2020-2021学年高一英语重点词汇测试卷 Natural disasters

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2020-2021学年高一英语重点词汇测试卷 Natural disasters

2020-2021 学年高一英语重点词汇测试卷 Natural disasters 一、完形填空(共 20 分) (本题 20 分) After work one day, I grabbed a pizza for dinner at the mall. As I was heading home, I saw a girl sitting in a corner of the mall. Her hair covered her face and her body was 1 . I determined to walk past her 2 that’s what we often do. But something made me turn 3 . I learned her age, and why she begged for money and lived on the streets. Her parents 4 years ago and she suffered from a serious skin disease. She was 5 to work because of her disability and had to live in the safest place she could 6 . She had stayed in shelters in the past, but was treated 7 . She had to seek shelter from the mall to keep 8 on cold days, but even the mall she said wasn’t 9 because security(保安) always threw her out. I’m one of those people who used to believe there was a system of 10 to help her. Ideally, I would like to believe in that. I used to think maybe one day I would 11 “them”. Maybe one day I would win the lottery(彩票). But when I 12 that girl, I thought to my self, what if no one ever helped her? What if this so called 13 system that I believed in didn’t even know or 14 her existence? What if I didn’t 15 any money? What if she was not going to be around long enough to 16 that “one day”? I didn’t really think about what happened next. I 17 my dinner with her and gave her all the money I had. When security came, I talked them into assisting her 18 driving her away like they usually did. Don’t 19 one day to come before you help someone. Now is that one day—not tomorrow, not next week. If you can do something to ease someone else’s 20 , don’t wait for that distant one day. Be the one day. Be it now. 1.(1 分)A.hot B.heavy C.weak D.wet 2.(1 分)A.if B.when C.till D.because 3.(1 分)A.over B.back C.away D.up 4.(1 分)A.returned B.removed C.quarreled D.died 5.(1 分)A.eager B.ready C.unable D.curious 6.(1 分)A.build B.discover C.expect D.remember 7.(1 分)A.terribly B.normally C.carefully D.patiently 8.(1 分)A.calm B.wealthy C.warm D.secret 9.(1 分)A.quiet B.special C.particular D.safe 10.(1 分)A.control B.support C.decoration D.communication 11.(1 分)A.respect B.watch C.help D.encourage 12.(1 分)A.accepted B.introduced C.persuaded D.noticed 13.(1 分)A.foolish B.perfect C.simple D.educational 14.(1 分)A.care about B.talk about C.write about D.argue about 15.(1 分)A.lose B.lend C.win D.waste 16.(1 分)A.admit B.imagine C.choose D.see 17.(1 分)A.cooked B.shared C.ordered D.prepared 18.(1 分)A.along with B.as for C.except for D.instead of 19.(1 分)A.worry about B.laugh at C.wait for D.begin with 20.(1 分)A.sickness B.suffering C.nervousness D.loneliness 评卷人 得分 二、根据所给汉语意思完成句子(共 6 分) (本题 6 分)完成句子 21.(1 分)那个女孩子气得连话都说不出来。 The girl was ______ angry ______ ______ a word. 22.(1 分)好像天要下雨了。 It seems ______ ______ it is going to rain. 23.(1 分)一位老人被困在电梯里了。 An old man ______ ______ ______ the lift. 24.(1 分)爷爷坐在沙发上, 高兴地给孩子们讲着故事。 Grandfather sat in the sofa, ______ ______ ______ ______ happily. 25.(1 分)委员会将于六月向议会提交最后的报告。 The committee will ______ its final report ______ Parliament in June. 26.(1 分)从前的夏天, 我们经常泛舟湖上。 We ______ ______ ______ ______ on the lake in summer. 评卷人 得分 三、单词拼写(共 22 分) (本题 8 分)单词拼写 27.(1 分)A truck went out of control and ______ (碰撞) into the back of a bus. 28.(1 分)Dee watched the ______ (波) breaking on the shore. 29.(1 分)Bert ______ (清扫) the path in front of the house. 30.(1 分)She fell heavily, ______ (撞,击) her head against the side of the boat. 31.(1 分)The king ______ (发表) a televised speech to the nation on November 5. 32.(1 分)The group produces a monthly ______ (总结) of their research. 33.(1 分)I can certainly feel the ______ (影响) of too many late nights. 34.(1 分)This room is twice the ______ (长度) of the kitchen. (本题 8 分)单词拼写 35.(1 分)The electricity ______ (供应) had been cut off. 36.(1 分)Grace ______ (轻敲) on the bedroom door and went in. 37.(1 分)She ______ (吹口哨) to the dog to come back. 38.(1 分)Tuesday was a fine, clear and ______ (平静的) day. 39.(1 分)Dr. Fox went to the ______ (帮助)of the dying man despite having been injured in the crash. 40.(1 分)The soldiers are trained to jump from the planes with full ______ (成套装备) on. 41.(1 分)The volcano could ______ (爆发) at any time. 42.(1 分)He has the ______ (控制) to make things very unpleasant for us. (本题 6 分)单词拼写 43.(1 分)I was ______ (震惊的) to hear the news that a great fire broke out in the factory. 44.(1 分)Two children fell into the river and many people tried to ______ (营救) them. 45.(1 分)Cancer is the leading cause of ______ (死亡) in women. 46.(1 分)These dead ducks should be ______ (埋葬) immediately since they aren’t fit to be eaten. 47.(1 分)The big fire lasted for four hours and all the buildings along the street got ______ (毁坏). 48.(1 分)Two people got ______ (困住) in the lift this morning when the electricity was cut off. 评卷人 得分 四、单句改错(共 10 分) (本题 10 分)单句改错 49.(1 分)I could no longer ignore the fact what he was unhappy. 50.(1 分)I’ve come with a message from Mr Wang how he won’t be able to see you this afternoon. 51.(1 分)He must answer the question if he agrees with what she said or not. 52.(1 分)I’ve read the book where you gave me the day before yesterday. 53.(1 分)One of the men held the opinion when what the book said was right. 54.(1 分)The news what you told us is really encouraging. 55.(1 分)Dad made a promise which he would buy his children gifts. 56.(1 分)She expresses her hope whether she will come and visit China again. 57.(1 分)Our English teacher gave us a suggestion that we made good use of our time. 58.