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考点一 名词 一、名词的数 1.名词复数形式的规则变化 考点 清单 一般在名词词尾加-s girl—girls 女孩 book—books 书籍 在以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的名词词尾加-es brush—brushes 刷子 bench—benches 长凳 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,改y为i,再加-es city—cities 城市 lady—ladies 女士 部分以-f、-fe结尾的词,将f或fe改为v,再加-es thief—thieves小偷 wife—wives妻子 其他以-f结尾的词直接加-s gulf—gulfs海湾 cliff—cliffs悬崖 以“元音字母+o”结尾的词,一般加-s radio—radios收音机 zoo—zoos动物园 以“辅音字母+o”结尾的词,一般加-es hero—heroes英雄 potato—potatoes土豆 以-th结尾的名词,加-s bath—baths洗澡 month—months月份 2019 届二轮复习语法 专题 名词,冠词和代词 2.名词复数形式的不规则变化 【点津】fish有两种复数形式,当表示鱼的条数时,通常单复数同形,但是 当表示不同种类的鱼时,其复数形式为fishes。 3.通常用单数形式的单词 单复数同形 cattle—cattle(总称)牛;Chinese—Chinese中国人(其他以-ese结尾的表示某国人的名词均类似);Swiss—Swiss瑞士人;deer—deer鹿;means—means手段、方式;sheep—sheep绵羊;spacecraft—spacecraft宇宙飞船;aircraft—aircraft航空器/飞机;series—series一系列;species—species种类/物种 特殊变化的复数形式 analysis—analyses分析;basis—bases基础;child—children小孩;criterion—criteria尺度;foot—feet脚;goose—geese鹅;man—men男人;mouse—mice老鼠;ox—oxen公牛,牛(不分性别的通称);phenomenon—phenom-ena现象;policeman—policemen警察;tooth—teeth牙;woman—women妇女 有些名词有两种复数形式 penny便士—pennies(硬币)/pence(钱数);fish—fish/fishes 汉译计量单位 yuan 元; li 里; mu 亩; jin 斤 表示计量的单位前有数词或several,many等修饰时 dozen打;score二十;hundred百;thousand千;million百万 4.有关名词复数的特别识记 有些词,包括一些学科名词,虽然以“s”结尾,但意义上却是单数 news新闻;politics政治;mathematics数学;physics物理 有些词,通常用复数形式 compasses圆规;glasses眼镜;parents父母;shoes鞋;slippers拖鞋;trousers裤子;twins双胞胎;amusements娱乐活动;ashes灰烬;brains头脑;congratulations祝贺;Good heavens!天哪!jaws嘴;jewels珠宝首饰;mountains山脉;movements活动;take/make notes记笔记;plastics塑料;in rags衣衫褴褛;make repairs修理;resources资源;in high spirits情绪高昂;stairs楼梯;take turns轮流;tears眼泪;tens of thousands of好几万;thanks感谢; troops部队 有些名词的单数形式和复数形式表示不同的意思 arm手臂/arms武器;cloth布/clothes衣服;content内容/contents目录;custom风俗/customs海关;good好事、好处/goods货物;green绿色/greens蔬菜;look看/looks外貌;manner方式/manners礼貌;paper纸/papers论文、报纸、文件;people人们/peoples民族;sand沙/sands沙滩;time时间/times次数、时代;thing东西、事情/things形势;word单词,消息/words话语;work工作/works工厂、著作;wood木头/woods树 题组训练·用所给词的适当形式填空 ①Two  months     (month)ago,three  policemen     (policeman),who were all   heroes     (hero),caught four   thieves     (thief)because they had stolen some   potatoes     (potato)and some bamboos from 2   zoos     (zoo),where 500   sheep     (sheep),200   deer     (deer),100   oxen     (ox)and 1,000   geese    (goose)were raised. 二、名词的格 名词的格表示所有关系。其构成规则如下: 1.名词所有格加 ' s词尾的规则 构成 举例 单数名词和不以s结尾的复数名词通常在词尾加“ ' s” the boy ' s bag那个男孩的书包 the children ' s rooms那些孩子们的房间 以s结尾的复数名词,只在词尾加“ ' ” the workers ' struggle工人们的斗争 复合名词中,在最后一个词的词尾加“ ' s” her brother-in-law ' s character她姐夫的性格 复合不定代词后加else,在else后加“ ' s” somebody else ' s possessions别人的财产 2.表示各自的所有关系时,名词末尾均加 ' s,如果不是这样,仅在最后一 词末尾加 ' s,即表示他们共同的所有关系。