2018届一轮复习北师大版必修1Unit1 Lifestyle学案

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2018届一轮复习北师大版必修1Unit1 Lifestyle学案

Unit 1 lifestyles language points 学案 ‎1.As_long_as I get good marks in my tests,it doesn't matter if I can speak English or not.(教材P4)只要我能在考试中取得好成绩,我是否能说好英语就无关紧要了。‎ ‎(1)as long as 只要;长达 As/So long as you don't lose heart,you will succeed sooner or later.只要你不灰心,你早晚会成功的。‎ ‎【提示】 as long as与so long as在表示“只要”之意时通用,没有肯定或否定句式的限制。‎ as long as 只要,相当于so long as as far as 远达;直到 as much/many as多达 as...as possible尽可能……‎ Some villagers in Yunnan have to go as far as 5 kilometres to fetch water now.‎ 现在,云南一些村民必须到5公里外去运水。‎ The boss earns as much as 100,000 dollars a year.‎ 这个老板每年能挣10万美元。‎ 完成句子 ‎①I shall love you ________________________(只要我有一丝呼吸).‎ ‎②He spent________________________(长达三小时来做家庭作业)every day.‎ ‎【答案】 ①as long as I have breath ‎②as long as three hours doing his homework ‎(2)matter vi.要紧;有重大关系(常用于否定句和疑问句中)‎ Does it matter a great deal to her whether they come or not?他们是否来,这与她有很大关系吗?‎ ‎①It doesn't matter who/why/what/where/how/that...……没关系/无所谓 It doesn't matter.(口)没关系(表示你并不生气或介意);无所谓(用于表示选哪个都可以)。‎ ‎②matter n.事情,问题;物质 What's the matter?/Something is the matter./Nothing is the matter./Is there anything the matter?‎ ‎(口)怎么了?/有点问题。/没什么问题。/有什么麻烦吗?‎ as a matter of fact(口)事实上,实际上,其实 no matter 无论;不管 It's a matter of...是……的问题 It doesn't matter what you wear,as long as you look neat and tidy.‎ 你穿什么衣服都无所谓,只要看上去干净整洁就行。‎ ‎—I've broken a cup by mistake.‎ ‎—It doesn't matter.‎ ‎——我不小心打碎了一个杯子。‎ ‎——没关系。‎ What's the matter with Bill?His eyes look red.‎ 比尔怎么了?他的眼睛看上去红红的。‎ As a matter of fact,we are in the same school.‎ 实际上,我们是同一个学校的。‎ No matter how hard he studies,he can't catch up with his twin sister.无论他多么努力地学习,他还是赶不上他的双胞胎妹妹。‎ ‎【提示】 在用what提问时,what在句中作主语,故在转化成宾语时,句子不用改变语序。例如:What's the matter with you?‎ 完成句子 ‎③____________(事实上),he is the tallest in our class.‎ ‎④____________(怎么了)?You look as if you have been crying.‎ ‎【答案】 ③As a matter of fact ④What's the matter ‎2.relaxing adj.轻松的;放松的 I think a shepherd's life is peaceful and relaxing—but maybe it's boring sometimes.(教材P7)‎ 我认为牧羊人的生活是宁静的、轻松的——不过可能有的时候令人厌烦。‎ I found listening to music very relaxing.‎ 我发现听音乐非常放松。‎ relax v.放松,使放松;轻松,使轻松 relaxed adj.轻松的;放松的 relaxation n.放松,松弛;消遣,娱乐 The music will help to relax you.‎ 音乐会使你感到轻松。‎ Always try to play as relaxed as possible.‎ 可能的话,经常试着去放松地去玩。‎ Fishing is his favorite relaxation.‎ 他最喜爱的消遣是钓鱼。‎ ‎【提示】 relaxed常用来修饰人,指“(人)感到放松、轻松”;relaxing常用来修饰事物,指“(某事物或事情)令人感到放松、轻松”。‎ ‎【教师备课资源】 ‎ interesting 令人感兴趣的;interested 感兴趣的 disappointing 令人失望的;disappointed 感到失望的 surprising 令人吃惊的;surprised 感到吃惊的 用relax,relaxing和relaxed填空 ‎①He appeared ________ and confident before the match.‎ ‎②He had a ________ evening.‎ ‎③Just ________ and enjoy the movie.‎ ‎【答案】 ①relaxed ②relaxing ③relax ‎3.until conj.& prep.直到……为止 I turn on the television and watch the children's programmes and old movies until about halfpast ten.