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‎2018届 书面表达二轮复习 话题:人物介绍 ‎ ‎ 人物描写类文章在高考中屡次被考查,主要有两类形式,一是求职信中的人物介绍(如2005年山东卷);二是专门的人物简介(如2006年北京卷),属于说明文。近几年涉及到综合形式“人物介绍+人物评论”(如2006年、2008年湖南卷)。尽管体裁年年翻新,但是内容不外乎人物的个人家庭状况、成长经历、主要事迹及对此人物的简单评论。‎ ‎ 一 高考中描写人常见描述内容 ‎1.介绍人物的姓名、出生、年龄、受教育等常见词汇 was born in…on…(出生何地何时),…with the name/named(called)…(名叫…),at the age of…(在多少岁的时候),aged…(多少岁的),…years old/…-year-old(多少岁的),have a(n) good/advanced education(受过好的、高等教育),have an education of…years in university(受过多少年的大学教育);be admitted to/into(被…录取);have a(n)… training (接受…的培训),be qualified to/as(有资格做某事);be experienced in(在某方面有经验)‎ ‎2.介绍人物的外貌、性格、健康状况等常见词汇 ‎ good/funny/ordinary looking(长得好看的、滑稽的、一般的),white-haired(白头发的),slim(苗条的),a (man/woman) of medium height(中等身材),warm-hearted(热心肠的),easy-going(随和的),out-going(外向的),humorous(幽默的),attractive(有吸引力的),well-received(受欢迎的),generous(大方的),enthusiastic(热情的),diligent(勤奋的),intelligent(聪明的), talkative(健谈的),healthy/in good health(健康的),‎ ‎3.介绍人物的优点、特长、兴趣爱好等常见词汇 ‎ be good at(擅长),be easy to get along(容易相处),communicate freely(交流流畅),be kind and polite to others(为人善良、待人礼貌),like to make friends(爱好交友),share joys and sorrow(同甘共苦),stick with others through thick and thin(风雨同舟),have the spirit of cooperation(有团队合作的精神) have advantage over sb. in(比某人有某方面的优越性),like/ be fond of… very much(非常喜欢),be interested in/ take interest in/be into(对…感兴趣), wide range of knowledge in(在某方面知识广泛)‎ ‎4.介绍人物获奖、贡献等常见词汇 ‎ take the first/second/third place(获得一、二、三等奖), a gold/silver/bronze winner(金、银、铜牌获得者),win the scholarship of(获得…方面的奖学金),found/set up(成立、建立),start(创办),the founder of(某方面的创立者),contribute to (做出贡献),devote to (献身于),set a good example in (在某方面树立榜样),throw all one’s energy into one’s work(把整个身心倾注于工作),make great progress in(在某方面取得进步),win great honor for(为…赢得了荣誉)‎ 二 描写人的经典句式例举及技巧点评 ‎1. Shakespeare, a son from a poor family, and a man of little education, wrote plays and poems that are read all over the world.‎ ‎ 莎士比亚,一个出生于贫苦家庭的儿子,也是一个接受教育很少的人,而写了很多为世人喜欢阅读的戏剧和诗歌。 ---名词作同位语,把零碎的信息用一句话概括,言简意赅 ‎2. Born of/into a poor clerk’s family, Charles Dickens had little schooling. (出生在一个贫困的小职员家庭中,查尔斯.狄更生接受了很少的学校教育。)---过去分词做状语,避免简单句过多,体现复杂结构的驾驭能力 ‎3. In my life I have met many people who are really worth mentioning. But the most unforgettable person I’ve ever known is my Chinese teacher, Mr. Zhao. (一生中我遇到了许多值得我提起的人,但是我知道最难以忘记的人是我的语文老师,高老师。)---定语从句及完成时态的运用,展示高级语法的运用能力 ‎4. Such is Mr. More, a learned teacher that we all admire and respect very much.这就是More老师,一个我们钦佩而又尊敬的学者型老师。---Such引导的倒装句,概括总结,一言胜九鼎 ‎5.I’m good at communicating with others and always ready to help others, and think more of them than of myself.我擅长与他人交流、总是乐于帮助他人并且考虑他人多于自己。---平行结构的使用,个人特点跃然纸上 ‎6. Nothing seemed difficult to learn after attending his lecture. (听了他的讲义后什么东西都不难了) ---否定表肯定,反面着笔,句式曲折 ‎7. She always encourages us to speak and read more and often says:“Practice makes perfect”.(他总是鼓励我们多说、多读,并且经常说:“熟能生巧”。)---引用名言或俗语,描述更加生动 ‎ What impresses me most is his famous saying, “genius is one percent inspiration and 8.ninety-nine percent perspiration”. 使我印象最深的是他的格言:天才是百分之一的灵感和百分之九十九的汗水产生的。---what 引导的主语从句,强调醒目 ‎9. From him, I realize the secret to success is not when and where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life. 