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成都外国语学校2017-2018学年度上学期期中考试 高二英语笔试试卷 ‎ ‎ 注意事项:‎ ‎1.试题分第I卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。‎ ‎2.满分150分,考试时间120 分钟。‎ ‎ 3.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号准确无误地填写,填涂在答题卡规定的位置上;使用2B铅笔填涂。‎ ‎4. 考试结束后将答题卡交回,不得折叠、损毁答题卡。‎ ‎ 第I卷 (选择题 共70分)‎ 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 ‎(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A Weekend@EXPO Singapore EXPO Halls 1-3‎ ‎10am to 10pm The last Saturday of very month Fun. Family. Friends ‎ Have fun with family and friends at Weekend@ EXPO at the Singapore NEXPO. Held on the last Saturday of every month in 2017 at the Singapore NEXPO, Weekend @ NEXPO features a new theme every month from magic shows and fun fairs to musical performances and flea markets for a special cause; there’s something for everyone in the family! Check out our imagined gallery for past events.‎ This Month’s Event: Sports Fair ‎ Featuring soccer, cycling,beginner’s golf, table-tennis, basketball, there will also be branded sportswear and equipment on sale at wholesale prices. Come down with your family and friends ‎ on the last Saturday of April.‎ ‎ Kids, meet your favorite soccer players at the sports fair — our very own Sanji Ali from the National Soccer Team. Sign up for a ten-minute clinic with him and get tips from our top national player free of charge. The first 50 kids who sign up will get an autographed (签名) football free.‎ Coming up in May: Games Day ‎ Parents, let your kids take a break from their revision for the exams. Let your kids get rid of their stress in May’s Event: Games Day Weekend@ Nexpo. We have lost of games in store for you — shooting games, ball games, puzzles, quizzes and more. Get your family down to NEXPO in May. The first 50 families will get a stylus (触控笔) for iphone.‎ ‎ Get your MEELO drink at refreshments counter. Every registration ticket can be exchanged for one cup of MEELO. First come first served.‎ ‎ Weekend @ EXPO is organized by Singapore Development Board and sponsored by MEELO.‎ ‎1. What’s the purpose of this advertisement?‎ A. To urge people to enjoy their weekends. B. To get families to spend more time together.‎ C. To encourage kids to learn to play some sports. D. To attract people to come to NEXPO for activities.‎ ‎2. If Tommy wants to participate in the soccer clinic, he will .‎ A. be able to get free sportswear B. need to register for April’s event C. be receiving an autographed football D. have to get an approval from Sanji Ali ‎3. Anyone who registers for May’s event can .‎ A. have a free stylus for iphone B. go for the sports fair free of charge ‎ C. show his ticket for a cup of MEELO D. get an autographed football from Sanji Ali ‎4. According to this advertisement, WEEKEND@ NEXPO .‎ A. occupies 4 halls B. is held every Saturday C. will continue monthly for the year 2017 D. is sponsored by Singapore Development Board B Two-year-old Harley was asleep with her younger sister in their home in Eden, North ‎ Carolina. While their parents were outside welcoming their older sister home from school, the wires in the family’s laundry room caught fire and before anyone knew what was happening, the bedroom next door was in flames.‎ Harley’s father was able to rescue his two youngest daughters and save their lives, but Harley was severely burned on 80 percent of her body and her parents were told that she was likely to pass away. Over the next several months, Harley would put up with surgery after surgery and remain hooked up to a ventilator(呼吸机)at the hospital. When she was finally released to go home, Harley had no idea that the toughest battle had not even begun yet.‎ When Harley started school just a few years later, she realized for the first time how cruel her peers could be. Bullied for her appearance and called hateful names, she began to consider ending her life while only in Grade 8. When her friends were getting their first boyfriends and going on their first dates, she was sitting at home wondering if she should end her life.‎ But in 2013, something changed. It was not something on the outside but something inside Harley. She made the conscious decision to become more like the carefree, laughing, joyous little girl that she had not seen since that night in 1997. So for the first time in her life, she put on a blue dress and walked outside into the light of day throwing caution to the wind and daring anyone to try to rain on her parade.‎ ‎5. What was the toughest battle for Harley?‎ A. Her sister’s death. B. Her peers’ discrimination.‎ C. Surgery after surgery. D. Her emotion of jealousy.