2019-2020学年河北省保定市高一上学期第三次月考英语试卷 Word版+

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2019-2020学年河北省保定市高一上学期第三次月考英语试卷 Word版+

英语试题 时间:120分钟 分值:150分 ‎ ‎ 第一卷(三部分, 共100分)‎ 第I卷 (选择题部分,共95分)‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 短对话(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ ‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What is the man’s problem? A. He didn’t listen carefully to the teacher. B. He didn’t know the football match. C. He was thinking of his homework.‎ ‎2. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. At school. B. In a hospital. C. At a post office.‎ ‎3. What does the man ask the woman to do? A. Go to the party. B. Invite Porter to the party. C. Give his regards to Porter's family.‎ ‎4. What does Jane do? A. She is a worker. B. She is a professor. C. She is a driver ‎5. What are the two speakers going to do this afternoon? A. Go to Peking University. B. Give a lecture. C. Listen to the talk.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What is the man doing? A. Booking a single room for a night. B. Booking a double room for a week. C. Asking where the hotel is.‎ ‎7. Which room does the man book?‎ A. Room 401. B. Room 411. C. Room 441. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What's the weather like today? A. It is rainy. B. It is cloudy. C. It is sunny. 9. What does the woman wish? A. Her friends could come to the party. B. The weather could turn out fine soon. C. The TV program could be interesting. ‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. How many clocks does Peter have? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.‎ ‎11. How often do the clocks ring in the morning? A. Every ten minutes. B. Every twenty minutes. C. Every thirty minutes.‎ ‎12. Why does Peter need so many clocks? A. Because he wants to get up on time. B. Because he wants to know the right time. C. Because he wants to make his room special.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. Which book is a best-seller? A. The World' s Tales. B. A Tale of Two cities. C. The Green’s Tales.‎ ‎14. How much is The World's Tales?‎ A.$55. B.$65. C.$45.‎ ‎15. Why doesn’t the woman take the first book?‎ A. Because the book is very hard for her son to read.‎ B. Because her son doesn't like the cover of it.‎ C. Because her son has read all the stories in it.‎ ‎16. How many stories are there in the book the woman bought? A. As many as 101. B. As many as 100. C. As many as 110.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. Why did Miss Jiang get fatter?‎ A. Because there was something wrong with her.‎ B. Because she liked cream and sugar very much.‎ C. Because she never had any sports. 18. Why couldn’t Miss Jiang get on well with her workmates? A. Because she was richer than her workmates. B. Because she was fatter than any of her workmates. C. Because she was often laughed at. 19. How old is Miss Jiang? A. Less than twenty. B. Less than thirty. C. More than thirty. 20. What did Miss Jiang order at the restaurant? A. A lot of cream. B. A big cake. C. A piece of bread.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A In Germany there are different kinds of high schools. Some prepare students for workers, others prepare them for college. All schools are great places for making friends and learning German.‎ Short days Most high schools in Germany begin at about 8:00 a.m. and end at about 3:30 p.m. This means your morning will be busy with classes. You will have time to do homework and take part in private(私人的) clubs after school.‎ Formal setting In Germany, teachers and students’ relationship is more formal than you might be used to. Teachers are respected and students must use the formal “Sie(德语:您)” when talking to teachers.‎ Getting to school Most students take public transport to school or ride a bicycle. Some areas have school buses. It is not common for parents to drive students to school.‎ Private clubs In many countries, schools offer official sports and after-school activities. This is less common in Germany. After-school activities are usually organized through private clubs. There are clubs for things like soccer, dance, choir, theatre and almost everything else. Once you are in Germany, ask around at school and talk to other students to find out what private clubs are in your area and meet your interests.‎ Different states, different schools Each of Germany’s 16 states has its own slightly different school systems. The school system in Brandenburg will be a little different from the system in Bavaria, for example. Where you live, your knowledge level and your age will decide what school you can attend.‎ ‎21. For high school students in Germany, which is NOT the common transport to school?‎ A. School buses B. Parents’ cars C. Public transport D. Students’ bicycles ‎22. From the passage, we can learn that in Germany _______.‎ A. all kinds of high schools are for college ‎ B. age is not important for attending schools C. students can take part in after-school activities from 8:00 a. m .to 3:30 p.m.‎ D. students can join private clubs to meet their interests ‎23. What can be the best title for this article? ‎ A. German Private Clubs B. German Public Transport C. German High Schools D. German College Systems B The beach may seem like an inviting place to run on a cool summer morning, but is running on the sand good for your body? It can be, but it’s important to be aware of the challenges that some beach runners experience before you get ready.