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第四讲 │ 固定搭配 固定搭配包括固定词组搭配和语法题两种,随着“突出语篇”的命题原则,这类 题目越来越少。 [例 1] (2017·江苏高考)This 52.meant,of course,that he arrived at school early in the morning , 53.dragging his heavy instrument case across the campus to the 54.pitying looks of the non-musicians he had left __55__. 55.A.over B.aside C.behind D.out 答案 C [leave...behind 表示“把……抛在后面”,符合语境。故本题属于固定 搭配。] [ 例 2]   (2016· 江 苏 高 考 )And that’s when it __45__ me.I wasn’t doing anything 46.on__purpose to make myself better.And at that moment,I made the 47.decision: I will develop and follow a personal growth plan for my 48.life. 45.A.confused B.informed C.pleased D.hit 答案 D [库尔特的话使“我”突然醒悟。when it hit me “使我突然想起”,属 于固定搭配。] [例 3] (2016·江苏高考)We 51.recognized that Kurt wasn’t just trying to make a sale.He was offering a __52__ for us to change our lives and achieve our dreams. 52.A.tool B.method C.way D.rule 答案 C [句意:库尔特给我们提供了一种改变生活、实现梦想的途径。a way to do sth “做某件事的方法”,属于固定搭配。] 【技巧点拨】 1.不能利用语法知识进行判断,只有熟悉其意义和用法,才能迅速准确地做出判 断。做题时首先要通过上下文理解该句的意义,之后从搭配角度推选答案。 2.完形填空考查的搭配主要是由动词+介词、动词+副词、形容词+介词、介词 +名词等构成,这需要考生在平时的练习中注意词组、短语的整体记忆,掌握它 们的搭配规律。 3.有些短语含有多种意义,做题时要根据语境判断使用哪个含义。 A (2018· 全 国 卷 Ⅰ)During my second year at the city college , I was told that the education department was offering a“free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits.I __1__ the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn’t want to __2__ a few dollars? More than that, I’d always wanted to learn chess.And,even if I weren’t __3__ enough about free credits, news about our __4__ was appealing enough to me.He was an international grandmaster, which __5__ I would be learning from one of the game’s __6__.I could hardly wait to __7__ him. Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this __8__ was no game for him; he meant business.In his introduction, he made it __9__ that our credits would be hard-earned.In order to __10__ the class , among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to __11__ what we would learn in class to our future professions and,__12__, to our lives.I managed to get an A in that __13__ and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the __14__. Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I’m still putting to use what he __15__ me: “The absolute most important __16__ that you learn when you play chess is how to make good __17__.On every single move you have to __18__ a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and __19__ the best move from among all your options.” These words still ring true today in my __20__ as a journalist. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了我在大学时所选的课程对自己以 后的职业和生活起到了很重要的作用。 1.A.put forward B.jumped at C.tried out D.turned down 答案 B [我迫不及待地接受(jumped at)了参加这个课程学习的想法。put forward“提出”;try out“试验”;turn down“关小,拒绝”。] 2.A.waste B.earn C.save D.pay 答案 C [毕竟,谁不想节省(save)一些钱呢?waste“浪费,花费”;earn“挣, 赚得”;pay“付款”。] 3.A.excited B.worried C.moved D.tired 答案 A [即使我对免费学分不太激动(excited)。worried“担心的”;moved“感 动的”;tired“劳累的”。] 4.A.title B.competitor C.textbook D.instructor 答案 D [关于我们的讲师(instructor)的消息足够吸引我。title“标题,题目”; competitor“竞争者”;textbook“课本”。] 5.A.urged B.demanded C.held D.meant 答案 D [他是一位国际象棋大师,这意味(meant)着我能向象棋界最优秀的人 之一学习。urge“敦促”;demand“要求”;hold“举行”。] 6.A.fastest B.easiest C.best D.rarest 答案 C [参见上题解析。fastest“最快的”;easiest“最容易的”;best“最佳的”; rarest“最珍贵的”。] 7.A.interview B.meet C.challenge D.beat 答案 B [根据上文对这位国际象棋大师的描述可知,我迫不及待地想见到 (meet)他。interview“采访”;challenge“挑战”;beat“打击”。] 8.A.chance B.qualification C.honor D.job 答案 D [Maurice Ashley 是善良又聪明的人,这份工作(job)对他来说不是游戏。 chance“机会”;qualification“资格”;honor“荣誉”。] 9.A.real B.perfect C.clear D.possible 答案 C [在他的介绍里,他清楚地(clear)说明了我们的学分是必须经过努力才 能得到的。real“真的”;perfect“完美的”;possible“可能的”。] 10.A.attend B.pass C.skip D.observe 答案 B [为了通过(pass)这门课程,我们必须写一篇关于如何把课堂所学运用 到未来职业中的文章。attend“参加”;skip“跳过”;observe“观察”。] 11.A.add B.expose C.apply D.compare 答案 C [参见上题解析。add“添加”;expose“暴露,使面临”;apply“应用, 运用”;compare“比较”。] 12.A.eventually B.naturally C.directly D.normally 答案 A [并且最后(eventually)运用到我们的生活中。naturally“自然地”; directly“直接地”;normally“正常地”。] 13.A.game B.presentation C.course D.experiment 答案 C [我设法在那门课程(course)获得了 A。game“游戏”;presentation“授 予,表现”;experiment“实验”。] 14.A.criterion B.classroom C.department D.situation 答 案   B   [ 并 且 学 到 一 些 对 我 课 堂 (classroom) 之 外 的 生 活 有 用 的 知 识 。 criterion“标准”;department“部门”;situation“形势”。] 15.A.taught B.wrote C.questioned D.promised 答案 A [我仍然利用到他教(taught)我的东西。write“写”;question“提问”; promise“承诺”。] 16.A.fact B.step C.manner D.skill 答案 D [当你下象棋时,你学到的最重要的技能(skill)是如何作出好决定。 fact“事实”;step“步骤”;manner“方式”。] 17.A.grades B.decisions C.impressions D.comments 答案 B [参见上题解析。grade“分数”;decision“决定”;impression“印象”; comment“评论”。] 18.A.analyze B.describe C.rebuild D.control 答案 A [每一步你不得不分析(analyze)情况。describe“描述”;rebuild“重建”; control“控制”。] 19.A.announce B.signal C.block D.evaluate 答案 D [在所有选择中评估(evaluate)出最好的选择。announce“宣布”; signal“发信号”;block“阻止,限制”。] 20.A.role B.desire C.concern D.behavior 答案 A [我作为记者这一角色(role),这些话今天听起来仍然是真实的。 desire“欲望”;concern“关心”;behavior“行为”。] B (2018·苏北四市高三第一次调研) My mother has always been involved in early-childhood education.She often set the scene for children to __1__ the joy of physical activity , getting them excited and __2__ to learn. Mum was so proud of me after I __3__ the triathlon at the 2000 Olympics,but before the dust __4__,she grabbed me,saying: “Now this is your __5__.Use it.” She wasn’t speaking from an economic point of view but talking about the __6__ of my being a role model,encouraging kids to __7__ their dreams. Since the Olympics , I have __8__ more than 100 schools.I talk to the kids about “living a life less __9__,” a concept passed on to me by my parents—the idea of __10__ being average.I tell them that what you believe,you will __11__. As I was a kid,my mother came to every __12__—not to pressure me but to __13__ me.One of my favorite sports-related memories was when I was __14__ in the Canadian Triathlon Championships.As I ran by a big truck,I saw my mother __15__ on top of one of its huge wheels,cheering for me.I find it sad when people say their parents have never seen them __16__. When I was at the University,I completed only one semester and then decided to __17__ so I could race professionally fulltime.Mum was the first person I called.It was a__18__ moment.I wasn’t sure how she would react. “Mum , I have this opportunity , and I think I’m going to take it.What do you think?” She was as __19__ as ever.It turned out to be a good __20__.Supporting your children, trusting their decisions , giving well-thought-out advice—those are definitely important qualities. 1.A.experience B.evaluate C.express D.expect 答案 A [“使孩子体会活动的乐趣”,experience 指体验、经历。] 2.A.afraid B.ready C.relaxed D.reluctant 答案 B [ready to learn 准备好学习,A 恐惧,D 不情愿的,与上文妈妈营造的 学习氛围相矛盾,C 放松的,与原文相关性小。] 3.A.won B.chose C.played D.watched 答案 A [“赢得了 2000 年三项全能运动的比赛”,赢得比赛使母亲骄傲,故选 A。] 4.A.rose B.settled C.flew D.appeared 答案 B [dust settle,待形势明朗,尘埃落定,文中指成绩公布之前。] 5.A.luck B.time C.crossroad D.opportunity 答案 D [“这是你的机会,好好利用”。luck 幸运,不合题意,crossroad 十字 路口,并非作抉择,不合题意,time 时间,不合题意。] 6.A.demand B.happiness C.courage D.importance 答案 D [“谈论我成为一个榜样人物的重要性”,其余选项不符合文意。] 7.A.display B.follow C.appreciate D.abandon 答案 B [follow their dreams 追寻他们的梦想。] 8.A.served B.attended C.visited D.started 答案 C [根据下文“I told the kids...”可知“我”参观走访了 100 多所学校。] 9.A.energetic B.colorful C.miserable D.ordinary 答案 D [ordinary 平凡,普通。“living a life less ordinary”意为拒绝平庸的生 活。] 10.A.never B.always C.seldom D.usually 答案 A [The idea of never being average,与上文的拒绝平庸相对应,意为“永 不甘于平凡”。] 11.A.neglect B.achieve C.suspect D.assume 答案 B [“我告诉他们相信什么,就会得到什么。”] 12.A.practice B.school C.game D.kindergarten 答案 C [game 比赛,后文 in the Canadian Triathlon Championships 可以看 出。] 13.A.support B.reward C.instruct D.comfort 答案 A [support 支持,后文“cheering for me”可以看出。] 14.A.surfing B.jumping C.jogging D.running 答案 D [后文“as I ran by a big truck”可以看出。] 15.A.sitting B.speaking C.standing D.performing 答案 C [我看到我妈妈站在大卡车上面(这里表示顺着车轮胎看到了我妈妈), 为我加油!“站在大卡车上”用 stand。] 16.A.compete B.succeed C.separate D.compromise 答案 A [compete 比赛,“当人们说他们的父母从不看他们的比赛我觉得这很 难过。”] 17.A.drop in B.drop off C.drop out D.drop back 答案 C [后文“so I could race professionally full time”可以看出,我为了有足够 的专业训练时间想要退学 drop out。drop in“顺便访问”;drop off“打盹儿”;drop back“后退,落后”。] 18.A.magic B.nervous C.critical D.serious 答案 B [nervous 令人感到焦虑的,“I wasn’t sure how she would react”我不知 道她会作何反应,所以有些忧虑。] 19.A.attractive B.talkative C.imaginative D.supportive 答案 D [supportive 支持的。母亲像往常一样支持我。综合上文可以看出一直 以来母亲都支持着我的训练与比赛。] 20.A.consideration B.intention C.suggestion D.decision 答案 D [“it turned out to be a good decision”这是一个很好的决定。后文 “Supporting your children...”以及上文中母亲的支持可以体现,支持自己的孩子是 一个很棒的决定。] A (2018·天津高考)No one is born a winner.People make themselves into winners by their own __1__. I learned this lesson from a(n) __2__ many years ago.I took the head __3__ job at a school in Baxley, Georgia.It was a small school with a weak football program. It was a tradition for the school’s old team to play against the __4__ team at the end of spring practice.The old team had no coach, and they didn’t even practice to __5__ the game.Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated.I couldn’t __6__ I had got into such a situation.Thinking hard about it, I came to __7__ that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were __8__ me.I had to change my __9__ about their ability and potential. I started doing anything I could to help them build a little __10__.Most important, I began to treat them like __11__.That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their __12__, we met every day and __13__ passing and kicking the football. Six months after suffering our __14__ on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to __15__.Finally, we faced the number one team in the state.I felt that it would be a __16__ for us even if we lost the game.But that wasn’t what happened.My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest __17__ of my life! From the experience I learned a lot about how the attitude of the leader can __18__ the members of a team.Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and __19__ them.I helped them to see themselves __20__ , and they built themselves into winners. Winners are made, not born. 【语篇解读】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者执教的校足球队输掉了比赛,但 是作者没有气馁,而是给球员勇气和信心,终于球队获得了令人骄傲的成绩。作 者也由此意识到,胜利者不是天生的,他们是靠自己的努力来获得成功的。 1.A.luck B.tests C.efforts D.nature 答案 C [上文说谁也不是天生就是赢家,人们通过自己的努力成为胜利者,因 此这里选 C 表示“努力”。] 2.A.experiment B.experience C.visit D.show 答案 B [本空是对下文内容的总结,需要根据下文内容才能得出答案。下文讲 述作者多年前当足球教练的一段经历,因此选 B 表示“经历”。] 3.A.operating B.editing C.consulting D.coaching 答案 D [从下文的“Being the coach of the new team”可知,作者在这支足球队当 主教练,因此选 D。] 4.A.successful B.excellent C.strong D.new 答案 D [语境提到“the school’s old team”和“the coach of the new team”,因此 本空选 D,在每年春季训练结束的时候,学校的老足球队都要与新足球队进行比 赛。] 5.A.cheer for B.prepare for C.help with D.finish with 答案 B [老足球队没有教练,甚至没有为了准备比赛而进行训练。由此可判断, 这里用 prepare for 表示“为……做准备”。] 6.A.believe B.agree C.describe D.regret 答案 A [语境表示作者难以接受这样的结局,对手没有教练,没有备战,但是 他们却打败了作者当教练的这支新足球队,这让作者难以相信。故选 A。] 7.A.realize B.claim C.permit D.demand 答案 A [语境表示的是作者经过思考之后的认识,因此选 A 表示“认识 到”。] 8.A.reacting to B.looking for C.depending on D.caring about 答案 C [语境提到作者是这支新足球队的教练,因此选 C,表示这支球队就指 望作者了。] 9.A.decision B.attitude C.conclusion D.intention 答案 B [根据文中的 I、change、their ability and potential 等信息词判断,这里 表示作者要改变自己对队员的能力和潜能的态度(attitude)。] 10.A.pride B.culture C.fortune D.relationship 答案 A [面对队员的失败,作者决定要改变对队员的能力和潜能的态度,因此 这里表示作者尽一切努力帮助队员建立自尊心(pride)。] 11.A.leaders B.partners C.winners D.learners 答案 C [从上文可知,作者执教的足球队在比赛中输了,作者要帮助队员建立 自尊心,因此这里表示作者将队员当成胜利者来对待,因此选 C。leader“领导 者”;partner“合伙人”;learner“学习者”。] 12.A.rewards B.vacations C.health D.honor 答案 B [前面提到春季训练比赛,这里说的是到了夏季,因此选 B 表示当其 他队的队员们享受他们的假期(vacations)时。] 13.A.risked B.missed C.considered D.practiced 答案 D [与其他足球队不同的是,到了暑假,作者执教的足球队每天都要集合, 然后训练(practiced)传球和踢球,因此选 D。] 14.A.defeat B.decline C.accident D.mistake 答案 A [这里说的是上文提到的在春季训练结束时作者执教的新足球队与老 足球队比赛时输了这件事,因此选 A 表示“失败”。] 15.A.relax B.improve C.expand D.defend 答案 B [语境说作者执教的这支足球队赢得一场接一场的比赛,球技在不断提 高,因此选 B 表示“改进”。relax“放松,松懈”,expand“扩大,扩展”, defend“保卫”,都不符合语境。] 16.A.shame B.burden C.victory D.favor 答案 C [作者带领这支曾经在春季训练比赛中输了的足球队,一路披荆斩棘, 最后要与全州最好的足球队比赛。因此此处表示即使他们输掉了这场比赛,对于 他们来说也是一种胜利(victory)。] 17.A.chances B.thrills C.concerns D.offers 答案 B [作者执教的这支足球队打败了佐治亚州最好的足球队,作者感到很激 动(thrills)。] 18.A.surprise B.serve C.interest D.affect 答案 D [语境表示一个团队的领导者的态度能够影响(affect)团队的每个成 员。] 19.A.encouraged B.observed C.protected D.impressed 答案 A [这里说的是作者执教的足球队在春季训练比赛中输了之后,作者没有 把自己的队员看作失败者,而是不断地鼓励(encouraged)他们。] 20.A.honestly B.individually C.calmly D.differently 答案 D [从上文可知,作者执教的足球队在春季训练比赛中输了,但作者帮助 队员建立自尊心,鼓励他们,并把他们当成胜利者来对待,即帮助他们从不同的 角度来看待自己,因此选 D 表示“不一样地”。] B I may be a bit old school but I think that people who store all of their pictures on their smart phones are missing out on something.There is __1__ like seeing a loved one’s smiling face looking down on you from a picture frame on your wall.It is both __2__ and assuring,almost like they are watching __3__ you while you work at your desk. As I work at my own desk I can see my Mom’s picture smiling down on me.She left us too soon.She was only 55 years old when cancer __4__ her.If one’s years here were __5__ on merit then she should have lived to be over 100.My Dad’s kind smile is __6__ hers.It has only been a few years since he passed.Sometimes I still __7__ the telephone wanting to call him and tell him something that has just happened to me only to remember that he is gone.My Nana’s picture is there too,__8__ the 90 years young sign at her birthday party 16 years ago.How I wish I __9__ walk into her kitchen again,have a talk,and __10__ a big slice of homemade Italian bread with her. Sometimes looking at these pictures gives me a __11__ of sadness.I still miss them all and I don’t feel __12__ to be the oldest generation yet.Most of the time,__13__,I only feel the warmth and joy that comes from a million loving memories __14__ these pictures bring back.It makes me feel __15__ knowing that I had them all in my life for the years that I did.It makes me want to follow their loving example __16__ in my own life as well. A lot of people say that you have to have a __17__ heart to get through life.Others say a soft heart is better.I myself think that a strong heart is best.We need a heart that loves through the __18__.We need a heart that keeps loving __19__ when we lose the people we love the most. We need a heart that knows that “Anyone who lives in love lives in God,and God lives in him.” May your heart be strong then.May your love __20__ from your pictures and from your life. 