‎ ‎6. What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A. It took Harley about sixteen years to change her attitude to life.‎ B. Harley had tried to end her life many times.‎ C. Harley liked blue dresses and rainy days.‎ D. In 2013, Harley changed something inside and outside.‎ ‎7. Which can be the suitable title?‎ A. Transforming a sad girl into a joyous girl B. How to overcome difficulty C. A blue dress on rainy days D. A girl rose from the dark C Too often, I hear people say “I’m just a housewife” when they introduce themselves. I don’t ‎ understand why their introduction is always filled with regret and self-pity. Is it really a crime to be a housewife? Is it really embarrassing when you choose not to work outside and instead choose to work in your home?‎ ‎ How could you be “just a housewife” when the basic social unit of society depends on you and your service? A housewife works for the longest hour, supporting your husband, child’s studies, caring for elders, managing finances, paying bills, grocery shopping, cooking according to individual taste, cleaning, etc. A housewife could be anyone: daughter, wife, mother, teacher, financial adviser, fashion designer and nurse, gardener, driver, cook, and so on. Don’t think you are not being paid for it. You get the reward that no money can offer — the love and affection of your family, their trust in you, a happy home and your own satisfaction.‎ ‎ It is you who choose to be in this occupation, willingly or for any other reason. After a busy day, all wait to return to the comfortable home set by you. They know you will be there to absorb all their stress and tiredness and relax them. Would the life have been the same if you had been working outside to earn some money? Would you along with your family have been able to buy all the content in life that you are enjoying now with that money?‎ ‎ Respect yourself for what you are. Introduce yourself to the world with the same dignity. The world understands the importance of your job. It’s time to make them accept it. Introduce yourself with pride and with twinkle in your eyes “I am a housewife”. Kick that “just” out.‎ ‎8. People feel ______ when they say “I’m just a housewife.”‎ A. regretful B. satisfied C. proud D. anxious ‎9. Listing the housewife’s duties, the author implies a housewife___________.‎ A. usually leads a terrible life B. plays a more important role C. makes a great contribution to the family D. does not always get her reward ‎10. If a housewife worked outside, she would _________.‎ A. have the same life like before B. lose the content that she is enjoying C. set a comfortable home for her family D. absorb her family’s stress ‎11. What is the author’s attitude toward housewives?‎ A. Supportive B. Doubtful C. Opposed D. Disappointed D ‎ Enough “meaningless drivel”. That’s the message from a group of members of the UK ‎ government who have been examining how social media firms like LinkedIn gather and use social media data. The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s report, released last week, has blamed firms for making people sign up to long incomprehensible legal contracts and calls for an international standard or kitemark (认证标记) to identify sites that have clear terms and conditions. “The term and conditions statement that we all carelessly agree to is meaningless drivel to anyone,” says Andrew Miller, the chair of the committee. Instead, he says, firms should provide a plain-English version of their terms. The simplified version would be checked by a third party and awarded a kitemark if it is an accurate reflection of the original. It is not yet clear who would administer the scheme, but the UK government is looking at introducing it on a voluntary basis. “We need to think through how we make that work in practice,” says Miller. Would we pay any more attention to a kitemark “I think if you went and did the survey, people would like to think they would,” says Nigel Shadbolt at the University of Southampton, UK, who studies open data. “We do know people worry a lot about the inappropriate use of their information. But what would happen in practice is another matter,” he says. Other organizations such as banks ask customers to sign long contracts they may not read or understand, but Miller believes social media requires special attention because it is so new. “We still don’t know how significant the long-term impact is going to be of unwise things that kids put on social media that come back and bite them in 20 years’ time,” he says. Shadbolt, who gave evidence to the committee, says the problem is