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2020二轮复习完形填空中熟词新意 1. address ①Mr Howard gave an address on economic strategies in Asia. ②Most people call me Bob. How do I address you? ③Please address all enquiries to this office. ④There is a letter addressed to you. ⑤The next meeting will address the problem of truancy. ⑥He addressed me in low tunes. 霍华德先生发表了关于亚洲经济战略的演讲。 大家叫我鲍勃,我怎么称呼你? 一切查询请向本办公室提出。 有封写给你收的信。 下次会议将着手解决学生的逃课问题。 他低声与我交谈。 2. admit ①This ticket admits two people to the football match. ②He was delighted to be admitted to Beijing University. ③The cinema admits about 2000 people. ④The rules and regulations admit of no other explanation. 这张票可供两人入场看足球赛。 他很高兴被北京大学录取。 这座电影院大约可容纳 2000 人。 这些规章制度不容许有其他解释。 熟词:vt. 承认 生义:vt. 准许进入;接[容]纳;容许 3. against ①The white building looks beautiful against the blue sky. ②She was forced to go there against her will. ③Put the ladder against the wall. ④We are all taking medicine against the flu. ⑤—Let’s have a further talk. —Sorry, I don’t have time to talk. My report is due on Friday and I am in a race against time. 在蓝天衬托下,这栋白楼很漂亮。 她被迫不情愿地去那里。 把梯子靠着墙放置。 我们都在服药预防流感。 熟词:prep. 反对,逆着,倚靠着 生义:prep. 与……成对照;防备 “我们深谈一下吧。”“对不起,我没时间谈。我的报告周五到期,我 在赶时间呢。” 4. air ①At the meeting, everyone had a chance to air their views. ②She aired the room by opening the window. 会上,每个人都有机会发表意见。 她打开窗子使房间通风。 熟词:n. 空气,天空 生义:v. 发表(意见等);使通风,使通气 5. allow ①They allowed him £1000 for expenses. ②The situations allow of no excuse. ③We must allow for his youth. ④We should allow 15 minutes for delay. 他们给他每年1000 英镑的开销。 形势不容许拖延。 我们应当体谅他年轻。 我们应该预留15分钟以防耽搁。 熟词: vt. 允许,准许 生义:给予、使得到;容许(of);体谅、 顾及(for);酌留、预计 6. attend ①He had to attend (on) the very sick patients. ② You should know how to attend to the problem. 他不得不照顾重病人。 你应该知道如何处理这个问题。 熟词:vt. 出席,参加 生义:侍侯、照应(与on/ upon 连用); 处理、料理(与to 连用) 7.build ①We’re of the same build. ② He is a man of strong build. ③As you know, doing exercise regularly can build up your body. 我们体型相同。 他说个体格健壮的人。 你知道,定期锻炼可以强身健体。 熟词: vt.建造, 建筑 生义:n. 体格;体型 8. charge ①He was charged with stealing a car. ②Suddenly the wild animal charged at us. ③ I have to charge my mobilephone every night. ④He immediately charged a gun with powder. 他被指控偷了一辆汽车。 突然那头野兽朝我们冲过来。 我每天得给手机充电。 他立刻用火药填满炮。 熟词: n.费用 vt. 收费,索价 生义:vt. 负责;指控;猛冲,攻击;充 电;装(满) 9. coin ①The government has decided to coin more one-yuan pieces. ②Do not coin terms that are intelligible to nobody. ③There is a coin washing machine near his house. 政府决定再铸造一些一元的硬币。 不要生造谁也不懂的词语。 他家附近有一台投币洗衣机。 熟词: n. 硬币 生义:vt.造币,铸币;杜撰(新单词或短 语);adj. 投币式的(操作需要一块或多 块金属币的),自助式的 10. collect ①His work is to collect the electricity fee every month. ②Today it is his turn to collect the children from school. ③Before you begin to make a speech, you should collect your thoughts and ideas. 