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福建省莆田第九中学2018-2019学年高二上学期开学考试 英语试题 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 20 分)做题时,先将答案标在试题卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试题卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。‎ 每段对话读两遍。‎ 例:How much is the shirt?‎ ‎ A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.‎ 答案是 C。‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第 1 小题。‎ ‎1. When does the man have to work all day long?‎ ‎ A. On Wednesday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第 2 小题。‎ ‎2.Who decides the color of the garden fence?‎ ‎ A. The woman. B. The woman's husband. C. The woman's son.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第 3 小题。‎ ‎3.Where can the woman get news about the singer?‎ ‎ A. On the Internet. B. In the newspaper. C. On the radio.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第 4 小题。‎ ‎4.What did the woman buy for her son? A.A tie. B.A book. C.Some stamps.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第 5 小题。‎ ‎5.What's in the picture?‎ ‎ A.A village. B.A city. C.A farm.‎ 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)‎ 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独 H 后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。‎ ‎6. Where is the note?‎ ‎ A. On the refrigerator. B.On the table. C.On the door.‎ ‎7.What is Tina probably doing now?‎ ‎ A. Waiting for Lisa. B.Playing with Lisa. C.Studying at school.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第 8 至第 10 三个小题。‎ ‎8.What does the woman suggest the man do?‎ ‎ A. Start finding a job. B.Work as a salesperson. C.Run his own business.‎ ‎9.What can make the man easily find a job?‎ ‎ A. His attitude to others. B.His self-control. C.His major.‎ 10. Why does the man want to open a small online store? A. He has been fully prepared.‎ B. He dislikes challenging jobs.‎ C. He has made his first pot of gold.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至第 13 三个小题。‎ 11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Strangers. B. Friends. C. Classmates.‎ 12. How long did the woman stay on the mountains? A. Two days. B. Five days. C. Seven days.‎ 13. How did the woman get to the mountains on Washington's Birthday? A. By car. B. By train. C. By bus.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第 14 至第 16 三个小题。‎ 14. What is Mr. Brian?‎ ‎ A.A film maker. B. A TV host. C. An inventor.‎ 15. Which of the following is NOT true about the electric fan? A. It can offer you hundreds of songs.‎ B. It is not big but it can run very long.‎ C. It still needs improving.‎ 10. What does Mr. Brian think about his work?‎ ‎ A. Challenging. B.Important. C.Boring.‎ 听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。‎ 11. How did Maksim learn to play the piano'l ‎ A. He learned by himself. B.His parents taught him. C.He took piano classes.‎ 12. When was Maksim's first competition?‎ ‎ A. In 1992. B.In 1993. C.In 1998.‎ 13. What did the judges do in the competition? A. They stopped the competition.‎ B. They stopped Makesim's performance.‎ C. They talked with the audience.‎ 14. What can we learn from the talk?‎ A. Maksim's best friend lent him a piano.‎ B. Maksim's family had to leave him alone.‎ C. Maksim achieved a great success in his eight albums.‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A One day. One lifetime. You can do it! From the museum of modem art to the museum of ancient articles, visit our picks for the world’s best museums.‎ National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa)‎ This museum has a great collection of art spanning the Middle Ages to the present day, including American, Indian, European, Inuit and Canadian works. It offers a unique, near-complete overview of Canadian art — from early Quebec religious work, through Inuit work from the 1950s, to the contemporaries.‎ Tokugawa Art Museum (Japan)‎ The Tokugawa family reigned over Japan from 1600 to 1868. Under them, the country enjoyed the longest period of peace in its history. This time span is also known as the Edo period, during which the arts flowered in Japan. Artists of this period directly influenced Western masters such as Monet, Gauguin and Whistler and have since gone on to become household names. Other exhibits effectively present, through accurately reproduced environments, aspects of Japanese life at the time.‎ Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)‎ Highlights of this museum’s collection include a 4th-century Christian marble bust (半身像) of St. Paul at prayer, and a painting that questions life and our very existence, Gauguin’s “Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?” It’s a must — go in the US.