(1 分)I will never forget the days that we lived happily together in the countryside. 评卷人 得分 五、用单词的适当形式完成短文(共 10 分) (本题 10 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Sandstorms are strong, dry winds that carry sand. They are often 59.(1 分) thick that you cannot see the sun and the wind sometimes has such 60.(1分)(strong) to move sand dunes. A typical example of sandstorms is the Dust Bowl of the 1930s in the United States. It was the 61.(1 分)(bad) sandstorm disaster in the history of the United States. For nearly ten years dust blew on the southern plains of America, 62.(1 分)caused serious results. People couldn’t breathe when they went outside and 63.(1 分)(child) wore dust masks to school. The sky 64.(1 分)(be) often dark for days. Over five million acres of land became desert during the Dust Bowl, 65.(1 分)(force) 200,000 people to leave their homes. The disaster 66.(1 分)(cause) by bad farming methods and several years 67.(1 分) very little rainfall made things worse. The land dried up and the wind blew the soil away. 68.(1 分)took over thirty years to reverse the process and replant the land. 评卷人 得分 六、阅读选择(共 27 分) (本题 4 分) Mandara seemed to know something big was about to happen. So she let out a yell, caught hold of her 2-year-old daughter Kibibi and climbed up into a tree. She lives at the National Zoo in Washington D.C.. And on Tuesday, August 23rd, witnesses said she seemed to sense the big earthquake that shook much of the East Coast before any humans knew what was going on. And she’s not the only one. In the moments before the quake, an orangutan (猩猩) let out a loud call and then climbed to the top of her shelter. “It’s very different from their normal call,” said Brandie Smith, the zookeeper. “The lemurs (monkey like animals of Madagascar) will sound an alarm if they see or hear something highly unusual.” But you can’t see or hear an earthquake 15 minutes before it happens, can you? Maybe you can——if you’re an animal. “Animals can hear above and below our range of hearing,” said Brandie Smith. “That’s part of their special abilities. They’re more sensitive to the environment, which is how they survive.” Primates weren’t the only animals that seemed to sense the quake before it happened. One of the elephants made a warning sound and a huge lizard (蜥蜴) ran quickly for cover. The flamingoes (a kind of birds) gathered before the quake and stayed together until the shaking stopped. So what kind of vibrations (震动) were the animals picking up in the moments before the quake? Scientist Susan Hough said earthquakes produce two types of waves——a weak “P” wave and then a much stronger “S” wave. The “P” stands for “primary”. And the “S” stands for “secondary”. She thinks the “P” wave might be what sets the animals off. Not all the animals behaved unusually before the quake. For example, Smith said the zoo’s giant pandas didn’t jump up until the shaking actually began. But many of the other animals seemed to know something was coming before it happened. “I’m not surprised at all,” Smith said. 69.(1 分)Why did Mandara act strangely one day? A.Because it sensed something unusual would happen. B.Because its daughter Kibibi was injured. C.Because it heard an orangutan let out a loud call. D.Because an earthquake had happened. 70.(1 分)According to Brandie Smith,_____________. A.many animals hearing is sharp B.earthquakes produce two types of waves C.primates usually gather together before a quake D.humans can also develop the ability to sense a quake 71.(1 分)Which animal seems unable to sense quake? A.A giant panda. B.A flamingo. C.A lemur. D.A lizard. 72.(1 分)What is the best title for the passage? A.How animals survive a quake B.How animals differ from humans C.How animals behave before a quake D.How animals protect their young in a quake (本题 4 分) A very dangerous situation happened in California last week. More than 12 wildfires broke out in the state. Most of them began on October 8, in Northern California. They grew rapidly. The fires were made bigger by winds of up to 50 miles per hour and dry air in the area. At least 20 people have been killed, the state government said. About 200 have been injured. At least 3,500 homes and businesses have been destroyed. About 50,000 people have been required to escape. Many left in a hurry, without time to take their personal things. “All the good stuff(东西)—I’m never going to see it again,” Jeff Okrepkie said. He escaped from his Santa Rosa home. It was destroyed soon after he left. The fires burned through parts of eight counties(郡,县). These include Sonoma and Napa. The areas are important to California’s economy(经济). They are home to many of the state’s vineyards(葡萄园) and wineries(酿酒厂). In 2016, California’s wineries made more than $57 billion. October is when wildfires usually produce the most ruins in California. But it is unusual for so many fires to start at once. Up to now, the government has not given a cause for any of the fires, many of which were still burning. 73.(1 分)Why did the fires grow quickly? A.Most of the fires began in October. B.12 fires happened at the same time. C.The state government didn’t do anything. D.High-speed wind and dry air. 74.(1 分)How many people have to leave their homes? A.50,000. B.200. C.3,500. D.20. 75.(1 分)What is the biggest loss for California’ s economy? A.Homes have been destroyed. B.Wineries have been burned. C.People have to leave their homes. D.Many people have been injured. 76.