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2019 届二轮复习语法专题  非谓语动词 一、非谓语动词的句法功能   成分 类别 主语 表语 定语 宾语 补语 状语 同位语 独立成分 不定式 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ V ing √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ V ed √ √   √ √ 二、非谓语动词的形式 ( 以 make 为例 ) 语态与意义 形式与用法 类别 语态 意义和用法 主动语态 被动语态 V ing 一般式 (not)making (not)being made 常表示 “ 主动 ” 和 “ 进行 ” 完成式 (not)having made having been made 表示 V ing 的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,一般在句中作时间或原因状语 不定式 一般式 (not)to make to be made 不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之后或 ( 几乎 ) 同时发生 进行式 to be making 谓语动词的动作发生时,不定式动词的动作正在进行。 完成式 to have made to have been made 不定式的动作先于谓语动作。 三、关于非谓语动词的几种被动形式的使用和区别 被动形式 意义与用法 to be + V ed 表示未做的被动动作或行为 being + V ed 表示正在做或进行的被动动作或行为 having been + V ed 表示先于某个动作的被动动作或行为 ( 一般不用作后置定语 )V ed 表示被动的动作或行为,其动作可以先于主句动作,与主句动作同时进行或是主句动作之后的延续结果。 四、不定式、 V ing 形式和 V ed 作不同句子成分的用法区别 1. 不定式、 V ing 和 V ed 作状语的区别 (1) 不定式结构常用作目的状语,表示结果常见于下列搭配: so … as to … ; such … as to … ; enough to … ; too … to … ; never to... , only to( 通常是一个未曾料到的不愉快的结果 ) 。 这样考过 ① ( 全国 Ⅰ ) The children all turned ________ the famous actress as she entered the classroom. A . looked at        B . to look at C . to looking at D . look at 解析: 句意:当这位著名的女演员走进入教室时,所有的孩子都转过头去看她。此处用 to look at 表目的。 答案: B ② ( 福建三地五校 )She returned home from the office , only ________ the door open and something missing. A . has found B . to be found C . to find D . found 解析: 由句意:她从办公室回到家,结果发现门开着,也丢了东西。知 only to find 作结果状语,表出乎意料的结果。 答案: C ③( 湖南十校联考 )If the food tastes nice , we'll buy some ; if ________ , ________. A . no; no B . not; not C . not; no D . no; not 解析: 第一空用 not; if not 表 “ 如果不 ” ,在此相当于 if it doesn't taste nice ;而第二空也用 not ,相当于 we won't buy 。 答案: B ④( 北京朝阳区 )Peter's mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally , never ________ again. A . to find B . to be found C . finding D . being found 解析: 彼得的手机偶然落在一辆出租车上了,再也没找到。此处用不定式做结果状语,手机做句子主语,因此与 find 是被动关系,故选 B 项。 答案: B (2) 现在分词作状语表示时间、原因、伴随、条件、让步和结果;过去分词作状语表示时间、原因、条件和让步。现在分词与逻辑主语之间为主动关系,过去分词与其逻辑主语之间为被动关系。 这样考过 ⑤ ( 上海 )A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city , ________ all four people on board. A . killed B . killing C . kills D . to kill 解析: 句意:一架小型飞机在城东五英里外的山坡上坠毁,机上四人全部丧生。用 kill 的现在分词形式 killing = which killed 作结果状语。 答案: B ⑥( 福建 )In April,2009 , President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao , ________ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. A . marking B . marked C . having marked D . being marked 解析: 句意: 2009 年 4 月,胡主席在青岛检阅了海军舰队,这也是中国人民解放军海军成立 60 年的标志。 答案: A ⑦ (2008 · 浙江 ) ________ that he was in great danger , Eric walked deeper into the forest. A . Not realized B . Not to realize C . Not realizing D . Not to have realized 解析: 题意为 “ 没有意识到自己正处于很大的危险之中,艾瑞克走进了森林更深处 ” 。 realize 和句子主语之间构成逻辑上的主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语。不定式作状语表示目的或者结果,与题意不符,故可排除 B 、 D 两项。 答案: C ⑧ ( 四川 ) ________ many times , he finally understood it. A . Told B . Telling C . Having told D . Having been told 解析: 句意:他被告知了好多次,最后他终于懂了。这道题考查非谓语动词。句子主语是 he ,句子前是一个非谓语动词结构, he 与动词 tell 存在被动关系,而且动作存在先后顺序。 答案: D 2 .不定式和 V ing 作宾语的区别 (1) 疑问代词 / 副词+动词不定式。 这种结构常用于下列动词后: know , make up one's mind , decide , find out , learn , understand , wonder , forget , see , settle 等。也可以用于介词后。 这样考过 ⑨ (2007 · 海淀 )Have you thought about________to give her as a present? A . what B . who C . which D . where 解析: 考查疑问词加不定式的用法。此处根据句意应用 what 。 答案: A ⑩(2007 · 东城 )I used to work in a nursery before so I know________to expect in this new job. A . what B . how C . why D . whatever 解析: what 什么; how 如何; why 为 …… 的原因; whatever 无论什么,任何东西。 