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高二英语 ‎(满分120分,时间100分钟)‎ 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A My house is made out of wood,glass and stone.It is also made out of software.‎ If you come to visit,you’ll probably be surprised when you come in.Someone will give you an electronic PIN(个人身份号码) to wear.This PIN tells the house who and where you are.The house uses this information to give you what you need.When it’s dark outside,the PIN turns on the lights nearest to you,and then turns them off as you walk away from them.Music moves with you too.If the house knows your favorite music,it plays it.The music seems to be everywhere,but in fact other people in the house hear different music or no music.If you get a telephone call,only the nearest telephone rings.‎ Of course,you are also able to tell the house if you want something.There is a home control console(控制台),a small machine that turns things on and off around you.‎ The PIN and the console are new ideas,but they are in fact like many things we have today.If you want to go to a movie,you need a ticket.If I give you my car keys,you can use my car.The car works for you because you have the keys.My house works for you because you wear the PIN or hold the console.‎ I believe that ten years from now,most new homes will have the systems that I’ve put in my house.The systems will probably be even bigger and better than the ones I’ve put in today.‎ I like to try new ideas.I know that some of my ideas will work better than others.But I hope that one day I will stop thinking of these systems as new,and ask myself instead,“How will I live without them?”‎ ‎1.What does the passage mainly discuss?‎ A.How to develop a new system. B.The function of the PIN.‎ C.A home for the future. D.Easy life in the future.‎ ‎2.The writer’s new house is different from ordinary ones mainly because ________.‎ A.it has been controlled by computers B.you can make a telephone call anywhere C.it has your favorite music following you D.the writer is able to change his new idea into practice ‎3.What is the writer most likely to be according to the passage?‎ A.An experienced teacher. B.A famous doctor.‎ C.An idealist. D.An IT expert.‎ B Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium (水族馆)‎ The all-new Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, situated in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD, is one of Victoria’s leading visitor attractions and an unforgettable outing for the whole family. Having 12 amazing zones of discovery, Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is the very place that you cannot miss when you visit the city.‎ ‎◆ Opening Times Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is open from 9:30 am until 6:00 pm every day of the year, including public holidays. Last admission is at 5:00 pm, one hour before closing.‎ ‎◆ Location (位置)‎ Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is located on the corner of Flinders Street and King Street, Melbourne. It is situated on the Yarra River, opposite Crown Entertainment Complex.‎ ‎◆ Getting to Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium Train Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is a short walk from either Flinders or Southern Cross train stations.‎ Tram (有轨电车)‎ The Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium tram stop is located on the free City Circle Tram route (公交线路) and also routes 70 and 75. City Circle trams run every 10 minutes in both directions.‎ Shuttle Bus The Melbourne City Tourist Shuttle is a free bus service, stopping at key tourist attractions in and around the City. Running daily, every 15 minutes from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.‎ ‎◆ Car Parking While there is no public car parking at Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, there are several public car parking lots available only a short walk away.‎ ‎◆ Wheelchair Access Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium provides people in wheelchairs with full access to all 12 zones. Each floor also has wheelchair accessible toilets.‎ ‎◆ Terms Tickets will be emailed to you immediately after purchase or you can download and print your ticket once payment has been accepted. Please print out all tickets purchased and present at the front entrance of Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium. No ticket, no entry!