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‎2019/2020学年度第二学期期中质量检测 高二英语试卷 作答要求:‎ ‎1.请考生认真检查试卷和答题卡有无缺印、漏印、重印等问题,如有问题,请举手提出更换要求;‎ ‎2.请在试卷和答题卡指定位置规范填涂考生信息;‎ ‎3.所有答案必须全部填涂和填写到答题卡上,凡是答在试卷上的答案一律无效。‎ 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ ‎ 做题时,现将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ 例: How much is the shirt?‎ A. ‎ £ 19.15 B. £ ‎9.18 ‎ C. £ 9.15‎ 答案是C。‎ ‎1. What happened to the woman last night? ‎ A. She missed a program. B. Her TV was broken. C. She didn’t sleep well.‎ ‎2. What might the woman be good at? ‎ A. Looking after kids.‎ B. Taking care of elderly people.‎ C. Teaching people how to find a job.‎ ‎3. Why does the man want to exchange his T-shirt? ‎ A. He dislikes the color. B. It is the wrong size. C. It has a hole on it.‎ ‎4. What do the speakers decide to do? ‎ A. Go out for dinner. ‎ B. Work overtime together.‎ C. Bring some food back for dinner.‎ ‎5. What can we learn from this conversation? ‎ A. Mr. Davidson is busy right now.‎ B. The man dialed the wrong number.‎ C. The woman doesn’t want to talk about art.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. Who are the speakers? ‎ A. Customer and assistant. B. Teacher and student. C. Doctor and patient.‎ ‎7. What is the man going to do? ‎ A. Rob the woman. B. Make the woman fall asleep. C. Pull out the woman’s tooth.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8. What’s wrong with Emily? ‎ A. She hurt herself. B. She’s having a bad cough. C. She’s running a fever.‎ ‎9. What does the woman want the man to do? ‎ A. Look after Emily at the hospital.‎ B. Watch over her son at her home.‎ C. Help Mary wash the dishes.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. Where does the conversation take place? ‎ A. At an office. B. At a café. C. At the man’s home.‎ ‎11. How does the man know the woman? ‎ A. They went to the same university.‎ B. They used to work together.‎ C. The man is the woman’s boss now.‎ ‎12. What does the woman think of architects? ‎ A. Their work is interesting.‎ B. They always take business trips.‎ C. They don’t get paid enough.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. Where are the speakers probably? ‎ A. In a clothing store. B. On the street. C. In a fashion studio.‎ ‎14. Why does the man want to talk to the woman? ‎ A. He thinks her clothes are different.‎ B. He likes her guitar.‎ C. He is attracted by her beauty.‎ ‎15. Where doesn’t the woman shop for clothes? ‎ A. Unpopular stores. B. Second-hand clothing stores. C. Department stores ‎16. What will the woman do next? ‎ A. Look at some pictures.‎ B. Buy some coffee at Starbucks. ‎ C. Change into some clothes.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. What is wrong with the gate? ‎ A. The nails are coming out of the wood. B. The pieces of wood are coming apart.‎ C. Not enough nails were used.‎ ‎18. What does the man think of the Borg Fence staff? ‎ A. They overcharged him. B. They were careful about their work.‎ C. They didn’t pay much attention to his fence.‎ ‎19. What do we know about the man? ‎ A. He lives at 52 Arscott Circle. B. He will find a lawyer to help him.‎ C. The Borg Fence had done work for him before.‎ ‎20. What does the man threaten to do? ‎ A. Make a formal complaint. B. Call the police.‎ C. Go to Borg Fence’s office.‎ 二、单项选择(共15小题: 每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎21. Before China's Youth Day, Xi,______ secretary general of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military. Commission, made a statement to the young, _____________they find reasonable.‎ A. the; that B. /; in which C. the; which D. /; which ‎22.-- Why do the researchers sometimes have to climb so high?‎ ‎---As far as I know, _____________on the top of the mountain is a certain wild' plant said to have some medical value.‎ A. grown. B. growing C. being grown D. having grown ‎23. --- -What a surprise! I _____________ you still away on holiday.‎ ‎----But it. __________only a fortnight before our new voluntary project begins.‎ A. think; is B. thought; will be C. had thought; was D. thought; is ‎24: Dave was a__________. Because of his misconduct in class, the whole class had to stay after school.‎ A. wet blanket B. leading light C. black sheep . D. dark horse ‎25. --- A student is said to have got a suspension from school for cheating in the exam.‎ ‎__________honesty is concerned, no compromise is acceptable.