从他身上,我明白了成功的秘密是:不是他何时何地出生而是人生中他做了什么以及怎么样去做的。---对比结构,对照鲜明 ‎10.I like him because his comedies and tragedies bring me into a fantastic world; I love him because his poems let me enjoy the beauty of the English language; I admire him because his keen sights set me thinking and teach me how to lead a meaningful life!我喜欢他是因为他的悲喜剧把我带进一个奇异的世界;我热爱他是因为他的诗歌让我享受到了英语语言的美;我钦佩他是因为敏锐的视野使我思考并且教会我怎么过上有意义的生活。--排比句的使用,情感不溢于言表 三 高考真题链接(2006北京卷)‎ ‎ 国际文化交流中心将组织一次有各国学生参加的“和平。友谊”夏令营活动,要求报名者提交个人简介。假设你是王珊,请根据下列信息写一篇个人简介。‎ ‎ ‎ 姓名 王珊 性别 女 年龄 ‎16岁 学校 北京阳光中学 其他 爱好音乐、摄影;善于与人交流,乐于助人;热爱自然,热爱和平。‎ 参加夏令营的目的:结交朋友,了解外国文化 ‎ 注意:(1)词数:不少于60;(2)可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 ‎【满分作文展示】‎ ‎ I’m a sixteen-year-old girl named Wang Shan from Beijing Sunshine Middle School. My hobby is listening to music because it can make me feel relaxed and peaceful, and I like taking photos in my spare time as well. I have an out-going character so that I always have good communications with others, believing “A friend in need is a friend indeed”, so true friends should help one another when facing difficulties. I love nature and peace very much. I would appreciate it if I have the opportunity to join the Peace and Friendship Summer Camp because I can make new friends there and learn some foreign cultures from them.‎ ‎【试题点评】本篇作文的要求是写一篇个人简介。介绍个人信息要求语言的简练明了、精炼扼要。对于此类信息题,考生要注意内容的先后顺序,设计必要的过渡语句,使文章连贯。如能做到语言幽默更佳。“参加夏令营的目的”是彰显个性的地方。本文表达意思清晰,信息介绍有血有肉,加上特殊句型的合理运用,使文章更好地展现出来。‎ ‎ ‎ 四 试题预测及原创试题演练 描写人物类文章还可以通过具体的事件的记叙来展现人物的品质,歌颂传统美德,民族精神等。主要通过图画的形式呈现,具有“控制+开放”相结合的特点,体现新课标的测试理念。‎ ‎【原创试题演练】‎ 下面一组图描绘了母亲的一些日常工作和生活细节,请根据图画内容以“My Mother”为题写一篇120字的短文.首句已给,但不计入总的字数之内。‎ ‎ The person I love best in the world is my mother. Like many other Chinese women, my mother is diligent.… …‎ ‎【审图构思】‎ ‎ 仔细观察图画,图解如下:1.母亲不辞辛苦地工作;2.母亲尊敬老人,待人好;3.母亲不仅在生活上照顾“我”,还在思想、学习方面开导和帮助“我”。‎ ‎【作文示范】‎ ‎ The person I love best in the world is my mother. Like many other Chinese women, my mother is diligent. She works in a middle school. To teach well, she prepares her lectures very carefully and frequently stays up late at night.‎ ‎ Mother is very kind. At homes she treats my grandmother kindly and willingly as if she were her own mother especially while my grandmother is ill. Besides, she gets along well with her neighbors and colleagues.‎ ‎ Not only a qualified mother, but also a good tutor on my life’s road is she. She always warns us:“Study while you study; play while you play. Then you can be useful to society in the future.”What a good piece of advice it is! I’ll keep it in my mind forever.‎ ‎ Such is my mother—ordinary but great.(116words)‎ ‎【范文点评】‎ ‎ 本文作者用直接描写法从三个方面对母亲进行了描写。首先写母亲的敬业精神,接着写她尊敬老人的品质,最后写母亲对“我”在人生道路上的指引。第三段第一句为倒装句,强调了but also 部分,它是该段的中心句,说明母亲与众不同之处,人物内容饱满、形象鲜明。‎ 附:2008年湖南卷请从下列任务中选择你 最喜欢的一位,用英语谢一篇120词左右的短文。要求很具所给信息做适当发挥,且需包括一下三部分内容:‎ ‎1. 对该任务的简单介绍;‎ ‎2. 喜欢该任务的理由;‎ ‎3. 从该任务身上得到的启示。