他的工作是每月收取电费。 今天该轮到他把孩子们从学校接回去。 在你开始讲话之前,你应当集中你的思想和意念。 熟词: vt. 收集 生义:vt.收(租, 税, 帐等), 募 (捐);领取(信件等);使镇静,集中 (思想等) 11. count ①You can count on my help. ② We count it an honor to help those in need. ③Every second counts. 你可以依赖我的帮助 我们把帮助需要的人看做是荣耀的事。 每一秒钟都很重要。 熟词: vt. 数数,计算 生义:v.依靠,依赖(on);认为,看作; 有价值,重要 12. cover ①The town covers 5 square miles. ②I want to cover 100 miles by dark. ③ He was sent to cover a fire for a newspaper. ④These expenses are covered by the state. ⑤How many pages have you covered? 小镇占地5平方英里。 我想在天黑之前走完100英里。 他被派去为报纸采访失火的新闻。 这些费用都由国家负担。 熟词: vt. & n. 覆盖,盖子 生义:vt.占地面积;走完(一段路程); 读(多少页书);进行新闻采访;够付 (费用) 你读了多少页书了? 13. drive ①It's a 2-hour drive from Birmingham. ②He still has plenty of drive and ambition. ③The noise outside almost drove him mad. ④Food drive helps hungry people. 从伯明翰开车要两个小时。 他仍然充满干劲、雄心勃勃。 外面的噪音几乎使他发疯。 通过“食物募捐活动”帮助穷人。 熟词: vt.开车 生义:vt. & n. 驱使;驱动力;车程;捐赠 活动 14. employ ①Why didn't you employ the new method? ②She employs her time wisely. ③ Modern methods of/for tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s, and are expensive to perform consistently over a large area.(2019全国卷I语法填空) 你们为什么不采用那个新方法呢? 她善于利用时间。 熟词: vt. 雇用 生义:vt. 使用,采用 自从20世纪80年代中期以来,人们才采用现代的方法来追踪 北极熊的数量,而且要在大面积地区保持一致,成本很高。 15.equal ①John is quite equal to the job of running the office. ②None of us can equal her. 约翰很能胜任主理这个办事处的工作。 没人比得上她。 熟词: adj. & v. 平等的,相等的; 等于 生义:adj.胜任的; vt. 比得上 16. exercise ①She is good at exercising her intelligence to solve the problem. ②It exercised a strong influence towards goodwill between the two great English speaking peoples. ③He always likes to exercise his authority over his employees.  她善于运用智慧解决问题。 这件事对两个讲英语的伟大民族之间的友好亲善发挥了 巨大作用。 他好对雇员使用权威。 熟词: vt. & n. 练习;锻炼 生义:vt. 运用(权力),发挥 17. figure ①They are all the great figures of history. ② We must figure out how to solve the problem. ③I figure he'll be back soon. 他们都是历史上的伟大人物。 我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。 我估计他很快会回来。 熟词: n. 数字, 人像;画像; 图;图表 生义:n. & v. 人物;领会,懂得;推测, 判断, 估计 18. gift ①He has a gift for music. ② They celebrated the festival with the local people and gifted the children there. 他有音乐天赋。 他们与当地人一起庆祝节日,并送给孩子们礼物。 熟词: n. 礼物 生义:n. & vt. 天赋;送礼物 19. hit ①Last week trphoon hit the coastal areas. ②The plan to charge motorists £75 a year to use the motorway is going to hit me hard. ③Then the answer hit me. ④Oil prices hit record levels yesterday. ⑤The story hit the front pages of newspapers across America. 上周台风袭击了沿海地区。 每年向开车跑高速的 人征收75英镑的方案将对我造成严重的影响。 然后我突然就想到了答案。 昨天石油价格达到了新高。 熟词: vt. 打 生义:vt. & n. 袭击;使受严重影响;使想起; 达到;轰动 这则报道在美国成了头条新闻。 