【语篇解读】 文章主要通过家人的照片阐述了生活中最重要的是拥有坚强的 心的道理。 1.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing 答案 D [依照所在的句子的意思:再没有比看着他们的笑容让人觉得舒服安心, 故此处应该使用 nothing 一词适合。] 2.A.confusing B.disgusting C.comforting D.frustrating 答案 C [依照前一句的意思以及后面的词“assuring”可知此处表示的是“舒服 安心”与选项中的“comforting”意义一致,故选 C 正确。A 项表示“令人困惑 的”;B 项是“令人呕心的”;D 项表示“令人沮丧的”。] 3.A.out B.over C.for D.on 答案 B [此处考查的是与 watch 搭配的介词,watch over 表示“看着”之意, watch out“小心,留神”;watch for“观察,等待”;watch on“在值班”。故 B 项 正确。] 4.A.claimed B.eliminated C.sacrificed D.took 答案 D [依照句意:她走得太早,55 岁那年因癌症去世,此处表示的是“去 世”之意,故 D 项“take”可表示“拿走”之意,与文章意思相符。A 项应该是“claim one’s life”;B 项表示的是“去除”;C 项是“牺牲”之意,均不符合。] 5.A.based B.dependent C.keen D.reliable 答案 A [空格处句子的意思为:假使以一个人的美德来决定她的寿命的话,那 她肯定能活到 100 岁。此处构成短语“be based on”表示“基于……”;B 项“依靠 的”;C 项是“热情的”;D 项是“可信赖的”,故 A 正确。] 6.A.second to B.next to C.related to D.inferior to 答案 B [空格处的句子意思为:有着父亲慈祥笑容的照片就排在母亲照片的旁 边,故此处表示是“在……旁边”,故 B 项正确。A 项是“仅次于”;C 项是 “与……相关”;D 项表示的是“逊于……”。] 7.A.put up B.pick up C.bring up D.hang up 答案 B [此处表示的是“拿起电话”,故 B 项适合。A 项表示“举起,张贴”; C 项是“抚养”之意;D 项表示“挂断,耽搁”之意。] 8.A.celebrating B.catching C.compiling D.holding 答案 D [空格处的句子意思为:我奶奶的照片也在墙上,那张照片拍摄于 16 年前,是她 90 岁大寿聚会照片,故此处表示的是“举办聚会”,故 D 项正确。A 项表示“庆祝”,其后的宾语不对;B 项是“抓住”之意;C 项表示“编辑,编 制”之意。] 9.A.could B.shall C.might D.should 答案 A [此处表示的:我多想再走进她的厨房,和她聊聊天,一起分一块自制 的意大利面包吃。考查的是“I wish”的虚拟语气的用法,依照句意 A 项适合。] 10.A.share B.prepare C.bake D.purchase 答案 A [根据上一题可知,此处的答案应该是 A 项,表示“分享”之意。B 项是“准备”;C 项是“烤焙”之意;D 项是“购买”之意。] 11.A.ratio B.emotion C.logic D.touch 答案 D [空格处句意为:有时候看着这些照片让我忧伤难过。A 项是“比例, 比率”;B 项是“情感”;C 项是“逻辑”。] 12.A.satisfied B.ready C.happy D.thrilled 答案 B [空格处句意为:我依然思念着他们,我还没有准备好成为家庭中最年 老的一代。A 项是“满意的”;B 项是“准备好的”;C 项是“高兴的”;D 项是“兴 奋的”,故 B 项适合。] 13.A.but B.therefore C.though D.instead 答案 C [此处的句意为:但是大部分的时间这些照片带给我的是无尽的爱的回 忆,让我感到温暖美好。此处表示的转折之意,故 C 项正确。A 项在词语位置 上不适合;B 项表示因果关系;D 项表示“相反”之意。] 14.A.that B.what C.where D.when 答案 A [此处考查的是定语从句,依照前一句的句意,先行词为 memories, 故需要用关系代词 that。] 15.A.graceful B.blessed C.cheerful D.despaired 答案 B [空格处的句意为:他们在我生命中的出现让我感到幸福。A 项表示“体 面的”;B 项是“受祝福的”;C 项是“高兴的,欢呼的”;D 项是“绝望的”之 意,故 B 项适合。] 16.A.purposely B.naturally C.desperately D.frequently 答案 C [空格处的句意为:他们是爱的楷模,让我在自己的生活中极力学习效 仿。A 项表示的是“故意地”;B 项是“自然地”之意;C 项是“拼命地”;D 项 是“频繁地”,故 C 项适合。] 17.A.rigid B.solid C.tough D.stubborn 答案 C [空格处的句意为:很多人都说度过一生需要一颗坚强的心,另一些人 认为内心要柔软才好。对应后面句子中的 soft 一词可知选 C 适合。A 项表示的 是“严格的,僵硬的”;B 项是“固定的”;C 项表示“艰苦的,坚强的”;D 项 是“固执的”之意。] 18.A.harvest B.future C.pain D.happiness 答案 C [空格处表示的意思为:我觉得一颗坚强的心是最好的,我们在痛苦中 需要爱,哪怕失去挚爱也继续把爱传承。故此处表示的是“坚强的心是在历经痛 苦之后”,故 C 项正确。A 项表示“收获”;B 项是“未来”;C 项是“痛苦”;D 项是“幸福”之意。] 19.A.since B.even C.ever D.only 答案 B [依据上一题可知,此处表示的是“哪怕失去挚爱也继续把爱传承”之 意,故 B 项正确。] 20.A.spread B.grant C.ripen D.shine 答案 D [依据文章的主要内容可知,作者“愿你拥有一颗坚强之心,愿你所爱 之人,不光在照片中,还在你的生活中永存生辉。”A 项是“传播”之意;B 项 是“授予,允许”;C 项是“成熟”;D 项为“闪耀”,适合语境。] A (2016·上海高考)In the 1960s,Douglas McGregor,one of the key thinkers in the art of management,developed the now famous Theory X and Theory Y.Theory X is the idea that people instinctively __1__ work and will do anything to avoid it.Theory Y is the view that everyone has the potential to find satisfaction in work. In any case,despite so much evidence to the __2__,many managers still agree to Theory X.They believe,__3__,that their employees need constant supervision if they are to work effectively , or that decisions must be imposed from __4__ without consultation.This,of course,makes for authoritarian (专制的) managers. Different cultures have different ways of __5__ people.Unlike authoritarian management,some cultures,particularly in Asia,are well known for the consultative nature of decision-making—all members of the department or work group are asked to __6__ to this process.This is management by the collective opinion.Many western companies have tried to imitate such Asian ways of doing things,which are based on general __7__.Some experts say that women will become more effective managers than men because they have the power to reach common goals in a way that traditional __8__ managers cannot. A recent trend has been to encourage employees to use their own initiative,to make decisions on their own without __9__ managers first.This empowerment (授权) has been part of the trend towards downsizing:__10__ the number of management layers in companies.After de-layering in this way,a company may be __11__ with just a top level of senior managers,front-line managers and employees with direct contact with the public.Empowerment takes the idea of delegation (委托) much further than has __12__ been the case.Empowerment and delegation mean new forms of management control to __13__ that the overall business plan is being followed,and that operations become more profitable under the new organization,rather than less. Another trend is off-site or __14__ management,where teams of people linked by e-mail and the Internet work on projects from their own houses.Project managers evaluate the __15__ of the team members in terms of what they produce for projects, rather than the amount of time they spend on them. 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,介绍了现代社会中一种新型管理理论——授权管 理及其作用。 1.A.desire B.seek C.lose D.dislike 答案 D [根据后半句“...will do anything to avoid it”可知人们本能上不喜欢工作, 他们为逃避工作可以做任何事情。故 D 项正确。] 2.A.contrary B.expectation C.degree D.extreme 答案 A [to the contrary 相反的;to the degree 在某种程度上;to the extreme 走 向极端。此处是说,无论如何,尽管很多证据与这个理论相反,很多管理人仍然 同意 X 理论。故 A 项正确。] 3.A.vice versa B.for example C.however D.otherwise 答案 B [由后面的例子他们认为如果要员工效率高,就需要给予他们不断的监 督可知,此处是举例说明。故 B 项正确。] 4.A.outside B.inside C.below D.above 答案 D [根据后句可知,此处是说,他们的决定是自上而下的,没有任何商量 的余地。故 D 项“above 上面的”正确。] 5.A.replacing B.assessing C.managing D.encouraging 答案 C [根据前段可知本文讨论的是管理学的理论,此处是说,不同的文化中 有不同的管理人的方法。故 C 项正确。] 6.A.refer B.contribute C.object D.apply 答案 B [refer to 提到,谈到;contribute to 做贡献,导致;object to 反对;apply to 适用于。此处是说,亚洲人使用的是协商式的管理方法,所有人都被要求对管 理的过程作出自己的贡献。故 B 项正确。] 7.A.agreement B.practice C.election D.impression 答案 A [agreement 同意;practice 练习,做法;election 选举;impression 印象。 此处是说,亚洲人使用协商式的管理方法,这种方法是建立在共同协商的基础上 的,西方人也想模仿这样的管理方法。故 A 项正确。] 8.A.bossy B.experienced C.western D.male 答案 D [根据前半句“...women will become more effective managers than men...” 可知有些专家认为女性比男性管理更高效,因为女性更有亲和力,比男性管理人 更容易与别人达成一致的目标。故 D 项正确。] 9.A.asking B.training C.warning D.firing 答案 A [根据前句“...encourage employees to use their own initiative...”(鼓励员工 使用自己的首创精神),也就是说在作出决定的时候不用先请示上级经理。故 A 项正确。] 10.A.doubling B.maintaining C.reducing D.estimating 答案 C [根据“the trend towards downsizing”(缩小规模的趋势)可知,也就是要 减少管理层的数量,可以直接作出决定而不需要请示上级,故动词 reduce“减少” 符合语境。] 11.A.honored B.left C.crowded D.compared 答案 B [be honored with 被授予;be left with 留下,剩下;be crowded with 挤 满;be compared with 与……相比。通过这种方法,公司只剩下高层管理者和与 公众直接联系的一线管理人,省略了很多中间环节,提高了管理的成效。故 B 项正确。] 12.A.economically B.traditionally C.inadequately D.occasionally 答案 B [economically 经济地;traditionally 传统地;inadequately 不充分地; occasionally 偶尔地。根据后句 Empowerment and delegation mean new forms of management control 可知授权管理是一种新型的管理方法,与传统的管理模式不 一样。故 B 项正确。] 13.A.deny B.admit C.assume D.ensure 答案 D [deny 否认;admit 承认;assume 假定,设想;ensure 保证,确保。授 权管理是一种新型的管理方法,省略了中央管理环节,保证了整个商业计划被采 用。根据句意可知 D 正确。] 14.A.virtual B.ineffective C.day-to-day D.on-the-scene 答案 A [virtual 虚拟的;ineffective 无效果的,低效率的;day-to-day 日常的; on-the-scene 现场的。根据后句 where teams of people linked by e-mail and the Internet work on projects from their own houses 可知,在这种新型的管理方法中, 人们都是通过邮件和网络联系,说明这是一种新型通过虚拟网络进行管理的方法。 故 A 项正确。] 15.A.opinion B.risk C.performance D.attractiveness 答案 C [opinion 观点;risk 冒险;performance 表现;attractiveness 魅力。根据 后半句“in terms of what they produce for projects,rather than the amount of time they spend on them”可知我们评价员工的表现是根据他们的产品,而不是他们的 工作时间。故 C 项正确。] B (2018· 江苏省南京市学情调研) The Beginning of Drama There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece.The one most widely accepted today is based on the __1__ that drama evolved from ritual(宗 教仪式).The argument for this view goes as follows.In the beginning,human beings __2__ the natural forces of the world—even the seasonal changes—as unpredictable, and they sought through various means to __3__ these unknown and feared powers.Those measures which appeared to __4__ the desired results were then kept and repeated until they changed into __5__ rituals. __6__ stories arose which explained or masked the mysteries of the rituals.As times passed,some rituals were __7__,but the stories,later called myths,continued to exist and provided material for art and drama. Those who believed that drama evolved out of ritual also argue that those rituals contained the __8__ of theatre because music,dance,masks,and __9__ were almost always used.__10__,a suitable site had to be provided for performances and __11__ the entire community did not participate ,a(n) __12__ division was usually made between the “area of acting and the theatre in which an audience sits ”.Besides,there were performers , and , since considerable importance was __13__ to avoiding mistakes in the practice of rituals,religious leaders usually __14__ that task.Wearing masks and costumes,they often imitated (模仿) other people,animals,or supernatural beings,and mimed (用哑剧表演出) the __15__ effect—success in hunt or battle,the coming rain,the revival of the Sun—__16__ an actor might.Eventually such dramatic representations were separated from __17__ activities. Another theory traces the theater’s origin from the human interest in __18__.According to this view,tales about the hunt,war or other things are told and gradually spread.__19__ through the use of action and dialogue by a narrator and then through the assumption of each of the roles by a different person.A closely related theory traces theater to those dances that are primarily gymnastic or that are __20__ of animal movements and sounds. 【语篇解读】 文章介绍了关于古希腊戏剧的起源。 1.A.background B.assumption C.evidence D.theory 答案 B [background “背景”;assumption “假定,假设”;evidence “证据”; theory “理论”。句意:关于古希腊戏剧的开始有许多理论。其中一个最普遍为 人接受的假设认为戏剧是从宗教仪式演化而来。故选 B。] 2.A.viewed B.employed C.imagined D.dismissed 答案 A [view “考虑,认为”;employ “雇佣”;imagine “想象”;dismiss “解 散,解雇”。句意:人类认为世界的自然力量,甚至季节性变化,是不可预测的, 他们试图通过各种方式去控制这些未知的、令人恐惧的力量。故选 A。] 3.A.take B.possess C.guarantee D.control 答案 D [take “拿,占”;possess “拥有”;guarantee “保证”;control “控制”。 参看上一题解析。故选 D。] 4.A.start B.show C.bring D.continue 答案 C [start “开始”;show “展示”;bring “带来”;continue “继续”。句 意:这些措施似乎带来了预期的效果,然后得到不断重复,直到它们变成了固定 的仪式。故选 C。] 5.A.usual B.direct C.convincing D.fixed 答案 D [usual “通常,经常”;direct “径直的”;convincing “令人信服的, 有说服力的”;fixed “固定的”。参看上一题解析。故选 D。] 6.A.Apparently B.Actually C.Eventually D.Naturally 答案 C [apparently “明显的”;actually “事实上”;eventually “最后地”; naturally “自然地”。句意:最后解释或掩盖神秘的仪式的故事出现了。故选 C。] 7.A.spread B.abandoned C.followed D.celebrated 答案 B [spread “传播”;abandon “放弃”;follow “跟着”;celebrate “庆祝”。 句意:随着时间的流逝,一些仪式被抛弃,但这些故事,后来被称为神话,继续 存在,并给艺术和戏剧提供了材料。故选 B。] 8.A.seed B.content C.myth D.history 答案 A [seed “种子”;content “内容”;myth “神话,虚构的人”;history “历史”。句意:那些认为戏剧从仪式演化而来的人还认为,这些仪式包含了戏 剧的萌芽,因为使用了音乐、舞蹈、面具和服装。故选 A。] 9.A.costumes B.routines C.instructions D.performances 答案 A [costume “服装”;routine “程序,日常工作”;instruction “指令, 命令”;performance “表现,表演”。参看上一题解析。故选 A。] 10.A.As a result B.In fact C.On the contrary D.In addition 答案 D [as a result “因此”;in fact “事实上”;on the contrary “相反”;in addition “另外”。根据下文“besides”提示可知,此处表示递进。故选 D。] 11.A.when B.although C.unless D.while 答案 A [句意:此外,必须为演出提供一个合适的场地。如果不是所有人共同 参与,在表演的舞台与观众就坐的地区之间有一个明显的分界线。when “如果” 引导条件状语从句,例如 How can I get a job when I can’t even read or write?如果 我连读和写都不会,我怎么找到工作?符合语境。故选 A。] 12.A.deep B.equal C.clear D.extra 答案 C [deep “深的”;equal “平等的”;clear “清楚的”;extra “额外的”。 参看上一题解析。故选 C。] 13.A.attached B.related C.committed D.tied 答 案   A   [be attached to “ 附 属 于 ”; be related to “ 与 …… 有 联 系 ”; be committed to “献身于,致力于”;be tied to “束缚于,捆绑于”。句意:此外, 还有演员,而且因为避免在仪式出错相当重要。] 14.A.put up B.took up C.took on D.put on 答案 C [句意:宗教领袖通常承担那项任务。put up“张贴”;took up“占空间, 举起”;took on 呈现,承担”;put on “穿上”。根据句意选 C。] 15.A.unexpected B.unpredicted C.prepared D.desired 答案 D [unexpected “意外的”;unpredicted “未预测到的”;prepared “准备 好的”;desired “渴望的,想得到的”。句意:戴着面具,穿着各种服装,他们 经常模仿其他人、物、或超自然的生灵,还用动作表演来表现出想要得到的效果 ——打猎或战斗的胜利,即将到来的雨,太阳的升起——就像演员做得一样。故 选 D。] 16.A.whenever B.as C.whatever D.so 答案 B [whenever “无论什么时候”;as “像……一样”;whatever “无论什 么”;so “因此”。参看上一题解析。故选 B。] 17.A.social B.political C.economic D.religious 答案 D [social “社会的,社会上的,交际的,社交的”;political “政治的”; economic “经济的”;religious “宗教的”。根据上文提示可知,后来,这种戏剧 性的表演与宗教活动分离了。故选 D。] 18.A.accounts B.story-telling C.descriptions D.drama-writing 答案 B [account “账,账目,存款,记录”;story-telling “讲故事”;description “描述”;drama-writing “写戏剧”。根据下一句话中“tales about the hunt,war or other things are told”提示可知,另一种理论认为,戏剧的起源来自人类对讲故事 的兴趣。故选 B。] 19.A.at that time B.at a time C.at first D.at once 答案 C [at that time “在那时”;at a time “一次”;at first “首先,开始时, 起初”;at once “立刻”。根据本句中“then”提示可知,首先,讲述者通过动作和 语言,然后……。故选 C。] 20.A.imitations B.creatures C.presentations D.exhibitions 答案 A [imitation “模仿”;creature “生物”;presentation “呈现,表现,展 示”;exhibition “展览”。句意:另一个与之紧密相关的理论认为戏剧追溯到那 些主要是体操或是模仿动物动作和声音的舞蹈上。故选 A。] A (2015·广东高考)How long can human beings live? Most scientists who study old age think that the human body is __1__ to live no longer than 120 years.However,110 years is probably the longest that anyone could hope to live—if he or she is __2__ healthy and lucky.Some scientists even say we can live as long as 130 years! Yet,our cells simply cannot continue to reproduce __3__.They wear out,and as a result,we get old and __4__ die. Even though we can’t live forever,we are living a __5__ life than ever before.In 1900, the average American life span (寿命) was only 47 years,but today it is 75 years! When does old age begin then? Sixty-five may be out-of-date as the __6__ line between middle age and old age.After all , many older people don’t begin to experience physical and mental __7__ until after age 75. People are living longer because more people __8__ childhood.Before modern medicine changed the laws of nature , many children died of common childhood __9__.Now that the chances of dying __10__ are much lower,the chances of living long are much higher due to better diets and health care. On the whole,our population is getting older.The __11__ in our population will have lasting effects on our social development and our way of life.Some people fear such changes will be for the worse,while some see __12__,not disaster,many men and women in their “golden years” are healthy,still active,and young in __13__ if not in age. As the society grows old,we need the __14__ of our older citizens.With long lives ahead of them,they need to __15__ active and devoted. 