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www.ks5u.com 英语试题 ‎ 注意事项:‎ ‎1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 ‎2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I卷(选择题)‎ ‎ ‎ 一、 阅读理解(每题2分,共40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Smart Home Products for Living a Connected Life What makes something a smart home product? Generally, it’s defined by its ability to connect to a Wi-Fi network, allowing users to interact(互动)with it from their smartphones.We’ve rounded up some cool, diverse offerings that you’ll love to have in your home.‎ Nest Cam IQ walmart.com ‎$299.00‎ The Nest Cam IQ is a beautifully designed home security camera that can recognize faces. It can warn you if there’s a stranger in your home. The device also supports two-way communication via built-in microphones and a powerful speaker.‎ Logitech Harmony Elite amazon.com ‎$249.99‎ The Logitech Harmony Elite is one of the best universal remote controls available on the market. It can control just about every piece of electronics you own(it supports over 270,000 devices!)in every room of your house or apartment, including TVs,streaming devices, and sound systems.‎ Apple HomePod bhphotovideo.com ‎$349.00‎ The Apple HomePod has better audio quality than any other smart speaker available today. Available in white or space gray, the Siri-powered device also allows you to control a number of devices with your voice.‎ August Smart Lock Pro amazon.com ‎$279.99‎ The August Smart Lock Pro is compatible(兼容的)with most locks. A mobile app allows you to manage access to the lock, check its usage history, and get informed when someone opens the door. You can control it and check on the state of your door with voice commands.‎ ‎1.What can the Nest Cam IQ help you do?‎ A.Properly use your smartphone camera B.Control electronics with your voice.‎ C.Check the locks of your house.‎ D.Keep your home safe.‎ ‎2.Which device can help you operate almost all your electronic equipment remotely?‎ A.Nest Cam IQ.‎ B.Apple HomePod.‎ C.August Smart Lock Pro.‎ D.Logitech Harmony Elite.‎ ‎3.Which column of a website is the text most probably taken from?‎ A.Technology.‎ B.News.‎ C.Society.‎ D.Education.‎ B The saying “a penny for your thoughts” is an English idiom simply asking people to volunteer their opinions on an issue being discussed. In modern usage, it is often stated as an indirect way of asking what someone is thinking about.‎ This phrase is basically a proposal (提议), and the speaker is offering to pay to hear the listener’s thoughts. It is an idiom, of course, and not meant literally (字面上的) so no real payment generally takes place.‎ When the saying originated, a penny was worth a lot more than it is in the 21st century. Therefore, “a penny for your thoughts” likely indicated the thoughts were more valuable to those asking the listener for them than they are by today’s standards. This loss of value can be used ironically(讽刺地), however, through tone(语气) of voice; it can be used to indicate that someone’s idea is bad or worth a penny in modern value.‎ The phrase is generally credited to a man by the name of John Heywood, who was born sometime just before the 16th century. During his life, he was a writer who penned many plays and a book in 1546, later known as The Proverbs of John Heywood. It is likely Heywood did not actually come up with the phrase “a penny for your thoughts”. Rather, he was simply the first person to have set the phrase down in written form. The actual origins of the term are unknown, and since his book was simply a collection of common idioms and expressions, it was probably familiar to people in the mid 1500s.‎ Another phrase similar to “a penny for your thoughts” is offering “your two cents” after making a statement. Someone might give his or her opinion and then say, “that’s my two cents,” to indicate the value of his or her idea. While, much like a penny, “two cents” is relatively low in value now, it would have been more valuable at one time and the expression is used in much the same way.‎ ‎4.When someone says “a penny for your thoughts”, he or she ___________.‎ A.wants to ask you for advice B.considers your thoughts unique C.is curious about what’s on your mind D.will pay for what you’re thinking about ‎5.The modern meaning of “a penny for your thoughts” ____________.‎ A.is more closely connected to the value of the penny B.can differ greatly according to a speaker’s manner C.can confuse the listener easily D.is more popularly accepted ‎6.In what way is Heywood related to the phrase “a penny for your thoughts”?‎ A.He came up with it while he was writing.‎ B.He helps to explain the origins of it.‎ C.He contributed to the wide use of it.‎ D.He was the first person to use it.‎ ‎7.What do we know about the phrase “your two cents”?‎ A.It is usually used at the end of a statement.