如: Mr Wang ' s and Mr Zhang ' s bikes are both missing. 王先生和张先生的自行车都丢了。 Tom and John ' s book汤姆和约翰共有的书 Mary and John ' s school is in Haidian District. 玛丽和约翰的学校在海淀区。 3.有些表示时间、自然现象、工作群体、国家、城市、度量衡、价值 等无生命的名词也可用加 ' s的形式来表示其所有关系。如: today ' s newspapers今天的报纸 the country ' s plans国家计划 the earth ' s atmosphere地球的大气层 4.名词的of所有格 名词的of 所有格形式主要与表示无生命的名词一起使用。如: the title of the song这首歌的标题 5.名词的双重所有格 兼用“ ' s”和“of”两种所有格结构的后置修饰语叫作双重所有格。 如果名词的所有格所修饰的词前面有一个表示数量的词如a、two、 some、any、no、few、several等,表示部分关系时,要用双重所有格 。 如: a friend of the doctor ' s那位医生的一个朋友 some students of the teacher ' s那位老师的一些学生 题组训练·用所给词的适当形式填空 ②The  girls '      (girl)shoes were covered with mud,so I asked them to take them off before they got into  Tom ' s     (Tom)car. ③Yesterday I was invited to the dinner at the  Turners '      (Turner)house. 三、名词作定语 (一)一般情况下,作定语的是形容词,但是名词在下列情况下可以作定 语: 1.表示类别。如: room number房间号码;a blood type血型;a news reporter新闻记者。 2.表示目的、手段、来源、所属等意义。如: a tooth brush牙刷;coffee cups咖啡杯 3.表示时间、地点、称呼等。如: winter clothes冬衣;village people 村民 (二) 名词作定语,往往用单数形式 ,但以下情况例外: man和woman作定语,其单复数形式与所修饰的名词一致:women doc- tors女医生;a man servant男保姆。 (三)customs(海关),arms(武器),clothes(服装)等用复数形式作定语:a cus- toms officer海关官员;the arms production武器生产;a clothes shop服装 店。 题组训练·完成句子 ④我们学校的大部分老师是女老师。 Most of the teachers in our school are  women teachers     . 四、名词构词法(构成名词的后缀) 英语中构成名词的后缀包括-ence,-ance,-tion,-sion,-ment,-ness, -age, -th,- ure, -dom等。 存在exist—existence     接受accept—acceptance 生产produce—production  表达express—expression 发展 develop—development  盲目blind—blindness 婚姻marry—marriage  温暖warm—warmth 快乐please—pleasure  离开depart—departure 暴露expose—exposure  压力press—pressure 失败fail—failure  混合mix—mixture 签名sign—signature  智慧wise—wisdom 详见本书 “附录一 构词法”。 考点二 代词 一、人称代词、物主代词、反身代词的构成 人称数代词种类 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数 阳性 阴性 中性 人称代词主格 I we you you he she it they 人称代词宾格 me us you you him her it them 形容词性物主代词 my our your your his her its their 名词性物主代词 mine ours yours yours his hers theirs 反身代词 myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself herself itself themselves 二、人称代词的用法 1.人称代词作主语时用主格,作宾语和表语(口语中)时用宾格。如: She gave the book to me.她把这本书给我。 I bought a present for her. 我给她买了一件礼物。 2.人称代词we,you,they,one可用于泛指一般人。如: We should keep calm in time of great danger. 危急时刻应保持冷静。 3.人称代词用于爱指,代表国家、船只、大地、月亮等。如: China has risen. She is no longer what she used to be.中国强大了,不再是 以前的中国了。 4.多个人称代词并列时的排列顺序: 并列单数人称尊重他人时:you and I;you,he and I;you and he; 并列复数人称:we and you;we and they;we,you and they; 承认错误或主动承担责任时,I 放在前面:I and he made the mistake.我和 他出的这个错。 题组训练·填入合适的人称代词 ①The teacher told  her     (she)to come to school earlier tomorrow. ②On my desk is a photo that my father took of  me     (I)when I was a ba- by. 三、物主代词的用法 形容词性物主代词只能作定语,如:my book我的书。名词性物主代词常 用来代替前面已提及的名词,在句子中作表语、主语、宾语或与 of 连 用。