(教材P8)我打开电视,看看儿童节目,看看老片子,一直看到大约十点半。‎ Sit here until she comes back.‎ 坐在这里等她回来。‎ ‎①until用在肯定句中时,主句谓语动词必须是延续性动词。‎ ‎②until引导的结构与否定句连用时,构成not...until...结构,主句所表达的动作直到until所表示的时间才发生,译成“直到……才……”;主句谓语动词往往为非延续性动词。‎ ‎③until的常用句型:It was not until...that...直到……才……,用在强调句型中。‎ ‎④not until放在句首时,主句的语序需要用部分倒装。‎ You may stay here until the rain stops.‎ 你可以留在这儿直到雨停。‎ He won't go to bed until (till) she returns.‎ 直到她回来他才去睡觉。‎ It was not until yesterday that we knew about it.‎ 直到昨天我们才知道那件事。‎ Not until I came back did she go away.‎ 直到我回来她才离开。‎ ‎【对接高考】‎ ‎(2011•全国卷Ⅱ)This shop will be closed for repairs ________ further notice.‎ A.with           B.until C.for D.at ‎【解析】 句意:这家店将停业装修,营业时间另行通知。until further notice 表示“在另行通知前”。  ‎ ‎【答案】 B 句型转换 She didn't set foot in England until 2013.‎ ‎①________________________________________________________________________(倒装句)‎ ‎②________________________________________________________________________(强调句)‎ ‎【答案】 ①Not until 2013 did she set foot in England.‎ ‎②It was not until 2013 that she set foot in England.‎ ‎4.switch vt.转换;转变n.开关;转变 Then I get up,go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room.(教材P8)‎ 接着我起床,下楼,打开客厅的电视。‎ His father switched on the light.‎ 他爸爸打开了电灯。‎ You pressed the wrong switch.你按错了开关。‎ switch on(=turn on)把开关打开;接通 switch off(=turn off)把……关掉;关上 switch over转换频道;转变 switch...to...把……转换为……‎ How do you switch this thing on?‎ 这东西怎么打开?‎ Don't forget to switch off all the lights before leaving the office.离开办公室前别忘记关掉所有的灯。‎ We've switched over to telephone banking.‎ 我们已经改用电话银行服务了。‎ 用适当的介/副词填空 ‎①Switch the lights________when you leave.‎ ‎②She switched from fulltime work________parttime work.‎ ‎③Switch________if you don't like the programme.‎ ‎④It's time to watch news on TV. Please switch________the TV set.‎ ‎【答案】 ①off ②to ③over ④on ‎5.while当……的时候 I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle.(教材P8)‎ 我总是随身携带着手提电视,坐在石墙上看,小狗则在我身旁绕圈。‎ Please don't talk so loudly while others are working.‎ 当别人在工作时,请不要大声喧哗。‎ while/when/as while 表示一段时间和某一过程,必须跟延续性动词。‎ when 既可以表示时间段,也可以表示时间点。从句动词可为终止性的,也可为持续性的。‎ as 则表示两个动作同时进行,有时有伴随意味。可译为“一边……一边”。‎ They arrived while we were having dinner.‎ 我们在吃饭时他们来了。‎ I jumped up when she called.‎ 她打来电话时我跳了出来。‎ As he talked on,he got more and more excited.‎ 他继续谈着,越来越兴奋。‎ 用when,while,as填空 ‎①____________I was walking down the street, I noticed a police car in front of the store.‎ ‎②____________John arrived, I was cooking lunch.‎ ‎③I was wandering through the street____________I caught sight of a tailor's shop.‎ ‎【答案】 ①When/While/As ②When  ③when ‎6.work one's way through sth.自始至终忙于做某事;(通过努力)逐步达到 Thirtysixyearold Bob Black is sitting at his desk and working his way through his paperwork.(教材P9)36岁的鲍勃•布莱克正坐在写字台前忙着他的案头工作。‎ She worked her way through the pile of documents.‎ 她从头到尾处理了那一堆文件。‎ work one's way through school/college...半读;勤工俭学 ‎ lose one's way 迷路 make one's way to...