‎ Sample 1: Thomas Edison Born in American, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. He once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. In fact, he ‎ was a man full of imagination. ‎ I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world. He had more than 1000 inventions. In his little time, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to earn the nickname “the Wizard of Meio Park”. He was also so diligent that he worked day and night. And this explained why he had so many inventions. ‎ What impresses me most is his famous saying, “genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. Probably I cannot be an Edison myself, but I can be a hardworking learner. From him, I realize the secret to success is not when and where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life. ‎ Sample 2: Helen Keller Every time I read “…if I had the power of sight for three days;, I cannot help being moved by its author Helen Keller, an ordinary but great American woman. ‎ I admire Helen because she is optimistic about life. She became deaf and blind when she was 19 months old. Since then she lived in a world of darkness and silence, and communication seemed only a dream for her. But she never gave up and struggled to lead an active life. Under the guidance of her teacher, Ms. Sulliven, Helen learned to read and write, and became a famous writer. For a disabled person like her, this was really a wonder. ‎ Helen has set an excellent example to all of us. Her story tells us that we should value what we have and try our best to overcome any difficulty in life.‎ Sample 3: William Shakespeare Do you know Hamlet? Have you read the Merchant of Venice? These two great works are both written by William Shakespeare, my favourite English writer and the man of all ages!‎ Shakespeare, a son from a poor family, a man of little education, wrote plays and poems that are read all over the world. I like him because his comedies and tragedies gring me into a fantastic world; I love him because his poems let me enjoy the beauty of the English language; I admire him because his keen sights set me thinking and teach me how to lead a meaningful life!‎ Since “life is a stage”, we are actually all actors and actresses. On this stage, everyone has his own role to play, and I will try my best to play my role well.‎ ‎2006年湖南卷请根据下面的英文短诗,展开适当的想象,写一篇短文。‎ 标题为:My Teacher Mr. Moore There’s a teacher Mr. Moore,‎ Who is lovely and thirty-four.‎ Always encouraging us to try,‎ We all admire him more and more.‎ 注意:1. 不得照抄短诗原文。2. 必须结合短诗的内容,发挥想象,适当展开。3. 必须突出短诗的主题,结构完整,语意连贯。4. 短文不能写成诗歌形式。5. 词数:120左右。‎ Of all my teachers, Mr. Moore is the one who impresses me most. Though he is 34, he looks very young for his age. And he’s one of the most popular teachers in our school.‎ Compared with other teachers, Mr. Moore pays more attention to his way of teaching. He tries various ways to make his classes lively and interesting. In his opinion, we should not only know “what”, but also understand “why”. So, instead of giving us answers immediately, he encourages us to think by ourselves whenever he puts forward questions. With his help, we’ve learned how to analyze and settle problems. What a wonderful world of “why” he leads us to!‎ He is such a learned person that we all admire him very much.‎ 近年来,很多农民歌手频频出现在歌坛上。他们当中有年近60岁的马广福,走上春晚的的旭日阳刚组合中的王旭(40多岁)和刘刚;今年山东又出了个“大衣哥”朱之文(演唱《三国演义》主题曲成名),被人称为“苏珊大叔”。他们不顾农活的艰辛,利用劳动之余和零星时间,坚持自己的梦想,终于成名。请你简要介绍他们的情况,并谈谈自己的感想(不少于两点)。 词数:120—150。