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专题二 阅读补全 总纲目录 应试策略 考情分析 真题研析      项目 卷别       语篇 类型 主题 设题类型 主题语境 主题语境内容 主题句 过渡句 细节句 2019 课标全国卷Ⅰ 说明文 人与自然 空气与健康 3 1 1 课标全国卷Ⅱ 说明文 人与自我 激励自己、实现目标 1 3 1 课标全国卷Ⅲ 说明文 人与社会 建立健康的师生交流 1 1 3 2018 课标全国卷Ⅰ 说明文 人与自我 颜色与室内设计 1 1 3 课标全国卷Ⅱ 说明文 人与自我 锻炼与健康 2 1 2 课标全国卷Ⅲ 说明文 人与社会 舞蹈 2 2 1 2017 课标全国卷Ⅰ 记叙文 人与自然 野外露营 1 3 1 课标全国卷Ⅱ 说明文 人与社会 远离干扰 1 2 2 课标全国卷Ⅲ 说明文 人与自我 摆脱赖床 1 2 2     2018课标全国Ⅰ 语篇类型:说明文 主题语境:人与自然 词数:257          难度:★★★★ 语境内容:颜色与室内设计 真题研析 第一步 析原文   ❶ Color is fundamental in home design —something you'll always have in every room. A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms you'll love to live in. Do you want a room that's full of life?Professional?Or are you just looking for a place to relax after a long day?  36     , ❷ color is the key to making a room feel the way you want it to feel. Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques to help designers ap- proach this important point.  37     , they can get a little complex. ❸ But good news is that there're really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home: the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones.  38     . They're the little spots of color like throw pillows, mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms. Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa, ❹ small color choices bring with them the sign - ificant benefit of being easily changeable . ❺ Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such as sofas, dinner tables or bookshelves.  39     . They require a bigger commitment than smaller ones, and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space. ❻ The large color decisions in your rooms concern the walls, ceilings, and floors. Whether you're looking at wallpaper or paint, the time, effort and relative expense put into it are significant.  40     .   ◆文体特征    速读文章可知本文为说明文,因此要重视首段,它往往是了解文章主 题的窗口。 ◆素养解读 本文主题语境为人与自然,语境内容为颜色与室内设计,重在引导学 生创建和谐的生活环境,过健康生活。 ◆段落分析 第一段: ❶❷ 介绍颜色在房间装饰中的重要作用。 第二段: ❸ 概述在家庭中选择颜色的三种决定。 第三段: ❹ 介绍了家庭中的small color choices。 第四段: ❺ 介绍了家庭中的medium color choices。 第五段: ❻ 介绍了家庭中的large color decisions。 A.While all of them are useful B.Whatever you're looking for C.If you're experimenting with a color D.Small color choices are the ones we're most familiar with E.It's not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces F.So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time G.Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways 第二步 巧做题   36   审题  本句为细节句。   解题     B 原词复现法。上文指出,你是想要一个充满生机的房间呢?还是专业的房间?或者你只是在寻找漫长的一天过后供你休息的场所呢?本句应该对上文的问题作出回应,B项符合语境,句意为“无论你在找什么样的房间,要想让房间给你想要的感觉,颜色至关重要”。B项中 的looking for为原词再现。 37   审题  本句为细节句。   解题     A 代词指代法。上句指出,在过去的这些年,有很多不同的技巧帮助设计者达到这重要的一点。本句应该对这些技巧作出回应,A项符合语境,句意为“虽然所有的技巧都有用处,但是它们有点儿复杂”。A项中的all of them代指上句中的different techniques。 38   审题  本句为主题句。   解题     D 篇章结构法。上段末尾指出了需要作出的三个决定(the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones)。根据最后两段首句(Medium color choices...和The large color decisions...)可知,这两段分别介绍了后两个决定,结合段落内容可知本段介绍第一个决定,故D项(Small color choices ...)符合段落主题。 39   审题  本句为过渡句。   解题     G 逻辑关系法。本段介绍了对家具这样的中等物件作出颜色选择。空格前的句子列举了中等物件的例子,空格后的由and连接的两个分句从两方面与小物件的颜色选择进行了比较,故G项符合语境。two major ways与下句内容一致。 40   审题  本句为细节句。   解题     F 逻辑关系法。上文指出,在对大物件的颜色作出选择时,付出的时间、精力和相关的费用都意义重大,F项为该话题的延续,符合语境,意为“因为你想要第一次就选好,所以这肯定是划算的”。   1.宏观——析篇章(段落)结构 例1  (2019课标全国Ⅲ,片段)   In an online class, developing healthy patterns of communication with professors is very important.  36     While I have only listed two of each, there are obviously many other situations that can arise. Students should be able to extend the logic(逻辑) of each to their particular circumstance. Do's ●  37     Questions about subject content are generally welcomed. Before asking 考点突破 questions about the course design, read the syllabus(教学大纲) and learning management system information to be sure the answer isn't hiding in plain sight. ●Participate in discussion forums(论坛), blogs and other open-ended forums for dia- logue.  