‎ A. When B. Where C. What D. Once ‎26. ---I the poor man any. better now?‎ ‎--Don't worry! The doctor will follow up his operation for occurrence of severe symptoms, __________‎ A. if necessary B. if so C. if ever D. if any ‎27. ---- know the furniture expensive but it will last for years.‎ ‎----___________hope so too.‎ A. can B. may C. must D. should ‎28. The majority of people __________the view that students should develop in an all-round way.‎ A. subscribe to B. make out C. approve' D. set aside ‎29. If you see things in a negative light, you will find faults everywhere and problems where there are really__________‎ A. none B. some C. many D. nothing ‎30. A driver __________ his car when he makes it go faster or increases its speed.‎ A. advances B. develops C. accelerates D. stimulates ‎31. The accident __________his carelessness was serious and he to answer for it.‎ A. arose from, violate B. arose from; undertook C. arising from; undertook D. result from; is undertaken ‎32. The data shows the situations of the world economy,__________careful observation and detailed studies.‎ A. in the name of B. on the basis of C. at the cost of D. in charge of ‎33. Many natural disasters took place across the country, __________severe losses on people's life and property.‎ A. to have brought B. only bringing C. only to bring D. having brought ‎34._。 the rising costs of many products, fares in this city __________ unchanged.‎ A. Though; remained B. Despite; remained C. Despite; was left D. Though; was remained ‎35. --May I use your phone? I need to make a call.‎ ‎--- It's over there.___________‎ A. It depends B. Got it C. No problem D. Feel free 三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ It took about three weeks for me to become mute. In 2007, I visited a client as a financial adviser and (36)___ a virus. I had a sore throat. My doctor (37)___ me it would soon return to normal.‎ ‎(38)___ , it got worse, I could no longer make phone calls and started carrying a little whiteboard to write everything down; I tried to work with people I already knew, who were likely to be more (39)___ with me; but explaining financial details to (40)___ investors with marker pen was a big challenge.‎ At home, my wife and teenage sons (41)___as best they could. Soon I was using a computer that read out phrases typed into it.‎ My situation (42)___when I was offered a tuition-assisted place at Iowa State University. I(43)___ myself by accepting a job in the student services office. Forced to (44)___ with people face to face, I started to have fun with computer voices.‎ ‎ In 2010, I read a news story about a waitress who'd had her voice (45)___ with the help of a doctor in Cleveland. It had to be worth a (46)___. Dr Milstein ‎ ‎(47)___ me to do some vocal exercises to stretch the muscles in my neck and to my astonishment I started to make (48)___.‎ It was the first time I'd heard my voice in three and a half years.‎ Then I did more exercises, my voice becoming more (49)___; Milstein asked me to go over to the window and (50)___the friends across the street. I was afraid at first,(51)___I damaged my voice, but he kept (52)___me. Friends at university heard my voice for the first time and even when I was alone, I talked to myself.‎ I don't regret those years of (53)___. I spent more time with my boys and had time to(54)___ where I'd gone wrong as a husband and parent. That time (55)___my rough edges. I prefer who I am now.‎ ‎(36)A. picked up B. touched on C. went about D. brought in ‎(37)A. shocked B. bothered C. convinced D. condemned ‎(38)A. Therefore B. Moreover C. Eventually D. Instead ‎(39)A. casual B. patient C. cautious D. satisfied ‎(40)A. shallow B. potential C. explicit D. stubborn ‎(41)A. withdrew B. resisted C. declined D. adjusted ‎(42)A. worsened B. softened C. brightened D. ripened ‎(43)A. challenged B. applauded C. abandoned D. sacrificed ‎(44)A. correspond B. compete C. compare D. communicate ‎(45)A. regained B. controlled C. registered D. modified ‎(46)A. praise B. try C. bonus D. reward ‎(47)A. instructed B. appointed C. allowed D. enabled ‎(48)A. comments B. chokes C. sounds D. rhythms ‎(49)A. aggressive B. offensive C. confident D. unique ‎(50)A. head for B. yell at C. glance down D. shrink from ‎(51)A. even if B. as though C. now that D. in case ‎(52)A. dragging B. pulling C. pushing D. kicking ‎(53)A. silence B. enquiry C. twist D. reform ‎(54)A. reveal B. reflect C. classify D, confirm ‎(55)A. sharpened B. maintained C. accumulated D. smoothed 四、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分).