‎ ‎4. Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium ____________.‎ A. is located at the center of the CBD in the city B. has 12 most attractive places in Melbourne C. admits visitors from 9:30 am until 6:00 pm D. is beside Crown Entertainment Complex ‎5. Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium offers visitors ____________.‎ A. free car parking B. wheelchair access C. Internet connection D. transportation service ‎6. Tickets to Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium _____________.‎ A. are free to all visitors B. can be purchased by email C. are checked at the entrance D. can be printed at the ticket office C My six-year-old granddaughter stared at me as if she were seeing me for the first time. “Grandma, you are an antique(古董),” she said. “You are old. Antiques are old. You are my antique.”‎ I was not satisfied to let the matter rest there. I took out the Webster’s Dictionary and read the definition to Jenny. I explained, “An antique is not only old, it’s an object existing since or belonging to earlier times...a work of art... a piece of furniture. Antiques are treasured,” I told Jenny as I put away the dictionary. “They have to be handled carefully because they sometimes are very valuable. In order to qualify as an antique, the object has to be at least 100 years old.”‎ ‎“I’m only 67,” I reminded Jenny.‎ We looked around the house for other antiques, besides me. There was a desk that was handed down from Rone aunt to another and finally to our family. “It’s very old,” I told Jenny. “I try to keep it polished and I show it off whenever I can. You do that with antiques.”‎ There was a picture on the wall bought at a garage sale. It was dated 1867. “Now that’s an antique,” I said with pride. “Over 100 years old.” Of course it was marked up and scratched(刮坏) and not in very good condition. “Sometimes age does that,” I told Jenny. “But the marks are good marks. They show living, or being around. That’s something to display with pride. In fact, sometimes, the more an object shows age, the more valuable it can become.” I believed this was important for my own self-worth.‎ Our tour of antiques continued. There was a vase on the floor. It had been in my house for a long time. I was not certain where it came from but I didn’t buy it new. One thing about antiques, I explained to Jenny, was that they usually had a story. They’d been in one home and then another, handed down from one family to another, traveling all over the place. They’d lasted through years and years. They could have been thrown away, or ignored, or destroyed, or lost. But instead, they survived.‎ For a moment, Jenny looked thoughtful. “I don’t have any antiques but you,” she said. Then her face brightened. “Could I take you to school for show and tell?”‎ ‎“Only if I fit into your backpack,” I answered. And then Jenny’s antique lifted her up and embraced her in a hug that would last through the years.‎ ‎7. Grandma read the definition of “antique” to Jenny in order to ________.‎ A. express her disappointment at being called “antique”‎ B. change Jenny’s shallow understanding of antiques C. tell Jenny the importance of protecting antiques D. list all the important characteristics of antiques ‎8. Which of the following information did grandma express to Jenny?‎ A. The desk reminded her of her dear relatives.‎ B. There was usually a sad story behind each antique.‎ C. The spots on the picture showed its age and value.‎ D. She planned to buy a new vase to replace the old one.‎ ‎9. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?‎ A. Grandma was too old to lift Jenny up.‎ B. Jenny was too young to know grandma’s humor.‎ C. Jenny had a strong desire for grandma’s love.‎ D. Grandma had a deep long-lasting love for Jenny.‎ ‎10. What can be the best title for the passage?‎ A. Jenny’s Antique B. Grandma’s Antique ‎ C. A Tour of Antiques D. A Story of Antiques 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ 请将此题的答案涂到答题卡71—75上 Most college students have their money from their parents, but college is the time for them to begin true responsibility. With the right information at hand and some practice, you can definitely get major financial assistance for college tuition(学费). 