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Part Five 高考新题型作文指导 一、题型解读 应用文写作要求考生根据所给提示和情景,写一篇80词左右的短文。情 景包括目的、对象、时间、内容等;提供提示和情景的方式有文字描 述、提纲、图画、图表等。 题型一 应用文写作 ( 一 ) 书信 书信是高考英语书面表达中比较常见的考查方式。从近些年的高考书 面表达中可以看出 , 书信越来越成为一种高频率的考查形式。在文体 上 , 书信包括商务信函和私人信函。从内容方面说 , 书信包括邀请信、 感谢信、投诉信、建议信、慰问信、介绍信、自荐信、咨询信、求助 信和求职信等。在格式上有些比较正式,有些则随意一些。电子邮件(e -mail)是建立在计算机网络基础上的一种通信形式,与书面书信在格式 上差不多,由称呼、正文和落款三部分组成,没有一般的书面书信正式。 解题技巧 具体说,书信常由以下五部分组成: 1.地址和日期:又称信头或信端,包括寄信人的通信地址和写信日期。写 信人的地址和日期常置于右上角。从上到下先写地址后写日期,地址和 日期的写法要符合英文书写的习惯,一般是从小到大。每行的后面可用 标点符号,也可以不用。若前面几行的末尾都用逗号,最后一行写信日 期的后面则用句号。日期有两种写法,如3 May,2009 或May 3,2009。亲 友之间通信可省去地址,但必须有日期。 信内地址要写收信人的姓名和地址 , 在私人信件中 , 这一项常常省略。 该项写在信头日期下一行的左上角 , 格式与寄信人地址一样。 2.称呼:指写信人对收信人的称谓,称呼直接写在收信人地址的正下方, 中间空一至二行,如何称呼由写信人和收信人的双方关系确定,如以 Dear...或My dear...开头。称呼语后一般用逗号,正式信函用冒号。 3.正文:正文是书信的主体部分,是写信人和收信人要谈论或解决的主要 内容。一般来说,一封好的英文书信应符合正确、简洁、礼貌、字迹清 晰等基本要求。层次应该分明,正文首先解决之前对方关心的问题,出 于礼貌,把对方放在首位,然后再询问对方自己关注的问题或陈述自己 的见解。 4.结束语:结束语位于正文之后,通常置于正文最后一行的下边,结束语 是写信人对收信人的谦称和致敬。常用的结束语有Please give my re- gards to...,With best wishes等。 5.签名:写信人要在结束语下面签名,以表示对信件中的全部内容负责。 签名应写在结束语下行中间偏右位置,但现在由于电子邮件的普遍使 用,为了打字方便,很多人将这两个部分打或写在信纸左端、正文之下 两三行处,与信内地址、称呼以及正文各段的左端垂直排齐。除了对熟 悉的朋友或亲属以外,签名必须写全姓名。具体如下图所示: 信头 No.5,Yiheyuan Road Beijing,100971 P.R.China Mar.15,2007 Professor John Smith No.13 Avenue 信内地址 San Francisco California,12345 U.S.A. Dear X X X, 称呼 I am very glad to hear from you. …… 正文 …… Yours, Lucy签名 常用句型 1.Thank you for your letter of May 5. 2.How happy I am to receive your letter of January 9! 3.How nice to hear from you again! 4.I am much pleased to tell you that... 5.Your kind letter of November 22nd arrived this morning. 6.In reply to your letter dated July 4,I want to say... 7.Thank you for your letter dated Dec.22,2008. 8.Many thanks for your letter of Sept.5,2009. 9.A thousand thanks for your kind letter of June 5,2009. 10.Your letter which arrived this morning gave me great comfort. 11.Thank you very much for your letter of August 2 and the gift you sent me on Christmas Eve. 12.First of all,I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to me. 13.With great delight I have learnt from your letter of this Sunday that... 14.I am too excited and delighted at your good news. 15.I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulations... 16.Looking forward to your early reply. 17.Hoping to hear from you soon. 18.I hope to hear from you very soon. 19.We are looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. 20.Your early reply will be highly appreciated. 21.I hope everything will be well with you. 22.Please let us know if you want more information. 23.I wish you more successes in the coming year. 24.With best regards to your family. 25.All the best. 26.With love and good wishes. 求职信常用句型 1.In reply to your advertisement in...,I respectfully offer my services for the situation. 2.With reference to your advertisement in...for a/an...,I offer myself for the post. 3.Please consider me an applicant for the position which you advertised in... 4.Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in...,I wish to apply for the position referred to. 5.In answer to your advertisement in...for a/an...,I wish to tender my services. 6.Your advertisement for a/an...in...has interested me.I feel I can fill that position. 7.Shall you need an experienced...for your...next summer? 8.I have been for over five years in the employment of a/an...company. 万能模板 (开头)Thank you for.../I ’ m glad to receive your letter dated.../I ’ m so sorry that I couldn ’ t write earlier./How are you getting along with your study?/ With great pleasure I learn that.../I ’ m writing to ask if...(to tell you.../to ap- ply for the job.) (邀请)Could you come to.../I should very much like you to join us. (委婉拒绝)I ’ d love to come,but I can ’ t because.../I ’ m really sorry to say... (回复求助)In my opinion,you should... (结尾)I ’ m looking forward to receiving(longing to receive)your reply./All my best wishes to you./Remember me to your parents./Good luck to you./ Thank you again. ( 二 ) 通知 通知是生活、工作或学习中一种较为常见的应用文体 , 用来把有关事情 告知特定的读者或听众 , 达到安排日常工作、布置任务、通报传达信息 的目的。通知的正文就是通知的内容 , 也是通知的主体部分 , 包括通知 的对象、事由、时间、地点等。通知分为书面通知和口头通知,两种通 知类型在格式上有较大差别。 解题技巧 1.书面通知的常见形式有一般通知、布告、海报等。它们一般张贴在 布告栏或黑板上。通知的正文上方有题目“Notice”(或全部大写NO- TICE),居中书写。以海报形式出现时,通知常以海报内容为题,如Lec- ture、Football Match等。题目中还可以出现发通知的单位,如Student Union Notice、English Department Notice,通知的题目要求居中打印或 书写出来。 2. 书面通知要有发通知的时间和落款。时间一般写在通知正文的右上 角或左下角 , 落款写在右下角。 3.书面通知的正文部分一般用第三人称来写。时间、地点、参加成 员、内容、注意事项等是通知的要点,都应该在通知中详细说明,把信 息准确地传达给相关的阅读对象。正文语言要简练,切忌加上多余的评 论。一般情况下通知以段落形式出现,海报上的信息则分行居中打印或 书写。 4.口头通知一般不用题目,也不必有发布通知的时间。发布口头通知时, 首先说明被通知的对象,在正文前面要有称呼语,如“Ladies and gen- tlemen”“Boys and girls”等。为了引起听者的注意,需另起一行不顶 格写一些引人注意的话,如“Be quiet,please!”“May I have your atten- tion?”“Attention,please!”等。口头通知要口头发布,因而可以用较随 意的口语体,如I ’ ll、I ’ ve等。口头通知在结束时要有结束语,这是因为 口头通知需要用一些语言表明通知的起止,如“That ’ s all.”“Thank you!”等表示通知到此为止,宣布完毕。 常用句型 口头通知的一些常用开头语和结束语: 1.Attention,please! 2.Be quiet,please! 3.Please stop talking over there! 4.May I have your attention,please? 5.Please be quiet,everyone.There is something I have to tell you. 6.Be quiet,please.There is something you need to know. 7.Listen,please.There is going to be... 8.A party will be held... 9.There will be a party... 10.Please wear comfortable shoes as we ’ ll have a lot of walking. 11.Please take your umbrella with you. 12.There will be a lecture given by... 13.Any questions? 14.Does anyone understand? 15.That ’ s all.Thank you. 16.Don ’ t be late! 17.All are welcome to... 18.Have fun! 19.Have a good time! 20.Enjoy yourself! 万能模板 (1)口头通知 Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention,please?/Attention,please!/Please be quiet!I have an announcement to make./I have a few things to tell you./I have some- thing important to tell you./I ’ m glad to tell you that we will... Please... Don ’ t... While... Always do as... Above all,... When... That ’ s all.(Thank you.)Does everyone follow what I have said? (2)书面通知 Notice 时间 主办单位 will organize...This activity aims to... This activity is arranged to last...or so.It is planned to begin on...The team members will be arranged to...Your main task is to... Anyone is welcomed warmly...Those who are interested can contact us for further information.Looking forward to your active participation. 