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‎2018届二轮复习 阅读理解 故事类典题10篇训练之七 ‎【一】‎ Eddie McKay, a once-forgotten pilot, is a subject of great interest to a group of history students in Canada.‎ It all started when Graham Broad, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, found McKay’s name in a footnote in a book about university history. McKay was included in a list of university alumni (校友) who had served during the First World War, but his name was unfamiliar to Broad, a specialist in military history. Out of curiosity, Broad spent hours at the local archives (档案馆) in a fruitless search for information on McKay. Tired and discouraged, he finally gave up. On his way out, Broad’s glance happened to fall on an exhibiting case showing some old newspapers. His eye was drawn to an old picture of a young man in a rugby uniform. As he read the words beside the picture, he experienced a thrilling realization. “After looking for him all day, there he was, staring up at me out of the exhibiting case,” said Broad. Excited by the find, Broad asked his students to continue his search. They combed old newspapers and other materials for clues. Gradually, a picture came into view.‎ Captain Alfred Edwin McKay joined the British Royal Flying Corps in 1916. He downed ten enemy planes, outlived his entire squadron (中队) as a WWI flyer, spent some time as a flying instructor in England, then returned to the front, where he was eventually shot down over Belgium and killed in December 1917. But there’s more to his story. “For a brief time in 1916 he was probably the most famous pilot in the world,” says Broad. “He was credited with downing Oswald Boelcke, the most famous German pilot at the time.” Yet, in a letter home, McKay refused to take credit, saying that Boelcke had actually crashed into another German plane.‎ McKay’s war records were destroyed during a World War II air bombing on London — an explanation for why he was all but forgotten.‎ But now, thanks to the efforts of Broad and his students, a marker in McKay’s memory was placed on the university grounds in November 2007. “I found my eyes filling with tears as I read the word ‘deceased’ (阵亡) next to his name,” said Corey Everrett, a student who found a picture of Mckay in his uniform. “This was such a simple example of the fact that he had been a student just like us, but instead of finishing his time at Western, he chose to fight and die for his country.”‎ ‎56. What made Professor Broad continue his search for more information on McKay?‎ A. A uniform of McKay. B. A footnote about McKay.‎ C. A book on McKay. D. A picture of McKay.‎ ‎57. What did the students find out about McKay?‎ A. He trained pilots for some time.‎ B. He lived longer than other pilots.‎ C. He died in the Second World War.‎ D. He was downed by the pilot Boelcke.‎ ‎58. McKay’s flying documents were destroyed in .‎ A. Belgium B. Germany C. Canada D. England ‎59. We can learn from the last paragraph that McKay .‎ A. preferred fight to his study B. went to war before graduation C. left a picture for Corey Everrett D. set an example for his fellow students ‎60. What is the text mainly about?‎ A. The research into war history.‎ B. The finding of a forgotten hero.‎ C. The pilots of the two world wars.‎ D. The importance of military studies.‎ 答案 56.D 57.A 58.D 59.B 60.B ‎【二】‎ It was the first mow of winter -- an exciting day for every, child but not for most tether. Up until now, l had been able to dress myself for recess(课间休息), but today I would need some help. Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher at Princess Elizabeth School near Hamilton, Ontario, had been through first snow days ,tony times in her long career, but I think struggled still remember this one.‎ I managed to get into my wool snow pants. But I straggled with my jacket because it didn’t fit well. It was a hand-me-down from my brother, and it made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes. At least my hat and matching scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots. In her calm, motherly voice she said, "By the end of winter, you will be able to put on own boots. “ I didn’t realize at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence.‎ I handed her my boots and stuck out my foot. Like most children, I expected the adult to do an the work. After mush wiggling and pushing, she managed to get first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too.