‎ The Egyptian Museum (Cairo)‎ As well as gathering together some of the finest archaeological finds from all Egypt, this museum also provides a rare opportunity to simply pop in and within minutes be standing face-to-face with one of the greatest works of mankind, Tutankhamun’s golden mask. A portrait of unbelievable quality, craftsmanship and beauty, the highly polished gold face — at once a god, a king and a teenager — shines like water: delicate, yet untouchable all at the same time.‎ 21. Which museum will you visit if you want to know more about Monet? A. Tokugawa Art Museum. B. National Gallery of Canada.‎ ‎ C. Museum of Fine Arts. D. The Egyptian Museum.‎ 22. What kind of works can’t you see in the National Gallery of Canada?‎ ‎ A. American works. B. European works. C. Japanese works. D. Inuit woks.‎ 23. What is the most famous art work in The Egyptian Museum?‎ A. Gauguin’s painting.‎ B. A golden mask of Tutankhamun.‎ C. The Tokugawa family paintings.‎ prayer.‎ D. A 4th-century Christian marble bust of St. Paul at B Feeding a crowd of hundreds doesn’t make Kenny Seals-Nutt nervous.‎ In fact, he loves being in the kitchen.‎ By the time Kenny, 16, reached his third year of high school in Charlotte, US, he had become vice president of his school’s cooking club.‎ Kenny said he developed his love of cooking by watching his grandmother, who owned a business.‎ And at the age of 5, he cooked his first dish. Taking it to school for lunch, he warmed it up in the school’s microwave, while the other kids ate their sandwiches.‎ ‎“I love to eat, and it started to become more fun to cook than to have food prepared for me,” he said.‎ Cooking came easy to Kenny, and he enjoyed adding new ingredients (原料)into common dishes. “It started with a passion(热情)and I wanted to know more,” he said.‎ Last summer, Kenny put his skills to the test by working with his grandmother to cater his uncle’s wedding. Kenny added new changes to the traditional(传统的)dishes that his grandma had prepared.‎ Chef Frederick Mookie Hicks, owner of a catering business, said Kenny’s success comes from his ability(能力)to multitask(多任务)in the kitchen.‎ ‎“He’s so enthusiastic(热情的)about cooking that he doesn’t let anything stop him,” Hicks said.‎ 24. What inspired(激励)Kenny’s interest in cooking?‎ A. The cooking club in his school. B. His love for eating.‎ ‎ C. His desire to run a catering business alone. D. The sight of his grandmother cooking.‎ 25. The underlined word “cater” in Paragraph 8 probably means “to ______”.‎ A. have fun at B. be present at C. provide food for D. make a plan for 26. Which of the following best describes(描述)Kenny’s cooking?‎ A. Traditional. B. Creative. C. Simple. D. Strange.‎ 27. What does Hicks think sets Kenny apart from other students?‎ ‎ a. His passion for cooking. b. His cooperation with others.‎ ‎ c. His ability to multitask. d. His special family background.‎ A. a, b B. a, c C. b, c D. c, d C Imagine yourself on a boat looking out at the horizon and all you can see is the water meeting the sky with no land in sight and you are sailing straight ahead to meet the world. Jesse Martin does not have to imagine: he is living in it.‎ On Dec. 7, 1998, at 17 years old, Jesse set sail from Melbourne, Australia on his boat, attempting to become the youngest person to sail alone and nonstop around the world. He sailed south of New Zealand, through the South Pacific, around South America, north on the Atlantic, back south past Africa, through the Indian Ocean and back to Melbourne. Even as a young child, Jesse had been an adventurer who traveled all over Europe and Asia with his parents. Born in Munich, Germany in 1981, he moved to Australia with his family when he was only two years old. They moved close to a rainforest in Cow Bay, about 3,500kms north of Melbourne, where they built a small house with no electricity or running water. Jesse grew up at the beach enjoying the outdoors to its fullest. At 14, he sailed for the first time with his father and brother, Beau. It was after this trip that he began to dream about sailing around the world.‎ Jesse’s family played an important role. “I was made to believe I could do anything, although there were others that were not so encouraging or supportive” he says. “People that I looked up to, respected and trusted told me I couldn’t. Thankfully, I trusted myself. There were people that said that the boat couldn’t be ready by the time I had to leave.” However, through perseverance(坚持不懈) and belief in himself, he was able to do what many told him was impossible.