签发单位 点津 口头通知比较口语化,可以用到如“Attention, please!”“May I have your attention, please?”“Hello, everyone!”等面对面交流时可用的句 式。但是,书面通知就比较正式,不能使用以上口语化的表达。 (三)发言稿 一般来说,发言稿包括欢迎或欢送型和宣讲型两种类型。前者属于在正 式场合时,主人为了表示欢迎、感谢或祝愿而进行的热情友好的发言。 发言稿一般包括演讲稿、倡议书、欢迎辞、欢送辞等。 解题技巧 1.发言稿是介绍性说明文,在语言使用上一定要准确简洁、通俗易懂、 层次清楚、条理分明,要求逻辑性强。发言稿一般由开头语、正文和结 束语三部分组成。开头语一般来说比较简单,目的就是吸引听众或读者 的注意力。 发言稿的开头和结尾一般都有固定的格式,如: Dear friends, I ’ m glad to introduce myself to you. That ’ s all.Thank you. 如果是熟悉的听众,开头和结尾也可以灵活一些,活泼一些,如: (1)Good morning/Good afternoon,everyone... That ’ s all.Thank you. (2)Good evening!Ladies and gentlemen... That ’ s all.Thank you. 2.正文是发言稿的主体,主要是提供论点和相关的论据等,论点要明确, 论据要充分有力。发言稿正文的常见形式: 第一部分:开门见山提出本人要谈的问题及对问题的看法; 第二部分:说明理由,常见的关联词有First of all、Secondly、Finally等; 第三部分:照应开头,总结全文。最后可以作简明扼要的总结,也可以谈 自己的希望或看法等。常见的关联词有In short、In a word等。 3.发言稿的语句表达要直接面对听众,尽量不要用深奥难懂的句子。话 要说得准确、易懂,最好用大众语言。以简单句为主的同时,可以适当 穿插一些复合句结构。虽然文章以简单句为主,但不要把文章写成单句 的罗列,适当地使用关联词承前启后,可以使文章前后连贯,浑然一体。 4.发言稿的时态一般以现在时态为主。 常用句型 1.I ’ d like to tell you something about our school. 2.Let me give you a brief introduction about our school. 3.Please allow me to introduce the travel arrangements to you. 4.It ’ s my honor to say a few words to welcome you. 5.I am sure we will benefit a lot from the lecture. 6.Personally,I think it ’ s a good idea for us to have daily exercise. 7.In my opinion,... 8.Personally,... 9.In a word,... 10.However,... 万能模板 Hello,everyone/ladies and gentlemen,... It ’ s a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech.My name is... The topic of my speech is... Firstly,many people suggest that...Secondly,...Thirdly,... What I want to stress is that...For one thing,...For another,...Besides,...In a word,... Thank you for your listening. (四)报道 报道,尤其是新闻报道,就是把获得的信息快速而准确地用书面形式进 行传递。 它的结构一般分为四个部分:标题、导语、主体、结语。标题是新闻报 道的题目,是编辑对最有新闻价值的内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创 造,放在正文的中央位置。撰写标题是为了撷取新闻要点、诠释新闻意 义、吸引读者阅读。在繁忙的现代社会中,报纸的读者大多是标题浏览 者。导语是消息开头的第一段或第一句话,它扼要地揭示出消息的核心 内容,即告诉读者“5W”——时间(when),地点(where),人物(who),起因 (why),事件(what)。主体是消息的主要部分,它用充足的事实表现主题, 是对导语内容的进一步展开和阐释。新闻报道的结语一般是最后一句 话或者一段话,通常对全文内容作概括性的总结,或对新闻事件的发展 趋势进行预测。 解题技巧 1. 用词恰当、语言简练、行文流畅。切忌出现与新闻没有直接关系的 “为了 …… ”等大帽子或者“这次活动必将带来 …… ”等主观的推测 , 也切忌写成流水账。 2.采访到位,投稿及时。背景的采访是很有必要的,新闻背景也是读者最 喜欢看到的内容之一。 3.标点符号要正确规范。特别是要注意逗号和句号的区别。 4.五要素。新闻五要素(5W)缺一不可。 5.四字标准: 真:新闻材料必须真实可靠,切忌无中生有,张冠李戴,添油加醋,移花接 木。 短:短小精练。新闻最忌拖泥带水。 快:为了体现新闻价值,要及时组稿、写稿和发稿。先提交的稿件只要 内容充实,优先录用。 活:形式多样,生动活泼,不拘一格。要敢于创新,切忌一成不变。 6.五性:时效性、重要性、接近性、显著性、趣味性。 常用句型 1.I ’ d like to say something about... 2.The people around hurried to call the police. 3.A terrible accident happened. 4.He came out first in the race. 5.It happened that... 6.He went on riding though the red light was on. 7.They were well thought of by the people around. 万能模板 标题 (导语)On May Day, sb. went to sp.and did sth. .(主体)Upon their arrival, sb. did sth. .Then,...Everything... When it was time for them to leave,...sth. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. (结语)They were very happy.What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own life. By 报道单位 (五)启事 启事是一种公告性的应用文。机关、团体或个人有事情需向公众说明 或请求帮助等,都可以写成启事张贴出去。启事主要包括遗失启事和招 领启事等形式。 解题技巧 1.把启事内容中的关键词作为标题放在启事的上方正中。 2.发布启事的时间标在正文的右上方。寻物或招领启事的正文包括遗 失的物品,遗失的时间、地点,若有人发现遗失物品应交还的人、地 点、联系方式或者招领的物品、拾到物品的时间及丢失者去认领遗失 物的地点及联系方式等。 3. 寻物或招领启事正文右下角写上失主或拾到者的姓名 , 当然也可不写 , 有时也可以不写出事件发生的时间 , 标题直接放在正文前。 4.启事一般不用称呼,形式灵活多样,语言要简明扼要。 5.启事的格式: 一般的张贴启事包括四部分:标题,日期,正文,单位或个人署名。具体格 式如下: 寻物启事: Lost 日期 正文 遗失物品的单位或个人 招领启事: Found 日期 正文 拾获物品的单位或个人 示例: 中文提示 寻物启事 我叫 Steve,在操场上打篮球时丢了一串钥匙,请打电话 86856034 找我,本人将万分感谢。 2010年5月4日 英文展示 Lost May 4,2010 I lost a bunch of keys in the playground when I was playing basketball yesterday.My name is Steve.Please call 86856034. Steve 中文提示 招领启事 我昨天在操场上拾得一串钥匙,请打电话 65296403 找 Mario。 2010年5月4日 英文展示 Found May 4,2010 I found a bunch of keys in the playground yesterday.Please call Mario at 65296403. Mario 常用句型 1.There is...in it. 2.I found... 3.If you found/lost it...,please do contact me. 4.Please call... 5.I left my...in the playground... 6.Please let me know. Lost/Found I left/found in the yesterday afternoon.There are in it. .If you found/lost it,please contact me. 遗失/拾获物品的单位或个人 万能模板 二、真题展示 (2018 年 11 月浙江 ) 假定你是李华 , 乘坐 FL753 航班抵达伦敦后发现钱包遗失。请给航空公 司写一封邮件说明情况并寻求帮助。内容包括 : 1.行程信息; 2.钱包特征; 3.联系方式。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案 【 思路点拨 】 1. 本文是一封求助邮件 , 写作时一定要注意语言的简洁明了 , 让读邮件者 能立即明白求助的内容。 2. 要点概括一定要全。除了列出的明确信息 , 还应该包括乘坐航班的信 息 , 不可遗漏。 3.注意使用的语言要礼貌和客气。 One possible version: Dear Madam/Sir, I am writing to report the loss of my wallet. I flew business class on your flight 753 from China to London on November 1st, 2018. But it was really a pity that on my arrival in London Heathrow Airport, I found my wallet gone. I guess it must have slipped out of my pocket during the flight. It is a black leather one and in it are my ID card, 2 credit cards as well as some money.Besides the items mentioned above, there is also a family photo, which means a lot to me. If anybody happens to find it, would you be kind enough to tell me at xxx @gmail.com? Thank you very much. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 三、实战演练 Writing 1 (2019 浙江嘉兴五校联考 ) 假如你是李华 , 你的好友 Tom 想约你明晚和他家人共进晚餐 , 但你因故 不能应约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件 : 1.表示歉意; 2.解释原因; 3.弥补方法。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案 One possible version: Dear Tom, Thank you for your invitation to dinner at your home tomorrow evening. Unfortunately, it is much to my regret that I cannot join you and your fami- ly, because I will be fully occupied then for an important exam coming the day after tomorrow. I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of such a happy get-together, and I hope that all of you enjoy a good time. Is it pos- sible for you and me to have a private meeting afterwards? If so, please don ’ t hesitate to drop me a line about your preferable date. I do long for a pleasant chat with you. Please allow me to say sorry again. Yours, Li Hua Writing 2 (2019 浙江绍兴联考 ) 为了迎接新年 , 学校学生会开始在广大师生中征集新年庆祝活动方案 (scheme) 。