(1 分)What is the cause of the fires? A.The high-speed wind and dry air. B.Many fires started at once. C.October produces the most ruins. D.The cause is not explained. (本题 4 分) Natural disasters take many different forms and can happen without warning. Earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, droughts, typhoons, and hurricanes are all natural disasters. The earthquake of 26 December 2004 resulted in one of the worst natural disasters in living memory. It was a massive underwater quake and occurred in the Indian Ocean. This caused a huge tsunami (海啸)to cross the Indian Ocean. It destroyed coastlines and communities and brought death and destruction to many people. The survivors needed fresh water, food and shelter as well as medical help. People from all over the world gave money. The surface of the Earth has not always looked as it does today; it is moving continuously (although very slowly) and has done so for billions of years. This is one cause of earthquakes,when one section of the Earth crashes with another. Scientists can predict where this might happen and the area between plates is called a fault line. However, earthquakes do not always happen on Fault lines, which is why they are so dangerous and unpredictable. All the disasters are very dangerous and continue to kill thousands of people each year, but they are nowhere near the most dangerous disaster to ever happen on earth. One type of event in the earth's history has regularly killed millions of beings: asteroid (小行星)impacts (撞击). About once every million years the Earth is hit by a piece of rock and ice from space large enough to cause massive destruction (including earthquakes, volcanoes and ice ages) and sometimes to kill entire species. Sixty-five million years ago more than half the earth's species were killed by such a disaster, including all the dinosaurs(恐龙). Disasters on the Earth may seem dangerous, but the biggest threat to humans is likely to come from space. 77.(1 分)What did the world do when the tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean? A.They gave away money to the beggars. B.They sponsored to help the people survive. C.They donated their possessions to the survivors. D.They helped rebuild the coastlines and communities. 78.(1 分)What can scientists predict about earthquakes? A.The possible time. B.The possible climate. C.The possible place. D.The possible frequence. 79.(1 分)Which is the best heading that matches Paragraph 3? A.What do earthquakes destroy? B.Why do earthquakes happen? C.How can we prevent earthquakes? D.Which is the most dangerous natural disaster? 80.(1 分)Where does the author think the most dangerous natural disaster will come from? A.Space. B.Earth. C.Humans. D.Wild animals. (本题 4 分) On February 3,1931 the peace of New Zealand's Hawkes Bay region was destroyed when the area was hit by the worst earthquake in New Zealand's history.At 10:46 am on that summer's day,the quake hit with a magnitude of 7.9 on the Richter scale(里氏震级).The centre of the quake lied some 15 to 20 kilometers north of the two main centers,Napier and Hastings.The quake lasted for two and a half minutes.Many people died in the earthquake. A fire broke out immediately after the quake.The fire started in a chemist's shop and spread quickly.Then the Fire Department in Napier came to help,but they were at a loss to control the fire as a result of losing their water supply.However,the water supply in Hastings,was still usable,allowing them to fight back against the fire. The force of the earthquake destroyed many of the city's famous landmarks(地标).Chunks of the coastline were thrown into the sea.Napier's Bluff Hill,a popular tourist spot,was completely destroyed and thrown into the waters below. Most of the major buildings in the city were completely destroyed.Roads and communications across the whole area were cut.People were afraid to enter their homes for days and found shelters at the local Motor Camp or on the beach.There were about 150 aftershocks(余震)in the 24 hours after the main shock.Over the next 2 weeks,there would be 525 such aftershocks. 81.(1 分)The worst earthquake took place in New Zealand_______. A.at night B.in the morning C.at noon D.in the afternoon 82.(1 分)The firefighters in Napier failed to put out the fire probably because_______. A.there was no usable water B.they couldn't get close to it C.the flames spread too quickly D.The wind was very strong 83.(1 分)The last two paragraphs mainly tell us that_______. A.there were many places of interest in New Zealand B.the earthquake damaged the city seriously C.many famous landmarks were thrown into the sea D.people were afraid to enter their homes for sleep 84.(1 分)What's the best title for this passage? A.The 1931 Hawke's Bay earthquake B.New Zealand's two cities C.The great fire after the great earthquake D.The city's famous landmarks (本题 3 分) In some ways, the United States has made some progress. Fires no longer destroy 18,000 buildings as they did in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, or kill half a town of 2,400 people, as they did the same night in Peshtigo, Wisconsin. Other than the Beverly Hill Supper Club fire in Kentucky in 1977, it has been four decades since more than 100 Americans died in a fire. But even with such successes, the United States still has one of the worst fire death rates in the world. Safety experts say the problem is neither money nor technology, but the indifference(无所谓) of a country that just will not take fires seriously enough. American fire departments are some of the world's fastest and best-equipped. They have to be. The United States has twice Japan's population, and 40 times as many