‎ B.It comes from “a penny for your thoughts”.‎ C.It has witnessed some changes since the 16th century.‎ D.It is more familiar to people than “a penny for your thoughts”.‎ C Harry is eighteen now. He studies in a middle school. His parents like him very much and hope he can become a famous man. So they often tell him to study hard and they do all for him. They call him at six in the morning, after breakfast his father takes him to school in a car and in the afternoon, as soon as the young man comes back, the supper is ready. Of course, he never washes his clothes or goes to buy something in the shops.‎ Once Harry’s father was sent to London on business. He would stay there for half a year. Leaving, he told his wife to take good care of their son. The woman had to get up earlier and did all what her husband did before. And two months later she was so tired that she was ill in bed. Now the young man got into trouble. He couldn’t do any housework. He had to do as his mother told him. Even he didn’t know where to get on the bus!‎ Yesterday Harry’s mother found his shoes were worn out and told him to buy a new pair in the shop. But he didn’t know how to choose. The woman had a sigh(叹息) and gave him a shoe pattern(鞋样) and told him to buy a pair of shoes himself. It’s Saturday today and Harry doesn’t go to school. With a policeman’s help, he found a shop. The shopkeeper was friendly to him. The man brought a lot of shoes and asked him to choose. When he was trying on a pair, suddenly he remembered something and took them off. The man was surprised and asked, “What’s the matter, young man?”‎ ‎“I’m sorry. I’ve left the shoe pattern at home!”‎ ‎8.Harry’s parents do all instead of him because _______.‎ A.he’s too young B.he has poor health C.he’s busy with his studies D.they hope he spends all time on studies ‎9.The woman had to look after her son by herself because _______.‎ A.her husband wasn’t at home B.she was stronger than her husband C.she knew the young man well D.she was freer than her husband ‎10.When the man was in London, _______.‎ A.Harry had to stay at home B.Harry didn’t find the bus stop C.Harry fell behind in his class D.Harry wouldn’t go to school ‎11.The woman told her son to buy a pair of shoes because _______.‎ A.she didn’t know what kind he needed B.she was busy with the housework C.something was wrong with her D.she wanted her son to do something himself D ‎ The next time you need to get somewhere, you may be able to follow your nose. A study has found that a strong sense of smell is associated with a strong sense of direction.‎ Researchers conducted an experiment at McGill University in Canada. Fifty-seven adults were invited to participate in a virtual"way-finding task"in which they had to make their way around a virtual environment. They were given 20 minutes to learn about the virtual city. After having passed by each of eight landmarks at least twice, the participants were placed in front of one of the landmarks and asked to find the most direct route to one assigned by the researchers.‎ The participants also smelled 40 scented(有香气的)pens one at a time. After a brief sniff, the participants chose one word that best identified the smell from four words on a screen.‎ An additional exercise used a virtual maze(迷宫)to determine if the participants were more likely to rely on landmarks to find the way or if they used a more habit-based method built over time as people travelled the same route over and over again.‎ What the researchers found was that those with the ability to correctly identify the smells of the pens also had the easiest time performing the way-finding task by way of landmarks. A strong sense of smell was not identified in the participants who used the more habit-based method.‎ The connection between the sense of smell and way-finding likely came about as a result of the evolution of the nervous system. The original function of the sense of smell in humans may have been intended to support our spatial memory.‎ Keep that in mind the next time you get lost going to the dentist. It won't prevent you from getting horribly lost, but it's good food for thought along the way.‎ ‎12.How did the researchers carry out the study?‎ A.By using typical landmarks in a real city.‎ B.By combining virtual tests with real-life tests.‎ C.By testing different senses in a virtual environment.‎ D.By collecting routine observation data from the participants.‎ ‎13.What were the participants asked to do after they smelled a scented pen?‎ A.Decide whether they liked the smell.‎ B.Use a sentence to describe the smell.‎ C.Choose a suitable word for the smell.‎ D.Find the landmark that featured the smell.‎ ‎14.Which of the following factors is better related to a strong sense of direction according to paragraph 5?‎ A.The way of using landmarks.‎ B.More experience in describing things.