如: This dictionary is mine.这本词典是我的。(表语) Our room is on the first floor and theirs(is)on the second.我们的房间在二 楼,他们的房间在三楼。(定语;主语) 题组训练·用物主代词填空 ③—Tom,  my     (I)bike is broken. Would you please lend  yours     (you)to me? —Sorry,  mine     (I)has been taken by Jack. You can ask him if you like. ④This is our room,and  yours     (you)is just across the hall. 四、反身代词的用法 1.反身代词在句中一般用作 宾语、表语、同位语 ,表示“自己”的意 思。如: He can look after himself.他能照顾自己。(宾语) I am not quite myself these days.我近来身体不大舒服。(表语) I myself did all the work.我亲自做了所有的工作。(同位语) 2.含有反身代词的词组: by oneself亲自 call oneself自称 devote oneself to奉献给 dress oneself自己穿衣服 enjoy oneself自娱 excuse oneself自我辩解 for oneself为自己 help oneself to随便吃 make oneself understood让别人懂自己的意思 of oneself自动地 please oneself自便 seat oneself=sit down/be seated坐下 speak to oneself自言自语 teach oneself自学 to oneself 暗自 题组训练·用反身代词填空 ⑤I don ' t believe you.Did you see it  yourself     ? ⑥It is not his fault.I cut  myself     with a knife. ⑦We should be independent of our parents.We should depend on ourselves  . 五、it的用法 1.代词it用作人称代词,代替前文提到过的事物本身(同类同物),不带任 何修饰语。如: My pen is missing.I can ' t find it anywhere.我的钢笔丢了,我到处都找不到。 2.当打电话或不清楚说话的对象的性别时,it也可用于指人。如: —Who is that speaking? —It ' s Jenny speaking. ——是谁? ——我是詹妮。 3.it用来代替指示代词this,that。如: —What ' s this? —It ' s a flag. ——这是什么? ——是一面旗帜。 4. it表示时间、天气、距离等 。如: It ' s time for lunch.该吃午饭了。 5.it用作形式主语或宾语,代替由不定式(或不定式复合结构)、动名词或 从句表示的真正的主语或宾语。如: It is difficult for a boy to finish it in an hour. 让一个孩子在一小时内完成它是很难的。 He feels it his duty to help others. 他觉得帮助别人是他的职责。 6. it也可作模糊宾语 。如: I hate it when people talk with their mouths full. 我讨厌人们含着满口食物讲话。 7.it用于强调结构中来强调句子的某一成分(通常是主语、宾语或状语), 常用强调结构为“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who...”。 It was Li Ping that I saw in the street this morning.今天早晨我在街上看到 的是李平。 8.常见的以it开头的句型: (1)It is+第 …… 次+that sb. have/has done sth.,此时that从句要用现在完成 时。 It is the first time that I ' ve come here. 这是我第一次来这儿。 (2)It is/has been+一段时间+since sth. happened. It is/has been ten years since I began to learn English.自从我开始学习英 语以来已经十年了。 (3)It+be+一段时间+before+主语+谓语. It won ' t be long before you regret what you ' ve done.不久你就会为你所 做的事情而悔恨。 (4)It seems/looks as if/though... It looks as if it ' s going to rain.看上去天要下雨了。 (5)It+be+not until...that+主语+谓语. It was not until last night that he finally made up his mind.直到昨天晚上 他才下定决心。 ⑧我认为我们开这个会是必要的。 I think  it     (is)necessary  that     we have the meeting. ⑨众所周知,在世界上中国人口最多。  It is well known that     China has the largest population in the world. ⑩据说他们都去看电影了。  It is said that     all of them have gone to the cinema. 单句填空   Was  it     because Jack came late for school that Mr. Smith got angry?   It  was     (is)only after he had read the papers  that     Mr. Gross real ized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.   