2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit2TheUnitedKingdom课后达标检测 人教版必修5

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2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit2TheUnitedKingdom课后达标检测 人教版必修5

Unit 2 The United Kingdom ‎(建议用时:35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2020·湖北武汉调研)In American countryside, the message we hear is this: Go and get an education. Leave your small town and make something of yourself. Success and opportunity are found elsewhere.‎ After graduating from a high school in Helena, Arkansas, I did go.‎ I went to Colby College in Maine. I had visited the school ahead of time, so I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew about the difference in weather. I understood the difference in social atmosphere. But I wanted to stretch myself and get out of my comfort zone. And you know what? I absolutely loved my time there. But one thing took me by surprise—the lack of countryside representation. Most of the other students at Colby were from big cities: New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco...And when I had conversations with these students—in or outside of class—we almost always focused on topics facing large American cities. In my education classes, it was always “urban this” and “urban that”.‎ It was like small town America didn’t exist.‎ And this urban interest doesn’t just happen in college. I went to an education conference a couple of years ago, and a professor—someone who had been at the forefront of educational reform—was there to deliver a keynote. I was chosen to be part of a small group that got to meet with him. So there we were, five or six of us sitting in a room, and I asked him, “What are your thoughts on the state of education in the countryside?” And this man was speechless.‎ I’ll never forget that moment. It speaks to a larger truth. Towns like mine are forgotten.‎ This trend of exporting talent and resources to our big cities—this mindset of leaving small towns and never coming back—I don’t want to add to that movement. I want to reverse that movement.‎ Now it’s my turn to help people younger than me. And you know what? I’m a sixth grade teacher in Helena now.‎ 8‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文作者通过自己的大学生活经历以及在一次教育会议上与一位教授进行交流的故事说明了美国的乡村正在逐渐被人遗忘的现象,作者也由此决定要帮助乡村中的年轻人。‎ ‎1.What do people in American countryside think of the future of the youth at home?‎ A.Secure.         B.Fragile.‎ C.Promising. D.Bright.‎ B 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Leave your small town and make something of yourself. Success and opportunity are found elsewhere.”可知,在美国的乡村,年轻人的就业前景并不稳定,成功和机会都在别处。故选B项。‎ ‎2.What did the author find in his college classroom?‎ A.Students chatted freely.‎ B.Countryside was ignored.‎ C.He was looked down upon.‎ D.Students concentrated on education.‎ B 解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的“And when I had conversations with these students...it was always ‘urban this’ and ‘urban that’.”和第四段“It was like small town America didn’t exist.”可知,作者在他的大学课堂中发现大家总是探讨与城市相关的问题,就好像乡村在美国不存在一样。也就是说,乡村被人们忽视了。故选B项。‎ ‎3.How would the author feel about the professor’s reaction?‎ A.It’s emotional. B.It’s natural.‎ C.It’s positive. D.It’s disappointing.‎ D 解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“I’ll never forget that moment. It speaks to a larger truth. Towns like mine are forgotten.”可知,作者在教授对于自己提出的有关乡村的问题无言以对时,意识到像自己家乡那样的乡村被人们遗忘了。由此可推知,作者对此感到失望。故选D项。‎ ‎4.What is the author doing now?‎ A.Teaching in a college.‎ B.Fighting for the movement.‎ C.Working with the professor.‎ D.Devoting himself to his hometown.‎ D 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“After graduating from a high school in Helena”可知,作者的家乡在海伦娜,再根据最后一段“Now it’s my turn to help people younger than me. And you know what? I’m a sixth grade teacher in Helena now.”可知,‎ 8‎ 作者现在在家乡教书,帮助家乡中的年轻人,为家乡做贡献。故选D项。‎ B ‎(2020·成都诊断)Can you trust your very first childhood memories? Maybe not, a new study suggests.‎ Past studies show that people’s earliest memories typically form around 3 to 3.5 years of age. But in a recent survey of more than 6,600 people, British scientists have found that 39 percent of participants claimed to have memories from age 2 or younger. “These first memories are likely false,” the researchers said. This was particularly the case for middleaged and older adults.‎ For the study, researchers asked participants to describe their first memory and the age at which it occurred. Participants were told they had to be sure the memory was the one that had happened. For example, it shouldn’t be based on a photograph, a family story or any source other than direct experiences. Then the researchers examined the content, language and descriptive details of these earliest memories and worked out the likely reasons why people would claim to have memories from an age when memories cannot form.