20. hold ①Hold yourself still. ②They all held their breath to expect the final results. ③The room can hold twenty people. ④She held an important position at the bank. ⑤My husband and I hold conflicting opinions on this matter. ⑥Do you think the good weather can hold? ⑦We hold that no country should interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. 身体不要动。 他们都屏住气等待最后的结果。 这屋子可容下20个人。 她在这家银行里担任一个重要的职务。 熟词:vt. 拿着,握着;召开,举行 生义:vt. 使身体保持某种姿势;抑制,控制;容纳;占有, 占据;拥有,持有(金钱、土地、职位等);保持,继续; 认为,以为 对于这件事,我和丈夫的意见相左。 你认为好天气能持续下去吗? 我们认为一国不应干涉他国的内政。 21. land ①Finally the fisherman landed a big catfish. ② Two weeks later, he landed a well-paid job. ③He was glad to land a contract with a Japanese firm. 最后渔夫钓上一条大鲇鱼。 两周后,他找到一份收入很高的工作。 他很高兴揽到一份与一家日本公司的合同。 熟词: n. & v. 陆地,土地;(使)登陆 生义:vt. 捕(鱼),抓住或钓上(鱼); 获得,取得 22. last ①The festival lasted two days. ②The food will last us another week. ③He is the last man for the job. 节日持续了两天。 食品够我们再吃一星期。 食品够我们再吃一星期。 熟词: adj. 最后的 生义:vt. & adj.持续,延续;使得以维持; 最不可能的 23. lead ①The path leads to the village. ②The evidence they got led to the thief being caught. ③After the first half of the race I was leading. ④He led a happy life. ⑤We should take the lead in everything. 这条小路通到那村庄。 他们搜集到的证据使窃贼被抓。 跑了一半赛程后我领先了。 他的日子过得很幸福。 熟词: vt.& n. 领导;铅 生义:vt. & n. 通向(to);导致(to);(在 比赛中)领先;过(生活);榜样,带头 我们应该处处领先。 24. leave ①I always leave the raincoat hanging behind the door. ②He intended to leave others in the dark , but the secret was out. ③Leave it as it is. ④He asked for two days’ leave. 我总是 让雨衣挂在门后。 他不让别人知道,但是秘密泄露了。 让它保持原样。 他请了两天假。 熟词: vt. 离开;留下;忘记 生义:vt. & n.使…处于某种状态;听任; 假期(不可数) 25. major ①He didn’t like his major, so he exchanged it one year later. ②He majored in physics at college. 他不喜欢自己的专业,一年后换了专业。 大学时他主修物理。 熟词: adj. 较大的,主要的 生义:n. & vt.大学主修科目;主修, 专攻 (in) 26. monitor ①The patient was connected to the monitor. ②Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting. 病人身上连着监护器。 官员们没有获得允许监督投票。 熟词: n. 班长 生义:n. & vt. 监听器,监控器;监控 27. owe ①I owe you for your help. ②The young writer owed his success to his teacher's encouragement. 我感谢你的帮助。 年轻作家把自己的成功归于他老师的鼓励。 熟词: vt. 欠, 欠债 生义:vt.感恩,感激;(常与to连用)归 功于 28. passage ①The wooden bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of lorries. ②He didn’t enter the room. Instead, he waited in the passage,smoking. ③Instead of promoting the idea of college as a passage from the shelter of the family to autonomy and adult responsibility, universities have given in to the idea that they should provide the same environment as that of the home. ④He couldn’t afford the fare, and so he had to earn his passage by doing jobs on the ship. 这座木桥不够坚固,载重货车不能通行。 他没有进入房间,而是在走廊等候,抽着烟。 大学不提倡将大学作为从家庭庇护所走向自主和承担成人 责任的变化期的想法,而是屈服于提供与家庭相同的环境的想法。 他交不起船费,只得靠在船上做些零活来挣取路费。 熟词: n. 一段 生义:n. 