‎ On Oct.31, 1999, more than 10 months after he set sail, Jesse Martin went down in history as the youngest person to sail around the world alone, nonstop and unassisted.‎ 28. By encouraging readers to imagine a sailing experience, the author wants to __________.‎ A. show how difficult it is to be a sailor B. describe what Jesse’s sailing is like C.show how wonderful Jesse’s life is D. describe what a sailor’s life is like 29. What can you know from paragraph 2?‎ A. Jesse was the first person who had sailed alone around the world.‎ B. Jesse traveled all over Europe and Asia with his parents when he was 17.‎ C. Jesse was born in Melbourne and grew up at the beach.‎ D. Jesse grew up in a small house with no electricity or running water.‎ 30. What made Jesse decide to sail alone around the world according to the passage? A. His childhood adventure experiences. B. His journeys to Europe.‎ ‎ C.His love for outdoor activities. D. His first sailing trip with his family.‎ 31. What can we learn from Jesse Martin’s story?‎ A. Life is an unusual adventure we should enjoy. B. Failure is the mother of success.‎ ‎ C. A strong belief will make a person stronger. D. Great interest contributes to success.‎ D Gregory Kloehn digs through dustbins every day, but not for the reason that most people would think. He isn’t homeless. In fact he is trying to help the homeless.‎ Gregory began his life as a sculptor. But he often felt that his sculpture (雕塑) which just stood in rich people’s houses for years, lacked a meaningful purpose. So in 2015 he decided to put his artistic energies into creating homes to sell—not ordinary homes but small structures built entirely from recycled materials.‎ The thought of creating homes for the homeless didn’t come to him until the year 2017, when a homeless couple asked him for a tarp(防水布). Instead of a tarp, Gregory offered them something better: a small home with a water tank, a kitchen and a tap for waste. They were so grateful that Gregory decided to focus ‎ his efforts on helping house the homeless population in his city. And soon his “Homeless Homes Project” was started.‎ Before starting a new home, Gregory goes hunting for materials by digging through dustbins. Everything he finds is usable—refrigerator doors become house doors; washing machine doors often serve as windows, and the tops of cars become strong roofs. He put wheels at the bottom for users to move their homes around easily. Each home takes two to three days to make.‎ So far Gregory has donated dozens of homes to the city’s most needy. While his small low- cost mobile homes are not the final solution to the problem of homelessness, they are really practical and do provide a warm and safe place for the homeless to stay in. They are simply a way for one man to do something nice for those in need of some help.‎ Gregory has written a book titled Homeless Architecture, where he explains techniques to build those homes and he is now working on weekend workshops. “A lot of people who hear about what I’m doing want to get involved,” “he said. “Maybe we can meet someplace and put a couple of homes together. ”‎ 32. Why did Gregory tum from making sculptures to creating homes?‎ A. He had no home to live in. B. He had to make more money.‎ ‎ C. He wanted to help the homeless. D. He lost interest in sculpture.‎ 33. The author mentions the story in paragraph 3 to tell us .‎ A. how Gregory got the idea of “Homeless Homes Project”‎ B. Gregory’s small homes were popular among the homeless C. the homeless couple asked Gregory to produce more homes D. housing the homeless in a city was not an easy task 34. What can we learn from Paragraph 4?‎ A. It takes Gregory a long time to produce a home. ‎ B. Gregory’s work needs imagination and creativity C. Everything in the dustbins will be used in Gregory’s work.‎ D. Gregory has great trouble hunting for materials for his small houses.‎ 35. What can we infer from the last paragraph?‎ A. Gregory doesn’t need to make small homes now.‎ B. Gregory’s project will help more homeless people.‎ C. Gregory’s work will completely solve the homelessness problem.‎ A. A single person can make no differences to social problems.‎ 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多于选项。‎ A lot of parents help their kids do homework and study for school. 