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湖南省邵阳市隆回县2019-2020学年高一下学期期末考试 英语试题 第一部分:听力技能(共二节,满分20分)‎ 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. Where does this conversation probably take place?‎ A. In a bookstore. B. In a classroom. C. In a library.‎ ‎2. At what time will the film begin?‎ A. 7:20. B. 7:15. C. 7:00.‎ ‎3.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?‎ A. Their friend Jane. B. A weekend trip. C. A radio programme.‎ ‎4.How many students are there in the speakers' class?‎ A. 44. B. 46. C. 47.‎ ‎5.What's the relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Father and daughter.‎ 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ 6. What's the man doing?‎ A .He is selling his car. B. He is planning to buy a car. C. He is looking for work.‎ 7. How long has the woman owned the car?‎ A. ‎2 years. B. 4 years. C. 6 years 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ 8. What did the man think of the meal?‎ A. Just so-so. B. Quite satisfactory. C. A bit disappointing.‎ ‎9. What was the 15% on the bill paid for?‎ A. The food. B. The drinks. C. The service 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. Why does the man call the woman?‎ A. To tell her about her new job. B. To ask about her job program.‎ C. To plan a holiday with her.‎ ‎11. Who needs a new flat?‎ A. Alex. B. Andrea. C. Miranda.‎ ‎12.Where is the woman now?‎ A. In Baltimore. B. In NewYork. C. In Avon.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ 13. What would Joe probably do during the Thanksgiving holiday?‎ A. Go to a play. B. Stay at home. C. Visit Kingston.‎ 14. What is Ariel going to do in Kingston?‎ A. Meet her aunt. B. Attend a party C. See a car show.‎ ‎15. Why is Ariel in a hurry to leave?‎ A.To call up Betty. B. To buy some DVDs. C. To pick up Daniel.‎ ‎16. What might be the relationship between the speakers?‎ A.Classmates. B. Fellow workers. C. Guide and tourist.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ 17. How long has the speaker lived in a big city?‎ A. One year. B. Ten years. C. Eighteen years.‎ ‎18. What is the speaker's opinion on public transport?‎ A. It's comfortable. B. It's time-saving. C. It's cheap.‎ ‎19. What is the good of living in a small town?‎ A. It's safer. B. It's more colorful. C.It's more convenient.‎ ‎20. What kind of life does the speaker like most?‎ A. Busy. B. Colorful. C. Quiet.‎ 第二部分   阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A Sunshine Secondary School offers after-school clubs and activities from Monday to Friday. These activities are offered to all of the students at no cost. The school decides to give its students chances to become successful lifelong learners.‎ Clubs and activities Time Place Advisor(导师)‎ Art Club Tuesday and Thursday ‎15:00 — 17:00‎ Art Room Ms Wang Chess Club Monday and Wednesday ‎15:00 — 17:00‎ Chess Room Mr Zhang Choir(合唱队)‎ Friday ‎15:00 — 17:00‎ Music Room MsYao Dancing Club Friday ‎15:00 — 17:00‎ Dance Studio Ms Liang Drama Club Tuesday and Thursday ‎15:00 — 17:00‎ Music Room Ms Qing Dress Design Monday and Wednesday ‎15:00 — 17:00‎ Workroom Ms Wang Football Team Friday ‎15:00 — 17:00‎ Football Field Mr Chen Web Design Monday ‎15:00 — 17:00‎ Computer Room Mr Ye Other helpful clubs and activities, as you like.‎ 21. Why does the school offer its students the clubs and activities?‎ A. To give the students abilities to learn.‎ B. To make the students get ready for work.‎ C. To help the students spend their free time.‎ D. To make some money.‎ ‎22. What is Ms Wang good at?‎ A. Music and dancing. B. Sport and singing.‎ C. Computers and design. D. Dress and art.‎ ‎23. Daniel is only free on Monday afternoon.What club can he join?‎ A. Dancing Club. B. Chess Club.‎ C. Drama Club. D. Art Club.‎ B If you like shopping and you are crazy about fashion,London is a good place for you.In London you can buy not only the most expensive clothes,but also beautiful clothes which are inexpensive.‎ Many of the world’s most famous fashion designers have their shops in London.And every year in February and September,there is an important fashion event.It is called London Fashion Week and people all over the world come here and enjoy England’s wonderful new clothes.Usually the clothes are sold at a high price.The clothes are always in style.In the 1960s,a fashion designer Mary Quant invented the mini-skirt.It made her famous all around the world.Later,in the 1970s,came “punk” fashion.