It was not until I came here  that     I realized this place was famous for 题组训练·完成句子 not only its beauty but also its weather.    It     was raining hard when we arrived. 六、相互代词one another,each other的用法 相互代词表示相互关系,它所指代的名词或代词必须是复数或者两个以 上,在句中可作宾语、定语(与 ' s一起)等。 We should learn from each other and help each other.我们应当互相学 习、互相帮助。 For years the two sisters looked after one another/each other.多年来两姐 妹互相照顾。 七、指示代词this,that,these,those的用法 this/these一般指时空上较近的人或物(近指),that/those常指时空上较远 的人或物(远指)。在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语等。如: This building was built last year;that one was built many years ago.这座建 筑物是去年建的,那座是很多年前建的。 代词 指代 例句 it 指代前面提到的同一个事物 I can ' t find my bike.I don ' t know where I have put it.我找不到我的自行车。我不知道把它放在哪里了。(it 指代“my bike”) one a/an+单数名词 We have various summer camps for your holidays.You can choose one based on your own interests.我们为您的假期提供了各种各样的夏令营。您可以根据自己的兴趣选择一种。(one代替“a summer camp”) ones 零冠词+复数名词 Mr. Zhang gave me many valuable presents, ones that I had never seen.张先生给了我很多珍贵的礼物,都是一些(礼物)我从来没见过的。(ones代替“presents”) the one the+单数名词 The book on the desk is better than the one under the desk.桌上的那本书比桌下的那本书好。(the one代替“the book”,此处也可以使用that) the ones/those the+复数名词 The books on the desk are better than the ones/those under the desk.桌上的那些书比桌下的那些书好。(the ones/those代替“the books”) 八、it,one,ones,the one,the ones/those和that的区别 that 1.the+单数名词 2.不可数名词(尤其是有后置定语时) Little joy can equal that of a surprising ending when you read stories.几乎没有什么乐趣能比得上在阅读故事时读到一个出乎意料的结局时的乐趣。(that代替“the joy”) I think the weather in Hangzhou is much better than that in Beijing.我觉得杭州的天气比北京好多了。(that代替“the weather”) 题组训练·用适当的代词填空   I ' m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than  that     in the city.   Helping others is a habit,  one     you can learn even at an early age. 九、不定代词的用法 不定代词是不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词,在句中可以作主 语、表语、宾语、同位语、定语等。不定代词主要有:all,each,every, both,either,neither,one,none,little,few,many,much,other,another,some,any, no以及some,any,no,every和-thing,-one,-body等构成的复合不定代词。 如: There are trees on both sides of the street.街道两旁都有树。(定语) Both of us are not teachers.我们俩并不都是教师。(主语) We both are students.我们俩都是学生。(同位语) That ' s all for today.今天就到这儿。(表语) Here are two pens.You may take either of them.这里有两支笔,你可以随 便拿一支。(宾语) 1.both,all,either,any,neither,none的区别    词义 指代      都 任何一个 都不 两个人或物 both either neither 三个或三个以上的人或物;不可数名词 all any none 2.none, no one和nothing的区别 none 1.后可接of短语 2.none作主语时,谓语动词可用复数形式,也可用单数形式 3.none主要回答how many引出的问题 None of us are/is late for the meeting.我们当中没有一个人开会迟到。 —How many of you went to see the film?你们有多少人去看了电影? —None.没有一个人去。 no one 1.在句中单独作主语、宾语等 2.no one作主语时谓语动词用单数 3.no one主要回答who引出的问题 No one is late for the meeting.