36‎ A photographer in India’s Bihar state took a photo of dozens of parents risking their lives to help their 10th-graders cheat on tests. The parents climbed the walls of a four-story school to throw cheat sheets through the window for their children.‎ ‎37 About 600 students were expelled(开除) from the school. And police have detained(拘留) more than 1,000 people connected with the scandal(丑闻).‎ The tests the Bihar students were taking are called board exams. These exams help determine who will be considered the top students in each class. India’s best university will take only students with a 95 percent score or better. 38‎ Students who make it into India’s top universities have a much better chance of getting well-paid jobs. They can help their families by becoming doctors or engineers. Many of the students who don’t pursue(追 求) these kinds of careers have a much more difficult time making money.‎ ‎39 About 30 percent of its citizens are considered poor. In many parts of the country, a family of five might struggle to survive on as little as $80 a month. For students who do well, the exams can be a life-changing event for their families.‎ Few believe the Bihar incident will stop people from cheating on exams. Many students think that because others are cheating, they also have to cheat to keep up. 40‎ Officials believe that new laws and policies will help only so much. To stop cheating, they say, people need to change their attitudes toward it. A. India has a high poverty rate.‎ B. This cycle has proved very difficult to break.‎ C. The exam season can be called cheating season.‎ D. The government cannot stop cheating in exams.‎ E. The serious cheating outbreak did not go unpunished.‎ F. But the parents of some students in India have taken helping their kids to a new level.‎ G. As a result, students throughout the country are under great pressure to do well on the tests.‎ 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A woman in her sixties lived alone in her little cottage with a pear tree at her door. She spent all her time taking care of the tree. But the children nearby drove her 41 by making fun of her. They would climb her tree and then run away with pears, 42 “Aunty Misery” at her.‎ One evening, a passer-by asked to 43 for the night. Seeing that he had an 44 face, she let him in and gave him a nice 45 . The next morning the stranger, actually a sorcerer (巫师), thanked her by granting (允准) her 46 that anyone who climbed up her tree 47 not be able to come back down until she 48 it.‎ When the children came back to steal her 49 , she had them stuck on the tree. They had to beg her long 50 she gave the tree permission to let 51 go. Aunty Misery was free from the 52 at last.‎ One day another man 53 her door. This one did not look trustworthy to her, 54 she asked who he was. “I am Death. I’ve come to take you 55 me,” said he.‎ ‎5‎ ‎6‎ Thinking fast Aunty Misery said, “Fine, but I’d like to some pears from my pear tree to remember the 57 it brought to me in this life. But I am too 58 to climb high to get the best fruit. Will you be so 59 as to do it for me?” With a deep sigh, Mr. Death climbed up the tree __60 and was immediately stuck to it. No matter how much he warned or begged, Aunty Misery would not allow the tree to let Death go.‎ 41. A. hopeless B. painful C. dull D. crazy 42. A. calling B. shouting C. announcing D. whispering 43. A. stay B. live C. hide D. lie 44. A. interesting B. honest C. anxious D. angry 45. A. gift B. kiss C. treat D. smile ‎46. A. suggestion B. advice C. permission D. wish ‎47. A. could B. should C. might D. must ‎48. A. permitted B. promised C. answered D. declared ‎49. A. branch B. food C. tree D. fruit ‎50. A. after B. while C. since D. before]‎ ‎51. A. it B. them C. him D. her ‎52. A. trick B. question C. trouble D. difficulty ‎53. A. stepped into B. left for C. stopped at D. walked around ‎54. A. so B. but C. although D. because ‎55. A. with B. off C. upon D. for ‎56. A. choose B. pick C. shake D. hit ‎57. A. honor B. pleasure C. hope D. excitement ‎58. A. light B. short C. old D. thin ‎59. A. proud B. kind C. fine D. smart ‎60. A. disappointedly B. cheerfully C. unwillingly D. eagerly 第Ⅱ卷 注意:将答案写在答题卡上。写在本卷上无效。第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ I am Adam Rouse. I first 61 (buy) cannabis from a man in the street and continued to buy cannabis from 62 (he) for six months and as a result, I got addicted 63 it. One day, the man offered me some crack cocaine, a more 64 (power)addictive. When I went back to the man for more crack cocaine, he asked me for a lot of money. I was in terrible pain when I couldn’t afford to buy any drugs. 