11 The following is the ways you should know about. ‎ Play a sport. 12 I know it is obvious to the foot ball player that sports will increase the possibility, but did you know you can get scholarships for less-known sports? Have a try on golf, sailboat and marathon! A senior year spent learning and perfecting a new sport can lead to a full ride in college. ‎ Do voluntary work. Most nonprofits have good scholarships for their volunteers Try volunteers. Try volunteering in your community or a community chapter of a major organization. 13 It can be best to work for an organization that you are familiar with or have a childhood history with. ‎ ‎ 14 Try building a personal connection with someone at a scholarship society. Building a relationship through visits, phone calls, and gifts can make you stand out of the crowd. Remember, these people chose the winners from hundreds of applications a day and a personal touch can really make a difference!‎ Apply early. It can never be too early to apply for a scholarship. Applying early is another way to stand out of the crowd. You can definitely score a better scholarship earlier with much less competition. 15 Applying early can lead to more applications overall, and some one who applies to 100 scholarships against 10 has a much better chance of being awarded!‎ A. Bear in mind B. Keep in touch. ‎ C. It can also be a numbers game. ‎ D. Living in a poor community may help you a lot. ‎ E. Some of the highest scholarships are given to college athletes. ‎ F. A high level of community service will give you a leg up in college. ‎ G. Experience has proven that scholarships will be given to those who deserve it. ‎ 第二部分 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory 16 course about 20 years ago.‎ The professor 17 the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆), and invited the students to 18 how many beans the jar contained. After 19 shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the 20 answer, and went on saying, “You have just 21 an important lesson about science. That is: Never 22 your own senses.”‎ Twenty years later,the 23 could guess what the professor had in mind. He 24 himself, perhaps, as inviting his students to start an exciting 25 into an unknown world invisible to the 26 , which can be discovered only through scientific 27 . But the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even 28 the invitation. She was just 29 to understand the world. And she 30 that her first-hand experience could be the 31 . The professor, however, said that it was 32 . He was taking away her only 33 for knowing and was providing her with no substitute(替代). “I remember feeling small and 34 ,” the woman says, “and I did the only thing I could do. I 35 the course that afternoon, and I haven’t gone near science since.”‎ ‎16. A. art B. history C. science D. math ‎17. A. searched for B. looked at C. got through D. marched into ‎18. A. count B. guess C. report D. watch ‎19. A. warning B. giving C. turning away D. listening to ‎20. A. ready B. possible C. correct D. difficult ‎21. A. learned B. prepared C. taught D. taken ‎22. A. lose B. trust C. sharpen D. show ‎23. A. lecturer B. scientist C. speaker D. woman ‎24. A. described B. respected C. saw D. served ‎25. A. voyage B. movement C. change D. rush ‎26. A. professor B. eye C. knowledge D. light ‎27. A. model B. senses C. spirit D. methods ‎28. A. hear B. make C. present D. refuse ‎29. A. suggesting B. beginning C. pretending D. waiting ‎30. A. believed B. doubted C. proved D. explained ‎31. A. growth B. strength C. faith D. truth ‎32. A. firm B. interesting C. wrong D. acceptable ‎33. A. task B. tool C. success D. connection ‎34. A. cruel B. proud C. frightened D. brave ‎35. A. dropped B. started C. passed D. missed 第三部分 语言知识运用(共四节,满分60分)‎ 第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 36. The boy is very (好奇) and he is always asking questions.‎ 37. Bicycling is good exercise, besides, it does not _____________(污染) air. ‎ ‎38. (一般来说)speaking, the number of the people who drive after drinking is on the decrease.‎ ‎39. As a graduate (主修)in the English language, I feel excited to write this letter for the ‎ position.‎ ‎40. The T-shirts are available in a wide (种类) of patterns. ‎ ‎41. Being _____________(暴露) to the sunlight for a long time is harmful to your skin. ‎ ‎42.What you're saying now is not (一致的) with what you said last week.