前往;到……地方去 feel one's way摸索前进 find one's way out找到办法 get in the way of挡住……的去路 He lost his way in the forest.‎ 他在森林中迷路了。‎ We made our way down the hill towards the town.‎ 我们顺着山坡往下朝城里行进 。‎ At this early stage of the talk both sides were still feeling their way.‎ 在这谈判的初始阶段,双方尚十分谨慎。‎ 完成句子 ‎①她须半工半读学习法律。‎ She had to ______________law school.‎ ‎②午饭后,我就到教室去了。‎ After lunch I ______________ the classroom.‎ ‎③他在黑暗中摸索着走到门口。‎ He ______________the door in the dark.‎ ‎【答案】 ①work her way through ②made my way to ‎③felt his way to ‎7.go off(爆竹、铃等)响;熄灭;变质;离开(尤指去做某事);(机器等)停止运转;进展 I normally wake up about five minutes before my alarm clock goes off.(教材P9)‎ 我一般在闹钟响前5分钟就醒了。‎ The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off.防盗自动警铃一响,盗贼立刻逃走了。‎ go after 追赶;追逐;追求   go ahead 干吧;做吧 go out 熄灭;过时 go away 走开;离去 We're both going after the same job.‎ 我们俩都谋求得到这份工作。‎ Go ahead and do what you like.‎ 去吧,喜欢干什么就干什么。‎ Don't let the fire go out;there's plenty of wood.‎ 不要让火灭了,有的是木柴。‎ ‎【教师备课资源】 ‎ go in for喜欢; 参加    go down吞下;(物价)下跌 go against 违背;不利于 go over 检查;复习 go for 想要得到;攻击 go through经历;遭受 写出下列句子中go off的汉语意思 ‎①Suddenly all the lights went off when we were studying in our classroom.________‎ ‎②My birthday party went off very well last night.________‎ ‎③The milk has gone off and you have to throw it away.________‎ ‎④I decided to go off to work as usual though it was raining heavily.________‎ ‎【答案】 ①灯/火等熄灭 ②进行,进展 ③食物等变质,变坏 ④走,离开 ‎8.take 花费 It takes me less than fifteen minutes to wash,get changed,have breakfast,leave home and get on a bus.(教材P9)我用不足15分钟的时间洗漱、穿衣、吃早饭、离开家并坐上公共汽车。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎①“名词+take+时间”表示“某事需要花多长时间”。‎ ‎②“名词+take sb. +时间+to do sth.”表示“做某事需要花某人多长时间”。‎ ‎③“It takes sb.+时间+to do sth.‎ ‎”表示“做某事需要花某人多长时间”,这是最常见的句型。‎ ‎④询问“做某事需要花多长时间”,可以用“How long does it take...?”这一句型。‎ The work will take two weeks.‎ 这项工作需要两周时间。‎ The work will take us two weeks to finish.‎ 这项工作需要花我们两周时间来完成。‎ It takes me half an hour to go to school.‎ 我需要花半个小时到学校。‎ ‎—How long does it take to do your homework?‎ ‎——你做家庭作业需要花多长时间?‎ ‎—It takes about two hours.‎ ‎——大约两个小时。‎ ‎ ‎ cost/take/spend/pay cost,take,pay 和spend 都有“花费”之意,但其用法各不相同,区别如下:‎ 易混词 主语 常见搭配 take 物或it It takes(sb.)some time to do sth.‎ It takes some time (for sb.)to do sth. ‎ Sth.takes(sb.)some time ‎ 续表 pay 人 Sb.pays for sth.‎ Sb.pays some money for sth. ‎ spend 人 Sb.spends some time/money on sth.‎ Sb.spends some time (in)doing sth. ‎ cost 物 Sth.costs sb.some money He drew out 2000 yuan to pay for the television set.‎ 他为支付电视机款而取出二千元存款。‎ Don't spend too much time watching TV.‎ 看电视不要看太长时间。‎ My new car cost me a cool thousand pounds.‎ 我的新车整整花了我1000镑。‎ ‎ ‎ 句型转换 ‎①It took the expert 3 years to build the bridge.‎ ‎→________________________________________________________________________(spend)‎ ‎②I spend ¥100 on books on computer each month.