65 (get) money, I broke into 66 house and stole something to sell for money. The more drugs I took, the more addicted I became. So I had to steal something every day to pay for the drugs. One day, I 67 (catch)stealing and sent to the police station. The next day, a doctor came to see me and told me that I could die 68 I couldn’t stop taking drugs. I took his advice and stopped 69‎ ‎(immediate). Now I work in a center for drug addicts, 70 (help) others to stop taking drugs.‎ 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节:短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号( ^ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除;把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。‎ My neighbour Mrs. Wang is an old lady who lived alone in a small house. It’s saying that her husband and son died in the traffic accident. What bitter her life is! But she often helps others with a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first to cleaning the paths. She looks after several child living in nearby. I am one of them. I can still remember the stories she told I and her kind smile. Perhaps she is very unluckily, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full laughter and love. I’ll never forget her.‎ 第二节书面表达(满分 25 分)最近,你班就“00 后的成长”话题进行了一项社会调查。调查显示,人们对“00 后”青少年的现状褒贬不一。请根据以下要点用英语写一篇文章,介绍调查结果,并谈谈你自己作为一名“00 后”的感想。‎ 优点 缺点 你自己的感想 ‎1.自信、独立、热情、有志向 ‎2.乐于接受并尝试新事物 ‎3.珍惜友情,善于交流 ‎1.自我为中心、依赖性强 ‎2.心理抗挫能力不足 ‎3.缺乏责任感 ‎4.自控力差、沉溺于网络 ‎(至少两点)‎ ‎[]‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。‎ ‎2.词数 150 左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。‎ ‎3.参考词汇:挫折 frustration Recently our class has conducted a survey about “The growth of 00's generation”. People’s opinions on it are divided.‎ 英语参考答案 ‎1-20CBABC ABACA CBBCB ACBAC ‎21-23 CBD 24-27 DCBB 28-31 BDDC 32-35 CABB 36-40FEGAB ‎41—60 DBABC 46-50 DBADD ‎51-55 BCCAA ‎56-60 BBCBC ‎61. bought 62. him 63. to ‎64. powerful ‎65. To get ‎66. a 67. was caught 68. if ‎69. immediately ‎70. helping 短文改错 The Dragon Boat Festival has ^ history of over 2,000 years. There are many tales a about their origin. The most popular is when the festival is celebrated in honor of Qu its that Yuan. QuYuan was very concerned about his country but was not understanding by the understood rulers. Feeling desperate, he jumped into the Miluo River on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, 278 BC. Before he died, the fishermen sailed their boats to look up for his body.‎ After People throw Zongzi into the water, hoping to prevent possible fish attack his body. threw attacking That’s because people later celebrate the festival through such activity as dragon boat why activities racing and eating zongzi on that special day.‎ 作文范文 Recently our class has conducted a survey about “The growth of 00's generation”. People’s opinions on it are divided.‎ Some people think that the 00's generation are confident, ambitious and independent in thinking. What's more, they are fond of new things, ready to accept and try them. It's especially worth mentioning that they are enthusiastic and caring. They treasure friendship and are good at communicating with others.‎ However, others argue that the post-90's generation are too self-centered and dependent on their parents in life or teachers in studies. They tend to live a comfortable life but are less able to overcome frustration. Besides, some of them lack the sense of responsibility and don't know how to show gratitude to others. Worse still, many are so weak in controlling themselves that they are often addicted to the Internet.‎ As a member of them, I think we post-90's generation should be aware of our own strengths and weaknesses, so that we can put emphasis on perfecting ourselves. Only in this way can we gain respect and faith from others.‎ 听力录音材料 Text 1‎ W: So, what do you think of the lamb?‎ M: It’s pretty good, but I think the lamb you make at home is better.‎ W: You’re sweet to say that. Oh, can you get the waiter’s attention for me?‎ Text 2‎ M: Do you have any special plans for tomorrow? If you’d like, I can treat you to the movies tomorrow afternoon.‎ W: Well, I have a doctor’s appointment at noon, and I’m going to have dinner with my brother at six. I could probably enjoy a movie in between, since it’s your treat.‎ Text 3‎ M: Would you like to go with me to the new bookstore tomorrow morning?‎ W: I’d love to. But only if we go there by bike rather than by bus or by taxi.