假定你是李华 , 请你给学生会写一封信 , 提出自己的建议。内 容包括 : 1.简要描述你设计的活动方案; 2.阐明你的设计理由及相关活动的意义。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案 One possible version: Dear Students ’ Union, Having learned that you are collecting schemes for the approaching New Year celebration, I ’ ve got some ideas to share with you. As we all know, New Year represents a new beginning, so it ’ s strongly recommended that teachers and students share their New Year ’ s resolu- tions, which will serve as a strong motivation in the following year. Addi- tionally, a New Year ’ s gala will be definitely welcomed. New Year is also a good chance to spread kindness, so it is a good choice to hold a charity sale in the playground. I sincerely hope my suggestions will be taken into consideration, and that the New Year celebration will be a brilliant success. Yours sincerely, Li Hua Writing 3 (2019浙江诸暨联考) 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信就下周三要参加孔子学院(the Confucius Institute)的面试征询你的意见。请你写封回信,内容包括: 1.写信目的; 2.提出建议; 3.表示祝愿。 注意:1.词数80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案 One possible version: Dear Peter, Glad to receive your letter asking me for some advice on the interview for the Confucius Institute scheduled for next Wednesday. I ’ m writing to re- mind you of what to prepare for. I think you need to read some books about Confucius,which helps you to better understand traditional Chinese cultures. It will also be beneficial to learn a few Chinese greetings. Additionally, Wearing Han-style clothes will make you stand out among the candidates and impress the interviewers greatly. I do hope my humble proposals could be practical. Wish you good luck! Yours sincerely, Li Hua Writing 4 (2019 浙江杭州模拟 ) 假定你是李华 , 最近你的美国笔友 Robert 要来杭州体验中国传统文化 , 请 根据他的问题回复邮件 , 为他设计杭州一日游的活动 , 帮助他体验中国 传统文化。内容包括 : 1.推荐去的地方; 2.具体的活动安排; 3.安排的理由。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案 One possible version: Dear Robert, I ’ m glad that you will come to Hangzhou soon, where there are lots of places of interest. To experience traditional Chinese culture better, I do recommend the West Lake tour. We can begin our tour by going sightseeing along the West Lake. I bet you will be attracted. Along the West Lake, not only can you watch the won derful scenery, but also you will find many historical relics, from which you can learn a lot of traditional Chinese culture. Sincerely waiting for your coming! Yours, Li Hua Writing 5 (2019 浙江杭州学军中学 10 月模拟 ) 为推动中美文化交流 , 城关中学将组织一次赴美游学活动。参加此次活 动的学生将通过选拔的形式产生。假设你是校学生会主席李华 , 请你以 学生会的名义用英语写一则关于选拔活动的书面通知 , 内容包括 : 1.时间与地点; 2.报名条件; 3.选拔形式。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案 One possible version: NOTICE To promote the Sino-US cultural interaction, our school is organizing an ov erseas study tour to the sister school in America. It ’ s necessary for the applicants to have excellent academic records in English. Those with a ba sic understanding of American culture and certain personal strengths are preferable. The selection of exchange students will be held in the music hall on Tuesday afternoon. The candidates are expected to introduce thems elves in English and show their talents. All the students qualified and int erested are welcome to participate. Students ’ Union October 5th, 2019 Writing 6 (2019浙江超级全能大联考) 假如你是李华,你将代表你的学校给来自加利福尼亚的学生作一个关于 中国传统文化的演讲。请你用英语写一篇演讲稿,主要内容如下: 1.中国传统文化丰富多样; 2.具体列举一例及其活动。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案 One possible version: Hello,everyone. I am Li Hua.I feel greatly honored to give you a speech about Chinese traditional culture. As we all know, China, with a long histo ry , has a diversity of traditional cultures,among which I ’ ll mainly talk about the Spring Festival. The Chinese Spring Festival falls on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year.During the festival, all the family members will get together to have a big meal. According to the tradition, people usually visit their relatives and friends to give their wishes and always some lucky money to children. That ’ s all. Thanks for your listening. Writing 7 (2019 浙江七彩阳光联盟高三期中 ) 假设你是高三学生李华 , 请你写一封倡议书 , 号召同学们在高考结束后 捐出旧书 , 送给需要的同学。内容包括 : 1.捐书的种类:参考书、课本等; 2.捐书的意义。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案 One possible version: Dear fellow students, Soon we are going to say farewell to middle school and become freshmen in universities. How to deal with loads of used text books and reference books? I urge that after the National College Entrance Examination, we collect the books and donate them to those who need them. In doing so, we cannot only bring warmth to those in need, but also give the second-hand books a new life, which is far more environment-friendly than throwing them into the dustbins. Let ’ s act hand in hand! Li Hua Writing 8 (2018 浙江台州 10 月联考 ) 假设你是高三 (1) 班班长李华 , 新来的外籍老师 Mrs. Green 即将给你们班 授课 , 请你代表班级给她写一封邮件。内容包括 : 1.表示欢迎; 2.陈述对英语课堂的期望; 3.期待见面。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案 One possible version: Dear Mrs. Green, I ’ m Li Hua, monitor of Class 1, Senior 3. I ’ m writing on behalf of my class to express our warm welcome to you. We expect to attend your Eng- lish class. As we have great interest in the Western culture, we wonder if you could have topics about it in class. Besides, we would appreciate your guidance on spoken English and various activities that everyone can get inv olved in. We all hope that we can speak English as fluently as you do. Looking forward to meeting you! Yours, Li Hua Writing 9 (2018 浙江七彩阳光联盟 10 月联考 ) 假设你是李华 , 正在位于 Reno 的内华达大学 (UNR) 求学。你想要申请今 年暑期在肯德基快餐店 (KFC) 做服务生的工作机会 , 请根据刊登在 Reno Daily 上的以下广告写一封申请信。 Waiters/Waitresses Needed at Local KFC Chain Stores Full-time or Part-time We Will Train You No Experience Necessary Please contact: wls7878@gmail.com 内容包括: 1.自我介绍; 2.申请的理由,如自身条件、英语水平、性格特点等; 3.工作时间。