‎ 提示:Romance of Three Kingdoms 三国演义 the Avenue of Stars 星光大道 ‎ In recent years, many farmer singers have appeared on the music stages. Ma Guangfu, aged about 60 years old, sang very well at the Avenue of Stars and became well-known. Wang Xu and Liu Gang, performed wonderfully and entered the 2011 Spring Festival Evening Show, making people excited. In March, 2011, there appeared another farmer singer Zhu Zhiwen, 42 years old, who became popular on today’s music scene by singing the theme song of Romance of Three Kingdoms. Zhu Zhiwen is now called Chinese Uncle Susan, or jokingly called “Overcoat Elder Brother”.‎ ‎ From their experiences, we can learn a lot. First, we must have a dream, then try all our best to realize it. As long as we pursue our dream, we can turn it into reality in time. Second, as long as we have talents, there’s always an opportunity to show them. I strongly believe gold will always shine.‎ 请根据下面提供的内容写一篇人物简介。‎ 参考词汇。1. 法国公开赛:French Open ‎2女单冠军: singles title ‎3.大满贯:Grand Slam 人物简介 李娜,1982年2月26日出生,从小就对运动有天赋,6岁开始练习羽毛球,9岁转学网球;‎ 主要经历及获得荣誉 ‎1.2002年:离开网球场,到大学读书;两年后重返球场;‎ ‎2.在包括她丈夫在内的几位著名教练的指导下,进步神速;‎ ‎3.2011年:法国公开赛女子单打冠军.第一位获得大满贯赛事单打冠军的亚洲网球选手。‎ Born on Feb. 26, 1982, Li Na has a gift for sports from her childhood. She began to practice badminton at the age of six and was introduced to play tennis when she was nine. In 2002 she took a break from tennis to study at university, but two years later she returned. With the help of some famous coaches, including her husband, she has been making greater and greater achievements. As a result, she won the 2011 French Open singles title, becoming the first player from Asia to win a Grand Slam in singles. ‎ 请你以“My Father”为题,用英语写一篇100字左右的短文。内容如下:‎ ‎ 1.我的父亲是个医生,工作勤勤恳恳,经常早出晚归。他不仅对自己而且对工作严格要求。他总是为病人着想,为病人减轻痛苦,使得他们重返正常生活。他决心把他的一生都献给医学事业。‎ ‎ 2. 我的父亲还十分喜欢读书,经常在读书的时候做笔记,并写下了自己的一本书,去年出版了。‎ ‎ 3.此外,他还爱好音乐,一天的劳累之后,听听音乐,的确是十分轻松愉快的。‎ My father is a doctor. He works very hard. He usually gets up early and arrives home late. He is not only strict with himself but also strict in his work. He always thinks of his patients. He helps sick people out of trouble and returns them to life again. He has made up his mind to devote all his life to the cause of medicine.‎ My father likes reading very much. He often takes notes while reading a book. He wrote a book himself and got it published last year.‎ My father also takes great interest in music. After a day’s hard work, listening to music is a joyful and relaxing thing for my father.‎ Such is my father. I love my father.‎ 从小学到高三,即将参加高考的学生在12年的求学生涯里,已遇到许许多多的老师。有人认为理想的老师应该工作热情,学识丰富,待人友善,细心耐心;还有人认为理想的老师应该能理解学生,谈吐幽默,永远鼓励支持学生不断上进。请以“An Ideal Teacher”为题,写一篇作文,谈一谈你对理想的老师的看法。词数100左右。‎ An Ideal Teacher An ideal teacher must be enthusiastic.He should not teach anything he ‎ is not interested in.He should be good at his subject,and take pride in his work,though he may make mistakes.He should be a little bit of an actor,and he should not be afraid of showing his feelings and expressing his likes and dislikes.‎ He must like his students and respect them.He should have an understanding of his students.He should regard his students as individuals and acknowledge their differences.He must know how to encourage selfdevelopment and the growth of each student.‎ All in all,an ideal teacher is one who is kind,encouraging and helpful to his students.He grows,learns,and improves himself along with his students.