‎ Running on the beach can be a good thing. It’s certainly different from running on a track or a pavement. For starters, sand can be a challenge because it has an uneven (不平坦的) surface. As you push off, you’re going to lose some of your push as the sand moves. So, you’re not going to be able to push yourself forward as you would on a track or a pavement. But this unevenness has an upside: It gives your body an extra workout, forcing you to exercise muscles that don’t get as much use during runs on firm surfaces. For example, your feet, ankles and lower back might feel sorer and more tired than usual after a beach run just because the surface is constantly moving and changing step to step.‎ You also might feel sore afterward because beaches tend to slope (倾斜) down to the water. If you’re going for a long run on the beach, you might notice that one side of your body might feel sorer because you’re putting more pressure on it due to the slope.‎ Some beach runners prefer to run barefoot — not wearing anything on feet. However, if you’re not used to barefoot running, start slowly and don’t run long distances at first. That’s because running barefoot uses more different muscles than running with shoes does, and it’s important to strengthen these muscles and adapt your feet. If you want to run barefoot and as long as you run carefully enough into it, go for it!‎ Running on the sand can be a smart choice for you, because running on softer ground ‎ surfaces can reduce muscle damage.‎ ‎24. Why is it difficult to run on the beach for starters?‎ A. The soft surface makes people fall over easily.‎ B. People need to run carefully on its smooth surface.‎ C. Running on its uneven surface takes much effort.‎ D. It’s hard to keep one’s balance on its hard surface.‎ ‎25. Which of the following best explains “upside” underlined in Paragraph 2?‎ A. Advantage. B. Reason. C. Character. D. Challenge.‎ ‎26. What’s the author’s attitude to barefoot running?‎ A. Critical. B. Supportive. C. Doubtful. D. Uncaring.‎ ‎27. The passage can probably be found in ______.‎ A. A primary school textbook B. A tourist guide C. A sports magazine D. A scientific report C Since the end of World War I (WWI) in 1918, Canadians and millions of others around the world have paused at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to honor the sacrifice(牺牲) our soldiers have made in different ways, fighting for the freedom that we all enjoy today.‎ Known as Remembrance Day, the day originated as a tribute (致敬) to the soldiers of WWI, a dark period for our young country, which claimed the lives of over 60, 000 soldiers and civilians nationwide. As there are no more surviving soldiers of WWI, today we rely on the wisdom and words of those soldiers who fought in the wars that followed and this day now also recognizes their heroic contribution. They tell us to always remember what those brave souls fought for, and all they ask in return is that we never forget.‎ That’s why we wear the red poppy(罂粟花); That’s why when we see a soldier in uniform we should stop to say “Thank you”; that’s why we take a pause from our busy lives for two short minutes today in honor of those brave people. Yet this message is fading away, year after year. Take for example the decision to allow parents to excuse students from Remembrance Day ceremonies at school. Not only does it show a lack of respect, but it distances the student from his or her classmates.‎ It is difficult to understand why any Canadian parent would want to remove their child from the time-honored tradition of reading the poem in Flanders Fields, while a wreath(花环) of poppies is laid. It is more important than ever to teach school-aged children about our history, no matter how violent it was. Sheltering them from the realities of war is a great disservice. Understanding why conflicts happened, or happen today can help shape choices and decisions they make as adults.‎ Of course, because we live in a free society, we cannot force an individual to do something. It is unfortunate that some parents now have their children opt-out of the services. These people should be reminded they are free to make such choices only because of the men and women whom the rest of us are remembering.‎ ‎28. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a Remembrance Day activity today?‎ A. Listening to stories told by WWI soldiers. B. Wearing a red poppy to show respect.‎ C. Expressing thanks to soldiers in uniform. D. Stopping to remember the war dead at 11 a.m..‎ ‎29. What does the writer think of Canadian parents’ excusing their children of the Remembrance Day ceremonies?‎ ‎ A. Disrespectful. B. Reasonable. C. Shocking D. Proper ‎30. What can we learn from the passage?‎ ‎ A. War history is too violent for school children to learn.‎ ‎ B. People should be forced to learn about the realities of war.‎ ‎ C. The contributions of the soldiers should always be remembered.‎ ‎ D. Few students are willing to take part in Remembrance Day ceremonies.