38     Be sure to stay on topic and not offer irrelevant information. Make a point, and make it safe for others to do the same. Don'ts ... A.That's what they are for. B.Turn to an online instructor for help. C.If more information is needed, they will ask. D.Remember that online professors get a lot of emails. E.Below are some common do's and don'ts for online learners. F.Everyone has taken a not-so-great class at one time or another. G.Ask questions, but make sure they are good, thoughtful questions. 思路点拨  文章针对如何与在线课程教授沟通为学生提出了一些建议。根据Do's 中各段首句的特点可知,设空处为主题句并且是祈使句,空格后面的关键词为ques- tions,由此可确定答案。 答案     G      2.中观——抓行文逻辑 (1)递进关系 例2     (2017课标全国Ⅰ,片段) ...Instead, we had a pop-up camper with comfortable beds and an air conditioner. My nature-loving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life.  39     We have done a lot of it since. Recently, we bought a twenty-eight-foot travel trailer complete with a bathroom and a built-in TV set. There is a separate bedroom, a modern kitchen with a refrigerator. The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains. ... A.This time there was no tent. B.Things are going to be improved. C.The trip they took me on was a rough one. D.I was to learn a lot about camping since then, however. E.I must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping. F.After the trip, my family became quite interested in camping. G.There was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall. 思路点拨  此处承接上文, 表示自从那一次野营后, 我们一家人就对野营感兴趣了, 引出空后面一句We have done a lot of it since. (自从那时以来我们去野营多次了), 上下文构成递进关系,这与F选项中的After the trip...一致。 答案     F (2)转折关系 例3     (2019课标全国Ⅱ,片段) ... Your personal circumstances are equally important. For example, you may want to be a pilot but can't become one because your eyesight is not good enough.  40     You should reassess your goals, and motivate yourself to set a fresh goal. You will surely need to overcome some difficulties, some planned, but most unplanned. You cannot overcome them without ample motivation. Make sure that you plan for these difficulties at the time of setting your goals. A.This can affect your work. B.So how should you motivate yourself? C.However, this should not discourage you. D.So why should we try to set specific goals? E.They can change according to circumstances. F.Motivation is what you need most to do a good job. G.Without motivation, you can neither set a goal nor reach it. 思路点拨  上文提到“个人情况同等重要”,并以因视力差不能达成当飞行员的目 标为例子,再结合下文的“你应该重新评估你的目标,并激励自己去设定一个新的 目标”可知空格处和上文构成转折关系,同时起到引起下文的作用。 答案     C    (3)因果关系 例4     (2018课标全国Ⅲ,片段) ...     38     “I can tell you about one young couple,” says Bridges. “They're learning to do traditional dances. They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile.”  39     ... A.So why do we dance? B.Dance in the U.S. is everywhere. C.If you like dancing outdoors, come to America. D.My older students say it makes them feel young. E.I keep practicing even when I'm extremely tired. F.Dancing seems to change their feeling completely. G.They stayed up all night long singing and dancing. 思路点拨  空格处位于段首。后面以一对年轻夫妻为例说明了跳舞给他们带来的 好处。由此推断出本段是描述跳舞会给一个人的情绪带来巨大的影响,这就是人们 喜欢跳舞的原因。由此可知答案。 答案     A 3.微观——看词汇关联 (1)原词与同义词复现 例5     (2018课标全国Ⅱ,片段) ... Your metabolism(新陈代谢)gets a head start.  38     If you work out in the mornings, then you will be getting the calorie(卡路里)burning benefits for the whole day, not in your sleep. ... A.You will stick to your diet. B.Your quality of sleep improves. C.You prefer healthy food to fast food. D.There is no reason you should exercise in the morning. E.You can keep your head clear for 4—10 hours after exercise. F.After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day. G.If you are planning to do exercise regularly, or you're doing it now, then listen up! 思路点拨  F项中的continue to burn calories throughout the day(整整一天持续燃烧 卡路里)与设空处后句中的will be getting the calorie burning benefits for the whole day(整整一天都会受益于卡路里的燃烧)意义一致,其中calorie(卡路里)属于原词复 现,throughout the day与原文中的the whole day表意相同,属于同义词复现。 答案     F (2)代词指代 例6     (2019课标全国Ⅰ,片段) ... Recently, people have begun studying the connection between the natural world and healing(治愈).     