What to expent in this new job. 作 know 的宾语, what 作 expect 的宾语。 答案: A (2) 不定式结构一般不作介词宾语。介词接 v. ing 作宾语。 特例: but , except 表示 “ 除外 ” 时,其前如有行为动词 do 的各种形式,不定式的符号 to 须省略,其他情况下要用带 to 的不定式。 这样考过 ⑪ ( 江西重点联考 ) ________ the tonics( 补品 )are probably not harmful —— ________ your wallet , Heller thinks that people who try them may not realize how highly caffeinated they are. A . While; except for B . As; except for C . While; except to D . As; except to 解析: 语境为:虽然补品也许无害 —— 除了对钱包之外 —— 但是 Heller 认为尝试补品的人可能没有意识到它们的咖啡因含量有多高。此处 while 表示 “ 尽管,虽然 ” ,用来引导让步状语从句;句中的 to 表示对象。 答案: C (3) 只能跟 to do 作宾语的动词: agree , pretend , afford , appear , attempt , choose , dare , decide , be determined , fail , happen , hope , learn , manage , offer , refuse 等。 这样考过 ⑫ ( 北京石景山区 ) I hope ________ with her about that during the time we ________ at college. A . to talk; studied B . to have talked; are studying C . to talk; were studying D . to have talked; were studying 解析: 句意为 “ 我希望上大学的时候就已经跟她谈谈那件事。 ” 答案: D ⑬ (2008 · 河北唐山摸底 ) — Will the Johnsons leave for Australia this spring? — No , they finally decided ________. A . not to leave B . not leaving C . not to D . not to be leaving 解析: 当不定式的内容和前面的重复时,不定式可以省略,但不定式的符号 to 不省略,其否定形式为 not to 。这里是 decided not to leave 的省略。 答案: C 注意:既可以跟 to do 又可以跟 sb.to do 的动词有 beg , expect , promise , want , wish , would like/love ;可以跟 to do 但不可以跟 sb.to do 的动词有 hope , decide , refuse , manage , pretend , offer , plan , agree 等。 (4) 只能跟 V ing 作宾语的动词有: imagine , escape , can't help , enjoy , miss , allow , advise , consider , delay , excuse , feel like , finish , forbid , give up , keep , mind , permit , practise , put off , suggest 等。 这样考过 ⑭ (2008 · 上海高校春季 ) As a new driver , I have to practise ________ the car in my small garage again and again. A . parking B . to park C . parked D . park 解析: practise v t . “ 实践,练习 ” ,其后必须接动名词,不能用不定式作宾语。句意为:作为新司机,我不得不在我的小车库里一遍又一遍地练习停车。 答案: A ⑮ (2006 · 北京 )I can't stand________with Jane in the same office.She just refuses________ talking while she works. A . working; stopping B . to work; stopping C . working; to stop D . to work; to stop 答案: C 注意:上述大多数动词可在 V ing 前加上逻辑主语,逻辑主语通常用名词或代词的所有格表示,也可用它们的宾格表示: Do you mind their/them making noises here? 你介意他们在此吵闹吗? (5) 有些动词既可以跟不定式作宾语,也可以跟动名词作宾语。区别如下: ① love , like , hate , prefer 跟 V ing 表示习惯性动作或行为;跟 to do 表示某次具体的行为。 ② forget , remember , regret 跟 V ing 表示事情已做过;跟 to do 表示事情还没做。 这样考过 ⑯ ( 海淀 ) He loves breathing fresh air in the suburbs and ________ in the morning sunshine. A . Sit B . sitting C . sits D . is sitting 答案: B ③ try 跟 doing 表示 “ 试着做 ” ;跟 to do 表示 “ 尽力做 ” ,相当于 seek to do /attempt to do/ make an effort to do 。 这样考过 ⑰ (2007 · 南京 ) — I'd like to learn more about the Doha Asian Games. — Better try________the CCTV website , and you are likely________the information in no time. A . to visit; to get B . to visit; getting C . visiting; to get D . visiting; getting 解析: try doing sth. 意为 “ 试着做某事 ” ; be likely to do sth. “ 有可能做某事 ” , be likely 后不可接动词 ing 。 答案: C ④ mean 跟 V ing 表示 “ 意思是,意味着 ” ;跟 to do 表示 “ 打算做 ” 。 这样考过 ⑱ (2006 · 湖南 )If you think that treating a woman well means always ________her permission for things , think again. A . gets B . got C . to get D . getting 解析: mean doing 意思是,意味着, mean to do 打算要 …… 句意:如果你认为善待妇女 ( 女性 ) 就意味着事事都要得到她的批准,那就再想想吧。 答案: D ⑤ consider 跟 V ing 表示 “ 打算做某事 ” ;跟 sb./sth.to do 表示 “ 认为 ……” 。 ⑥ begin /start 跟 V ing/ to do 意义上无区别,但如下三种情况常使用不定式: a .该二词用于进行时: It's beginning/starting to rain. 开始下雨了。 b .