通行,通过;(狭窄的)通道, 走廊;变化;船费 29. perform ①About 200 heart operations a year are performed at the hospital. ②We are looking for people who have performed outstanding acts of bravery. ③A complex engine has many separate components, each performing a different function. ④The tables give a picture of how schools are performing. ⑤How well does this car perform in snow and ice? ⑥Although she had never been interviewed on TV before, she performed well. 这家医院每年进行大约200台心脏手术。 我们在寻找那些有过杰出英勇事迹的人。 一台复杂的发动机由 很多独立的部件组成,每个部件都发挥着不同的作用。 这些表格显示出各个学校的表现情况。 熟词: vt. 表演 生义:vt. 履行,执行,完成;表现 这辆汽车在冰雪天气驾驶性能如何? 虽然以前没有接受过电视访问,她表现得非常出色。 30. picture ①She pictured herself at school in a foreign country. ②It is hard to picture life 200 years ago. ③In his work, he pictured their suffering during the war. 她想象自己在国外上学。 很难想象200年前人们的生活。 在他的作品中,他生动描述了战争中的苦难。 熟词: n. 画,图画;照片 生义:vt. 想象;(生动地)描绘、描述 31. promise ①Early mist promises fair weather. ② He seems to be a young player of great promise. ③ He is bound to be a promising lawyer. ④Martinez and other researchers have developed a new design method that shows promise in enabling the production of soft robots using a 3D printer. 晨雾预示好天气。 他似乎是一个很有前途的年轻演员。 他注定会成为一个很有希望的律师。 马丁尼兹和其他研究人员已经开发出一种新的设计方法,在使用 3d打印机生产软机器人方面很有希望。 熟词: vt.& n. 允诺, 答应 生义:vt. 预示,预兆;有希望,有前途 32. raise ①They are going to raise money for a primary school in a remote poor area. ②Finally we answered the question that was raised at the meeting. ③After discussing, they decided to raise corn and soybeans. ④Raising children is not an easy task, especially in big cities. ⑤His remarks raised a laugh. 他们正在为贫困边远地区的小学募集资金。 最后我们回答了会上提出的问题。 讨论之后,他们决定种植玉米和大豆。 抚养孩子不是一件容易的事,尤其是在大城市。 熟词: vt. 提高,提升 生义:vt. (钱等的) 筹募,筹集;提出;饲 养,种植,养育;引起 她的评论引起一阵大笑。 33. reach ① He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Chinese knot. ②I've been trying all day to reach him on the telephone. ③The book in the shelf was out of reach. ④No agreement hasn’t been reached, so we have to hold another meeting. ⑤The garden reaches down to the lake. ⑥They are ready to go to the upper reaches of a river. 他把手伸进口袋,拿出一个中国结。 我整天都在打电话找他. 我够不着书架上的书。 没有达成任何协议,所以我们还要再开会。 熟词: :vt. 到达 生义:vt. & n. 伸出(手);联系; (手/能力可及之)距离、范围;达成(结论、协议); 延伸, 达到(to, into);流域 花园一直延伸到湖边。 他们准备去河流的上游。 34. read ①It’s hard to read the expression on his face. ②I can’t read your short-hand notes. ③The thermometer reads 80 degrees Fahrenheit. ④ I found the note, reading, “Happy Birthday Day!” 难以理解他脸上的表情。 我看不懂你的速记符号。 温度计显示华氏80度。 我找到了那张便条,上面写道“生日快乐!” 熟词: vt. 读,朗读,阅读 生义:vt.看懂,理解;显示,上面写道 35. regard ①It's exciting when someone you have regarded highly turns out to be a hero. ②Please give my regards to your mother. ③With regard to the money, we'd better be careful. 