‎ ‎→________________________________________________________________________(cost)‎ ‎→________________________________________________________________________(pay)‎ ‎【答案】 ①The expert spent 3 years (in) building the bridge. ②Books on computer cost me ¥100 each month./I pay ¥100 for books on computer each month.‎ ‎9.take up占据;拔起;升起;开始从事……;继续;占用(时间、空间);将(衣服)改短;一起唱,一齐说);对某事产生兴趣 Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day.(教材P9)一天的大部分时间都在开会和打电话。‎ The little time I had outside school was taken up with homework.‎ 我在课外的一点点时间都被家庭作业占用了。‎ ‎ ‎ take over 控制;管理;接任  take down 记下;拿下 take for 误以为;当作 take back 收回(话)‎ Could you possibly take over the post?‎ 你能接任这个职位吗?‎ The reporters took down the speech.‎ 记者们记下了这些话。‎ He speaks German so well,that he's often taken for a native.他德语说得很好,常被误以为是德国人。‎ I take back what I said.我收回我说的话。‎ ‎【教师备课资源】 ‎ take off 脱下;请假      take away 拿走;使离开 take on呈现;承担;雇用 take in吸收;欺骗;理解 ‎ ‎ 写出下列句子中take up的汉语意思 ‎①I'll take up the story where I stopped yesterday.________‎ ‎②She took up acting while she was at college.________‎ ‎③A large working table takes up most space in his office.________‎ ‎④I first took up teaching after graduation.________‎ ‎⑤The skirt needs taking up.________‎ ‎【答案】 ①接着讲下去 ②对……产生兴趣 ③占据空间 ④开始从事 ⑤将衣服改短 ‎10.Every minute of the day is_filled_with_urgent matters.(教材P9)每一分钟都充斥着急待处理的事情。‎ ‎(1)be filled with充满着 I am filled with admiration for your bravery.‎ 我由衷钦佩你的勇敢。‎ fill vt.&vi.使充满;注入 fill...with...把……用……充满 fill(...)up with...充满 fill in填写;填入 be full of充满(表状态)‎ His little daughter got up to fill my glass with hot tea.‎ 他的小女儿起身给我斟满了热茶。‎ Shall I fill your car up?‎ 要我把你的车加满油吗?‎ The bottle is full of fresh water.瓶子里装满清水。‎ ‎【提示】 be full of和be filled with一样,都强调“充满……”的状态,而主动形式fill...with...则强调动作。‎ fill用法图解 完成句子 ‎①医生往瓶子里装入了一些药物。‎ The doctor ________ the bottle ________ some medicine.‎ 句型转换 ‎②Her eyes are filled with tears.‎ ‎→Her eyes ________________________ tears.‎ ‎【答案】 ①filled;with ②are full of ‎(2)urgent adj.急迫的;紧急的;紧要的 This work is not urgent;we can do it tomorrow.‎ 这份工作不急,我们可以明天再做。‎ Something urgent has come up.‎ 发生了紧急的事情。‎ urgency n.迫切;紧急 urgently adv. 迫切地;紧急地 urge vt.催促;力劝 This is a matter of great urgency.‎ 这是一件十分紧急的事情。‎ I don't like to be in deep.Don't urge me to do so.‎ 我不想陷得很深,不要极力劝我去这样做。‎ ‎【教师备课资源】 ‎ urgent call紧急电话  urgent telegram紧急电报 urgent mail急件 urgently adv.紧急地 用urgent的适当形式填空 ‎③No delay!We ________ need these books.‎ ‎④They __________ us to give our support.‎ ‎⑤It is ________ that food and clothing should be sent to the sufferers.‎ ‎⑥Work should be done in order of importance and ________.‎ ‎【答案】 ③urgently ④urged/urge ⑤urgent ‎⑥urgency ‎11.When I get home at about ten, I look at some documents that I bring back from the office so_that I can be ready for the next day's work.(教材P9)大约晚上10点钟我才能回到家,到家后还要浏览从办公室带回的文件,为第二天的工作做准备。‎ so that意为“目的是,为了”,相当于in order that。so that 既可以引导目的状语从句,又可以引导结果状语从句,意为“结果是,以至于”。‎ Please speak clearly so that they may understand you.