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2018 届 二轮复习 咨询信 文体概述 咨询信是写信人对某方面的信息感兴趣,希望了解详细信息的信件。通常包括三部分内容: 1. 说明自己的计划或目的,也就是询问信息的原因。 2. 征询具体信息。 3. 期待回复并表示感谢。 常用语块 1. 寻求帮助 _______________________ 2. 向某人提供某物 _______________________ 3. 首先 _______________________ 4. 盼望着 _______________________ 5. 更多的信息 _______________________ further information ask for help provide sb. with sth . to start with look forward to 6. 即将到来 _______________________ 7. 为 …… 向某人收取费用 _______________________ 8. 为 …… 而表示感激之情 _______________________ 9. 对 …… 来说很重要 _______________________ 10. 寄回 _______________________ post back round the corner charge sb. for… be grateful for… be important to… 11. 对 …… 感兴趣 _______________________ 12. 参加 _______________________ 13. 决心要做某事 _______________________ 14. 希望 …… _______________________ 15. 缺乏 / 缺少 _______________________ be short of/be in lack/demand of be interested in…/take interest in… take part in/participate in make up one’s mind to do sth. in the hope of/that 套用句式 如果能给我提供 …… 方面的信息我将不胜感激。 2. 我写信是想知道您能否给我提供有关 …… 的信息。 1. I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding/concerning… 2. I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding… 3. 此外,有没有我要特别注意的事情? 4. 您能告诉我 …… 吗? 5. 期待您及时答复。 3. Besides, is there anything that I should pay special attention to? 4. Would you be so kind as to tell me…? 5. I am looking forward to your immediate response. 习作修改 ( 做短文改错,背经典范文 ) Dear Sir/Madam, I am a student in China or I plan to go to Britain to attend summer school during the vacation. I had seen your advertisement, and I would like to know anything more about your six-week English course. and ∧ a have something First where will the course start and how many class hour are there per week? Beside, I wish there would not be too many students in a class. What I would also like to know how much I have to pay to the course and whether accommodation is including. Would there be host family or university dormitory? I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Li Hua when hours Besides for included 1. or →and 两句之间是“顺承”关系,而非“选择”关系。 2. 在 summer 前加 a 单数可数名词前用不定冠词表泛指。 3. had →have 根据上下文语境,此处应用现在完成时。 4. anything →something 肯定句中要用 something 。 5. where →when 根据上下文逻辑,此处应该是表示“什么时候”的疑问句。故填 when 。 6. hour →hours 因为 how many 后须用名词的复数形式。 7. Beside →Besides 此处表示补充说明关系“此外 / 而且”, beside 意为“在 …… 旁边”。 8. 去掉 I would also 前的 What 后面是一个完整的句子, What 在此显然是多余的。 9. to →for 固定短语 pay for 意为“为 …… 付费”。 10. including →included 此处为被动结构,意为“ …… 包含在内”。 课堂练习 假定你是李华,最近你在当地报纸上看到一则游泳培训班的广告,称其有称职教练 (instructor) ,一周包会。你会一点游泳,但水性不太好,想在暑假参加训练。请你写一封咨询信了解相关情况,要点如下: 1. 训练的具体时间和地点。 2. 条件和费用。 3. 其他特别注意的事项。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右。 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。 Dear Sir/Madam, I have read your advertisement in the newspaper . You mentioned in it that your instructors are fully qualified and you ensure that learners will be able to swim well after one week’s training. I can swim a little but I’m not very confident in the water. So I ’m interested in taking part in the training course. Fortunately, the summer holiday is around the corner. I’m writing to inquire when and where the course will be given, and how long the training course will last each day. I also want to know how much you will charge me for that. Besides, would you be so kind as to tell me whether there is anything special that should be prepared or does your company provide everything necessary? I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 课外作业 假定你是李华,寒假中你去澳大利亚旅游,可是回国后发现你的相机落在旅馆了,所以你要给旅馆负责人写一封咨询信。要点如下: 1. 入住时间: 1 月 27 日~ 2 月 5 日;房间号: 608 。 2. 相机:型号 Canon Ixus860 ,白色;你的 17 岁生日礼物,很重要。 3. 请他 / 她帮你寻找并寄回,表示感谢。 4. 你的地址在信封上。 注意 : 1. 词数 100 左右。 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。 Dear Sir/Madam, I am very grateful for your great service while staying at your hotel, but I’m writing to ask for your help with sending back my camera that I left in your hotel. I checked in on January 27 and out on February 5 and stayed in Room 608 for the whole time . Perhaps because I left in such a rush for the airport, I made the mistake of leaving my camera in the room. Since it was a gift from my parents on my 17th birthday, it’s very important to me. It’s a white Canon Ixus860. I would be very grateful if you could help me find it. If found , the camera can be posted back to me by using the address on the envelope. I am looking forward to your early reply! Yours sincerely, Li Hua