‎ I announced,“They’re on the wrong feet.”With the grace that only experience can bring,she struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again.Then I said,“These aren’t my boots.you know.”As she pulled the offending boots from my feet,she still managed to look both helpful and interested.Once they were off.I said,“They are my brother’s boots.My mother makes me wear them,and I hate them!” Somehow,from long years of practice,she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl.She pushed and shoved.less gently this time,and the boots were returned to their proper place on my feet.With a great sigh of relief,seeing the end of her struggle with me,she asked,“Now,where are your gloves?’’‎ I looked into her eyes and said.“I didn’t want to lose them.so I put them into the toes of my boots.”‎ ‎60.According to the passage,the little girl got from her brother.‎ A.the wool snow pants and the jacket B.the jacket and the boots C.the jacket and the hat D.the boots and the gloves ‎61.What made it so hard for the teacher to help the little girl put her boots on?‎ A.The gloves in the toes of the boots. B.The slowness of the teacher.‎ C.The wrong size of the boots. D.The unwillingness of the girl.‎ ‎62.It can be inferred that before the little girl finally went out to enjoy the first snow of winter,the teacher had to help her put on her boots .‎ A.once B.twice C.three times D.four times ‎63.Which of the following sentences from the text BEST indicates that the teacher is very considerate?‎ A.In her calm,motherly voice she said,“By the end of winter,…”(Paragraph 2)‎ B.With the grace that only experience can bring,she struggled to…(Paragraph 4)‎ C.….she still managed to look both helpful and interested.(Paragraph 4)‎ D.…,she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl.(Paragraph 4)‎ 答案 60.B 61.A 62.D 63.D ‎【三】‎ Outside her shabby cottage, old Mrs. Tailor was hanging out laundry on a wire line, unaware that some children lay hidden in the leaves of a nearby tree watching her every move. They were determined to find out if she really was a witch. ‎ They watched as she took a broomstick to clean the dirt from her stone steps. But, much to their disappointment, she did not mount the broomstick and take flight. Suddenly, the old lady’s work was interrupted by the cackling of her hen—a signal that an egg had been laid in the warm nest on top of the haystack. ‎ The old broomstick was put aside as she hobbled off towards the haystack followed by Sooty, a black cat she had rescued from a fox trap some time back. With only three legs, it was hard for Sooty to keep up with the old lady. The cat provided proof—the children were sure that only a witch could own a black cat with three legs. ‎ There, standing on a wooden box, was Mrs. Tailor, stretching out to gather her precious egg. Taking the egg in one of her hands, she began to climb down when, without warning, the box broke and the old lady fell. ‎ ‎ “We have to got and help her,” whispered Amy. ‎ ‎ “What if it is a trick?” replied Ben. ‎ ‎ “Don’t be silly, Ben. If she were a witch, she would have turned us into frogs already,” reasoned Meg. “Come on Amy, let’s go.” The girls climbed down the tree and ran all the way to the haystack. ‎ Approaching carefully, they could see a wound on the old lady’s face. She had knocked her head on a stone and her ankle was definitely broken. “Go and get Dad,” Amy yelled to her brother. “Tell him about the accident.” ‎ The boys did not need another excuse to leave. They ran as fast as thy could for help, hoping that Mrs. Tailor would not wake and turn the girls into frogs. ‎ ‎56. Were the children hiding in the tree? ‎ A. They wanted to watch Mrs. Tailor do her housework closely. ‎ B. They were playing a hide-and-seek game ‎ C. They wanted to find out if the rumors about Mrs. Tailor were true ‎ D. They were pretending to be spies ‎ ‎57. Mrs. Tailor stopped sweeping when____ ‎ A. her front steps were clean ‎ B. she noticed the children in the tree ‎ C. she was ready to take a flight ‎ D. she heard the hen cackling ‎ ‎58. Ben did not rush in help Mrs. Tailor because_____ ‎ A. he thought that she could be necking them ‎ B. he knew that they could not have been in the tree ‎ C. he did not the old lady fall down ‎ D. he was afraid of the three-legged cat ‎ ‎59. Which of these old sayings best suits the story’s lesson for us? ‎ A. Make hay while the sun shines. ‎ B. Never judge a book by its cover. ‎ C. People in glasshouses should not the stones. ‎ D. A bird in the hands worth two in the bush. ‎ 答案 56.C 57.D 58.A 59.B ‎【四】‎ A year ago August, Dave Fuss lost his job driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan. His wife, Gerrie, was still working in the local school cafeteria, but work for Dave was scarce, and the price of everything was rising. The Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recent years. Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely ‎ gift—$7,000,a legacy (遗产) form their neighbors Ish and Arlene Hatch, who died in an accident . “It really made a difference when we were going under financially.” says Dave. ‎ But the Fusses weren’t the only folks in Alto and the neighboring town of Lowell to receive unexpected legacy from the Hatches. Doxens of other families were touched by the Hatches’ generosity. In some cases, it was a few thousand dollars ; in other, it was more than $100,000. ‎ It surprised nearly everyone that the Hatches had so much money, more than $3 million—they were am elderly couple who lived in an old house on what was left of the family farm . ‎ Children of the Great Depression, Ish and Arlene were known for their habit of saving, They thrived own (喜欢) comparison shopping and would routinely go from store to store, checking prices before making a new purchase . ‎ Through the years, the Hatches paid for local children to attend summer camp when their parents couldn’t afford it. “Ish and Arlene never asked you needed anything,” says their friend Sand Van Weelden, “They could see things they could do go make you happier, and they would do them. ‎ Even more extraordinary was that the Hatches had their farmland distributed. It was the Hatches’ wish that their legacy—a legacy of kindness as much as one of dollars and cent —should enrich the whole community (社区) and Ish and Arlene Hatch’s story . ‎ Neighbors helping neighbors ——that was Ish and Arlene Hatch’s story. ‎ ‎56. According to the text, the Fusses ‎ A. were employed by a truck company B. were in financial difficulty ‎ C. worked in a school cafeteria D. lost their home ‎ ‎57. Which of the following is true of the Hatches? ‎ A. They had their children during the Great Deoression ‎ B. They left the family farm to live in an old house ‎ C. They gave away their possessions to their neighbors ‎ D. They helped their neighbors to find jobs ‎ ‎58. Why would the Hatches routinely go from store? ‎ A. They decided to open a store B. They wanted to save money ‎ C. They couldn’t afford expensive things D. They wanted to buy gifts for local kids ‎ ‎59. According to Sand Van Weelden, the Hatches were ‎ A. understanding B. optimistic C. childlike D. curious ‎ ‎60.What can we learn from the text? ‎ A. The community of Alto was poor ‎ B. The summer camp was attractive to the parents ‎ C. Sandy Van Weelden got a legacy form the Hatches ‎ D. The Hatches would like the neighbors to follow their example ‎ 答案 56.B 57.C 58.B 59.A 60.D ‎【五】‎ It was the first snow of winter — an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers. Up until now, I had been old enough to dress myself, but today would need some help. Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher, had been through brst snow days many times, but I think she may still remember this one. ‎ I managed to get into my wool snow trousers. But I struggled won my jacket because it didn’t fit well. It was a hand-mc-down from my brother, and if made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes, At least my hat and scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots(靴子). ‎ In her calm, motherly voice she said, “By the end of winter, you will all be able to put on your own boots.” I didn’t realize at the at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence(信心). ‎ I handed her my boots and stuck out my foot. Like most children, I expected grown-ups to do all the work. After much pushing, she managed to get first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too. ‎ I announced, “They’re on the wrong feet.” ‎ She struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again. ‎ ‎ “They’re my brother’s boots, you know,” I said. “I hate them”. ‎ Somehow, from