你一直钦佩的人证明是个英雄,会让人兴奋。 请带我向你妈妈表达问候。 对于钱,我们还是小心一点好。 熟词: vt. 把……看作 生义:vt. & n. 尊重, 尊敬;[pl. ]问候, 致意 36. respect ①Please give my respects to your friends. ②I think you are wrong in every respect . ③We must pay respect to the needs of the general reader 请带我像你的朋友表示敬意。 我觉得你各方面都错了。 我们必须关心一般读者的需要。 熟词: vt. & n. 尊敬;尊重 生义:n. & vt. [pl. ]敬意, 问候;着眼点, 方面;重视,关心,考虑 37.save ①The article he sent to me save me much trouble. ②Save your breath. It’s no use arguing with him. ③She saves in every way she can. 他发给我的这篇文章免去我很多麻烦。 别白费劲儿了。与他争论没有用。 她在各方面尽量节省。 熟词: vt. 挽救;节省 生义:vt. 免除,避免;保全,保留 38. sense ①You are right in a sense, but you do not know all the facts. ② What he said doesn’t make sense, so I can’t make sense of his remarks. ③He sensed that his proposals were unwelcome. ④There is a lot of sense in what he says. ⑤After finishing the task, we had a sense of achievement. 在某种意义上你是对的,但是你并不知到实情。 他所说的话意思不清,所以我不明白 他的评论。(make sense有意义,意思清楚,有道理;make sense of理解,明白) 他觉得他的建议不受欢迎。 他的话颇有道理。 熟词: n. 官能,感觉 生义:n. & vt.意义;感觉,觉察,意识到 完成这项工作后,我们有一种成就感。 39. spring ①New theatres and arts centres sprang up all over the country. ②Natural mountain spring water is best for tea. ③She sprang out of her chair to greet her father. 新的剧院和艺术中心在全国各地涌现出来。 泡茶用的水,以天然的山泉水为上。 她从椅子上跳起来迎接她父亲。 熟词: n. 春天 生义:n. & vt. 泉水,喷泉;弹簧;跳跃, 跳起 40.stand ①I cannot stand waiting any longer. ②The building stands over 200 feet high. ③They took a firm stand on protecting the river nearby. ④When I caught sight of Jim, he was standing by a fruit stand. ⑤He kicked the ball into the stands. 再等下去我可受不了啦。 这栋楼200英尺高。 对保护附近的河流他们采取坚定立场。 他把球踢到了看台上。 熟词: v. 站立; 座落 生义:n. & vt. 忍受,经受;身高;立场, 主张;架,台,摊 我看到Jim时,他正站在水果摊旁边。 41. state ①"Please state your name, age and occupation on the form. ②These tickets can only be used on the stated date. ③Everything was in a state of disorder. ④In China, the railways are owned by the state. 请在表上填写你的姓名、年龄和职业。 这些票只能在指定日期使用。 一切都处于紊乱状态。 在中国,铁路是国有的。 熟词: vt. & n. 陈述;状态 生义:vt. & n. 声明;陈述;规定;国家, 州 42. strike ①An idea suddenly struck me. ②The earthquake struck the city in the night. ③The clock struck nine. ④Strike while the iron is hot. ⑤Strike a match, and the you can get fire. 我心中忽然产生一个念头。 地震在夜间袭击了这个城市。 钟敲了九下。 趁热打铁;趁机行事。 熟词: vt. & n. 打,打击;打动;罢工 生义:vt. 突然想到;(疾病、地震、洪 水等)侵袭,袭击;(钟)敲响,报(时) 划燃火柴,你可以得到火。 43. succeed ①Day succeeds day. ②David Rowland is almost certain to succeed him as chairman. ③The dry weather was succeeded by a month of rain. 日复一日。 戴维•罗兰接替他任主席几乎已成定局。 干旱天气之后下了一个月雨。 熟词: v. 成功 生义:vt. 继……之后;接替,继承 44. term ①He was made captain of the football team for a term of one year. ②When you write an article to students, don’t use too many technical terms. ③If you agree to my terms -- free meals and good wages — I will work for you. ④His life may be termed happy. 