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案 One possible version: Dear Sir/Madam, I ’ m Li Hua, a female student of UNR. I ’ m writing to apply for the post advertised in Reno Daily . I ’ m 20 years old and fairly healthy. As an outgoing girl, I am easy to get al ong with and I always have a sound relationship with my classmates and roommates. I don ’ t have a lot of working experience, but I am confident that I can fulfill the work because I ’ m a quick learner. And I have a good command of English. I ’ ll be available from June 15th and can work full- time for a month. Thank you for your consideration and I ’ m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua Writing 10 (2018 浙江 11 月大联考 ) 假设你是李华 , 你校有 7 名中国中学生将于 12 月 20 日利用 1 天时间参观美 国的 Highland School 。请你通过电子邮件告知该校的 Tom 活动内容。 内容包括 : 1.参观学生上课情况; 2.参观学生课外活动情况和实验室; 3.与教师和学生交流; 4.合影留念以留下美好回忆。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.参考词汇:实验室lab;交流exchange;回忆recall。 Dear Tom, Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Li Hua 答案 One possible version: Dear Tom, I ’ m glad to tell you that seven students from our school will pay a visit to your school on Dec. 20th. First, they ’ d prefer to observe what students do in class. Then, please show them around the school labs and the out-of- class activities. After that, they want to have a discussion with students and teachers to exchange ideas about study. At the end of the visit, take some photos of your school to leave something worth recalling. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Li Hua Writing 11 (2018 浙江五校 10 月联考 ) 你校学生会要招聘一位课外活动志愿者 , 请你写一则招聘启事。内容包 括 : 1.本校学生; 2.计划、组织高一学生的15:00至16:00的课外体育活动; 3.每周3次活动; 4.联系人:刘莉(Tel:13023458634)。 注意:1.80词左右,总词数不含已给部分; 2.参考词汇:课外活动extracurricular activity;体操physical exercises;联系 contact。 Extracurricular Activity Volunteer Needed The Students ’ Union of No. 1 Middle School 答案 One possible version: Extracurricular Activity Volunteer Needed The Students ’ Union of No. 1 Middle School hopes to employ a student in our school to be a volunteer next term. The duty is to plan and organize ex- tracurricular activities, such as playing all kinds of games, doing physical exercises, and even doing some running, from 15:00 to 16:00, 3 times per week. Anyone interested in it should contact Liu Li at 13023458634 for an inter- view. The Students ’ Union of No. 1 Middle School 题型二 读后续写 一、题型解读 (一)题型介绍 提供一段350词以内的语言材料,要求考生依据该材料的内容、所给的 段落开头语和所标示的关键词进行续写,将其发展成为一篇与给定材料 有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文。词数要求150左右。所给材料 多为记叙文,内容丰富,易于理解和模仿。 续写时要求考生至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词。要续写的 两段的开头语会给出。该题型考查学生把握短文关键信息和语言特点 的能力、运用语言的能力、对语篇结构的把握能力以及创造性思维能 力。 续写点拨:情节上要连贯且有逻辑性。根据具体情境,体现故事的发展 和人物动作、情感、心理态度等的变化。能巧妙利用符合记叙文语言 风格的句型,如非谓语动词等。需加强描写性词汇的积累。 ( 二 ) 评分原则 1. 本题总分 25 分 , 按 5 个档次给分。 2. 评分时 , 先根据所续写短文的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次 , 然后以 该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次 , 最后给分。 3.词数少于130的,从总分中减去2分。 4.评分时,应主要从以下四个方面考虑: (1)与所给短文以及段落开头语的衔接程度; (2)内容的丰富性和对所给关键词的覆盖情况; (3)应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性; (4)上下文的连贯性。 5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个重要方面 , 评分时 , 应视其对交际 的影响程度予以考虑。 6.如书写较差以致影响交际,可将分数降低一个档次。 档次 描述 第五档 (21—25) ——与所给短文融洽度高,与所提供各段落开头语衔接合理。 ——内容丰富,至少应用了5个短文中标出的关键词语。 ——所使用语法结构和词汇丰富、准确,可能有些许错误,但完全不影响意义表达。 ——有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使所续写短文结构紧凑。 第四档 (16—20) ——与所给短文融洽度较高,与所提供各段落开头语衔接较为合理。 ——内容丰富,至少应用了5个短文中标出的关键词语。 ——所使用语法结构和词汇较为丰富、准确,可能有些许错误,但完全不影响意义表达。 ——比较有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使所续写短文结构紧凑。 第三档 (11—15) ——与所给短文关系较为密切,与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接。 ——写出了若干有关内容,至少应用了4个短文中标出的关键词语。 ——应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求,虽有一些错误,但不影响意义表达。 ——应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯。 第二档 (6—10) ——与所给短文有一定的关系,与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接。 ——写出了一些有关内容,至少应用了3个短文中标出的关键词语。 ——语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,有些语法结构和词汇方面的错误,影响了意义的表达。 ——较少使用语句间的连接成分,全文内容缺少连贯性。 第一档 (1—5) ——与所提供短文和开头语的衔接较差。 ——写出内容太少,很少使用短文中标出的关键词语。 ——语法结构单调,词汇项目很有限,有较多语法结构和词汇方面的错误,严重影响了意义的表达。 ——缺乏语句间的连接成分,全文内容不连贯。 0分 白卷,内容太少无法评判或所写内容与所提供内容无关。 二、真题展示 Writing 1 (2017年6月浙江) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his home to Alaska with his friends . One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to car- ry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled (骑行) a- long alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home . He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday. Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him. “Man, that ’ s a big dog!”he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that it wasn ’ t a dog at all, but a wolf , quickly catching up with him. Mac ’ s heart jumped . He found out his can of bear spray. With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wolf. A bright red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Mac ’ s relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute lat- er, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Mac ’ s bike, tear- ing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase(追赶). Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down. He saw a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, he ’ d be easy caught up and the wolf ’ s teeth would be tearing into his flesh. At this moment, Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They didn ’ t think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now. 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: The car abruptly stopped in front of him . Paragraph 2: A few minutes later , the other cyclists arrived . 答案 【思路点拨】 故事已知内容是:Mac和朋友骑自行车去Alaska,中途朋友要修车,他独 自一人先骑行上路,结果遭遇狼的追赶。危急时刻Paul和Becky驾车看 到此情况。续写后两段所给的首句分别为“The car abruptly stopped in front of him.”和“A few minutes later, the other cyclists arrived.”。因 此,根据已知故事,以及续写的提示句,写出一个勇于助人,“狼口”脱险 的故事比较符合文章的脉络。 本文故事性、逻辑性强,续写部分提示句的设置合理,可以较好地激发 学生的想象力,让学生有话可写。根据整个文章的语体及词汇色彩,续 写中要能够彰显人性的光辉、体现人们之间的相互帮助。 