没有人开会迟到。 —Who went to see the film last night?昨晚有谁去看了电影? —No one.谁也没有去。 nothing 1.在句中单独作主语、宾语等 2.作主语时谓语动词用单数 3.主要回答what引出的问题 —What is on the desk? —Nothing. ——什么在桌子上? ——没有什么。   Swimming is my favorite sport. There is  nothing     like swimming as a means of keeping fit.   —Wow!You ' ve got so many clothes. —But  none     of them are in fashion now.   I couldn ' t just stand by and do  nothing     . 3.few,a few,little,a little的区别 题组训练·用no one, none, nothing填空    No one     can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn ' t love it. few 修饰可数名词 表示否定意义 a few 修饰可数名词 表示肯定意义 little 修饰不可数名词 表示否定意义 a little 修饰不可数名词 表示肯定意义 题组训练·用few,little,a few,a little完成下列句子    Few     (很少)people can live to be 100 years old.   You have done very  little     (很少)for me.   Come in and have  a little     (一点儿)whisky.   She has written many books but I ' ve only read  a few     (少数). 4.one,another,the other,some,others,the others的区别 一个/一些 另外一个/一些 剩余的一个/一些 单数 one another the other 复数 some others the others 【点津】 (1)the other后通常加可数名词(单数或复数),一般不能加不可数名词;短 语the rest of(剩余的)后既可以加可数名词(单数或复数),也可以加不可 数名词;else只能放在复合不定代词或特殊疑问词后。 —What did you do last weekend? —Oh, nothing else. ——上周末你做什么了? ——哦,没做什么。 (2)体会下列句子中不定代词的用法 ①I have two books:one is English,and   is French. 我有两本书。一本是英语书,一本是法语书。 ②He will stay here for   days. 他在这里还要待上3天。 ③There are many books on the table:some are English;   are French. 桌子上有很多书。一些是英语书,剩下的是法语书。 ④He ' ll be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. 他的余生将在轮椅上度过。 ⑤Would you please make it   ? 你能改天吗? ⑥I saw him in London the other day/week/month(=a few days/weeks/ months ago).我几天/周/个月前在伦敦见过他。 ⑦He has no other close friends like John. 他没有别的像约翰那样亲密的朋友了。 ⑧If this dictionary is not yours,who else ' s can it be? 如果这本词典不是你的,会是谁的呢? 题组训练·用another,the other,either,neither填空   We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun,so let ' s have  another     one this month.   He raised one arm and then  the other     .   He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found  either    of them again.   The research group produced two reports based on the survey,but  neither   contained any useful suggestions. 5.不定代词的全部否定和部分否定 all, both, everyone, everybody, everything以及“every+名词”都表示全 部肯定; no one, none, nobody, nothing, not...any以及“no+名词”都表示全部否定; 当not出现在含有表示全部肯定的不定代词的句子中时,不管not在它们 之前还是在它们之后都表示部分否定。此外,not与总括性副词如ev- erywhere, always, wholly, altogether等连用时也表示部分否定。如: Not all of them smoke.=All of them don ' t smoke. 他们当中不是所有的人都抽烟。 All of the boys are clever,but none of them can work out this problem.这些 男孩都很聪明,但他们当中没有一个能解出这道题。 Such a thing can ' t be found everywhere. 这种事并非到处可见。 题组训练·完成句子   并不是所有的学生都想去看电影。  Not all the students     want to see the film.   没有一个学生去电影院。  None of the students     went to the cinema. 