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‎2020届二轮复习 介词模拟训练学案 基础闯关题组 题组一常考介词的用法 ‎1.My brother lives in a small village    the southeast of England. ‎ A. on B.in C. over D. off ‎2.—The game last night was so good.‎ ‎—Yeah! Our school team won   two points! ‎ A.by B.at C.in D.to ‎3.“May I help you?” said a bright American voice   the telephone. ‎ A.in B. over C. from D. of ‎4.My mum’s letters really encouraged me    my illness. ‎ A. over B. for C. throughout D. within ‎5.    so many doctors and nurses around her, the sick girl didn’t feel lonely at all. ‎ A. For B. In C. With D. By ‎6.—Here’s your paycheck for this month.‎ ‎—Ah, that’s music   my ears! ‎ A.to B. for C.in D.at ‎7.The skier’s red clothes stood out clearly   the snow. ‎ A.in B. over C. above D. against ‎8.When Thanksgiving Day is   the corner, stores and supermarkets are busy with people. ‎ A. around B. on C. with D.at ‎9.The large grassland, reaching out far away, looks extremely beautiful   the blue and clean sky. ‎ A. with B. against C. through D. beyond ‎10.Her smooth spoken English has given her certain advantages   others   job hunting. ‎ A. for; of B. over; of C. over; in D. among; in 题组二常考介词的搭配 ‎1.Although Johnson is a foreigner, he lives in harmony     his neighbors. ‎ A. from B. with C. for D. on ‎2.The job is not very rewarding     money, but he is getting valuable experience from it. ‎ A.in terms of B.in favor of C.in case of D.in charge of ‎3.The doctor advised her to eat more bean products    meat which might be harmful to her heart. ‎ A. for lack of B.by means of C.in place of D.in favor of ‎4.When it comes to studying abroad, it is important to consider the country’s strengths    education and choose the major it is famous for. ‎ A.in response to B.in place of C.in addition to D.in terms of ‎5.A weather forecaster said the UK might experience its coldest December   after a heavy ‎ snow. ‎ A. on record B. on earth C.in all D. above all ‎6.I tried, but   ,to persuade Holmes to change his mind. He was too stubborn. ‎ A.at ease B.in trouble C.by design D.in vain ‎7.The success of a government should be measured     the health and happiness of the people as well as the development of the economy. ‎ ‎ A.in face of B.in place of C.in terms of D.in line with ‎8.—What do you think of Thomas?‎ ‎—Well. He is good, warm-hearted, hard-working and intelligent;   ,I can’t speak too highly of him. ‎ ‎ A.in a word B.as a result C.by the way D. on the contrary ‎9.This urban special school always accepts hearing-impaired students,   their educational level and background. ‎ A. according to B. regardless of C.in addition to D.in terms of ‎10.He had told her so little that she was all at sea anyhow    the whole procedure. ‎ A.in exchange for B. with regard to C.by means of D.in place of 能力提升题组 ‎1.(2018北京西城外国语学校期中,35)—Are you familiar with the bank over there?‎ ‎—Only a little. I have opened an account    it. ‎ A. over   B.to  ‎ C. with   D. of ‎2.(2018北京师范大学附属实验中学期中,22)It was a real race     time to get the project done. Luckily, we made it. ‎ A. over B. between C. for D. against ‎3.(2018北京海淀期中,34)You have to stop eating    meals if you want to lose weight. ‎ A. among B. within ‎ C. between D. from ‎4.(2017北京西城第一学期期末,22)The ancient Silk Road   China and Europe has become an ideal place for studying and traveling. ‎ A. among B. along C. across D. between ‎5.(2017北京石景山第一学期期末,35)The moonlight came in     the windows in the roof and lit up my room. ‎ A. above B. across C. over D. through ‎6.