‎ M: No problem. We can use Mobike.‎ Text 4‎ M: Should I accept this exchange program and head off to France for three months?‎ W: Are you serious? Everyone I know is lining up to go there and you are actually considering not going.‎ Text 5‎ W: I feel hungry, Dario. Do you have any food in your fridge?‎ M: I think there is only a bottle of Coke in the fridge.‎ W: You are hopeless. You can’t survive on Coke.‎ M: I know, but work was so busy last week that I didn’t have time to go to the supermarket.‎ Text 6‎ W: Hello, it’s Emma MacDonald here from AB Electronics. I’d like to book a room for the 25th please.‎ M: Certainly. Would you like a single or a double room?‎ W: A room for three please.‎ M: The rooms for three are$150 per night, including breakfast.‎ W: Oh… I see, but my company uses the hotel regularly. We normally get a discount.‎ M: Oh sorry, that will be$100 per night then, $ 120 with breakfast.‎ W: Oh, I don’t want breakfast.‎ Text 7‎ M: Hey, Susan, how’s it going?‎ W: Terrible. I’m really unhappy at Pat, the house owner. When I came home yesterday, the front door was wide open; the cat was hiding in the closet, and there was Pat. He came to change the pipe, but he didn’t even tell me that he was coming. He does this all the time. Last month, one day I was throwing a dinner party for eight people. When I went out for a minute to buy some wine, Pat came to repair the broken light in my bedroom. I nearly had a heart attack when I walked in and found him there.‎ M: At least he fixed the light.‎ W: But it’s terrible not knowing when Pat is going to show up.‎ Text 8‎ W: Hello, Benson Software. You’re through to Customer Service.‎ M: Hello, this is Mike Williams from Smiths Retailers. I’m phoning about the CD players you sent last week. Um, I’m afraid you don’t seem to have sent us enough.‎ W: Oh dear. I’m sorry about that. How many did you receive? []‎ M: Well, we received fifty, but I’m pretty sure we ordered a hundred and fifty.‎ W: Just a moment. I’ll check your order. Well, according to our records, you seem to have ordered fifty. ]‎ M: Really? Oh, perhaps there’s been a mistake. I feel certain we have ordered a hundred and fifty.‎ W: Sorry about the misunderstanding. We’ll get the extra hundred to you as soon as possible.‎ Text 9‎ W: My guest today is Tim Jones, who organizes an international summer course for young musicians. Tim, tell us all about it.‎ M: Well, I’m lucky to have such a great job. Basically, young musicians come from all over the world and learn to play together to have a concert tour. By the end of the eight-week course, they’re really good, and hearing them play is what gives me most pleasure. Unfortunately, I don’t get to know them all that well, as organizing every single small thing of the course keeps me busy.‎ W: So, how do you find the young musicians?‎ M: We advertise online. Anyone between the ages of 16 and 20 can complete the application form and e-mail it to us. We’re not looking for perfect performance or the good-looking stars of tomorrow. But the course is in English, so a basic level of spoken language is necessary.‎ W: Where is the course held?‎ M: Mostly in a university during the summer holidays. They have halls for practicing, and plenty of bedrooms and dining rooms, which is a low cost for us. And of course, convenient transport is a must, so somewhere in the quiet countryside is no good, even though it is more spacious there.‎ Text 10‎ W: Dear students, please pay attention to the following items:‎ Thursday, July 15 is the last day of school. Students will be dismissed by 11:30 am. Please remind your parents to pick you up no later than 12:30 pm, and the school will be closed at 1:00 pm.‎ Supplies for next year: in the school e-mail you’ll find information on ordering all the supplies you need. Of course, it’s optional, but it’s a convenient way to start your next school year. Order now to guarantee delivery. If you don’t buy the supplies from the school, you must make sure you have them by September ‎1st.‎ Lost and Found: please check the school Lost and Found and take the things belonging to you back home by this Friday. Anything left will be donated to our community charity to support people who need our help.‎ Tuesday, September 1st is the first day of school for 2017-2018. School begins for all students at 8:00 am. New students will meet in front of the office. Returning students will receive a phone call the night before school starts to learn who their teacher is and the classroom number.‎