‎ As many of these memories dated before the age of 2, this suggests they were not based on actual facts, but facts or knowledge about their babyhood or childhood from photographs or family stories. “Often these false memories are fired by a part of an early experience, such as family relationships or feeling sad,” the researchers explained.‎ ‎“We suggest that what a rememberer has in mind when recalling fictional early memories is...a mental representation consisting of remembered pieces of early experiences and some facts or knowledge about their own babyhood or childhood,” study author Shania Kantar said in a journal news release. “Additionally, further details may be unconsciously inferred or added. Such memorylike mental representations come, over time, to be collectively experienced when they come to mind, so for the individual, they quite simply are ‘memories’ which particularly point to babyhood.”‎ ‎“Importantly, the person remembering them doesn’t know this is fictional,” study coauthor Martin Conway said. “In fact, when people are told that their memories are false, they often don’t believe it.”‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,人最早的记忆一般始于三岁到三岁半。在调查了六千多名调查对象之后,研究人员声称那些两岁时或更早的记忆是有误的。‎ 8‎ ‎5.What can we learn from the recent study?‎ A.Memories form after the age of 3.‎ B.Participants are good at telling stories.‎ C.Adults are likely to form false memories.‎ D.Earliest memories may play a trick on us.‎ D 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句“‘These first memories are likely false,’ the researchers said.”可知,研究人员认为,这些人所认为的最初的记忆可能是错误的,并结合第四段、第五段分析的错误的最早记忆形成的原因可知D项正确。‎ ‎6.Which source did the researchers require for the earliest memories?‎ A.A direct experience. B.A family story.‎ C.A family photo. D.A sad feeling.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二、第三句“Participants were told they had to be sure the memory was the one that had happened. For example, it shouldn’t be based on a photograph, a family story or any source other than direct experiences.”可知,参与者被告知,他们必须确定记忆就是发生过的事;除了亲身经历,那件事不能基于一张照片、一个家庭故事或任何其他来源。故A项正确。‎ ‎7.What are these fictional early memories according to Kantar?‎ A.They are repeated mental representations.‎ B.They are a collection of early experiences.‎ C.They are a combination of both facts and fictions.‎ D.They are further details of remembered experiences.‎ C 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知,尽管这些回忆中许多发生在两岁之前,但是研究表明这些记忆不是基于事实,而是基于婴儿或儿童时期的照片或家庭故事;结合第五段中Kantar所说的话可知,Kantar认为人们所认为的最早的记忆结合了事实和虚构的成分,故C项正确。‎ ‎8.Which part of a newspaper is this text probably taken from?‎ A.Society. B.Psychology.‎ C.Technology. D.Health.‎ B 解析:文章出处题。根据第五段中的“We suggest that what a rememberer has in mind when recalling fictional early memories is...a mental representation consisting of remembered pieces of early experiences and some facts or knowledge about their own babyhood or childhood”可知,虚构的最早的记忆是一种心理现象;结合全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了一项关于最早记忆的研究,此项研究与心理学有关;据此可知,本文很可能摘自报纸的心理学版块,故B项正确。‎ 8‎ ‎【难句分析】 Then the researchers examined the content, language and descriptive details of these earliest memories and worked out the likely reasons why people would claim to have memories from an age when memories cannot form.‎ 分析:句中why people would claim to have memories from an age when memories cannot form为why引导的定语从句,修饰先行词reasons,引导词在从句中作原因状语;其中when memories cannot form为when引导的时间状语从句。‎ 译文:然后,研究人员检查了这些最早记忆的内容、语言和描述细节,并找出了人们声称拥有这些来自记忆无法形成的年龄的记忆的可能的原因。‎ Ⅱ.七选五 ‎(2020·石家庄一模)Three in five people in the UK hold a library card. For some, library is a shelter from the stresses of daytoday life. 1.________ If you’re considering joining your local library, now is the time to do so. And if you need any more encouragement, here are several reasons why you should.‎ Most libraries in the UK allow members of the general public to come and go as they like. 2.________ You can also take out a library card and borrow books for free, although you will inevitably face a fine for late returns.‎ ‎3.________ Imagine just how many books you have at your fingertips with a library card. There are lots of modern ones, as well as original ones, and you can continue to expand your learning and vocabulary all the time. It’s a priceless experience, especially for kids, and also a great way to level the educational playing field.‎ Libraries develop with times. They have changed greatly since decades ago. 4.