‎ A National Archives Museum Reserved Visits.‎ Visitors' may wait in the general public line for entry at any time the museum is open. However, advance reservations are highly recommended and will allow visitors to avoid the crowded line to see the Charters' of Freedom(《自由宪章》) during the tourist ‎ season (March through Labor Day) and during holiday seasons such as the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. The convenience fee for online' reservations is $ 1.50 per person and admission to all of the National Archives' Museum exhibits is free.‎ Reserved visits are available at the following times:‎ ‎●Individuals and groups may reserve up to 15 spaces for the Guided Tour ‎(available only at 9:45 ‎ ‎, Monday through Friday).‎ ‎●Individual may reserve up to 20 spaces and groups may reserve up to 100 spaces for a Timed Visit Entry (available only at 10:30 a.m. to 90 minutes before closing, daily).‎ ‎●Timed visit Entry reservation holders use the Exhibits entrance near the corner of 9th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW.‎ ‎●Guided Tour reservation holders use the Special Events entrance near . the comer at 7 Street and Constitution Avenue, NW.‎ ‎●Security Screening will be conducted upon entry.‎ ‎●Touching objects and taking photos of them ate forbidden.‎ REFUNDS(退款)‎ When the Archives is unexpectedly closed due to special events, national security concerns, or for other reasons, it will NOT be able to refund any money. In these cases, attempts will be made to rebook your tickets for another date. An unexpected closure of the National Archives is the ONLY time tours may be rebooked. All other orders are final and cannot be changed once payment is completed.‎ ‎56. The leaflet is to inform visitors of the National Archives Museum's.‎ A. arrangements during tourist and holiday seasons B. refund and rebooking management C. thorough advance booking services D. dos and don'ts during visits :‎ ‎57. An individual visitor to the National Archives Museum A. must make online reservations B. may get a refund if he or she is to rebook a ticket C. must wait in line if there is no Timed Visit Entry reservation D. can enjoy Guided Tour service if a space is reserved in advance B.‎ An artificial intelligence that navigates(导航) its environment much like mammals could help solve a mystery about our own internal GPS.‎ Equipped with virtual versions of specialized brain nerve cells called grid cells, the AI could easily solve and plan new routes through virtual mazes(迷宫). That performance, described online May 9 in Nature, suggests the grid Cells in animal brains play a critical role in path planning.‎ ‎“This is a big step forward in understanding our own navigational neural circuitry(电路),”says Ingmar Kanitscheider, a computational neuroscientist at. The ‎ University of Texas at Austin not involved in the work. The discovery that rats track their location with the help of grid cells earned a Norwegian research team the 2014 Nobel Prize in physiology to medicine. Neuroscientists suspected these cells, which have also been found in humans, might help not only give mammals an internal. coordinate(协同) system, but also plan direct paths between points.‎ To test that idea, neuroscientist Caswell Barry at University College London, along with colleagues at Google DeepMind, created an AI that contained virtual nerve cells, or neurons, whose activity resembled that of real grid cells. The researchers *trained this AI to navigate virtual mazes by giving the system reward signals when it reached its destination.‎ The AI bested a human expert player at solving the virtual mazes, and proved savvier than other artificial neural networks in planning ways through. mazes larger than those traversed(横穿的) during its training. When a door opened to .provide a shortcut through the maze, the new AI took the more direct route. By contrast, AI systems without artificial grid cells ignored the open door and took long the way around.‎ These findings support the idea that grid cells do more than help mammals orient themselves in time and space; they also help animals plan the most straightforward direction to destinations. AI also appears to be “a very powerful tool" for testing other neuroscience theories, Barry says. He and his colleagues suggest that virtual experiments on artificial neural networks that imitate different regions of the brain may eventually replace some animal testing.