fires. It spends far less on preventing fires than on fighting them. And American fire-safety lessons are aimed almost entirely at children, who die in large numbers in fires but who, against popular beliefs, start very few of them. Experts say the error is an opinion that fires are not really anyone's fault. That is not so in other countries, where both public education and the law treat fires as either a personal failing or a crime. Japan has many wood houses; of the 48 fires in world history that burned more than 10,000 buildings, Japan has had 27. Punishment for causing a big fire can be as severe as life imprisonment. In the United States, most education dollars are spent in elementary schools. But, the lessons are aimed at too limited a number of people; just 9 percent of all fire deaths are caused by children playing with matches. The United States continues to depend more on technology than laws or social pressure. There are smoke detectors in 85 percent of all homes. Some local building laws now require home sprinklers (喷水装置). New heaters and irons shut themselves off if they are tipped. 85.(1 分)The reason why so many Americans die in fires is that _____. A.they took no interest in new technology B.they did not pay great attention to preventing fires C.they showed indifference to fighting fires D.they did not spend enough money on fire equipment 86.(1 分)It can be inferred from the passage that ______. A.fire safety lessons should not be aimed only at American children B.American children have not received enough education of fire safety lessons C.Japan is better equipped with fire equipment than the United States D.America's large population leads to more fires 87.(1 分)Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A.There has been no great fire in the USA in recent 40 years that leads to high death rate. B.There have been several great fires in the USA in recent 40 years that lead to high death rate. C.There has been only one great fire in the USA in recent 40 years that led to high death rate. D.The fire in Kentucky in 1977 made only a few people killed. (本题 4 分) The trouble started at 9:30 p.m. last New Year’s Eve, in Newmark. When the fire engines arrived at the fire, a very old woman was sitting in a third floor window. The firefighters placed a ladder (梯子) against the wooden house, and 26-year-old Marcus Reddick climbed 35 feet to the third floor. The woman, 60 years old and very fat, was sitting with both feet out of the window. When Marcus reached the top of the ladder, the woman, afraid and nervous, put her two legs around him. Suddenly Marcus fell backwards off the ladder, with the large woman sitting on him. Marcus landed first — hitting a wall beside the front stairs — and broke the woman’s fall. She fell no more, but he fell another ten feet down the stairs. When the fire officer reached him, Marcus was unconscious. Within an hour, a doctor told the men that Marcus was nearly brain dead, and would only get worse. Doctors talked of turning off the life-saving machine and asked if the family would like to give away his heart. The answer was “yes”. On January 6, firefighters lifted Marcus’ coffin ----- covered with an American flag — onto a yellow fire engine. Hundreds of firefighters from all over the state joined the procession (行列) through Newmark streets. Children watched silently from school windows. The day Marcus died, his heart was given away to a young girl. His family said that it was the second life Marcus had saved. 88.(1 分)What happened last New Year’s Eve in Newmark? A.An old woman was killed. B.A fire engine was missing. C.A firefighter was murdered. D.A wooden house caught fire. 89.(1 分)After reaching the top of the ladder, Marcus _____. A.was very afraid and nervous B.couldn’t see anything clearly C.found it difficult to get down D.was knocked off and got hurt 90.(1 分)The underlined word “unconscious” in Paragraph 2 means “_____”. A.homeless B.senseless C.breathless D.helpless 91.(1 分)We can infer from the end of the text that Marcus’ family might feel _____. A.sad but proud B.shy but excited C.angry and doubtful D.worried and surprised (本题 4 分) Parts of Africa are covered by a dark cloud. But this is no rain cloud. It is a living cloud made of billions of locusts(蝗虫) that are traveling across the continent eating everything in their path. And now in the battle to stop this disaster, a radio station in Senegal, West Africa, is offering listeners 50 kilograms of locusts. "We think this idea will get more people to take part in the war on the locusts," said Abdoulaye Ba, from Sud-Fm, a radio station in one of Senegal's worst affected area. This is West Africa's biggest locust disaster in 15 years, and it is moving east, causing huge damage to crops. As they move they produce young and increase their number and will soon threaten Sudan in the northeast of Africa. Some say it could reach Asia. Experts say the harmful effect on crops in areas already suffering from food shortage and war could cast many people to go hungry. Governments in the areas are not well equipped to fight the pest. Although leaders of 12 countries have agreed on a plan, it is not expected to be enough. "We are now treating 6,000 hectares per day with pesticide(杀虫剂), but we need to treat 20,000 hectares per day in order to have any hope of controlling this disaster," said Mohamed Adballahi Ould Babah, director of locust control in Mauritania. Requests are being made for international aid, which is the only way to limit the disaster, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization warned. 