One possible version: Paragraph 1: The car abruptly stopped in front of him . Mac rushed down from his bicy- cle and waved at the people inside the car for help. Paul and Becky inside the car got out immediately to help him climb into the car, in spite of the danger that the fierce wolf was running near. They quickly pushed Mac in- to their car and closed all the doors as hard as possible, legs trembling and breathless. Seeing this, the wolf still howled outside the car for some time and then left unwillingly. Paragraph 2: A few minutes later , the other cyclists arrived . Mac ’ s friends were shocked to hear the story and very grateful to the young couple. Mac invited all of them back to his home for dinner and he introduced his wife and daughters to his two new friends who saved his life. During the dinner they recalled the adventure and talked about the ways to deal with such dangerous situa- tions. Writing 2 (2016 年 10 月浙江 ) 阅读下面短文 , 根据所给情节进行续写 , 使之构成一个完整的故事。 One weekend in July, Jane and her husband, Tom , had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the forest. Unfortunately, on the way an un- pleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel. By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom, “I ’ m going to find a better spot for us to camp”and walked away. With no path to follow, Jane just walked on for quite a long time. After she had climbed to a high place, she turned around, hoping to see the lake. To her surprise, she saw nothing but forest and, far beyond, a snowcapped mountain top. She suddenly realized that she was lost. “Tom!”she cried.“Help!” No reply. If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom. Jane kept moving, but the farther she walked, the more confused she be- came. As night was beginning to fall, Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night. Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family. She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him. Jane rose at the break of day, hungry and thirsty. She could hear water trickling ( 滴落 ) somewhere at a distance . Quickly she followed the sound to a stream . To her great joy ,she also saw some berry bushes. She drank and ate a few berries. Never in her life had she tasted anything better. Feel- ing stronger now, Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake. As she picked her way carefully along the stream, Jane heard a helicopter . Is that for me?Unfortunately , the trees made it impossible for people to see her from above. A few minutes later, another helicopter flew overhead. Jane took off her yellow blouse , thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again. 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again . Paragraph 2: It was daybreak when Jane woke up . 答案 【思路点拨】 原文是一篇具有冒险色彩但又充满亲情、毅力等正能量的故事。原文 讲到Tom 和Jane 因琐事吵架,后来Jane意外迷失在森林里。续写要求写 出Jane获救的结尾。根据原文及所给的段首句,续写部分的构思不会太 难。但是,故事的续写要展示出Jane的坚韧不屈和在困境中沉着冷静、 睿智脱困的情节。解题的关键在于合理组织后续故事情节,使用优美的 语言。续写部分首先应该描写Jane努力和不放弃的精神,同时要反映出 Tom不计吵架之嫌,努力寻找自己妻子的信息。 根据第一段的段首句,本段应该描述当天晚上Jane的心态和行动。而根 据第二段的提示句,本段主要叙述Jane是如何最终获救的。当然,在续写 中,一定要体现出Jane的坚韧和聪明,同时,最后一定要有Tom努力救援 的信息,这样续写的故事才有正能量。 One possible version: Paragraph 1: But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again . She had to stay alone in the forest for another cold night. Jane was so tired and disap- pointed, but she didn ’ t lose heart. She knew Tom must be trying his best to search for her. She believed that the helicopter must have been called by Tom and was sure it would come back again the next day. She found a place near the stream and slept. Paragraph 2: It was daybreak when Jane woke up . She walked along the stream, hoping to find a suitable place so that the helicopter could find her. Fortunately, she saw a huge flat rock in an open area at a distance . She climbed onto it and waited with her yellow blouse in her hand for the helicopter to come a- gain. To her great joy , she didn ’ t wait long before she saw the helicopter in the sky. She waved hard with the yellow blouse and the helicopter quickly found her. She was right, and it was Tom who called the helicopter and saved her. 三、解题指导 读后续写是一种全新的题型。考查学生读、思、写三种能力。因此,对 于读后续写这种新的题型,考生首先要能对所给的文章有深刻的理解, 对文章的脉络、内容发展的方向有很好的把握,对文章使用的词汇特点 有整体的认识。然后,根据对文章结构的理解,设计合理的情节,完成对 文章的续写。因此,续写文章的关键是: 1. 掌握所给文章的主旨意图。这点至关重要。只有把握了文章的主旨 意图 , 所写内容才能和文章脉络一致。 2.正确理解文章的段落结构、内容发展的脉络线索。尤其要关注所给 提示句的意义。正确理解原文的段落结构,可以帮助我们理清文章的整 体脉络,确定文章的走向。而正确理解所给的提示句,则可以帮助我们 将续写内容和原文结合起来。 3. 续写的内容和原文要有逻辑上的一致性 , 并能回应原文的信息。不能 随心所欲地去写。 4.感知文章的用词特点,以便使续写的内容在语言色彩上和所给文章保 持一致。续写作为文章的一部分,一定要注意其语言色彩和原文的一致 性。 5. 设计续写内容的基本框架。在充分理解原文的基础上 , 我们要根据文 章的特点和所给的提示句 , 设计出续写内容的基本框架。 6.续写的内容一定要合乎逻辑,符合常理。续写的故事情节不可太过于 荒诞。其实续写的重点是对一个合乎逻辑的故事的准确叙述。因此,不 要刻意追求故事的奇特。 7. 注意语言的使用。考试说明中明确指出 , 书面表达中要准确使用语法 和词汇 , 并能清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。所以 , 在考虑文章结构的 同时 , 一定要注意使用比较“高级”的词汇和语法结构。 四、实战演练 Writing 1 (2019浙江杭州一模) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 A man came home from work late,tired and irritated(不耐烦的), to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door. “Daddy, may I ask you a question?” “Yeah sure, what is it?” replied the man. “Daddy, how much do you make an hour?” “That ’ s none of your business . Why do you ask such a thing?” the man said angrily. “I just want to know. Please tell me,how much do you make an hour?” pleaded the little boy . “If you must know, I make $20 an hour.” “Oh,” the little boy replied, with his head down. Looking up, he said, “Daddy, may I please borrow $10?” The father was angry, “If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish . I work hard every day for such childish behavior.” The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man sat down and, started to get even angrier about the little boy ’ s questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money ? After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10 and he really didn ’ t ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy ’ s room and opened the door. “Are you asleep, son?” he asked. “No, Daddy, I ’ m awake,” replied the boy. “I ’ ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier,” said the man. “It ’ s been a long day and I took out my anger on you. Here ’ s the $10 you asked for.” The little boy sat straight up, smiling . “Oh. Thank you, daddy!” he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled(皱皱 巴巴的) bills . 