物作主语: The ice began/started to melt. 冰开始融化。 c .其后的非谓语动词表示心理活动: I began/started to realize my mistake. 我开始意识到自己的错误。 (6)need /want/ require + V ing(to be V ed) 用主动形式表达被动的含义,表示 “ 需要被 ……” ; be worth + V ing 也用主动形式表达被动的含义,表示 “ 值得 ……” 。 这样考过 ⑲ ( 浙江五校联考 ) As a result of the earthquake , two thirds of the buildings in the area ________. A . need repairing B . needs repairing C . needs to be repaired D . need to repair 解析: 主语为 buildings ,所以谓语动词应该用非第三人称单数,可以排除 B 、 C 两项。根据句意,建筑物需要被修理,应该用 need doing 或者是 need to be done ,所以选择 A 项。难度适中。 答案: A ⑳ ( 广东扬子江中学 )Your composition is good but your handwriting still requires ________. A . improving B . improved C . being improved D . to improve 答案: A (7)on , think of , how/what about , for , against , in spite of , as a result of , because of , feel like 等介词宾语只能用 V ing 。 这样考过 ( 江苏高考 ) The man insisted________a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby. A . find B . to find C . on finding D . in finding 解析: insist 当 “ 坚持 ( 认为该怎样做 ) ” 解时,后接虚拟语气的从句或接 on doing 。 答案: C 注意:下列动词短语中 to 为介词,后面应用 V ing 形式作宾语。 pay attention to 注意; see to 注意,负责; lead to 导致; refer to 谈到,涉及; turn to 求助于; stick to 坚持; object to 反对; be/get used to 习惯于做某事; devote … to 为 …… 奉献时间、精力等; get down to 开始认真做某事; be accustomed to 习惯于 …… 。 这样考过 (2007 · 郑州 )Many teachers strongly object to________at school. A . smoke B . smoking C . smoked D . having smoked 解析: object to( 反对 ) 中的 to 是介词,后面接动名词形式。 答案: B (2008 · 江苏 ) — They are quiet , aren't they? — Yes.They are accustomed ________ at meals. A . to talk B . to not talk C . to talking D . to not talking 解析: be accustomed to 后跟动名词作宾语,动名词的否定形式应该在动名词前面加 not 。 答案: D (2008 · 大连八中 )I was close to ________ the other day.A car passed me at ________ I thought was a dangerous speed. A . be killed; that B . being killed; what C . being killed; which D . killing; what 解析: close to 中的 to 是介词,后接动名词的被动式作宾语。后一空填 what , what 引导的名词性从句作 at 的宾语。 答案: B 3 .不定式、 V ed 和 V ing 作宾语补足语的区别 (1)hear , listen to , see , watch , notice , observe , look at , make , let , have 后的宾语补足语如用不定式, to 常省略;但上述动词为被动语态时, to 不可省略。 这样考过 ( 泉州质检 ) I really like this song as it is often heard ________ everywhere in China. A . singing B . sung C . having sung D . to sing 解析: it 代指上文 this song , sing 与 song 之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词 sung 作主语补足语。 答案: B (2008 · 全国 Ⅱ ) The director had her assistant ________ some hot dogs for the meeting. A . picked up B . picks up C . pick up D . picking up 解析: 句意为 “ 导演要他的助手为这次会议准备一些热狗 ” 。 have sb.do sth. 为固定结构,其中 do sth. 为省略 to 的不定式作宾语补足语。和 have 类似用法的使役动词有 make , let 。 答案: C ( 杭州质检 ) Blamed for breaking my promise , I felt my face ________ hot , and hung my head in shame. A . to grow B . to be growing C . grown D . grow 解析: 本题考查 “ feel +宾语+宾补 ” 结构,由于 feel 是感观动词,故用动词原形作宾补。 答案: D (2)tell , want , allow , warn , advise , ask , beg , encourage , cause , expect , forbid , force , get , hate , help , invite , would like/love , order , permit , persuade , remind , teach , wish , prefer 后的宾语补足语用 to do 。 ( 注意: help 后的宾补 to do 中的 to 可省 ) 这样考过 ( 湖南浏阳一中 )The old grandfather , much to the surprise of the doctors , won't want his granddaughter ________ this week. A . to operate on B . operates C . to be operated on D . operating 答案: C (2008 · 上海春 ) Due to the heavy rain and flooding , ten million people have been forced ________ their homes. A . leaving B . to leave C . to be left D . being left 解析: 句意:由于大雨和洪水,已经有一千万人被迫离开他们的家园了。 force sb.to do/sb.be forced to do “ 迫使某人做 ……” 。 故选 B 项。 答案: B (3)think , believe , consider , find , imagine , feel , suppose 后常跟 to be 或 to have + V ed 作宾语补足语。 