‎ Outside of London there are some shopping centers as well.In the shopping streets of most towns have a Market Day.On that day,some of the streets are filled with stalls selling food,flowers, dresses, hats, bags, and many other different things.The clothes there are always at a low price.Nearly everybody can afford them.‎ 24. When did “punk” fashion become popular?‎ A. In the 1950s. B. In the 1960s. C. In the 1970s. D. In the 1980s.‎ ‎25.On a Market Day,we_______on the streets.‎ A. can not buy food from the stalls B. can’t find the stalls which sell flowers C. can buy some clothes at a high price D. can buy flowers,hats and bags from stalls ‎26.What does the underlined word “stalls” mean in Chinese?‎ A. 货摊 B. 水果店 C. 菜市场 D. 超市 ‎27.What’s the best title for the passage?‎ A. London Fashion Week B. Shopping in London C. Clothes in Fashion D. Stalls Selling Clothes C One day in summer,little Jack was playing on the beach with his father.Suddenly,he saw a little tortoise moving slowly on the sand.He started to look at it carefully and began to touch it with his hand.To his surprise,the tortoise stopped moving.It pulled in its head and legs,and closed its shell tightly.He touched it again but the tortoise didn’t move at all.Jack became angry.He used a stick and tried to force it to open.‎ When his father saw this,he stopped him and said,“No,son,you mustn’t do that!You will kill the tortoise.You won’t get it open with a stick.”Jack was curious and asked,“Why?”‎ ‎“Just wait and see,”his father replied.Then he picked up the tortoise and put it in a bag.‎ After they came back home,the father took the tortoise out of the bag.He put it near the fireplace.After a few minutes,the tortoise began to move a little.The tortoise stretched out its head and legs.At last,the tortoise began to crawl across the room.How excited Jack was when he saw this.‎ ‎“Son,now you see,”said his father,“sometimes,you can’t force someone to do things he doesn’t like.But if you get him warm first,he will do what you want him to do.”‎ ‎28.One day Jack and his father was playing_______.‎ A. in the zoo B. on the beach C. in the garden D. on the hill ‎29.The father picked up the tortoise and_______.‎ A.cooked it B. killed it C. threw it into the sea D. put it in a bag ‎30.After the tortoise get_______near the fireplace,it began to move a little.‎ A. warm B. cold C.hungry D.thirsty ‎31.The story tells us that________.‎ A. people refuse to do things we want them to do B. people will do things we want them to do C. we can force people to do things they don’t like D. we can’t force people to do things they don’t like D In choosing a friend, one should be very careful. A good friend can help you study.You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fairweather friends.‎ ‎ They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability(信任).‎ Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person's place, and he tries to think of ways to be helpful. He is also a good listener.‎ At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults in others. He notices their good points. In short, a friend will try to understand me and accept me.‎ Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on a good friend. If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that he will be there. If I need a favor, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.‎ There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special. A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun. We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. That is why I especially like friends who are fun to be with. A good friend likes the same things I like. We share experience and learn from each other. A good friend has a good sense of humor too. He likes to laugh with me. That is how we share in the joy of being friends. And I know that he is looking for the same quality in me.‎ When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I've found a friend!‎ ‎32. Which of the following qualities the writer thinks is the most important in choosing a friend?‎ A. Understanding. B. Honesty. C. Reliability. D. A sense of humor.‎ ‎33.If you have fairweather friends, ________.‎ A.they will give you all that they have when you need help B.you will be refused when you get into trouble C.you can be sure that you get real friends D.you will become rich ‎34.This passage mainly discusses ________.