‎ But there are limitations to using AI to study the brain. Because the system is meant to learn on its own, researchers can't tell why the system made a specific decision, says neuroscientist Francesco Savelli at Johns Hopkings University, whose commentary also appears online May 9 in Nature.‎ ‎58. What's the function of the virtual grid cells?‎ A. Helping animals adapt to the environment.‎ B. Controlling the growth of nerve cells.‎ C. Assisting the AI in finding a way-out.‎ D. Promoting the cooperation between AI robots.‎ ‎59. The underlined word "“savvier" in Paragraph 5 most probably means“‎ A. slower B. nearer C. earlier D. wiser ‎60. We can infer from Paragraph 6 that.‎ A. Animals are as intelligent as humans B. Animal testing on the brain will be reduced in future C. Humans will' be equipped with' the virtual grid cells D. Grid cells are more important than other nerve cells ‎61. What is Francesco Savelli unclear about?‎ A. How the AI system works.‎ B. Ways of AI learning on its own.‎ C. How effective reward signals will work on a robot.‎ D. The relationship between different regions of the brain.‎ C Fred Rogers was a curious man, six feet tall and without pretense (虚伪). He liked to pray, to play the piano, to swim, and to write, and he somehow lived in a different world than I did. We became friends for some 20 years, and I made lifelong friends with his wife, Joanne. I remember thinking that it seemed as if Fred had access to another realm (领域) like the way pigeons have some special magnetic compass that helps them find home.‎ Fred died in 2003, somewhat quickly, of stomach cancer. He was 74. "Just don′t make Fred into a saint (圣人),"  That has become Joanne's refrain (叠句).91 now, still full of energy, she lives alone in the same roomy apartment, in the university section of Pittsburgh, that she and Fred moved into after they raised their two boys. Throughout her 50-year marriage to Fred, she wasn't the type to hang out on the set or attend production meetings. That was Fred′s thing. He had his career, and she had hers as a concert pianist. For decades she toured the country with her college classmate, Jeannine Morrison, as a piano duo; they didn′t retire the performance until 2008.‎ ‎ "If you make him out to be a saint, people might not know how hard he worked,"Joanne said. Disciplined, focused; a perfectionist - an artist. That was the Fred she and the cast and crew knew. "I think people think of Fred as a. child-development expert,"David Newell, the actor who played Mr.. "Speedy Delivery" MeFeely, told me recently. "As a moral example maybe. But as an artist? I don't think they think of that." that was the Fred I came to know. Creating, the creative impulse (冲动),and the creative process were our common interests. He wrote or co-wrote all the scripts for the program - all 33 years of it. He wrote the melodies. He wrote the lyrics. He structured a week of programming around a single theme, many of them difficult topics, like war, divorce, or death.‎ I don′t know that he cared whether people saw him as an artist. He seemed more intent (急切的) that people not see him at all. The focus was always on you. Or children. Or the tiny things. It was hard to see Fred.‎ I like you just the way you are. One day he told me where that core message came from. His grandfather, Fred Brooks MeFeely, who like the rest of the Rogers family lived in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, about 40 miles east of Pittsburgh. "He was a character," he said. "Oh, a lot of me came from him."‎ His grandfather represented a life of risk and adventure, the very things Fred's boyhood lacked. He was a lonely kid, an only child until he was 11, when his sister came. He was bullied. Here comes Fat Freddie! He was sickly. He had asthma. He was not allowed to play outside by himself. He spent much of his childhood in his bedroom.‎ He had music, and he had puppets to keep himself amused. He didn′t need much. He was expected to fill his father′s shoes, become his business partner at the brick company. "My dad was pretty much Mr. Latrobe,' he told me. "He worked hard to accomplish all that he did, and I've always felt that that was way beyond me. And yet I'm so grateful that he didn′t push me to do the kinds of things that he did or to become a miniature (缩小的) version of him. It certainly would have been miniature."