这样考过 ( 上海高考 )The flu is believed________by viruses that like to be reproduced in the cells inside the human nose and throat. A . causing B . being caused C . to be caused D . to have caused 解析: 根据 flu 和介词 by 可知应该用被动语态,所以排除 A 和 D 项;再根据 is believed ,可知 C 为最佳选项。因为, sth.is believed /considered/ thought to be/as sth. 是英语中的一种常见句式。 答案: C (4)feel , find , see , catch , hear , watch , notice , have , get , keep , leave 后常跟 V ing 作宾语补足语。 这样考过 (2008 · 上海春 ) If we have illegal immigrants ________ in , many local workers will lose their jobs. A . came B . coming C . to come D . having come 解析: 句意:如果我们让非法移民不断涌入,许多当地的工人就会失业。 have + sb. /sth. + doing“ 让 …… 一直干 ……” ; have sb.do“ 让某人做 ……” ; have + sth. + done“ 让某事被做 / 遭遇某事 ” ,如: He had his leg broken yesterday. 他昨天摔断腿了。 答案: B (2008 · 河南郑州四中 ) As soon as I entered Evan's company I saw a board ________ “ ________to Evans ” . A . reads; Welcomed B . written; to Welcome C . reading; Welcome D . printed; Welcome 解析: “ 牌子上写着 ” 用动词 read ,表示 “ 标明 ” ; “ 欢迎你 ” 用 You are welcome , welcome 用作形容词而不是动词,这里主语和 be 动词都省略了。 答案: C (5)find , hear , see , have , get , make 后常跟 V ed 作宾语补足语。 这样考过 (2007 · 福建 )Jenny hopes that Mr.Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English________in a short period. A . Improved B . improving C . to improve D . improve 解析: 所填词作 have 的宾语补足语,与宾语 her written English 是被动关系,用过去分词,选 A 。 答案: A (2007 · 西城 ) — Where is Tom? — I last saw him________in the library reading. A . sit B . seated C . seating D . sat 解析: 此处谓语动词是 saw(see) ,是感官动词,后可跟宾语补足语, seat 用作动词,作宾补时,通常用其过去分词形式,因此本题选 B 。 答案: B (2008 · 江苏 ) To learn English well , we should find opportunities to hear English ________ as much as we can. A . speak B . speaking C . spoken D . to speak 解析: 句中的非谓语动词作 hear 后的宾语补足语。根据 English 和 speak 为动宾关系,因此用过去分词作宾语补足语,表示被动。 答案: C ( 广东汕头 )The traffic problems we are looking forward to seeing ________ should have attracted the government's attention. A . solving B . solve C . to solve D . solved 答案: D ( 重庆 )Laws that punish parents for their little children's actions against the laws get parents ________. A . worried B . to worry C . worrying D . worry 解析: 备选答案是动词 worry 的某种形式。 worry 多为及物动词,意为 “ 使 …… 担心 / 着急 ” 。全句的意思应该是:因小孩违法而惩罚父母的法律使父母感到担心。此外,空中应填宾语补足语,表示宾语的动作、状态、身份等。这样的法律使父母感到担心,也就是说父母被这样的法律弄得担心。所以宾语与补足语之间有被动的主谓关系,而过去分词正好表被动意义。 答案: A 4 .不定式、 V ing 和 V ed 作定语的区别 (1) 不定式作定语,它所修饰的名词往往是其逻辑宾语,而且表示的动作尚未发生。 这样考过 ( 安徽 )The play ________ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture. A . produced B . being produced C . to be produced D . having been produced 解析: 句意:下个月即将上演的戏剧主要是为了表现地方文化。 to be produced 作后置定语,修饰名词 play ,表示 “ 将上演的 ” 。 produced 表示 “ 上演过的 ” , being produced 表示 “ 正在上演的 ” 。 答案: C ( 重庆 ) With the world changing fast , we have something new ________ with all by ourselves every day. A . deal B . dealt C . to deal D . dealing 解析: 句意:随着世界的快速变化,我们每天都有新的问题要独自处理。本题考查的是不定式作定语, have something to do ,动词 do 逻辑上的主语是 we ,也就是句子的主语。 答案: C 注意:不定式与其所修饰的词之间具有动宾关系时,不定式必须是及物动词,而且后面不可再有宾语;如果不定式为不及物动词,后面要加适当的介词,同被修饰的词构成介宾关系: She found a house to live in. 她找了幢房子住进去。 (2)V ing 所修饰的名词是该动作的执行者 ( 即与被修饰的名词之间的关系是逻辑上的主动的主谓关系 ) ,它表示的动作与主句动作同时进行或说话时正在进行。 这样考过 ( 湖南师大附中 ) Barack Obama told millions ________ him that his grandmother's influence on ________ he is and the way he views the world was significant. A . support; how B . supporting; who C . supported; where D . to support; what 解析: 奥巴马对数百万注视着他的人说,他的外祖母对他的性格和世界观形成影响很大。 supporting him 作 millions 的后置定语。 