考点三 冠词 一、冠词的分类和用法 冠词分为定冠词the(辅音前面读[ðə],元音前读[ði])、不定冠词a/an(辅 音前用a,元音前用an)。(注:“辅音、元音”指读音,不指字母)。 冠词 名词 例句 泛指 a/an表示一个 可数单数 A horse is enough to do the job.一匹马就足够做这项工作了。 a/an表示一类 可数单数 A horse is often used here.马匹经常在这里被使用。 T he表示一类 可数单数 The horse is very useful here.马在这里非常有用。 零冠词表示一类 可数复数 Horses are useful animals.马是有用的动物。 零冠词表示一类 不可数 Water is very important to humans.水对人类非常重要。 特指 the 不可数 The paper made in the factory is very good.这家工厂做的纸非常好。 可数单数 The pen he gave me is good.他给我的钢笔非常好。 可数复数 The books bought yesterday are worth reading.昨天买的书值得读。 题组训练·用合适的冠词填空 ①I found  a     beautiful bike in our yard yesterday.  The     bike was    a     gift from my father for my birthday. 二、不定冠词a/an的用法 不定冠词a/an用来泛指事物,具体用法如下: 1.用于单数可数名词前表示“某一个/类人或物”。如: Can you finish your work in a day? 你能在一天内完成这项工作吗? This poem was written by a boy.这首诗是由一位男孩写的。 2.用于说明事物的同一性质、特征、程度或大小,相当于the same。如: They are nearly of an age.他们差不多大。 The two shirts are of a size.两件衬衣尺寸相同。 3.与quite和many连用,表示“许多”。如: quite a few days=many days;many a day=many days 4.不定冠词与专有名词连用,修饰姓名时,表示“有一个,某一个”,相当 于“a certain”;修饰地名时,指某时期或某个样子的某地;也可用来修饰 月份、星期。如: A Mr Chen came to see you this morning.一位陈先生今天上午来看你。 You will find a new Hangzhou in a few years.几年后,你就会看到一个新 杭州。 5.用于固定词组中。如: a few有几个 a little有一点 a lot许多 a collection of一批 ……  a long time很长时间 a matter of... …… 的问题 a number of许多 a waste of... …… 的浪费 after a while一会儿后 all of a sudden突然 as a matter of fact实际上 as a result结果 at a distance离一段距离 at a loss困惑,不知所措 get a lift/ride搭便车 for a while暂时;一时 go on a diet节食 have a cold得了感冒 have a bath洗澡 have a gift for有 …… 的天赋 have a word with与 …… 谈话 have a good time玩得高兴 have a population of有 …… 人口 have an area of有 …… 的面积 in a hurry匆忙地 in a minute/while立刻,马上 in a word总之,一句话 in a hurry匆忙地 in a sense在某种意义上 in a word总之 in a moment立刻 keep an eye on监视 make a living谋生 make a promise许诺 many a time很多次 once upon a time很久以前 put an end to结束 set an example to为 …… 树立榜样 once upon a time从前 take a seat就座 teach sb. a lesson教训某人 turn a deaf ear to不愿听 once in a while偶尔 take a chance/risk冒险,碰运气 What a pity!真遗憾! 题组训练·冠词填空 ②I earn 10 dollars  an     hour as  a     supermarket cashier on Saturdays. ③The teacher asked us to write  an     800-word-long composition. ④Christmas is  a     special holiday when the whole family are supposed to get together. ⑤They are twins,so they are of  an     age. ⑥I don ' t want to have words with you.I prefer to have  a     word with you. ⑦The power supply was cut off.All of  a    sudden,the lights went out. ⑧China has  a    far larger population than Canada. ⑨The quality of the ambulance service is  a     matter of life and death. 三、定冠词the的用法 定冠词the表示特指,具体用法如下: 1.用于可数名词单数前代表一类人或物。如: The rose is my favorite flower. 玫瑰是我最喜爱的花。 2.表示特定的、双方皆知或上文已提到的人或物。如: He bought a book yesterday.The book is on the desk.