【语篇解读】 这篇短文讲述的是人的寿命是有限的,但是随着社会的发展,生 活水平的提高,人们的寿命比以前更长了,而且老龄化已经成为了社会的一个趋 势。我们的社会需要这些老年人们继续保持积极的心态,为社会做贡献。 1.A.designed B.selected C.improved D.discovered 答案 A [句意:大多数研究年龄的科学家们认为人体被设计的不会活过 120 岁。 design 设计;select 选择,挑选;improve 提高,改善;discover 发现。根据句意 可知,科学家们认为人体的结构设计决定了人类最多不会活过 120 岁,故应选 A。] 2.A.completely B.generally C.apparently D.extremely 答案 D [句意:然而 110 岁可能是人们希望能活的最长的寿命——如果他非常 的健康和幸运。completely 完全地;generally 一般地;apparently 显然地;extremely 极其,非常。根据句意可知,如果一个人非常的健康而且很幸运,人们希望能活 到 110 岁。故选 D。] 3.A.rapidly B.harmlessly C.endlessly D.separately 答案 C [句意:然而我们的细胞不会一直无止境地再生。rapidly 快速地; harmlessly 无害地;endlessly 无止境地;separately 分离地,分开地。根据句意 可知,因为人体的细胞不会无止境的再生,因此人的寿命是有限的。因此应选 C。] 4.A.eventually B.hopelessly C.automatically D.desperately 答案 A [句意:他们(细胞)慢慢消耗尽,结果我们就会变老最终死亡。eventually 最终;hopelessly 没有希望地;automatically 自动地;desperately 绝望地,自暴 自弃地。根据句意可知选 A。] 5.A.busier B.longer C.richer D.happier 答案 B [句意:尽管我们不能永久的活着,我们的寿命比以前是更长了。busier 更忙的;longer 更长的;richer 更富有的;happier 更开心的。根据这一段的内 容可知,现在人的寿命比以前更长了。故选 B。] 6.A.finishing B.guiding C.waiting D.dividing 答案 D [句意:作为中年和老年的分界线,65 岁可能已经过时了。finish 完成; guide 指导,指引;wait 等待;divide 划分。根据句意可知,把 65 岁当做中年 和老年的分界线,这已经不适合现在的形势了。dividing line 分界线,故选 D。] 7.A.stress B.damage C.decline D.failure 答案 C [句意:毕竟,很多老年人直到 75 岁之后才开始经历身体和精神的衰 落。stress 压力,压迫;damage 损坏;decline 衰落,衰弱;failure 失败。根据 句意可知,现在很多老年人是在 75 岁之后身体和精神才开始衰弱的,故选 C。] 8.A.survive B.enjoy C.remember D.value 答案 A [句意:现在人们活得更长因为更多的人从童年中幸存下来。survive 幸存;enjoy 喜欢,欣赏;remember 记得;value 价值,估价。根据本句内容和 the chances of living long are much higher due to a better diets and health care 可知, 现在的人平均寿命比以前更长的一个原因是人们从童年的疾病中幸存了下来,故 选 A。] 9.A.problems B.fears C.worries D.diseases 答案 D [句意:在现代医学改变了自然的法则之前,很多孩子死于常见的儿童 疾病。 problem 问题;fear 恐惧,害怕;worry 担心;disease 疾病。根据句意可 知,以前的人们因为很多普遍的儿童疾病而死,所以导致平均寿命比较低。故选 D。] 10.A.poor B.young C.sick D.quiet 答案 B [句意:既然年少夭折的可能性更低了,那么活得更长的机会就更高了, 因为有了更好的饮食和医学护理。poor 穷的;young 年轻的;sick 病的;quiet 安静的。根据这一段的意思可知,以前人们在小的时候就因为生病死去了,dying young 年少死去。故选 B。] 11.A.changes B.recovery C.safety D.increases 答案 A [句意:人口结构的改变会对我们社会的发展和我们的生活方式有持续 的影响。change 改变;recovery 恢复;safety 安全;increase 增长,增加。根据 下文中 Some people fear such changes will...可知,我们现在的人口结构改变了, 故选 A。] 12.A.dreams B.chances C.strengths D.choices 答案 B [句意:一些人担心这个改变将会带来一些坏处,然而还有一些人看到 的是机会,而不是灾难。dream 梦想;chance 机会;strength 力量;choice 选择。 根据句意可知,这句话中的 while 表示对比,即跟前一种人不一样的看法,故选 B。] 13.A.mind B.appearance C.voice D.movement 答案 A [句意:现在,很多处在“黄金年龄”的男士和女士,身体都非常健康, 仍然积极,心态也很年轻。mind 心态;appearance 外表;voice 声音;movement 移动。根据句意可知,这里应该是说虽然年龄老了,但是心态依然年轻,故选 A。] 14.A.protection B.suggestions C.contributions D.permission 答案 C [句意:随着我们的社会老龄化,我们需要这些老年公民们的贡献。 protection 保护;suggestion 建议;contribution 贡献;permission 允许。根据文 意可知,现在的社会逐渐老龄化,因此老年人也要继续给我们的社会做贡献,故 选 C。] 15.A.sound B.appear C.turn D.stay 答案 D [句意:前面还有很长的寿命,他们需要保持积极的心态和奉献的精神。 sound 听起来;appear 好像;出现;turn 转,变成;stay 保持。根据文意可知, 现在人们的寿命更长了,因此老年人也要继续保持积极心态,为我们的社会做贡 献。故应选 D。] B (2018·安徽省“皖南八校”高三联考 ) People are always asking what the most important element to a healthy relationship is.The __1__ is that there are many.But there is one really important thing that all great and healthy relationships have in common—__2__.Yes,of course,there are some little __3__ lies even in the best of relationships—__4__ surprises or unexpected birthday parties—but the truth is that happy couples communicate honestly and don’t __5__ to protect their own interests.So how can you have more open __6__ in your own relationship? First,remember that honesty is the best policy even __7__ your partner might not like what you have to say.Yes,it may be __8__ to tell your guy that you don’t like one of his friends.But Lying or holding things __9__ will make things worse in the long run. The next thing to be __10__ is to say what you have to say __11__.If your partner feels __12__,he will be less __13__ to what you have to say and may even become defensive.Your delivery is of utmost importance when you are discussing sensitive issues.Think through what you want to say __14__ before you bring it up.You don’t want to __15__ the person that you love.You just want them to be __16__ of the truth. One last thing to keep in mind about communicating openly is that it enhances your relationship.If you aren’t honest about any dirty little __17__ you may have,they will probably come up eventually and __18__ you in the backside.And if you keep things to yourself,your relationship will not be based on the truth,which __19__ a solid foundation.Hard __20__ the truth may be sometimes , honesty really is the best policy. 【语篇解读】 文章介绍人际交往中一个重要的原则——要以诚相待。 1.A.phenomenon B.truth C.theory D.evidence 答案 B [根据下文“but the truth is that happy couples communicate honestly”可知, 真相是有很多。truth 真相。故选 B。] 2.A.honesty B.enthusiasm C.cooperation D.persistence 答案 A [根据下文“communicate honestly”可知,但是有一个真正重要的,所有 非常好的和健康的关系共同具备的东西是诚实。honesty 诚实。故选 A。] 3.A.red B.purple C.white D.black 答案 C [根据下文“but the truth is that happy couples communicate honestly”可知, 即使在最好的关系中也有一些小小的善意的谎言。white lies 善意的谎言。故选 C。] 4.A.security B.privilege C.anniversary D.ambition 答案 C [根据下文“unexpected birthday parties”可知,这里是周年的惊喜或者出 乎意料的生日宴会。anniversary 周年。故选 C。] 5.A.lie B.bargain C.complain D.interact 答案 A [根据上文“there are some little ________ lies”可知,但是事实是幸福的 夫妇会坦诚沟通,不会为了保护他们自己的利益而撒谎。lie 撒谎。故选 A。] 6.A.appreciation B.reputation C.selection D.communication 答案 D [根据下文“One last thing to keep in mind about communicating openly”可 知,那么你怎样才能在你自己的关系中进行更坦率的交流呢?communication 交 流。故选 D。] 7.A.why B.when C.how D.where 答案 B [句意:首先要记住即使当你的伙伴也许不喜欢你不得不说的内容时, 诚实仍然是最上策。when 当……时候。故选 B。] 8.A.tough B.immediate C.complicated D.plain 答案 A [根据下文“that you don’t like one of his friends.”可知,也许告诉你的 伙伴你不喜欢他的其中一位朋友有困难。tough 困难的。故选 A。] 9.A.in B.on C.above D.back 答案 D [根据下文“make things worse”可知,但是从长远来看,撒谎或者隐瞒 事情会让事情变得更糟糕。hold back 隐瞒。故选 D。] 10.A.serious about B.proud of C.expert at D.worthy of 答案 A [句意:下一个要认真对待的是要好好地说你必须要说的。serious about 对……认真。故选 A。] 11.A.obviously B.rudely C.nicely D.smoothly 答案 C [根据下文“If your partner feels ________,he will be less ________ to what you have to say and may even become defensive.”可知,下一个要认真对待的 是要好好地说你必须要说的。nicely 好好地。故选 C。] 12.A.puzzled B.attacked C.astonished D.satisfied 答案 B [根据下文“may even become defensive.”可知,如果你的伙伴感到受到 攻击,他会更不愿意接纳你必须说的,而且甚至会变得有所防卫。attack 攻击。 故选 B。] 13.A.creative B.relative C.sensitive D.receptive 答案 D [根据下文“to what you have to say”可知,他会更不愿意接纳你必须说 的。receptive 接受的。故选 D。] 14.A.slightly B.thoroughly C.frequently D.briefly 答案 B [句意:在你谈到某事之前,彻底地想清楚你想要说的。thoroughly 完 全地,彻底地。故选 B。] 15.A.suspect B.convince C.insult D.frighten 答案 C [根据下文“You just want them to be ________ of the truth.”可知,你不 想侮辱你爱的那个人。insult 侮辱。故选 C。] 16.A.afraid B.aware C.ashamed D.capable 答案 B [句意:你只是想让他们知晓真相。aware 意识到。故选 B。] 17.A.uniforms B.secrets C.blankets D.courts 答案 B [根据下文“if you keep things to yourself,”可知,如果你对于你也许 有的任何不雅的小秘密不坦诚的话,它们可能最终会出现,咬你的后背。secrets 秘密。故选 B。] 18.A.train B.consult C.understand D.bite 答案 D [根据下文“in the backside”可知,它们可能最终会出现,咬你的后背。 bite 咬。故选 D。] 19.A.picks out B.turns on C.makes for D.comes across 答案 C [句意:如果你把事情藏在心底,你的关系不是建立在事实之上,而事 实有助于建立坚实的基础。make for 导致,有助于,走向。故选 C。] 20.A.although B.while C.until D.as 答案 D [句意:尽管真相有时候可能会不近人情,但是诚实确实是最上策。使 用 as 引导的倒装句,作让步状语。故选 D。]    (每组限时 60 分钟) A (2018·南京市、盐城市高三一模) Chris Marlow,a minister and father of two,would say that his life prior to 2009 was good but ordinary.Then a mission trip to Zimbabwe turned his entire world __1__ upside down,and he returned to his home in North Carolina a(n) __2__ man. It was on this trip that Marlow was faced with the __3__ of extreme poverty that showed itself determinedly in the faces of __4__ children begging for food.One orphaned boy,in particular,who slept on the concrete floor of an __5__ gas station with dozens of other orphaned children,__6__ the direction of Marlow’s life’s work forever. The young boy begged Marlow to allow him to work for him __7__ food,as he had not eaten for days and was starving.It was an __8__ that Marlow could not forget as he spent the following days of the trip driving through dusty roads and desperation, __9__ to find a way to feed the hungry orphans. Marlow went on to found Help One Now , a non-profit organization that __10__ ordinary people to help provide food,shelter,and education for poor children in Africa,Haiti,and around the world through __11__ acts of generosity.In 2016 he published his first book , Doing Good Is Simple , the story of his transformative experience with the reality of severe poverty,as a __12__ for others looking to make a positive __13__ in the world from right where they are. The book does more than __14__ people to do good—it puts the suggestion into action with every __15__.“Early on,we decided that we would use the profits of Doing Good Is Simple to __16__ meals for children in our communities around the world,” Marlow explains.“Every book that is __17__ will provide five meals for children in one of our communities.In the first 30 days after the book’s __18__,we hit over 30,000 meals.” Help One Now is __19__ working to aid Haiti in the disaster relief of Hurricane Matthew.“We encourage those interested in working with the __20__ to think of ways to help that fit their individual personalities and lifestyles,” he says.“And we also love to see you advocate for us.” 【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文,讲述了 Chris Marlow 致力于帮助非洲、海地乃至 全世界的极端贫困儿童的感人故事。 1.A.economy B.map C.view D.tour 答案 C  [ 根据上文中的“his life prior to 2009 was good but ordinary.Then a mission trip...”可知,前往津巴布韦的布道之旅颠覆了他的整个世界观。economy 意为“经济”;map 意为“地图”;view 意为“观点”,world view “世界观”;tour 意为“旅游”。故选 C 项。] 2.A.astonished B.changed C.inspired D.confused 答案 B [根据上文中的“Then a mission trip to Zimbabwe turned his entire world ________ upside down”可知,他回到家时已有所改变(changed)了。故选 B 项。] 3.A.atmosphere B.shape C.addition D.reality 答案 D [根据空后的“of extreme poverty...children begging for food”可知,此处 指极度贫困的事实。下文中的“the reality of severe poverty”亦是提示。atmosphere 意为“气氛”;shape 意为“形状”;addition 意为“增加”;reality 意为“事实”。 故选 D 项。] 4.A.starving B.crying C.struggling D.running 答案 A [根据空后的“begging for food”可知,此处指挨饿的(starving)孩子们。 crying 意为“哭泣的”;struggling 意为“奋斗的”。故选 A 项。] 5.A.abolished B.acquired C.attached D.abandoned 答案 D [一个孤儿跟许多其他的孤儿一起睡在废弃的加油站的混凝土地面上。 abolished 意为“废除的”;acquired 意为“获得的”;attached 意为“所附的”; abandoned 意为“被遗弃的,废弃的”。故选 D 项。] 6.A.shifted B.blocked C.took D.pulled 答案 A [根据上文提到的前往津巴布韦的布道之旅改变了 Marlow 的整个世 界观,以及下文的内容可知,一个孤儿改变了(shifted) Marlow 一生的工作方向。 shift 意为“转移,改变”;block 意为“阻碍”;take 意为“带走”;pull 意为 “拉”。故选 A 项。] 7.A.in return for B.in favor of C.in exchange for D.in search of 答案 C [根据空前的“work for him”及空后的“food,as he had not eaten for days and was starving”可知,这个小男孩请求 Marlow 允许他为他工作以交换食物。in return for 意为“作为对……的回报”;in favor of 意为“支持,赞成”;in exchange for 意为“交换”;in search of 意为“寻找”。故选 C 项。] 8.A.interruption B.interval C.interview D.interaction 答案 D [根据上下文可知,此处指这是一个 Marlow 不会忘记的互动。 interruption 意为“中断”;interval 意为“间隔”;interview 意为“采访”;interaction 意为“互动”。故选 D 项。] 9.A.convinced B.determined C.prepared D.satisfied 答案 B [Marlow 下定决心要找出养活这些饥饿的孤儿的办法。convinced 意为 “确信的”;determined 意为“决定,决心”,determined to do sth “决心要做某 事”;prepared 意为“准备好”;satisfied 意为“满意的”。故选 B 项。] 10.A.reminds B.equips C.requires D.permits 答案 B [ Marlow 接下来创办了非营利组织 Help One Now,该组织使普通人能 够通过简单的慷慨行为向非洲、海地以及全世界的穷孩子提供食物、住处和教育 上的帮助。remind 意为“提醒”;equip 意为“使有能力,使有所准备”;require 意为“需要”;permit 意为“允许”。故选 B 项。] 11.A.brief B.graceful C.simple D.courageous 答案 C [见上题解析。brief 意为“简要的”;graceful 意为“优美的”;simple 意为“简单的”;courageous 意为“勇敢的”。故选 C 项。] 12.A.measure B.rule C.tool D.guide 答案 D [根据语境可知,对其他力求产生积极的影响的人来说,这本书是一个 有指导意义的事物。measure 意为“措施”;rule 意为“规则”;tool 意为“工 具”;guide 意为“有指导意义的事物”。故选 D 项。] 13.A.decision B.request C.difference D.comment 答案 C [见上题解析。make a difference 意为“有作用,产生影响”,是固定用 法。] 14.A.encourage B.entitle C.allow D.appoint 答案 A [这本书不仅仅鼓励人们做好事。encourage 意为“鼓励”;entitle 意为 “给……命名,使符合资格”;allow 意为“允许”;appoint 意为“任命”。故选 A 项。] 15.A.attempt B.purchase C.publication D.adoption 答案 B [根据下文的“we decided that we would use the profits of Doing Good Is Simple”可知,此处指用购买这本书的方式把建议付诸行动。attempt 意为“试 图”;purchase 意为“购买”;publication 意为“出版”;adoption 意为“采用,收 养”。故选 B 项。] 16.A.submit B.contribute C.pass D.provide 答案 D [早期,我们决定用销售 Doing Good Is Simple 所得的利润向孩子们提 供膳食。submit 意为“提交,顺从”;contribute 意为“贡献”;pass 意为“通 过”;provide 意为“提供”。故选 D 项。] 17.A.written B.sold C.read D.bought 答案 B [根据上文可知,被销售的每本书(所得的利润)可以向我们的其中一个 社区的孩子们提供五顿膳食。write 意为“写”;sell 意为“出售,销售”;read 意 为“读”;buy 意为“买”。故选 B 项。] 18.A.release B.recovery C.reservation D.registration 答案 A [在这本书发行后的头三十天里,我们提供了三万多顿膳食。release 意 为“发行”;recovery 意为“恢复”;reservation 意为“预订”;registration 意为“登 记”。故选 A 项。] 19.A.eventually B.annually C.currently D.permanently 答案 C [Help One Now 目前正在为海地提供灾难援助。eventually 意为“最后”; annually 意为“每年”;currently 意为“当前,目前”;permanently 意为“永久 地”。故选 C 项。] 20.A.organization B.community C.corporation D.government 答案 A [根据上文可知,Help One Now 是一个非营利组织,此处指我们鼓励 那些有兴趣与这个组织一起工作的人想出适合他们个性特征和生活方式的方法 来提供帮助。organization 意为“组织”;community 意为“社区”;corporation 意 为“公司”;government 意为“政府”。故选 A 项。] B Nikki Christou,a young girl from London,has an abnormal connection between the arteries (动脉) and veins.It has resulted in a __1__ abnormality.But Nikki,who’s a huge makeup enthusiast,doesn’t let anything or anyone __2__ her style.She makes makeup lessons for her YouTube page __3__ and has become a star.Through the videos,she hopes to __4__ others who may also have rare illnesses or __5__.Nikki wants to inspire anyone with a rare illness and show them that __6__ lies within.Being different should not mean being __7__ or feeling that there is no real place for you in this world and that you don’t have a __8__ role to play. In her videos,she shares looks for different __9__ like a prom (正式舞会),a birthday or just for every day.In addition to showing viewers __10__ looks,she also records other videos that give you a(n) __11__ at her life,such as baking lessons,Q&As. __12__ she does get hurtful comments from people criticizing her appearance,Nikki says that she __13__ focuses on the good side.