答案: B ( 浙江嘉兴 ) The plans ________ by many managers now will be carried out next month. A . being discussed B . discussed C . to be discussed D . having been discussed 答案: A ( 湖南师大附中 )There is still a long way to go to work out all the problems ________ conservation of natural resources. A . concerning B . concerned C . to concern D . concern 解析: 由句意:要解决保护自然资源的问题,我们仍有很长的路要走。知空中应填一个作后置定语的短语, concerning “ 与 …… 有关 ” ,作 prep . 。 答案: A (3)V ed 作定语,其修饰的名词是该动作的承受者 ( 即与被修饰的名词之间的关系是逻辑上的被动的主谓关系 ) 。它所表示的动作含被动的意义,但并不表示完成的概念;或既表示被动的意义又表示完成的概念。 这样考过 ( 北京 ) For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit ________ on his own farm. A . grown B . being grown C . to be grown D . to grow 解析: 句意:早饭他只喝自己农场种的新鲜水果榨出来的果汁。此题考查非谓语动词作后置定语。 fruit 与 grow 为被动关系,故排除 D 选项; being grown 正被种植; to be grown 将要被种植,均不合题意,所以选 A 。 答案: A ( 上海 ) With the government's aid , those ________ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. A . affect B . affecting C . affected D . were affected 解析: 句意:在政府的援助下,那些受到地震影响的人们已经搬到新的定居点。用 affect 的过去分词形式作主语 those 的后置定语,表示 “ 受到地震影响的人们 ” 。 答案: C 5 . Ving 和不定式作主语的区别 (1) v .ing 泛指某种行为、活动或某种职业;动词不定式指特定的某一次行为或活动。 这样考过 (2008 · 江苏常州统考 ) — What made you so delighted at Christmas? — ________. A . I received many more presents than others B . Because my parents promised me a new car C . My uncle's coming back from abroad D . As there was an unusual celebration 解析: 句意: “ 在圣诞节什么事让你这么高兴? ”“ 我叔叔从国外回来。 ” 第一句中 what 作主语,用来回答它的只能是名词、代词、不定式、动名词或名词性从句。 答案: C ( 北京海淀区 )________ these suggestions will help you become more cooperative and achieve more. A . Followed B . Following C . To follow D . Being followed 解析: 由句中缺空处知缺少主语,且与句中的 “ you ” 构成逻辑主谓关系,故可排除 A 、 D 项。 B 项动名词 following 表示经常的、习惯的动作或情况,而 C 项中的 to follow 则表示某一次特定的、具体的动作,相比较 B 项要比 C 项好,故选 B 。 答案: B (2008 · 重庆一中 )________ in the countryside made Mr.Wilson very hardworking when he was still young. A . Bringing up B . Being brought up C . Having brought up D . Brought up 解析: 动名词的被动式作主语。 答案: B (2) 通常使用形式主语 it 。常见句型结构为: 〈 1 〉 It is /was + adj. + of/ for sb.to do sth. 注意: 介词用 of 还是用 for 要根据前面的形容词而定。若该形容词表示人的性格特征用 of ,表示事物的特征就必须用 for 。 这样考过 ( 南通调研 ) “ Once people think you are a liar , it's hard ________ , no matter what you'll say. ” father warned his son. A . for you to make yourself believe B . for you to make yourself believed C . of you to make yourself believing D . of you to make yourself believe 解析: 本题考查句型 It is hard for sb.to do sth. 和词组 make oneself done 。父亲警告儿子说: “ 一旦人们认为你是个骗子,那么无论你说什么,都很难让人相信你。 ” 答案: B 还可能这样考 It is silly of me________ all eggs in one basket.That was the worst mistake I've ever made. A . to put B . to have put C . putting D . having put 解析: 此题易误选 A 。后句语境提示 That was the worst mistake ,说明这一动作发生在过去,故应用不定式完成式表示动作已发生。句意:把所有的鸡蛋都放在了一个篮子里,我真是太蠢了。这是我所犯过的最糟糕的一个错误。 答案: B 〈 2 〉 It is no use /no good doing sth. 做 …… 没有用处 / 好处 可能这样考 It is no use________without doing. A . to promise B . promising C . promise D . to be promised 解析: it 为形式主语,真正的主语是 promising without doing 。 答案: B 〈 3 〉 There is no use /no good/ no point(in)doing sth. 做 …… 没有用处 / 好处 / 意义 这样考过 (2008 · 宁夏中卫模拟 ) There is ________ what the weather will be like. A . not knowing B . no knowing C . not know D . no known 解析: 句意:无法知道天气会是什么样子。 There is no doing... = It is impossible to do... “…… 是不可能的 ” ,是固定句式,所以答案为 B 项。 答案: B 6 .不定式和 V ing 作表语的区别 (1) 不定式作表语表示特定的某次行为或动作; V ing 作表语表示某种职业,某种状态,事物的性质、特点等。 可能这样考 Her wish is________a teacher. A . to becoming B . become C . to become D . becoming 解析: 做老师是她的愿望。 to do 表示一个具体的未来的动作,所以应选择 to become 。 答案: C What worried me most was________ to go abroad alone. A . my not allowing B . having not allowed C . my being not allowed D . my not being allowed 解析: 句意:最让我担心的事是我不会被允许单独出国。