高中英语人教版必修5练习:Unit 1 Section Ⅰ 

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高中英语人教版必修5练习:Unit 1 Section Ⅰ 

www.ks5u.com Unit 1Great scientists Section Ⅰ Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending 课后篇巩固提升 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎1.—We have drawn a        (conclude). ‎ ‎—What’s it?‎ ‎—It is Tom rather than David who made a serious mistake.‎ 答案:conclusion ‎2.I was so      (absorb) in the book that I didn’t hear you come in. ‎ 答案:absorbed ‎3.—Mary,don’t always keep yourself        (expose) to the sun.It’s bad for your skin. ‎ ‎—Thank you.‎ 答案:exposed ‎4.Do you know how to prove a new idea in       (science) research? ‎ 答案:scientific ‎5.She found her new job very        (challenge) when she came to the new company. ‎ 答案:challenging ‎6.It is         (announce) that the river has been polluted seriously. ‎ 答案:announced ‎7.Neither the passengers nor the driver      (be) to blame. ‎ 答案:was ‎8.Seeing the doctor,the little boy said he didn’t want to           (examine). ‎ 答案:be examined 二、写出画线部分的汉语意思 There was an explosion in a big storehouse.No one had foreseen 1.        it and the neighbourhoods 2.       near it were affected seriously.Many of the victims 3.       were sent to the nearest hospital.And the physicians 4.       did all they could to save the injured.However,the accident’s consequence was severe 5.       and some firemen died.We should learn from the explosion and avoid such accidents. ‎ 答案:1.预料,预计 2.居民区 3.受害者 4.医生 ‎5.严重的 三、单句填空 ‎1.I wanted the children to keep      (expose) to the language and culture. ‎ 答案:exposed ‎2.This medicine will cure him       his cough. ‎ 答案:of ‎3.To our surprise,the man,who was looked down upon by others in the past,is now       control of the whole project. ‎ 答案:in ‎4.       conclude,I’d like to say how much I’ve enjoyed staying here. ‎ 答案:To ‎5.His expression suggested that he       (be) angry. ‎ 答案:was ‎6.Nobody is to blame      it. ‎ 答案:for 四、翻译句子 ‎1.将你的手表拨快些,它慢了五分钟。(put forward)‎ 答案:Put your watch forward;it’s five minutes slow.‎ ‎2.他们把失败归咎于乔治。 (blame...on)‎ 答案:They blamed the failure on George.‎ ‎3.会议于十点钟结束。(conclude)‎ 答案:The meeting concluded at ten o’clock.‎ ‎4.除了这些理由以外,他无话可说了。(in addition to)‎ 答案:In addition to these reasons,he said nothing.‎ ‎5.让我们一起去听来自北京大学的李教授的演讲。(attend)‎ 答案:Let’s attend the lecture by Professor Li from Peking University.‎ 五、阅读理解 A George Washington Carver was born some time in the early mid-1860s.A sickly child,Carver was unable to work in the fields,so he did gardening.He was left with many free hours to walk in the woods—beginning his career with nature.He soon became known as the “Plant Doctor” and would help friends and neighbors manage sick plants.‎ In 1890,Carver began to study music and art at Simpson College.His artwork was on show at the 1893 World’s Fair.Painting gave him the chance to combine his two loves—art and nature.Yet it was his talents(天赋) for gardening that took him in another direction in 1891.Carver became the first African-American to attend what is today Iowa State University.He proved to be a first-class student and upon graduation he became the school’s first African-American teacher.‎ In 1896,he received an invitation from Tuskegee Normal and Industrial School in Tuskegee,Alabama.Upon arriving,he found that the school was short of money so Dr.Carver had to equip his own lab.He and his students would search trash heaps(垃圾堆) for things to use.This proved that Dr.Carver was well ahead of his time.‎ In 1916,he published a research report on peanuts,which helped many farmers turn to peanuts as a cash crop and saved the economy(经济) of the South when it was destroyed by the cotton insect attack.Carver continued his research with the peanut.He went on to find many uses for the peanut.But he didn’t invent peanut butter(花生酱).‎ Dr.Carver’s research earned him much worldwide praise.Dr.George Washington Carver died on January 5,1943,and was buried in Tuskegee.Carver contributed his whole life savings to Tuskegee.Upon his death,Franklin D.Roosevelt gave him this title “an inspiring example to youth everywhere”.‎ ‎1.How was Carver’s childhood?‎ A.He dreamed of being a doctor.‎ B.He grew crops in the fields.‎ C.He enjoyed good health.‎ D.He took up gardening.‎ 答案:D 解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“he did gardening”可知,George Washington Carver年少时料理花园。‎ ‎2.How was Carver’s performance during his education?‎ ‎          ‎ A.Bad. B.Strange.‎ C.Ordinary. D.Excellent.‎ 答案:D 解析推理判断题。根据第二段中的“He proved to be a first-class student”可知,George Washington Carver在学校表现出色。‎ ‎3.What do we know about Carver’s life in Tuskegee Normal and Industrial School?‎ A.He was well paid by the school.‎ B.He relied on himself to build his lab.‎ C.He saved money by picking up trash.‎ D.He published his findings ahead of time.‎ 答案:B 解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Upon arriving,he found that the school was short of money so Dr.Carver had to equip his own lab”可知,George Washington Carver所在的学校没有足够的资金,因此他不得不依靠自己的力量来建立实验室。