他被推选为足球队队长,任期一年。 你写文章给学生阅读时,不要用太多的术语。 如果你同意我的条件,免费用餐并给高薪,我就为你工作。 他的生活可称之为幸福。 熟词: n. 学期 生义:n.& vt. 期间,期限;专业名词,术语; (pl) 合同条款、细则;称为,把……叫做 45. treat ①He has used this method for several years to treat obesity. ②Glass must be treated carefully. ③I'll treat myself to a sunbath. ④Put your money away. This is my treat. 他使用这种疗法治疗肥胖已有多年。 玻璃必须小心使用。 我要好好地享受一次日光浴。 把你的钱收起来,这次由我请客。 熟词: vt. 对待;看待 生义:vt. 治疗,处置;使用;宴请,招 待,款待 46. voice ①Everyone should have a voice in this matter. ②He voiced the feelings of the crowd. ③Our group rejected the proposal with one voice. 每个人对这件事应该有发言权。 他表达出群众的情绪。 我们小组一致反对提议。 熟词: n. 声音, 嗓音 生义:n. & vt. 发言权;表达,吐露 47. weather ①They are strong enough to weather the storm. ②We have weathered another war. 它们足够结实可以 战胜暴风雨。 我们又度过了一场战争。 熟词: n. 天气 生义:vt. 度过(暴风雨、困难等);经受住 48. weigh ①You should weigh the matter seriously. ②After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, they decided to give up the plan. ③The fruit weighed the branches down. ④His words weighed heavily with me. 你应该认真考虑这件事。 权衡利弊之后,它们决定放弃这个计划。 果子压得树枝下垂。 他的话对我很有分量。 熟词: v. 称……重量,重达 生义:vt. 考虑,斟酌,衡量;重压,压 下 49. when ①She stopped short when she ought to have continued. ②Why use wood when you can use plastic? ③He was walking along the street when he caught sight of one of his friends. 尽管她应该继续下去,她却突然停住了。 在可以用塑料的情况下, 为什么还要用木料? 他正沿着街道行走,这时突然看到了一个朋友。 熟词: conj. 当……时候 生义:conj. 虽然,尽管;在……情况下; 这是(突然) 50. work ①This is Rembrandt's greatest work. ② The machine doesn’t work. ③ The solution he suggested failed to work. 这是伦勃朗最伟大的作品。 机器不运行了。 他提出的解决办法没有奏效。 熟词: n. & vi. 工作 生义:n. & vt. 著作,作品;(方法、药物 等)起作用,奏效 1. She posted a photo of the note and cash on the Internet. The photo got thousands of likes. 熟义:喜欢;喜爱 生义: 2. Now, more than 50,000 people pack the streets of Buñol, Spain, armed with cheap tomatoes. 熟义:打包 生义: 3. We celebrate my grandmother’s courage. 熟义:庆祝 生义: 4. The phone rang when I was about to break the bad news. 熟义:打破 生义: 5. Visitors can catch a wonderful fireworks show in the evening. 熟义:抓住 生义: 点赞 涌进;挤满 赞美 (第一个将坏消息)透露 观看 (2019全国3卷阅读B篇)Vera Wang, Alexander Wang, Jason Wu are taking on Galliano, Albaz, Marc Jacobs — and beating them hands down in design and sales. beat sb hands down 意为:不费力打败 (2019全国3卷阅读C篇)It took a few youthful and daring businessmen to get the ball rolling. get the ball rolling 意为:开始某事 (2019全国2卷B篇)The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season. off the hook 意为:摆脱困境 (2019浙江完形填空)As you can imagine, the trip is no piece of cake. a piece of cake 意为:轻而易举的事;小 菜一碟 Welcome to one of the largest collections of footwear (鞋类) in the world that will make you green with envy. be green with envy 意为:嫉妒;眼红 Buy time by repeating the question in your own words. buy time 意为:赢得时间;拖延时间 What does the writer mean by saying “Responsibility is the name of the game”? the name of the game 意为:最重要的部分; 较为重要的事情 (非正式用语) 蕴含有趣背景故事的词语搭配和习语 1. Let your hair down and just take it as a chat. A. 