考查非谓语动词作表语,根据句意,应为被动,故排除 A 、 B 两项,否定词 not 应置于非谓语动词前,故选 D 。 答案: D (2)V ed 作表语表示某种状态、情绪。 注意: ①选用 V ing 形式还是选用 V ed 作表语,取决于非谓语动词与句子主语的关系。如果是意义上的主谓关系,用 V ing 形式,说明事物的性质或特征,可译为 “ 令人感到 …… 的 ” ;如果是意义上的动宾关系,则用 V ed ,多指人的感情或感觉,常译为 “ 感到 ……” 。 ②在某些习惯用法中,不定式用主动式代替被动式。 The house is to let. 该屋出租。 I am to blame. 是我不好。 7 .独立主格结构 独立主格结构的逻辑主语与主句的主语不是同一主语,它的构成为 “ 主格词 ( 代词主格或名词 ) +非谓语动词 ” ,在句中只能作状语,表示时间、原因、条件和伴随: It being rainy , we had to stay at home. 天气多雨,我们只好呆在家里。 这样考过 (2008 · 江苏四市情况调查 ) On Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden , weather ________. A . permits B . permit C . permitting D . permitted 解析: 两个句子之间有逗号隔开时,它们之间存在下列几种情况: 1) 两个句子之间有并列连词; 2) 两个句子之间有从属连词; 3) 两个句子之间无连词,其中一个句子用非谓语动词的形式来表达。此题属于第三种情况,两个句子之间无连词且主语不一致,其中一个用独立主格结构的形式来表达,作条件状语。句意:如果天气允许的话,客人们通常星期六晚上在花园里娱乐。 答案: C (2008 · 山东威海质检 ) The women waited on the windy lawn , their skirts ________ against their legs , keeping their hats on with difficulty. A . being blowing B . to blow C . to be blown D . blown 解析: 句意:妇女们在有风的草坪上等着时,风吹起了她们的裙子,她们费力地按着帽子。 their skirts...difficulty 作伴随状语,其中 their skirts blown against their legs 是独立主格结构的表达形式, blow 和 skirts 之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词表示被动和完成。请注意 A 项的表达形式不正确,不要受其干扰。 答案: D (2008 · 山东聊城模拟 ) When he joined them in the work , he was disappointed at there ________ so little to do. A . being B . were C . having D . had 解析: 句意:当他加入他们一起工作的时候,因为几乎无事可做,所以他很失望。 be disappointed at “ 因 …… 而失望 ” , at 是介词,其后要接名词、代词或动名词的形式,所以 there be 句式要用 there being 的形式。 答案: A 8 . with 复合结构 (with +宾语+ V ed /V ing/ to do) With some students followed behind , he came in. 他走了进来,身后跟着一群学生。作伴随状语。 注意: “ with +宾语 ” 后也可跟形容词、副词、介词短语、名词构成复合结构。 这样考过 ( 北京东城区 )With their son ________ a foreign college now , the parents have some financial problems now and then. A . to attend B . attending C . attended D . having attended 解析: 此题考查 with 结构,表伴随。父母不时会有金融方面的困难, with +宾语+宾补。宾语:他们的儿子和上大学是主动关系,正在上大学,故选 B 项。 答案: B ( 天津红桥区 ) ________ the rain falling so frequently , it becomes more and more difficult to be early on the rescue work. A . Since B.With C . As D . For 解析: 根据句中 ________ the rain failing so frequently 可知,这是一个由 with +宾语+宾补的复合结构,作原因状语,故选 B 。而 C 项中也是随着 …… ,但 as 为连词,其后应加句子,故排除; A 、 D 两项不合语境,也排除。 答案: B ( 全国 Ⅰ ) Now that we've discussed our problem , are people happy with the decisions ________ ? A . Taking B . take C . taken D . to take 解析: 句意:既然我们已讨论了我们的问题,人们对我们所做的决定满意吗?此题考查非谓语动词。 decisions 与 take 为被动关系, taken 表被动完成,故选 C 。 taking 表主动和进行, to take 一般表主动和将来。 答案: C 9 .独立成分 在句子中作插入语,不受主句主语的限制。 to tell you the truth 说实话; to be honest 说实在的; generally speaking 一般说来; judging from 从 …… 来判断; considering everything 全面考虑; to make things worse 更糟糕的是。 这样考过 ( 浙江 )________ , the pay isn't attractive enough , though the job itself is quite interesting. A . Generally speaking B . On the contrary C . In particular D . To be honest 解析: 句意:说实话,这点工资没有足够的吸引力,但工作本身还是非常有趣的。 to be honest 往往引导转折句,其他选项明显不合题意。 答案: D (2008 · 东北三校一模 ) ________ from media reports , the result has been unclear. A . To judge B . Having judged C . Judging D . Judged 解析: 句意:从媒体报道来看,此项结果一直很模糊。 judging from( 从 …… 判断 ) 为悬垂分词,无论与主句主语是主动关系,还是被动关系, judge 都只能用 ing 形式。 答案: C             单项填空 1 . Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining company , ________as 3M. A . knowing B . known C . being known D . to be known 答案与解析: B   known as 在这里是过去分词作定语。 2 . Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV.There are pictures________in your mind instead of before your eyes. A . to form B . form C . forming D . having formed 答案与解析: C   forming 在此作定语,修饰 pictures , to form 表将来, B 、 D 两项不可作定语。 