that we don’t know how companies will ‎  use our data because their business models and uses of data are still evolving. ‎ ‎“Large collections of personal information have become valuable only recently,” he says. The shock and anger when a social media firm does something with data that people don’t expect, even if users have apparently given permission, show that the current situation isn’t working. If properly administered, a kitemark on terms and conditions could help people know what exactly they are signing up to, although they would still have to actually read them. ‎ ‎12. What does the phrase “ meaningless drivel” in paragraphs 1 and 3 refer to? A. Legal contracts that social media firms make people sign up to. B. Warnings from the UK government against unsafe websites. C. Guidelines on how to use social media websites properly. D. Insignificant data collected by social media firms. 13. It can be inferred from the passage that Nigel Shadbolt doubts whether _______. A. social media firms would conduct a survey on the kitemark scheme B. people would pay as much attention to a kitemark as they think C. a kitemark scheme would be workable on a nationwide scale D. the kitemark would help companies develop their business models 14. Andrew Miller thinks social media needs more attention than banks mainly because _______. A. their users consist largely of kids under 20 years old B. the language in their contracts is usually harder to understand C. the information they collected could become more valuable in future D. it remains unknown how users’ data will be taken advantage of 15. Which of the following is the best title of the passage? A. Say no to social media? B. New security rules in operation? C. Accept without reading? D. Administration matters!‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余项。‎ Things You Should Stop Doing to Be Successful ‎  Are you a happy person? How often do you think of reasons why everyone around you is successful though they are not better than you in general? What do you do wrong? Here are some things you should stop doing to be successful.‎ ‎  1. 16 ‎ ‎  Different people may interpret “success” in different ways: some of them measure it in money, other ones — in positive changes to people around them and the world in general. 17 Don’t worry about what other people think but care about what makes you happy.‎ ‎  2. Do not believe anything without questioning it.‎ ‎   18 They are critical thinkers, and they understand that we all are ruled by our prejudices, so they will always question new information.‎ ‎  3. Do not worry about all unpredictable things that may happen to you.‎ ‎  If you want to be successful, stop thinking about everything that MAY happen to you. 19 Be ready to improve and change your deeds and decisions when things suddenly don’t go according to your plan.‎ ‎  4. Do not care about what other people think of you.‎ ‎   20 Your attempts to become “good” for everyone will turn into nothing but new worries, stresses, and problems. Successful people do not concentrate on the quantity of people to please, but worry about their quality and focus on developing friendships with people they really care about.‎ A. Do not wait for the “right time” to do anything.‎ B. Do not let others decide what “success” is for you.‎ C. Successful people do not just accept any new information to be true.‎ D. As far as we all know, it’s impossible to please all the people who surround us.‎ E. Try to feel comfortable with the reality and accept the fact that your future can’t be predicted.‎ F. If you want to be successful, do not let others force their interpretation of success on you.‎ G. Successful people never ignore or avoid problems, no matter how big and awful they seem.‎ 第二部分 完形填空(共20题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ‎ A few years ago, I started therapy (治疗). I kept it a secret 21 it felt like it wasn’t the kind of thing I could tell anyone. I felt it was 22 , and I was ashamed of it. 23 I felt I was the only one. It seemed that everyone but me was able to 24 things on their own. 25 of my friends or family needed help like that. But on an occasion, I 26 my secret to one of my good friends.‎ ‎ Guess what 27 ? As I started letting other people know that I was in therapy, some of them started telling me the 28 thing! It seemed that once I told them that I would understand their 29 , it was safe to tell me. We didn’t have to keep this a(n) 30 from each other ‎ any more.