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: The man , seeing that the boy already had money started to get angry again . Paragraph 2: Not knowing what his son meant , the father just stood there , waiting for his B oy ’ s explanation . 答案 One possible version: Paragraph 1: The man , seeing that the boy already had money started to get angry again . “How can you be so selfish ? Why do you want more money since you alr eady have these bills ?” The father could hardly hold his anger back and inquired with two eyebrows knitted into one. With held-back tears in his eyes, the little boy slowly and carefully counted out his money, and then looked up at his father, replying, “Because I didn ’ t have enough before, but now I do.” big blue eyes shining with tears. Paragraph 2: Not knowing what his son meant , the father just stood there , waiting for his boy ’ s explanation . Wiping away his tears and an innocent smile appearing on his face, the boy requested in a relieved voice, “Daddy, I have $ 20 now. Can I buy an hour from you? Please come home early tomorrow. I want to have dinner with you.” Hearing the boy ’ s small but sincere re quest the father couldn ’ t hold back his tears. Realizing he was too busy with his business to spare some time with his beloved ones, he gathered his son into his arms and apologized again and again, “Sorry..., and I promise I ’ ll be back early tomorrow.” Writing 2 (2019浙江绍兴二模) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Christine closed the door to Anna ’ s room. Inside, her classmate and friend had fallen asleep. Downstairs, Christine ’ s mom, Donna, was grasping Anna ’ s mother Sheila around the shoulders. “We should go,” she said.“Get some rest, huh?” Sheila nodded, blew her nose, and then waved them goodbye. On the car ride home, Christine worked up the courage to ask the question on her mind. “Mom? Why was Sheila weeping ?” She thought she knew the answer, of course: Anna ’ s cancer. In the past, Anna had been the neighbor doing good things, always going door to door for various causes: the local animal shelter, suffering children in Africa, or the families who ’ d lost their homes to fire. Now Anna could barely feed or dress herself. Christine thought it so unfair when bad things like this happened to good people. “Well, it ’ s complex, but I guess you ’ re old enough to understand.” “Understand what?” “Understand that Anna is sick , yes, but Anna actually gets a lot of help. The government helps pay for a lot of her medicine. She gets meals deliv- ered to her by a nonprofit. She even gets messages from local volunteers.” “Wow!” “Her life’s still very hard , of course, and no one would trade places with her, but when you have cancer, everyone can see that you need help,”con- tinued Donna.“They don ’ t always see that the people around you are suf- fering.” “People like Sheila?” “Yes, did you know that Sheila took a break from her job to stay home with Anna?” “No!”Christine was surprised . She had never thought about who took Anna to her appointments, or fed her when she was too weak to lift a spoon. Of course it was her family . “Yes. So that means that many of the things they used to do with that ex tr a money are all out the window now. They ’ re even worried now about keeping the house.” “Their house? So Anna might have to move, while she ’ s sick?” “If she doesn ’ t get better soon, and the bills keep piling up...,”Donna pulled into the driveway. Her cheeks were shining with tears. 注意:1.所续写的短文词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词。 Paragraph 1: “ There has to be something done for them ,” Christine said firmly to her classmates and friends . Paragraph 2: But the best part of the party was when Anna came through the door with her family , attracted with promises of chocolate cake and live music . 答案 One possible version: Paragraph 1: “ There has to be something done for them ,” Christine said firmly to her classmates and friends . They decided to work together to organize a fundraising party. After some careful preparation, the day of the party arr ived. They were surprised to see a line of people waiting for the party to start. Everyone who ’ d been touched by Anna ’ s good deeds had come to return the favor: the animal shelter employees, the families who ’ d lost their houses, plus many strangers. All together, they raised several thou- sand dollars, more money than Christine had ever expected. Paragraph 2: But the best part of the party was when Anna came through the door with her family , attracted with promises of chocolate cake and live music . Sheila saw the photos of Anna on the walls and started to weep . And Anna just sat there smiling as Christine held her tightly.“I was never going to give up,” Anna whispered. “But I was afraid they were going to.Now, they know that they no longer go unnoticed and have a family to take care of them when they ’ re too tired.”“No way,” Christine said, motioning to the group of teenagers who had come to her aid and the roomful of neigh- bors all singing together, “We ’ re all family .” Writing 3 (2019浙江七彩阳光联盟高三期中) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 To celebrate his girlfriend ’ s birthday, Luke Fortune drove from a small town in Central Oregon to Portland , where he parked his car in a paid garage overnight. The next morning, he discovered that the car ’ s window had been smashed, along with his dreams for the future: His backpack and computer were gone. “Everything important to me was on that computer,” said Fortune, 21, who is studying to become a paramedic ( 护理人员 ). “My classwork , every paper I ’ d written, and all the programs I needed for my paramedic tests. Every letter I was working on for job applications. I felt sick.” Two days after the theft, another young man was standing outside his ap artment, also in Portland. Masoud Almazrouei , 29, was an exchange stud ent from the United Arab Emirates. He had been approached by a man who said he had a computer for sale. Only $200.Almazrouei, who had been in the United States for only a year, admits now that he was naive (天真). But he needed a computer, so he bought it, took it home, and turned it on. Within seconds, he saw files and photographs. “I wondered who would sell a computer with all of these on it,” he said. “I realized it could be stolen .” Almazrouei found what appeared to be the owner ’ s cellphone number and called it. “This guy with a thick accent told me he had my computer,” Fortune said. “He told me the story and said it was his fault. I thought it was a scam (骗局). I told him if he really had the computer, he should take it to the police.” Soon after, a police officer called Fortune to say that a man had dropped the computer off and had said he was sorry. He passed along the man ’ s number. 