long years of practice, she managed to act as though I wasn’t an ‎ annoying(烦人的) little girl, She struggle with me, she asked, “Now, where are your mittens(连指手套)?” ‎ I looked into her eyes and said, “I didn’t want to lose them, so I hid them in the toes of my boots. ‎ ‎41. The little girl was more satisfied with her_____. ‎ A. trousers B. jacket C. boots D. hat ‎ ‎42. Miss Finlayson had difficulty with the girl’s boots mainly because_____. ‎ A. the girl got them from her brother B. the girl put something in them ‎ C. they were on the wrong feet D. they did not fit the girl well ‎ ‎43. Why does the author Miss Finlayson would remember that first snow day? ‎ A. Because the little girl was in her brother’s clothes. ‎ B. Because it was the most exciting day of the winter . ‎ C. Because the little girl played a trick on her. ‎ D. Because the little girl wore a pretty scarf. ‎ ‎44. We can learn from the text that Miss Finlayson____. ‎ A. was losing confidence in the little girl. ‎ B. gradually lost patience with the little girl. ‎ C. became disappointed with the little girl. ‎ D. was getting bored with the little girl. ‎ 答案 41.D 42.B 43.C 44.B ‎【六】‎ When I was growing up in America, I was ashamed of my mother’s Chinese English. Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. People in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously ,did not give her good service ,pretended not to ‎ Understand her ,or even acted as if they did not hear her .‎ My mother has realized the limitations of her English as well. When I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on phone to pretend I was she . I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her. One time I had to call her stockbroker (股票经纪人).I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing, “This is Mrs.Tan..”‎ ‎ And my mother was standing beside me ,whispering loudly, “Why he don’t send me cheek already two week lone.”‎ And then , in perfect English I said : “I’m getting rather concerned .You agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn’t arrived.”‎ Then she talked more loudly. “What he want? I come to New York tell him front of his boss.” And so I turned to the stockbroker again, “I can’t tolerate any more excuse. If I don’t receive the check immediately , I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week.”‎ The next week we ended up in New York. While I was sitting there red-faced, my mother, the real Mrs.Tan, was shouting to his boss in her broken English. ‎ ‎ When I was a teenager, my mother’s broken English embarrassed me. But now, I see it differently. To me, my mother’s English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It is my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, and full of observation and wisdom. It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and made sense of the world.‎ ‎41.Why was the author’s mother poorly served?‎ ‎ A.She was unable to speak good English.‎ ‎ B.She was often misunderstood.‎ ‎ C.She was not clearly heard.‎ ‎ D.She was not very polite.‎ 答案:A试题分析:由文中Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly.可知高考考点:考查事实细节易错提醒:易错选B ‎42.From Paragraph 2, we know that the author was .‎ ‎ A.good a pretending ‎ B.rude to the stockbroker ‎ C.ready to help her mother ‎ D.unwilling to phone for her mother 答案:D试题分析:由文中 ‘I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her”可知高考考点:考查故事细节易错提醒:易错A ‎43.After the author made the phone call, .‎ A.they forgave the stockbroker ‎ B.they failed to get the check ‎ C.they went to New York immediately ‎ D.they spoke to their boss at once 答案:B试题分析:由文中 “I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing” 及 “If I don’t receive the check immediately , I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week.”和 “The next week we ended up in New York.” 可推断出答案 高考考点:考查文章分析推测能力易错提醒:易错选C ‎44.What does the author think of her mother’s English now? ‎ ‎ A.It confuses her.‎ ‎ B.It embarrasses her.‎ ‎ C.It helps her understand the world.‎ ‎ D.It helps her tolerate rude people.‎ 答案:C试题分析:由文中最后一段But now, I see it differently. To me, --------and made sense ‎ of the world.高考考点:考查分析推测能力 ‎45.We can inter from the passage that Chinese English . ‎ ‎ A.is clear and natural to non-native speakers ‎ B.is vivid and direct to non-native speakers ‎ C.has a very bad reputation in America ‎ D.may bring inconvenience in America ‎45. 