92.(1 分)By using "dark cloud" to describe locusts in the first paragraph, the author mainly meant to . A.show the size, speed and damage of the mass of locusts B.suggest the high speed that locusts travel at C.warn that locusts would sweep the continent severely D.hint that they look like dark monster 93.(1 分)The story is mainly about . A.West Africa's united effort in fighting a disaster B.the difficulty in controlling locusts C.the great damage locusts caused to West Africa D.a struggle to fight against a disaster brought by locusts in West Africa 94.(1 分)According to the text we learn that the locust disaster . A.can be even more serious in Asia B.is then out of control C.has affected greatly most areas D.cannot be stopped unless twice as much pesticide is provided for the affected areas 95.(1 分)Which of the following is WRONG? A.Sud-Fm offered a reward for fighting locusts so that more people would join in the effort. B.Senegal is to southwest of Sudan. C.The locusts can cause such damage mainly because it has no natural enemy in West Africa. D.12 countries affected by locusts have untied but still lack pesticide. 评卷人 得分 七、七选五(共 5 分) (本题 5 分) On 10 April 1912, an amazing, imposing new ocean liner steamed out of Southampton Harbour. 96.(1 分) She was the largest ship in the world at that time, and the most luxurious. Her passengers included some of the wealthiest people in the world. Everyone agreed this beautiful new ship was the best liner in existence – in fact, she was said to be unsinkable. The ship’s crew had absolute confidence in her. When, four days later, Captain Edward Smith gave his radio-men the order to transmit the international distress signal, SOS, they thought he was joking. He wasn’t. At 2.20 a.m. on 15 April 1912, the Titanic sank beneath the freezing waters of the Atlantic. 97.(1 分) It is still one of the biggest peacetime maritime tragedies in history. On 14 April 2012, a passenger ship stopped in the North Atlantic. 98.(1 分) It was cold and dark. 1,300 passengers stood on deck as a memorial service was held for the people who died there. After hymns and prayers, two wreaths of flowers were thrown into the freezing water. The story of the Titanic has touched and fascinated people for over a century. Mistakes were made that added up to disaster. 99.(1 分) There are records of generosity and courage that saved lives when so many others were lost. Millionaire Benjamin Guggenheim was offered one of the few places in a lifeboat, but said it should be given to a woman or a child, and chose instead to dress for dinner. Someone overheard him say ‘We’ve dressed up in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen!’ 100.(1 分)The pure drama of the scene means that the legend of the Titanic will never be forgotten. A.For example, the Titanic’s radio room received no fewer than seven ice warnings on the night of the tragedy. B.It was twenty to midnight, the exact time that the Titanic hit the iceberg 100 years before. C.Survivors recalled that the lights stayed on and the orchestra was playing until the moment the huge ship sank into the black water. D.They arrived two hours later, but only 53 people were rescued from the water. E. It was her first voyage and her destination was New York City – across the Atlantic Ocean. F. On that night, over 1,500 people lost their lives. G. The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. 参考答案 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.B 【解析】 【分析】 本文是记叙文。作者通过自己的亲身经历,说明了这样一个道理。如果你可以做一些事情来减轻别 人的苦难,马上去做,而不要等到遥远的未来的某一天。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她的头发遮住了脸,身体虚弱。A. hot 热的;B. heavy 重的;C. weak 虚弱的;D. wet 潮湿的。由 and she suffered from a serious skin disease.可知她的身体非常的虚弱。故 选 C。 2.考查连接词辨析。句意:我决定从她身边走过,因为我们经常那样做。A. if 如果;B. when 当…… 的时候;C. till 直到;D. because 因为。根据语境可知,此处表原因。故选 D。 3.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但是有些事情让我返回去了。由 I ___17___my dinner with her and gave her all the money I had.可知,但是有些事情让我返回去了。 A. (turn) over 翻阅;B. (turn) back 往回走; C. (turn) away 走开;D. (turn) up 出现。故选 B。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的父母四年前去世了,她患上了严重的皮肤病。由 She had to seek shelter from the mall to keep____8____on cold days, 可知,这个女孩居无定所,所以判断出她的父母应该是 去世了。A. returned 返回;B. removed 搬走;C. quarreled 吵架;D. died 死亡。故选 D。 5.考 查形容词词义辨析。句意:由于残疾,她无法工作,只能住在她能找到的最安全的地方。A. eager 渴望的;B. ready 准备好的;C. unable 不能的;D. curious 好奇的。由 because of her disability 可知, 她不能去工作。故选 C。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于残疾,她无法工作,她不得不住在她所能发现的最安全的地方。 A. build 建造;B. discover 发现;C. expect 期望;D. remember 记得。根据语境可知,此处指她不得不 住在她所能发现的最安全的地方。故选 B。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她过去曾住在收容所,但受到了虐待。A. terribly 可怕地;B. normally 正常地;C. carefully 小心地;D. patiently 耐心地。由 She had to seek shelter from the mall to keep____8____on cold days,可推断出,她在避难所被虐待。故选 A。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在寒冷的日子里,她不得不躲在商场里取暖,但她说,即使是商场 也不安全,因为保安总是把她赶出去。A. calm 平静的;B. wealthy 富有的;C. warm 温暖的;D. secret 秘密的。由 on cold days 可知,她在购物商场寻找暖和的地方。故选 C。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在寒冷的日子里,她不得不躲在商场里取暖,但她说,即使是商场 也不安全,因为保安总是把她赶出去。A. quiet 安静的;B. special 特殊的;C. particular 特别的;D. safe 安全的。由 because security(保安) always threw her out.可知,即使商场对于她来说,也是不安全的。 故选 D。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那些人相信会有供养系统来帮助她,我也是其中之一。A. control 控 制;B. support 供养;C. decoration 装饰;D. communication 交流。根据语境可知,此处指“供养系统”。 故选 B。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我曾经认为也许有一天我会帮助“他们”。A. respect 尊敬;B. watch 观看;C. help 帮助;D. encourage 鼓励。由 what if no one ever helped her?