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: Fortune called and thanked Almazrouei and insisted on paying him a re- ward of $200 , the money he was out . Paragraph 2: A story about the two young men ’ s encounter made it to the local papers . 答案 One possible version: Paragraph 1: Fortune called and thanked Almazrouei and insisted on paying him a re- ward of $200 , the money he was out . Almazrouei refused. He said it was his mistake to buy the computer from someone he didn ’ t know and he was the one to shoulder the responsibility. More importantly, he said, it was his honor to return the property to the rightful owner. “I saw a photo of this man in his paramedic uniform,” Almazrouei said. “They help people. He is a good man . I don ’ t want my money back.” Paragraph 2: A story about the two young men ’ s encounter made it to the local papers . Overnight, Almazrouei became a household name and received numerous compliments for his honesty and kindness. One day he got a call from the president of Portland State University, where Almazrouei is studying econ omics. Impressed with his student ’ s integrity, the president gave Al mazrouei a new MacBook Pro. “We thought since you gave back the lapt op, we should give you a laptop so that you ’ ll have one,” he told him. “We ’ re very proud of you. It was a great story, but you did the right thing.” Writing 4 (2019浙江温州十五校联合体) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Ten-year-old Sami loved to visit his grandfather ’ s house. The house was near the beautiful blue sea. At the seaside stood thick and tall palm trees with green coconuts hanging from them. When the coconuts fell down, Sami would break them open and drink the coconut water. Sami liked to play under the trees. It was always great fun to spend the holidays at Grandpa ’ s place. This winter vacation, Sami was surprised when he came to his grandfather’s village. There were hardly any trees left. He saw houses built near the sea. People had cut down many palm trees and there was hardly any greenery left. Grandpa ’ s house was different. He never allowed his trees to be cut. He hugged each palm tree in his courtyard . He also named the two big trees near the front door—one was Petu, and the other Betu. He had planted them with his own hands and today they had become large, massive trees with thick trunks. They were tall and green and gave the sweetest, juiciest coconuts. One night, Sami was awakened by a strange sound. He could not sleep. He tossed(辗转)and turned in bed. Suddenly, the ground shook as if the earth was splitting. He sat up straight and then ran to Grandpa. He clung (附着)to his grandpa tightly. Grandpa cried out, “It ’ s an earthquake! It ’ s an earthquake!” They ran outside the house. They thought that would be safe. Suddenly, there was a loud sound; the earth was not splitting but the sea was roaring. People were shouting, screaming and crying, “The sea is ris- ing! The sea is rising.” The villagers started running away from the beach. Sami watched dumbstruck(吓呆的). The waves were rising higher and higher. Sami thought, “How big the waves are!” He went into the house again and saw water coming in from all sides. He was scared. Sami remembered his mother telling him long ago, “You must always get out of the house if the floods come too near.” He ran outside the house with Grandpa. But the water came surging(汹涌) in. Waves about twelve meters high came rushing in, drowning everything. Water was all around and everywhere. 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: Grandpa held Sami ’ s hand tightly but a huge wave separated them . Paragraph 2: “ Sami , Sami !” Grandpa cried . “ Don ’ t be scared , little one , come to me , quickly .” 答案 One possible version: Paragraph 1: Grandpa held Sami ’ s hand tightly but a huge wave separated them . Grand- pa fought the waves and strived to catch Sami , but failed. Sami was drifted away! He struggled to keep his head above the water. The water pushed him ahead. Fortunately, he caught a palm tree in his courtyard . He pan- icked and screamed out to Sami but could not see him. He clung to the palm tree tightly while the water was all around. In the hope of seeing Sa- mi, Grandpa climbed higher up the tree. The water carried Sami round and round. Paragraph 2: “ Sami , Sami !” Grandpa cried . “ Don ’ t be scared , little one , come to me , quickly .”“But Grandpa, I can ’ t swim!” Another wave came with terrifying speed and force. Sami cried in despair. Suddenly, Sami felt him- self thrown onto the top of a tree. He immediately held it! Looking around, he saw everything was terribly destroyed; but in the near distance, his grandpa was on another tree! Soon it was calm; both Grandpa and Sami came down the trees and rushed to hug each other, and then they hugged the trees with tears of gratitude. Writing 5 (2019浙江镇海中学领航模拟) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Everyone likes the beautiful Cinderella , but I like the ugly stepsister . The sidewalk was filled with shoppers as my mother and I hurried to the department store. I raised my neck for a look at the holiday window dis- play, but at the age of six I was too small to see around the grown-ups with their winter coats and packages. When at last we reached the store, I stood with my eyes widened. “Look, Mother ,” I shouted, pressing my hands against the glass, “Cinderella.”Before my eyes was the most beautiful doll I had ever seen! She wore a fairy princess suit made of shining red silk. I knew if I