38     In these places patients can go to be near nature during their recovery. It turns out that just looking at green, growing things can reduce stress,lower blood pressure, and put people into a better mood(情绪).Greenery is good for us. Hospital patients who see tree branches out their window are likely to recover at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead.  39     It gives us a great feeling of peace. ... A.Fresh air cleans our lungs. B.So what are you waiting for? C.Being in nature refreshes us. D.Another side benefit of getting fresh air is sunlight. E.But is fresh air really as good for you as your mother always said? F.Just as importantly, we tend to associate fresh air with health care. G.All across the country, recovery centers have begun building Healing Gardens. 思路点拨  根据空格后these places中的代词“these”可推断上文应提到了亲近大 自然有助于病人恢复的场所,而这与选项G的关键词recovery centers和Healing Gar- dens呼应。 答案     G     巩固技能练 Passage 1 (2019山东青岛模拟)   ▶ 说明文 Although most parents don't like doing it after a long and exhausting workday, reading bedtime stories does make a positive influence on your children's emotional and mental health.  1     It helps to develop children's imagination. Reading bedtime stories can develop your children's ability to form pictures or ideas in their mind. A healthy imagination makes their minds work well and teaches them to think quickly yet effectively.  2     It improves children's language. Reading also improves your children's language.  3     They'll most likely use those words in the stories you read right after they hear them. Listening to many stories helps kids to express their opinions better.  4     Reading books makes people more learned. When children hear the stories you tell, they learn grammar and vocabulary, for example. It helps them be successful in school as they already know a lot from your stories. What's more, every story has its moral aspect and tells them what's good and what's bad. These reasons leave no chances of doubting whether to read bedtime stories to your children or not.  5     They will thank you in the future, I promise. A.It fosters children's affection for reading. B.It makes children knowledgeable. C.Take a look at the best benefits of it and you'll never be lazy to do that. D.So however tired you are, find time to read bedtime stories to your children. E.Bedtime stories create just unforgettable moments. F.They remember most of the words you say and have their vocabulary enlarged. G.They'll be successful in many aspects thanks to a wonderful imagination. 1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        答案      [语篇解读] 本文为说明文。文章主要讲述了父母为孩子读睡前故事的益处。 1.C 根据上文中提到的读睡前故事的确对孩子起到积极作用以及文章下文讲述 了读睡前故事对孩子们的益处可知选C项:看一看读睡前故事最好的益处,你就再也 不会懒于做那件事了。 2.G    根据本段讲述读睡前故事有助于培养孩子们的想象力及上句句意“健康的 想象力使他们的头脑运转良好并教会他们快速有效地思考”可知选G项:由于极好 的想象力,他们会在许多方面成功。 3.F  根据本段讲述读睡前故事可以提高孩子们的语言能力以及下句提到他们很 可能使用你所读的故事中的那些词可知选 F 项 : 他们记住你说的大部分词并且扩大 他们的词汇量。 4.B 根据本段讲述读睡前故事使孩子们学到各方面的知识可知选B项。 5.D 根据全文主要讲述读睡前故事的益处,尤其是文章第一段第一句话与D项相 呼应,故选D项,意为“因此无论你多累,(都要)找到时间为你的孩子读睡前故事”。 Passage 2 (2019山东烟台3月模拟)   ▶ 说明文 For the first time in 10 years,the United States government has changed its guidance on how much exercise people need to stay healthy and when they should start. For children and teens The new guidance states that the most important time for children to begin exercising is between the ages of 3 and 5.  1     That could be light activities,moderate activities,or even vigorous( 强有力的 )activities. Doctors say it is important to start young.They add that from birth to age 5,a child's br - ain develops more than at any other time in life.   2     Also,children who start exercising at a young age are more likely to establish healthy behavior they will continue into adulthood. But that does not mean putting a small kid on a treadmill(跑步机)or other exercise equipment.  3     After all,it's a kid's nature to play freely and happily.  4     But it shouldn't be less than one hour a day three times a week.Their activities should mostly be aerobic(有氧的)exercise,such as biking,swimming or running,which can strengthen the heart and lungs.Such exercise should also include muscle-and-bone- strength- ening activities, such as climbing trees or playground equipment and playing sports. For adults For adults,the guidelines recommend exercising 150 minutes a week.That could be walking,gardening,dancing,etc .   