‎ Fred wanted to be like his grandfather. "He taught me all kinds of really neat stuff!" he told me. "I remember one day my grandmother and my mother were telling me to get down, or not to climb, and my grandfather said: ‘Let the kid climb on the wall! He's got to learn to do things for himself!′ I heard that. I will never forget that. What a support that was. He had a lot of stone walls on his place." "I think it was when I was leaving one time to go home after our time together,"Fred told me, "that my grandfather said to me: ‘You know, you made this day a really special day. Just by being yourself. There′s only one person in the world like you. And I happen to like you just the way you are."′‎ ‎62.What is the author′s impression of Fred?___‎ A. Fred had many lifelong friends.‎ B. Fred lived in a strange world.‎ C. Fred could always find way home.‎ D. Fred was an amazing person.‎ ‎63.Why does Joanne try to persuade people not to make Fred into a saint?___‎ A. To show the great success the couple achieved.‎ B. To underline the great pains Fred spared At work.‎ C. To remind people of the contributions she made.‎ D. To keep the weaknesses of Fred′s character hidden.‎ ‎64.What did Fred prefer to do according to the author?___‎ A. Write scripts and music on his own.B. Act as the man behind the curtain.‎ C.  Focus more on difficult topics. D. Present himself as an artist.‎ ‎65.What is mainly talked about in the passage?___‎ A. The making of Fred Rogers.‎ B. The importance of a good wife.‎ C. The influence of a moral example.‎ D. The achievements of Fred and his wife.‎ 五、七选五(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项 ‎  Don't judge a book by its cover. We have heard that advice over and over again. And it makes sense. Why should we judge someone who is overweight simply by how they ‎ look? It has nothing to do with them as a person, and it says nothing about all they have achieved in life.‎ ‎66 We should not judge them as healthy simply because they are thin.‎ We care so much about weight that we think those who succeed in keeping a "healthy weight" must be healthy.‎ Many studies have shown that being overweight increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and even death. 67  Some studies just look at pounds. Some use body mass index(BMI) which includes both height and weight measurements. But neither one says anything about  overall health for sure.‎ In some studies, a person's fitness has been shown to be more important than overall weight.‎ That means those at "normal" weight, but below average fitness could be at higher risk than fitter and heavier people. 68 ‎ If you are thin and want to know if your health may be at risk, whole body MRIs (磁共振成像)can tell you if you are a TOFI (thin on the outside, fat on the inside). This is thought to increase your health risk even if you have a perfect body weight. 69 Rather, creating and keeping healthy lifestyle habits should be the goal.‎ Start now and you will be on your way to improving your overall health. 70 But even if it doesn't, rest assured you are still improving your health and your life.‎ A.The same holds true for thin people.‎ B.Weight loss will usually naturally follow.‎ C.The article mainly talks about people in Australia.‎ D.So weight loss should not be what we always dream of.‎ E.How many times do you say, "She looks great! Nice and thin!"?‎ F.But the problem lies with how we can know we are overweight.‎ G.So there is no such thing as healthy weight, only healthy lifestyles.‎ 六、短文语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。.‎ Aspirin, invented in 1897, has its___ _71__ ( original) in a kind of tea_72_(possess) a chemical to relieve pains and fever and has the potential to reduce the risk of heart attacks by improving the _73____ (circulate) of blood. It was in 1899 that it was tried out_ _74___ patients. In 1900, aspirin took the shape of tablets, becoming the best selling medicine.‎ More effects of aspirin were discovered, such as reducing the risk of cancer, avoiding strokes, _75___(extend) people's lives and aiding people with diabetes.