答案:D试题分析:由文中作者母亲的经历可以推测出 高考考点:考查文章分析推断能力 ‎【七】‎ It is reported that conservation groups in North America have been arguing about the benefits and dangers of wolves. Some groups believe wolves should be killed. Other people believe wolves must be protected so that they will not disappear from the wildness(荒野)‎ ‎ For Killing Wolves ‎ In Alaska,the wolf almost disappeared a few years ago,because hunters were killing hundreds 0f them for sport .However.1aws were established to protect the wolves from sportsmen and people who catch the animals for their fur.So the wolf population has greatly increased. Now there are so many wolves that they are destroying their own food supply.‎ ‎ A wolf naturally eats animals in the deer family. People in the wilderness also hunt deer for food.Many of the animals have been destroyed by the very cold winters recently and by changes in the wilderness plant life.When the deer can’t find enough food,they die.‎ ‎ If the wolves continue to kill large numbers of deer,their prey(猎物)will disappear some day.And the wolves will.too.So we must change the cycle of life in the wilderness to balance the ecology.If we killed more wolves,we would save them and their prey from dying out.We’d also save some farm animals.‎ ‎ In another northern state,wolves attack cows and chickens for food.Farmers want the government to send biologists to study the problem.They believe it necessary to kill wolves in some areas and to protect them in places where there is a small wolf population.‎ ‎ Against Killing Wolves ‎ If you had lived long ago,you would have heard many different stories about the dangerous wolf.According to most stories,hungry wolves often kill people for food.Even today,the stories of the“big bad woIf'"will not disappear.‎ ‎ But the fact is wolves are afraid of people.and they seldom travel in areas where there is a human smell.When wolves eat other animals,they usually kill the very young.or the sick and injured .The strongest survive .No kind of animal would have survived through the centuries if the weak members had lived.And has always been a law of nature.‎ ‎ Although some people say it is good sense to kill wolves,we say it is nonsense!Researchers have found wolves and their prey living in balance.The wolves keep the deer population from becoming too large,and that keeps a balance in the wilderness plant life.‎ ‎ The real problem is that the areas where wolves can live are being used bv people.Even if wilderness land is not used directly for human needs.the wolves can’t always find enough food .So they travel to the nearest source,which is often a farm.Then there is danger.The“big bad wolf”has arrived! And everyone knows what happens next.‎ ‎60.According to the passage,some people in North America favor killing wolves for all the following reasons EXCET that .‎ A.there are too many wolves ‎ B.they kill large numbers deer C.they attack cows and chickens for food ‎ D.they destroy the wilderness plant life 选D根据文中小标题For killing wolves 第一段第三行“so the wolf population has increased”第三段第一句和第四段第一句话,可知选项D不是原因 ‎61.Some people are against killing wolves because .‎ A.wolves help to keep the ecological balance in the wildemess B.there is too small a wolf population in the wilderness C.there are too many deer in the wilderness D.wolves are afraid of people and never attack people 选A小标题Against killing wolves 中第三段最后一句 ‎62.According to those against killing wolves,when wolves eat other animals, .‎ A.they never eat strong and healthy ones B.they always go against the law of nature C.they might help this kind of animals survive in nature D.they disturb the ecological balance in the wilderness 选C 小标题Against killing wolves 中第二段最后两行可知强者生存,弱者淘汰是自然法则 ‎63.The last sentence“And everyone knows what happens next”implies that in such cases .‎ A.farm animals will be in danger and have to be shipped away B.woIves will kill people and people will in turn kill them C.wolves wilI find enough food sources on famls D.people will leave the areas where wolves can live 选B 文中最后一段可知狼居住的地方被人类占据,它们就会跑到就近的农场等地吃人,那么人类就会反过来杀死它们 ‎【八】‎ There were smiling children all the way. Charily they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway, wave to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penang. Often whole families stood outside their homes and waved and smiled as if those on the trains were their favorite relatives. This is the simple village people of Malaysia. I was moved.