5     Experts say that even short amounts of aerobic exercise can provide health benefits,such as lowering blood pressure,reducing anxiety and improving sleep. A.Any kind of activity that gets people exercising will do. B.Aerobic activity works only if it lasts for at least 10 minutes. C.Simply giving a kid the time and space to play actively is enough. D.Children above 5 can have a relatively shorter time for daily exercise. E.Children in this age range require about three hours' active activities daily. F.Attaining the health benefits from exercise may be harder than earlier thought. G.These developments have a lasting effect on a child's ability to succeed in life. 1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        答案      [语篇解读] 本文为说明文。文章分别讲述了儿童、青少年和成人应该多做锻炼 来保持健康,并讲述了锻炼的方式和好处。 1.E 设空处前句提到between the ages of 3 and 5,选项E中的Children in this age range与之对应。故选E。 2.G 设空处前句中的a child's brain develops more than at any other time in life与G 项中的These developments对应。故选G。 3.C  由设空处前句中的 not mean putting a small kid on a treadmill or other exercise equipment 可知 , 孩子的锻炼不需要什么设备。选项 C 中提到 Simply giving a kid the time and space 与此一致。故选 C 。 4.D D项中的关键词a relatively shorter time与后一句的关键信息shouldn't be less than one hour a day一致。故选D。 5.A    设空处前面罗列了不同的锻炼形式walking, gardening, dancing等,这与A项中 Any kind of activity对应。故选A。 Passage 3 (2019陕西咸阳模拟)   ▶ 说明文 Surrounded by bad news, the world may feel like an unhappy place sometimes.  1     If you make even one person smile today, you can help make this world a better place. Here is a list of ideas to help you. Send a handwritten letter. Today when everything is sent by email, Facebook, whatsApp and Snapchat, it's a shock to receive a letter through the post. Writing a letter to a friend can be an easy way to make a positive impact.   2     Volunteer. Volunteering is also one of the nicest things you can do. Whether you volun - teer at your local youth group or take dogs from shelters for a walk, the simple fact is that you are giving up your time to help someone else. There are so many opportunities to find one activity suitable for you.   3     It could be once a week or a couple of times a year.  4     Whether you're creative or not, taking time to make something for someone else shows how much you appreciate them. Even if you think you're not creative, the receiver will feel lucky to get your unique gift. Tell someone ‘I love you’. The person can be anyone. And you don't even have to say ‘I love you’.   5     Sometimes, in our busy lives we forget to take a moment to tell people what they mean to us. A.Express your gratitude to someone. B.However, you can make a difference. C.Make something for a special person. D.And it doesn't have to take up a lot of your time. E.Even a postcard could make someone's day pleasant. F.Perhaps you can tell a friend that you appreciate what he has done for you. G.As a result, you need to smile more often instead of being frustrated. 1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        答案      [语篇解读] 有时候,因为周围都是坏消息,所以人们会觉得这个世界让人不愉快。 但是你可以给他人带来微笑,文章就此给出了几条建议。 1.B 由下文可知,哪怕你今天只让一个人微笑,也能帮这个世界变得更加美好。 make a difference与下文的make this world a better place对应,故B项符合语境。 2.E 本段指出,给他人手写一封信件有积极的影响,E项意为“即使一张明信片也 可以让人快乐起来”。 3.D 下句指出做志愿者的时间,一周一次或者一年几次,故D项符合语境,谈到了做 志愿者的时间,意为“并且它不必占用你太多时间”。 4.C 下文指出,无论你是否有创造力,都可以花费一定时间给他人制作东西以示感 激。故C项符合本段主题,意为“为某个特别的人制作东西”。 5.F 上句指出,不一定非要对人说“我爱你”,本句应该指出替代“我爱你”的语 言,故F项符合语境,意为“或许你可以告诉朋友你感激他为你做的事情”。 Passage 4 (2018吉林长春模拟)   ▶ 说明文 Summer is the perfect time to relax. As you plan for your trip, here are some tips on how to protect yourself.  1     Fight against the mosquitoes in the hot spots. There are many mosquito-borne illnesses in tropical regions, which are traditional vac - ation hot spots. Therefore, mosquito repellent(驱蚊剂)that contains DEET should be an essential item in your travel bag.  2     In less developed countries there is less equipment for clean water and public health. If you can't avoid unhealthy water, make sure you bring along a tea or coffee-making pot that will boil water for you.You'd better buy a case or two of water and check that all bottle caps are sealed to assure the bottled water isn't just a refilled bottle of dirty tap water. Always protect your feet. It's best to wear slippers in the shower, but if you must be barefoot, put a towel down on the floor.  3     You should never walk barefoot in any area of a foreign country, including your hotel room. Be sure to eat safe fruits.  