________ Some libraries have apps so you can see when your books are due back and even reserve books in some cases. There are also libraries which let you access books in digital formats on your mobile device—pretty cool.‎ Libraries are one of very few spaces left in towns and cities where members of the public can come together and actually be and feel like a community. They have noticeboards to offer services like exercise classes or learning centers. 5.________‎ A.Libraries help people learn.‎ B.Libraries help educate the kids.‎ C.They create a great sense of community.‎ D.You can go in, settle down and read a book without being charged a penny.‎ E.Most libraries now have computers and allow people to borrow CDs and DVDs.‎ F.Libraries help us save money as we’re borrowing books rather than buying them.‎ 8‎ G.For others, particularly the homeless and people in poverty, library is a lifeline to the world.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。图书馆是人们减压的好场所,在那里人们还可以免费学习文化知识。‎ ‎1.G 解析:根据空前一句“For some, library is a shelter from the stresses of daytoday life.”可知,对一些人来说,图书馆是躲避日常生活压力的庇护所;据此可推知,空处应与此相对应,介绍其他人对图书馆的看法,故G项符合语境。‎ ‎2.D 解析:根据空后一句“You can also take out a library card and borrow books for free, although you will inevitably face a fine for late returns.”可知,你也可以拿出借书证免费借书,不过如果逾期还书,你将不可避免地面临罚款;据此可推知,空处应是介绍在图书馆免费读书的情况,故D项符合语境,衔接上下文。且D项中的“You can”与空后一句中的“You can also”呼应。‎ ‎3.A 解析:根据空处所在位置可知,空处为该段的主题句;结合对本段的整体理解,尤其是该段第三句“There are lots of modern ones, as well as original ones, and you can continue to expand your learning and vocabulary all the time.”可知,通过阅读,你可以拓展你的学习,扩大你的词汇量;据此可知,该段主要说明了图书馆可以帮助人学习,故A项正确。‎ ‎4.E 解析:根据本段的主题句“Libraries develop with times.”和空后的“Some libraries have apps”可知,空处应是介绍现如今的图书馆利用现代技术设备的情况,故E项与此处匹配。‎ ‎5.C 解析:根据该段第一句“Libraries are one of very few spaces left in towns and cities where members of the public can come together and actually be and feel like a community.”可知,图书馆能让公众聚集起来成为一个社区;结合空处位置可知,空处总结该段,即图书馆创造了一种社区意识,故C项正确。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎(2020·山西八校联考)Most of us are familiar with the “Silk Road”,a network of land trading routes which connected northwestern China to Europe since the Han Dynasty. With its recent 1.____________(popular), you may have heard of the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” as well, another network of land trading routes that connected China to various 2.____________(part) of Asia and Europe before sailing became common. Historically, the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” is no less 3.____________(value) than the “Silk Road”. And because of their respective locations(位置), sometimes the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” 4.____________(refer) to as the “Southern Silk Road”.‎ 8‎ The “Ancient Tea Horse Road” got its name as Chinese tea and horses were the main products 5.____________(buy) and sold along the route. Historians have traced the origins of the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” back to the Tang Dynasty, 6.____________ tea was being transported out of Yunnan to Beijing, Tibet, and other places. The “Ancient Tea Horse Road” was 7.____________(far) developed during the Song and Ming Dynasties, and remained 8.____________ busy trading route all year round until the Qing Dynasty.‎ The “Ancient Tea Horse Road” served 9.____________ not only a trading route, but also a bridge connecting different races—such as Han and the Tibetan people. It is located near the “Roof of the World”, and is where many minority groups are located, 10.____________(make) it a spot of many attractions.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了茶马古道的相关情况。‎ ‎1.popularity 解析:考查词性转换。空前是形容词,且形容词前是形容词性物主代词its,后面应接popular的名词形式。popularity“受欢迎”。‎ ‎2.parts 解析:考查名词复数。空前为various,故part“区域,地区”用复数,故填parts。‎ ‎3.valuable 解析:考查词性转换。根据空前的the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” is no less和空后的than可知,空处应填形容词。根据语境可知,此处表示茶马古道的重要性并不低于丝绸之路,故填valuable“很重要的”。‎ ‎4.is referred 解析:考查动词的时态和语态。此处描述的是现在的客观情况,应该用一般现在时,主语与refer to之间是被动关系,故要用被动语态。注意:refer的过去式和过去分词应双写r再加ed。‎ ‎5.bought 解析:考查非谓语动词。动词buy与前面的名词products构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故应用过去分词形式作后置定语,表示被动。注意:and后的sold也是暗示。‎ ‎6.when 解析:考查非限制性定语从句。when为关系副词,在此引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面表示时间的先行词the Tang Dynasty,并在从句中作时间状语。‎ ‎7.further 解析:考查副词的比较级。根据语境可知,此处说的是茶马古道的进一步发展情况,而far的比较级有两种形式:farther和further。在指距离的远近时,两者都可用,但是当用来表示“进一步”的意义时,只能用further。‎ ‎8.a 解析:考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处说的是直到清代为止,茶马古道都是一条全年繁忙的贸易路线。此处表泛指,又因busy的发音以辅音音素开头,故填不定冠词a。‎ ‎9.as 解析:考查介词。serve as sth.表示“可用作,可当……使”,故填介词as。as表示“作为”。‎ ‎10.making 解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,‎ 8‎ 此处的非谓语动词短语作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果,故用现在分词making。‎ 8‎