‎ ‎ I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car, so this was the first time I was on a train. I did not particularly relish the long train journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread. I looked about the train. There was not one familiar face. I sighed and sat down to read my Economics.‎ ‎ It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia. Johore Baru was just another city like Singapore, so I was tired of looking at the crowds of people as they hurried past. As we went beyond the city, I watched the straight rows of rubber trees and miles and miles of green. Then the first village came into sight, Immediately I came alive; I decided to wave hack.‎ ‎ From then on my journey became interesting. I threw my magazines into the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life. Then everything came alive. The mountains seemed to ‎ speak to me. Even the trees were smiling. I stared at everything as if I was looking at it for the first time.‎ ‎ The day passed fast and I even forgot to have my lunch until I felt hungry. I looked at my watch and was surprised that it was 3:00 pm. Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth. I looked at the people all around me. They all looked beautiful. When my uncle arrived with a smile, I threw my arms around him to give him a warm hug (拥抱). I had never done this before. He seemed surprised and then his weather-beaten face warmed up with a huge smile. We walked arm in arm to his car.‎ ‎ I looked forward to the return journey.‎ ‎71. The author expected the train trip to be ‎ A. adventurous ‎ B. pleasant ‎ C. exciting ‎ D. dull ‎72.What did the author remember most fondly of her train trip?‎ ‎ A. The friendly country people.‎ B. The mountains along the way.‎ C. The crowds of people in the streets.‎ D. The simple lunch served on the train.‎ ‎73.Which of the following words can best take the place of the word“relish”in the second paragraph?‎ ‎ A. choose ‎ B. enjoy ‎ C. prepare for ‎ D. carry on ‎74.Where was the writer going?‎ ‎ A. Johore Baru.‎ ‎ B. The Causeway.‎ ‎ C. Butterworth.‎ ‎ D. Singapore.‎ ‎75.What can we learn from the story?‎ ‎ A. Comfort in traveling by train.‎ ‎ B. Pleasure of living in the country.‎ ‎ C. Reading gives people delight.‎ ‎ D. Smiles brighten people up.‎ 答案:‎ ‎71.选D。根据第二段,作者是第一次坐长途火车,带了很多杂志看,可以看出作者一开始认为坐火车是dull(乏味的)。‎ ‎72.选A。根据第一段,马来西亚人很热情,总会微笑着在站台上对火车里的陌生人挥手,欢迎乘客来到马来西亚。作者很感动。‎ ‎73.选B。参照第71题。作者开始并不享受火车之旅。‎ ‎74.选C。倒数第二段,Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth.火车在Butterworth停下来。‎ ‎75.选D。文章主要讲述作者从看到马来西亚人总会在站台上笑对火车里的陌生人挥手后,心情由无聊、乏味变成高兴。可以看出,微笑能让人提起精神。‎ ‎【九】‎ It was a Sunday and the heavy storm had lasted all night.The morning after the storm,though,was beautiful:blue skies,warm air and a calm,inviting sea touching the shore gently.‎ ‎ My father realized it was a good day for fishing and invited my sister and me to go with him.I was only 14 and fishing had never been my thing, but I decided to go all the same.I’m so glad I did.‎ On the road to the harbour we could see the terrible destruction on the coast,but the harbour itself was in fairly good shape.After all, it was protected by the arms of a bay that had only one tiny channel to the sea.As we got on board,we noticed two big humps(脊背) in the distance.‎ On approaching them,we saw it was a mother whale with her baby.We couldn’t believe it ——there aren’t any whales along the coast here.The storm must have driven them across the ocean into the bay, in which the still water was so badly polluted that nothing could survive.‎ The little baby whale——actually as big as our boat——was obviously stuck and could not move.The mother dived under the water and came up suddenly,making big whirlpools(漩涡) and waves.”She’s trying to help her baby, but on the wrong side,”my father said.At this point,my father moved our boat in a semicircle to the other side and ,heading the boat towards the baby whale,pushed it gently.With our several gentle pushes the big hump turned over and disappeared under water.Then it swam up right beside its mum.They struggled in their desperate attempts to escape but missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction.We hurried up to the whales and tried to lead them towards the bay channel.Slowly,they let us lead them,some-times rising from the water right beside us to breathe——and to give us a trusting look with those huge eyes.Once they hit their first part of clean water flowing straight from the sea,the mum gave us a wave with her tail and off they swam into the distance.