4     They may have been washed in the same water, or wiped with the same rag used to clean work surfaces in kitchens. The best advice is to bring your own peeler(削皮器) so that you know that something clean has been applied to the fruit. Enjoy the smell of roadside stands, not the food. Unless the food is piping hot when served, it's best to stay away from roadside stands, no matter how good the smell of the food might be. If you are concerned about whether a restaurant is clean, order the food to go.  5     A.Don't trust the local water. B.Any fruit served fresh may be polluted. C.Look out for any water not served in a bottle. D.The boxes may be cleaner than the plate or the fork on the table. E.You should know how to keep yourself away from dirty fruits. F.They are necessary to avoid coming back with a major illness from your trip. G.Parasites(寄生虫)can enter the skin of your feet and travel to different parts of the body. 1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        答案      [语篇解读] 夏季是休闲放松的好时节,但是外出旅行需要自我保护,本文就此提出 了几条建议。 1.F 本段提到夏天是放松的最佳时间,这里有一些关于如何保护你自己的建议。 下文是具体建议。因此F项“它们对于避免在旅途中带着大病回来是有必要的” 符合语境。They代指上文提到的tips。 2.A 本段提到旅游地的用水可能不健康,你需要带煮茶或咖啡的壶,即便买瓶装水 也要检查瓶盖是否密封好了, A项“不要相信当地的水”可以概括本段的内容。 3.G  根据本段标题“总是保护好你的脚”以及本空上句提到的最好不要赤脚淋 浴可知 ,G 项“寄生虫可以进入你脚部的皮肤 , 并传播到身体的不同部位”符合语 境,指出赤脚带来的危害。 4.B 本段标题为“确保吃安全的水果”,下句指出“它们也许用同样的水洗过,或 者用清洁厨房台面的抹布擦过”,由此可知,下句的They指代被污染过的水果,B项 符合语境。 5.D 根据本段标题“享受路边小摊的气味,而不要去吃食物”以及本段提到的远 离路边小摊,不管食物的气味多么好,如果你担心饭店的卫生,就点菜后带走吧,可知 选D。D项意为“盒子可能比桌子上的盘子或叉子更干净。” Passage 5 (2019安徽六校教育研究会二次联考)   ▶ 说明文 By making positive changes in your life you can become better.  1     Here are some quick and easy ways to help you become a better person.  2     Recognize what areas you are lacking. For this you can ask a trusted friend or a family member for help. Being unaware of your weaknesses makes it hard for you to improve. The successful people know where they aren't strong and they use their strengths to make up for it. Quit a bad habit. Quitting a bad habit is good for you.  3     If you aren't ready to quit your bad habits right away, start out with small steps. Find a trusted friend that can give you encouragement if you're struggling. Break with negative thinking.  4     This can have a bad influence on your life. Negative thinking really makes you down mentally and physically. Trying to think more positively helps you reduce stress and requires you to stop making excuses. Treat others with kindness. Showing other people that you care for them is a great way to be a better person.  5     Something just like buying a coffee for your classmates can make a huge positive impact on their and your day. A.Know your weaknesses. B.Take better care of yourself. C.Negative friends often complain about things. D.Do you always see the negative side of things? E.It not only makes you a better person, but it makes you more confident. F.However, it may be tough sometimes to figure out how to do it. G.Small acts of kindness will make other people feel better and lift your spirits as well. 1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        答案      [语篇解读] 这是一篇说明文。本文对于如何使自己变得更完美给出了几 种方法。 1.F F项中的“how to do it”与上句中的making positive changes相对应;此 外F项中的tough与下句中的easy相对应,故答案为F项。句意:通过在生活中 做积极的变化你可以变得更加完美。然而弄清如何做到那一点有时可能会 很难。这里有一些快捷、简单的方法可以帮助你成为更加完美的人。 2.A 本句为主题句。根据本部分中“Recognize what areas you are lack- ing.”(了解你在哪些方面有缺陷)和“Being unaware of your weaknesses makes it hard for you to improve.”可知本段的主题句应为“要知道你的弱 点”,故答案为A项。 3.E    本部分的主题句为“改掉坏习惯”(Quit a bad habit)。E项中的it指代上 句中的“Quitting a bad habit”,故答案为E项。E项(它不仅可以使你成为更 完美的人还可以使你更自信)承接上句(改掉坏习惯对你有好处),进一步介绍 Quitting a bad habit具体带来什么好处。 4.D D项中的“negative”与本部分主题句中的“Negative”相对应,属于 “词汇复现”,故答案为D项。句意:你总是看到事情的消极的一面吗?这对 你的生活影响很坏。消极思想真的会使你身心俱疲。 5.G G项中的“kindness”与本部分主题句中的“kindness”属“词汇复 现”,故答案为G项。句意:向别人表明你关心他们是成为一个更完美的人的 好方法。小小的善举会让别人感觉更好,也会让你精神振奋。像给你的同学 买一杯咖啡这样的事情就能够对他们的和你的一天产生巨大的积极的影 响。 拓展提升练 Passage 1 (2019四川眉山诊断)   ▶ 说明文 The American city of Detroit was like Paris, some people said. It had a big river, beau- tiful wide streets and important buildings. Then, in the 20th century, it was called Motor City because of the number of car factories there. Workers in the car factories had good jobs and they earned good money.  