‎ ‎ One friend close to me 31 that she went on antidepressants (抗抑郁) after her mother’s death. Another friend has been 32 for being blue 33 he was in college. My hairdresser had been on medication 34 obsessive compulsive disorder (强迫症). All of them said they felt comfortable to be able to 35 the information. I felt like I found support in my 36 and I wasn’t alone, just from 37 their stories. ‎ It has made me realize that none of us are 38 . Also, there’s no 39 in trying to hide them when you are having 40 . It’s better to be open and honest. ‎ ‎21. A. because B. although C. if D. unless ‎22. A. surprising B. exciting C. worrying D. satisfying ‎23. A. Immediately B. Slowly C. However D. Worse ‎24. A. remove B. handle C. deal D. accept ‎25. A. Some B. All C. Most D. None ‎26. A. let out B. let down C. set out D. set off ‎27. A. appeared B. continued C. happened D. existed ‎28. A. different B. same C. difficult D. important ‎29. A. news B. delights C. topics D. problems ‎ ‎30. A. secret B. order C. rule D. puzzle ‎31. A. thought B. suggested C. explained D. warned ‎32. A. punished B. treated C. injured D. praised ‎33. A. before B. for C. when D. since ‎34. A. according to B. because of C. judging by D. instead of ‎35.A. share B. hide C. correct D. find ‎36. A. victory B. success C. struggle D. failure ‎37. A. reciting B. hearing C. copying D. reading ‎38. A. strong B. healthy C. wrong D. perfect ‎39. A. point B. doubt C. courage D. ability ‎40. A. performances B. riches C. difficulties D. dreams 第II 卷 (非选择题 共80分)‎ 注意事项: 必须使用黑色墨迹签字笔在答题卡上题目所指是的答案区域内作答。答在试题卷上无效。‎ 第一节 ‎ 单句语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读每个小题,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎1. Greenpeace works to promote _________ (aware) of the dangers that threaten our planet today.‎ ‎2.We had a dreadful _______(argue)in the restaurant, but he phoned me the next day to apologize.‎ ‎3. He __________(illustrate) his point when the power was off.‎ ‎4. ________everyone's astonishment, more than 100 people volunteered to help that day.‎ ‎5. I didn't realize that Melanie hadn't been to college — I suppose I just took it________granted.‎ ‎6. She thought she was pregnant, but it turned ________to be a false alarm.‎ ‎7. With Christmas________(approach) , I looked everywhere in search of a present for my son.‎ ‎8. You can't imagine what difficulty we had ________(drive) home in the snowstorm.‎ ‎9. I ________(intend) to go on a diet, but the dishes at the party were simply impossible to resist.‎ ‎10. All the evidence suggests that the problem________(solve) in recent years.‎ 第二节 ‎ 首字母填空.(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 1. Our teachers always advise us to read as much as possible because reading b________ us in many aspects. Not only can we enlarge our vocabulary but also we can improve our reading ability.‎ 2. China has got so large a population that it’s quite hard to imagine how many natural resources it c_________ every day. ‎ 3. The man who was a__________ of robbery claimed that he was innocent and should be set free immediately.‎ 4. The destructive earthquake r________ the city, making hundreds of thousands of people homeless. ‎ 5. He was luckily employed mainly because his p________ working experience would be quite helpful for his new job.‎ 6. Scientists are working on how to make full use of a__________ energy, like solar power and wind power in order to keep sustainable development. ‎ 7. My o_________ plan was to travel there by plane, but I changed my idea after getting the information that air fares would go up by 30% in the summer vacation. ‎ 1. These simple word processing programs couldn’t help us solve the problem. We have to use some s_________ ones. ‎ 2. All the students in Chengdu Foreign Languages School are b________ from smoking and stealing. Anyone who breaks the rule will be punished. ‎ 3. It has been raining for a whole week and as a c__________, the city is flooded. ‎ 第三节:选变填(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ take effect other than set in in favor of have an encounter with make up ‎ thanks to suffer from cut down set out thanks for pick up ‎1. The music was a little loud, but ____________ that it was a great concert.‎ ‎2. I ____________ a few words of Turkish when I was in Istanbul.‎ ‎3. The department has overspent this year and we will have to ____________ our expenses.‎ ‎4. I worked extra hours ____________ for the time I had missed.‎ ‎5. What would you have done if you ____________ a poisonous snake when you walked in the forest?‎ ‎6.The dentist gave me an injection that ____________ almost immediately, and I didn't feel a thing.‎ ‎7.The play was a great success ____________ the effort and commitment of everyone involved.