‎ In the excitement it had felt like only a few minutes, but we had been with those wonderful animals for almost an hour and a half.That was the simple and lasting beauty of the day,Nearly four decades later ,I still look back fondly to that golden day at sea.‎ ‎51. The author says “I’m so glad I did .”(in Para.2)because __________.‎ A. be witnessed the whole process of fishing B. he enjoyed the beauty of the calm sea C. he experienced the rescue of the whales ‎ D. he spent the weekend with his family ‎52. The harbour survived the storm owing to____________.‎ A. the shape of the harbour ‎ B. the arms of the bay C. the still water in the channel ‎ D. the long coast line ‎53. The mother whale failed to help her baby because__________.‎ A. she had stayed in the polluted water for too long ‎ B. the whirlpools she had made were not big enough ‎ C. she had no other whales around to turn to for help D. the waves pushed her baby in the wrong direction ‎ ‎54.what is the theme of the story?‎ A. Saving lives brings people a sense of happiness B. Fishing provides excitement for children C. It’s necessary to live in harmony with animals ‎ D. It’s vital to protect the environment ‎ 答案:51.C 52.B 53.D 54.A ‎ ‎【十】‎ Goldie's Secret ‎ She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. No way could I have sent her away. No way, not me anyway. Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before. "We're moving house.'; "No space for her any more with the baby coming." "We never really wanted her, but what could we have done? She was a present." People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal. And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen.‎ ‎ I called her Goldie. If I had known what was going to happen I would have given her a more creative name. She was so unsettled during those first few days. She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her. There was nothing I could do to make her happy, it seemed. Heaven knows what had happened to her at her previous owner's. But eventually at the end of the first week she calmed down. Always by my side, whether we were out on one of our long walks or sitting by the fire.‎ ‎ That's why it was such a shock when she pulled away from me one day when we were out for a walk. We were a long way from home, when she started barking and getting very restless. Eventually I couldn't hold her any longer and she raced off down the road towards a farmhouse in the distance as fast as she could.‎ ‎ By the time I reached the farm I was very tired and upset with Goldie. But when I saw her licking (舔) the four puppies (幼犬) I started to feel sympathy towards them. "We didn't know what had happened to her," said the woman at the door. "I took her for a walk one day, soon after the puppies were born, and she just disappeared." "She must have tried to come back to them and got lost," added a boy from behind her. '‎ ‎ I must admit I do miss Goldie, but I've got Nugget now, and she looks just like her mother. And I've learnt a good lesson: not to judge people.‎ ‎56. How did the author feel about Goldie when Goldie came to the house?‎ ‎ A. Shocked. B. Sympathetic. C. Annoyed. D. Upset.‎ ‎57. In her first few days at the author's house, Goldie .‎ ‎ AI felt worried B. was angry ‎ C. ate a little D. sat by the fire ‎58. Goldie rushed off to a farmhouse one day because she .‎ ‎ A. saw her puppies B. heard familiar barking ‎ C. wanted to leave the author D. found her way to her old home ‎59. The passage is organized in order of  .‎ ‎ A. time B. effectiveness C. importance D. complexity 答案:‎ ‎  56.B ‎  情绪推断,较难题。此推断题的难点在于,原文没有直接的形容词表述,要求学生通过具体的描述总结。原文第2段She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her. There was nothing I could do to make her happy, it seemed. Heaven knows what had happened to her at her previous owner's.划线句子表明作者同情被遗弃的小狗,希望帮助它高兴起来。‎ ‎  57.A ‎  细节题,较难题。要做对此题主要要排除C项的干扰,原文第2段She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her. hardly ate anything的表述与ate little是不一样的。前者是几乎什么都不吃,后者是吃得少,此错误选项属于"改变否定/肯定的程度"。‎ ‎  58.D ‎  原因推断题,简单题,通过原文第4段的描写可得正确答案。‎ ‎  59.A 问文章的行文结构,简单题,此篇记叙文按照时间顺序发展。‎