1     Life was good. But at the beginning of the 21st century, Detroit became America's poorest big city.  2     The city's population fell for several reasons. One reason is that people moved to the suburbs (郊区) in the 1950s because new highways were built. Another reason is that in 1967 some violent events happened there and it became dangerous.  3     Also, the big car companies like General Motors and Chrysler had huge problems. And in 2008, the world financial crisis had a big effect on many cities, especially Detroit. Now, a lot of people in Detroit are poor. Half of the city's families have less than 25,000 dollars a year. In 2013, it became the biggest bankrupt city in American history.  4     It had some money to improve small things like lights in the streets and so peo- ple felt safe. The police came quickly when there were problems. Old, empty buildings were pulled down.  5     And there are new businesses too. The city gave 10,000 dollars to 30 new small businesses. Now there are grocery stores, juice bars, coffee shops and even bicycle makers. Finally, the city is working again. A.It was a new beginning for the city. B.But then something began to change. C.There is now space for new buildings. D.A lot of people were scared of coming to the city. E.In a period of fifty years, more than half the people left Detroit. F.It wasn't unusual to own a home, a boat and even a holiday home. G.Detroit was famous for the cars General Motors and Chrysler producing. 1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        答案      [语篇解读] 本文为说明文。美国著名的汽车城底特律一度非常发达,人们生活富 有;但是在21世纪初,该城市成为美国最穷的大城市,人们纷纷逃离。现在政府在积 极改善这个城市的经济状况和社会安全,该城市的新生活开始了。 1.F 过渡句。本空前面内容谈到工人们的工作很好,挣钱很多。所以本空承接前 文说,人们拥有一套房、一艘船甚至度假别墅是司空见惯的事情。故选F项。 2.E 过渡句。下一段句首内容谈到底特律城市人口数量的下降有几个原因,因此 本空应填一个承上启下的句子:谈人口离开的问题。故选E项。 3.D  推断句。本空前面谈到人们离开的另一个原因 : 在 1967 年 , 底特律发生了一些 暴力事件 , 城市变得不安全 , 导致人们离开 , 所以本空接着谈 , 因为城市危险 , 人们害怕 来。故选D项。 4.B 主题句。本段在谈底特律的现状在慢慢变好,比如本空后面一句谈到底特律 获得一些经费改造城市设施,让人们感觉安全等。故选B项,表示底特律有了转机。 5.C 过渡句。本空前面谈到旧的空的建筑被拆掉,因此本空意思应为给新的建筑 腾出了空间。故选C项。 Passage 2 (2019河南洛阳模拟)   ▶ 说明文 Signs You Are Suffering from Nomophobia Nomophobia or “no mobile phone phobia” describes the fear of being without or un- able to access your smartphone. The symptoms of nomophobia have a lot in common with smartphone addiction.  1     And this has the possibility to negatively impact all aspects of their lives, notably their relationships and work/life balance. Check the following symptoms of nomophobia and see whether you're suffering from it. You feel anxious when your phone battery gets low.  2     In all seriousness, worrying that you will become un-contactable and unable to check your emails and social feeds at a future point is a clear sign of nomophobia. You can't leave the house without your smartphone. Being unable to consider being without your smartphone, even for the most ordinary ac- tivities like popping to the shop indicates an unhealthy obsession!  3     Why? Because the world suddenly gets a lot more interesting when you're not head-down and you'll feel a lot more sociable.  4     It's recently become illegal to use your phone while driving. A very clear and serious sign that you are addicted to your smartphone is that you believe that replying to that mess - age immediately is more important than prioritising your safety and that of those around you. You use your phone to check work updates while on holiday. Take your phone to the beach?  5     A clear sign of nomophobia is not being able to go without checking work messages on your phone while on annual leave. Why not remove emails from your phone for a week? A.You put your life or others' lives at risk to check your smartphone. B.You should gradually spend more and more time out without your phone. C.You've identified that you're spending too much time being attached to your phone. D.Smartphones are designed to make our lives a lot easier and more convenient. E.Does your heart start racing when your phone drops into the low battery section? F.Nomophobes and smartphone addicts spend an excessive amount of time on their de- vices. G.It's reported that 60% of us don't come back from holiday feeling refreshed because we stay in contact with work and check our emails. 