(2017北京昌平期中,33)More people are choosing to work     retirement age. ‎ A.at B.in C. for D. beyond ‎7.(2017北京四中期中,29)—Do you think Jack is to blame?‎ ‎—Yeah, it was very rude     facial paper to the guest at the table. ‎ A. of him to throw B. for him to throw C. that he threw D. enough to throw ‎8.(2016北京海淀一模,35)—Could you please show me which boy in the photo is Patrick?‎ ‎—The one   red hair. ‎ A.in B. over C. of D. with ‎9.(2016北京东城一模,32)We strongly advise   eating your meal so late. It’s not healthy. ‎ A. on B. against C. from D . over ‎10.(2016北京朝阳一模,34)He is very tired, so he needs some time   duty for relaxation and rest. ‎ A. through B. from C. with D. off ‎11.(2016北京海淀第一学期期中,31)At the bad news, the woman put her hands   her eyes and cried out. ‎ A. across B. over C. above D. between 答案精解精析 模拟预测题组训练 基础闯关题组 题组一 常考介词的用法 ‎1.B 句意:我哥哥住在英格兰东南部的一个小山村里。in表示在国土或地区内部;on表示国家或地区接壤;over表示在正上方;off意为“(时空上)离,距;离开,偏离”。根据句意可知选B。‎ ‎2.A 句意:——昨晚的比赛非常好。——是啊!我们的校队赢了两分!本题考查介词辨析。by表示程度、数量;at在;in在……里面;to向。根据题干可知,空格处指差了两分,应用by来表示,故选择A项。‎ ‎3.B 句意:“我能帮你做点什么吗?”欢快的美国人的声音从电话中传出来。本题考查介词辨析。in在……里面;over通过;from来自;of……的。根据句意应选择B项,over the telephone通过电话。‎ ‎4.C 句意:我妈妈的来信在我生病期间给了我很大的鼓励。本题考查介词的基本用法。根据句意,在生病期间应使用throughout“在整个期间”。over在……上面,for为了,within在……范围内。‎ ‎5.C 句意:由于有这么多医生和护士在她周围,这个生病的女孩一点都不感到孤独。四个选项中只有with后面可以加宾语再加宾补构成复合结构,此处with表原因。‎ ‎6.A 句意:——这是你本月的工资支票。——啊,这消息真让我高兴!That’s music to my ears.为习语,意为:这消息真让我高兴。‎ ‎7.D 句意:滑雪者的红衣服在白雪的衬托下显得特别醒目。against以……为背景,在……的衬托下;in在……里面;over在……之上(正上方);above在……之上。根据句意可知正确答案为D项。‎ ‎8.A 句意:每当感恩节即将到来时,商店和超市都会有很多人。around the corner 即将来临;on/at the corner在拐角处;没有with the corner这种表达。根据句意可知,正确答案为A项。‎ ‎9.B 句意:辽阔的草原一直延伸向远方,在蔚蓝明朗的天空的映衬下显得格外美丽。against在……的衬托下,在……的映衬下。‎ ‎10.C 句意:她流利的英语口语使她在求职上比别人有一定的优势。advantages over sb.尤指与他人竞争时具有的优越的、成功的条件或环境、优势;第二空用in表示“在……方面”。‎ 题组二 常考介词的搭配 ‎1.B 句意:虽然约翰逊是个外国人,但他与邻居相处得很融洽。in harmony with与……和睦,符合句意,故选B。‎ ‎2.A 句意:那份工作报酬不算很高,但是他从中获得了宝贵的经验。A:在……方面;B:赞成,支持;C:如果;D:管理,负责。‎ ‎3.C 句意:那位医生建议她多吃豆制品代替肉类,肉类可能会对她的心脏有害。A:由于缺少;B:用……方式;C:取代,代替;D:赞成,支持。‎ ‎4.D 句意:谈到出国留学,考虑那个国家的教育优势并选择那里有名的专业很重要。A:作为对……的答复;B:代替;C:除……以外(还);D:在……方面。‎ ‎5.A 句意:一个天气预报员说大雪过后,英国也许要经历有史以来最寒冷的十二月。on record 记录在案,公开发表;on earth究竟,到底;in all总计;above all首先,最重要的是。‎ ‎6.D 句意:我努力劝霍姆斯改变主意,但一切都是徒劳的。他太固执了。A:无拘无束;B:陷入困境;C:故意地;D:徒劳地。‎ ‎7.C 句意:政府的业绩应该用人们的健康、幸福及经济的发展方面来衡量。A:面对;B:替代;C:在……方面;D:跟……一致。‎ ‎8.A 句意:——你觉得托马斯人怎么样?——哦,他人很好,热心、勤奋而且聪明。总之,我对他的评价再怎么高也不为过。A:总之;B:因此;C:顺便说一句;D:正相反。‎ ‎9.B 句意:这所城市特殊学校总是接收听力受损的学生,不管他们的受教育水平和背景如何。regardless of不管,不顾,符合题意。according to依据,按照;in addition to除……之外还;in terms of就……而言。‎ ‎10.B 句意:他告诉她的如此之少以至于她对整个程序一头雾水。A:用……作为交换,条件是……;B:关于;C:以……方式;D:替代。‎ 能力提升题组 ‎1.C 句意:——那边的那个银行你熟吗?—— 一点点,我在那个银行开了一个账户。考查介词词义辨析。open an account with the bank在银行开一个账户,故C项正确。‎ ‎2.D 句意:把这个项目完成是一次真正的与时间的赛跑。幸运的是,我们做到了。本题考查介词词义辨析。over 超过;between 在……之间;for 为了;against 反对,紧靠,映衬,和……相比。根据句意可知选D项。‎ ‎3.C 句意:如果你想减肥,你必须要在餐间停止吃东西。本题考查介词词义辨析。根据语境可知,此处表示一天三餐中的两餐之间,故用between。among 三者及三者以上之间,不符合题意。‎ ‎4.D 句意:中欧之间的古丝绸之路已成为理想的学习和旅游之地。between在……(两者)之间,符合句意。among在……之间(三者或以上);along沿着;across穿过。‎ ‎5.D 句意:月光透过屋顶的窗户进来,照亮了我的房间。through 穿过,符合句意。above 在……上;across 穿过;over在……上。‎ ‎6.D 句意:更多的人选择超过退休年龄后(继续)工作。本题考查介词。此处表示“超出”,beyond 符合题意,故选择D项。‎ ‎7.A 句意:——你认为杰克要受到责备吗?——是的,他把面巾纸扔给桌子旁的客人太粗鲁了。本题考查介词和不定式的复合结构。根据句意可知rude是人的属性,故介词用of。‎ ‎8.D 句意:——你能指给我看照片里哪个男孩是Patrick 吗?——这个红头发的。本题考查介词。根据句意可知空格处填with,表示“具有”。“in+颜色”表示穿什么颜色的衣服;over在……上面;of……的。‎ ‎9.B 句意:我们强烈建议你不要那么晚吃饭。这不健康。本题考查介词。against表示“不支持,反对,对抗”,根据句意应选择B项。on在……上,关于;from来自;over在……上方。‎ ‎10.D 句意:他特别累,所以他需要一段时间不上班来放松和休息。本题考查介词。off有“休 息”的意思,off duty指“不上班”,符合句意。through凭借;from来自;with具有,随着。‎ ‎11.B 句意:得知这个坏消息,这个女人用手捂住双眼痛哭。本题考查介词辨析。across横过;above在……之上,超过;between在……中间;over在……上面。故选择B项。‎