‎ C.Quick adjustment to the virtual world.‎ D.A more habit-based way-finding method.‎ ‎15.The meaning of the word "spatial" underlined in Paragraph 6 relates to _____.‎ A.the situation B.the position C.the spirit D.the time 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ A: Hi, Mary! 16 ‎ B: No, they aren’t. 17 ‎ A: Is the dictionary hers, too? ‎ B: 18 , It’s mine.‎ A: 19 ?‎ B: It’s mine, too.‎ A: Can I borrow(借) your pencil?‎ B:Yes.‎ A: 20 ‎ B:You’re welcome.‎ A. No, it isn’t.‎ B. They’re Sally’s.‎ C. What about the pencil?‎ D. Thank you.‎ E. Are these books yours?‎ F. When did it set out:‎ G. How do you like it?‎ 二、完型填空(每题2分,共40分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ‎ ‎ Ryan was 6 years old when a talk by his grade one teacher changed his life. She told the 21 about people in Africa who had a very 22 time getting clean water and access to wells. African people, 23 children, can get sick and sometimes 24 . Deeply moved, Ryan persuaded his parents to 25 him to do extra chores and finally earned S70, which he thought was enough to drill a 26 .‎ But WaterCan, a non-profit organization that provides 27 water to poor countries, told him that it would need $2,000 to drill a well. Ryan didn't 28 . He got very busy doing more chores and 29 his fundraising. Several months later he 30 . collected the $2,000. He 31 the money to WaterCan and in January, 1999, Water Can drilled a well beside Angolo Primary School in northern Uganda, with funds 32 by Ryan.‎ Since the first well was dug, Ryan's Well Foundation has raised over $800,000 to provide clean water to people in 33 . And others have also 34 along the way, including his school, and The World Health Organization In the past 18 months, Ryan has 35 across the world, like Japan, China, and England,making speeches, to 36 others to spread his "seeds of hope". His Ryan's Well Foundation has supported water projects that have been completed or are under 37 in many African countries.Ryan has met many 38 people and even been blessed by the Pope(教皇) but he 39 he is "just a normal boy". His mother Susan says, "In his heart we all make a 40 as long as we help the people in need."‎ ‎21.A.class B.family C.street D.club ‎22.A.busy B.hard C.standard D.pale ‎23.A.gradually B.slowly C.especially D.totally ‎24.A.heal B.escape C.jump D.die ‎25.A.punish B.pay C.educate D.help ‎26.A.wall B.school C.hope D.well ‎27.A.clean B.drinking C.hot D.bottled ‎28.A.stand up B.take off C.give up D.give in ‎29.A.stopping B.designing C.expanding D.leaving ‎30.A.firstly B.usually C.only D.finally ‎31.A.sent B.mailed C.spend D.saved ‎32.A.wasted B.raised C.discovered D.stolen ‎33.A.Asia B.India C.Australia D.Africa ‎34.A.guided B.dreamed C.exploded D.helped ‎35.A.travelled B.come C.run D.driven ‎36.A.discourage B.force C.inspire D.forgive ‎37.A.way B.inspection C.surface D.age ‎38.A.wealth B.common C.famous D.talented ‎39.A.declines B.insists C.suggests D.quarrels ‎40.A.promise B.difference C.break D.decision 第II卷(非选择题)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 语言知识运用(共三节,满分50分)‎ ‎ 第一节 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ ‎ If we are honest with ourselves, most of us have dreamed of 41 (be)rich and famous. Most musicians form a band because of the same interest 42 writing and playing music. They may play anywhere 43 (earn)some extra money as well as achieve their dreams. However, the Monkees, 44 started differently, 45 (begin) as a TV show with musicians playing jokes and music in the programme. Only after a year or so 46 they become more serious and they 47 (produce) their own records and later became even 48 (popular) than the Beatles in the USA.The band once 49 (break) up and then reunited. In memory 50 their former time as a real band, they produced a new record in 1996.‎ 第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎ 第三节 书面表达(共25分)‎ On May Day, some students from class Three. Grade One, went to nursing home but did some meaningful work Upon our arrival they were warm welcomed, And then they started sweeping floor and cleaning the windows. Before finishing the task, they sit in the yard chatting with the elderly people, When it were time for them to leaving, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness, They said it was so a beautiful and happy day that they would remember of it forever.‎ ‎ 第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会,简称“北京张家口冬奥会”,将于2022年在北京市和张家口市联合举行。假设你是红星中学高一的学生李华,获悉冬奥组委在全国范围内正在招募志愿者,请用英语写一封自荐信,申请成为北京张家口冬奥会7月至8月的志愿者。信的内容包括:‎ ‎1. 表达愿望;‎ ‎2. 自荐理由;‎ ‎3. 恳请获准。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 提示词:2022北京张家口冬奥会:2022 Beijing -Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Games 奥组委:Olympic Committee Dear Sir or Madam,‎ I am LiHua, a Senior One student from HongXing school. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Yours,‎ LiHua