‎ 请说清楚些以便他们能听清你的话。‎ The bus broke down,so that we had to walk.‎ 公共汽车出了故障,因此我们不得不步行。‎ so/such...that...“如此……以致……”引导的结果状语从句:‎ George had so little money that he had to get a job.‎ 乔治几乎没有钱,所以他不得不找工作。‎ It was such a bad accident that several people got injured.事故很严重,好几个人受了伤。‎ They are such interesting books that we all want to read them.这些书很有趣,我们都想读一读。‎ ‎ ‎ in order that/so that/in order to/so as to in order that相当于so that后面接句子;in order to与so as to后接动词原形;in order to在句中的位置比较灵活,句首句中都可以;so as to只位于句中,一般不置于句首。‎ ‎ ‎ 单项填空 ‎①I'd like to arrive 20 minutes early ________ I can have time for a cup of tea.‎ A.as soon as          B.as a result C.in case D.so that ‎【解析】 句意:我喜欢早到20分钟,是为了有时间喝一杯茶。‎ ‎【答案】 D 句型转换 ‎②We got up early so that we could catch the first train.‎ ‎→We got up early ________________________ we could catch the first train.‎ ‎→We got up early ______________________________ catch the first train.‎ ‎【答案】 in order that;in order to/so as to/to ‎12.complain about/of抱怨 My family complains about it.(教材P9)‎ 我的家人对此总是抱怨。‎ She often complains about not feeling appreciated at work.她因为感到自己在工作上不受赏识而常发牢骚。‎ ‎①complain (to sb.)about sth.(向某人)抱怨某事 complain that抱怨 ‎②complaint n.抱怨;埋怨 make a complaint against对……提出投诉 make a complaint about/of sb./sth.对……抱怨 You are always complaining about having no chance of being promoted.‎ 你总是抱怨自己没有得到升职的机会。‎ Almost immediately he began to complain(to us) that the pay he got was much too low.他几乎马上就开始(向我们)抱怨他得到的报酬太少了。‎ ‎【提示】 complain后跟宾语从句时,只接that从句,不能跟sb.作宾语,若跟sb.,complain后须加to。‎ ‎ ‎ 用介词填空 ‎①She complained ________ me ________ his rudeness.‎ ‎②A complaint has been made ________ him.‎ ‎③Many people are making complaints ________ the high price of vegetables.‎ ‎【答案】 ①to;about/of ②against ③about ‎13.besides adv.而且;此外 Besides,I get bored if there's nothing to do.(教材P9)而且,如果没事可做我会感到无聊。‎ It's too late to go for a walk now;besides,it begins to rain.现在出去散步太晚了,何况又开始下雨了。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎①besides作副词时相当于in addition。‎ ‎②besides作介词时,意为“除……之外”,相当于in addition to。‎ I don't really want to go with you now.Besides,it's too cold outside.‎ 我现在真的不想和你一起走。再说外面太冷了。‎ Besides Tom,I also have other friends in Beijing.‎ 除了汤姆以外,我在北京还有其他的朋友。‎ ‎ ‎ besides/except/except for/apart from besides 表示“除……之外(还)”,除去的部分包括在整体之内,常和other,more,else等词连用,后面接名词、代词和动名词。‎ except 和but意义相同,表示除去的部分不包括在整体之内。except常和表示全体概念的词连用,如everything,all,nothing等,其后常接名词、代词、不定式、从句或介词短语。‎ except for 强调整体与部分的关系,意为“除……以外”,主要用来肯定整体,否定部分。‎ apart from 为介词短语,意为“除……之外”,既可意为包括在内,也可意为不包括在内。后接名词或动名词。‎ His family is poor,so he has no choice except to study hard.他家境贫穷,因此除了努力学习以外,他别无选择。‎ Your composition is very good except for some spelling mistakes.‎ 你的作文除了个别拼写错误外,整体上很好。‎ Apart from basketball,he also likes football.‎ 除了篮球以外,他还喜欢足球。‎ ‎【对接高考】‎ ‎(2011•江西高考)The house was too expensive and too big.________, I'd grown fond of our little rented house.