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英语(A)‎ 时间:100分钟 满分:120分 范围:必修五 1—3模块 Ⅰ.阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共25分)‎ A I'm a TV show host.One Sunday,I took my 7-year-old daughter by the sea for lunch.On arriving at the beach,I saw JoJo,a wealthy man in the hotel business.We sat down to chat in an open air cafe.‎ Suddenly our conversation was interrupted by a stranger, who politely asked permission to speak to me.Often people want to tell me something about my controversial TV show, when I'm out on the streets.‎ He asked to speak to me privately,so we stood a bit away from my table.He said,“I’m James,35 years old,father of a 7-year-old girl,who's very sick.She needs treatment abroad.The doctors said that if she was treated in theUK,she would probably survive.But I'm poor,so can you please help me?”‎ Speechless,I stared in the man's eyes full of tears and asked how I could help.After we talked for a while,I went to sit back at the table.JoJo asked me,“What's wrong with you?Your face changed.”I told him.JoJo was sorry for this family and said:“ I had the means through the media to help him.” Later we headed off to our destinations.‎ All weekend I thought about James,his daughter and his family.I even thought about doing a special TV show to raise money for this sick child.‎ On Monday morningI was at the office after I finished presenting my show,when my secretary said a man needed to speak to me.It was JoJo.He walked into my office.JoJo is so busy with his hotel business that I never imagined he had time to come and see me at the studios.‎ ‎“Please,call the man with the sick child and tell him that I'II pay all expenses for his sick daughter's treatment,” JoJo said,with a cheque in his hand.“ I’ve beenmarried for35 years.I wasn't lucky enough to have a child.I want to help this child now.”I picked up the phone to call James.‎ Now James'daughter is well and living a normal life.JoJo often visits her.I’m so happy that there are so manygood people on this earth.‎ ‎1.According to the text, the author __________. ‎ A.often has lunch at the beach with his daughter ‎ B.was once helped by JoJo C.met JoJo at the beach by accident ‎ D.was hesitant to help James ‎ ‎2.James asked the author for help most probably because he _____________.‎ A.guessed the author knew many rich people B.knew that the author was a warm-hearted rich person ‎ C.believed that rich people seldom volunteered to help others D.thought aTV show host could help him through the media ‎3.According to the text,the author thought that JoJo's arrival a this office was ___________.‎ A.annoying B.moving C.exciting D.surprising ‎4.What is the main idea of the text?‎ A.The media are powerful.‎ B.Kind people are everywhere.‎ C.Famous hosts are always troubled.‎ D.Even the richest person is not always lucky.‎ B Are you nervous about climbing because you think it’s too dangerous?Do you feel you’re not fit enough to climb?Do you know howto start climbing?‎ Let’s consider the idea that climbing is dangerous.Being afraid is natural,but if you use suitable ropes and other climbing equipment you will feel completely safe.Climbers are usually very careful because they know what they are doing is dangerous.Accidents happen, but when they do, they tend to attract a lot of publicity.As a result,people think there are many more accidents than there are in reality.‎ You cannot expect to start climbing straight away.Climbing is a challenge and challenges take time.It is necessary first of all that you achieve a good level of fitness.Begin as soon as you become interested in climbing一go to the gym,go swimming,take up jogging and continue to do so throughout your training period.‎ Discover as much as you can about climbing.Visit the library and find books,especially for beginners or buy climbing magazines and look for articles which describe your situation.Look up information on the Internet.Find out about equipment,methods and places to go.‎ Next,take a course on a climbing wall.There are plenty of climbing walls all over the country which have trained and qualified people as instructors.Call your local leisure centre to find out if there is one in your area. These training sessions area quick way to get experience and you are likely to meet other beginners.After this,you can do an outside course of joining a club where you can meet climbers of all abilities and eventually join group-climbing events.‎ At first you may not understand the importance of a good training period,but after you have completed your first climb and you are standing safely at the top of a rock feeling thrilled,then you will know it was the right thing to do.‎ ‎5.According to the author,climbing is safe when _______.‎ A.climbers have faith in themselves B.the ropes are strong enough C.full preparations are made D.it is going on in public ‎6.The underlined word“it”in the last paragraph probably refers to _____.‎ A.the climb B.the training C.the equipment D.the achievement ‎7.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?‎ A.The Dangers of Climbing B.The Importance of a Training Period C.AWay of Becoming Fit D.A Guide for Climbing Beginners C Do you like chocolate?Maybe most people do. A box of it can be a great gift. Buy one for a friend and give it as a surprise. See how happy that person gets.‎ Say you just got a box of chocolate. Which piece do you pick first? A man has studied people's choices. He says they tell something about the person. Did you choose a round piece? You are a person who like to party. Did you choose an oval shape? You are a person who likes to make things. Picking a square shape shows something else. The person is honest and truthful. You can depend on him or her.