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2020 届二轮复习阅读理解热点话题专题之十七:早期报告、 隔离、诊断“控制冠状病毒的最佳方法 Early reporting, isolation, diagnosis "best way to contain coronavirus 早期报告、隔离、诊断“控制冠状病毒的最佳方法 读前导读: 公众应该达成共识:早发现、早报告、早隔离、早诊断、早治疗 是控制新型冠状病毒引起肺炎的最佳、最有效的方法。 Part1:高级实词分类记 名词: 1. consensus 2. identification 3. isolation 4. diagnosis 5. treatment 6. pneumonia 7. coronavirus 8. prevention 9. coverage 10. urgency 11. outbreak 12. effort 13. management 14. community 15. commission 16. resident 17. inconvenience 18. responsibility. 19. consultant 20. anxiety 形容词 1. effective 2. intensive 3. aware 4. comprehensive 5. official 6. joint 7. multiple 8. temporary 9. community-level 10. epidemic 11. psychological 12. available 动词 1. mobilize 2. contain 3. promote 4. recognize 5. cooperate 6. consult 7. monitor 8. conduct 9. ease 其他词 1. ultimately adv 2. amid prep Part2:高级词汇拓展 1. identification 识别 vt _________________ 2. isolation 隔离 vt____________ adj ____________ 3. treatment 治疗 vt ____________ 4. prevention 预防 vt ____________ adj ____________ 5. coverage 新闻报道 vt ____________ adj ____________ 6. urgency 紧迫性 adj ____________ vt ____________ 7. management 管理 vt____________ 8. inconvenience 不便 adj ____________ 9. responsibility.责任 adj ____________ adv ____________ 10. anxiety 焦虑 adj____________ 11. effective 有效的 n ____________ vt ____________ 12. intensive 加强的 vt ____________ 13. aware 意识到的 n ____________ 14. comprehensive 综合的 vt____________ n ____________ 15. multiple 倍数 的 vt ____________ 16. temporary 暂时的 adv ____________ 17. psychological 心理的 n ____________ adv ____________ 18. mobilize 动员 n ____________ 19. promote 促进 n ____________ 20. recognize 认出 n ___________ 21. cooperate 合作 n ____________ adj ____________ 22. consult 咨询 n. ____________顾问 23. ease 缓解 adj ____________ Part3:高级短语荟萃 1. the general public 2. reach a consensus 3. contain the pneumonia 4. with intensive media coverage of the situation 5. the public 6. be aware of 7. community health service center 8. at a press conference 9. comprehensive prevention and control measures 10. prevent the virus from further spreading 11. contain the outbreak 12. introduce practices of joint prevention work 13. local governments 14. promote multiple measures 15. for the good of 16. information technologies 17. community-level health 18. psychological 19. ease anxiety 20. he virus outbreak 21. according to Part4:原汁文章思维能力提升训练 The general public should reach a consensus that early identification, reporting, isolation, diagnosis and treatment is the best and most effective way to contain the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus, a health official from Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said in Beijing on Wednesday. With intensive media coverage of the situation, the public has been aware of the urgency of curbing the outbreak, but efforts are still needed to mobilize the whole society to conduct health management in communities, Wu Hao, head of the Fangzhuang community health service center in Beijing, said at a press conference held by the National Health Commission. "Such comprehensive prevention and control measures are the best and most effective way to prevent the virus from further spreading and ultimately contain the outbreak," Wu said. The official also introduced practices of joint prevention work, saying local governments have promoted multiple measures to help residents recognize that the temporary inconvenience to their daily lives is for the good of them and their families and cooperating is their social responsibility. Information technologies have been used in community-level health consulting, monitoring, and epidemic prevention, and online psychological consultants are also available to help ease anxiety amid the virus outbreak, according to Wu. 1. What is the best way to contain the new virus: coronavirus? 2. What have been used to help community-level health consulting, monitoring, and epidemic prevention? 3.Why online psychological consultants are also necessary when it comes to the present urgent situation? Part5:报刊复杂句式剖析。 1.The general public should reach a consensus that early identification, reporting, isolation, diagnosis and treatment is the best and most effective way to contain the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus, a health official from Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said in Beijing on Wednesday. 翻译: 解 析 : 本 句 含 有 that 引 导 的 ________________ 从 句 : that early identification, reporting, isolation, diagnosis and treatment is the best and most effective way to contain the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus , 解 释 ____________________的具体内容。 2.Information technologies have been used in community-level health consulting, monitoring, and epidemic prevention, and online psychological consultants are also available to help ease anxiety amid the virus outbreak, according to Wu. 翻译: 解析:community-level health consulting , monitoring, and epidemic prevention 做介 词 in 的宾语。