‎ ‎8. Experts said that children ____________ depression often felt they did not fit in with others.‎ ‎9. Wouldn’t it be funny if JK Rowling’s first novel for adults turned out to be a crime story _____________ Edinburgh?‎ ‎10. 54% of voters were ____________ the motion, 30% against, and the rest were undecided.‎ 第四节:语法填空 (共10小题;每题1.5分,满分15分)‎ Youth is a kind of wealth. It will gradually disappear 1. _______time going by. What can we do 2. _______( fulfill) our youth?‎ ‎ For one thing, it is to realize our value, and our dream 3. ______ matters a lot. 4. ________our dreams are, we must try hard to achieve them. When we are young, we are full of energy, and we have many opportunities. We have good conditions in our lives, good 5.‎ ‎ __________ (memorize), good understandings and so on. We should make full use of them to learn more.‎ ‎ For 6. ________ , we should do as many things as possible. Of course, they must 7. ________ (rich) our lives, which can make it possible for us to gain many different experiences that are worth 8. _________ (remember) when we are old.‎ Then when we are really old, and when we cannot move any 9. _______(much), we can be proud of something 10.________(achieve), for we have lived our life to the fullest.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 第五节:短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(﹨)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线(__),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 ‎ 1、 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ My mom and I am fighting. We used to get on so well, and these days, she has been arguing with me about my not coming to home. She thinks I should spend more time help her with the housework instead going out a lot. In her eyes, I’m just a lazy boy whom only loves playing. The fact is that some of my friends and I are going to different school soon, so I want to spend as many time as I can with them. I knew I should try to understand the situation from her point of view. But I hope she can understand what important these friends are to me.‎ 第六节:书面表达 (25分)‎ 假定你是李华。你刚从英国旅游回来,感谢好友Rick的款待。得知他对中国的文化非常的感兴趣,特别是刚过去不久的国庆节,请你给他写一封信介绍中国的国庆节。‎ 内容要点:‎ ‎1. 感谢他的招待。‎ ‎2. 介绍中国的国庆节 (时间,意义等)‎ ‎3. 欢迎他来中国。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已为你写好。‎ Dear Rick,‎ ‎     How is everything going?‎ ‎                                                                                                         ‎ ‎                                                                                                        ‎ Best wishes. ‎ ‎                                                                                         Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ ‎ ‎ 成都外国语学校2017-2018学年度上期期中考试 高二英语试卷(听力)‎ 命题人:余德生 审题人:周霜 试卷负责人:张聪 注意事项:‎ 1. 本堂考试30分钟,满分100分。‎ 2. 答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、学号填写在答题卡上,并使用2B铅笔填涂。‎ 3. 考试结束后,将答题卷交回。‎ 第一部分 听力( 共四节,满分100分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. Why is the woman unwilling to have another piece of meat pie? ‎ A. She is full. B. She doesn’t like it. C. She is on a diet. ‎ ‎2. Where does the conversation take place? ‎ A. At an airport. B. In a post office. C. In a café. ‎ ‎3. What do we know about Bob? ‎ A. Bob is taking photos. B. Bob has many cameras. C. Bob is really crazy. ‎ ‎4. Where does the woman probably go for her holiday? ‎ A. The countryside. B. A forest. C. A beach. ‎ ‎5. What do you know about the speakers? ‎ A. The woman likes scary films very much. B. The man is going to see the film. ‎ C. Neither of them cares much for scary films. ‎ 第二节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. Why does the woman think California is a nice place to live? ‎ A. It has a large population. B. It has a mild climate. ‎ C. It’s pleasant and quiet. ‎ ‎7. Where does the man probably live? ‎ A. In the countryside of New Zealand. B. In a big city of America. ‎ C. In a town of California. ‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。‎ ‎8. Who was Helen? ‎ A. The man’s friend who works in a car factory. B. The man’s girlfriend who is a worker. ‎ C. The man’s wife who works in the factory. ‎ ‎9. What does the woman mean by saying “You’ll hear from us soon”? ‎ A. She means he will take an exam. B. She means if she wants to marry him. ‎ C. She means they will tell him if he will be employed. ‎ ‎10. What is the dialogue about? ‎ A. About getting a job. B. About making friends. C. About how to talk politely. ‎ 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。