quite funny thing happened to me last Friday. It was a fine day and I went to London to do some shopping. I had planned to get some Christmas presents. I also needed to find some books for my course at college as I am a student of Oxford.‎ That morning I caught an early train to London,so by early afternoon I could buy something that I wanted. Anyway,I'm not very fond of London,all the noise and traffic,and I made some arrangements for that evening. I took a taxi to Waterloo station. I couldn't really afford a taxi,but I wanted to catch the 3:30 p.m. train. Unfortunately,the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam,and by the time I got to the Waterloo station the train had just gone. Disappointedly,I had to wait an hour for the next one. While I was waiting,I bought myself an evening newspaper,The Standard,and wandered over to the station buffet. At that time of the day it was nearly empty,and I bought a coffee and a packet of biscuits—chocolate biscuits. I'm very fond of chocolate biscuits. I found that there were plenty of empty tables and I sat by one near the window,where I could cozily ‎ enjoy my beverage and biscuits. Then,I began doing the crossword. I always enjoy doing crossword puzzles.‎ After a couple of minutes a man sat down just opposite me. It seemed that there was nothing special about him,except that he was very tall. In fact,judging from his clean dark suit and a fine briefcase,he looked pretty like a typical city businessman. I didn't say anything and I carried on with my crossword.‎ 注意:‎ ‎(1)所续写短文的词数应为150左右;‎ ‎(2)至少用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;‎ ‎(3)续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;‎ ‎(4)续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。‎ Paragraph 1‎ Suddenly he reached across the table,opened my packet of biscuits,took one,and put it into his mouth. __________________________________________________________________‎ Paragraph 2‎ After I took the last biscuit and glanced at the man,he was staring at me angrily.__________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ 听力 1-5 CBCAB 6-10 ABBCA 11-15 ABCBC 16-20 ABCBA 阅读理解 21-25 ADCCB 26-30 CABDB 31-35ACBBA 36-40 CEADG 完型填空 40-45 BACBA 46-50 BCCDB 51-55 ACBDD 语言运用 56 dishes 57 who/that 58 it 59 visiting 60 was shocked ‎61 have become 62 affordable 63 higher 64 weight 65 for 应用文写作 Firstly,it is necessary for us to keep a balanced diet,such as eating more vegetables and fruits which are rich in fiber and vitamins,rather than having food containing too much fat or sugar.‎ Secondly,doing sports will have a good effect on our bodies. Many researches show people who take exercises regularly can have a stronger body than those who do not.‎ Thirdly,forming a good living habit is beneficial for us. Just as a saying goes,"Early to bed,early to rise,makes a person healthy,wealthy and wise."Moreover,it is suggested that keeping a positive attitude towards life is of great importance.‎ In a word,only in this way can we keep healthy.‎ 续写作文 Paragraph 1: Suddenly he reached across the table,opened my packet of biscuits,took one,and put it into his mouth. I couldn't believe my eyes! How could a city businessman do that? I was too shocked to say anything. Anyway,I didn't want to make trouble,so I decided to pretend to ignore it. As a matter of fact,I always avoid trouble if I can. I just took a biscuit myself and went back to my crossword puzzle. When the man took a second biscuit,I didn't look up and make a sound. I pretended to be enjoying the crossword puzzle.‎ Paragraph 2: After I took the last biscuit and glanced at the man,he was staring at me angrily. I nervously put the biscuit into my mouth,and decided to leave. I was ready to get up and go when the man suddenly pushed back his chair,stood up and hurried out of the buffet: I felt very relieved and decided to wait two or three minutes before going myself. I finished my coffee,folded my newspaper and stood up. And there,on the table,where my evening newspaper had been,was my packet of biscuits,without being touched.‎