昨天他买了一本书, 书在桌子上。 3.表示世界上独一无二的事物。如: the sun太阳;the moon月亮;the world世界;the sky天空;the earth地球 4.用在序数词、形容词最高级以及特定比较的比较级前。如: the first unit第一单元;the largest room最大的房间 He is the taller of the two children in his family.他是家中两个孩子中大的 那个。 5.用在由普通名词构成的国家、政治组织、报纸、杂志、大建筑物、 朝代等专有名词前。如: the People ' s Republic of China中华人民共和国;the United Nations联合 国 6.用在某些地理名词(江、河、海、山脉、群岛等)前。如: the Atlantic Ocean大西洋;the Yangtze River长江 7.用在某些形容词前代表一类人(谓语用复数)。如: the poor穷人;the young青年人;the old老年人;the wounded伤员;the blind 盲人 8.姓的复数前加the,表示一家人或夫妇二人。如: The Greens are at table.格林一家正在吃饭。 9.西方乐器名称前常加the。如: play the piano/violin/guitar演奏钢琴/小提琴/吉他 10.表示“在某世纪的某个年代”。如: The building was built in the 1880s.这幢楼建于十九世纪八十年代。 11.用在发明物的单数名词前。如: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.亚历山大·格拉汉 姆·贝尔在1876年发明了电话。 12. “动词+sb.+介词+the+身体某部位”中的the不能用形容词性物主代 词代替 。如: hit him on the head砸在他头上 13.用在表示计量单位的名词前。如: I have hired the car by the hour.我已按小时租车。 Eggs are sold by the dozen.鸡蛋论打卖。 14.有些固定搭配中必须用定冠词。如: all the year around整整一年 at the age of在 …… 岁时 at the beginning of在 …… 之初 at the end of在 …… 结尾;到 …… 尽头 at the head of在 …… 的最前头 at the mercy of任由 …… 摆布或控制 by the way顺便说一句 for the time being暂时 for the sake of由于;为了 …… 利益 go to the cinema去看电影 in the way 挡道 in the countryside在乡下 in the daytime/summertime在白天/夏日 in the distance在远处 in the end终于 in the eyes of在 …… 看来 in the middle of在 …… 中部 in the morning/afternoon/evening在早、中、晚 in the name of以 …… 的名义;代表 on the contrary相反 on the other hand另一方面 on the radio 通过无线电/电话 on the spot 在现场 on the whole整个地 the other day 几天前 to tell the truth说实话 四、零冠词 在不少情况下,名词前不加冠词,可以称作零冠词。 1. 称呼语,独一无二的职位、衔级名词作同位语、补语或表语时,前面不 用冠词 。如: Mr Smith was elected chairman.史密斯先生被选为主席。 Aunt Mary玛丽姨妈;Professor Zhang张教授 2.复数名词前不用冠词,泛指一类人或事物的全体。如: Cows live on grass.牛以草为食。 They are teachers,not students.他们是老师,不是学生。 People in the south like rice.南方人喜欢吃米饭。 3. 单个专有名词、抽象名词和物质名词表示泛指时一般不用冠词 。如: Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。 China is a large country.中国是一个大国。 注意:抽象名词或物质名词被限定,表示特指时要用定冠词the。如: The milk in the bottle has gone bad.瓶子里的牛奶变味了。 4.当名词被指示代词(this、that、these、those)、形容词性物主代词 (my、his等)、不定代词(some、any、no、every)以及名词所有格修饰 时,不用冠词。如: Wang Ping ' s mother is a doctor.王平的妈妈是位医生。 Every student must obey the rule.每位学生必须遵守规章制度。 5.as引导的让步状语从句中,名词用在句首时不用冠词。如: Child as he is,he can finish it.虽然他是个孩子,他可以完成这份工作。 6.turn后的名词作表语时不用冠词。如: She turned teacher after graduation. 毕业后她成了一位老师。 He turned writer when he was 30 years old. 他三十岁的时候成了作家。 7. 表示泛指概念的一日三餐、节假日、运动、棋类、 游戏、季节、月 份、学科、疾病、颜色、感官名称前不用冠词 。如: Did you have breakfast? 你吃早饭了吗? Economics is different from politics.经济学不同于政治学。 Granny died of cancer two years ago.奶奶两年前死于癌症。 He likes football.他喜欢足球。 Smell is one of the five senses.嗅觉是人的五种感觉之一。 White is a beautiful colour.白色是美丽的颜色。 