可知,我过去常常认为可能 有一天,我会帮助她。故选 C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是当我注意到那个女孩,我想,假使没有人帮助她将会怎么样。 A. accepted 接受;B. introduced 介绍;C. persuaded 劝说;D. noticed 注意。根据语境可知,我注意到 那个女孩后,想了很多。故选 D。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果我所信仰的所谓完美体系甚至不知道或不关心她的存在怎么 办呢?A. foolish 愚蠢的;B. perfect 完美的;C. simple 简单的;D. educational 教育的。由 I’m one of those people who used to believe there was a system of ___10___ to help her. 可知,许多人想象中的救助系统 很完美。故选 B。 14.考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果我所信仰的所谓完美体系甚至不知道或不关心她的存在怎么办 呢?A. care about 关心;B. talk about 谈论;C. write about 写到;D. argue about 争论。由 didn’t even know 可知,此处指“所谓完美体系甚至不知道或不关心她的存在”。故选 A。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我没赢钱怎么办?A. lose 失去;B. lend 借给;C. win 赢得;D. waste 浪费。由上文 Maybe one day I would win the lottery(彩票).可知,假使我没有赢得一些钱将会怎么样。 故选 C。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:假使她活不到看到那天怎么办?A. admit 承认;B. imagine 想象;C. choose 选择;D. see 看到。由 she was not going to be around long enough 可知,假如她活不到看到那 天怎么办。故选 D。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我和她分享了我的晚餐,并且把我身上的钱都给了她。A. cooked 烹 饪;B. shared 分享;C. ordered 命令;D. prepared 准备。根据语境可知,我和她分享了自己的晚餐。 故选 B。 18.考查固定短语辨析。句意:当保安过来的时候,我告诉他们要帮助她,而不是像往常一样驱赶 她。A. along with 和……一起;B. as for 至于;C. except for 除了……以外;D. instead of 而不是。根 据语境可知,此处 D 项符合题意。故选 D。 19.课程动词短语辨析。句意:如果你可以做一些事情来减轻别人的苦难,那么不要等到遥远的未 来的某一天。A. worry about 担心;B. laugh at 嘲笑;C. wait for 等待;D. begin with 开始于。由 Now is that one day—not tomorrow, not next week.可知,不要等待那一天的到来。故选 C。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你可以做一些事情来减轻别人的苦难,那么不要等到遥远的未 来的某一天。A. sickness 疾病;B. suffering 苦难;C. nervousness 紧张;D. loneliness 孤独。根据语境 可知,此处指“减轻别人的苦难”。故选 B。 【名师点睛】 完形填空题的命题特点及答题方法: 1.侧重基础知识,考查学生语言知识的能力 完形填空以文入手,结合文章的内容考查学生的基础知识,主要是词语搭配、固定句型、近义词辨 析、辨析句子结构、掌握语法规则的能力,其中考查实词居多。 2.上下文对照,考查学生捕捉关键词的能力 解完形填空题时,单独看一句话是找不到正确答案的,需要注意句子间的关系及句子与段落的关系。 所谓上下对照,即在上文和下文中找到与正确答案相同的关键词。因此,在做题时要边读边在大脑 中储存上下文信息的能力,捕捉关键词。例如小题 15 由上文内容 Maybe one day I would win the lottery(彩票). 捕捉到关键词 win。可知这里意思是假使我 没有赢得一些钱将会怎么样。 3.设置语境,考查学生的分析推理能力 旨在考查学生在选项都符合语法及句子结构的情况下能否利用前后语境去推断出正确答案。 4.结合生活,考查学生利用常识题的能力 目的考查学生的生活常识,看看学生是否善于观察生活,积累生活常识,能否利用常识去做恰当的 选择。例如小题 8,由 on cold days 结合生活常识,可推知在寒冷的日子里,她在购物商场自然是寻 找暖和的地方。 5.关注连词,考查学生对行文逻辑、句子关联的理解能力 此项用来考查学生在缺少连词的情况想,通过阅读能否理解句子的与句子的关系,是否了解行文逻 辑的要求,能否掌握表示因果、转折、并列、条件、让步等的连词的用法。 21. too to say 22. as if 23. was/is trapped in 24. telling the children stories 25. present to 26. used to go sailing 【解析】 【分析】 考查根据汉语意思完成句子。 21.考查固定短语。根据汉语意思表示“太……以至于(不能)”短语为 too…to…,故填 too 和 to say。 22.考查固定短语。根据汉语意思表示“好像;似乎”短语为 as if。故填 as if。 23.考查固定短语和动词时态。根据汉语意思表示“被困在”短语为 be trapped in,此处可用一般现在 时或一般过去时,主语为 man,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填 was/is trapped in。 24.考查非谓语动词。固定短语 tell sb. sth.“告诉某人某事”,本句中已经存在谓语动词且句中没有连 词,故tell做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语grandfather构成主动关系,应用现在分词。故填 telling the children stories。 25.考查固定短语。根据汉语意思表示“提交”短语 present sth. to…。结合上文 will 后跟动词原形。 故填 present 和 to。 26.考查固定短语。根据汉语意思表示“过去常常”短语为 use to do sth.;“泛舟”短语为 go sailing。故 填 used to go sailing。 27.crashed28.waves29.swept30.striking31.delivered32.summary33.effects34.length 【解析】 【分析】 考查单词拼写。 27.考查动词时态。句意:一辆卡车失去控制,撞在一辆公共汽车的后面。根据汉语意思“碰撞”且 在句中做谓语应用动词 crash,结合上文 went 可知应用一般过去时。故填 crashed。 28.考查名词。句意:迪伊看着海浪拍打着海岸。根据汉语意思“波”以及上文 the 可知应填名词 wave, 且 wave 为可数名词,此处结合句意应用复数形式。故填 waves。 29.考查动词时态。句意:伯特扫过屋前的小路。根据汉语意思“清扫”且做谓语应填动词 sweep 且 结合句意应用一般过去时。故填 swept。 30.考查非谓语动词。句意:她重重地摔了一跤,头撞在船舷上。根据汉语意思“撞,击”可知应为 动词 strike。分析句子结构可知 strike 在句中做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语 she 构成主动关系,应用现 在分词。故填 striking。 31.考查动词时态。句意:国王于 11 月 5 日向全国发表了电视讲话。根据汉语意思“发表”且做谓语 应填动词 deliver,结合下文 on November 5 可知应用一般过去时。故填 delivered。 32.考查名词。句意:该小组每月对他们的研究进行总结。根据汉语意思“总结”以及上文 a 可知应 填单数名词 summary。故填 summary。 33.考查名词。句意:我当然能感觉到熬夜太多的影响。根据汉语意思“影响”以及上文 the 可知应填 名词 effect,且 effect 为可数名词,此处结合句意可知应用复数形式。故填 effects。 34.考查名词。句意:这个房间是厨房的两倍长。根据汉语意思“长度”以及上文 the 可知应填名词 length。故填 length。 35.supply36.tapped37.whistled38.calm39.aid40.kit41.erupt42.power 【解析】 【分析】 根据汉语意思拼写单词是一种测试考生综合运用英语能力的题型。要求考生具备较强的阅读能力, 并且能根据句子所给线索,捕捉相关信息,进行分析断逻辑推理的能力,还要求考生能熟练运用所 学词汇、语法、习惯用语及交际用语等语言知识进行准确的填词。做此类题目一定要掌握句意,从 中得到提示和启发,帮助确定应填词的词性和词形。 35.考查名词。句意:电力供应 已经被切断了。分析句子可知,本空在句中作主语,故填名词 supply。 36.考查动词。句意:格蕾丝轻敲卧室的门,走了进去。分析句子结构可知,本空在句中充当谓语 的成分。本句叙述的是过去的事,要用一般过去时。主语 Grace 与动词 tap 二者是主动关系,故填 tapped。 37.考查动词。句意:她吹口哨叫狗回来。本空在句中充当谓语,二者是主动关系。根据语境可知, 本句叙述的过去的事,要用一般过去时。故填 whistled。 38.考查形容词。句意:星期二是一个清朗的、风和日丽的好天气。分析句子可知,本空在句中作 定语,calm“风平浪静的,无风的”,故填 calm。 39.考查名词。句意:福克斯医生尽管在车祸中受了伤,但还是去帮助那个垂死的人。根据语境可 知,本空前定冠词 the,要用名词,故填 aid。 40.考查名词。句意:士兵们被训练在全副武装的情况下从飞机上跳下来。根据语境可知,本空在 句中作介词 with 的宾语,成套设备即是“kit”,故填 kit。 41.考查动词。句意:火山随时可能爆发。分析句子可知,本空跟在情态动词 could 后,要用动词 原形,动词“erupt”意为“爆发”,故填 erupt。 42.考查名词。句意:他有能力把事情弄得让我们很不愉快。分析句子可知,本空前有定冠词 the 修饰,在句中作宾语,要用名词,故填 power。 43.shocked44.rescue45.death46.buried47.destroyed48.trapped 【解析】 【分析】 考查单词拼写。 43.考查形容词。句意:听到工厂发生大火的消息,我很震惊。根据汉语意思“震惊的”,表示人的 感受,以及上文 was 可知应填形容词 shocked 作表语,故填 shocked。 44.考查动词。句意:两个孩子掉进了河里,许多人试图营救他们。根据汉语意思“营救”以及上文 try to do sth.可知应填动词原形 rescue。故填 rescue。 45.考查名词。句意:癌症是女性死亡的主要原因。根据汉语意思“死亡”以及上文 of 为介词后跟名 词 death 做宾语,故填 death。 46.考查动词语态。句意:这些死鸭子应该马上埋起来,既然他们不适合吃。根据汉语意思“埋葬” 在句中做谓语动词,bury“埋葬”,以及上文 These dead ducks should be 可知为被动语态,故填 buried。 47.考查非谓语动词。句意:大火持续了四个小时,沿街的所有建筑物都被烧毁了。根据汉语意思“毁 坏”可知应填动词 destroy,结合固定结构“get+done”,street 与 destroy 构成被动关系,应用过去分词, 故填 destroyed。 48.考查非谓语动词。句意:今天早上停电时,两个人被困在电梯里。根据汉语意思“困住”可知应 填动词 trap,结合固定结构“get+done”,people 与 trap 构成被动关系,应用过去分词。故填 trapped。 49.what→that 50.how→that 51.if→whether 52.where→that/which 或去掉 where 53.when→that 54.what→that/which 或去掉 what 55.which→that 56.whether→that 57.made→make 58.that→when 【解析】 【分析】 49.