‎ Penicillin, discovered by Alexander Flemming in 1928, is considered to be the most vital medicine in contemporary society. It can 76_( apply ) to the treatment of illnesses caused by bacteria. It was not until 1940 when penicillin was made pure enough to work as a medicine____ 77____ it__78____ ( produce) in large quantities, which led to its wide ‎ distribution in World War II with the acceleration of the government's approval. Thus many lives who____79____ ( die) were saved.‎ Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to the scientists devoted to the _80 (apply) of penicillin.‎ 七、书面表达:(40 分)‎ 假如你是李华,你的好友Tom来信告诉你他要来中国旅游,请你给他一些在中国旅游的建议。你在回信中主要包括以下内容:‎ ‎1. 高铁(high railway)速度很快,可以网上提前订票。‎ ‎2. 在城市中可以使用移动支付(mobile payment)。‎ ‎3. 在农村可以吃农家乐(farm stay),住农家旅馆,便宜又方便。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右.‎ ‎2. 可适当增加细节,以使全文连贯。‎ 第二节概要写作:‎ 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要. Parents everywhere praise their kids. Jenn Berman, author of The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Kids, says, "We've gone to the opposite extreme of a few decades ago when parents tended to be more strict." By giving kids a lot of praise, parents think they're building their children's confidence, when, in fact, it may be just the opposite. Too much praise can backfire and, when given in a way that's insincere, make kids afraid to try new things or take a risk for fear of not being able to stay on top where their parents' praise has put them.‎ Still, don't go too far in the other direction. Not giving enough praise can be just as damaging as giving too much. Kids will feel like they're not good enough or that you don't care and, as a result, may see no point in trying hard for their accomplishments.‎ ‎ So what is the right amount of praise? Experts say that the quality of praise is more important than the quantity. If praise is sincere and focused on the effort not the outcome, you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves a verbal reward." We should especially recognize our children's efforts to push themselves and work hard to achieve a goal, "says Donahue, author of Parenting Without Fear: Letting Go of Worry and Focusing on What Really Matters. "One thing to remember is that it's the process not the end product that matters."‎ ‎ Your son may not be the best basketball player on his team. But if he's out there every day and playing hard, you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses. Praising the effort and not the outcome can also mean recognizing your child when she has worked hard to clean the yard, cook dinner, or finish a book report. But whatever it is, praise should be given on a case-by-case basis and be proportionate(相称的)to the amount of effort your child has put into it.‎ ‎2019/2020学年度第二学期期中质量检测 高二英语试卷答案 ‎01-05 AABAB 06-10 CCCBB 11-15BCBAC 16-20 ABCCA ‎ Il.单选: DBBCB DDAAC CBBBD II.完型: ACDBB DCADA BACCB DCABD IV.阅读: CD CDBA ABBD V.7选5 AFGDB VI. 71. Origins 72. Possessing 73. Circulation 74. on ‎75. extending 76. be applied 77. That 78. was produced ‎79. would/could/might have died 80. application VI.应用文写作:‎ Dear Tom,‎ In your last latter, I have learned you are coming to China for travelling and you need some advice.‎ Firstly, high-speed railway can save you much time to travel to many places. You can order tickets online, which is very convenient. Besides, shared bikes can be easily found and used. You needn’t' t worry about where to park them. Secondly, mobile payment is a new tendency to pay and there is no need for you to have a lot of money with you. Thirdly, I know you like farm stay a lot where there are so many things you can do, such as having delicious food cooked with green vegetables, visiting beautiful places and so on.‎ I hope you will have a good time in China.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 概要写作:‎ 例文1:‎ Parents tend to go to extremes when it comes to pausing their kids. However, too much or too latte praise can be equally damaging. When giving praise, parents should be sincere and concentrate on the process instead of the result. Similarly, they ought to give praise for how much effort their kids have invested in the work 例文2:‎ Parents believe praising can help raise children's confidence, but too much praise may result in the opposite effect. Yet, too little praise can discourage them. According to some experts, it is the quality of praise rather than quantity that matters, which shows parents' sincerity and concentration on the process. Meanwhile, kids do deserve praise if they strive ‎ to do their duty. Anyway, the amount of praise depends on their performance