‎ A.the qualities of a friend B.where to choose friends C.how to get along with friends D.the importance of having a friend ‎35.How many qualities does the writer mention in the passage?‎ A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ After entering high school, you must wonder how to study well. Here are some good skills for you.‎ Go to class.‎ If you want to do well at school, going to class is the first step in studying well. If you miss classes, you will miss what the teacher thinks is important; as a result, you’ll miss what is the most likely to end up on the test. 36 _______________‎ Take good notes.‎ Try not to write down everything. 37 _______________ Write down unfamiliar terms. After class, review your notes as soon as possible. You can fill in details that you missed and review the material while it is still fresh on your mind.‎ ‎38 _______________‎ If you are struggling in class, talk to your teacher. He or she may be able to give you more help or tutor you before or after class. Most teachers have little sympathy for students who just become worried about failing during the last few weeks of the grading period.‎ Take part in class discussions.‎ In order to learn more in class, it is helpful to take part in class discussions. Asking questions and having eye contact with your teachers and classmates can increase your participation and your focus during the class discussion. 39 _______________ This helps you make your point clear in class.‎ Form study groups.‎ ‎40 _______________ Make sure that everyone is familiar with the material because you do not want to spend time re-teaching material to people who do not understand it. Be careful! Sometimes group sessions can become chatting sessions.‎ A. Don’t be late for your class.‎ B. Talk to your teacher if you need help.‎ C. You should try to write down everything the teacher says in class.‎ D. So if you want to study well, go to every class.‎ E. Get students together who want to do well in class.‎ F. All you need is to put down the main points in your own words.‎ G. If the material is difficult, you’d better read it before class.‎ 第三部分:知识运用(共两节,满分20分)‎ 第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。‎ ‎41.―Is Japan a European country?‎ ‎―No.It’s______Asian country.‎ A.a B.an C.the D.不填 ‎42.―Whose textbook is this?Is it yours?‎ ‎―No,it isn’t.______is over there.‎ A.Me B.I C.My D.Mine ‎43.―Listen!What’s happening?‎ ‎―Oh,it______be a girl crying next door.I saw her inside just now.‎ A.must B.can C.would D.might ‎44.―Have you seen the documentary named A Bite of China?‎ ‎―Yeah!It’s the funniest one______I have ever seen.‎ A.what B.which C.that D.when ‎45.―Hi,Jane.Could Lucy come to the lecture?‎ ‎―No.______she’ll be able to come is not known yet.‎ A.That B.If C.Whether D.What ‎46.―Do you know______in China?‎ ‎―About last December.‎ A.when Covid-19 broke out B.when did Covid-19 break out C.where Covid-19 broke out D.where did Covid-19 break out ‎47.―What’s the noise outside?‎ ‎―It comes from the construction site.A library______.‎ A.is built B. is building C. will be built D. is being built ‎48.―I’m afraid I may not be able to enter the lecture hall.‎ ‎―Don’t worry.You______have the ticket for the lecture.‎ A.shall B. can C.should D.may ‎49.―What did the doctor say?‎ ‎―He advised me______at home and have a good rest.‎ A.stay B. to stay C.staying D.stayed ‎50.―What do you think of learning English?‎ ‎―_____is a challenging task to learn a foreign language,I think.‎ A.This B.That C.It D.What 第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ When I was a junior high school student in 1980 , God gave me a gift. It was happiness. One weekend, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside .On my way home a car ran over me and cut off my 51 because of its high speed.‎ Several days later when I woke up at the hospital, I realized I had to spend the rest of my life without arms. How sad I felt at that time! Even I was full of fears. 52 slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it. I couldn’t get my arms back even though I 53 every day.‎ However, it’s easier said than done. It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness 54 . I got so much from my past story. From then on, I could treat my life with a 55 mind. But in our daily life, I often see my classmates 56 about little things: they get a bad grade on a test; their bus comes late;they don’t have a mobile phone but others have, and so on. But I only 57 life. I was lucky to realize from an accident: It is a waste of our life to focus on what you have 58 .We should always think of what we have .So why are so many people unhappy? Someone may say, “My whole life would improve 59 I have a new car.” But when you get the car, what happens? For a whole week you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy.‎ Happiness depends on what we have! It’s in our heart. It’s a state of mind. Even though you own the whole world, you may still feel 60 . Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating and taking pleasure in what you really have.‎ ‎51. A.feet B. legs C. arms D. hands ‎52. A. Or B. But C. So D. Once ‎53. A. cried B. laughed C. sat D. stood ‎54. A. strongly B. especially C. completely D. similarly ‎55. A. crazy B. normal C. full D. special ‎56. A. get excited B. get worst C. get serious D. get worried ‎57. A. hate B. dislike C. enjoy D. save ‎58. A. lost B. had C. found D. spent ‎59. A. because B. as C. if D. whether ‎60. A. funny B. happy C. excited D. unhappy 第四部分 写作技能(共三节;满分20分)‎ 第一节 语法填空(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Nowadays we can find 61 ______ (advertisement) almost everywhere we go.We are so used to them 62 ______ we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day.An advertisement uses words and pictures 63 ______ (persuade) people to buy a product,or service or to believe in an idea.There are commercial advertisements 64 ______ public service advertisements (PSAs).The former is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product or service.Although we have laws to protect us from ads that cheat people,we still must be aware 65 ______ the skilful methods used in ads to try and sell things.The latter is often run for free,and 66 ______ (mean) to educate people to believe in an idea which affects public welfare.PSAs deals with large social problems and serves the public.When 67 ______ comes to advertisements,we must all use our intelligence and not be 68 ______ slave to them.‎ 第二节 双向翻译(共2小题;每小题1分,满分2分)‎ 请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或者英语,并将答案转写到答题卡上。‎ ‎69 Finally,we arrived in Loulan after several days of travelling.It was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West.The ruins of the Loulan Kingdom were ‎ discovered by Sven Hedin who also discovered a lot of treasures.70 这片沙漠曾经是一片大树成荫的绿洲,but they were cut down and that resulted in the city being buried by sand.‎ 第三节 情景作文(共1小题,满分10分)‎ ‎71 今年新冠肺炎疫情在世界各地爆发蔓延,危及数以万计人的生命。为了抗击疫情,远离病毒,享受生活,请你就如何预防新冠肺炎写一篇短文。‎ 内容要点:1.wear face masks;wash hands with soap;open windows and let in fresh air;‎ ‎2.avoid staying together and try to stay away from people showing flu-like symptoms;‎ ‎3.cover our nose and mouth with tissue when coughing and sneezing;‎ ‎4.In a word,only when we form a good living habit and exercise a lot can we avoid Covid-19 and keep good health.‎ 要求:1.语句通顺,语法正确,可适当发挥;‎ ‎2.词数80左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ How to Prevent Covid-19‎ Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) broke out and spread throughout the globe this year and millions of people are affected and tens of thousands of people died of it.To prevent such a serious epidemic, firstly I think we should__________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ ‎1-5 CABCB 6-10 BABCA ‎11-15 BABAC 16-20 BBCAB ‎21-23 ADB 24-27 CDAB ‎28-31 BDAD 32-35 ABAB ‎36-40 DFBGE 41-45 BDACC 46-50 ADABC ‎51-55 CBACB 56-60 DCACD ‎61.advertisements 62.that 63.to persuade 64.and ‎65.of 66.is meant 67.it 68.a ‎69.经过好几天的旅行之后,我们终于抵达了楼兰。/经过好几天的旅程,我们最后到达了楼兰。‎ ‎70.The desert was once a green land with large trees,‎ ‎71 One possible version:‎ How to Prevent Covid-19‎ Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) broke out and spread throughout the globe this year and millions of people are affected and tens of thousands of people died of it.To prevent such a serious epidemic,firstly,I think we should wear face masks when we go to public places.We should wash our hands after we touch something.While staying inside,we should frequently open windows to let in fresh air and keep our rooms clean.Besides,avoid staying together and try to stay away from people showing flu-like symptoms.Try not to go to crowded places.What’s more,when coughing and sneezing,we should cover our nose and mouth with tissue.‎ In a word,only when we form a good living habit and exercise a lot can we avoid Covid-19 and keep good health.‎