‎ ‎11. Why is the man calling the agent? ‎ A. To book a ticket. B. To know the deadline. ‎ C. To ask for information. ‎ ‎12. How many passengers does the bus usually hold? ‎ A. Eight. B. Ten. C. Eleven. ‎ ‎13. What can you do on a fine evening after a day’s travel? ‎ A. Take a shower. B. Cook outside. C. Sleep in the sleeping room. ‎ 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。‎ ‎14. What is the man’s problem? ‎ A. His hair is gone. B. He hasn’t slept for days. ‎ C. His headache is getting worse. ‎ ‎15. How many hours a day does the man work now? ‎ A. Over 10 hours. B. About 9 hours. C. About 8 hours. ‎ ‎16. What may cause the man’s problem? ‎ A. Too much exercise. B. Too much coffee. C. Too much work. ‎ ‎17. What should the man do? ‎ A. Eat less. B. Do some exercise. C. Stop worrying and sleep more. ‎ 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。‎ ‎18. Which is the first stop of their visit today? ‎ A. The Central Park Zoo. ‎ B. St. Patrick’s Cathedral(大教堂). ‎ C. Chrysler Building. ‎ ‎19. When was St. Patrick’s Cathedral built? ‎ A. In 1903. B. In 1931. C. In 1879. ‎ ‎20. Which of the places are the visitors allowed to stay for fifty minutes? ‎ A. Grand Central Station. B. Empire State Building. C. Rockefeller Center. ‎ 第三节 (共5小题 每小题3分,满分15分)‎ 听一段对话,根据你所听到的内容判断以下句子是否正确。正确的请用“A”;错误的请用“B”。本段对话读两遍。‎ ‎21. Most people always like to collect clocks.‎ ‎22. Mr. Clock has more than 500 clocks in his house.‎ ‎23. Both Mr. and Mrs. Clock enjoy having so many clocks.‎ ‎24. Mr. Clock has to clean all the clocks by himself.‎ ‎25. With all these clocks, Mrs. Clock can never tell the correct time.‎ 第四节 (共10小题 每小题3分,满分30分)‎ 听一段对话,根据你所听到的内容填入正确的单词或短语。本段对话读三遍。‎ Today I've been asked to give you some _____26_____ on planning your garden. Much of the _____27_____ of flower gardening comes from planning the garden in ______28_____, so gardeners need a drawing of their future garden. A well-planned garden means you'll have flowers ______29______ and the ______30______ of an attractive arrangement. ‎ ‎1. What you must do is to draw an _____31_____ of your garden. Write in the kinds of flowers and where you want them to grow. ‎ ‎2. Choose the flowers that will grow best in your garden. Is it in the sun or _____32_____? You can keep your garden blooming all the year by ______33____ seeds of different flowers that bloom in different seasons. ‎ ‎_____34_____ you'd like to buy a book I've _____35_____ called Garden Planning, which has all the information you might need to help you plan a beautiful garden.‎ 高二半期考试英语答案 高二英语听力答案 (满分共100分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ CABCC ‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)‎ BACCA CAACA CBACC(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 第三节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)‎ BBBBA 第四节(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)‎ ‎1. tips 2. pleasure 3. advance 4. at all times 5. enjoyment ‎ ‎6. outline 7. shade 8. planting 9. Perhaps 10. written 笔试:‎ 阅读理解 ‎1-4 DBCC 5-7 BAD 8-11 ACBA 12-15 ABDC 16-20 BFCED 完形填空 ‎21―25 ACDBD    26―30 ACBDA    31―35 CBDBA      36―40 CBDAC 单句语法填空 1. awareness 2. argument 3. was illustrating 4.To 5. for 6. out ‎ ‎7. approaching 8. driving 9. had intended 10. has been solved 首字母填空 1. benefits 2. consumes 3. accused 4. ruined 5. previous ‎ 6. alternative 7. original 8. sophisticated 9. banned 10. consequence 选变填 ‎1. other than 2. picked up 3. cut down 4. to make up 5. had had an encounter with ‎ ‎6. took effect 7. thanks to 8. suffering from 9. set in 10. in favour of 语法填空 ‎1. with 2. to fulfil 3. that 4. Whatever 5. memories ‎ ‎6.another 7. enrich 8.remembering 9. more 10. achieved 短文改错 1. am---are 2. and---but 3.去掉to 4. help---helping ‎ 5. instead后跟of 6. whom---who/that 7. school---schools 8. many---much ‎ ‎9. knew---know 10. what---how ‎ 书面表达 Dear Rick,‎ ‎ How is everything going? I had a trip to London last week. I would like to express my gratitude for your hospitality and kindness when I was there.‎ ‎ Knowing that you take a great fancy to Chinese culture, especially National Day, I would love to introduce it to you. National Day, one of the most significant festivals in China, falls on ‎ October 1st every year. It is intended for the celebration of the foundation of People’s Republic of China dating back to 1949. People in China will hold a variety of activities to honor that day, liking holing a grand military parade, having a travel.‎ ‎ Welcome to China. You will have an unforgettable experience if you come to China to experience it Best wishes. ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ ‎                                                                                                  Li Hua