‎ ‎4.What can be learned about Carver’s report on peanuts?‎ A.It made a contribution to the economy.‎ B.It included new findings on peanut butter.‎ C.It prevented peanuts from insects attacking.‎ D.It helped farmers find many other uses of peanuts.‎ 答案:A 解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“In 1916,he published a research report on peanuts,which helped many farmers turn to peanuts as a cash crop and saved the economy of the South”可知,George Washington Carver的研究拯救了当时南方的经济危机。‎ B I dropped out of college after my freshman year.Three years later,I quit a dead-end job and returned to college.I saw school as my way out.‎ But I quickly found myself facing the same roadblocks that had caused me to quit before:I was confused about college-level algebra(代数) and a heavy workload of reading and writing assignments.Moreover,I was unsure of my career direction.I was ready to drop out again.Then a smartly-dressed woman walked confidently to the front of my English composition class.“Look at you!Look at each and every one of you,” she said.“You’re here to change your lives for the better.And you’re going to make it!” I can’t remember the rest of the speech,but it changed the course of my college career,and my life.‎ Mrs.Smith didn’t know me from any of the other 40 faces in her classroom,but I felt she was speaking directly to me.Having trouble keeping up with the workload?Break it down into small pieces,and set up a schedule that suits you.If college algebra is too difficult,drop back to introductory college math.As for the English composition,she gave us writing assignments we could relate to.“Go for the best,kids.You’re worth it,” she’d say.‎ I graduated from that college and went on to get my bachelor’s degree.Today,as a college instructor,each fall when I stand in front of a new class,I think of Mrs.Smith and how much teachers can affect their students.She couldn’t have known it when she gave that pep talk,but she made a huge difference to my life.‎ ‎5.Why did the author want to quit school again?‎ A.He wanted to return to his former job.‎ B.He decided on his future career.‎ C.The academic pressure seemed unbearable.‎ D.Many changes took place in his life.‎ 答案:C 解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“was confused about college-level algebra and a heavy workload of reading and writing assignments.Moreover,I was unsure of my career direction.I was ready to drop out again”可知,因为学不会大学代数和繁重的读写任务,“我”想再次退学,因此学业上难以忍受的压力是“我”想退学的原因,故选C项。‎ ‎6.How did Mrs.Smith help the author?‎ A.She made him feel relaxed.‎ B.She helped him with algebra.‎ C.She talked to him directly.‎ D.She brought him courage and faith.‎ 答案:D 解析推理判断题。根据第二至四段的内容尤其是第三段中的“Go for the best,kids.You’re worth it”和第四段最后一句可知,Smith老师鼓励的话语对“我”的生活产生了巨大影响,她给“我”带来了勇气和信心。‎ ‎7.What can we infer about the author?‎ A.He learnt to be a better teacher.‎ B.He didn’t finish his college education.‎ C.He became Mrs.Smith’s favorite student.‎ D.He didn’t understand the writing assignments.‎ 答案:A 解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Today,as a college instructor,each fall when I stand in front of a new class,I think of Mrs.Smith and how much teachers can affect their students.”可知,受到Smith老师的影响“我”学着去做一位更好的老师。‎ ‎8.What can be the best title for the text?‎ A.Always Believe in Yourself B.Never Quit Before Trying C.Experience Is Worth Valuing D.A Lady Changed My Life in Time 答案:D 解析主旨大意题。根据全文内容尤其是最后一段中的“I think of Mrs.Smith and how much teachers can affect their students.She couldn’t have known it when she gave that pep talk,but she made a huge difference to my life”可知,这篇文章主要讲述Smith老师对“我”的影响,她改变了“我”的生活。故D项适合做文章标题。‎ 六、七选五 Business owners are often buried in some demands and “duties”.So,learning to say “No” and focus on the right things is very important.Vickie Milazzo,a very successful businessman and author,has some useful advice.‎ Use your time wisely. 1  You have to work hard at them every day,sometimes in very small steps.Remember,Rome wasn’t built in a day. ‎ Don’t try to make everything perfect.Sometimes success may not look like what you expected. 2  If you are flexible and can adjust your goals,they are often easier to achieve. ‎ ‎ 3 You cannot learn much from someone else who is struggling to achieve the same goal as you are.Therefore,look around for those who have achieved what you want.Model yourself after them. ‎ Keep it fresh. 4  Recall your reasons to enter the business.Finding that desire again will often renew your energy. ‎ Finally,give yourself a break.If you step back and look at your daily routine calmly,as if it were happening to your best friend,what will your advice be?Will it be:Slow down? 5  Or spend a few moments enjoying the day? ‎ A.Find successful people to learn and imitate.‎ B.Take a few deep breaths?‎ C.Put all the eggs in one basket.‎ D.So,you should adjust your goals when necessary.‎ E.Do you remember why you chose your career?‎ F.Quit and set a new one for yourself.‎ G.You can’t achieve big goals overnight.‎ 答案:1~5 GDAEB