‎ ‎43. These materials can be ________(再利用) into other packaging products.‎ ‎44. I recognized Helen the ________ (一……就)that I saw her.‎ ‎45. The width of the street is 15 meters and the (长度) is over 200 meters. ‎ 第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎ It is the year of 2130. As a result of various new space elevators, huge numbers of the Earth’s citizens now have rapid, affordable and safe access to space. Dozens of permanent Moon colonies 46. ________ (establish) so far. Modern technology allows these habitats 47. _________ (construct) in hours or days. Most are concentrated in the southern polar region, 48. ________ has greater access to water. ‎ ‎ Advances in genetic engineering mean 49. ________ humans can fully adapt to the gravity of the Moon. In addition to basic exploration and surveying, the main occupations for colonists at the moment are 50. _______(science) and technological research. Almost all physical tasks 51. __________ (handle) by robots, giving more leisure time for the humans.‎ Tourism is now 52. ________ booming industry, with many thousands of people 53. ________ (arrive) on the Moon’s surface each year for 54. ________ (guide) tours, even though VR simulations (虚拟实境模拟技术) can recreate the Moon’s environment 55. ________ perfect detail. The most popular destinations are Mons Huygens — the highest mountain, Tycho — a crater (环形山) visible from the Earth, and the Apollo landing sites.‎ 高二英语答案 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) ‎ ‎1-5 CADAB 6-10 CBCDA ‎ ‎1.C 主旨大意题。通读全文后,可知本文主要是关于未来的“家”是什么样子的。‎ ‎2.A 细节内容题。由文章第一段中的“software”和全文内容可知本文中作者的家一切由电脑控制。‎ ‎3.D 推理判断题。由短文内容可以得知本文的作者应该是一位信息技术方面的专家。‎ ‎4.细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“The all-new Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, situated in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD”可知,该水族馆位于墨尔本中央商业区的中心位置,故选A项。‎ ‎5.细节理解题。根据Wheelchair Access下面的“Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium provides people in wheelchairs with full access to all 12 zones”可知,该水族馆为游客提供轮椅通道,故选B项。‎ ‎6.推理判断题。根据Terms下面的“Please print out all tickets purchased and present at the front entrance of Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium. No ticket, no entry”可推知,在该水族馆入口处要检票,故选C项。‎ ‎7. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I was not satisfied to let the matter rest there. I took out the Webster’s Dictionary and read the definition to Jenny.”可知,祖母不想她和小孙女关于古董的谈话就此打住,她希望让小孙女对古董有更进一步的认识,故B项正确。‎ ‎8. 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“But the marks are good marks. They show living, or being around. That’s something to display with pride. In fact, sometimes, the more an object shows age, the more valuable it can become.”可知,祖母想告诉小孙女这幅画上的斑点体现了它的年代和价值,故C项正确。‎ ‎9. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“And then Jenny’s antique lifted her up and embraced her in a hug that would last through the years.”可知,祖母把小孙女抱起来拥入怀中,那是个恒久的拥抱。由此推知祖母深深地爱着小孙女,故D项正确。‎ ‎10. 主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“You are my antique.”及最后一段中的“I don’t have any antiques but you”可知,文章从祖母和小孙女对古董这个词的理解入手,小孙女说祖母就是她的古董,体现了祖孙之间深深的爱,故A项正确。‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎11. G根据下文介绍,可知大学的奖学金是给那些懂得尽力去争取的学生的,G项符合此意 ‎12. E根据本段后一句的“ the football player”,可知这些都是属于运动员( athlete)的范畴。‎ ‎13. F上文讲到要参与社区义务工作,因为有效的社会义务工作会让你在大学里高人一筹,F项符合此意 ‎14. B本段主要讲要通过各种方法和奖学金评选活动成员保持联络,‎ 以增加获选的可能性。‎ ‎15. C本段最后一句的含义是“尽早的申请会带来更多的申请机会,申请了100种奖学金的人比起只申请10种奖学金的人更有机会获得成功”,这说明申请奖学金其实也是一种“数字游戏( numbers game)”。‎ 第二部分 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎【答案】16-20 CDBDC 21-25 ABDCA 26-30 BDABA 31-35 DCBCA ‎【解析】这是一篇记叙文。作者在文中提到了一位女性。二十年前,在第一节科学课上,一位教授做了一个实验,这个实验告诉学生们,不要相信自己的感觉。她声称那堂课让她对科学永远失去了兴趣。‎ ‎16. 考查名词辨析。A. art艺术;B. history 历史;C. science科学;D. math数学。句意:在我们与人们讨论教育如何帮助他们在生活中取得成功时,一位女士记得大约20年前第一次参加了一门科学入门课程。由第二段倒数第二句以及后文几次提到的“science”一词。故C选项切题。‎ ‎17. 考查动词短语辨析。 A. searched for搜寻;B. looked at查看;C. got through 接通电话;D. marched into进入。句意:教授走进演讲厅,在他的桌子上放了一个装满干豆子的大罐子,并邀请学生猜测罐子里装了多少豆子。由本段后文他把一个罐子置于讲台,可知教授大踏步走进教室。故D选项切题。‎ ‎18. 考查动词辨析。A. count计算;B. guess猜;C. report报告;D. watch看。句意:教授走进演讲厅,在他的桌子上放了一个装满干豆子的大罐子,并邀请学生猜测罐子里装了多少豆子。由本段后文“wildly wrong guesses”可知此句是让学生猜测。故B选项切题。‎ ‎19. 考查动词短语辨析。A. warning警告;B. giving给;C. turning away拒绝;D. listening to听。