‎ What kind of chocolate do you pick? Maybe you like milk chocolate. This shows you have warm feelings about the past. Dark chocolate means something else. A person who chooses it looks toward the future. What about white chocolate? Would you choose it?If so, you may find it hard to make up your mind. Some people like chocolate with nuts. These are people who like to help others.‎ Do you believe these ideas? Can candy tell all these things? It doesn't really matter. There is one sure thing about eaters of chocolate. They eat it because they like it.‎ 8. Picking a round shape of chocolate shows that a person ___________.‎ A.likes singing, dancing and drinking ‎ B.likes to do something for others ‎ C.is good at making things ‎ D.can be depend on ‎ ‎9.From this passage we can see that a helpful man may choose chocolate__________. ‎ A.in oval shape B.in square shape C.with nuts D.with coffee ‎ ‎10.The last paragraph suggests that the writer _______________.‎ A.believes all the information about chocolate ‎ B.does not believe the information about candy ‎ C.is trying to get you to believe false information ‎ D.doesn't think it important whether you believe the ideas Ⅱ七选五阅读(每小题2分,共10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Losing weight is tough. For most people, it requires a change in diet, a change in exercise habits, and a change in attitude. 11‎ Set healthy goals. If you're overweight and want to change that, the first step is deciding what your target weight is.12‎ Start small. Making major behavior modifications(行为矫正)isn't something that happens overnight. 13 Commit to eating 5 servings of vegetables a day and exercising 2 days a week for the first week, and then add a little more each week.‎ Track your diet and exercise. Now it's time to start working toward that goal. The best way to stick with your diet and exercise rules is to track it. 14 Or you can do it the old fashioned way and keep a written food and exercise journal. Find what works for you and write down what you have accomplished every day.‎ ‎15Every month you should take a look at your goal and see what type of progress you have made toward accomplishing it. If you're not where you want to be, make minor adjustments. Try doing different exercises or cutting back on certain types of foods that you may be eating too much of.‎ Losing weight and keeping it off is a highly personal thing. Find what works for you and stick with it.‎ A.Evaluate and adjust.‎ B.Here's how you can accomplish all the three.‎ C.You might as well start with your own attitude.‎ D.There are plenty of apps that allow you to do this.‎ E.What steps are you going to take to achieve your goal. ‎ F.So start with 1-2 things per week and work up from there.‎ G.Write down your goal and set a date by which you want to accomplish that goal.‎ Ⅲ完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)‎ My father sold everything we owned, took all the money and disappeared from our lives. My mother suddenly found herself16 to care for five boys. I worried about this situation, but my mother stayed17 , and assured us that she would keep us together as a18and safe from harm. Although small in size, she could 19 heavy horse- drawn plows (犁). Besides, she ‎ ‎ 20found time to help us with homework. ‎ As Christmas approached, my mother didn't seem to smile as much. I21 she had no money to buy us presents. Considering myself practically grown, I hid my 22 .‎ One day, my mother took a saw(锯) into the forest and 23 with some tree branches. She left them in the barn(畜棚) and didn't tell her24 children what they were for. She worked on her project25I was in school, but I looked26 into the barn when I had a chance. Several days later, I still couldn't 27 her purpose. When later I saw she used nails and paint, I 28 that she must be making presents.‎ By Christmas week, my mother was her 29happy self again. Her project was apparently 30 , and she obviously kept it secret because I'd looked everywhere without31.On Christmas Eve,I lay awake for a long time, 32 Christmas morning.‎ The next morning , my mother handed out the handmade presents happily in front of her delighted kids. Many difficult years would follow that particular Christmas, but I never again doubted my mother's 33 to care for us. We were never hungry, and she made sure we got a(n) 34 in school. She taught us to have faith in our own abilities. That faith 35 me still.‎ ‎16. A.responsible  B.unable  C.alone  D.hopeful ‎17. A.positive  B.active  C.devoted  D.depressed ‎18. A.family   B.secret  C.promise  D.team ‎19. A.repair   B.control  C.maintain  D.handle ‎20. A.ever  B.even  C.just  D.yet ‎21. A.witnessed  B.realize C.remembered  D.complained ‎22. A.excitement  B.embarrassment  C.puzzlement  D.disappointment ‎23. A.escaped   B.injured  C.returned  D.departed ‎24. A.curious  B.naughty  C.nervous  D.lovely ‎25. A.because  B.before  C.while  D.after ‎26. A.occasionally  B.anxiously  C.casually  D.secretly ‎27. A.point out B.figure out  C.bring out  D.pick out ‎28. A.suggested  B.admitted   C.swore  D.concluded ‎29. A.typical  B.unique  C.normal  D.regular ‎30. A.complete  B.awkward  C.creative  D.challengable ‎31. A.delay  B.hesitation  C.difficulty  D.success ‎32. A.scheduling  B.expecting C.supposing  D.avoiding ‎33. A.ability  B.belief  C.decision  D.determination ‎34. A.praise  B.recognition  C.welcome  D.education ‎35. A.guarantees  B.surprises  C.supports  D.comforts Ⅳ.语法填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)‎ Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asia’s biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top __36__ (attract).