注意:①被限制性定语修饰时,可加定冠词;被描述性定语修饰时,可用不 定冠词。如: in the May of 2003在2003年的5月;in a cold winter在一个寒冷的冬天 ②餐名不用冠词,但具体指某顿饭时要用the,表示类别时要用a。如: The breakfast I ordered still hasn ' t arrived.我要的早餐还没有送来。 That was a very nice supper.那是一顿非常好的晚餐。 8.play(玩)后面接球类、棋类等娱乐活动名词时,一般不加冠词。如: play chess/football下棋/踢足球 9.国名前一般不加冠词。如in Australia,in China。但以短语组成的国名 及以-s结尾的国名(常常表示由多个岛屿或部分构成)前必须加the。如: the U. S. A. 美国;the People ' s Republic of China中华人民共和国;the Philippines 菲律宾;the Netherlands荷兰(用作单或复数均可,等于Hol- land) 。如指特定时期的情况 , 也需加定冠词。如 :How different is the impression produced by the Beijing of today! 10. 泛指乘坐交通工具时,交通工具前不用冠词 。如: by train/plane/boat/bike/bus/taxi乘火车/飞机/船/自行车/公共汽车/出租车 注意: 特指某一具体交通工具时,需加冠词,但介词可能发生变化:in a space ship乘宇宙飞船;by the 8:30 train乘八点半的火车 11.注意电影、电视、戏剧、广播前冠词的用法。 watch TV看电视;see a film看电影;listen to the radio听收音机;go to the cinema/movies去看电影 12.基数词与序数词前冠词的用法。 Lesson Five=the fifth lesson第五课;Class Three=the third class三班; World War II=the Second World War 第二次世界大战 ;speak English= speak the English language 讲英语 ;Part One=the first part 第一部分 13.不用冠词的固定词组。 after class/school下课后/放学后;at breakfast早餐时;at home在家;at night/ midnight/daybreak/noon/dawn在晚上/在午夜/在天亮时/在中午/在黎明 时;at length终于,详细地;at stake有风险;at work忙着;catch fire着火;day and night日日夜夜;day by day一天天;face to face面对面;for example例 如;from door to door逐门逐户;from morning till night从早到晚;from side to side左右来回(摇摆);from time to time不时地;hand in hand手拉手;hus- band and wife夫妇;father and son父子;in sight视线所及;out of sight超出 视线范围 ;in time 及时 ;on time 准时 ;in detail 详细地 ;in English 用英语 ( 表 达 );in public 公开地 ;shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地 ;step by step 循序渐进 ; side by side 并排地 五、冠词的活用 1.相同词语中使用冠词与不使用冠词的差别: 无冠词 有冠词 无冠词 有冠词 无冠词 有冠词 by day 在白天 by the day 按天计算 in red 穿红色衣服 in the red 欠债,亏损 in front of 在 …… 前面 in the front of 在 …… 的前部 in charge of负责,管理 in the charge of 在 …… 的管理下 in prison坐牢 in the prison 在那个监狱里面(不一定坐牢) on earth究竟 on the earth 在地球上 in class 在上课 in the class 在这个班里 in office 在执政 in the office 在办公室 out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question不可能 live on farm 以务农为生 live on the farm 住在农场 sit at table 坐下吃饭 sit at the table 坐在桌子旁 go to sea 当水手 go to the sea 到海边去 2. 抽象名词的具体化 有些名词是抽象名词,如favor, pleasure, must, knowledge等不可以有复 数形式,但是可以具体化,在前面用不定冠词,能够表示一个,一次 ……。 It is a great pleasure to us.对我们来说这真是一件开心的事情。 题组训练·判断下列空格处是否要填冠词,如果要用冠词,用何种冠词: ⑩Laszlo Biro invented  the   ballpoint pen. The biggest whale is  the   blue whale, which grows to be about 29 me- ters long—the height of  a     9-story building.   He went to some place in  不填   France.   The book on  the    desk is mine.   Would you mind turning down  the     radio a little? The baby is sleep- ing.   We got paid by  the     month.   Meat is sold by  不填     weight.   His heart was beating wildly with  不填     fear.