认真些 B. 放开些 C. 努力些 2. John studies day in and day out, so after every exam, he comes off with flying colors. A. 速战速决地 B. 头昏眼花地 C. 成绩优异地 答案:B 句意:放轻松一些,就当是聊天好了。let your hair down 意为: 放开些;彻底放松。17世纪时期,英国女性多留长发,她们外出参加活 动的时候,习惯盘起头发,做出各种造型,晚上回到家取下发夹,把头 发放下来,让它随意的披在肩上。放下头发这种行为就叫做let one’s hair down。由于它体现了一种回到家不用再顾及形象的放松姿态,英 语里面就引申为“卸下包袱,彻底放松”。 答案:C 句意:约翰日夜勤读,所以每次考试,他的成绩都非常出色。 flying colors 是由pass with flying colors演变而来。pass with flying colors表 示“有广泛回旋余地的成功或胜利”。其中colors指在桅杆上飘扬的海军 军旗或三角旗。当一艘战舰和敌舰进行遭遇战胜出以后,该舰的军旗仍 然迎风飘扬,这说明该舰没有受到严重的创伤,即获得完全的胜利。 3. An honest, hard-working man is the salt of the earth. A. 社会的中坚分子 B. 社会的知识分子 C. 社会的敌对分子 4. The hospital staff pulled out all the stops to make sure the children had a wonderful day. A. 集思广益 B. 别出心裁 C. 竭尽全力 答案:A句意:诚实而勤劳的人才是社会的中坚分子。the salt of the earth 意为:高尚的人;社会的中坚分子。该词块典故出自《圣经》,耶稣对他 的门徒说:“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost its flavor, wherewith shall it be salted?”(你们是世上的盐,盐若失了味,如何才能再 咸呢?)在这里,salt转义为elite [ɪˈliːt] of the world(中坚力量,精英,高 尚的人)。 答案:C 句意:医院员工竭尽全力来确保孩子们能过上愉快的一天。pull out all the stops 意为:竭尽全力;全力以赴。这里的stops指管风琴上的圆 纽,用来控制琴上的那些笛管是否奏乐。按下stops,笛管就停止奏乐,而 演奏者得拔起他要用的笛管上的stops,让气流进入,才能奏出他需要的乐 声。所以如果演奏者pull out all the stops,那么这架管风琴上所有的笛管就 是在齐声共鸣了。 5. He is too young to separate the sheep from the goats. A. 做出决策 B. 承担重任 C. 明辨是非 6. Simon has just left school and is still wet behind the ears. A. 毫无经验 B. 碌碌无为 C. 年轻气盛 答案:C句意:他太年轻,无法明辨是非。separate the sheep from the goats 意为:辨明好坏;明辨是非。由于《圣经》的影响,sheep和goat在英语中 的形象截然不同,前者比喻好人,后者比喻坏人。英语中有关goat的成语, 大多贬义。例如:act/play the goat表示做蠢事。 答案:A句意:西蒙刚从学校毕业,现在还没什么经验呢。据说这个习语 源于胎生动物,如牛、羊刚生下来的时候全身湿漉漉的,虽然它们的身体 很快就干了,但是耳朵背后却还是湿的。因此,它的真正含义是“乳臭未 干,初出茅庐”,形容年轻人“少不更事,缺乏经验”。 7. Her room is always at sixes and sevens. A. 五颜六色 B. 乱七八糟 C. 千奇百怪 8. After singing all night at home, I had a frog in the throat next morning. A. 咽喉发炎 B. 声音嘶哑 C. 名声大噪 答案:B句意:她的房间总是乱七八糟的。at sixes and sevens 意为:乱七八 糟;杂乱无章。据说sixes and sevens最早出现在14世纪,是一种叫做 “hazard”的掷骰游戏。“five and six”被改成了“six and seven”,因为7这个 数字根本不可能被掷出来,所以它的意思变成了“不惜冒一切风险”。直 到17世纪中期,意思发生了变化,多指处于一种很混乱的状态。 答案:B句意:在家里唱了一整夜的歌,第二天早晨我的嗓子有 点嘶哑了。have a frog in your throat 意为:(因喉咙干或想咳嗽而) 说话困难;声音嘶哑。关于这个短语的由来,有两种说法。一种 是据说以前人们常从小溪中直接取水饮用,可能无意中将青蛙的 卵吞进肚子。当时人们相信,卵会在人们的喉咙里化成青蛙,哽 住你的喉咙,使你说不出话来。另一种说法是说人在嗓子不舒服 时,发出的声音沙哑比较像青蛙。 意思表达非常形象的词语搭配和习语 9. He lives only a stone’s throw from here. A. 一墙之隔 B. 一步之遥 C. 荒山野岭 10. Rose can be a real challenge to look after at home, even for people with green fingers. A.