‎ 最近,杨欢被评为你们班的“每周之星”。请你根据她的事迹(在上周六下午,不顾天气的炎热,为班级选购运动会服装),用英语为班级板报写一篇100—120个词的短文。‎ ‎ 你的文章应包括下列要点:‎ 杨欢的事迹(在上周六下午,不顾天气的炎热,为班级选购运动会服装)‎ 对同学的影响(运动会一等奖);‎ 你的评论。‎ 参考词汇:costume 服装 deserve 值得 注意:文章的标题和开头已给出(不计词数)。‎ Star Student of the Week Yang Huan has been awarded the title of “Star Students of the Week” for what she did for our school. ‎ Star Student of the Week Yang Huan has been awarded the title of “Star Student of the Week” for what she did for our class. On the hot afternoon of last Saturday, Yang Huan went downtown and walked from one store to another, looking for the costumes we would wear in the sports meeting. While the rest of us were enjoying our leisure time in cool and comfortable rooms, she spent the whole afternoon searching and selecting. Finally, she found the right clothes. Deeply moved by her efforts, we tried our best and won the first prize in the sports meeting. ‎ ‎ Yang Huan is always warm-hearted and cares a lot about the class. Besides, she often devotes her spare time to helping others. She deserves the honor and we should learn from her.‎ 青岛某旅游区一家外资饭店要招聘一位懂英语的大堂副经理,以下是张红的一份登记表。请用英语写一篇介绍张红情况的短文。‎ 姓名 : 张红 性别 :女 出生日期 :1980年4月7日 出生地 : 青岛 职业 : 中学英语教师 身高 : 1.72米 毕业学校 :  ‎ ‎1999年毕业于青岛大学 兴趣: 唱歌、跳舞、管理 志向 : 从事企业管理方向的工作 特长:‎ 善于交际。‎ 有很强的英语听说读写能力。‎ 写作内容和要求:根据登记表提示,用英语写一篇介绍张红情况的短文,必须包含表格里的所有内容,可适当增加相关的内容。词数: 100.字左右 评分标准:语言规范,内容完整,句子准确连贯。‎ 参考词汇: 企业管理: business management ‎ Zhang Hong, female, 1.72 meters tall, is an English teacher of a middle school. She was born in July 4, 1980 in Qingdao, and graduated from Qingdao University in July 1999. Zhang Hong has learned English for eight years, so he is not only good at listening and speaking English, but also good at reading and writing English. Besides, she can get along very well with others. She is interested in singing and dancing and she want to work on business management in the future.‎ 人物介绍——‎ ‎ 在2010年春晚上,刘谦的魔术——手穿玻璃取硬币,又一次震撼了电视观众,使他再次成为中国内地最热的魔术师。请你根据下表提示,用英语对刘谦做一简单介绍,写一篇120—150词的英语作文。‎ 简介 著名魔术师,1976年出生于台湾。7岁时开始对魔术感兴趣,12岁荣获“全台湾儿童魔术大赛冠军”。2010年春晚表演使他成为中国内地最热魔术师。‎ 成就 表演深受世人欢迎,曾到美国、日本、韩国、英国等演出。‎ 爱好 ‎ 他善于和观众互动、创造性地进行思考;认为使魔术成功的原因是思想而非操作能力。‎ ‎【猜题理由】高考书面表达常考题材—人物介绍。此题所涉及的人物是大家较为熟悉的魔术师,同时刘谦也是中学生追逐的偶像。每个学生都能够有话可说,大家对其应该比较感兴趣,符合新课标理念下的命题方向。‎ ‎【构思点拨】考题首先以2010年春节晚会引人刘谦这位大家熟知的魔术师,然后又以表格的形式对刘谦做介绍。写作时注意应以时间顺序为主,是考生有章可循、有话可说,大家可以根据表格分为三段介绍。‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ ‎ Born in 1976 in Taiwan, Liu Qian is one of the greatest young magicians in the world. He became interested in magic when he was seven years old. At the age of 12, he won Taiwan’s Children Magic Contest.‎ ‎ As a young magician from Taiwan, he is popular wide for his magic shows. Countries he has performed in include the United States, Japan, South Korea, the UK and so on. He is known for his interaction with his audiences. He thinks it is actually thinking rather than one’s controlling skills that makes magical shows successful. What’s more, he suggests the magician think carefully about how to design the shows ‎ creatively to make them appear more interesting.‎ ‎ At the 2010 CCTV’s Spring Festivals Gala, Liu Qian performed an amazing magic trick, which makes him the hottest magician in the mainland.‎