考查连接词。句意:我再也不能忽视他不快乐这个事实。分析句子可知, the fact 后接同位语从 句,同位语从句句子成分完整,所以连接词为 that。故 what→that 。 50.考查连接词。句意:我带来了王先生的口信,他今天下午不能见你了。分析句子可知,message 后 接同位语从句,同位语从句句子成分完整,所以连接词为 that。故 how→that。 51.考查连接词。句意: 他必须回答他是否同意此事这一问题。分析句子可知,question 后接同位语 从句,根据句意以及 or not 可知,连接词为 whether。故 if→whether。 52.考查关系代词。句意:我读了前天你给我的书。分析句子可知,the book 为先行词,作后面定语 从句中 gave 的宾语,所以关系代词为 that/which 或去掉 where。故 where→that/which 或去掉 where。 53.考查连接词。句意:其中一人认为这本书说的是对的分析句子可知,the opinion 后接同位语从句, 同位语从句句子成分完整,所以连接词为 that。故 when→that 。 54.考查关系代词。句意:你告诉我们的消息真令人鼓舞。分析句子可知,The news 为先行词,作后 面定语从句中 told 的宾语,所以关系代词为 that/which 或去掉 what 。故 what→that/which 或去掉 what。 55.考查连接词。句意:爸爸答应给他的孩子买礼物。分析句子可知,promise 后接同位语从句,同位 语从句句子成分完整,所以连接词为 that。故 which→that。 56.考查连接词。句意:她表示希望能再来中国访问。分析句子可知,hope 后接同位语从句,同位语 从句句子成分完整,所以连接词为 that。故 whether→that。 57.考查虚拟语气。句意:我们的英语老师建议我们好好利用时间。分析句子可知,suggestion 后接 同位语从句,同位语从句的谓语为(should)+动词原形。故 made→make。 58.考查关系副词。句意:我永远不会忘记我们在农村快乐地生活在一起的日子。分析句子可知, the days 为先行词,作后面定语从句的时间状语,所以关系副词为 when。故 that→when。 【点睛】 虚拟语气在同位语从句中的用法 在名词 advice, suggestion, order, proposal, demand,desire, requirement,request 等后接的同位语从句中, 谓语动词用虚拟“(should)+动词原形”。 小题 9 中 suggestion 后接同位语从句,同位语从句的谓语为(should)+动词原形。故 made→make。 59.so60.strength61.worst62.which63.children64.was65.forcing66.was caused67.with 68.It 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述美国历史上最严重的沙尘暴灾害及造成的恶劣后果。 59.考查固定句型。句意:它们通常很厚,以至于你看不到太阳,而风有时也要有如此大的力量来 移动沙丘。So …that… 如此…,以至于,引导结果状语从句,符合句意。故填 so。 60.考查名词。句意:它们通常很厚,以至于你看不到太阳,而风有时也要有如此大的力量来移动 沙丘。Have 后缺少名词作宾语,应把 strong 变为名词。故填 strength。 61.考查形容词最高级。句意:这是美国历史上最严重的沙尘暴灾害。根据前一句沙尘暴的一个典 型例子是美国上世纪 30 年代的沙尘暴,可推断是最严重的一次,应把 bad 变为最高级形式。故填 worst。 62.考查非限制性定语从句。句意:近十年来,美国南部平原上刮起了灰尘,造成了严重的后果。 空中应指代前一个句子,并在本句中做主语,因此缺少非限制性定语从句的连接代词。故填 which。 63.考查名词。句意:当他们外出时,人们无法呼吸,孩子们带着防尘面具上学。Child 为可数名词, 故应变为复数形式。故填 children。 64.考查时态。句意:天空常常几天都是黑暗的。描述的是当时最严重的一次沙尘暴期间的景象, 应用一般过去时。故填 was。 65.考查现在分词。句意:在沙尘暴期间,超过 500 万英亩的土地变成了沙漠,迫使 20 万人离开家 园。force 在这里做状语,同主语之间是主动的关系,应该用现在分词。故填 forcing。 66.考查时态和语态。句意:这场灾难是由恶劣的耕作方式造成的,几年来降雨量很少,使情况变 得更糟。描述的是沙尘暴发生期间,时态为一般过去时,主语和 cause 之间还是被动的关系。故填 was caused。 67.考查介词。句意:这场灾难是由恶劣的耕作方式造成的,几年来降雨量很少,使情况变得更糟。 这里 with 表示带有,具有,符合句意。故填 with。 68.考查固定句型。句意:花了三十多年的时间才改变了这一进程,重新种植了这块土地。It takes some time to do… 花费多少时间去做某事为固定句型。故填 it。 【点睛】 小题 4 中的非限制性定语从句的关系词,语法填空的重要考点,考生应注意的是句子结构的分析, 及非限制性定语从句的特点有逗号隔开,并且是对主句的补充说明,另外需要特别注意关系代词和 关系副词的选择。 小题 7 考查非谓语动词中的现在分词。非谓语动词也是语法填空的重要考点,考生应着重区分现在 分词,过去分词和不定式做状语的结构,现在分词作状语的特点同逻辑主语之间是主动关系,并且 时间上同谓语同步发生,过去分词作状语同逻辑主语之间是被动关系,时间上一般先于谓语发生, 不定式做状语一般表将来,表目的。 69.A 70.A 71.A 72.C 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇说明文。这篇文章主要讲了在地震前动物们的表现,有些动物对地震敏感,而有些动物 对地震没有察觉。 69.细节理解题。根据第一段 Mandara seemed to know something big was about to happen.可知一天, Mandara 表现得很奇怪因为它感觉有一些不同寻常的事情要发生,选 A。 70.推理判断题。根据第四段“Animals can hear above and below our range of hearing,” said Brandie Smith. “That’s part of their special abilities. They’re more sensitive to the environment, which is how they survive.” 可知 Brandie Smith 认为许多动物的听觉很敏锐,选 A。 71.推理判断题。根据最后一段 Not all the animals behaved unusually before the quake. For example, Smith said the zoo’s giant pandas didn’t jump up until the shaking actually began.可知在地震之前,大熊 猫并没有表现异常,由此推断出大熊猫不能感知地震,选 A。 72.主旨大意题。通过全文以及 Not all the animals behaved unusually before the quake.可知,这篇文 章主要讲了在地震前动物们的表现,有些动物对地震敏感,而有些动物对地震没有察觉,故选 C。 【点睛】 本题型考查了对文章段落或某一板块的理解概括能力。先阅读问题,然后带着问题,再读全文,找 出答题所需要的依据,完成阅读。在词义与句义理解的基础上,结合上下文总结归纳某一段或几段 的大意,对于把握文章主旨,分析全文结构都是至关重要的。纵观历年高考试题,阅读理解试题一 般有以下几种题型:一是直接回答 who, whom, which, what, where, when, why, how 等疑问词引起的细 节问题;二是猜测词义题;三是推理判断题;四是综合概括题。在做阅读理解题时,一定要仔细看 完,看清楚试题要求再作答,特别要注意 NOT,TRUE,EXCEPT 等词。有时,要先看题,后阅读 文章,带着问题去读短文,可缩短阅读时间,效果也许会更好。 73.D 74.A 75.B 76.D 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了加利福尼亚州的大火火势情况以及大火给人们的生活和经济带来 的影响。。 73.细节理解题。由第一段“They grew rapidly. The fires were made bigger by winds of up to 50 miles per hour and dry air in the area.”可知,由于强风和空气干燥的缘故,火势越来越大。故选 D 项。 74.细节理解题。由第二段“About 50,000 people have been required to escape.”可知,有 50,000 人口需 要离开他们的家园。题干中 leave their homes 在文中体现为动词 escape。故选 A 项。 75.细节理解题。由第三段“The fires burned through parts of eight counties(郡,县). These include Sonoma and Napa. The areas are important to California’s economy(经济). They are home to many of the state’s vineyards(葡萄园) and wineries(酿酒厂).”可知,大火烧到了加利福尼亚州葡萄园和酿酒厂的大本营 Sonoma 和 Napa。它们是加利福尼亚州经济的重要组成部分。所以经济损失主要体现在葡萄园、酿 酒厂被烧毁。故选 B 项。 76.细节理解题。由最后一段“Up to now, the government has not given a cause for any of the fires, many of which were still burning.”可知,政府还没有公布这些大火的起因。故选 D 项。 77.B 78.C 79.B 80.A 【解析】 【分析】 这是一篇科普说明文。文章通过讲述 2004 年 12 月 26 日发生在印度洋底的地震以及其产生的海啸, 说明自然灾害在不知情的情况下会以不同的方式发生;另外讲述了为什么地震如此危险和不可预测 的科学原理;接下来讲述 6500 万年前发生的恐龙大灭绝事件告诉我们所有这些自然灾害发生产生的 结果是灾难性的,但对我们人类威胁最大最具灾难性的是太空来物。 77.细节理解题。通过审题定位于第二段末尾:The survivors needed fresh water, food and shelter as well as medical help. People from all over the world gave money.幸存者需要新鲜的水,食物和帐篷,同时需 要医疗救援。来自于全世界的人们都捐款了。从这里可以看出他们的幸存靠的是全世界人的捐助和 援助。这里 sponsor 是支援,赞助的意思,取其转义,捐助。因此 B 选项:They sponsored to help the people survive.“他们捐助以帮助那里的人生存下来。”切合文意。故选 B。 78.细节理解题。审题得知:科学家可以预测地震的什么。定位于:Scientists can predict where this might happen and the area between plates is called a fault line.科学家能预测哪里可能发生这些地震……。故 C 选项:the possible place 切合文意。故选 C。 79.推理判断题。审题得知,第三段最佳标题是什么。浏览信息得知:This is one cause of earthquakes, when one section of the Earth crashes with another. 这是地震的原因之一,当地球的一部分撞击另一部 分时,产生地震。这里关键词为 cause。然后下文讲科学家可以预测地震发生在什么地方。这些都是 在告诉我们产生地震的原因是什么。故最佳标题应该与这个有关。而 B 选项:Why do earthquakes happen?“为什么会发生地震?”切合文意。故选 B。 80.细节理解题。审题可以确定关键词信息为:the most dangerous natural disaster 和 come from;因 此定位于整个文章最后一句:Disasters on the Earth may seem dangerous, but the biggest threat to humans is likely to come from space.