“I don’t let them __14__ me.Focus on the happy things __15__ the sad things because if you focus on the negative,you’re not going to __16__ life,” she said.“Just know if you believe in yourself,really try hard and __17__ all the negativity in your life,you will lead a happy life.” As if being a YouTube star wasn’t __18__ of an achievement,she is also the __19__ behind The Butterfly AVM Charity,a charity set up by her parents to fundraise for research into the illness.She’s also helped __20__ more than 55 , 525.65 British pounds for the foundation through a crowdfunding campaign. 【语篇解读】 伦敦小女孩 Nikki Christou 患有一种罕见的疾病而导致面部缺陷, 但她对美的向往没有因为患病而停止,她在 YouTube 网站上分享自己的化妆视 频后走红,用自己的行动去鼓励其他可能患罕见疾病的人追求美。 1.A.behavioral B.psychological C.facial D.visual 答案 C [根据下文的“she does get hurtful comments from people criticizing her appearance”可知,静脉和动脉之间的反常连接导致了她面部(facial)畸形。 behavioral “行为上的”;psychological “心理的”;visual “视觉的”。] 2.A.break B.copy C.limit D.steal 答案 C [她不会让任何事或任何人限制(limit)她的风格。] 3.A.calmly B.regularly C.hopefully D.painfully 答案 B [从下文的“and has become a star”可知,她应该是经常(regularly)将化妆 课程传到她的 YouTube 网页上,因此才走红了。] 4.A.lift up B.go after C.care for D.connect with 答案 A [根据下文的“inspire”可知,lift up “鼓舞”符合语境。go after “追求, 争取”;care for “照顾,喜欢”;connect with “与……连接”。] 5.A.opportunities B.difficulties C.appearances D.conditions 答案 D [文章第一句就提到 Nikki 患了一种病,再根据空前的“also”“or”可知, 空处所填词与 illnesses 应是近义词,condition “疾病”符合语境。Nikki 想通过 这些视频鼓舞其他可能也患有罕见疾病的人。] 6.A.truth B.happiness C.success D.beauty 答案 D [Nikki 的面部有缺陷,但她热爱化妆,并积极地鼓励其他人,故可推 知 Nikki 想向他们证明美(beauty)在于内心。] 7.A.defeated B.ignored C.commented D.distinguished 答案 B [与众不同并不意味着就要被忽略或觉得这个世界上没有你的一席之 地并且不能起到积极的作用。ignore “忽视,忽略”,符合语境。defeat “打败”; comment “评论”。] 8.A.positive B.special C.traditional D.leading 答案 A [前面提到 Nikki 通过自己的视频鼓舞别人,后面提到她还帮助慈善组 织筹款,这些都是她起到的积极作用,故用 positive。play a positive role “起积 极的作用”。] 9.A.graduates B.occasions C.purposes D.reasons 答案 B [根据下文列举的“a prom(正式舞会),a birthday or just for every day” 可知,她在视频中分享适合不同场合(occasions)的风格。] 10.A.typical B.unique C.various D.popular 答案 C [从上文的“shares looks...or just for every day”可知,various “各种各样 的”符合语境。除了向观看者展示各种各样的风格外,她还录制了其他视频让你 可以一探她的生活。] 11.A.picture B.glance C.guide D.advantage 答案 B [参见上题解析。a glance at “一瞥,扫视”。] 12.A.If B.Since C.Once D.While 答案 D [虽然 Nikki 的确得到了批评她外貌的伤人的评论,但她说她只关注美 好的一面。主从句是让步关系,故用 While “尽管,虽然”。] 13.A.only B.still C.even D.yet 答案 A [参见上题解析。] 14.A.get to B.respond to C.see to D.object to 答案 A [我不让这些消极因素使我心烦。本题难度很大,乍一看,四个选项填 在本空意思上都说不通,但如果考生知道 get to sb 有“使烦恼,使生气,对某人 产生影响”这样的引申义,那就可以得出答案了。respond to “回应”;see to “处 理”;object to “反对”。] 15.A.other than B.or rather C.rather than D.or else 答案 C [关注快乐的事情而不是悲伤的事情,因为如果你关注消极的事情,你 将无法享受生活。rather than “而不是”,符合语境。other than “除了”;or rather “更确切地说”;or else “否则”。] 16.A.change B.waste C.enjoy D.celebrate 答案 C [参见上题解析。根据下文的“you will lead a happy life”可知答案。change “改变”;waste “挥霍,浪费”;celebrate “庆祝”。] 17.A.block out B.wipe out C.bring out D.leave out 答案 A [如果你相信你自己,真正地去努力并忘记人生中的消极事情,你将过 上幸福的生活。block out “忘掉,抹去(不愉快的事)”,wip out“彻底消灭”;bring out“使显现,使表现出”;leave out“不包括,不提及”。符合语境。] 18.A.much B.less C.more D.enough 答案 D [此处表示好像成为 YouTube 网站的明星还不够成功似的,她还给了 她父母创办 The Butterfly AVM Charity 的动机。下文的“also”暗示,此处应该是 not enough “不够”。] 19.A.founder B.leader C.sponsor D.inspiration 答案 D [参见上题解析。上文多次提到的她想激励别人也是暗示。founder “创 始人”;sponsor “赞助者”;inspiration “鼓舞人心的人,使人产生动机的人(或 事物)”。] 20.A.distribute B.collect C.spread D.earn 答案 B [collect money “筹钱”和前面的 fundraise 意思相同。distribute “分 配,分发”;spread “散布”;earn “赚钱”。] C (2018·江苏省苏北四市高三上学期期末联考) Once a wise man and his student traveled to a remote,mountainous place.They were well __1__ at a cottage by a family of five.The wise man asked: “How do you __2__ in such a poor place?” “That’s what keeps us going,” said the host,__3__ to a thin,tired cow.“She gives us milk,some of which we drink and some we make into __4__.When there is extra,we __5__ the milk and cheese for other types of food.” The wise man thanked them and left.When he reached the first __6__ in the road,he said to his student:“Get the cow,take it to the __7__,and push it off.”__8__ and angry though the student was,he obeyed. As years passed by,the __9__ became too much to bear and the student returned to that cottage to find out what he could do. Upon rounding the bend , he could not believe his eyes.In place of the __10__ there was a beautiful house with trees all around,several cars in the __11__,a satellite dish,and on and on.He __12__ the man from several years before,strong and confident.He went __13__ to the man and asked: “What happened?” The man __14__ with a smile: “Our cow fell off the cliff and died.To survive,we had to __15__ new ways of doing things and __16__ new skills.And so,we are now much __17__.” Sometimes our __18__ on something small and limited is the biggest obstacle(障碍) to our growth.Once you __19__ yourself of the thought “it’s little but it’s certain”, then your life will really change.May you have the __20__ to recognize your “cow” this new year,and the courage to push it off the cliff. 【语篇解读】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。一位智者“指使”自己的学生将一个五口 之家赖以生存的奶牛推下了悬崖。结果,几年后,那家人反而过上了比之前更富 裕的生活。这个故事告诉我们要勇于突破限制、敢于改变。 1.A.received B.accepted C.educated D.behaved 答案 A [receive 在这里意为“接待”,指他们受到一个五口之家的热情接 待。] 2.A.succeed B.survive C.accommodate D.communicate 答案 B [根据语境和后面的“in such a poor place”及下文第二段的内容可知,智 者询问这个五口之家是如何在如此贫穷的地方生存的。survive “生存,存活” 符合语境。] 3.A.referring B.pointing C.sticking D.attending 答案 B [主人指着(pointing to)一头瘦弱且疲惫不堪的奶牛说道。] 4.A.cream B.yogurt C.cheese D.butter 答案 C [根据后面一句话中的“milk and cheese”可知,C 项符合语境,即他们 会把一些牛奶做成奶酪(cheese)。] 5.A.replace B.place C.exchange D.change 答案 C [当牛奶和奶酪有剩余的时候,我们就拿去交换(exchange)其他类型的 食物。] 6.A.bend B.village C.tree D.bridge 答案 A [根据第四段第二句话中的“bend”可知,bend “拐弯,弯道”符合语境, 即当他们到了道路的第一个拐弯处时。] 7.A.valley B.river C.cliff D.cave 答案 C [由下文中的“push it off”及第五段第一句话中的“Our cow fell off the cliff” 可知,这个智者让自己的学生将奶牛推下悬崖(cliff)。] 8.A.Puzzled B.Bored C.Excited D.Ashamed 答案 A [根据上下文内容可知,智者让他的学生将好端端的牛推下悬崖,他当 然应该是感到非常困惑不解的(Puzzled)。B 项意为“无聊的,枯燥的”;C 项意 为“激动的”;D 项意为“惭愧的”。] 9.A.depression B.confusion C.anger D.guilt 答案 D [根据上下文语境,尤其是下文的“became too much to bear...to find out what he could do”可知,guilt “内疚”符合语境。A 项意为“压抑”;B 项意为“困 惑”;C 项意为“怒气”。] 10.A.fence B.cottage C.road D.hill 答案 B [根据语境及第一段中的“a cottage”可知,绿树环绕的美丽房屋取代了 乡村小屋(cottage)。] 11.A.house B.passage C.balcony D.garage 答案 D [根据前面的“cars”可知,车库里停着几辆汽车。] 12.A.congratulated B.recognized C.acknowledged D.greeted 答案 B [B 项意为“认出”,指这位学生认出了几年前的那个人。A 项意为“祝 贺”;C 项意为“承认”;D 项意为“欢迎”。] 13.A.by B.back C.over D.about 答案 C [go over to 是固定短语,意为“走向……”,指这位学生走向那个人并 问道。go by“逝去,过去”;go back“回到,返回”;go about“忙于……”。] 14.A.replied B.responded C.reflected D.reacted 答案 A  [ 根据第四段最后一句话可知,这里表示那个人面带微笑地回答 (replied)。] 15.A.come up with B.put up with C.keep up with D.catch up with 答案 A [为了生存,我们必须想出新的做事方法并增强新技能。A 项意为“想 出”;B 项意为“容忍”;C 项意为“赶上,和……保持联系”;D 项意为“赶 上”。A 项符合语境。] 16.A.evolve B.extend C.develop D.polish 答案 C [参见上题解析。develop 在这里意为“增强,加强”。] 17.A.well off B.badly off C.better off D.worse off 答案 C [根据空前的“much”和语境可知,那家人现在比以前富裕了,因此用 better off (well off 的比较级)“更富有的,更富裕的”。worse off“更拮据,更贫 穷”(badly off 的比较级)。] 18.A.dependence B.attention C.focus D.faith 答案 A [根据第二段的内容可知,这个五口之家原来对他们家的奶牛有极大程 度的依赖,故此处指“有时候我们对某些微小的、限制性的东西的依赖(dependence) 是我们成长的最大障碍”。] 19.A.remind B.inform C.warn D.free 答案 D [一旦你使自己摆脱“虽然微小但是是固定(可以获得)的”的想法,那 么你的生活将会彻底改变。free...of...意为“解放,使摆脱”,符合语境。] 20.A.perseverance B.fortune C.wisdom D.distinction 答案 C [愿你在新的一年里拥有识别自己的“奶牛”的智慧(wisdom)和把它推 下悬崖的勇气。A 项意为“毅力”;B 项意为“运气”;D 项意为“差别”。] D (2018·南京市高三三模)Research shows that when we are absorbed in an activity, even minor distractions (分心) can have a huge effect.According to a study,regaining our __1__ drive following an interruption can take about 20 minutes. Multitasking (多任务),as many studies have shown,is a myth (谬论).A more accurate __2__ of what happens when we tell ourselves we are multitasking is that we’re rapidly __3__ between activities,sucking our mental energy.And the __4__ can be surprisingly serious.An experiment found that we lose as many as 10 IQ points when we allow our work to be __5__ by distractions like emails and text messages. The __6__ is that multitasking is enjoyable.It’s fun to satisfy your curiosity.Who knows what that next email or text message holds __7__ ? Finding out provides immediate satisfaction.__8__ , resisting distractions and staying on task requires __9__ and mental effort. So,what are we to do? Our strategy is to change the __10__ to move temptation further away:shut down your email program or __11__ your phone.It’s a lot easier to stay on task when you’re not __12__ fighting off mental desires. The alternative , which most of us consider common , is __13__ to dieting in a bakery.We all need the willpower to resist the temptations,but doing so comes with __14__ costs to our limited supply of willpower. Another worthwhile __15__ is to collect similar activities together,keeping transition (转换) time to a __16__ point.Instead of spreading phone calls,meetings and emails throughout your day,try __17__ related tasks so that there are fewer transitions. In some jobs,multitasking is __18__.Some of us truly do need to stay __19__ with our clients,colleagues and managers.So it’s worth noting that limiting disruptions is the only solution. Remember,the more you do to minimize task-switching over the course of the day, the more ability you’ll have for activities that actually __20__.Even small changes can make a big difference. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。研究表明,在多项任务中,不停地进行任务 切换会让我们分心,所以尽可能避免同时处理多项事情或减少任务切换的时间就 显得尤为重要了。 1.A.initial B.personal C.inner D.ambitious 答案 A [注意力被打断以后,重新获得最初的干劲可能大约需要 20 分钟。 initial “最初的”;personal “个人的”;inner “内部的”;ambitious “雄心勃勃 的”。] 2.A.plan B.account C.prediction D.insight 答案 B [根据下文中的“is that we’re rapidly...mental energy”可知,此处指的 是对发生了什么的更准确的描述。account “描述”,符合语境。] 3.A.switching B.swinging C.swapping D.shuttling 答案 A [根据语境及下文中的“task-switching”可知,此处指我们在活动间进 行快速转换。switch “改变,转换”。] 4.A.benefits B.reasons C.consequences D.challenges 答案 C [根据下文中的“we lose as many as 10 IQ points...”可知,此处指后果可 能会出奇地严重。consequence “后果”,符合语境。] 5.A.guided B.changed C.adapted D.interrupted 答案 D [根据语境可知,此处指当我们允许我们的工作被诸如电子邮件和短信 这样使人分心的事情打断(interrupted)时。第一段中的“interruption”亦是提示。] 6.A.advantage B.emphasis C.trouble D.practice 答案 C [根据下文中的“multitasking is enjoyable...provides immediate satisfaction” 及“resisting distractions...effort”可知,此处指问题(trouble)是同时做几件事情是很 有趣的。advantage “优势”;emphasis “重点”;practice “做法”。] 7.A.in stock B.in store C.in check D.in possession 答案 B [谁知道下一封电子邮件或短信里会有什么呢?hold sth in store “储 藏着,就要出现”。] 8.A.As a rule B.As a result C.In short D.In contrast 答案 D [相比之下,抵制令人分心的事并继续把注意力放在任务上需要自制力 和脑力。as a rule “通常”;as a result “结果”;in short “总之”;in contrast “相 反,相比之下”。] 9.A.patience B.discipline C.courage D.attention 答案 B [见上题解析。patience “耐心”;discipline “纪律,自制力”;courage “勇气”;attention “注意力”。] 10.A.expectation B.task C.environment D.vision 答案 C [根据下文中的“shut down your email program...”可知,我们的策略是通 过改变环境来转移诱惑:关闭电子邮件程序或把手机调至静音状态。environment “环境”,符合语境。expectation “期望”;task “任务”;vision “视野”。] 11.A.replace B.silence C.answer D.pick 答案 B [见上题解析。silence “使安静,使不说话”,符合语境。] 12.A.continuously B.finally C.passionately D.directly 答案 A [当你不再持续地抵抗精神欲望时,把注意力保持在任务上要容易得多。 continuously “不断地,持续地”;finally “最终”;passionately “热诚地”; directly “直接地”。] 13.A.similar B.relevant C.superior D.opposite 答案 A [根据下文中的“dieting in a bakery...limited supply of willpower”可知, 这个供替代的选择与在面包店节食有相似之处。be similar to 是固定用法,意为 “与……类似”。be relevant to“与……有联系”;be superior to“优越于……”;be opposite to“在……对面,与……相反”。] 14.A.affordable B.basic C.considerable D.modest 答案 C [但要做到这一点需要付出相当大的代价。considerable “相当大的”, 符合语境。affordable “付得起的”;basic “基础的,基本的”;modest “不太大 的,些许的”。] 15.A.research B.aspect C.reaction D.approach 答案 D [另外一个重要的方法是将类似的活动聚集在一起,把(任务)转换所需 的时间保持在最低点。approach “方法”和上文中的“strategy”对应。] 16.A.minimum B.maximum C.turning D.fixed 答案 A [见上题解析。minimum “最小的,最低的”。下文中的“minimize”是 提示。] 17.A.analyzing B.grouping C.assigning D.undertaking 答案 B [根据上文中的“collect similar activities together”及下文中的“so that there are fewer transitions”可知,尝试把相关的任务进行分组。group “把……分组, 将……分类”,符合语境。] 18.A.disturbing B.annoying C.unavoidable D.unnecessary 答案 C [在有些工作中,同时处理多项事情是不可避免的。unavoidable “不 可避免的”,符合语境。disturbing “令人不安的”;annoying “令人讨厌的”; unnecessary “没有必要的”。] 19.A.sympathetic B.loyal C.accustomed D.connected 答案 D [我们中的有些人确实需要和顾客、同事以及经理保持联系(connected)。 sympathetic “同情的”;loyal “忠诚的”;accustomed “习惯的”。] 20.A.matter B.function C.work D.interfere 答案 A [一天中,你任务切换的次数越少,你就越有能力来应对真正重要的活 动。matter “重要”;function “起作用”;work “奏效”;interfere “干扰”。] A (2018· 镇 江 市 高 三 一 模 )It is impossible to perform consistently in a manner inconsistent with the way we see ourselves.In other words,we usually act in direct __1__ to our self-image.Nothing is more difficult to __2__ than changing outward actions without changing inward feelings. One of the best ways to __3__ those inward feelings is to have some “success” under your belt.My daughter Elizabeth has a __4__ to be shy and wants to hold back on new experiences.But once she has __5__ to a situation,it’s “full steam ahead”.When she was in first grade , her school had a candy bar __6__.Each child was given thirty candy bars and was __7__ to sell every one of them.__8__ I picked up Elizabeth from school she was holding her “challenge” and needed some __9__ encouragement.It was time for a sales meeting with my new salesgirl. All the way home I taught her how to sell candy bars.I __10__ each teaching point with half a dozen “You can do it—your smile will __11__ them over—I believe in you” phrases.By the end of our fifteen-minute __12__,the young lady sitting beside me had become a __13__ saleslady. At the end of the day,all thirty bars had been sold.She excitedly __14__ as I tucked her into bed that night: “Oh God,thanks for the candy sale at school.It’s great.” Elizabeth’s prayer reflects the heart’s __15__ of every person.We all want to be winners.The next day Elizabeth came home __16__ another box of candy bars.She’d exhausted (用完,耗尽) the __17__ of friendly neighbors,and she was thrust into the cruel world of the unknown buyer.__18__ I offered encouragement and a few more selling tips.And she did it.The experience __19__ two days of selling,two sold-out performances,two happy people,and one boosted __20__.How we see ourselves reflects how others see us. 