本句的结构为 and 连接的两个__________句;第一个并列句结构 为__________________状(SVOAd );第二个并列句结构为________________+ 状(SVPAd) 3. With intensive media coverage of the situation, the public has been aware of the urgency of curbing the outbreak, but efforts are still needed to mobilize the whole society to conduct health management in communities, Wu Hao, head of the Fangzhuang community health service center in Beijing, said at a press conference held by the National Health Commission. 翻译: 解析:这一个复杂句为含有 but 引导的__________句做 said 的__________从 句,且宾语从句___________________置:….but….., said sb. Wu Hao, head of the Fangzhuang community health service center in Beijing,为 主 句 的 ________________ 语 , 而 且 head of the Fangzhuang community health service center in Beijing 为 Wu Hao 的__________________语。 相关话题语法填空 As cases of the new coronavirus grow on the Chinese mainland, producers of all seven big films once 1._______________(schedule) for the Spring Festival holiday announced they would cancel screening on Thursday, a move 2. ____________(estimate) to cause a huge financial loss in industry. Among the withdrawn films are presale champion Detective Chinatown 3, ___3_________ saw its presale receipts reach more than 250 million yuan ($36.1 million), and Leap, a __4 ____________(high) anticipated film which introduces the striving of China's national women's volleyball team from 1981 to 2016. 5. ____________ delayed tentpoles are Lost in Russia, The Rescue, Vanguard, Jia Ziya: Legend of Deification and Boonie Bears: The Wild Life. Statements 6. ____________(release) by producers said the decisions were made with the consideration of the risk of disease spread in confined spaces and will choose a later date ___7. ____________ (release ) the films. Distributors said they will actively coordinate ticketing platforms and theaters 8. ____________(handle) refunds of the unused tickets. 1.____________2. ____________3. ___________4._____________ 5. ____________6. ____________7. ____________8. ____________ 双语阅读 The general public should reach a consensus that early identification, reporting, isolation, diagnosis and treatment is the best and most effective way to contain the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus, a health official from Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said in Beijing on Wednesday. 周三,中国疾控中心一名卫生官员在北京表示,公众应该达成共识:早发现、 早报告、早隔离、早诊断、早治疗是控制新型冠状病毒引起肺炎的最佳、最有效 的方法。 With intensive media coverage of the situation, the public has been aware of the urgency of curbing the outbreak, but efforts are still needed to mobilize the whole society to conduct health management in communities, Wu Hao, head of the Fangzhuang community health service center in Beijing, said at a press conference held by the National Health Commission. 北京市方庄社区卫生服务中心主任吴浩在由国家卫健委举行的新闻发布会上 呼吁,随着新闻媒体的密集报道,公众已经意识到遏制疫情的紧迫性,但目前仍 需要动员全社会力量进行健康管理。 "Such comprehensive prevention and control measures are the best and most effective way to prevent the virus from further spreading and ultimately contain the outbreak," Wu said. 吴浩说:“采取综合防控措施是防止病毒进一步传播并最终控制疫情的最佳和 最有效的途径。” The official also introduced practices of joint prevention work, saying local governments have promoted multiple measures to help residents recognize that the temporary inconvenience to their daily lives is for the good of them and their families and cooperating is their social responsibility. 吴浩还介绍了综合防控工作的做法,称地方政府已经通过多渠道对辖区居民 普及知识,让居民认识到,现在短暂的约束是自觉主动配合防控的举措,是为了 今后能和家人更好地生活,也是对自己、家庭和社会负责任的体现。 Information technologies have been used in community-level health consulting, monitoring, and epidemic prevention, and online psychological consultants are also available to help ease anxiety amid the virus outbreak, according to Wu. 吴浩介绍,信息技术已被用于基层卫生咨询、监测和防疫,在线心理咨询也 可以帮助缓解公众在病毒爆发时产生的焦虑情绪。 语法填空原文双语阅读 As cases of the new coronavirus grow on the Chinese mainland, producers of all seven big films once scheduled for the Spring Festival holiday announced they would cancel screening on Thursday, a move estimated to cause a huge financial loss in industry. 周四,随着新型冠状病毒在中国大陆不断传播,之前计划在票房火爆的春节假期上映的 七部大片的制片人都宣布将取消上映影片,这一前所未有的措施估计会对影视行业造成巨大 的经济损失。 Among the withdrawn films are presale champion Detective Chinatown 3, which saw its presale receipts reach more than 250 million yuan ($36.1 million), and Leap, a highly anticipated film which introduces the striving of China's national women's volleyball team from 1981 to 2016. 暂停上映的电影包括预售冠军《唐人街探案 3》,预售收入超过 2.5 亿元(3610 万美元), 以及备受期待的《夺冠》,讲述了中国女排从 1981 年到 2016 年的奋斗历程。 Other delayed tentpoles are Lost in Russia, The Rescue, Vanguard, Jia Ziya: Legend of Deification and Boonie Bears: The Wild Life. 其他推迟上映的影片包括:《囧妈》、《紧急救援》、《急先锋》、《姜子牙》和《熊出没:狂 野大陆》 Statements released by producers said the decisions were made with the consideration of the risk of disease spread in confined spaces and will choose a later date to release the films. 制作方发表的声明均表示,鉴于新型冠状病毒传播的风险,做出暂停上映的决定,并将 择日再映。 Distributors said they will actively coordinate ticketing platforms and theaters to handle refunds of the unused tickets. 发行商表示,他们将积极协调票务平台和影院处理退票事宜。