丰富经验 B. 种植新手 C. 园艺技术 11. I’m a small potato. No one will listen to me. A. 打工仔 B. 小人物 C. 志愿者 答案:B句意:他住的地方离这里一步之遥。a stone’s throw 意 为:很短的距离;一步之遥。 答案:C句意:在家种养玫瑰花可是件充满挑战的事情,即使对 园艺技术高手来说也一样。green fingers 意为:园艺技术;种植 技能。 答案:B句意:我只是个微不足道的小人物,没有人会听我的。 small potato 原意是“鸡毛蒜皮等微不足道的东西”,但现在大 家较常用它指“小人物、微不足道的人”。 12. As kids we used to fight like cat and dog. A. 活蹦乱跳 B. 嬉戏玩耍 C. 大吵大闹 13. They fought tooth and nail but lost. A. 奋力拼搏 B. 忍气吞声 C. 以牙还牙 14. I’m wearing two hats tonight — parent and teacher. A. 身兼两职 B. 进退两难 C. 一举两得 答案:C句意:小时候,我们总是吵吵闹闹。fight like cat and dog 形容“人与人之间的争吵非常激烈、吵得不可开交”。意 为:大吵大闹;争吵不休。 答案:A句意:他们奋力拼搏,结果还是输了。fight tooth and nail 意为:全力以 赴。带入到特定场景中,如果打架用到牙齿又用到指甲,那真可谓是拼尽全力的 一场“恶斗”,所以fight tooth and nail就有了“全力以赴,奋力拼搏”的意思。 答案:A句意:我今晚身兼两职——既是家长又是老师。wear two hats意为:身兼两职,也就是同时做两份工作或者完成两个任务。 15. The others had complained that Sarah wasn’t pulling her weight. A. 尽职工作 B. 控制情绪 C. 增加体重 16. Getting him to do his homework is like pulling teeth. A. 勉强的 B. 复杂的 C. 艰难的 17. I haven’t won, have I? You’re pulling my leg. A. 拖后腿 B. 开玩笑 C. 马后炮 答案:A句意:其他人抱怨说莎拉没尽职尽责。pull sb’s weight 意为:做好自己的份内事;做好自己的本职工作。 答案:C句意:让他做家庭作业真艰难。like pulling teeth 意为: 艰难的。 答案:B句意:我没有赢,是吗?你在开我的玩笑。pull sb’s leg 意为:开某人的玩笑;愚弄某人;哄骗某人。 18. She always turned her term papers in at the eleventh hour. A. 最后时刻 B. 十一点钟 C. 关键时刻 19. Her drinking habit caused her career to go to the dogs. A. 鸡飞狗跳 B. 大起大落 C. 大不如前 20. I’d love to stay longer but I must be hitting the road. A. 潜逃 B. 离开 C. 消失 答案:A句意:她总是赶在最后时刻交学期论文。the eleventh hour 意为:最后一刻;最后时刻。 答案:C句意:她酗酒的毛病使她的事业大不如前。go to the dogs 意为:大不如前;衰落;衰败。 答案:B句意:我很想多留一段时间,但我必须要走了。hit the road 意为:离开; 出发。hit使用非常灵活。hit the books意为“学习,做功课”;hit the shops / streets意为“(产品)大量上市”;hit the big time / hit it big意为“突然成名”。 21. I would rather have my nose in a book than playing with other kids outside. A. 埋头读书 B. 闭门思过 C. 默不作声 22. The strength of an individual, as compared with that of the masses, is but a drop in the ocean. A. 沧海桑田 B. 滴水之恩 C. 沧海一粟 23. I think I’m in deep water with this course — I don’t know how I’ll be able to catch up with all the work! A. 陷入困境 B. 无法自拔 C. 身心疲惫 答案:A句意:我更喜欢自己埋头读书,而不是和其他小孩一起在外面玩耍。 have nose in a book 意为:埋头读书;专心看书。 答案:C句意:个人的力量和群众的力量相比,不过是沧海一粟。a drop in the ocean 意为:沧海一粟;杯水车薪。 答案:A句意:我觉得我在这门课程中陷入了困境——我不知道 怎么才能赶上所有工作。in deep water 意为:陷入困境;惹上大 麻烦。 24. Her marriage is in hot water and she’s desperately unhappy. A. 陷入困境 B. 一败涂地 C. 名存实亡 25. The business is in trouble, but we are just about keeping our heads above water. A. 停顿整改 B. 宣告破产 C. 勉强应付 答案:A句意:她的婚姻陷入困境,她为此非常郁闷。 in hot water 意为:陷入困境;惹上麻烦。常用来指 to be in or get into trouble,也就是“遇到麻烦,处于 水深火热之中”的意思。 答案:C句意:公司遇到一些问题,但我们还是得勉强 应付下去。keep your head above water (尤指财务上) 勉 强应付过去;惨淡经营。 ……