【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作者的女儿由于害羞,不愿接受新的体验,但一 次全力以赴出售糖果棒的经历却让她及作者均收获良多。 1.A.opposition B.response C.preference D.contrast 答案 B [根据前面一句“It is impossible to perform consistently in a manner inconsistent with the way we see ourselves”可知,我们不可能一直表现出与我们看 待自己的方式相悖的行为,换句话说,我们通常对我们的自我评价作出直接的反 应(response)。opposition 意为“反对”;preference 意为“偏爱”;contrast 意为“对 比”。] 2.A.accomplish B.acknowledge C.appreciate D.allocate 答案 A [没有什么事比改变外在的行为而不改变内在的情感更难完成 (accomplish)。acknowledge 意为“承认”;appreciate 意为“欣赏”;allocate 意为“分 配”。] 3.A.follow B.control C.injure D.improve 答案 D [改善(improve)那些内在情感的一个最好的办法是获得一些成功。 follow 意为“跟随”;control 意为“控制”;injure 意为“受伤”。] 4.A.chance B.tendency C.need D.competence 答案 B [我的女儿伊丽莎白有害羞的倾向(tendency)。chance 意为“机会”;need 意为“需要”;competence 意为“能力”。] 5.A.turned B.complained C.warmed D.submitted 答案 C [但是她仅有一次对一种情况更加感兴趣(warmed),那就是“全速前进”。 turn 意为“转向”;complain 意为“抱怨”;submit 意为“提交,服从”。warm to sth“对……更加感兴趣或热衷”。] 6.A.sale B.delivery C.present D.bargain 答案 A [根据下文可知,孩子们要卖掉糖果棒。由此可推知,她的学校有糖果 棒出售(sale)活动。delivery 意为“递送”;present 意为“礼物”;bargain 意为“便 宜货”。] 7.A.forced B.ordered C.challenged D.warned 答案 C [根据语境及下文中的“she was holding her‘challenge’”可知,学校 给了每个孩子三十个糖果棒,孩子们要挑战(challenged)卖掉每个糖果棒。force 意为“强迫”;order 意为“命令”;warn 意为“警告”。] 8.A.When B.While C.If D.Because 答案 A [当我从学校接伊丽莎白时,她手里正拿着自己的“挑战”,需要一些 积极的鼓励。pick up 是终止性动词短语,故选 A 项。when 意为“当……的时 候”,谓语动词既可用终止性动词,也可用延续性动词;while 意为“当……的时 候”,谓语动词只能用延续性动词;if 意为“如果”;because 意为“因为”。] 9.A.negative B.further C.rough D.positive 答案 D [见上题解析。positive “积极的”符合语境。negative 意为“消极 的”;further 意为“更远的”;rough 意为“艰苦的”。] 10.A.decorated B.surrounded C.rewarded D.classified 答案 B [根据上下文语境可知,此处指作者用饱含积极意义的措辞围绕 (surrounded)着每个教学点。decorate 意为“装饰”;reward 意为“奖励”;classify 意为“分类”。] 11.A.get B.take C.win D.look 答案 C [根据上下文语境可知,作者是在用积极的话语鼓励自己的女儿,作者 想让自己的女儿相信她的微笑会把顾客争取过来。win sb over “说服,把……争 取过来,赢得……的支持”。get over“克服,控制”;take over“接替,接管”;look over“查看,检查”。] 12.A.complaint B.quarrel C.amusement D.drive 答案 D [根据第二段中的“I picked up Elizabeth from school”以及第三段中的“All the way home”可知,此处指十五分钟的驾车路程(drive)。complaint 意为“抱怨”; quarrel 意为“争吵”;amusement 意为“消遣”。] 13.A.committed B.nervous C.frightened D.pretty 答案 A [到我们十五分钟的驾车路程结束时,坐在我旁边的年轻女孩已成为一 个坚定的(committed)女售货员。nervous 意为“紧张的”;frightened 意为“害怕 的”;pretty 意为“漂亮的”。] 14.A.wrote B.prayed C.recalled D.recommended 答案 B [根据本句中的“Oh God,thanks for the candy sale at school”以及下文 中的“Elizabeth’s prayer”可知,她兴奋地祈祷。write 意为“写”;pray 意为“祈 祷”;recall 意为“记起”;recommend 意为“推荐”。故选 B 项。] 15.A.humour B.impression C.desire D.justice 答案 C [根据语境及后面一句“We all want to be winners”可知,伊丽莎白的祷 告反映了每个人心中的愿望(desire)。humour 意为“幽默”;impression 意为“印 象”;justice 意为“公正”。] 16.A.toward B.without C.for D.with 答案 D [第二天伊丽莎白拿着另一盒糖果棒回了家。toward 意为“向着”; without 意为“没有”;for 意为“为了”;with 意为“带有”。故选 D 项。] 17.A.resource B.emotion C.supply D.dignity 答案 C [她已经耗尽了友好的邻居的供应(supply),她被推入未知买家的残酷 世界。resource “资源”;emotion “情绪”;dignity 意为“尊严”。] 18.A.Again B.Deliberately C.Instead D.Eventually 答案 A [根据上文可知,作者在女儿第一次卖糖果棒时给了女儿诸多鼓励,再 结合下文的“I offered encouragement...”可知,此处表示作者再次给了女儿鼓励。 again 意为“再,又”;deliberately 意为“故意地”;instead 意为“相反”;eventually 意为“最后”。] 19.A.added to B.amounted to C.came to D.catered to 答案 B [这次经历相当于(amounted to)两天的销售,两次售完的业绩,两个快 乐的人和一个提高的自我评价。add to 意为“增加”;come to 意为“共计”;cater to 意为“迎合”。] 20.A.self-help B.self-study C.self-respect D.self-image 答案 D [见上题解析。第一段中的“self-image”是关键提示。self-help 意为“自 助”;self-study 意为“自学”;self-respect 意为“自尊”;self-image 意为“自我形 象,自我评价”。] B (2018·扬州、泰州等六市高三第二次调研) I’ve been obsessed (受困扰的) with languages for as long as I can remember.My dad could talk to everyone with ease,confidently __1__ between languages.His abilities made a big impression on me,but he didn’t __2__ me to follow his lead. I wasn’t a(n) __3__ language learner.I made slow progress in French at school and almost gave it up.But things felt different when I __4__ German at university—loving many German writers in translation,I wanted to read them in their __5__ tongue,and that’s been my main __6__ for learning new ones since.Once I got German,I was __7__;French,Latin,Greek and Sanskrit quickly followed.The idea of having a __8__ overview of the world has always fascinated me,and __9__ languages seemed a good way of achieving that.By my 20s,I’d set my heart on __10__ the rest of my life to learning as many as I could. I’m often asked what the __11__ is , and whether some people have a gift for absorbing words and phrases.The truth is that it’s down to endless hours of __12__—reading , studying and practicing grammar.__13__ , all these wonderful languages start to swim into focus , and ever increasing numbers of great works become __14__. It’s hard,but the __15__ can be thrilling.When I started studying Spanish,there was a moment when the living language suddenly __16__ itself to me.Something __17__ happened when I heard Swedish spoken around me.It seemed to __18__ elements of languages I was familiar with.The more of them I know , the more I see how inter-related they are.All it took was three weeks and I was able to __19__ effectively in complex conversations. Now,I can read about three dozen languages and speak most of them fluently.I think I’m much richer for that—it makes me more __20__. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。“我”的父亲在与人谈话时,能够在不同语 言间灵活转换的能力给“我”留下了很深的印象,但“我”不是一个天生的语言 学习者,在学校学习法语时,因为进步慢,几乎到了放弃学习它的地步。后来因 为对德语感兴趣,而学会了德语,同时找到了学习新语言的动力,之后又学会了 很多种语言,“我”也因此变得更加有自信。 1.A.distinguishing B.switching C.comparing D.dividing 答案 B [根据上文中的“My dad could talk to everyone with ease,confidently” 可知,父亲能轻松、自信地和每一个人进行交流,由此可知他能在各种语言之间 灵活转换(switching)。distinguish“区分”;compare“比较”;divide“分开”。] 2.A.threaten B.encourage C.promise D.trust 答案 B [根据上文中的“His abilities made a big impression on me”和转折词 but 可知,他的能力给“我”留下了深刻的印象,但他不鼓励(encourage)“我”仿效 他的做法。threaten“威胁”;promise“答应”;trust“信任”。] 3.A.sensitive B.average C.individual D.natural 答案 D [根据下文中的“I made slow progress in French at school and almost gave it up”可知,“我”天生(natural)就不是一个适合学语言的人。sensitive“敏感 的”;average“普通的”;individual“个人的”。] 4.A.took on B.put down C.made up D.went over 答案 A [根据下文中的“at university”可知,“我”决定在大学学习德语。take on“决定做”,符合语境。put down“镇压”;make up“编造,组成,补上”;go over“仔细检查”。] 5.A.simple B.sharp C.native D.polite 答案 C [根据上文中的“loving many German writers in translation”可知,“我” 想用他们的母语——德语来阅读。native“本地的,当地的”,native tongue“本 地语,母语”。simple“简单的”;sharp“锋利的”;polite“礼貌的”。] 6.A.advantage B.appreciation C.foundation D.motivation 答案 D [根据上文中的“loving many German writers in translation,I wanted to read them in their __5__ tongue”可知,自那以后,这就是“我”学习新语言的主 要动力(motivation)。advantage“优势”;appreciation“欣赏”;foundation“基 础”。] 7.A.shocked B.relieved C.depressed D.hooked 答案 D [根据语境可知,此处指学会一门德语后,“我”被学习语言这件事吸 引(hooked)住了,紧跟着学会了其他语言。shocked“震惊的”;relieved“放心 的”;depressed“沮丧的”。] 8.A.comprehensive B.historical C.scientific D.skeptical 答案 A [对世界进行全面(comprehensive)了解的想法总是令“我”着迷。 historical“(有关)历史的”;scientific“科学的”;skeptical“怀疑的”。] 9.A.speaking B.selecting C.imitating D.acquiring 答案 D [根据下文中的“seemed a good way of achieving that”可知,学到 (acquiring) 语言能够帮助“ 我” 对世界有一个全面的了解。speak“ 说话”; select“选择”;imitate“模仿”。] 10.A.adjusting B.devoting C.reducing D.attaching 答案 B [根据下文中的“the rest of my life to learning as many as I could”可知, “我”决心把自己的余生致力(devoting)于学习尽可能多的语言。adjust“调整, 调节”;reduce“减少”;attach“贴,附上”。] 11.A.secret B.purpose C.benefit D.puzzle 答案 A [根据下文中的“and whether some people have a gift for absorbing words and phrases”可知,“我”经常被人问,学习语言的秘密(secret)是什么。purpose“目 标”;benefit“益处”;puzzle“谜”。] 12.A.expectation B.admiration C.concentration D.evaluation 答案 C [根据空后的“reading,studying and practicing grammar”可知,真相 就是“我”花了无数个小时专心学习语言。concentration“专心,专注”符合语 境。expectation“期望”;admiration“钦佩”;evaluation“评价”。] 13.A.Gradually B.Suddenly C.Regularly D.Usually 答案 A [根据空后的“all these wonderful languages start to swim into focus”可知, 逐渐地(Gradually),所有这些语言开始成为关注点。也就是说学习全部这些语言 花费了“我”很多时间。suddenly“突然”;regularly“经常”;usually“通 常”。] 14.A.affordable B.accessible C.invisible D.assessable 答案 B [“我”能够读懂的外国作品越来越多。accessible“容易理解的,易懂 的”,符合语境。affordable“付得起的”;invisible“看不见的”;assessable“可 估价的”。] 15.A.circles B.beginning C.options D.rewards 答案 D [根据第三段中的“The truth is that it’s down to endless hours of __12__” 以及空后的“can be thrilling”可知,学习语言的过程很难,但是回报(rewards)很多。 circle“圈子”;beginning“开始”;option“选择”。] 16.A.revealed B.explained C.limited D.recommended 答案 A [根据上下文可知,当“我”开始学习西班牙语时,曾经有那么一刻“我” 仍在使用的语言突然向“我”展示(revealed)了它的本质。explain“解释”; limit“限制”;recommend“推荐”。] 17.A.reasonable B.significant C.similar D.funny 答 案   C   [“ 我 ” 在 学 瑞 典 语 的 时 候 , 类 似 的 (similar) 事 情 也 发 生 了 。 reasonable“有理由的”;significant“重要的”;funny“滑稽的”。] 18.A.substitute B.combine C.promote D.transform 答案 B [根据下文中的“elements of languages I was familiar with”可知,似乎是 把“我”熟悉的语言的元素结合(combine)了起来。substitute“替代”;promote“促 进”;transform“使改观,使转化”。] 19.A.compromise B.compete C.communicate D.compensate 答 案   C   [ 根 据 上 文 中 的 “The more of them I know , the more I see how interrelated they are”可知,“我”对语言了解得越多,“我”就越能看出它们之 间的内在联系,学习一门语言三个星期,“我”就能在复杂的谈话中与人进行有 效的沟通(communicate)。compromise“妥协”;compete“竞争”;compensate“补 偿,弥补”。] 20.A.arbitrary B.objective C.considerate D.confident 答案 D [根据上文中的“I think I’m much richer for that”可知,“我”因为语 言学得好,人也变得更加有自信(confident)。arbitrary“任意的”;objective“客观 的”;considerate“体贴的”。] C When I was in middle school,a poisonous spider bit my right hand.I ran to my mom for __1__,but instead of taking me to a doctor,my mom set my hand __2__. After wrapping my hand with several layers of cotton,then soaking it in wine,she put a chopstick into my mouth,and lit the cotton.Heat quickly went through the cotton and began to roast my __3__.The sharp pain made me want to scream , but the chopstick __4__ it.All I could do was watch my hand burn—one minute,then two minutes—__5__ Mom put out the fire. At that time there was no doctor available my mother could bring me to see about my spider bite. For those who study biology,you may have grasped the science __6__ my mom’s cure: heat deactivates (使不活跃) proteins,and a spider’s venom (毒液) is __7__ a form of protein.It’s __8__ how that folk remedy actually includes basic biochemistry, isn’t it? But I am a PhD student in biochemistry at Harvard.I now know that better, less __9__ and less risky treatments existed.So I can’t help but ask myself why I didn’t __10__ one at that time. Now I am happy to report that my hand is fine.But this question remains , and I continue to be troubled by the unequal __11__ of scientific knowledge throughout the world.Despite the knowledge we have accumulated,we haven’t been so __12__ in deploying (配置) it to where it’s needed most.We constantly see these problems of poverty , illness , and __13__ of resources preventing the flow of scientific information.Lifesaving knowledge we take for granted in the modern world is often __14__ in underdeveloped regions. While studying at Harvard , I saw __15__ scientific knowledge can help others in simple,yet profound ways.The bird flu in the 2000s looked to my village like a spell cast by devils.When I realized that simple hygiene ( 卫 生 ) practices like __16__ different animal species could contain the spread of the disease,and that I could help make this knowledge available to my village,that was my first “Aha” moment as a budding scientist. Harvard dares us to dream big,to aspire (立志) to change the world.Here on this Commencement Day , we are __17__ thinking of grand destinations and big adventures that await us.As for me , I am also thinking of the farmers in my village.My experience here __18__ me how important it’s for researchers to communicate our knowledge to those __19__.Because by using the science we already have,we can probably bring my village and thousands like it into the world you and I take __20__ every day.And that’s an impact every one of us can make! 【语篇解读】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者用他被蜘蛛咬伤的亲身经历说明了知 识传播、科学知识的均衡分布的重要性。 1.A.medicine B.help C.advice D.decision 答案 B [结合上下文语境可知,在我上中学的时候,一只有毒的蜘蛛咬伤了我 的右手,我跑去找母亲帮忙(help)。] 2.A.in water B.on fire C.in trouble D.on strike 答案 B [根据下文的“...lit the cotton”“put out the fire”可知,母亲没有带我去看 医生,而是用火烧我的手。set sth on fire “纵火焚烧某物”,符合语境。in trouble “在困难中”;on strike “在罢工”。] 3.A.leg B.chest C.hand D.face 答案 C [根据上文的“a poisonous spider bit my right hand”“wrapping my hand with several layers of cotton...”可知,这里指的是烘烤我的手(hand)。] 4.A.preserved B.forbade C.cancelled D.prevented 答案 D [剧烈的疼痛使我想叫出声来,但嘴里的筷子阻止(prevented)我这样做。 preserve “保存,保护”;forbid “禁止”;cancel “取消”。] 5.A.before B.until C.when D.while 答案 B [根据语境可知,此处指直到(until)我母亲把我手上的火扑灭。] 6.A.beside B.behind C.after D.within 答案 B [对于那些学生物学的人来说,你也许已经明白了我母亲的治疗方法背 后的科学(原理)。表示“在……背后”要用介词 behind。] 7.A.accurately B.simply C.constantly D.continuously 答案 B [蜘蛛的毒液仅仅(simply)是一种蛋白质。accurately “准确地”; constantly “不断地,时常地”;continuously “连续不断地”。] 8.A.cool B.right C.absurd D.puzzling 答案 A [根据语境可知,此处指这个偏方事实上包含着基本的生物化学知识, 这是很好的(cool)。] 9.A.powerful B.stressful C.painful D.regretful 答案 C [我现在知道了不那么痛(painful)、不那么危险的治疗方法的存在。 powerful “强有力的”;stressful “有压力的”;regretful “遗憾的”。] 10.A.accept B.receive C.adopt D.adapt 答案 B [我忍不住问我自己,为什么那个时候我不能接受(receive)这样的治疗 呢?accept “承认,接受”;adopt “采取,收养”;adapt “使适应,改编”。receive 指客观上的,accept 指主观上的。] 11.A.distribution B.donation C.allocation D.distraction 答案 A [此处表示科学知识在全球的分布(distribution)不均衡问题。donation “捐献”;allocation “分配,配置”;distraction “注意力分散,消遣”。] 12.A.involved B.absorbed C.successful D.careful 答案 C [虽然我们已经积累了很多知识,但是我们不能成功(successful)地将其 应用到最需要它的地方。involved “与……有关联,卷入,复杂的”;absorbed “被……吸引住,全神贯注”;careful “仔细的”。] 13.A.separation B.plenty C.absence D.lack 答案 D  [ 根据上文中的“these problems of poverty ,illness” 及下文中的 “preventing the flow of scientific information”可知,此处应是指资源的匮乏(lack)。 separation “分离,分开”;plenty “许多”;absence “不存在,缺席”。] 14.A.unavailable B.unwanted C.unexpected D.unnecessary 答案 A [救生知识在现代化的世界被我们认为是理所当然的,但通常在不发达 地区却是难以获得的。unavailable “难以获得的,无法得到的”,符合语境。] 15.A.when B.where C.how D.why 答案 C [我知道了科学知识是如何(how)用简单又深刻的方式帮助其他人的。] 16.A.dividing B.separating C.splitting D.breaking 答案 B [当我意识到简单的卫生治疗方法,例如将不同种类的动物隔离 (separating)开可以防止这种疾病的蔓延。divide “分开”,是整体分成若干分;split “分裂”;break “破坏”;separate 是把混在一起的分开或隔离。] 17.A.skilfully B.probably C.preferably D.relatively 答案 B [我们大概(probably)在想象等待我们的远大目标和大冒险。skilfully “有技术地”;preferably “最好是”;relatively “相当地,相对地”。] 18.A.informs B.recalls C.reminds D.refers 答案 C [我的经历提醒(reminds)我,对于研究者来说将知识传递给处于困境中 的那些人是多么重要。] 19.A.in danger B.in need C.in order D.in shape 答案 B [参见上题解析。in danger “在危险中”;in order “整齐,秩序井然, 按顺序”;in shape “在外形上,处于良好状态”。] 