‎ ‎ 第二节(共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 ‎ Rules on how to be a fit kid Being fit is a way of saying a person; a person eats well, gets a lot of physical exercise, and has a healthy weight. 31 . If you're a kid who wants to be fit, here are three rules to live by. ‎ ‎1. Eat a variety of foods You may have a favorite food, but the best choice is to eat a variety. 32 . Taste new foods you haven't tried for a while. Shoot for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day—two fruits and three vegetables.‎ ‎2. 33 ‎ What does it feel like to be full? When you're eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Sometimes, people eat too much because they don't notice when they need to stop eating. 34 . And over a period of time, overeating can lead to unhealthy weight gain.‎ ‎3. Limit screen time What's screen time? It's the amount of time you spend watching TV or DVD5, playing video games, and using the computer. The more time you spend on these sitting-down activities, the less time available for active stuff, like basketball, bike riding and swimming. 35 .‎ These rules aren't magic. However, follow them most of the time and you can become a fit kid sooner or later.‎ A. Drink water and milk.‎ B. Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time.‎ C. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable.‎ D. If you eat different foods, you're more likely to get the nutrients your body needs.‎ E. Listen to your body.‎ F. Ask your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly.‎ G. There are a lot of discussions these days about fit kids.‎ 第三部分 语言运用(共两小节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36--55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ I’m a big fan of pop music and I enjoy listening to music quite a lot. Although people can listen to 36 music on their music players when they are travelling, working or studying, 37 festivals and concerts are becoming more and more 38 . This is because I believe they offer two main 39 .‎ The first one is that the sound is much 40 at live concerts where the music and ‎ voices come 41 from the musicians. This makes it a much more emotional(有感染力的) 42 because you have direct contact with the 43 and you react to them and they react to you.‎ The second advantage is the atmosphere ( 气 氛 ). 44 listening to a recording 45 on your personal music player, at a concert you are 46 with a huge crowd of people and 47 the music together. This means it is a 48 as well as an artistic experience.‎ The main 49 is that you cannot listen to live music 50 you want as you can on a personal music player. Besides, the 51 from the audience sometimes 52 the quality of the sound.‎ In my opinion, 53 , the best way to enjoy music is the wonderful atmosphere of a live concert. It is more exciting 54 you are surrounded by other 55 who are dancing with you happily.‎ ‎36. A. soft B. recorded C. loud D. live ‎37. A. arts B. tradition C. culture D. music ‎38. A. successful B. popular C. special D. difficult ‎39. A. advantages B. challenges C. results D. questions ‎40. A. lower B. worse C. better D. higher ‎41. A. directly B. suddenly C. frequently D. quickly ‎42. A. lesson B. experience C. example D. talk ‎43. A. performers B. audience C. producers D. strangers ‎44. A. Along with B. According to C. Except for D. Instead of ‎45. A. quietly B. patiently C. together D. alone ‎46. A. working B. singing C. listening D. playing ‎47. A. studying B. providing C. enjoying D. writing ‎48. A. social B. personal C. practical D. physical ‎49. A. purpose B. problem C. reason D. worry ‎50. A. whatever B. whenever C. whichever D. whoever ‎51. A. noise B. alarm C. pain D. danger ‎52. A. forms B. values C. damages D. improves ‎53. A. already B. also C. besides D. however ‎54. A. but B. although C. because D. so ‎ ‎55. A. teams B. classes C. volunteers D. fans ‎ ‎ 第II卷 (非选择题部分,共55分)‎ 第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ China is a big old country, 56 has a history of more than five thousand years. We are proud of 57 (it)culture and part of the culture even influences the world 58 (great), for example, the thought of Confucius(孔子). As Chinese economy develops very fast and plays 59 important role in the world, more and more 60 (foreign) learn Mandarin (普通话) in Confucius institutions. The Chinese traditional culture can 61 (test) by the time. It unites the whole nation 62 no matter what kind of disaster comes, we will fight together for the country’s future. Today, many young people lose faith in traditional culture and they are crazy about the western culture. They follow the western fashion,  63 (think) we are the old style. But some day, they 64 (realize) they are wrong 65 (ignore) traditional culture.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)‎ 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友 Tom 约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:‎ 内容要点:1. 表示歉意; ‎ 2. 理由:叔叔从美国回来,你要去接机以及要准备考试;‎ 3. 另约时间。‎ 注意:1. 词数80左右;‎ ‎ 2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 第二节 读后续写(满分25分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。‎ It was time to go home. "Remember to work on your class speeches for homework.” Miss Walker called, as everyone started talking and packing their school bags.