地球上的灾难也许看起来很危险,但对人类最大的威胁好像来自于太空。 这句话自然点明了答案为 A 选项 space。故选 A。 81.B 82.A 83.B 84.A 【解析】 【分析】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍的是新西兰的霍克斯湾在 1931 年所发生的一次严重的地震。这次地震 造成了财产的大量的损失以及人员的伤亡,海岸线被破坏了,旅游景点也破坏了、城市以及道路都 遭到严重损失,给人们生活带来极大不便。 81.细节理解题。根据第一段中的第二句 At 10:46 am on that summer's day, the quake hit with a magnitude of 7.9 on the Richter scale(里氏震级)(夏季的一天上午 10:46,发生了 7.9 级地震)可知, 在新西兰那次最严重的地震是在上午发生的故选 B。 82.细节理解题。根据第二段第三句中的 but they were at a loss to control the fire as a result of losing their water supply(但是由于没有水供应,他们无法控制火势)可知,Napier 的消防员们无法将火扑灭主 要是因为他们没有水。故选 A 83.主旨大意题。根据最后两段 Chunks of the coastline were thrown into the sea. Napier's Bluff Hill, a popular tourist spot, was completely destroyed and thrown into the waters below…Most of the major buildings in the city were completely destroyed. Roads and communications across the whole area were cut. People were afraid to enter their homes for days and found shelters at the local Motor Camp or on the beach. (大块大块的海岸线被抛入大海。纳皮尔的断崖山,一个很受欢迎的旅游景点,被完全摧毁了,并 被扔进了下面的水里……整个地区的道路和通讯都被切断。几天来,人们不敢进入自己的家,只能 在当地的汽车营地或海滩上寻找避难所)可判断出,这两段主要介绍的是这次地震对这个城市所造 成的严重破坏.海岸线被破坏了,旅游景点也破坏了、城市以及道路都遭到严重损失,给人们生活 带来极大不便。由此可知,地震对城市破坏严重。故选 B。 84.主旨大意题。根据文章内容可判断出,本文主要介绍的是新西兰的霍克斯湾在 1931 年所发生的 一次严重的地震,以及给这座城市所带来的损害。A 项能体现了本文的核心,适合用作本文的标题。 故选 A。 85.B 86.A 87.C 【解析】 【分析】 本文是议论文。讲述美国社会现在在防止大型火灾方面取得了一些进步,但政府仍然对此不重视, 现在美国防止火灾更多依靠技术,而非法律或社会压力。 85.细节理解题。根据第二段提到的 Safety experts say the problem is neither money nor technology, but the indifference(无所谓) of a country that just will not take fires seriously enough.可知,引起美国火灾不 是钱和技术的问题,而是国家重视不够的问题,故选 B 项。 86.推理判断题。根据第三段提到的 American fire -safety lessons are aimed almost entirely at children, who die in large numbers in fires but who, against popular beliefs, start very few of them.可知,美国的火 灾安全课程几乎全部针对孩子,孩子们在火灾中的死亡人数很高,与流行的说法相反,很少火灾是 由于儿童引起的,故选 A 项。 87.细节理解题。根据第一段提到的 Other than the Beverly Hill Supper Club fire in Kentucky in 1977, it has been four decades since more than 100 Americans died in a fire.可知,除了肯塔基州贝弗利山晚餐俱 乐部的火灾外,40 年来,死亡多于 100 多个美国人的事情再也没有发生过,故选 C 项。 88.D 89.D 90.B 91.A 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇记叙文,消防队员 Marcus 为了救人而牺牲,去世以后他受到人们的高度尊敬;并且他的 器官捐给了他需要的病人,他获得了新生。 88.细节理解题。根据第一段二三句“When the fire engines arrived at the fire, a very old woman was sitting in a third floor window. The firefighters placed a ladder (梯子) against the wooden house, and 26-year-old Marcus Reddick climbed 35 feet to the third floor.”可知在去年的新年之夜里,一座木头房子着火了。故 D 项正确。 89.细节理解题。根据第二段三四句“Suddenly Marcus fell backwards off the ladder, with the large woman sitting on him. Marcus landed first — hitting a wall beside the front stairs — and broke the woman’s fall.” 及最后一句“When the fire officer reached him, Marcus was unconscious.”可知当 Marcus 到达顶部的时候 突然跌了下来受了重伤。故 D 项正确。 90.猜测词义题。根据第三段第一句“Within an hour, a doctor told the men that Marcus was nearly brain dead, and would only get worse.”可知医生说他已经脑死亡了,已经感觉不到外面的世界了。所以该词 “unconscious”意为“没有意识”。故 B 项正确。 91.推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句“Doctors talked of turning off the life-saving machine and asked if the family would like to give away his heart. The answer was “yes””可知家人无奈之下同意关闭呼吸机, 他们一定是非常难过;再根据最后一段内容可知 Marcus 受到人们的尊敬,并且他的器官移植了其他 人的身上,似乎他获得了新生。家人也为之自豪。故 A 项正确。 92.A 93.D 94.B 95.C 【解析】 【分析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是非洲的部分地区遭受了非常严重的蝗虫灾害,造成了很大的损失。现在 政府及其他国家的领袖都已经采取措施,展开行动,消灭蝗虫。电台也呼吁更多的人加入到与蝗虫 的战斗中来。 92.A 细节理解题。根据第一段 It is a living cloud made of billions of locusts(蝗虫) that are traveling across the continent eating everything in their path.用 a dark cloud 一片黑云来形容蝗虫,是想向我们表 明蝗虫的数量非常之多,移动速度之快,以及蝗虫造成的损失有多么严重,故选 A。 93.D 主旨大意题。这篇文章主要讲的是非洲西部发生的严重的蝗虫灾害,而且各方面正为消灭蝗 虫而做着努力,B、C 两个选项都只是文章内容的一部分,不全面。A 选项的表示不正确,为消灭蝗 虫的灾害,不只是非洲西部的国家在做着努力,故选 D。 94.B 细节理解题。根据文章的最后一段“We are now treating 6,000 hectares per day with pesticide(杀 虫剂), but we need to treat 20,000 hectares per day in order to have any hope of controlling this disaster,” ,我们可以知道,为了控制住蝗虫导致的灾害,每天需要用杀虫剂来清理 20,000 公顷的 土地,但是现在的状况是每天只能清理 6,000 公顷的土地,所以如果没有更多的杀虫剂,蝗虫的灾 害是无法控制的,故选 B。 95.C 推理判断题。 is offering listeners 50 kilograms of locusts. “We think this idea will get more people to take part in the war on the locusts.” said Abdoulaye Ba, from Sud-Fm,证明 A; in Senegal, West Africa, Sudan in the northeast of Africa.证明 B;We are now treating 6,000 hectares per day with pesticide(杀虫剂), but we need to treat 20,000 hectares per day in order to have any hope of controlling this disaster 证明 D, 故选 C。 考点:考查新闻报道类阅读 96.E 97.F 98.B 99.A 100.C 【解析】 【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了泰坦尼克号的航行以及沉没。 96.上文 On 10 April 1912, an amazing, imposing new ocean liner steamed out of Southampton Harbour. 说 1912 年 4 月 10 日,一艘壮观的新远洋班轮驶出南安普敦港,下文 She was the largest ship in the world at that time, and the most luxurious.说它是当时世界上最大的船,也是最豪华的。该空承上启下,E 选 项“这是她的第一次航行,她的目的地是纽约,横跨了整个大西洋”切题,故选 E。 97.上文 He wasn’t. At 2.20 a.m. on 15 April 1912, the Titanic sank beneath the freezing waters of the Atlantic.说泰坦尼克号沉没,该空承接上文,F 选项“那天晚上,1500 多人丧生。”切题,故选 F。 98.下文 It was cold and dark. 1,300 passengers stood on deck as a memorial service was held for the people who died there.说天气又冷又黑。1300 名乘客站在甲板上为遇难者举行追悼会。该空引出下文,B 选 项“现在是午夜,也就是 100 年前泰坦尼克号撞上冰山的时间。”切题,故选 B。 99.上文 Mistakes were made that added up to disaster.说犯的错误加起来就是灾难。该空引出下文,A 选项“例如,泰坦尼克号的无线电室在悲剧发生当晚收到了不少于 7 次的冰警报。”切题,故选 A。 100.上文 Someone overheard him say ‘We’ve dressed up in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen!’说有人无意中听到他说:“我们已经穿上了最好的衣服,准备像绅士一样下沉!”该空承接上 文,C 选项“幸存者回忆说,灯还亮着,乐队还在演奏,直到巨轮沉入黑色的水中。”切题,故选 C。