20.A.for granted B.for example C.into consideration D.into practice 答案 A [此处表示我们每天都视为理所当然的世界,take sth for granted 意为 “ 认为某事理所当然,视某事为理所当然”,符合句意。take sth for example “以……为例”;take sth into consideration “顾及,考虑到”。] D One summer,I went on a trip to Russia.It was an amazing __1__ that opened my mind to see another part of the world.I spent three weeks there for disabled kids.For those kids having physical __2__ , I spent that time just being a __3__ to them.I slowly became __4__ that my appearance and the friendship between us were the hope they needed.Though some barriers kept us from __5__ our hearts,that’s exactly what God had __6__ to make us grow.So during free time I __7__ write Bible verses out on pieces of paper and put them up on the walls.It was my way of __8__ all of us why we were there. There was a time in my life when I doubted my dancing skills and becoming a “dancing queen” felt like a (n) __9__ situation.After an accident even all hope seemed to be __10__.I mentally couldn’t escape the __11__ that maybe I could never dance.All doubt just kept creeping in and I even had no strength to tell it to __12__, but little did I know that my __13__ was about to end.As I waited for God to move __14__ with patience,hope didn’t seem so far away __15__—my dream was about to come true __16__. I’m now training hard to __17__ against a group of professional dancers in a dance contest.In the process of training I found one of those verses I had __18__ during that trip in Russia. “If we already have something , we don’t need to hope for it.But if we __19__ something we don’t yet have , we must wait __20__ and hope is just around the corner.” 【语篇解读】 作者通过自身的经历告诉我们,如果我们想要得到自己所期盼的 东西,就必须耐心地等待。 1.A.experience B.adventure C.exploration D.discovery 答案 A [根据语境可知,此处表示一次令人惊奇的经历,故选 experience “经 历”。adventure “冒险经历”;exploration “探索,研究”;discovery “发现”。] 2.A.symptoms B.examinations C.conditions D.limitations 答案 D [根据上文的“I spent three weeks there for disabled kids”和空前的“For those kids having physical”可知,此处应是表示有身体缺陷的孩子,故选 limitations “缺陷”。symptom “症状”;examination “检查”;condition “情况”。] 3.A.neighbor B.guest C.friend D.teacher 答案 C [根据语境和下文的“the friendship between us”可知,此处表示作者成 为了那些孩子们的朋友(friend)。] 4.A.surprised B.confident C.aware D.concerned 答案 C [此处表示作者渐渐意识到(aware)她的出现以及他们之间的友谊正是 孩子们所需要的希望。concerned “担忧的”。] 5.A.pouring out B.bringing out C.picking out D.finding out 答案 A [虽然一些障碍阻止了我们倾吐我们的心声,但那正是上帝为我们准备 的以让我们成长的东西。pour out “倾吐”;bring out “使显现出”;pick out “挑 选”;find out “发现”。] 6.A.in common B.in hand C.in store D.in mind 答案 C [参见上题解析。have sth in common “在……有共同之处”;in hand “在手头,可供使用”;in store “储备着,准备”。] 7.A.need B.should C.might D.would 答案 D [因此在空闲时间,作者总是(would)摘抄一些《圣经》中的诗节,并 把它们贴在墙上。] 8.A.reminding B.informing C.warning D.convincing 答案 A [那是作者提醒(reminding)他们所有人他们出现在那里的原因的方式。 inform “通知”;warn “警告”;convince “说服,使信服”。] 9.A.urgent B.hopeless C.controllable D.embarrassing 答案 B [根据上文中的“when I doubted my dancing skills”和下文中的“After an accident even all hope seemed to be...”可知,此处应是表示在作者的生命中,有一 段让作者觉得自己无望成为“舞蹈皇后”的日子。hopeless “绝望的,无希望 的”。urgent “紧急的,急迫的”;controllable “可控制的”;embarrassing “令人 尴尬的”。] 10.A.deserted B.hidden C.lost D.restricted 答案 C [根据上文中的“There was a time in my life when I doubted my dancing skills...”“After an accident even all hope seemed to be”和下文的“maybe I could never dance”可知,此处应是指一次事故过后,所有的希望似乎都不复存在了。lost “失 去的,无法再找到的”。deserted “被舍弃的,被抛弃的”;hidden “隐藏的”; restricted “受限制的”。] 11.A.punishment B.trap C.thought D.fate 答案 C [根据上下文可知,此处表示作者在心理上逃脱不掉自己也许永远都不 能跳舞了的想法(thought)。punishment “惩罚”;trap “陷阱”;fate “命运”。] 12.A.run out B.hang out C.pull off D.back off 答案 D [根据语境可知,此处表示作者甚至没有力量让这种怀疑退后(back off)。 run out “用完,耗尽”;hang out “闲逛”;pull off “完成,赢得”。] 13.A.discouragement B.journey C.hope D.strength 答案 A [根据下文中的“hope didn’t seem so far away”“my dream was about to come true”可知,此处表示但是作者几乎不知道自己的沮丧(discouragement)就要 结束了。strength “力量,力气”。] 14.A.on my way B.on my behalf C.under my name D.at my request 答案 A [此处表示作者在耐心等待上帝走向自己的时候。on the/one’s way “走向……”符合语境。on one’s behalf “代表……”;under one’s name “以…… 的名义”;at one’s request “在……的要求下”。] 15.A.anyway B.anymore C.anyhow D.somehow 答案 B [希望似乎不再那么遥远了。not...anymore “不再……”为固定用法。 anyway “不管怎样,无论如何”;anyhow “无论如何”;somehow “不知怎么 地”。] 16.A.accidentally B.smoothly C.eventually D.coincidentally 答案 C [此处表示作者的梦想最终(eventually)将要实现了。accidentally “偶然 地”;smoothly “顺利地”;coincidentally “巧合的是”。] 17.A.compete B.defend C.fight D.weigh 答案 A [根据上文的“I’m now training hard”和下文的“against a group of professional dancers in a dance contest”可知,此处应是表示作者在刻苦地训练以和 一群专业的舞者竞争(compete)。defend “保卫”;fight “与……作斗争”;weigh “权衡”。] 18.A.recited B.published C.reviewed D.copied 答案 D [根据第一段中的“write Bible verses out on pieces of paper”可知,此处 应是指作者发现了自己在俄罗斯旅行期间曾经抄写(copied)的一段诗节。recite “朗诵”;publish “出版,公布”;review “复习”。] 19.A.quit B.ignore C.desire D.possess 答案 C [如果我们渴求(desire)我们还没有的东西,我们必须耐心地等待。quit “放弃”;ignore “忽略”;possess “拥有”。] 20.A.elegantly B.anxiously C.patiently D.sincerely 答案 C [见上题解析。第二段中的“with patience”亦是提示。elegantly “优雅 地”;anxiously “焦急地”;sincerely “真诚地”。] A Years ago,feeling tired and frustrated,I began to doubt whether teaching was worth it anymore.__1__,a ridiculous moment in class lit my way out of the darkness. I was teaching a chemistry lesson,and the students were __2__ about working with alcohol lamps.But a girl couldn’t get her wick (灯芯)to burn.She was one of the kids who always seemed to be the __3__ one picked for the team,who appeared to have __4__ that she could never be special. Normally I do not interfere with science projects,because __5__ can be part of the learning process.Yet this was simply a matter of faulty equipment;the wick was not as __6__ as it should have been.I needed to __7__. The girl had tears in her eyes,and I felt __8__ of myself for ever having felt like giving up.For that one moment,the only thing that __9__ to me was that this girl should have a successful experiment.She was going to go home that day with a __10__ on her face.I bent over her alcohol lamp,and with a long kitchen match tried to reach the wick.I was so __11__ to the match that I could feel the flame.Finally the wick caught fire,and I looked up triumphantly(得意洋洋地),__12__ the smile on the girl’s face. __13__,she took one look at me and began screaming in fear.I did not understand why the kids were all pointing at me __14__ I realized that the flame had lit my hair.Several kids ran to me and __15__ my head.Talk about a dream came true—they got to hit their teacher on the head and say they were __16__ him. A few minutes later,all was well and I watched the kids __17__ the experiment.I felt like an idiot,and yet for the first time in weeks,I felt how much I __18__ about teaching.I had tried hard to help someone , though not particularly well; but the __19__ was there.From that moment,I determined to always teach like my hair was __20__. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者是一位教学多年的化学老师,对教学工 作有点倦怠以至于怀疑教书的价值。但是一次化学实验中发生的事故改变了他的 这种想法。 1.A.Instantly B.Fortunately C.Hopefully D.Absolutely 答案 B [根据“a ridiculous moment in class lit my way out of the darkness”可知选 B。instantly “立即”;fortunately “幸运的是”;hopefully “满怀希望地”; absolutely “绝对地”。] 2.A.excited B.embarrassed C.skeptical D.particular 答案 A [根据生活常识,学生做化学实验时对于实验器材是感兴趣的,所以只 能选褒义的形容词。excited “兴奋的”;embarrassed “尴尬的”;skeptical “怀 疑的”;particular “特定的,挑剔的”。故选 A。] 3.A.first B.best C.last D.very 答案 C [根据“a girl couldn’t get her wick(灯芯) to burn”可知这个女孩动手能 力差,所以应该是最后(last)一个被选入小组的。] 4.A.accepted B.denied C.declared D.hoped 答案 A [女孩似乎接受(accepted)了她只是一个普通女孩的事实。deny “否认”; declare “宣布”,hope “希望”。] 5.A.practice B.accidents C.inaccuracy D.failure 答案 D [通常情况下,我不会干预科学实验,因为失败有时会是学习过程的一 部分。practice “练习”,accident “事故”;inaccuracy “不精确”;failure “失 败”。故选 D。] 6.A.dry B.big C.thick D.long 答案 D [根据“with a long kitchen match tried to reach the wick”可知,我认为这 个酒精灯的灯芯不够长(long),所以女孩无法点燃它。] 7.A.step in B.step aside C.step up D.step down 答案 A [根据 6 空所在句子的含义可知,此处指我需要介入这个酒精灯的处理。 step in “介入,援之以手”;step aside “让位”;step up “走上前去”;step down “让位,下台”。故选 A。] 8.A.proud B.aware C.tired D.ashamed 答案 D [女孩的泪水让我感到惭愧,因为自己曾经想放弃(教学)。proud “骄 傲的,自豪的”;aware “知道,意识到”;tired “累的”;ashamed “感到惭愧 的”。故选 D。] 9.A.happened B.attended C.mattered D.related 答案 C [对我而言唯一重要的就是这个女孩应该成功地做实验。happen “发 生,恰巧”;attend “参加,出席”;matter “有关系,要紧”;relate “联系”。故 选 C。] 10.A.fear B.smile C.shame D.surprise 答案 B [根据前文的“a successful experiment”可以推断,她将会面带笑容(smile) 回家。fear “害怕,恐惧”;shame “羞愧”;surprise “吃惊”。] 11.A.accessible B.close C.low D.short 答案 B [根据后文中的“I could feel the flame”可以推断,我与火柴离得很近 (close)。accessible “易得到的,易接近的,易理解的”;low “低的”;short “短 的”。] 12.A.expecting B.finding C.missing D.imagining 答案 A [根据前文提到的我得意洋洋的神情可以推断,我此时肯定期待女孩面 带微笑,因为灯芯点着了。expect “预料,期待”,find “发现,觉得”;miss “错 过,思念”;imagine “想象”。故答案是 A。] 13.A.Rather B.Besides C.Still D.Instead 答案 D [根据空格后的句子“she took one look at me and began screaming in fear” 可知,实际情况与我的期待相反,所以空格处所填词应该是 Instead。rather “相 当”;besides “除了……之外(还有)”;still “仍然”。] 14.A.as B.when C.until D.since 答案 C [not...until 意为“直到……才”,该句意为“直到我意识到火焰点燃了 我的头发我才理解孩子们都用手指着我的原因”。as “因为,正如”;when “当……时”;since “自从,既然”。] 15.A.looked B.shouted C.hit D.waved 答案 C [根据后文中的“hit their teacher on the head”可知,几个孩子向我跑来并 打我的头。look “看”;shout “叫喊”;hit “袭击,打”;wave “挥动”。故选 C。] 16.A.helping B.cursing C.kidding D.amusing 答案 A [根据语境可知,孩子们这样做是为了帮我。help “帮助”;curse “诅 咒”;kid “开玩笑”;amuse “娱乐”。故选 A。] 17.A.beginning B.pausing C.continuing D.preparing 答案 C [根据前文中的“A few minutes later,all was well”(几分钟后,一切都 很好)可以推断,此处指我看着孩子们继续(continuing)做实验。begin “开始”; pause “暂停”;prepare “准备”。] 18.A.argued B.cared C.complained D.worried 答案 B [根据语境以及 how much 可以看出,我意识到自己还是很在乎(cared about)教育的。argue about “争论”;complain about “埋怨”;worry about “担 心”。] 19.A.strategy B.reason C.scheme D.effort 答案 D [根据上文提到的作者为帮助一个女孩作出的努力及前文中的“I had tried hard to help someone,though not particularly well”可以看出,尽管帮人的过 程不是很美好,但努力(effort)是真实存在的。strategy “策略”;reason “原因”; scheme “计划”。] 20.A.on fire B.on end C.in sight D.in chaos 答案 A [根据前文的内容可知,我认为自己的头发着火是值得的,此处用 on fire 呼应上文并升华主题。on fire “着火”;on end “竖立着,连续地”;in sight “在视线中”;in chaos “处于混乱中”。故选 A。] B Order is the best manager of time.It illustrates many subjects.Thus,obedience to the natural law is order.Virtue is order.The world began with it.__1__ was once common before its establishment. The merchant,the clerk and the laborer are all of the same __2__,born with the same expectations and affected by similar influences.They are,it is __3__,born in different positions,but it __4__ with themselves whether they shall live nobly or evilly.They may not have their choice of riches or poverty,but they have their __5__ of being good or evil. People of the highest position , __6__ culture and education , have often as great hardships as the common people.They have to make their incomes go much further.They have to __7__ their social status.__8__ their incomes may be less satisfactory,they are desperate to __9__ and bring the children up as gentlemen. Hume,a famous historian,was a man of good family but his __10__ were very small when he was young.In his autobiography,he uses his own case as a(n) __11__ of the advantages of frugality (节省).Despite a considerable debt,his mother,a widow, __12__ met the difficulties and eventually overcame them.Though her income was less than that of many highly paid men,she educated her children well and brought them up __13__. Hume says,“While studying in France,I __14__ that plan of life which I have steadily and successfully pursued.I determined to make a __15__ frugality supply my shortage of fortunes and to __16__ my independence.” At thirty-six he thought himself rich.These are his own words: “My appointments,with my frugality,had helped me reach a fortune which made me __17__.” Goethe says,“It doesn’t matter within what circle an honest man acts,provided he knows how to __18__ that circle.” “What is the best government ? ” Goethe asks.“That which teaches us to __19__ ourselves!Let every one only do the right in his place,without __20__ himself about the confusion of the world.” 【语篇解读】 社会上的每个人,不分贵贱,都应该严格遵守秩序,并用它来约 束自己。 1.A.Chaos B.Offence C.Punishment D.Condemnation 答案 A [在秩序建立之前,混乱一度是司空见惯的事情。chaos “混乱”; offence “冒犯”;punishment “惩罚”;condemnation “谴责”。Chaos 和上文的 order(秩序)对应。] 2.A.origin B.race C.nature D.interest 答案 C [of the same nature “具有相同的特征”。nature “特征,本质”;origin “起源,出身”;race “种族”;interest “兴趣”。] 3.A.hopeful B.strange C.vital D.true 答案 D [it is true 充当插入成分,表明所说的话是正确的。] 4.A.agrees B.rests C.corresponds D.conflicts 答案 B [但生活得高贵还是邪恶取决于他们自己。rest with “取决于”,符合 语境。agree with “和……一致,同意,适合”;correspond with “与某人通信, 和……一致”;conflict with “与……冲突”。] 5.A.idea B.option C.freedom D.intention 答案 B [option 和上文的 choice 相对应。idea “想法”;option “选择”; freedom “自由”;intention “意图”。] 6.A.in defence of B.in course of C.in anticipation of D.in respect of 答案 D [在文化和教育方面职位最高的人和普通人所经历的困难通常一样。in respect of “关于”,符合语境。in defence of “为了捍卫”;in course of “在…… 的过程中”;in anticipation of “期待”。] 7.A.give up B.depend on C.look for D.keep up 答案 D [他们得保持他们的社会地位。give up “放弃”;depend on “依赖”; look for “寻找”;keep up “保持,维持”。] 8.A.Since B.Though C.Unless D.When 答案 B [尽管(Though)他们的收入可能不是很令人满意,但他们一心要教育好 他们的孩子,把他们培养成绅士。] 9.A.educate B.encourage C.blame D.spoil 答案 A [见上题解析。educate(教育)和 bring up(培养)对应。spoil “宠坏”。] 10.A.ambitions B.achievements C.means D.contributions 答案 C [但他年轻的时候财富少得可怜。ambition “抱负”;achievement “成 就”;means “金钱,财富”;contribution “贡献”。下文的“Despite a considerable debt”“her income was less than...”是提示。] 11.A.assurance B.consequence C.illustration D.criterion 答案 C [他用自己的情况作为例证来说明节约的好处。illustration “说明,例 证”,符合题意。assurance “保证”;consequence “结果”;criterion “标准”。] 12.A.bravely B.stubbornly C.sharply D.tentatively 答案 A [勇敢面对并最终克服困难。bravely “勇敢地”;stubbornly “固执 地”;sharply “剧烈地”;tentatively “踌躇地”。] 13.A.faithfully B.plainly C.gratefully D.virtuously 答案 D [她把孩子教育得很好,把他们培养成有道德的人。virtuously “有道 德地,正直地”,符合题意。faithfully “忠诚地”;plainly “朴素地”;gratefully “感激地,感恩地”。] 14.A.proposed B.made C.discussed D.approved 答案 B [make a plan “制订计划”。] 15.A.rigid B.casual C.liberal D.flexible 答案 A [我决心要以刻板的节俭来应付我那有限的财产,以此保持我的独立自 主。rigid “刻板的”;casual “随便的”;liberal “自由的”;flexible “灵活 的”。] 16.A.balance B.restore C.value D.maintain 答案 D [见上题解析。maintain “保持”,符合语境。balance “平衡”;restore “恢复”;value “重视”。] 17.A.attractive B.proud C.independent D.knowledgeable 答案 C [我的预约和节俭帮助我积累了财富,这让我能够独立。independent(独 立的)和上文的 independence 对应。] 18.A.fit in B.move in C.end in D.engage in 答案 A [如果他知道如何适应那个圈子。故选 A。move in “搬进,搬入”;end in “以……结束”;engage in “参与”。] 