3 . — English has a large vocabulary , hasn't it? — Yes.________more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate. A . Know B . Knowing C . To know D . Known 答案与解析: A  祈使句+ and/or +陈述句。 4 . Suddenly , a tall man driving a golden carriage________the girl and took her away , ________into the woods. A . seizing; disappeared B . seized; disappeared C . seizing; disappearing D . seized; disappearing 答案与解析: D   seized 与 took 并列作谓语, disappearing 作伴随状语 5 . The old man , ________abroad for twenty years , is on the way back to his motherland. A . to work B . working C . to have worked D . having worked 答案与解析: D   work 这个动作在主句的谓语动词之前发生,故用完成式。 6 . He looked around and caught a man________his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A . put B . to be putting C . to put D . putting 答案与解析: D   catch sb.doing sth. 撞见某人正做某事。 7 . ________the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. A . The president will attend B . The president to attend C . The president attended D . The president's attending 答案与解析: D  从句子结构看,句子已经有了谓语,所以 A 排除;选项 B 为即将亲自参加会议的总统给他们鼓舞,讲不通,因为给出鼓舞的应该是事或精神,而不应该是人;选项 C 的 attended 若作谓语,则与句子结构矛盾,若作过去分词,又与 the president 的关系矛盾。 8 . ________at the office , Mr.Green found the papers prepared for his boss were left at home. A . To arrive B . On arriving C . As arriving D . While arrived 答案与解析: B   on + Ving 表示 “ 一 …… 就 ……” 。 9 . Much new and high technology has been introduced from America , thus________in great increase in production of the company. A . resulting B . resulted C . results D . which results 答案与解析: A  题意为:许多高新技术已经从美国引进了,因此这家公司的产量迅速增加。动词的 ing 形式作结果状语,与主句存在因果关系。另外,若选 D 项则要去掉 thus 。 10 . — What's the main purpose of tonight's meeting? — We are going to talk about the problem________at the last meeting. A . discussed B . discussing C . being discussed D . having discussed 答案与解析: A  题意为: “ 今天晚上会议的主要目的是什么? ”“ 我们打算谈论上次会议讨论的问题。 ” the problem discussed 意为 “ 被讨论的问题 ” ,动词的 ed 形式作后置定语说明过去发生的被动动作,相当于定语从句 the problem which was discussed 。 ” 11 . Discovering consists of seeing what everybody has seen and________what nobody has thought. A . think B . thinking C . thought D . to think 答案与解析: B   and 是表示并列关系的连词,其前后成分应一致,前面用 seeing what everybody has seen ,故后面需用动名词形式与之并列。 12 . I really appreciate________a great effort to come to help us with the problem. A . your making B . you to make C . you to make D . your being made 答案与解析: A   appreciate 后接动名词作宾语,意为 “ 感激 ( 某人 ) 做某事 ” 。此处 a great effort 是动词 make 的宾语,故不需用被动形式。 13 . ________about Lucy , the teacher called her parents to find out why she was so often absent from class. A . Concerning B . Considering C . Concerned D . Considered 答案与解析: C   concerned about sb. 意为 “ 对某人担心 ” ,此处在句中作状语表示状态。 14 . Mrs Smith found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and________very worried. A . looks B . looking C . look D . to look 答案与解析: B  本题考查 “ find +名词+分词 ” 的结构。 her husband 与 surround 形成被动关系而与系动词 look 形成主动关系,故 look 应用现在分词形式。 15.It took me a long time to find my cellphone , which was just under my nose when________. A . to be found B . being found C . found D . finding 答案与解析: C  当主从句主语一致,且从句有 be 动词时,可省略从句的主语与 be ,只保留连词与分词。因手机与找到之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故使用过去分词。 16 . ________so delicious , the food in this market was sold out soon. A . Tasting B . Tasted C . Having been tasted D . Being tasted 答案与解析: A  题意为:因为这种食品吃起来非常可口,它在商店里很快就卖光了。动词的 ing 形式作原因状语, taste 作系动词不能用被动。 