‎ A.Besides          B.Therefore C.Somehow D.Otherwise ‎【解析】 句意:这个房子太贵太大。此外我已经对我的小的租用房越来越感兴趣了。根据前后句判断出为并列关系。Besides此外,表示并列;therefore因此,表示因果;somehow无论如何,表示转折;otherwise除此之外,表示转折。‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎ ‎ 用besides,except,except for填空 ‎①The movie was good ________ the ending.‎ ‎②I can answer all the questions ________ the last.‎ ‎③Who else is willing to go there ________ Tom?‎ ‎【答案】 ①except for ②except ③besides 观察下列从Reading中选取的句子,体会一般现在时和现在进行时的用法。‎ ‎①For lunch,I have biscuits and a glass of milk.‎ ‎②I like the main news at six o'clock.‎ ‎③I am always the first person to get to the office.‎ ‎④Brian Blakey is sitting on his sofa and telling me about his perfect day.‎ ‎⑤Bob Black is sitting at his desk and working his way through his paperwork.‎ ‎[自我总结] 1.上述句子,①②③句时态为__________;④⑤句时态为__________。‎ ‎2.一般现在时的形式是用动词原形或动词的第三人称单数形式,表示________的动作,常和often,every day等时间状语连用;现在进行时的形式是am/is/are doing,表示____________的动作,常和at the moment等时间状语连用。‎ ‎【答案】 一般现在时 现在进行时 经常发生 现在正在进行 ‎ ‎ 一般现在时与现在进行时 一、一般现在时的用法 ‎1.表示习惯性、经常性的动作。‎ I like watching TV.我喜欢看电视。‎ ‎2.表示此时此刻存在着的状态,这种状态有一定的持续性。‎ He studies hard.他学习很努力。‎ ‎3.表示客观真理、科学事实、格言及其他不受时间限制的客观存在。‎ The earth moves round the sun.地球围绕太阳转。‎ ‎4.用在时间、条件、方式、让步状语从句中,表示将要发生的动作。‎ I'll tell you when she comes.她来时,我会告诉你。‎ ‎5.表示按时间表拟定的或安排好的事情,或要发生的动作。‎ 常用于这种情况的动词有 come,go,run,start,begin,return,leave,take place 等,句中常有表示将来的时间状语。‎ The train leaves at three this afternoon.‎ 火车今天下午3点开。‎ ‎6.用在某些表达法中,表示现在正在发生的动作或存在的状态。‎ Here comes the bus!汽车来了!‎ ‎【记忆口诀】‎ 一般现在时态中,动词一般用原形。表述事实讲真理,习惯动作常发生。动词词尾加s(es),只表单数三人称。若变一般疑问句,得看句型是哪种。系表结构和there be,be放句首可完成;若遇实义动词句,do或does莫忘用!‎ 二、现在进行时 ‎1.表示说话时正在进行而尚未完成的动作或状态。‎ Now watch carefully and see what is happening.‎ 现在仔细观察,看正在发生什么事。‎ ‎2.表示现阶段一直进行的动作,但说话时不一定正在进行。‎ I am helping my dad on the farm this summer vacation.‎ 这个暑假我在农场帮爸爸。‎ ‎3.有时表示即将发生的动作(只限于go,come,stay,leave,start,begin,arrive,return,fly,drive,do,have等),这时常有一个表示将来的时间状语。‎ Are you staying in Guangzhou for a week?‎ 你将在广州待一周吗?‎ ‎4.在时间、条件等状语从句中,代替将来进行时。‎ If I am sleeping when he comes,wake me up,please.‎ 他来时,如果我在睡觉,请叫醒我。‎ ‎5.与副词always,usually,forever,constantly等连用,表达说话者的一种感情色彩。‎ She is always thinking of others instead of herself.‎ 她总是想着别人而不是她自己。‎ ‎【记忆口诀】‎ look,listen是标志,现在进行正发生;有now出现在句中,“be+v.ing”时态成。若问be用何形式,须看主语数、人称。一般问句be提前,be加not否定成。‎ ‎【提示】‎ 下列动词不能用于进行时态:‎ 感官类:see,hear,smell,taste,feel,notice,look,seem,appear,etc.‎ 感觉类:hate,love,fear,like,want,wish,prefer,refuse,forgive,etc.‎ 存在类:be,exist,remain,stay,obtain,etc.‎ 占有、从属类:have,possess,own,contain,belong,consist of,form,etc.‎ 认识类:understand,know,believe,think,doubt,forget,remember,etc.‎ ‎ ‎ 一般现在时与现在进行时 ‎1.一般现在时用来说明客观事实或情况及强调动作的永恒性和反复性;而现在进行时表示此刻或现阶段正在进行的动作,含有暂时性和未完成性。‎ ‎2.常与一般现在时连用的时间状语有:often,always,usually,never,seldom,now,etc.;常与现在进行时连用的时间状语有:now,right now,at present,at this moment,these days,etc.。‎ ‎ He writes to his parents once a month.‎ 他每月给父母写一封信。‎ He is writing to his parents right now.‎ 他现在正在给父母写信。‎