19.A.protect B.justify C.govern D.display 答案 C [(政府)教我们管好自己。protect “保护”;justify “证明……正当”; display “展示”。] 20.A.questioning B.troubling C.scolding D.abandoning 答案 B [让每个人在他的位置上只做正确的事情,而不用担心世界的混乱。 trouble oneself about “担心”。question “质疑”;scold “训斥”;abandon “抛 弃”。] C (2018·苏锡常镇四市高三教情调研二) When one hitchhikes—travelling by getting lifts from passing vehicles without paying, one __1__ long hours either waiting at a likely intersection (岔路口) or __2__ heavily down the road,and when I was so engaged,I found __3__ in singing songs or in reciting many poems I had memorized,or __4__ the latest postcards I had added to my art collection. I was in many ways the __5__ boy on the road,in other ways the richest,and I was always happy to be on the road meeting new people,hearing new stories and seeing new __6__. I have __7__ been clever enough to analyze the motivation or drive for my hitchhiking,but I doubt that it was related to any __8__ weakness.I have never been out of mind.Home was not exciting enough to keep me __9__ to it.I had no material __10__ of any kind to hold my interest for long periods of time staying home.__11__ I was not unhappy with my family,my school and my friends. When I was __12__,hiking with very little money and a thousand miles from home, I was convinced that I would __13__ my journey safely,for I was quite optimistic as a boy then with __14__ life before me.So it was with me when I was at sixty—I was still optimistic with so many __15__ behind me.It seems that I was born to __16__ at the world,and such men do not write tragedies. The simple fact seems that whenever I saw that __17__ road outside my house,I was __18__ to explore what it was like.What Walt Whitman once said would always push me to go on: “Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open __19__,Healthy,free,the world before me,The long brown path before me leading wherever I __20__.” That makes a difference to my life. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者由自己爱搭便车旅行的经历表达了 自己热爱自由、不惧挑战的生活态度。 1.A.saves B.spends C.enjoys D.kills 答案 B [根据语境可知,搭便车旅行的人会花费(spends)很长时间要么在有可 能出现车辆的岔路口等待要么步履沉重地沿途行走(walking)。] 2.A.walking B.running C.driving D.riding 答案 A [见上题解析。] 3.A.comfort B.bore C.adventure D.pain 答案 A [根据语境可知,此处指作者会在吟唱歌曲中或者在背诵自己记忆的诗 歌中或者在回忆(recalling)自己新加入艺术收藏的明信片中寻找安慰(comfort)。 bore “烦人的状况(或事情)”;adventure “冒险,冒险经历”;pain “痛苦”。] 4.A.sending B.recalling C.designing D.buying 答案 B [见上题解析。] 5.A.dullest B.busiest C.poorest D.laziest 答案 C [根据下文的“in other ways the richest”可知,此处应用 poorest 与 richest 形成对比,表示从很多方面看作者是旅途中最贫穷的男孩,但从其他方面看,作 者又是最富有的男孩。] 6.A.movies B.shows C.landscapes D.exhibitions 答案 C [根据语境可知,作者总是很高兴自己能在旅途中看到陌生的风景 (landscapes)。] 7.A.always B.sometimes C.often D.never 答案 D [根据下文的“but I doubt that it was related to...”可知,此处表示作者也 未弄明白自己喜欢搭便车的原因,故这里应用表示否定意义的词 never。] 8.A.economical B.moral C.physical D.mental 答案 D [根据上下文语境可知,作者是在自嘲自己喜欢搭便车是因为自己心理 上有缺陷。mental “心理上的,精神的”符合语境。] 9.A.tied B.adjusted C.opposed D.exposed 答案 A [根据上下文语境,尤其是下文的“I had no material __10__ of any kind to hold my interest for long periods of time staying home”可知,此处表示家不足以把 作者束缚住。tie sb to sth “把某人束缚在……上”,符合语境。adjust “调整,适 应”;oppose “反对,抵制”;expose “显露,揭露”。] 10.A.conditions B.possessions C.preparations D.occasions 答案 B [根据上下文语境可知,作者没有任何种类的物质财富(possessions)能 够让自己对长时间待在家里感兴趣。condition “条件,状况”;preparation “准 备,准备工作”;occasion “特别的事情,时机”。] 11.A.Otherwise B.Thus C.Besides D.Yet 答案 D [根据上下文语境可知,作者虽然不喜欢待在家里,但(Yet)这并不说 明作者不喜欢自己的家人、学校和朋友。] 12.A.lonely B.young C.free D.sad 答案 B [根据下文的内容,尤其是“for I was quite optimistic as a boy then”“So it was with me when I was at sixty”可知,当作者年轻的(young)时候,携带着极少量 的钱到离家千里之外的地方远足,作者相信自己会安全地完成(complete)旅行。] 13.A.continue B.complete C.combine D.control 答案 B [参见上题解析。continue “继续”;combine “结合,组合”;control “控制”。] 14.A.experienced B.untested C.foreseen D.fantastic 答案 B [根据语境可知,前方有未经检验的(untested)生活等待着作者。] 15.A.blessings B.achievements C.differences D.challenges 答案 D [根据语境可知,作者在面临身后的多重挑战(challenges)时,依旧保持 乐观。blessing “祝福,赞同”;achievement “成就”;difference “差别,不 同”。] 16.A.smile B.spit C.shout D.sigh 答案 A [根据上文作者不惧挑战,保持乐观的内容及下文的“and such men do not write tragedies”可知,作者似乎生来便是笑(smile)对世界的人。] 17.A.beautiful B.rough C.mysterious D.dangerous 答案 C [根据语境可知,无论何时作者看到自己家门外那条神秘的(mysterious) 道路,作者都下定决心(determined)去探索。] 18.A.frightened B.determined C.worried D.surprised 答案 B [见上题解析。] 19.A.road B.door C.window D.air 答案 A [此处意为“我轻松愉快走上大路”。结合语境及文章主题可知,road 符合语境。] 20.A.start B.choose C.know D.change 答案 B [此处意为“长长的褐色的大路在我面前,通向我选择(choose)去的任 何地方”。] D When you try too hard but you don’t succeed; when __1__ all your efforts you don’t get the results you need,give up and move on.__2__ it like it’s hot,and run in the __3__ direction as fast as you can.The problem __4__ when all these inspirational quotes start confusing us.These messages tell people not to give up,but they don’t tell you that it should only __5__ your true dreams.They tell one to try and try again until he succeeds,__6__ that amount of effort should only be put toward what you really want in life and one should never __7__ at what he thinks to be his life’s purpose. The rest is all just there to __8__ you,distract you,give you a headache,heartache and depress you,so don’t let it happen.If you are not good at playing the piano and you know it’s because you don’t even like the instrument,give it up.If no matter how __9__ you study you can hardly __10__ an above average grade,don’t worry.Your __11__ lies somewhere else.Not everybody is an A-student.If you always end up __12__ the chocolate cake you are trying to bake,maybe it is because you were born to buy one and not __13__ one.Quit baking. Are you the worst __14__ on your sales team,and even the interns(实习生) are better than you are?It’s because you were not supposed to be a salesperson,you were __15__ to be a DJ.Try to __16__ your talent,your ability and your skills.__17__ what you are good at,what makes you happy and then __18__ it.If you do,no one would have to tell you or __19__ you not to give up because when you love something,you keep trying until you get it right and the enthusiasm flows from within.Don’t worry about what people will say or think.It’s your life.You have to live it and you have to be your own __20__. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。当你在某方面竭尽全力仍然不能获得成功的 时候,不妨反思一下,这方面是不是你的短板,然后及时放弃。去坚持你所擅长 的和适合你的目标,最后才能获得成功,真正成为你人生的主宰。 1.A.including B.despite C.without D.concerning 答案 B [根据前文“When you try too hard but you don’t succeed”可知,你竭尽 全力,却没有获得成功。此处与前文意思并列,意为“当尽管你付出所有努力还 是没有得到需要的结果时”。including “包括”;despite “尽管”;without “无, 没有”;concerning “关于”。] 2.A.Appreciate B.Continue C.Drop D.Start 答案 C [根据“when ________ all your efforts you don’t get the results you need, give up and move on.________ it like it’s hot”可知,当你付出所有努力还是没有 得到想要结果的时候,放弃然后从头再来。扔掉这块烫手山芋。appreciate “欣 赏”;continue “继续”;drop “丢弃”;start “开始”。] 3.A.same B.opposite C.public D.simple 答案 B [在竭尽全力还是没有成功的时候,放弃原来的目标,奔向另—个不同 的目标,即朝着相反的方向努力。same “同样的”;opposite “相反的”;public “公开的”;simple “简单的”。] 4.A.arises B.exists C.meets D.produces 答案 A [根据下文内容可知,我们竭尽全力都没有成功,一些励志名言却总是 鼓励人努力再努力,我们对此感到困惑,这时候问题就出现了。arise “产生, 出现”;exist “存在”;meet “遇到”;produce “生产”。] 5.A.submit to B.turn to C.subscribe to D.apply to 答案 D [根据句意可知,这些名言告诉人们不要放弃,但是却并没有告诉你那 只适用于你真正的梦想。submit to “屈从于”;turn to “转向”;subscribe to “赞 成”;apply to “适用于”。] 6.A.but B.so C.or D.and 答案 A [根据句意可知,它们告诉人们要一次又一次地尝试直到成功,但是那 样的努力应该只用来得到你人生中最想得到的东西。设空处前后两个句子之间是 转折关系。] 7.A.accept B.like C.quit D.return 答案 C [根据“that amount of effort should only be put toward what you really want in life”可知,那样的努力应该只用来得到你人生中最想得到的东西,对自己认为 对的人生目标决不放弃。accept “接受”;like “喜欢”;quit “放弃,退出”;return “返回”。] 8.A.refresh B.confuse C.help D.change 答案 B [根据下文的“distract you,give you a headache,heartache and depress you”可知,B 项正确。refresh “使精神振作”;confuse “使困惑”;help “帮 助”;change “改变”。] 9.A.late B.long C.well D.hard 答案 D [根据句意可知,如果不管你多么努力地(hard)学习,也很难取得平均 水平以上的分数。] 10.A.score B.catch C.take D.protect 答案 A [score “得分”,与宾语 average grade 是固定搭配,意为“取得平均 分”。catch “抓住”;take “拿走”;protect “保护”。] 11.A.shortcoming B.motivation C.talent D.position 答案 C [根据下文“Not everybody is an A-student”可知,人的能力不一定都 体现在学习上。shortcoming “缺点”;motivation “动机”;talent “才能”; position “位置”。] 12.A.making B.damaging C.burning D.preparing 答案 C [根据下文 Quit baking 可知,你不擅长烤蛋糕,所以总是把蛋糕烤焦。 make “制造,做”;damage “损害”;burn “烧焦”;prepare “准备”。] 13.A.do B.reduce C.taste D.make 答案 D [根据上句“If you always end up ________ the chocolate cake you are trying to bake”可知,此处应为动手做一个蛋糕。“做蛋糕”的英语表达是“make a cake”。] 14.A.performer B.consumer C.leader D.adviser 答案 A [在你的销售团队中甚至实习生也比你做得好,由此推断你是表现最差 的人,故 performer 正确。consumer “消费者”;leader “领导”;adviser “顾 问”。] 15.A.tended B.meant C.offered D.chosen 答案 B [根据上句可知,你在销售团队表现很差,是因为你不适合做销售,你 是做 DJ 的料。be meant to do 意为“(因为天资或能力)被期望做或应该做”。] 16.A.notice B.recognize C.promise D.sacrifice 答案 B [根据上文可知,人们应该坚持最适合自己能力的事情,所以要试着找 出你的天赋、你的能力和你的技巧。notice “注意到”;recognize “辨别出”; promise “承诺”;sacrifice “牺牲”。] 17.A.Leak out B.Point out C.Turn out D.Find out 答案 D [此处 find out 与前面的 recognize 意思接近。leak out “渗漏”;point out “指出”;turn out “结果是”;find out “弄清楚,查明”。] 18.A.work on B.comment on C.call on D.live on 答案 A [根据“what you are good at,what makes you happy”可知,弄清楚你 擅长的东西、使你快乐的东西,然后要做的就是专注于它,把它变成现实。work on “致力于”;comment on “对……进行评论”;call on “拜访”;live on “以……为生”。] 19.A.advise B.inspire C.call D.accelerate 答案 B [inspire “激励”,与第一段的 inspirational quotes 形成呼应。如果你这 样做了,没有人会来告诉你或鼓励你绝不要放弃。advise “建议”;call “召唤”; accelerate “加速”。] 20.A.teacher B.partner C.boss D.colleague 答案 C [根据上文可知,只有按照自己的意愿和能力来安排自己才是生活,才 能掌握自己的人生,成为自己的主宰。teacher “老师”;partner “合伙人”;boss “领导”;colleague “同事”。] A (2018·南京市四校第一学期联考)Susan McLeary is a designer.Her jewelry made of living plants is a __1__ in the jewelry world.She uses real plants collected from her __2__ to create wonderful headpieces,necklaces,rings and other pieces of jewelry that __3__ on you. Each piece can be worn for two to four weeks before the plants begin to grow __4__ their metal base.When this happens,__5__ can simply remove the plants from their metal base and __6__ them to keep in their homes.If the pieces are worn for special __7__ like weddings,such plants become all the more __8__. McLeary,who has worked with leading floral (花的) designers,has spent years __9__ her two loves—plants and jewelry—and __10__ her own style.Before she was a florist,she made jewelry for friends.__11__ one of her friends got married,she was asked to design some wedding flowers __12__ some jewelry.As she had the flowers in her hands,she had her idea.She __13__ loves designing things for weddings,but she has found that she __14__ creating floral wearables and floral jewelry. She makes each piece by hand,and therefore she can fully __15__ composition and color.Each jewelry piece is made with __16__ sourced plants from her family-owned greenhouse and jewelry bases offered by other small __17__. The floral jewelry adds more fun and more __18__ sights.Of course,the owners can also __19__ their time by taking care of the plants in their metal base.McLeary’s beautiful designs are __20__ in her Etsy store,ranging from $20 to $300. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。Susan McLeary 是一个设计师,她把自己的 两个爱好——种植和首饰设计——结合起来,制作独特的饰品。 1.A.product B.hit C.recreation D.secret 答案 B [她用活着的植物制成的首饰在首饰界大出风头。hit “很受欢迎的人 (或事物)”,符合语境。recreation “娱乐活动,游戏”。] 2.A.greenhouse B.backyard C.garden D.farm 答 案   A   [ 根 据 倒 数 第 二 段 中 的 “...sourced plants from her family-owned greenhouse”可知,这些植物都来自 Susan McLeary 自家的温室。故答案选 A 项。] 3.A.depend B.stick C.grow D.lie 答案 C [根据上文的“made of living plants”“She uses real plants”和第二段的内容 可知,这些饰品是用真正的植物做的,人们佩戴在身上后,它们还会生长(grow)。 故答案选 C 项。] 4.A.into B.with C.in D.off 答案 D [根据下文的“When this happens,________ can simply remove the plants from their metal base”可知,两至四个星期后,这些植物会长到金属底座 之外。故答案选 D 项。off “不在某物上面,从某物上移开”。] 5.A.housewives B.fans C.designers D.wearers 答案 D [根据文中出现的“worn”可知,此处指佩戴这些饰品的人,故 wearers 符合语境。housewife “家庭主妇”;designer “设计者”。] 6.A.rebury B.repot C.squeeze D.shape 答案 B [根据下文的“them to keep in their homes”可知,植物长到金属底座之外 时,佩戴者只要简单地把植物从金属底座中移开,重新把它们种在家里的盆中即 可。repot “重新把……栽入盆中”,符合语境。rebury “重新埋葬”;squeeze “挤 压”;shape “塑造”。] 7.A.occasions B.reasons C.chances D.practices 答案 A [根据下文的“like weddings”可知,此处指“如果这些饰品是在特殊的 场合(occasions)佩戴的”。chance “可能性”;practice “练习”。] 8.A.environmental B.vivid C.fragile D.meaningful 答案 D [在特殊的场合佩戴这些饰品,它们就变得更有意义(meaningful)。 environmental “环保的”;vivid “生动的”;fragile “脆弱的”。] 9.A.promoting B.advocating C.combining D.improving 答案 C [根据下文的“plants and jewelry”可知,McLeary 花费数年时间把自己 的两个爱好结合起来(combining),并形成(developing)自己的风格。promote “提 升”;advocate “支持”。] 10.A.changing B.developing C.abandoning D.advertising 答案 B [见上题解析。] 11.A.Though B.When C.If D.Until 答案 B [根据语境可知,当(When)McLeary 的一个朋友结婚时,她被请求除了 帮忙设计一些首饰之外,还设计婚礼用花。] 12.A.in addition to B.as for C.in spite of D.due to 答案 A [见上题解析。in addition to “除……之外(还)”;as for “关于”;in spite of “尽管”。] 13.A.even B.only C.still D.also 答案 C [根据下文的“but she has found that she...”可知,McLeary 依旧(still)喜欢 给婚礼设计东西。] 14.A.suggests B.admits C.considers D.prefers 答案 D [此处指“但是她发现她更喜欢(prefers)制作……”。suggest “建议”; admit “承认”;consider “考虑”。] 15.A.focus on B.approve of C.adapt to D.long for 答案 A [根据上文的“She makes each piece by hand,and therefore”可知, McLeary 用手工制作每一件饰品,这样她可以全身心地关注(focus on)饰品的创作 和颜色。approve of “赞成”;adapt to “适应”;long for “渴望”。] 16.A.internationally B.temporarily C.locally D.commercially 答案 C [根据下文的“from her family-owned greenhouse”可知,此处指“从 当地获得的植物”。locally “在当地”,符合语境。internationally “在国际上”; temporarily “临时地”;commercially “商业地”。] 17.A.businesses B.galleries C.churches D.supermarkets 答案 A [根据常识可知,首饰底座应该是由公司(businesses)提供的。gallery “画廊”。] 18.A.alternative B.famous C.serious D.attractive 答案 D [花艺首饰增加了更多的乐趣和更吸引眼球的(attractive)景象。 alternative “可供替代的”。] 19.A.waste B.kill C.save D.take 答案 B [根据下文的“...their time by taking care of the plants in their metal base” 可知,通过照看这些植物,佩戴者还可以打发(kill)时间。waste “浪费”。] 20.A.available B.fragrant C.convenient D.free 答案 A [根据语境可知,McLeary 设计的花艺首饰可以在她的 Etsy 商店里购 买到,价格从 20 美元到 300 美元不等。available 意为“可得到的”,符合语境。 