17 . ________ more effectively with others , more and more people equip themselves with a higher education. A . To compete B . Being competed C . Competing D . Competed 答案与解析: A  题意为:为了更有效地和其他人竞争,越来越多的人用更高的教育把他们自己装备起来。不定式作目的状语,意为 “ 为了 ……” 。 18 . Taiwanborn filmmaker An Lee won the best director Oscar at the 78th Academy Awards , ________the highest honor in American movie fields. A . to consider B . considering C . consider D . considered 答案与解析: D  题意为:台湾出生的电影导演李安获得了被认为是美国电影领域最高荣誉的第 78 届奥斯卡大奖。过去分词作后置定语表被动修饰 Awards ,相当于一个省略的被动语态的定语从句: which was considered the highest... 。 19 . With two children________middle school in the nearby town now , the parents are working hard. A . to attend B . attending C . attended D . having attended 答案与解析: B   two children 与 attend school 是主动关系,由. ..are working 判断用现在分词表示目前的情况。 20 . The schoolboys and schoolgirls are walking along the street , _______ a small red cap. A . each of them has B . they each have C . every wears D . each wearing 答案与解析: D   each wearing 相当于分词作伴随状语,意同 and they each wear a small red cap 。 A 、 B 两项均是句子,与前句构成并列句时中间应加连词 and ; every 不能作主语。 21 . Daddy didn't mind what we were doing , as long as we were together , ________fun. A . had B . have C . to have D . having 答案与解析: D   have fun 是 we were together 的伴随状态,所以用动词的 ing 形式。 22 . Who did you see________in the middle of the front row making that much noise? A . seated B . sit C . seat D . seating 答案与解析: A  在 see sb.making that much noise 中作宾语的名词后跟一个定语,故选项需能作定语,排除 B 、 C ; seat 是及物动词,其后需有宾语,排除 D 。此处 seated 表示状态。 23 . He got well prepared for the job interview , for he couldn't risk________the good opportunity. A . to lose B . losing C . to be lost D . being lost 答案与解析: B  题意为:他为了工作的面试做了非常好的准备,因为不能冒险失去这个好机会。 risk 后接动名词不接不定式,意为 “ 冒险做某事 ” ,主语 he 与动作 lose 存在主谓关系,故不用被动形式。 24 . Parker is now in the hospital , ________by a most experienced doctor. A . operating on B . being operated on C . operated on D . been operated on 答案与解析: B   Parker 和 operate on 存在动宾关系,故使用现在分词的被动语态表示一个被动的动作正在发生。 25 . At the wellknown research institute at Princeton , they have a number of laboratories with computers________each room. A . equipping with B . equipping C . equipped with D . equipped 答案与解析: D   “ with +名词+补语 ” 结构中,若名词与补语所表示的动作构成被动关系,则补语用过去分词; equip...with... “ 用 …… 装备 ……” ,故选 D 。 26 . The professor walked onto the platform and seated himself in a chair , ________for answering questions. A . had prepared B . being prepared C . preparing D . prepared 答案与解析: C  题意为:这位教授走上了讲台,坐在一把椅子上,准备着回答问题。现在分词作伴随状语说明与 seated 同时发生的另一个动作。 27 . At the age of twenty , Steve left his hometown , ________to return without making his mark. A . determining not B . not determined C . determined not D . not determining 答案与解析: C  题意为:在 20 岁的时候,史蒂夫离开了他的家乡,决心没有达到他的目标就不回来。 be determined not to do sth. “ 下决心不做某事 ” ,作状语时只保留分词形式。 28 . The students entered the classroom , smiling and ________ , and________down to have their lessons. A . talked; sat B . talking; sitting C . talking; sat D . talked; sitting 答案与解析: C  题意为:学生们说笑着走进了教室,接着坐下上课。第一个空与 smiling 并列,故也要填动词的 ing 形式;第二个空与 entered 是并列谓语,故要填动词的 ed 形式。 29 . ________out of work for a few months , Mum took up the job of waiting on patients in hospitals. A . Being B . To be C . Having been D . Having 答案与解析: C  题意为:因为失业已经几个月了,妈妈开始从事在医院里服侍病人的工作。表示 “ 失业 ” 这个动作发生在 “ 服侍病人 ” 之前,用动词 ing 的完成式。 30 . A communicative satellite________as much as 3.5 tons was sent up into space last week. A . weighing B . weighed C . to be weighed D . being weighed 答案与解析: A  题意为:一枚重量为 3.5 吨的通讯卫星上周被送上了太空。 weigh 作 “ 重 ……” 时是不及物动词,故使用现在分词短语作定语。