1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        答案     [语篇解读] 本文为说明文。文章介绍了nomophobia 的含义及症状。 1.F 过渡句。根据上文 The symptoms of nomophobia have a lot in common with smartphone addiction.和下文的代词 this 可知,此处指的应是 nomophobia 和 smart- phone addiction 的共同点,并且会造成后文中的消极影响。故选 F项。 2.E  主题句。根据本段标题You feel anxious when your phone battery gets low.可 知,这一段讲的是手机电池电量不足时人们的反应。故选 E项。 3.B 过渡句。根据后文的 Why? Because the world suddenly gets a lot more interest- ing when you're not head-down and you'll feel a lot more sociable.可知,此处讲的是摆 脱手机之后会给人们带来好处。故选B项。 4.A 主题句。根据后面的整个段落可知,这一段在探讨驾驶的时候看手机会危及 人们的安全。故选A项。 5.G  推断句。根据本段标题 You use your phone to check work updates while on holiday.和后文中的 checking work messages 可知,此处说的是度假的时候用手机查 看工作信息对人们心情的影响。故选 G项。 Passage 3 (2018湖南师大附中一模)   ▶ 说明文 Things You Can Do for the Ocean The ocean supports a global underwater circulation system of currents, which affects temperature and nutrient distribution.  1     . It's time for you to do something for the ocean. Be the best citizen of the ocean you can be by taking these simple steps today.   2     . The Monterey Bay Aquarium has made it easy to choose ocean-friendly seafood wher - ever you live or travel. You can visit their site to determine the pocket guide. And try to carry a reusable cup when travelling. More than 200 billion pounds of plastic is produced in the world every year and about 10% of it ends up in the ocean!   3     . You can also make your efforts to reduce the plastic waste by travelling with your own cup. Leave it better than you found it and reduce water pollution. Leave natural areas and beaches better than you found them.  4     , or get together with like-minded members of your community by participating in a local beach clean-up. Reduc - ing water pollution is also beneficial to protecting the ocean. There are simple things you can do to reduce water pollution locally and impact on water quality globally.   5     . You should correctly deal with dangerous materials. Moreover, you should use native plants and natural fertilizers, and be mindful when washing your vehicle. A.And this in turn affects ultimately human life B.The ocean pollution has been a serious problem C.Eat sustainable seafood and carry a reusable cup D.Bring a small bag and pick up the rubbish along the way E.You should not eat at the restaurants selling wild animals F.You should use poisonless household products whenever possible G.Refusing bottled water is an effective way to reduce the waste stream of plastic 1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        答案     [语篇解读] 本文作者针对如何保护海洋,减少海洋污染这一问题给出了自己的一 些建议。 1.A 推断句。空格前提到海洋的作用,空格后强调是时候为海洋做些事情了,由此 推断空格处可能强调海洋对人类很重要。故选A项(并且这些反过来会影响人类的 基本生活)。 2.C 主题句。这一段主要讲了吃可持续的海鲜和使用可重复使用的水杯的问 题。故选C项。 3.G  推断句。下文 You can also make your efforts to reduce the plastic waste by travelling with your own cup. 提到了减少使用塑料的方法 , 由此推断空格处内容为 G 项。 4.D 推断句。这里提到了清理海滩的活动,故选D项(带一个小包,沿途捡拾垃圾)。 5.F 推断句。You should correctly deal with dangerous materials. 你应该正确地处 理危险物品,由此推断上文可能提及使用无毒产品。故选F项。 Passage 4 (2018河北衡水中学模拟)   ▶ 记叙文 Success seems to find Maya Moore everywhere she goes. But life hasn't been a bed of roses for Maya and her biggest supporter, her mother.   1     Maya discovered her love of basketball in 1997, at the age of 8.That was the year the WNBA (Women's National Basketball Association) began holding games. The young girl watched WNBA star Cynthia Cooper play in the Olympics.   2     Three years later, her mother, Kathryn, was offered a better job in North Carolina. Kathryn decided to make the move from Missouri because North Carolina provided greater basketball opportunities. Sadly, in under two months the company downsized, and Kathryn lost her job. She remembers, “   3     ” Maya says the difficulties brought them closer, and she praises her mom, “She's more than a teammate. I know she's going to be on my side.” About a year later, they moved to Georgia, where Maya continued to play basketball. In high school, she had the opportunity to play basketball against some of the nation's best players.   4     Maya led her team to 125 victories and three state championships. During this time, she was named the national player of the year twice.   