lifted her skirt I would find her crystal( 水晶 ) shoes . The tiny tiara(冠状头饰)fastened to her silky golden hair shone. “If only she were mine,” I dreamed. “We ’ d have tea parties, share se- crets and dance with a handsome prince.” But to my disappointment , my mother guided me away from the window, explaining that she and my fa- ther could not afford such an expensive doll. “But there will be a very special gift under the tree for you on Christmas morning, Madge,” she said. “I promise.” Later that week I leaned against Mother ’ s sewing machine, watching the needle flash up and down. “Bet you don ’ t know what this is!” she joked, holding up the cloth for me to see. “My Christmas doll!” I yelled . It was still in the early stages but I could make out the head, neck and body. “So much to my surprise!” Mother laughed as I danced around the room, already pretending Cinderella and I were at the ball . It wouldn ’ t be long now. My excitement grew with each passing day. Mother continued to work on the doll, and whenever I walked into the room she would hide it under a pillow. I could tell by her smile she was pleased with her progress. On Christmas morning I jumped out of bed, ran down the hall and quickly ar- rived at the living room where the Christmas tree was placed. 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: There , underneath the tree , was a beautifully packed gift box . Paragraph 2: But I could see Mother watching me , with an eager look on her face . 答案 One possible version: Paragraph 1: There , underneath the tree , was a beautifully packed gift box . Inside it was the “ doll ”I expected. I opened it, holding my breath. However, to my disappointment , it was totally different from the one we saw at the store. She had a simple face, and wore a plain skirt. Her black woolen hair was pulled back in a tight tie, with no shiny tiara at all. She was nothing like Cinderella ; she looked more like the ugly stepsister . Paragraph 2: But I could see Mother watching me , with an eager look on her face . I knew that Mother worked hard on my Christmas doll and she would be sad if I didn ’ t like it. Trying to hide my disappointment, I rushed across the room, yelling , “I love her! I love her!”Then I buried my face in the doll ’ s skirt. I stood there for a long moment and heard my mother sigh with relief. For the rest of the day, I made myself carry that homely doll everywhere. I even“fed”her with part of my Christmas dinner. Mother told me at one point that she was so glad I liked her! Writing 6 (2018 浙江嘉兴五校 10 月模拟 ) 阅读下面短文 , 根据所给情节进行续写 , 使之构成一个完整的故事。 As disabled Amy Smith made her way to round the corner across the hall from her classroom, she bumped into a tall boy from the fifth grade run- ning in the opposite direction. “Watch it, idiot,” the boy yelled. Then, with an unfriendly smile on his face, the boy took hold of his right leg and copied the way Amy limped(跛 行)when she walked . Amy closed her eyes for a moment, telling herself to ignore him. But he was not alone. The whole class teased about her speech or her limping. Back home at the dinner table that evening Amy was quiet. That ’ s why Patti Smith was happy to have some exciting news to share with her daugh- ter. “There ’ s a Christmas Wish Contest on the radio station ,” she announced. “Write a letter to Santa and you might win a prize. I think someone at this table with blond curly hair should enter.” Amy smiled. The contest sounded like fun. She started thinking about what she wanted most for Christmas . An idea hit her. Out came pencil and pa- per and Amy wrote it that night: Dear Santa Claus, My name is Amy. I am 9 years old. I have a problem at school. Can you help me, Santa? Kids laugh at me because of the way I walk and run and talk. I have cerebral palsy( 大脑性瘫痪 ). I just want one day when no one laughs at me or makes fun of me. Love, Amy At radio station WJLT in Indiana, letters poured in for the Christmas Wish Contest. The workers had fun reading about all the letters when Amy ’ s caught their eye. Manager Lee Tobin read it carefully. He knew cerebral palsy was a muscle disorder that might confuse the schoolmates of Amy who didn ’ t understand her disability. He thought it would be good for the people in Indiana to hear about this special third grader and her unusual wish. Mr Tobin called up the local newspaper . 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: The next day , a picture of Amy and her letter to Santa made the front page of the “ News Sentinel ”. Paragraph 2: During that unforgettable Christmas season , over two thousand people from all over the world sent Amy letters of friendship and support . 答案 One possible version: Paragraph 1: The next day , a picture of Amy and her letter to Santa made the front page of the “ News Sentinel ”. The picture was a big hit. All across the country, newspapers and radio and television stations reported the story of the dis- abled little girl in Indiana, who asked for such a simple, yet remarkable Christmas gift—just one day without teasing . People can see the postman visit the Smith family frequently. Envelopes of all sizes addressed to Amy arrived daily from children and adults all over the nation. They came with holiday greetings and words of encouragement. Paragraph 2: During that unforgettable Christmas season , over two thousand people from all over the world sent Amy letters of friendship and support . Some of them thanked Amy for being brave enough to speak up. Others encouraged her to ignore teasing and to carry her head high. Through the cards and let- ters from strangers, Amy glimpsed a world full of people who truly cared about each other. Amy did get her wish of a special day without teasing in her school. All students came to realize that everyone wants and deserves to be treated with respect, dignity and warmth. Writing 7 (2018浙江宁波八校9月联考) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 It happened when Tom was only ten years old. That day he was at home with his elder sister Jane . Tom was doing his homework when he heard raised voices. At first he didn查看更多