fragrant “芳香的”。] B (2018·苏锡常镇四市高三教情调研一) Truly happy and successful people get that way by becoming the best,most genuine ( 真 实 的 ) version of themselves.Not on the outside—on the inside.It’s not about a brand or a __1__.It’s about reality: who you really are. Sounds simple,I know.The problem is,it’s very hard to do,it takes a lot of work, and it can take a lifetime to __2__ it out. __3__ worth doing in life is ever easy.If you want to do great work,it’s going to take a lot of hard work to do it.And you’re going to have to break out of your comfort zone and take some __4__ that will scare you so much.But what’s the __5__ of life if not finding yourself and trying to become the best? That’s what Steve Jobs __6__ when he said: Your time is __7__,so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions __8__ your own inner voice.You have to __9__ something—your gut (直觉),fate,life,or __10__.This __11__ has never let me down,and it has made all the difference in my life. Now,let’s for a moment be __12__ about this.Insightful as that advice may be,it sounds a little too __13__ to resonate ( 共 鸣 ) with today’s quick-fix culture.These days,if you can’t tell people exactly what to do and how to do it,it __14__ deaf ears. Not only that,but what Jobs was talking about,what I’m talking about,requires focus and discipline,two things that are very hard to __15__ these days.Why? Because focus and discipline are hard.It’s so much easier to __16__ to distraction (分心).Easy and addictive. There’s a business concept called opportunity cost.When you choose one course of action,you miss out on all the other opportunities you might have chosen to __17__ but didn’t.People __18__ stop to consider that until it’s too late. And yet,the opportunity for adventure is right there in front of each and every one of us.Until you take it,you’ll never know what you might __19__.All you have to do is __20__ the journey.So,take action! 【语篇解读】 如何成为真正快乐、成功的人?在作者看来,那就是让自己成长 为最好、最真实的自己。 1.A.personality B.quality C.talent D.reputation 答案 D [根据上文中的“Not on the outside...a brand or...”及下文中的“It’s about reality:who you really are”可知空处与 a brand 均和上文中的“the outside”相对应, 指的是外在的东西,故选 reputation。] 2.A.put B.leave C.figure D.check 答案 C [“我”知道这听起来很简单,但问题是,做起来非常难:这需要付诸 很多努力,甚或一辈子才能弄明白。figure out 意为“弄明白,计算出”,符合语 境。put out 意为“扑灭,生产,出版”;leave out 意为“遗漏”;check out 意为“检 查,结账离开”。] 3.A.Everything B.Anything C.Something D.Nothing 答案 D [根据上文提到的需要付诸很多努力,甚或一辈子才能弄明白其中的道 理 及 下 文 中 的 “it’s going to take a lot of hard work...break out of your comfort zone...”可知,此处指生活中值得做的事情都不容易,故选 Nothing。] 4.A.rewards B.chances C.advantages D.responsibilities 答案 B [正因为“万事皆不易”,所以你必须走出舒适区,去冒险。take a chance 意为“抓住机会,冒险,碰运气”。] 5.A.aim B.sense C.effect D.result 答案 B [根据语境及句中的“if not finding yourself and trying to become the best” 可知,在作者看来,一个人这一辈子,到头来如果认不清自己、未努力成为最好 的自己的话,人生就没有什么意义。sense 意为“意义”。] 6.A.planned B.meant C.mentioned D.informed 答案 B [根据语境可知,此处指那也是史蒂夫·乔布斯在说下文中的“Your time is...in my life”这些话时的意思,所以用 mean,意为“意思是说”。] 7.A.endless B.abundant C.random D.limited 答案 D [根据句中的“don’t waste it”可知,你的时间是有限的(limited),因此 不要把它浪费在过其他人的生活上。] 8.A.drown out B.cater for C.submit to D.dance to 答案 A [根据语境可知,此处指不要让其他人的聒噪言论淹没你内心的声音。 drown out 意为“(声音)盖过,淹没”;cater for 意为“迎合,提供饮食”;submit to 意为“顺从”;dance to “和着……跳舞”。] 9.A.trust B.deny C.admire D.forget 答案 A [根据语境可知,此处指你必须要相信一些东西——你的直觉、命运、 生活或诸如此类的东西,故选 trust。] 10.A.however B.whichever C.whenever D.whatever 答案 D [见上题解析。or whatever 意为“诸如此类,等等”,是固定用法。] 11.A.truth B.approach C.imagination D.action 答案 B [根据语境可知,在乔布斯看来这个方法(approach)从来没让他失望过, 而且对他的生活有很大的影响。下文中的“that advice”亦是提示。] 12.A.realistic B.enthusiastic C.energetic D.optimistic 答案 A [根据下文中的“Insightful as that advice may be,it sounds a little...”可 知,此处作者建议读者实际一点,从现实角度分析了上文中提到的乔布斯的建议。 realistic 意为“现实的,实际的”;enthusiastic 意为“热情的”;energetic 意为“精 力充沛的”;optimistic 意为“乐观的”。] 13.A.challenging B.dynamic C.fragile D.consistent 答案 A [根据空处所在句及下文中的“These days,if you...deaf ears”可知, 此处指那个建议或许很深刻,但听起来却有点过于具有挑战性,不能与当今的“应 急”文化产生共鸣。challenging 意为“有挑战性的”;dynamic 意为“充满活力的, 精力充沛的”;fragile 意为“易碎的,脆弱的,虚弱的”;consistent 意为“一致 的,连续的”。] 14.A.turns out B.brings about C.falls on D.involves in 答案 C [根据语境可知,现如今,如果你不能告诉人们真正该做什么、该怎么 做的话,那么它(建议)就会被置若罔闻。fall on deaf ears 意为“未受到重视,未 被理睬,被置若罔闻”,是固定用法。turn out 意为“关掉,结果是,生产”;bring about 意为“带来,造成”;involve in 意为“被卷入,参加”。] 15.A.come by B.stand by C.look for D.care for 答案 A [根据下文中的“Why?Because...Easy and addictive”可知,不仅如此, 乔布斯的讲话和“我”要说的话都需要专注和自律——这两种品质在当今社会非 常难得到。come by 意为“得到,收到”;stand by 意为“支持,准备行动,信守 诺言”;look for 意为“寻找”;care for 意为“照顾,喜欢”。] 16.A.get down B.give in C.give rise D.pay attention 答案 B [因为专注和自律都不容易做到,人们很容易分散注意力。give in to 意 为“屈服,让步”,符合语境。get down to 意为“着手做”;give rise to 意为“引 起”;pay attention to 意为“注意”。] 17.A.preserve B.create C.pursue D.abandon 答案 C [有一个商业概念叫“机会成本”。当你选择了某种行动方式时,你会 错过所有其他你原本可以选择的机会来追寻(梦想)。pursue 意为“追求,致力于”, 符合语境。preserve 意为“保护,保存”;create 意为“创造”;abandon 意为“放 弃”。] 18.A.frequently B.rarely C.actively D.passively 答案 B [根据下文中的“stop to consider that until it’s too late”“And yet,the opportunity for adventure is right there...”可知,人们很少停下来细想这一点,直 到为时已晚。frequently 意为“频繁地”;rarely 意为“很少,罕有”;actively 意 为“积极地”;passively 意为“被动地,顺从地”。] 19.A.achieve B.survive C.believe D.relieve 答案 A [然而,冒险的机会就在我们每个人面前。在你抓住它之前,你绝不知 道你可能会获得什么。achieve 意为“取得,获得”,符合语境。survive 意为“幸 存”;believe 意为“相信”;relieve 意为“缓解,解除”。] 20.A.enjoy B.expect C.design D.start 答案 D [根据下文中的“So,take action”可知,此处指你所要做的就是开始 这个旅程。start 意为“开始,(使)开始发生”,符合语境。] C When I was young,my household consisted of my mother and my grandmother.My mother took a(n) __1__ role in my upbringing,causing my grandmother to raise me primarily.I __2__ her to severe pneumonia (肺炎) when I was 10.My mother tried to continue my grandmother’s __3__,which,however,began to fall short.My mother did not work and __4__ most days leaving me to my own actions. We applied for financial assistance and we were __5__ surviving.With my mother’s withdrawal from life , little financial skills and poor organization , I did not have food,clothes,or __6__.After an investigation by child services,I was __7__ in foster care (寄养照管). Prior to placement in foster care , I had volunteered at the local hospital to gain hospital __8__,since I had wanted to be a doctor.After the foster care,I felt alone and destitute (贫困的).I saw no __9__ of obtaining such a grand educational journey. My mother passed away when I was 23,leaving me with no close family.I struggled with the __10__ in my life and felt alone,but continued on and was married at the age of 24.My daughter was born and I __11__ myself to strive ( 奋 斗 ) higher in life.I __12__ and applied for a better job,which would double my salary—I was accepted! My life was again __13__ due to divorce and a lay-off at 27 years old.For my daughter,I decided to __14__ my dream.Succeed or not,at least I tried. I began at the local community college and was then able to __15__ to a 4-year college for a degree in Biology.I __16__ myself and did not let anything distract (转 移) me from my goal. I am now a practicing physician and __17__ not be happier.I am close to my daughter.I continue my __18__ to advanced leadership positions.I continue to be __19__ by those I meet who have gone through much worse than I and have achieved success. We can all __20__ so much in our lives.I hope this story provides you with hope. 【语篇解读】 作者小的时候,主要是由外婆带,母亲在作者的成长过程中所扮 演的角色非常被动。作者忍受苦难,追逐梦想,最终实现目标。生活教会作者很 多,希望作者的故事也能激励大家。 1.A.passive B.active C.central D.major 答案 A [根据句中的“causing my grandmother to raise me primarily”可知,主要 是外婆带作者,母亲在作者的成长过程中所扮演的角色非常被动。passive “被 动的,消极的”。] 2.A.introduced B.exposed C.lost D.reduced 答案 C [在作者 10 岁的时候外婆就因患上严重的肺炎去世了。lose...to sb/sth “被某人/某物夺去……”。] 3.A.dreams B.efforts C.career D.lesson 答案 B [母亲试图继续外婆的努力(来带作者),然而没有达到目标。effort “努 力,尽力”。] 4.A.retired B.withdrew C.starved D.panicked 答案 B [根据句中的“leaving me to my own actions”可知,母亲不去工作,也不 管作者,大部分时间让作者想做什么就做什么。withdraw “离开,退出(活动、 组织等)”。下文的“my mother’s withdrawal from life”是提示。] 5.A.well B.comfortably C.easily D.barely 答案 D [作者和母亲申请了经济援助,勉强能度日。barely “仅仅,勉强可 能”。] 6.A.discipline B.reputation C.ambitions D.privileges 答案 A [母亲从作者的生活中退出,而作者也几乎不具备任何挣钱的技能和条 理性,所以作者吃不饱、穿不暖,也没有自制力。discipline “自制力,纪 律”。] 7.A.locked B.placed C.prejudiced D.abused 答案 B [在儿童服务机构调查以后,作者接受了寄养照管。place “使(人)处于 某位置,安置,安顿”。下文的“placement”亦是提示。] 8.A.assistance B.reward C.license D.experience 答案 D [根据空格后的“since I had wanted to be a doctor”可知,在接受寄养照 管之前,因为作者想当医生,所以作者在当地的一家医院参加志愿者活动,以获 得在医院服务的经验。experience “经验”。] 9.A.risk B.challenge C.hope D.end 答案 C [根据上句中的“After the foster care,I felt alone and destitute(贫困的)” 可知,被寄养照管的生活让作者感觉到孤独与贫困,想到宏大的求学旅程,作者 感到非常的无望。see no hope of...“看不到……的希望”。] 10.A.purpose B.gap C.disease D.plan 答案 B [23 岁那年母亲去世,使作者没有了亲密的家人,故此处指作者母亲 的去世给作者的生活留下一大片空白。gap “空白,缺漏”。] 11.A.induced B.forbade C.trusted D.promised 答案 D [作者的生活依然继续,24 岁那年作者结婚了;女儿出生后作者暗自 许诺要过更好的生活。promise “允诺,许诺”。] 12.A.made a fortune B.made a point C.took a turn D.took a chance 答案 D [作者抓住机会申请一个会让其工资翻倍的更好的工作,而且被录用 了!take a chance “利用机会,抓住机会,冒险,碰运气”。] 13.A.changed B.saved C.improved D.controlled 答案 A [因离婚和下岗作者的人生又发生了改变。change “改变”。] 14.A.abandon B.chase C.shape D.ignore 答案 B [为了女儿,作者决定追逐梦想。chase “追逐”。] 15.A.transfer B.appeal C.cater D.submit 答案 A [作者开始在当地的社区大学学习,然后才能转入四年制的大学以获得 生物学学位。transfer “转移,转学”。] 16.A.conducted B.behaved C.committed D.explained 答案 C [作者全心投入自己的目标,不让任何事情分散其注意力。commit “使 投入,使承担义务”。] 17.A.would B.should C.might D.could 答案 D [现在作者是一个执业医师,作者再开心不过了。can’t/couldn’t 与比较 级连用时表示“再……不过了”。] 18.A.journey B.contribution C.approach D.opposition 答案 A [现在作者和女儿关系很亲密,同时继续自己的人生之旅,晋升到高级 领导职位。journey “旅行,历程”。] 19.A.attracted B.sponsored C.inspired D.suspected 答案 C [作者继续被那些自己遇见的比自己经受更多磨难并获得成功的人鼓 舞。inspire “激励,鼓舞”。] 20.A.donate B.obtain C.experience D.reflect 答案 B [我们都能从生活中得到这么多。作者希望自己的故事能给大家带去希 望。obtain “获得,得到”。] D What do you give the woman who has everything? My mother is eighty-two.There is __1__ she doesn’t buy for herself throughout the year.When we ask what she would like,her __2__ answer is always “Nothing!” So,every year our family has __3__ in finding and giving her just the __4__ gift. Mom has always been a good cook and food is something she truly __5__.We often share recipes.One day,I found she was watching the __6__ channel all day.Then it __7__ me that for the next gift-giving occasion I could present my mom with __8__ to a cooking class that she and I would __9__ together. During these classes,my mom and I have enjoyed many hours with skilled chefs.And we __10__ our ideas and techniques,and as I realized,we shared a connection, making me __11__ that her old and true cooking ways could have been __12__ to me, had I not initiated (开始)these classes.It has also __13__ me that many of my mom’s family specialties have never been recorded.I gave her every __14__ to put down these recipes for all of us.Many of her best dishes always __15__ “a little of this and a little of that”.I couldn’t __16__ that my “little” and hers would be different ,and __17__ I had her include preparation instructions for perfect results in these recipes.Everything could have been unavailable to us __18__ we had not ventured down this path of cooking classes __19__ each other. We may not really cook together,but through classes and recipes,food has become a special __20__ we look forward to sharing. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章借作者和母亲一起研究烹饪、一起 上烹饪课的经历传递出作者和母亲之间浓浓的亲情。 1.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing 答案 D [根据上文中的“What do you give the woman who has everything?”及 下文中的“...answer is always ‘Nothing’!”可知,作者的母亲一年到头能用到 的东西她都买了,即没有什么东西是她没买的,故选 nothing。] 2.A.distinctive B.temporary C.standard D.optimistic 答案 C [根据语境可知,每次作者他们问母亲想要什么礼物时,母亲的标准答 案永远是“没有什么(想要的)”。standard “标准的”,符合语境。distinctive “独 特的,特别的”;temporary “短暂的,临时的”;optimistic “乐观的”。] 3.A.pleasure B.confidence C.difficulty D.experience 答案 C [根据上文中的“...When we ask what she would like,her __2__ answer is always ‘Nothing’!”可知,作者的母亲什么也不缺,什么也不想要,因此每 年作者他们都很难为母亲找到合适的礼物并赠送给她。have difficulty in doing sth 是固定用法,表示“做……有困难”。pleasure “高兴,愉快”;confidence “自 信”;experience “经验”。] 4.A.valuable B.right C.unique D.personal 答案 B [见上题解析。right “合适的,恰当的”,符合语境。valuable “贵重 的,宝贵的”;unique “独特的,罕见的”;personal “私人的”。] 5.A.purchases B.appreciates C.desires D.digests 答案 B [根据上文中的“Mom has always been a good cook...”及下文的内容可知, 母亲一直都是个好厨师,(烹饪)食物真的是她所看重的事情。appreciate “欣赏, 重视”,符合语境。desire “渴望”;digest “消化,理解”。] 6.A.cooking B.health C.travel D.shopping 答案 A [根据上文中的“Mom has always been a good cook and food is something she truly...”可知,此处指母亲一整天都在看烹饪频道,故选 cooking。] 7.A.struck B.impressed C.informed D.assured 答案 A [根据语境可知,看到母亲一直在看烹饪频道,作者突然有了一个想法。 strike “突然想到,一下子想起”,符合语境。impress “给……留下深刻印象”; inform “通知”;assure “使确信”。] 8.A.reference B.attachment C.reaction D.access 答案 D [作者突然想到下次赠送礼物的时候会让母亲有机会和自己一起去上 烹饪课。access “机会,权利”,符合语境。reference “提及,参考”;attachment “依恋,爱慕”;reaction “反应,回应”。] 9.A.design B.attend C.finish D.arrange 答案 B [见上题解析。design “设计”;attend “参加”;arrange “安排”。] 10.A.exchanged B.explored C.polished D.assessed 答案 A [作者和母亲在烹饪课上交流了她们的烹饪想法和烹饪技巧。exchange “交流,交换”,符合语境。explore “探索”;polish “修改,润饰”;assess “评 价,评估”。] 11.A.admit B.promise C.realize D.complain 答案 C [作者与母亲的交流让作者意识到,假如她没有开始上这些课程,母亲 过去的、真正的烹饪方法很可能就会失传。realize “意识到”,符合语境。admit “承认”;complain “抱怨”。] 12.A.different B.beneficial C.available D.lost 答案 D [见上题解析。beneficial “有益的”;available “可获得的”;lost “得 不到的,无法再找到的”。] 13.A.convinced B.reminded C.bothered D.advised 答案 B [这也提醒作者,母亲的许多家庭特色菜的菜谱并没有被记录下来。 remind “提醒,使想起”,符合语境。convince “使相信”;bother “使烦恼,使 不安”。] 14.A.reason B.opportunity C.encouragement D.privilege 答案 C [根据前面提到的母亲的许多家庭特色菜菜谱没有被记录下来的内容 可知,此处指作者给予母亲充分的鼓励以让她为他们把这些菜谱记下来。 encouragement “鼓励”,符合语境。privilege “特权,特殊待遇”。] 15.A.made for B.took in C.set aside D.picked up 答案 B [母亲的许多菜肴通常会包含一点这,一点那。take in “包括,包含”, 符合语境。make for “促成”;set aside “省出,留出”;pick up “学会,找 到”。] 16.A.pretend B.believe C.risk D.guarantee 答案 C [作者不能冒着母亲的做菜方法和自己的不一样的风险,即作者不能冒 母亲的做菜方法失传的风险,因此作者就让母亲写下准备工作的指导说明,以便 能完美呈现这些菜肴。risk “冒险”,符合语境。pretend “假装”;guarantee “保 证”。] 17.A.however B.therefore C.besides D.otherwise 答案 B [见上题解析。however “然而,不过”;therefore “因此,所以”;besides “除此之外(还)”;otherwise “否则,要不然”。] 18.A.when B.if C.since D.though 答案 B [如果作者和母亲没有去上烹饪课,那么作者他们可能就无法得到(有 关母亲烹饪的)一切。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导条件状语从句,表示“如 果”,故选 if。] 19.A.on behalf of B.in honor of C.with regard to D.in company with 答 案   D   [ 根 据 上 文 中 的 “a cooking class that she and I would ________ together”“During these classes,my mom and I...”可知,作者是陪母亲一起去上 烹饪课的,故 in company with “与……一起”符合语境。on behalf of “代 表……”;in honor of “为向……表示敬意”;with regard to “关于,至于”。] 20.A.bond B.inspiration C.influence D.guidance 答案 A [实际上,作者和母亲可能不在一起做饭,但通过这些课程和菜谱,食 物已经成了她们期待去分享的特殊纽带。bond “纽带,关系”,符合语境。上文 中的“as I realized,we shared a connection”亦是提示。inspiration “启发灵感的 人(或事物),鼓舞人心的人(或事物)”;influence “(对……)有影响的人(或事 物)”;guidance “指导,引导”。]