5     Maya and her mother approached the college decision like they did everything. With careful consideration, Maya chose the University of Connecticut. A.It was a bad time. B.It was really a competitive skill. C.The competition improved her skills. D.You can't succeed without too much payment. E.The path to success required a lot of hard work. F.Maya dreamed to compete in the Olympics one day. G.Universities invited her to join their teams. 1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        答案     [ 语篇解读 ]  本文为记叙文。文章主要讲述了成功似乎在 Maya Moore 去的任何地方 都能找到她。但对于 Maya 和她最大的支持者 —— 她的母亲来说 , 生活并不是一帆风顺的。 1.E  根据上文“ But life hasn't been a bed of roses for Maya and her biggest supporter, her mother.” 可知 , 对于玛雅和她最大的支持者 —— 她的母亲来说 , 生活并不是一帆风顺的。由此推断 , 通往成功的道路需要很多努力。故选 E 项。 2.F  根据上文“ The young girl watched WNBA star Cynthia Cooper play in the Olympics.” 这个年轻女孩看着 WNBA 明星辛西娅 · 库珀在奥运会上比赛 , 可推断玛雅梦想着有一天会参加奥运会比赛。故选 F 项。 3.A  根据下文“ Maya says the difficulties brought them closer” 玛雅说困难使她们更亲密 , 可推断选 A 项。 4.C  根据下文“ Maya led her team to 125 victories and three state championships.”( 玛雅带领她的球队取得了 125 场胜利和三场州锦标赛冠军 ) 可推断比赛提升了她的技能。故选 C 项。 5.G  根据下文“ Maya and her mother approached the college decision like they did every-thing.” 可推知大学邀请她加入它们的团队。故选 G 项。 Passage 5 (2019广东深圳二次调研)   ▶ 说明文 Learn to Cite Sources (引用资料) During your university education, you'll be exposed to ideas and scientific theories of scholars and scientists. Unavoidably, your own ideas will be shaped by the ideas you come across.  1     That means you should go beyond what you learn from your textbooks or in the library. Your original work is the basis for your professor's evaluation of your performance. Thus, academic honesty is fundamental in your university education. It demands that you cite the source materials you base your own work on.  2     Correctly citing your sources helps you distinguish your own ideas from those of other scholars.On the readers' side, it permits a reader to determine the depth of your research.  3     On the contrary, lack of citing will only raise your reader's doubt. So you need to learn when to cite and how to provide an adequate or accurate reference list. If you fail to cite your sources, whether deliberately or carelessly, you will be found responsible for plagiarism (抄袭).  4     If you are not sure, ask your professor for guidance before submitting the paper or report. Keep in mind this general rule:when in doubt, cite!  5     For example, students from East Asia may think that copying directly from sources is the proper way to do research. Students in France, preparing for the final examination, may be encouraged to memorize whole passages and copy them into papers. Those cultural differences can lead to false assumptions about academic expectations in the country you study in. A.Some university students may cheat in different ways. B.These include other scholars' ideas, figures, graphs and so on. C.The academic challenge you face is to make something original. D.Often, students want to use others' opinions to support their own essays. E.It also allows a reader to appreciate your original contribution to the research. F.For international students, it is important to know local academic expectations. G.Not knowing academic regulations is an unacceptable excuse for such behavior. 1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        答案     [语篇解读]本文为说明文。本文就如何引用资料给大学生们提出了一些建议。 1.C  根据下句“That means you should go beyond what you learn from your textbooks or in the library.”(那意味着你应该超越你从课本或在图书馆学到的东西。)可知本题需对“That”的具体内容进行推断。根据上文(在大学教育期间,你会接触到一些学者和科学家的思想和科学理论。你自己的思想不可避免地会受到你所遇到的思想的影响。)可推知C项(你在学术上所面临的挑战是如何原创一些东西。)中的“make something original”就是下句“That”的具体内容,故答案为C项。 2.B B项中的“These”指代上句中的“the source materials”,故答案为B 项。 3.E E项“It also allows a reader to appreciate your original contribution to the research.”与上文“it permits a reader to determine...”为“句式重现”现象, 故答案为E项。正确地引用资料可使读者确定你研究的深度,还能使读者领 略到你对该研究所做出的创新贡献。 4.G G项中的“such behavior”指的是上句中的fail to cite your sources,故答 案为G项。如果你没能够注明你的资料来源,无论是有意还是无意,都会被认 为是抄袭。不了解学术规定不可以作为这种行为的借口。 5.F 下两句中的“students from East Asia”和“Students in France”与F项 中的“international students”相对应,故答案为F项(对于国际生来说,了解当 地的学术期望是很重要的)。