句意:在听到学生们相去甚远的错误猜测后,教授笑了笑,宣布了正确的答案。本段前文讲教授要求学生猜测豆子的数目,此句应为教授听完学生的回答。故D选项切题。‎ ‎20. 考查形容词辨析。A. ready准备的;B. possible 可能的;C. correct正确的;D. difficult困难的。句意:在听到学生们相去甚远的错误答案后,教授笑了笑,宣布了正确的答案。本段前文讲学生喊出错误答案,那么教授给出的就是正确答案了。故C选项切题。‎ ‎21. 考查动词辨析。A. learned学习;B. prepared准备;C. taught 教;D. taken拿。句意:你们刚刚学习了关于科学重要的一课。这里的主语“you”指的是当时还是学生的那位女子以及同学们,所以应为学习了(learn)重要的一课。故A选项切题。‎ ‎22. 考查动词辨析。A. lose丢失;B. trust信任;C. sharpen使变得锋利;D. show展示。句意:那就是:永远不要相信自己的感觉。由前文学生们根据视觉判断豆子的数目,结果错了,可知此处应为教授教育学生在科学方面不要相信自己的感觉。故B选项切题。‎ ‎23. 考查名词辨析。 A. lecturer 讲师;B. scientist 科学家;C. speaker演讲者;D. woman女人。句意: 20年后,这个女人可以猜出教授的想法。文章只提到教授和那位女子,既然能猜出教授心里怎么想的,当然主语指的是那位女子。故D选项切题。‎ ‎24. 考查动词辨析。A. described描写;B. respected 尊重;C. saw 看见;D. served 服务。句意:也许他认为自己是在邀请他的学生开始一次激动人心的航行,进入一个肉眼看不见的未知世界。她说教授以为自己在引导学生们开启航行,驶入未知世界。设空处翻译为认为、看待。空后还有关键词“as”,构成短语see somebody/something as。故C选项切题。‎ ‎25. 考查名词辨析。 A. voyage航行;B. movement运动;C. change改变;D. rush冲。句意:也许他认为自己是在邀请他的学生开启一次激动人心的航行,进入一个肉眼看不见的未知世界。这里用驶入未知世界的航行来比喻对知识领域的探索。根据句意,故A选项切题。‎ ‎26. 考查名词辨析。A. professor教授;B. eye眼睛;C. knowledge知识;D. light光。句意:进入一个肉眼看不见的未知世界。第二段提到让学生们看着罐子去猜测,结果猜错了,所以这里“invisible to the eye”应该为肉眼看不见的。故B选项切题。‎ ‎27. 考查名词辨析。A. model 模范;B. senses感觉;C. spirit精神;D. methods方法。句意:这只能通过科学方法才能发现。第二段最后一句提到自己的感觉,而感觉是判断事物的一种方法,所以根据教授的观点,只有用科学的办法才能准确判断事物。故D选项切题。‎ ‎28. 考查动词辨析。 A. hear听;B. make制作;C. present提出;D. refuse拒绝。句意:这个十七岁的女孩并没有接受甚至没听到教授的这份“邀请”。根据句意。故A选项切题。‎ ‎29. 考查动词辨析。A. suggesting建议;B. beginning开始;C. pretending假装;D. waiting等待。句意:她刚刚开始了解这个世界。前句提到十七岁的女孩,强调年龄小,所以此句表示小女孩才刚刚开始理解这个世界。故B选项切题。‎ ‎30. 考查动词辨析。A. believed相信;B. doubted怀疑;C. proved证明;D. explained解释。句意:她相信她的第一手经验就是事实。她认为她的亲身体验就是真实的,这是小女孩的观点。“believe”可用来指个人观点。故A选项切题。‎ ‎31. 考查名词辨析。A. growth生长;B. strength力量;C. faith信仰;D. truth事实。句意:她相信她的第一手经验就是事实。根据句意,故D选项切题。‎ ‎32. 考查形容词辨析。A. firm坚定的;B. interesting有趣的;C. wrong错误的;D. acceptable可接受的。句意:然而,教授说这是错误的。根据第二段可知教授认为那是错误的。故C选项切题。‎ ‎33. 考查名词辨析。A. task任务;B. tool工具;C. success成功;D. connection联系。句意:他夺走了她唯一认知事物的工具。根据句意,故B选项切题。‎ ‎34. 考查形容词辨析。A. cruel残忍的;B. proud自豪的;C. frightened害怕的;D. brave勇敢的。句意:我记得我感到渺小和害怕。文中说教授的教学方法使得小女孩失去了对科学的兴趣,所以小女孩感到渺小和害怕。故C选项切题。‎ ‎35. 考查动词辨析。A. dropped放弃;B. started开始;C. passed 通过;D. missed错过。句意:那天下午我放弃了这门课,从那以后我就再也没有接近科学。根据句意,故A选项切题。‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用(共四节,满分60分)‎ 第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎36. curious 37.pollute 38.Generally 39. majoring 40.variety ‎41.exposed 42.consistent 43.recycled 44. instant/moment 45.length ‎ 第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 46. ‎ have been established 47. to be constructed 48. which 49. that ‎50 scientific 51. are handled 52. a 53. arriving 54. guided 55. in 第三节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ Last Friday we have a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college. had     The majority of us considering it very necessary to go to college. They think it can be widen ‎ ‎ consider their knowledge and improve their qualities. Only in this way can they find better jobs before ‎ after graduation. Very few students think it no use go to university. Moreover, it's rather hard for ‎ ‎ going graduates ∧ look for satisfied jobs. Thirty percents of the students believe it doesn't make some ‎ ‎ to satisfactory/satisfying  percent any difference whether they go to college or not.     In my opinion, we can better themselves through college education so that we can serve society ‎ ‎ ourselves ‎ better in the future. ‎ 第四节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ Dear friends,         As we can see, the environment around us is getting worse and worse. Our life and health have been affected greatly.The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it, not only for ourselves but also for our future generations. Fortunately, more and more people have become aware of this problem.Many effective meaures have been taken to deal with it by the government.         I think we should follow the following advice. First, go to school on foot or by bike as often as possible. Second, turn off the light and other electrical applicances before leaving the room. Third, never throw rubbish here and there. Fourth, save water.        It's time that we should do something to protect our environment. Only by taking good care of our earth today will it be more beautiful tomorrow.        Thank you!              The students’ Union ‎