‎ So it was a great honor to be invited backstage at the non-for-profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research, I __37__ (allow) to get up close to those cute animals at the 600-acre centre. From tomorrow, I will be their UK ambassador. The title will be __38__ (official) given to me at a ceremony in London. But my connection with pandas goes back __39__ my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, __40__ I was the first Western TV reporter __41__ (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. My ambassadorial duties include __42__ (introduce) British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.‎ On my recent visit, Ihelped a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by ‎ __43__ (it) mother. The nursery team switches him every few __44__ (day) with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, __45__ other is with mum--- she never suspects.‎ Ⅴ.应用文写作(共15分)‎ 你校学生会需招聘一名留学生做英语学习顾问,请你以短文形式写一则招聘启事。内容主要包括:‎ ‎1. 母语是英语,汉语流利者优先 ‎2. 解答英语学习中问题,协助组织英语活动 ‎3. 每周4小时,报酬面议 联系人:李华(Tel:13011223344)‎ 注意:1.词数80左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.启事开头和结尾已为你写好。‎ English Advisor Wanted The Student Union of our school decides to invite an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term.____________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ Student Union Ⅵ.读后续写(共25分)‎ I woke up excitedly.This day was special.It was my birthday and I was sure that I was going to receive a great deal of wishes and presents this year.I got off from my bed and rushed to my bathroom to get dressed in the best possible manner.I wore the beautiful dress that I had bought especially for this day.I slipped on(急忙戴上) my shining jewellery,put on some light make-up,dressed my hair and went down for breakfast.‎ Mom was in the kitchen.I flashed a bright smileat her,waiting for her to wish me and give me a hug.But my smile soon disappeared as my mother started rolling with laughter.I asked her what was the matter.Controlling her laughter,she managed to answer me,which sounded something like,“Why are you dressed up like that early in the morning?Are you alright?”I wanted to burst out in anger.I wanted to tell her that I was dressed up because it was my birthday! But then I decided not to tell her myself,and I changed into a casual(休闲的) dress.‎ After a few moments,my brother and my father came for breakfast aswell.I gave them both the same flashy smile,but I was heartbroken when none of them wished me.I thought that maybe they are planning a surprise birthdayparty for me,and that was the reason none of them wished me.I felt excited as I love surprise birthday parties.‎ All day long,I stayed in my room so that my family could easily prepare for my party.In the evening,my mother came to me and said that she was leaving for her friend's house and if I wanted to come along as well.I knew she was trying to fool me and she only wanted me to get dressed for the party.I replied to her in affirmative(肯定) and started dressing up.When I finished,I closed my eyes and stepped out of my room.Then I opened my eyes and...‎ WHAT?The house is looking exactly like it has always been!No balloons?No ribbons(丝带)?No friends?No party?‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;‎ ‎2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;‎ ‎3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;‎ ‎4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。‎ Paragraph 1:‎ I wondered what the surprise really was, because my mom did take me to her friend’s place.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________‎ Paragraph 2:‎ I was crying when my mom came to my room._____________________________________‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________‎ 英语(A)参考答案 Ⅰ.阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共25分)‎ 1- ‎--4 CDDB 5---7 CBD 8---10 ACD Ⅱ七选五阅读(每小题2分,共10分)‎ 11- ‎--15 BGFDA Ⅲ完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)‎ 16- ‎--20 CAADB 21---25 BDCAC ‎ 26- ‎--30 DBDCA 31---35 DBADC Ⅳ.语法填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)‎ ‎36. attraction 37.was allowed 38.officially 39.to 40. when ‎41.permitted 42. introducing 43.its 44.days 45.the Ⅴ.应用文写作(共15分)‎ One Possible Version English Advisor Wanted ‎ The Student Union of our school decides to invite an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term. The main responsibilities of the advisor include helping students to practice their oral English.,answering their questions, and helping organize activities such as singing English songs, English evenings, or lectures on interesting topics.‎ The applicant should be a native speaker of English. Fluency in Chinese is preferred. The advisor is expected to work 4 hours per week.‎ If you are interested, please call Li Hua at 13011223344 for an interview. Payment for the service will be discussed during the interview.‎ Student Union Ⅵ.读后续写(共25分)‎ One possible version: I wondered what the surprise really was,because my mom did take me to her friend’splace.On our way to her friend's house,I keptwondering if we were going somewhere for my party,but we weren't.On our wayback,I thought maybe now I would find my friends at my place.But I was disappointed again!Sadly,I went back to my room.It was getting late and nobody had wished me.I was so heartbroken for everybody had forgotten my birthday. I was crying when my mom came to my room.Seeing me crying,she got concerned and asked me what was the matter.I told her that I was upset because everybody had forgotten my birthday and now the day was almost over.My mother smiled as if she was controlling her laughter and told me politely that it was29thNovemberand not29thDecember,which is my actual date of birth!How my family kept making fun of me till my birthday actually came!‎