‎ Jenny felt sick. She hated having to read aloud in class. She was sure everyone got really bored with listening to her. Once, when Jenny was reading out her holiday diary, Lee was even looking at his watch, a silver and blue one which seemed just magical. ‎ ‎ Jenny watched Lee walk ahead of her as they left school. He seemed so clever, and he had a certain sort of shining confidence. He was just one of those people who were good at everything. Jenny sighed.As she turned the corner, she saw Lee’s watch lying right in the middle of the path.‎ Jenny knew she should just pick it up and return it to him, but shed didn't want to run after him.‎ Jenny bent down quickly, picked up the watch and ran home. On arriving home, Jenny put it on almost without thinking. She was surprised it fitted so well. She walked to the mirror and started practising her speech. Words just flooded out of her." I’m going to talk about swimming. I have been lucky. I’ve won lots of competitions. But when I’m in a race,I’m not really thinking about winning. I’m just loving the feeling of being in the water…” Jenny laughed with excitement. She walked across the room. She suddenly seemed to have a certain sort of confidence. Turning back to the mirror, Jenny saw a flash of light from the watch in the glass. The flash of silver seemed almost magical. So maybe Lee's watch really did have something magic about it.‎ ‎ The next day, as the lesson began, Miss Walker asked who was going to be brave and go first. Nobody moved. Jenny slowly raised her arm. Before Miss Walker could say anything, there was a shout from behind.“She’s stolen my watch!” Lee said angrily. "It went missing at school yesterday. "‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;‎ ‎2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;‎ ‎3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;‎ ‎4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语.‎ Paragraph 1‎ Everybody was fixing their eyes on Jenny, waiting for an explanation. _____________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Paragraph 2‎ ‎ Miss Walker smiled and asked the class to listen to Jenny's speech first.____________________‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 英语答案 听力:1-5 ABCAC 6-10 BCABB 11-15ABCAC 16-20 ABCCB 阅读:21-23 BDC 24-27 CA BC 28-30 AAC 31-35 GDECB 完形:41-45 BDBAC 46-50 ABADD 51-55 CCABB 56-60 ACDCD 语法填空:‎ ‎56.which 57. its 58.greatly 59. an 60. foreigners ‎ ‎61. be tested 62. and 63.thinking 64. will realize 65. to ignore 第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)‎ 参考范文:‎ Dear Tom, ‎ How are you going? I write this letter to apologize because I cannot go to Beijing for travel next weekend as we planned before. The reasons are as follows.‎ First, my uncle, whom I haven’t met for years, will come back from America next weekend, and I will pick him up at the airport. On that evening, our family will have a family reunion. Second, recently I have been busy with the preparation of the final examination and have got really tired, so I need some time to rest instead of traveling.‎ I feel very sorry about canceling our plan. I was wondering if we could make another schedule for travel during this July or August. I am looking forward to your reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 故事续写 (25分)‎ Possible version I Everybody was fixing their eyes on Jenny, waiting for an explanation. Jenny didn't answer. How could she explain about the watch and its magic? No one could understand. No one could believe. " But I saw you wearing it yesterday,’’ Miss Walker gently reminded Lee. For a moment Lee remained silent and then he apologized he had just remembered that. Jenny was relieved to say she had found it on the way home and decided to return it after the speech. Everybody was puzzled and asked why. Jenny again was speechless.‎ ‎ Miss Walker smiled and asked the class to listen to Jenny's speech first. Jenny ‎ walked slowly to the front. She couldn’t think properly. All round her, a sea of faces were watching. She felt so frightened and the watch didn’t seem magical at all. Suddenly she saw Miss Walker’s encouraging eyes. Jenny took a deep breath.“I’m going to talk about swimming…"Ten minutes later the whole class stood up applauding Jenny’s wonderful speech. Jenny smiled as she eventually realized the real source of confidence.‎ Possible version 2‎ Everybody was fixing their eyes on Jenny, waiting for an explanation. Embarrassed, Jenny didn’t say anything. Dead silence suddenly fell. Then came Miss Walker’s voice: "Why is Lee's watch on your wrist? " Jenny hesitated for a while and decided to tell everybody about the truth.However, thinking of the well-prepared speech, the magic of the watch, she changed her mind. "But Miss Walker, could I give the speech first and then explain? She made a request in a tone of begging.‎ ‎ Miss Walker smiled and asked the class to listen to Jenny's speech first. Jenny made her way to the platform with confidence. Words began to flood out of her. "How could she make it? We’ve never seen Jenny give so terrific a speech. " Whispers went around the classroom, and even Miss Walker nodded with approval. Immediately Jenny finished her speech, a storm of applause erupted from the class. Relieved, Jenny told everyone the truth, and especially the magic of the watch. "But it's Just an ordinary watch with no magic, "Lee announced.‎

